HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-22, Page 8,j Yiliicainmdal,ju3:ia3na.•'e�""^-i8
Toilet Soaps
Cheaper than Dirt
Olive Oil and Glycerine Soap
3 4)21108 ter 100
21b. Bar of French Castile Soap
For ",5e
Witch Hazel Soap
10e a Caine or lee for Box of 3
Our Soap Oase besides all the leading
ones such as Outioura, Pear's, Packer's
Tar, Fairbanks, Oashmere Boquet, &o.
Have You Seen Our
New line of
Post Cards
They ere right up-to-date and our
Customer') say they are the best
they have Been yob, Among them
are Oomio8, Semi -Cornice, Japan-
ese Series, Scenery Series and
Poetical Quotation Series, Call in
and look through them.
Price 2 for 5 Cents
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOmG 800Ta GOING NoaTu.
Meir 7:06 a.m 1 Mixed 1x10 a.m
O' lxod.........11:28 ant Mall 1:44 0.m
Express 8102 p.m I Express &61 p.m
Vali Beals 4tents
A ahiel's among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
THE POST gives the news.
WONDERFULLY mild weather.
How does the label on your paper
read 7
WHEELED Oonveyenoee are once more in
the ascendancy.
ENJOY a good laugh next Teenday even
ing au the concert, Bert. Harvey ie the
tad who will give you a mbar oe.
A 4.4.00 time was 8pen1 80 the reeiden0e
of Joeepb Clegg, 5th line, Morris, on
Monday evening by a number of young
people from Brneeele.
A Peanox Booiel will be held at the
home of Mre. Watson Ainlay, John
street, on Thursday evening of this week
A good minimal and literary program
will be presented.
Tao Board of Health should get down
to business. Last year they did not even
organize and consequently had no Chair
man. Sanitary Inspector MoLanabllu
and Health Officer Dr. Toole took charge
of the work.
ROBERT THousoN took po0Bee0ion of bib
fine new Cold Storage blook this week
and has moved g hie belongings e to it from
bis old stand in the Grabum block. THE
POST wishes him many years of eaooeee
in his modern premieee.
Auoxloo Seer or STOCK. - Saturday
afternoon of this week a large number of
well bred ()owe, heifer') and cavae will be
Bold at the Oeutrel Hotel, Brneeele, by
Auctioneer Scott, at 3 30 o'clock, They
ere the property of T. E. Walker.
A 000820 team from town was defeat
ed in a mania at Gorrie last Friday
evening by a snore ot 12-4. A load of
young people were also over to enjoy a
Orate atter the match. This was the
initial game for Brussels but whether
they will have an opportunity for a
return game Tooke very doubtful from
weather appearances.
FIRST OLeee soneae.—In this 18800
Meeore, Soobt de Warwick are telling the
attention of horsemen to their two wets
known stallions, Kaplan, 2,08]1, and
Costumer, The horses have Wintered in
firet.olas5 manner and attract a000n61on
whenever they appear. Their progeny
make fine roadetere and command top
notch prime. Read the advt.
Tees about skating going out of vogue.
Why last Friday B. Gerry, who has
paned hie 3 score and 10, hied him to
the rink, along with some of hie grand•
children and it would be difficult to Bay
who had the moat fan on nkites. Few
men puns the vim and youthtalneee a,
his time of life that Mr. Gerry does. He
is a great deal more 8011on than many
men 25 years hie junior.
DIED. -Early last Sabbath morning
Mre. Aaron Lindsay died at her home
on Turnberry street, Brneeele, after a
eevere illness from cancer. Her maiden
name wan Margaret Thompson, and bet
age was 48 years. Mr. Lindsay, a sou
and two dangete08 elusive. The fuuera
took place on Tuesday afternoon to
Bruesele oemetery after a short eervioe
by Rev, Mr. Langford in St. Johu'B
church. We, Lindsay was an in
dnetri0de woman but had been in poor
health for some time.
SALE AND ST0011 $now. -There will be
a grand exhibition in Clinton ot heavy
draught, agricultural and roadeter bonen
consisting of 'entire horses, brood mann
families of four foals. teams drivers,
saddle bonen and ponies. Also Short
borne, Polled Angus and Hereford tattle
grade'', fah cattle and dairy ones aim
eeed Spring grain. To end with an
aaation Bale of all kinds of stook free to
everybody. No entrance fees, no expene8.
Remember the date, April 6th. Large
and 0ameroae prizes are being offered
It is original in every respent, to the
(oiety of Huron. Write eeoretary for
prigs lists.- J. W. Sam. Secretary.
Tun following appeared in last $at0r
day's Globe, copied from the Guelph
1Ffemory:-)onald MacGregor ie wel
known to Guelph aadie0aes. Ano
to say that be last night joetifiec
the claim that ie made for him of
being Canada's leading baritone is
no exaggeration. MacGregor's first
scog wee rendered in a way the
captivated the OroWd. He gave as hie
encore "Star of My Lite,' from "Erne
Die." In hie other number') Mr. Mao -
Gregor made a happy eeleotton. "Tae
Royaliet," was very well 080eived, and
Conan miaow ''Afton Water" was ren.
dared with that sympathy of expreselou
that alwaye appeals to the listener, Mr.
MacGregor has a magnifloout baritone
Voice, ander perteot control, and his
enunciation baa that pertain' ()learner's
that makes Intoning a pleasure. Those,
coupled with a fine stage preeeno8, at
ouch oeptare hie audience and en8000 the
80ooeae of his every appearance. The
hoaee was peeked, maty had to stand,
Med late comers went digoousulately
away eon after sight.-Breweele Toon
Hall, SCaosday, 27018 inst.
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of
of next wink,
THURSDAY of next week will usher In the
month of Marob.
WINDING stem for lady's gold watch
lost between the bridge and the station.
Finder please leave it at l'ue Peso.
Toe plan of reserved seats for the Mao
Gregor -Harvey Concert, in the Towu
Hall, Braude, next Tuesday evening, It
now open at Fox's drug store. Get vont
seat in good time time, The program
will he A 1.
THE residence of Abram Cook, Torn
berry street, North, formerly bought
from Thos. MaLuuchho, has been par
chased by Mr. MoLaaahlin who will
shortly take pooeeeeion. Mr. Cook is
moving to the cottage 000080 the 0treet,
koowo as the Frain property.
Mu. F J. BAINES announces an
8001)00 eale of houeebold furniture.
piano oto„ at her home, Terrane, Toru
berry street, on Saturday alteruoon,
March Ord, It will take plane at 3 30
o'olook. Sale will be 000008rved as ern
purposes remov.og from Brussels.
TH¢ remain') of the late Mre. D. D
Fergana arrived here from Wineipet
lair Friday evening, Mr. Fergueol
and Mies Mary Forbes, of Wiuwipe",
Jno. Forbes, of Portage la Prairie, at.d
Roby. Ferguson, of Brandon, also 080020
The baby son of the deoeaeed was tr,
charge of parse Graham, and will bf
lovingly oared for by Mre. John Forbes,
grandmother of the infant. Nurne
Graham returned to the West on Toe.
day. Mre. Ffrbes, wbo teas slmosl over
come by the sad news of the death of
her daughter, is still very poorly, bu
if the good wiehee of bouts of (need"
are granted she should soon be better.
pleaenre that we learn at the 0000008 o
Mr. Hawkins' mueia popile in the reaen'
examinations in aonueati00 with ih.
Loudon Colleervetory of Mueio Th.
examiner, Chargee Percy, F. L. C. M
came to Brussels on Wednesday, Jan
81-t, and the oaodidatee played for hint
in Mr. Hawkins' Studio. The followin,
i1 the full report, which is 080108811
Gratifying to both teacher and popile,
who feel rewarded for the faithful wort
d one during the past year :—Minerv.
Jones, Maude Ferguson and Jeeeie Mof
fat took Run -elan honors in junior plant
and a pass in primary rudimenta. Rat
Mosta, honors in junior piano. Lull.
Danford, Malmo McArthur, Laure
Spence and Mre. Wm. Daman took
first Blase honors in primary piano. It i,
a source of deep regret that Mr. Hawkins
will some be Inv ng Brussels bat we bop
he will meet with good sitcom whorevef
he 0308 locate.
MecGnzooa - HARVEY CONCERT, - Th,
followiug to the program for the Mao
Gregor -Harvey Concert to be held to the
Town Hall, Braeoelo, next Tuesday even
ing, 27th knot. The program ie nuder
the direction of Mr MaoGregor :-
1 Chairman's Remarks
2 Plano Bolo
Mies Margaret McLauohlln
3 Solo "'three for Seek" . Troiani
Donald 0 MaoOregor
4 Humorous Song "The ,08reorow" Harvey
Bert Harvey
6 Recital "How Balvator Won"
Mrs. Burne
G Bolo "The Hundred Pipers"..,... Nairn
Donald 0. MacGregor
7 Rural Skit "Uncle Josh" ......... ..... Leno
Bort Harvey
1 Piano Solo
Mre. Holmes C'Hrmini0"
2 Song "Star of My Life" ...From opera
Donald 0. MacGregor
3 Comic Song -"Only 8111y Tom"... Knowles
Bert Harvey
4 Recital "Money Musk"
Mise Holmes
6 Bong.,. "Flo* tr ently Sweet Af0oa"...Barna
Donald 0. Maotireeor
0 Humorous song.. "Have you seen the
Picture 7" Havey
Bert Harvey
7 Bong Donald 0, lytnolB"egor
8 Sketoll "1 Illy .00reo00" Berti
Bert Harvey
PAID NATURE'S Du3T.-The taper of
tate life wad extiugulelled last Frldky
forenoon and the spirit of Mre. Andrew
Currie took it0 flight from the clay teue
meta. She had been poorly for the pas
few wonthe so that her demioa wee n0,
an ouexpeotod event, old age being the
ebief noses, Her maiden name wee Mer)
Rutherford and She Wae wail born fu
Rlxl0Oroehlre, 80001and, On Jane 22nd,
1826. The subjeet of thio nut100 Wes
married in the 0.81 Lend in 1848 to her
fate haebend, Andrew Carrie, wbo din
in 1888. They Deme to Oanoda in 1854
teen in Gait for time before moving tt
dt. Marye i0 1856. 'L'uey took up their
abode at Seatorth ten years later x110
name to Bru0eel0 in 1878,where Mr.
Carrie followed the butoer bueinese
There was bora to them 6 Done and 2
daugbtere, four of whom 0urvive, viz :-
Joint and Andrew, of Bruenole ; Wm,, of
Arden, Man. ; and George In the N. W
P. Mre, Adam Oliver, of Detroit, is the
surviving enter of Mre. Currie. Deane
811 died et the home of her eon Johu with
whom Shu had lived for several years
rhe old lady wail highly esteemed and
poaeeseed many qualibiee worthy of
emulation. She wee bright and active
for e, woman in her 81st your and bed a
forge oirote of old friends. The funeral
took place on Sabbath morning and after
a short eery 00, oonduoted by Rev. Mr.
F,wlie, of Erlu, wbo woe supplying the
Presbyterian dhnroh here, the proee8Bion
wended its way to the Egmondvi.le
cemetery, where Mr, Currie and two
ohaidree were interred. The pelt beaten
were P. Scott, J D. Wardwiok, H. James,
S. Wilton, J, T. 'Imo, Jaa.,,Gibson.
Standard Bank of Canada T E
r••-;.I0tT1.A.231M.AMSB 30 D 113721
SURPLUS, OR RESERVE FUND .,,,,,,,,.,,$ 1,000,000
TOTAL ASSET'S OVER 10,0000,000
t3 Generali I3anlEiner 13nsineste Transacted
BANK)''' -
Accrued letterest ie added to aeoonnta every Glx menthe and beeeme0 principal,
Joint Deposit Accounts -A 8PEOFAL OONveransOE ut use in our Savings De-
partment is the "Jo1ut Dopooit" amount. Money way be deposited or wrtbdrawu
by either of the two members of the household. Tine system le a groat eon nu -
fence to many residing 1n town, but more partleularly so to ferment, as in the latter
ease whether man or wile comes to town either eau attend to the Baukleg, 4o -
other feature of the system le that in eaeo of the death of either party the money
eau be wttbdrawu by the eurvlvor without not, Wo will teltyou more about our
methods 1f you will kindly mall or write,
Married Women and Manure may make and withdraw delimits without the tn-
terven0lUu of any per0Oh,
only fur whioh no charge is made.
SOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoue attention.
Moaday afternoon the funeral serene of
the late Mre. D. D. Feagueou, of Winni
peg, took plane in Melville abarob, Brew
eels, the edifioo being crowded to the
doors before the oaeket wee brought from
the home of deceased mother, Aileen
street, where a private servioe was held,
thereby interning to the high esteem in
wbiab she was held, Rev. Dr. Roes, wno
reoeutly removed t0 Pori Dalhousie, 000.
netted the eervioe weird) was most be.
fitting the sad pension. The beautiful
bymu,"Aeleep in Jenne" was sung, after
which Rev. D. B. McRae, of Otaub,00k,
offered a most appropriate prayer.
Boriptarul paseagee of a ohoery character
were read followed by words of comfort
and cheer from Dr. Rues, hie remark')
tieing based ou the text, "Her sun hde
Kone down while it is yet.' day." The
two pointe elaborated were (1) The
shining of the eon. It was clear, bright,
aumietekeable,conspicuous, kindly and
oenefiolen0. The obaraoterieticee were
dlnetrati00 of the life and oharaater of
ilia departed ,n the home, church, eohool,
'nave Peoples' Society and the oommou-
ify. (2)A gladsome setting to rise again,
northing the g.orioa0 reelfunct1,0 of
he eland ot Goo, Many au eye was be
d.mmed with ware as the many kivaly
18ed0,thoughtful ante Rad highly valued
work of Mre. Ferguson was feelinly re.
•erred to by her former pastor. "For-
ever with the Lord" was eu0g and Rev.
Mr, Lang•Fard, of St. J,.hn'eebnrah,
prououneed the benediotioo. Pallbearere
were Jae. Fox, J. H. Cameron, Jno, and
Peter Ferguson, Jae. Cardiff and T. A.
0awkius. Interment was made in the
family ,plat, Brue.ele cemetery, alongside
oar father, the late John Forbes, who
paid Nature's debt 15 years ago. Most
veantiful indeed were the floral tributes.
From Winuipeg canna wreath from Juo.
and Jamie Smith ; wreath, B0. Giles
ohuloh;Spray, Mies McMillan; spray,
-lieges Rothe and Hayorofo ; spray,
Alfred and Mre. Town and Mies Maggie
Seeker ; wreatb, W. and Mre. Crawford,
and wreath, Messrs. Roobe and O'Leary.
feroeeeld friends contributed the - follow -
fug ;-mound, A. and Mrs. McLennan ;
pillow, Denten MoArth00, Cleve. Banker,
Norman Smith, Robt. Work, R. J. Mo.
Lruahliu and W. J. Oameron ; pillow,
B 0. T. M. and L. 0.. T. M. I oroee,
b'ergueou family ; spray, Miee Lizzie
Fergasoo ; spray, Mre. Geo. Beat; spray,
Mise Mand Bryan') ; spray, Jas. and Mre.
Cardiff ; wreatb, girl friend') ; epray,
Sunday School olaee • epray, Garf.
flaeker ; epray, Jae. and Mre. Fox ; epray,
Mrs. R. MoAlpine ; epray, Mre. J. Herr
and Miee Jo. Rues. Among those from a
11820008 were :-Mea. A. Fisher, Mre. 0.
Dalgleieob, MioeAnnie Forbee, D. Forbes,
tire, Ktpport, and P. Sinclair, of Suet
lord ; Mre. Het demon, of Chesterfield ;
Come' and David MaeFarlaue, of Sbakee
pante, and wives ; D and bra. Fergueou,
ono Mise Zetta, of Teeewater ; Thie.
Ferguson, of Erin ; R. W. Fergueon, of
Brandon, Mau.: Jno. Forbes, of Portage
Pes,rie, Man. I Mies Mary, of Winui
pig ; Mre. R. McAlpine, of St. Marys.
Che name of Jean F,rbea (Mre. Fergaoou)
.vol long be overgrew) in the hearts and
memory of many and her early demise in
be midet of what would appear to be
July the oommenaemen0 of a long and
nappy life caused a must profound feel•
ng of einaer6 regret. Surely in the
midst of life we are in death.
• Business Locals.
BAG of ohop found. Apply to Wet.
Wono, gravel road, Brussels.
ONE hundred sore farm in Morrie
,owuehip for ')ale at a oloee price. For
partloolare apply at TIM POST.
HAIR DBEoeoNG.-Switches made out of
Combing- elle 0110 hair.
MRS. R. BINGoxoN, Mill 01. Week.
T110120'BRED White Wyandotte OOok•
arms for ea e. John Brown, Lot 19,
eon., 10, Grey.
Sews -We fix a8w0 that are hard to do
and oen give u magic) touoh that will
euow. T, McGann, Mill St., Brunie,
WANTED. -60 oases eggs and a ton of
butter weekly. Agan raw tura and
10,000 rat eking. Goo. E. KING.
Form net of ma0on'8 tools, wheelbarrow
end other useful anions for sale, Apply
Enoe,bett street, Brussels,
DRES08Ie10100,-Miee Maggie Beam ie
prepared to attend to the wants of the
adtee at their homes or at her own home,
Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, Brunets P. 0.
WE request all parties tudebted to us
to settle same by oath or note net later
Onto March let to enable as to close
books and take Stook at that date.'
I, O. Rloaenee.
Two Short Horn ball cavae for oale.
One is 9 mouths old and the other 13
menthe ; one a red and the other a roan.
Aleo Collie pups for gale. Lit 22, Con,
18, Grey, Jae, D. McNair, Oraubrook,
P. 0.
CUTTER BARG4IN8•-Moet have room
fur 160 new bugged to be built thie Bea
Son 00 will offer the Wenn of our out
tete at a knock down pries. Now to your
Ghana'). Cali and 000 them and get
prices. D. EWAN & Co., Brussels.
D4w900,-In Blyth, on February 8th, to
Mr, and Mrs George Dawson, a
p'INoLATER.--At Hanley, N, W. T., on
January 23rd, the wife of Mr, Goo,
Findlater, One Mien Bertha Wight.
man, ol'solgrave) l a daughter(.
Mo0eY.-Io Grey, on Febraary, 16th'
to Mr, and Mrs, J. A. McKay, a
WnEATLEYi In Brownie, on Feb. 13, t0
Mr, and Mre. Robt, Wheatley, a
ANDERSON. -At Andereone Mille, Sullivan
Twp., Bruin, Oo. on February 14th,
Wiluum Anderson, aged 01 yearn, 8
montb0 and 1 day
Bene.- lu Blyth, on February 7th, Mre.
James Burr, aged 48 years, 8
mouths and 11 days.
CANER N. -In Oraubruok, en Feb„ 18th
Maggie Ada Raymenu, beloved wife
of Auau N, Uamdron, in her 84th
CURRIE.-In Brussels, on Feb.' 16t12
Mary Rutherford, relict of the late
Audrow Currie, aged 80 yeare, 7
mouths and 26 days.
HEwITT,-At Loadbory, on Thursday
Feb. 15th, Robert Hewitt, aged 92
LINDSAY. -In Brneeele, on Feb. 18th
Margaret Thompson, wifo of Arno
Lindsay, aged 48 years.
MCMIoneeL.-In Morrie on Wedneeday,
Feb. 21st, Miss Beanie McMichael,
aged 90 years.
Me1C ,-Iu Goderiob, on February 15 h,
D. 0. MoSay, aged 72 years.
WALLAOE.-In Newark, New Jenny, On
February 11th, John Wallace, of
Morris. aged 65 yearn and 9 mouths.
SATURDAY, FEB. 24 -First elan stook
at Oeutral Hotel, Brneeolo, at 3 30
o'olook Sale uureeerved, T. E. Welk
er, F S. Scott, alio
SATURDAY FEB. 24-Hoaeehpld Forni
tore, &e. Corner of William and Albert
street,. Sale at 1 o'olook. Juo. Donald.
eon, prop. F. 8. Scent, aao.
' MONDAY, FED. 26. -Farm stook, imple-
ments, &o., Luc 18, Con. 1.4, MoKilIop.
Sale aur
served, at 1 p.
Harris, prop. FSoon, R o.
TUESDAY. FEB. 27 ah -Farm 0800k, im
plemeote, etc., Lot 7, Con., 15, Grey,
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Albert
Hislop, prop. F. 8. Scott, aha,
WEDNESDAY, FEB, 28TH -Fern ')took,
implements, &a. Lot 20, Con. 15, Grey.
Safe unreserved at 1 o'clock, W. J.
Shiele, prop, F. 6. Soott, aha.'
SATURDAY, MARCH, 31112.-Houeebola
Furnttare,.eto. Turnberry street, Bruaeele
at 6 80 "'o ook. Mrs, Saline, prop. F. S.
Soots, ane.
MONDAY, MARon, 5en -Farm stook,
implements, etc., at Na. Lot 27, Con. 8,
Morrie. Sale nnreeeved at I o'olook.
Thos. Smith, prop., F. $. Soon, 8800.
TUMMY, MA18010, 6TH -Form stook,
implements, &o„ at Si Lot 55, Coo. 1,
Grey. dale Unreserved at 1 o'clock.
William Florence, prop., F. S. Scott,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH, lab, Farm amok
implements, rte. Lot 5 Con. 17, Grey,
Sale uureeerved at 1 o'clock, Hug',
Ramsay, pro. F. S. Scutt, acid.
HR TJSS7✓•1.L8 36ARiC£To
Fall Wheat 73 74
Barley . 42 43
Peas 70 70
Cate 82 33
Batter, tube and roils15 16
Eggs par dozen 13 14
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20
Hoge, Live 6 20
Wool 23 23
Sa t, per bbl., retail 1 00 7e
Potatoes per bus 35 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 50
DEReroNED offers the 100 acne, known
ao the On, 0alblok farm, N E .1 Lot 24, Con.
3, Morrie, t, rent. On the premleee there ib
a Brod hon -0 and barn and other maven.
180008. For further particulars apply to
8AMUEL DALBIOR, N W t Lot 23, Con, 3,
Morris. or Jamestown P. O. 93-a
undersigned will keep for service ou
Lot 21, Con, 12,Grey, the pure bred Aber-
deen Angus bull, "Lord 'Pi0mao B," aired
by "God„foh Chlet," the ohawpiou bull of
Canada. Pedigree may be seen on appli0,•
tion, Terms 32.00 with privilege of rettrro•
ing it ne00berry. J. M. HN1GHT,
80.01 Proprietor,
auderofgned often 0,r bale au note of
land upon winch lea oomforluble dwelling
house, stable, fruit trees, good over -flowing
Well, &o, Property is 1 Gated f o, a mile
Lof ust
lloo eelthaurch,p'oto�e,&Poeaonary
time, For price, tering, &0apply on 'the
promisee to M. RAY.IANN,,
03.4 or Cranbrook P.O.
8T0010 ItMPLEfdENTB, 80 -F. 8 Boort,
AuotiOnerr, nue ,eoulved luotrfotioue from
the undersigned Proprietor to soil by pub.
130 anoti00 at Lots 5.) & 50, Con, 1, Croyy, on
Tooedayy, Marob 080, 1000, at 1 o'oluok, sl,a• p •
the foiIoWing valuuulo property, viz,pair of neral pu
1 horn6 yeare old,,pon 6 cows 011pp0eede in call,
2 cows due to calve, 1 farrow 00w tieing 4
yearn, 2 008010 riaing 0 yearn, 3 fat hatters
rlelog 3 years, 0 heifers rising 2 year'), 1
steer rising 2 years, 11 ealve0 front G to 11
03o0tbe old, 2 young 08lvee. 1 bow due to pig
Feb.28,0 0tore pigs about 170' rbe„ about 70
hens meetly barred rooks, 1 MasaoyHarrls.
binder, 1 Profit & Wood mower, 1 Manney
Harris drr11, t d10o, 1 rollor,1 pniper, 2 bug -
glee, 1 tet Iron harro se 4 Seeti0ns, 1 wagon,
1 bet bob•6lelgne, 1 (Anton 18unfug mail, a
number of grata nage, 1 tray 'meg, 1 hay
'ran, 1 pig reek, 1 mltk net, 1 Fleury twin
310w, 1 011,We 31000, 2 wbeeluarrOws, 1 001
team barueoe, 1 bad plow hurnOtb, 1 grind
moue, 2 Oen alogialfaa, en 1 sot new, 1 New
England Detainee Grand view) nearly now,
CAPITAL -Paid up 31.000,000
RLSERYL FUND 31.000,000
8.0. 81001118, D, H, THOMPSON, E. 0.
President, Vloo•Preoldelt,
me annelt Ain. W. 100RT110010 0041010, R,0, 440, n07:1E
40100 31100'1'1010012
TH00, DU/ 08114W, 3.04,4,
a?ifC ISI ()swum
MONEY ORDERS issued payable at any 30 awl under 2 nuts
banklug town in CANADA (uxoeptlug the over $5,00 to 81000 13 ciente
Yuhoh Territory) tv1Eho00 (Marge, at the 001- over 310.00 to 33000 10 touts
lowing nine :- oyer $90,00 to 550,05 10 nuts
DRAFTS for larger anlounta i00uod at reaeouablo rates payable at all bunking
poluts in CANADA or UN1T11D 8TATG8,
SaraJt? s liotaym DsPasatursovr
Iuteroeb at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ou all BUM of 81 and upwarde
ir+rlaaiMM�°&rs" Ofda xo'ff
A. E. MELLISH, Mauagor.
1 hewing maobluo, 1 dining room extension
table, 2 bedroom suites, 1 sideboard, 0 die-
ing room chairs, 2 rookiug ohaire, 1 Daisy
')barn, 1 washing machine, 1 milk can, 1
cooking range nearly new, milk pails and
pane, a small qua ,titpp of barley, 1 bag of
timnth 3 seed, a small quantity o1 onto bud
wheat mixed, a 90000)ty of preserves, a
numbel Of packing Oases and numorooa
other articles, Bale unreserved as 000)01ie-
cur ie g,viug 03 furmiug. Terms -All mum
of 810 and 001181 oath ; Oyer the, amount 10
muutlle' e,eaft will be given en fu 01010000
approved joint notes. 6 par tient off for cusli
on credit amounts. Hens, afore pigs and
grain to be 0480. WM. FLURENI.M, PrO•
linnet.; P. 8, SooTT, au1tioneer,
00002-3. b Stott, atotioneer, 1100
base instructed by the under limed to Bell
ley pubho au011ou at Lot 7, Jo 0. 13, Grey, on
Friday, Moron 2nd, at 1 , 'clock, the fo low -
lug va,uable stook, vlz. :-1 heavy draught
colt Wining 1 year old, 1 heavy draught colt
ooudug 2 years, 1 ogw supposed id salt, 9
netters ,101ug 3 years, 2 betters rf, ing 4
years, 2 biter') rising 3 years, 2 tnrroW sou a.
entire nand/ 2 years, 12 heifers minug 2
years, 8 heilere ,lelug 1 year, 4 b00er8 rifling
1 year. Sale a/talent reserve as proprietor
Lica sold hie farm. Perms -8 mouths' credit
wed be auowed cu furni0Lins approved j -dot
a08o8. 4 per gout. allowed off for oneh.
vu1,RAD ENGLE, Proprietor; F. Et,bOOTT,
undersigned will keep for 001'vi00 on
Lot 10, Cou. 10, Grey, a Thorn' -bred Durham
Bull. Pedigree may be seen on applioatiun.
Terme 01 25 with privilege of returning.
32 t1 JNO. BROWN, Proprietor.
1a. STOOa, 1t1PLEDIPNTe. &o. --F 8. Scott,
Auctlmteer,hae r»oeived 1n trcotious from
Mao undersigned Proprietor to lett by pub -
Hc ottani!. at NI Lot 27, Onu. 8, Morris, on
Monday, Mar. 6 1000,0/ 1 o'clock, the follow-
ing valuable pr' party, vie: -1 horse rising
0 years 1 e sed mere supposed in foal, 3 norm
i0 cult, 01 steam 2 ars d,2 yers
01,1, 2 0010a.
i tars risingye1 ywola, 31 01.1000.110.1. a
rieiog 1
year, 1 Yorkshire gese,1 sow with pig, 21 set bob-
Sg see, 1 lumber wagon,
1 cutter, 1 buggy, 1 bey rook 1 plow,
1 net of barroWe,1 binder, l 00841 111111 sourly
uew, 1 gravel box, 1 turulp palprr, 1 set of
double barneee, l sat 000010 1.ar•uee0, 1 gaup
poets, 131tan fanning
8 l ,ria �latnn 0,�y of cedar
1 ldtahou
stove, 1 kitchen table, 1 sideboard nearly
new, 1 rocking 06011', half-dozen kitohou
chairs,1 bedstead, 1 Daley churn and num-
, roue other art ote0. Sale without reserve
as farm bas beau rented. Torras -All 00100
of 85 and wader each ; over that amount 10
menthe credit will be given on lurnisbiog
n, proved joint notes. 4 per cont, off for
cash on e,erllt amounts. T H. 05/10H,
proprietor; F. 0. co'ra', auotioneer.
Preserve Tow
TAC/ B E' di SON.
Manufaot11ring Optician') and Eyesight
Specialiste, of 0001110, to be at my store
and will be plelteod to inn all thous
troubled with dolective eyesight oall and
eoesult them.
They have been established 111 Toronto
since 1871. During that time over 100,-
000 cases have beau eu000ssfaliy fitted by
One advantage they have over others is
he fact that they grind their own Lenses
and by so doing prevent any error in the
process of Leuo nlnkiug,
If your Eyes bother you in any way or
the Glee es you now wear are D a come
fla'tttl;lp don't negleo- this opportunity of
having your Eyes properly attended to,
All work absolutely giarauteed.
Come ea ly 00 you may require a sw-
orn] Luting.
For References and Toetiulonials see
small bills.
Drug Stole
v egg capacity. W111 bo sold cheap.
()ply used on 0080001 Dud is enema toed all
right. JNO, MtFADDEN, Brueoela.
0111ce In the feet none, Ethel. 30.1
Brussels - New - Daylight - Store
G. N. McLaren
WC hIYC 3 S1flClly NCR Sid oi Munk°
Everything in the Store is New
We have just opened New Rills, Dress Goods and Trimmings ; New Laces and
Embroideries ; New Prints, Ginghalns arld Muylins; New Flannelettes,
Cottons and Coltonades ; New S.11irtings-in fact New Goods
of every description that you would expect to get
in a Dry Goods Store.
7c Flannelette for 5c
-80 pieces good quality of Flannelette, 28
and 29 inches wide, in pink and blue
stripes, also dark checks, regular value 7c
On Salewhile it Lasts for 5o
7c and 8c Roller Towelling, 5c
-12 pieces good quality Crash Roller Towel-
ling, 17 and 18 inches wide, colored
borders, regular valued 7e and Sc
On Sale while it Lasts for 5o
New Clothing for
Men and Boys
-A foil range of Strictly New, Perfect Fit- -A decided Bargain on any Overcoat -in
ting Clothing for Men and Boys -Prices the the Store. It would be a good investment
Lowest. for you to buy an Overcoat now.
We are offering exceptionally good Value in .Mare's Winter
Underclothing, Men's Colored Shirts, Men's Mitts and
Gloves, Men's Cloth Caps.
Strictly New Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children at the Very
Lowest Prices.
$1.35 Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots for $1.00
- 60 pairs Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots, all solid leather, Standard Screw Soles, width
E and E L, sizes 3 to 8, regular value $1.35
On Sale while they Last for $1.00
We pay the highest prices for Produce and we cheerfully refund money for
any article bought here that is not perfectly satisfactory. We will appreciate
any business you may favor us with
Yours for Mutual Benefit,
N. o
Next Door to the American Hotel.