HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-22, Page 5serer ) Mairari W!NGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE ie a IfIgh-grade Commonslol School. Three Courage t Cammaooial 8tuuography Telegraphy Write GEO. BPOTTON, 1'r1nclPal. f'A"t'-.a- ,i 126 E Calls from Business Firms FF for Stenograph era, Book•koopore, ln• • voice Works, etc, havo lately bueu repo vod by the fainunoue ELLIOTT Lj/��//A TORONTO, ONT. riy Wo Ahad nine of the positions and Ln had uo ono Mee ready to scud. If tau o want to get u position after gradua- v tion come to toe eobool that can help pi (�n� you. A largo number of ox•otudm.to It YI olother business Colleges are now in f�attendance, Collage is open the en - (4 tiro tiro year. Commence now, Oiroulare 81 tree. Ir W. J. ELLIOTT, WIN O00I1m YwNE AND ALExA0D010 dee. EIt F��3 x°323 F3 trc'9tt-E' -Fri2 +2g• id!EDICAL CARDS. DR, R, A. BURNS— successor to Dr. J. A. MciN'alighlon ,trueseni, Ontario Graduate of Yolyoliulo Post Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New York Member of College of Physioiaus and Sur- geons of Coterie. Utnoe and residence same as formorlyoc- cupied by Dr. MaNaugbtou. lliesusee of tv0010)1 a Specialty. 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. Mo/SACKEN— V I 1001101 of ,Mornugc Llceueeo, 01- Aoo at Grocery, Turnberry streot, Bruee0le, C. 0. P. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0. IP., Bruesola, meets lu their Lodge ltoom, Bias. h111 Block, on the 2nd and lost Tneodave of each mouth, a18 o'clock. Visiting brethren always woloome. JAS. B0111; 1188, 0.11. A, B. MELLISH, B. 8. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI 1001RAN00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • 0018, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time and lees charges than any other AuotioueorIn East Heron or he won't charge anytbiug. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this °Moe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARN!SS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reaeouable. Salus arranged for at the oinee of Tn1 POST, Brussels. 2111 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— x_.4 UNNINGHAM— G • Honor taradua.e of the °uteri° Vet. urinary College, is prepared to treat all die• emelt of domesticated animals In a oompet• out manner. Partlaular attention paid to Veterinary Doutintry and Milk Fever. Calle promptly attended to. 011100 and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, T'nrnberry et., Bruoeole. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Fite. 600008001 to G. F. ]]lair. Otnoe over Stau• dard Book, Brunetti. . Solioltor for Metro- politan Beak, wM. SINCLAIR— e Barrister, Solicitor,,Oouveyaueer, Notary Publio, &o. Dille e—Btowart's Blook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the 8ta11dard Bank. pNOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRIBTpIRS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES 1S1:BLIO, Bum, w. Pao0nxoo1, S, O. R. 0. Have G. P. BLAIR. Ottlee8—Thome formerly ocoupied by Messrs Oaluorou & Holt, GODERIO1, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeoned Ontario and Plrst•olano Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivorelty, °floe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. CENTRAL / +r STRATFORD. ONT. !chis Scheel hat, become the leading ri Commercial 8uhool lu the. %Vest. No Tssimilar ihett6ution ie doing more to • thoroughly °gulp young people fur re. LIapoueible positions. our 80arse0 are tborough and praolioat while the touohlug is done by exporieneed lu- Mons.etruetors. All graduates get good pos. You may enter at any time, Write for catalogue, ELLIOTT & MoLAORLAN, • Prlucipals. 81001) POISON mom [colors Ie sora to follow if you use a razor '0r irritating sora Halve. For arty yeare the Due safe remedy bee been Patuam'e Coro Extractor, I4'e oats,—abeolately pettifog, end gaeeanteed. Brewer's Art Studio ahoy Headquarters for First-class Photographs. Life Size Portraits, Crayons and Watercolors finished in A 1 style. Family Groups a specialty. Call and see samples. H. R. BREWER gam' , CCUs 1t.ei1Ts Dorman 00110141 Oo.—The trouble be ttv00u the dtreotore Bud the nhareholoere ..1 the National Portluud Cement Com. p18uy, of Durham, 80108 threshed out 80 i'urento on February 7th, at it meeting of the stockholders. Toe regale of the election for directorate woo 00no08080 and this cathed the question of the removal of the mill from Durham to Port Colborne. The mi„ Will remain where it le, and every effort wilt be made to 1111 the orders that thr company have booked. The company was shown to be sound in every roopect, and the loot that the share's were quoted at $15 woe taken by some of the rpoakere to mean that some tn0ueuoe wee at work to deprtoate the °tock eo a8 t0 gale ow. trot of the bu.iuese. The financial statement 810080° a balance to the credit of 023,000. The ehareho.dere tn1na0 down the proposal to move the mill to Port Colborue and utoposed of the option .8 beer°. Oobbledtok aid Raiz, en the condition that they pay au expense. Thu deoietou teas arrived at that it was obeoper to brag the mart from the 18811.0 to the mill then it 40011111 to tette the min to the marl. The result of the ele011. , teas to badly smash the state propose,' by the ebarebocder ae the outcome of Ih, meeting at the Roslin House on Tuesday. The directors Mooted were :—W. 11. LI tyle, M. P. P., Oainiolton ; Gilbert ticKeohme, Durham ; R. H. MoWtuteme Owen Sound ; A. F. Maclaren, M, P , Stratford ; Valentine Rate, M. P., Parkhill ; S. F. McKay, Woodstook U. Dyer, St. Tb,mae. J, A. Once, Stratford, J. Cobbiediok, of Exeter, and J. W. Scott, Listowel, 00010 retiree from the board. ROBBED BY 8 Mammies. — The De. trait Journal of Jau. 24111, gives .010e fullowtug reference to an escapade Juo. Ltviugetoue, formerly of this locality hal iu teat city : — Another dariug hmd•up occurred to Detroit Tuesday eight, righ under the g1ur0 of au 01001/10 light and ui a th wkly popu aced pars of the city Julio Livingstone, civil 08gtuser mode!,, about 25 yeare o,d, and living with bib sister, Margaret, at 667 Fourth avenue, was the 'skeet violin). Au he was p680i"p atone Fourth, near Grand River aveu00 at 10 80, three men sprang out from u dark -pot and surrounded him. One of them flashed a - revolver uuder bis twee while the othere proceeded to search him Iu spite of the appearance of the weapon dud the threat° to take hie lite if ht resisted, Liviugetoue put up a dee7erote tight. He is strong and athletic and hr gave the trio ot highwaymen a bard light rhe threat from the man with thu revolt' er was not made good, fortunately for Liv ng8to11e and be is none the worse of hi. s,ouauter, exoept that he is minus $4 85, which Wee taken from hie pookete telae, he was subdued. He had the money u, u pookelbuok and the robbers politely handed the purge back to him alter they Mistreated the push. They beat a hasty retreat after getting hi. money and were out of eight before Liviugswue condi give au alarm. The crime wee immediately reported to the deteot,ve bureau at polior beadquartere and Deteottvo Brooke 6nn Fox were Beet 0111 to investigate. Thur tar no arrest, have beeu made. "We are doing oar best to rid the oily of fel lows who are perpetrating hwdupe, bus get little euoouragement from the otroult court," said PolleeUommirsionor Whale', on Wednesday morning. "Here we 6rreated Sylvester Duuoaueon, a fellow who hue nerved time, ie koowo to the police as a porch oltmber, std is suspect ed ot being implicated in the recent holdups, sun the 0tro11it court now au - joule toe from takt011 ham into ouetody again unities we have a obarge 8g81101 him. Now we want to protect the life and property of the citizens of Detroit and we feel that the only way to do it is to ptok up euub fellows ae Dunoansou it they persist in banging around saloons and refuse to go to work. Admitting that we may not have a legal right to arrest snot [SHOWS o8 0uepioio11, we Der minty are right in r0nuiug them iu for invoetigation. I have adopted a policy to prevent men from loitering about the 01reet0 mud in 0101oone, and I oertaiuly tetanal that that pointy shall be parried out, uo matter what is done to thwart a," DEPUTATION INTBBV1000 GUVERN1LItNT.— Dr. Homan wee m '!rout. tall week- as a member of a deputation appointed by the county council to interview the Provincial Government with reterenoe to several matters. The other membere of the deputation were Warden Speakman and Uounoillor McKenzie ted they were met in Toronto by Mr. Ether, the mem. ber for South Huron. 'The deputation was away from Tueed0y to Friday. With referenoe to the Oouuty Coanoile Act the deputation did nothing, ae the members 8080idered the government bad already decided op its line of notion, A long ihterview was. had with regard to house of refuge matter's, and themimeters declared themselves as it sympathy in every particular with the °bungee in 100016410n asked for, whioh it wilt tie remembered, are bloat the provinoe should make provision for all pereon0 mentally uueouud, who are often detain. ed iu bombes of refuge Until room eau bo found in a Provincial Asylum • that property owned or soy time aaqutred by au inmate could bo appropriated for the support of ouch inmate without hie 000eent if he obooaee to remain in the in• dilution ; and that there should bo government inepeotion of houses of refuge, The only difficulty, in the view of the miutet0ro, whit reference to Goverumeu4 100110080n, is the moreeeing number and ooutequent expense of the inopootorefor variant; purpose° that have to be appointed. The mmtetere Deemed in favor of some gone.,Iidutlon of 0114 'services whereby the sum° officer could in07eot a cumber of the various Inatitu• Hone in one Motility, The other [natter the deputation was instructed to epee's about wee the !motion of the High Soboo1 Aot which deals with the payment to be made by one oouuty to another for pupils from the former attending a high school of the latter county, The eente000 le ouileidered ambiguo0a, No doubt among the many ohangea the Government in kende making lu ednootional matters We matter will receive attention. In midi. Mon to thee/ matters Dr, Holmes oleo had an interview with the Attorney• General on the gneetion of the Iegialatioe whlnh all present roquiree a municipality 10 800010 the peeing of s private bill authorizing any guarantee of a Dom• pauy'0 bonus euoh munioipulity may wish to make. The Attorney•Geoeral express• ed 111m0elf ao muoh iu favor of the abolition of thie requirement that when the doctor Donau trd the tent eolioltore on bee return it woe thought quite wineries. 0813 for the town to preened in asking for a private bill authorizing the g0ara0• tee of the bonito of the Maitland River Power Company. The town will thus be saved the expense of the private bill. Dr. Holmes also sow the Provincial Board of Health with reference to the proper eoureeto pursue fo euoh came as the reee0t diphtheria calm in town and wee advised that medical health of0oere in moat cameo have full power to take poeeea sion of 0033 00060) building to remove a 7018001 to for quarantine.—Signal, Gado. Hob. :oettior'Ch. D. D, Wilson was appointed a mem- ber of the Public library board. Morrow Bros„ have sold their Braying MOM and business to Thema., Hebkirk. Jas. Lynch, junior In the Bank of Commerce here, has been traneferr,11 to Chatham. Mr. Whiteside, teller in tbe Bank of Commerce, has received 8oti0e of bee removal to Cayuga. A grout of $200 was made by the Council to the town band, half to be paid NS Daae cud the other half fn July. John F. eloMaun stated to the Oo011oi teat the rental of the garbage damping ground oil hle farm will be inerea8eu from 020 a year to $35, John Mowat, a highly respeoted re- sident of Se•.forth, died at hie home here on Buuday Ilth loaf. He was nearly 70 yeare of age, mud had not been enj.,ying good health for several months. We regret to bear of the continued allures of A. Weetoott, who was uljttred in one of the recent hockey matches. The Knights of Pythias have prepared a professional nurse from . Clinton to wait on him. A "WIIIEEZY" CREST Means your trouble is deep cleated. To de'ay is dangerous. All the inflamma tion will be drawn out in one day by applying Nerviliue. It penetrates through the pores of the akin, relieves inflamma tiou and thea prevents serious committee ems. For Dore throat, weak sheet and tendency to colds, no preeoriptiou is better than Poison's Nerviliue. For nearly flay yeare it has been Canada'. great household remedy. Twenty•Bve manta boyo a large bottle. Clinton. Prof, Campbell, after an absence of four mouthy through etokneee, ie able to take hie oboic work. The druggists of town have decided that they will olooe their places of bust nese every night at 8.80, except Saturday Mr. Medd, who diepooed of his barber buoinese to Fred. Whitely a short time ego, owing to ill health, has re.purobaaed the Dame. J. A. Giffin, of St. Catharines Oolleg• tate, and formerly of Clinton, has resig0• ed in order to accept a Inorative position to commercial life at Detroit. We believe it is the intention to start Bunday afternoon Gospel Temperance eervi0e, in the Town Hall and continue them during the b6lotme of the Wtuto,. Timothy Time Hewitt, aged 88 yeare, and for about six years an inmate, cited at the House of Refuge on Monday of met week. He came from Tornberry originally. Donald McInnis, who watt reoeetly admitted to the Home of Refuge from Bayfield, °offering from gangrene in hie feet, as the result of them bong frozen, died on Tuesday of last week. On Monday of last week a meeting was held here between the direotore of the defunct Ould Storage Co. and some of the eharehulders who have not yet met tbe manna that were made upon them. The object of tbe meeting was to try and effect a oompromi-e whereby tin amioable 00tlenent could bo reaobed The direct• ore were willing to make some con0eoeion but the others did not regard it as moa oie01 to notify them in accepting it, and the vomit was that nothing was a000m- plished. On Tlinoeday evening, 8th inst., the members of the Ontario Street Choir time. We are ,'.:,ar you want. For good warm winter comfort, we recommend for tt light -shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth, bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles. We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one pair will wear a whole season. 130th In 11's and ladies' in all styles at all prices. Balance of our Felt. Boots and Shoes at Reduced Prices, 11:1 /gh ' llama C�'ved'sljoe Some people don't like to wear a heavy shoe at any in the business to sell the kind of foot HARNESS DEPARTMENT Heavy and Light Harness, all our own mice, at closest prices possible. Robes and Blankets at Reduced Prides. Trunks and Satchels. at Lowest Prices. i' 'Comfortable Dwelling for sale or to rent. /. C. R/CH,A RDS were entertained at the bonito of Will. Harland, jr. Advantage was taken of the opportunity to present Mr. Harland with 6 settee, arm chair and rooker, ie reoognitiou of his valued 0070100e as a member of the choir for over 20 years. Neither Mr. or Mrs. Harland had the elighteet previous knowledge of the intended presentation. which wee anon) ponied by an addreee, to whiob appro. pri66e acknowledgment was made. X- en8lall. Rev.' fr. Oaten, M. A. 000npied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Baugh went to London last week owing to the illness of hie sou Poeroy. There ie some improvement in the Don. di8ion of H. Cook and hie relatives and friends are hopeful of hie recovery. A young Ladies Hockey Olnb has been orgeuized, and a game with Clinton young ladies is expected in the near future. A very euooeoefal Valentine Social was given by the Young People's Sooieby of Carmel church on Monday night of feat week in the lecture room of the church. James Beverley, who hes been engaged in the hermture outdraws here for a year, is moving hie stook to Exeter, where he was foimerly engaged in tbe mune brief nese. One of our merohants was in London last week and while there wee moob etrook by the °/Duct of drinking going on. He estimated the bar receipts of one hotel at $50 en hour. The Exeter Times says :—Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Medd, of Hensen, visited friends in town Tuesday. Rev. Medd, who ie tiuiug 806 hie fourth year as pastor of the Hansell Methodist ohuroh, has received e call from one of the Chatham churches. Wins: hall. The Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co. completed the work on the etaudpipe last week. The Wingbam Oil Co. Ins aeoared warehouse and office promisee in the building North of the chair !emery. The evaporating plant and Matinees of .Mahler Broe. has been purchased daring the past week by Masan Brown & Irwiu, of Blyth, The new bridge over the river at the mill dam [a now immolated. The etruolureie about a foot higher than the old bridge. The many friends of Town Clerk Ferguson, will be sorry to learn that be is not enjoying good health. Sums weeks ago be fell and injured his head mud the injury baa been 0611a10g a great deal of pain. Another business change bee taken place in Wingham H H. Wightmnu, has cold hie buot and oboe bueittese to Robert Johnston, who will take 700000sion o0 Marob let. Mr. Whightmsn intends going West and will probably engage in the same kind of bueineee. At the High Bahoot Board it wee moved by Dr. McDonald, eeoonded by Dr. Kennedy, that the site for the bui'diug of the new High School be on the vacant lots on the East aide of Carl The Home of Good Clothes /'llllfll�� "In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy fondly turns to Thoughts of Love" and New Suits. HAVING just received a htrge consignment of all the Latest Novelties in Spring Goods we only wait your inspection of same, feeling confident that we can please you, both in price and all that diotiugnish-es the well dressed man. Dodds & Eabkirk Leading Tailors ins street, South of John street, and a portion of Mr. Armonr'e farm property and the Property Committee be inetruct ed to Benin the necessary options. A quiet wedding took place at the reeidenoe of Robert Carrie, Edward street, on Tuesday evening of last week at 7 30 o'olook when bis adopted daaght. er, Mime Florence M. Currie, was united in marriage to Amble Kennedy, of this kern. Gordon E. Williams died in Bellevue hospital at New York, Deceased young man was aged 26 yeare and was born in Wingham being the only son of C. E Williams, for many yeare engaged in the drug business of 111ie town. The yoatg mac was in the looal office of the Bank of Hamilton, prior to his leaving Wiugham, ,n the Fall of 1897. Interment took plane ab Brockville. Fordwicli. Jae. Fallie, Treasurer of the Dominion Grange, returned from Toronto where be was attending the animal meeting of the Dominion Grunge. Otero Hutchison is spending a few dive at his home here. Clare was among the number of employees who were laid off work for a while ae the C. P. R. had nothing for them to do at present. The fourth annivereary of the dedi- cation of the Presbyterian church was held on Sunday, llth inet,, Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, oondueted the 00101000 and preached very aooeptably morning and evening to crowded oo0gre• gatione. A very interesting event occurred at the Me hodist personage on Tuesday morning, Feb. 18Th, when Geo. Walkey, j1., and Mies Minnie Peel were united iu the holy bonds of matrimony. At Bevan o'olock ander the 'meet mains of the wedding maroh, played by Mine Pearl Rustier, the happy couple took their places behind beautiful pyramids of plaute, the groom being supported by W, J. Peel and the bride by iiiiee Beatrice Walkey, while Rev, J, Hamar, M. A., B. D., .poke the mystic) words that made them man and wife. Only the immed. iate frieode of the contracting parties were present to witness the intereetiug ceremony. The happy °maple left on the 7.28 a. m. train for Woodetook, Thedford, and other pointe amid theoougramlatione and good wishes of their friend'. After their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Walkey will Bettie down in Fordwioh. W. H. Downey, late prinoipal of the Publio Bohool, in a newsy letter to the editor 08ye : Windsor, which m eitoated o0 the Detroit river just opposite the great city of Detroit is a brink little city of 14,000 people. Situated me it ie its regi• dents poems all the advantage of a great pity without many of its d,sadvant• ages. It ie connected with Detroit by ferry bunts, of which two are continually ply ing. Besides these there are aleo the oar teat°°, which transfer the oars from ono shore to the other. As for the sightseeing, Windsor ie unsurpassed on the oontinent, the parka of the Belle Isle in Detroit river being unequalled. I have been very fortnnate ainoe coming here as I have been promoted from Mercer St. School of 0 rooms to Park St, Sobool, an 8 10DM school, in n muoh bettor locality. The salary $800 remain0 the same ju•t at preeent, Park St School affords better opportnnitiee for increase and advance. meat, Our home 86 Choral St. is very conveniently oltumted, being quite near to the school, library, etc,, whore we would be glad e0oogll at 10ny time to welcome any of our Moods or aogaciutanoes of Fordwiah and vicinity. Simple Remeciy For Catarrh .lust Breathe 11y01101 Font. Tlntes a Day 181000 be Cared. Hyomei bas performed almost mime. Moue mos of ()atarrh, and ie to day recognized by leading members of the modioal profeseion as the only advertised remedy that min be relied ppoa to do inn what it 01(um8. '1'be complete outfit of tlyomei omits 0100 and oon0iete of an inhaler, a modioino dropper and a bottle Of Byomei, Breathe Hyomei through the inhaler for a few mtnllte0 four times a day, marl it will onro the worst case of catarrh. It soothes and heal° the ma,000 membreue of the air p6006gee, prevents irritation and effect° a. complete and lasting core. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, It will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on reoei71 el price. Write to day for 000en'tation blank that will 0081810 yen t0 0ervioe0 of Oar medfoal department without charge. The R, T. Booth Company, Hyomei Building, Ithaca, N. P. Car 3EMP i9 We want to Turn Your Thoughts Priceward Again this week. Chances to save anything really worth while do not grow on every bush, even at this time of the year. Sales are as thick as anyone could wish for and if ads. are to be believed there are many chances for a purchaser to buy himself Hob. Admitting the truth of all thats printed we still think you've much to gain by patronizing this store. For one thing we haven't picked out a scanty few articles that appeal to you but we have made the cut just about general It hen we were at it and all up and down the category of tbe home needs we offer you chances to save. 10 only Ladies' Black Freize Skirts, newest Spring etylee, worth regular $2.60, Special this week only at.... ,1.50 15 only Navy and Black Fine Vene- tian Ladies' Skirts, cicely trimmed, the Newest Spring styles, worth regular 33.76, Special at 2.25 20 pairs only Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, 60 inches wide and 3} yards long, bordered edge and worth regu- lar $1.50, on sale this week at .99 2 pieces only 70 inch Unbloaohed Table Linen, worth regular 45o, on sale thio week at .30 10 pieces only new Delainette, real value 15c, op sale this week at .12 MINTY 15 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Stockings size, 8}, 9, 97, real value 800, on 8010 at .19 15 pieces only 28 inch stripe Flannel- lette in light and dark colors, worth regular 6o, on sale at 20 YDS. FOR 1.00 10 p[e te8 Fancy Plaid Ginghama, guaranteed inet dye, ve1y suitable for quilt liniuge, worth regular 6o and 7o, on sale this week at .05 5 dozen Ladies' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, real value 60c, on sale this week at .39 25 ends Venetians, Homespune and Tweed Drees Goode, worth regular 65o, 75o, $1.00 & $1.25, clearing this week at .69 Test these Prices and make Comparisons dNOW'titR04A/40 FERGUSON & ROSS r'We pay the Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce. u A LARGE STOCK OF I4 A R A TO BE REDUCED Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for the next SO Days, during which time goods will be sold for Cash at Specially Reduced Prices In Stock will be found Harvest Tools, Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car- pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells, Mitts, Lanterns, Whips, &c., &c. —Oros° -out Saws at $1.95, usually $8.00. —Lampe at $2.50, usually $3.75. —Carpet Sweepers at $2.25, usually $3,00. —Silverware away down. —Cutlery must be sold at Very Low Prices. —25 1b. Pail of Stock Food for $1.90. —12 lb. Pail Animal Regulator for $1.50, regular 02.00. Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains ta'1.I1 600000te are asked to be squared off at once. McKay & co. EARING AT COST To clear out the balance of our stook of Hand Sleighs they will be sold at Positive Cost Prices 'We do not purpose continuing in the Fancy Goods and Toy Business so will clear out everything on hand. TRE POST BOOKSTORE