HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-22, Page 1r
Vol. 84. No. 33
New Advertisements.
Local -John. Brown,
Local -Mins M. Mulley.
/tuition ems -T. H. Smith.
Toilet Soaps -F. 8. Smith.
Auutiun eele-Conrad Eagle.
Aaotion sale -Wm, Florence.
Wiudiug stem lost -Tut POST,
Bull for service-Jobo Brown,
Boll for eorviae-J. M. Knight,
Property for sale -11. Eaymsuu.
Farm to rear -•Samuel Caidbiek.
Well bred etallione-Boort te Werwioa.
3istxxxt gaas,
Lenten) hwy.
Robert Hewitt an old resident of Lead
bury paused away ou Thursday Met a
the advanced age of 92 yearn. The
funeral woo held on Sunday morning to
the Bayfield cemetery.
The sock euoiat held in the eohool house
on Thursday evening of lest week was a
decided enooeee. Tue room was tilted to
overflowing and a very enjoyable time
was spent. The Large sized Boake are
not in at at a thing of this hind. The
prooeeds amoauted to over $40.
Juo. and Mre. McPherson entertaiueu
a large number of their young friende to
a pleasant time on Monday eveuiug. The
time was %t001 in interne and menu mut
the small Lours of the morning when
everyone pronoauoed Mr. mud Mrs.
MoPbereon a first alae' h0et and holstein
I Wx-oxetrr.
Mre. W. Wilson and Mrs. Geo, Herds,
J, er. are on the sink list.
Hamuton & Robertson shipped a oar
of cattle and a oar of bogs.
Mies Totten, of Fordwiob, called on
Maude iu town on Mouday.
A great deal of ice has been out on the
poud during the past week.
John Mapletoft, of Oonu, is the gneet
of bis Motet, Mre. W. Carrle.
Mae. MoOseri, of Sirnace, is spending
some time with Mre. A.
Mrs. Mulutosh, of Harrietou, is spend•
fug a week with Mae. A. A. Baty,
Mies Greer, of Wiugbam, is the guest
of Mies Luta Hemphill this week,
Mims Grans Walker, of TeedweIer, is a
visitor at the home of Reeve Hartle.
Ex Warder' Robert Miller, this week
took in the Laurier Bauquee at Toronto.
Jelin and Mre. Hartle entertained a
number of their frieude Friday even,ug,
Several from here atteudea the earu've,
hued to the Gerrie rink Muuday eveumg
Mise Elite Muth, returned to Breasets
on Saturday having visited WILD relatives
W. S. MoKerober is able to be around
again, atter oufferiug 0everai daye from a
severe cold,
Mies Effie Oarr returned home from
Toronto ou Saturday where she has spina
the last six weeks.
Mre. 0. Moffatt, of Turoberry, wee
the genet of her parents, J. and Mrs.
Davidson, last week.
Wititom Dawes, of Metfort, Seek.,
neat Ian% seem in the village. It le
gtnont Attain.' yeare ranee he lett this
The Wostminater Guild held their
meeting et ? 9. m. Sauday in plane of
the quiet eervie5, the Rev. L, Perrin
being in Jamestown.
Al. Riugler returned to St. Marie on
Tuesday atter Melting with hie father,
John Bengier, woo ban been iso scrioaely
fie but we era pleased to state is now
A hookey match was played on the
rink here Friday evening between the
home team and le junior teem from
Wingham. The eoore was 7-6 in favor
of Wougbam,
Mr. Lyun, ut Fordwaob, was in town
on huaiueen Monday.
Don't mina the Grand Concert in the
Towu Had next Wedneday eveuiug
Program wi'i bo A 1
Jamie Pau iu jr. 11Ae pore/mead the
foundry and iutends making 1t 10110 0
dwelling uud disposing of the meehiuery.
Mae. Hugh Tbompeon, for many yeare
a resident of Tureberry, died very
euddunly this weels at het home near
Crystal City Mau.
A toot batt game took pinus in Salem,
on Woduoodity afternoon, betweeu tb.
Wioxeter end Salem echoote, No goa,e
wine soma on either nide.
Mies ORrrie (Well aud Mae. Lewis
purpose opening a dressmaking and
unuinery eatabliebment in the bnitdiue
formerly 000apted by E. W. Lewto.
The bauaeun n now Towu Hull f,
Wroxeter will 0e opened on Wedneedu
Fee. 28111 by oue of the beet oonoerts
over produced in thie 'notion of tie
oo0utry. The fol.owing artiste will teke
pelt, Wiil. J. White, who tie a Camerae',
and impereoustor minuet be excelled ;
J. H. Cemerun, who with hie bumoruu,
gouge and dialeet stories le bard to beat ;
vliee Utero V. Bayne, reader alio
looutioniet, of whom tbe Mail and
Empire Gaye :-"Her intimation of
'Aintree is simply perfect, while elle i0
equally et home to drametio or pathetic ;
M'ne Manley, who is the leading soprano
auger of Oanada end of whom the Prase
epeuke iu highest terms. The Mines
Walker, Hightaud danoers of Teoewater
will be present. The Wroxeter Oroheama
0100 hae kindly ooneented to play severa
selections whioh will be highly appreoist.
ed by ail the lovers of mum. The plan
of tbe Hall will he found et Allan's scut
etore. The eaenery for the stage is 01
moat completed and will be in place
shat evening.
Mre. Wm. Hall ie o0 the sick list this
Debating Fever ie very high here al
Edith Ferguson has beau laid ap with
an attRok of Grippe thie week.
Mise Gibson, of Fordwiah, is visiting
her brother R. Gibson, this week.
Mies Clave Rayuurd is expected home
on Thursday atter visimug friende in
Quite a number from the Village
atteuded the J. K Baker Silver Weddie1
Wednesday evening.
We, D. Span, of Belgrave, paid a
flying visit to Irtende in town On Tues
day of this week.
Thos. and Mre. Hall, of Mon,reut,
visited the lettere permute R. and Mrs.
It,neom tart week Isere,
Weetre'sorry to hear that Mae. Mo
Oealay is not enjoying good heultb bot we
hope she will soon be better.
Mrs. N. A. Milioe roamed borne last
week from our extended visit with her
parents iu Balmoral, Manitoba.
We ere pleased to hear that Mien
Luna Spence paned ber recent ex-
eminatlon iu ma610 with Bret plane
Due't forget the As Hume in the Towu
Alp Heti, Friday evening of One Werk.
A good program wilt be rendered and
Much served.
A bag of Corn meal wee taken from
the Royal Hotel etablee last Saturday
eveuiug. Bill says he would like the
empty bag returned.
Jno. Imtay and daughter, Myrtle, re
turned borne Tuesday atter s weeks vire
to !Hellos iu Detroit. Mr, Imlay bas
talten a position iu Milburn and lett
for there Wedueeday.
Wm. Pollard and family will move
book to their farm near here. It hes
been leased to Robert Blair for severs
yenta. Tbe latter will return to bile
farm neer Walton. We wish both
families well.
K PL2 N 2.O8? and a Stunner
Will Stand for service for the season
of 1906 at their owners' stable,
APLAN is one of the fastest Stallions standing for 0ervioe in Canada and he is
11 also a good gaited horse, having got his mark 1n a race without hobbles end
only trained by a trainer for 2} months, No other horse got go feet a mark with 00
abort training. There is no other horse better bred to produce speed. Eighty of
the horses with 2.10 spend trade to hie g. g. dam'Olara.. Kaplan has a right by in-
heritance to produce speed and will surely do 0o.
COSTIIMER-You who have been using him know what he has produced and
those who have not done so can see what he ie produoing. He is bred in one
of the moat fashionable strains at the present day whioh i0 the Hambletoniane and
KAPLAN stands at $26,00 and COSTUMER at 916.00 to insure.
Scott & Warwick,
r SCO 9t1
'WISHES to thank hie Petrone of the loot 80 yeare for their patronage in hie bieck-
ernilhiog busineee and hope to give eatislaotiou in the future as ho has tried to do
in the pant, Particular attention paid to Shoeing both heavy and light horses. He
keope a first•olaas man, Mr, T. Ritchie, in hie employ to enenre satisfaction to all
oaetom5t0, �y ' .t,r
tr'r Soipr/ .
The Kreuter hardware atone 10 being
pushed along and the roof was put on
this weep. Is will soon be reedy for
Last Sabbath evening Rev. T. W
Oconee, of tfroeeels, oaaupied the pulpit
et the Metltodtet church here and gave e
Sue disoonree.
Jacob Kreuter bas pnrohaeed the form.
or Methodist pere0nage from Mr. Ma
Camay end will move from hie farm
shortly, He is well known to the people
of this community. Mr. McCauley (5111
remove to BCnestle it is said.
The 81, Mary's Argue says :-T1
mu-isal part of the program wee furnisb
ed by Donald 0. MaoGregor, who e0ng to
tie the "Auld Scotoll" and other songs in
a way wbioh warmed the hearts and
quickened the pulse of every lover of good
mu'io.-Towu Hall Brownie, Tueseay,
Feb 27E13.
A letter of sympathy wao reoe;ved by
Mae, Amee from Chanes and Mrs. Dub
ago, of Solomon, Kansas, former olo
r' oidente of tbie l000lity, but moved Weer
20 yeare ago. Mr. Dobson called op
many pleasing reminiseenoee of hie
anooia1ioe with Mr, Arnea both in emu
out of the rhumb never to be forgotten.
He says Mae. Dobson is growing quite
Robt. A. MODouald has taken a poai
mon iu Loudon with the 0. P. R. We
with him au000es.
The aaotiuu sale bald at Albert Carter's
farm wee a ',weeper both for crowd and
priee0. It totalled over $2,000.
Last Sabbath atternoou Rev. Mr,
Armetruug, of Ethel, preoohed R Mission
ery e0rmon in the Methodist church here
of no emelt interest. The duanoia,
re0p0nee wee in advenoe of lent year.
Toronto Saturday Night 'aye: -Th,
concert in Massey Hall ou Monday night
1050 a most eujoyeblo affair. Donald
.vlauGregor wort a triumph in a doable
number, being forced to repond to au
euoore demanded that wutild take no
leoymg,-Town Hall Brownie, Tuesday,
0'eb. 27111.
nu envie degree of sadnese we chronicle
the demise of Mre. Allan N. eamerou,
who departed time life Ian Sabbath, site,
aft %lineeo of nearly two weeks of pueu•
1T1011a in her 34th year. She wao u
4augeter of A. Rymauu, of Creuhrook,
tad was 0oru 10 this looality Whether
es Maggie Raymano, or Mre. Cuomo
nbo wee beloved by all wbo knew her alio
nor death 15 gr8at y regretted. In add'.
,ion to her !unbend to whom the wee
tit leied 9 daughter ago, the
e101 of ec ebrtgthe
loving memory of a tree wife and a
teemed mother. Tbe /moral service wet.
bald ou Taeeday afternoon, Rev. D. B,
IuRee oouduuting the service. Inter
meat Waa made in the oemetery here.
1'be Sorrowing relative will be e000rded
the sympathy of the aommuuity in their
W it.l tr)xa.
Mae. Dr. Mutes, ie reoeivieg a vielt
from her mother.
Mae. Jnekine, of London, 10 visiting ail
W. H. Sholdiae'e.
W. H. Neal hoe been ill duriog the
peat week, but is able to be around again.
John Irvine bee opened a ahoppiug
mill in Jonathan Moore's barn sod is
prepared to 00 uboopiug for farmers on
Tuesday's and Fraday'e.
The Young Nape's Circle will hold
Bazaar in the Methodist church ori
Tuesday evening next, when tansy metal
ertielee will be for sale. Mneie amu
retreehmeote will be provided for the
0nterteinmeut of visitor's ea well.
Tin Kiugoton Whig 00ya :-No mho
teem was made in engaging Douald C.
EaoGrogor. Hie voioe is powerful, Holt
and expressive, and he sang with en erne
mud freed, no that i0 seldomassn. Be
tore Mr. MacGregor had 'mug one stauza
he osugbo the sometimes cold Kiugetou
andieuoe, and it began baud banging
right then. -Town Hall Brunie, Tues-
day, Feb. 27113.
Tbo souk social held at Leadbury on
Thureday last, under the aoopioeo of the
Ladte's Guild of St. George's cherub,
wao a eptendid 0000000, 0. Whito'a
bones proving incapable of holding the
'urge crowd who turned out for the
eutsrtainmeut, the eoboolhouee was
ntiezed, ago it wee peeked to the doors,
Rev. Mr. Lang•Ford presided, and the
program was thoroughly appreciated.
Proceeds amounted to 940.00,
David Patton, jr., ie recovering.
Mre, John Bergen is down Willa le
Mies Burgess arrived home from God.
eriob last week.
Mae. McLean and daughter are violtieg
Mre. J. Johnston.
Mies Haiet, of Brunie, visited her
brother, John last week.
Min dunk, Aitohieon vent last week
with friende in Garterial'.
Remember the sooiol iu the Forester's
ball this Friday evening.
Mies Davideou, of Wroxeter, is visiting
her brother. Walter Davtdeon.
Joseph and Mae. Hogg visited the
letter's parents in Grey this week.
The dtwne given by 0. R. and Mrs.
Brtuker in the Foreolere' hall was very
etijoyabl e.
Mr MaAllioter, oawmiller, of Hawke.
vine, Wallington county, visited at Mrs.
MoKiuney'e fast week.
Joseph Bargee, of the government
cheese outing station, Woodetuok, visited
hie parents here last week,
A large party of friende from beyond
Wingham came over to Joeepb McKie.
ney'e ou Tuesday inching.
Douglale Fraser's sale on Tuesday of
last week brought good video. Some of
the owe said fur 900 eaoh and hens fur
Mies Pearl Basher, teeoher at Bar.
mouy, neer Stratford, was forced to quit
work and name home last week because
of la grippe.
J. and Mre, Johnston were in Gode•
rink on Woodsy attending theInueral of
chs Corm. r00 *nether, Mre, Stowe, former.
ly of ,Bluovale,
Mr. Binning, 0rehite01, Of Listowel,
wao in the village last week looking over
the Presbyterian aburah.
Timothy Titus Howitt, formerly of
Sleeve's, died at the Huron Hodge of
Refuge loot week, aged 88 yearn.
Misses Mary and Maggie Bell
Robertson, of efnnitobe, acid Mise Janie
Roberteou, of Wroxeter, are visiting the
families of Jobo and Robert Black and
other Mende,
James Roberteou, of Manitoba, was in
the village last week, He le spending
Same time with hie mother in W'ugham.
They fo,merly lived an the Bluovale
rend. Mies Lizzie Robertson ie borne
from Toronto in poor health.
Andrew Simpson, visited hie eon,
Dougald, of Fordyce, last week,
(lies Mend ORmpbell of Miohigao, is
visiting at the home of F. 0. Wright.
Mina Beatrice McNair, of Brussels,
spent Bouday at the borne of James
David and Mies Josephine MaAhi[star,
of West Wawenoeh, visited friende here
and in Brunie tile week.
Min Annie Straobao, of Pine River,
spent a few days ao her home, Bite is
always a Welcome visitor.
Mrs, Geo. Eokmier, ie suffering from a
severe altaok of la grippe, We hope
60011 10 hear of ber reoovery.
Weare sorry to bay that Ales. Forrest
le not in good health at present, We
hope recovery may soon be his.
Harold Hogg, Nelson Bollinby and Geo.
Ooombes, of Brneoels, spent Sunday at
the home of the Tatter's parents.
Dame Rumor whispers that we meg
expect a wedding to take plane North of
our burg in the near future. "Spring-
time is rinstime."
Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, oondoott'd
the servtoee in Victoria Mali last 8rbbath
evening. A large andienoe listened with
0tereer to his earnest and helpful die.
Silas Johnston bed the miefortuoe to
have a runaway while going to Brueeele
on Monday of this week. Fortunately he
dtd 100 'sustain any personal injury al•
hengh hie buggy was somewhat dam•
Quite e. number from here attended the
teetotal of the tate Mre, D. D. Ferguson,
•i1 Winnipeg, in Brussels on Monday.
She was well and favorably known in thin
locality end we wish to join with her
many friende m extending to her people
oar 9y mpeth in their boar of trial.
S. Snell has advertised for tenders for
the erection of a new brick hoose. He
had a bee on Wednesday of this week to
draw brick from near Gerrie. We are
p exited te see our oeigbbora adding to
their oomtort as well as ioareoeing the
volae and appearance of hie property.
Tue Brantford Expositor says :-
Donald 0. MaoGregor made his first ap
pearaooe and established himself a hot
favorite with the audience. Bie every
number was rapturously encored. Hie
rendering of "Soon Wa, Hae" wee a soul
stirring revelation, while hie work to
"My Nannie'- Awe'" was exceptionally
effective -Town Hall Brunie, Tuesday
Feb, 27113.
Mies Y. Rutledge ie on the sink list we
are [sorry to state, but we hope she will
soon be better.
W. H. Maunders' sale last Tuesday
wary a good manse. In all it brought in
over $1,800 Everythrug went at good
figure, the 8 rows averaging $60.
A sleigh load of young people from
Wiogbam vicinity spent a pleaexut
time at the home of John and Mae.
Watson, 4111 lfue, one evening last week.
The Montreal Witneea says :-Donald
O MacGregor won favor from the lint.
He hue a fall baritone voice and singe
with freedom and ease. -Town Mali
Brussels, Feb. 27111.
There is not mush probability that
Grey and Morrie Oouuoil will agree to
any'settlement of the Farreod law snit
that will nail for the payment of the
cold coin as some of the members think
the Court had better complete the job
whiohever way it goes.
John Wallaee died in Newark, New
Jeresy,on Sunday morning, 11111 twat,
He had gone there a week previone for
ibe benefit of hie health and W50 improv
ing nicely, when called away by a sudden
pain in the etomooh. Elia body was
brought borne for interment.
Geo. A. Tnrvey, 20d line will likely
take a trip to the wonderful Saskatoon
country, hie on William will move ant
to take pooseoeion of 820 mores he borne
needed and bought last year. Joseph
Bowman and family, and Ward Oaldbiok
will be located in the game community.
The farm of Thee. H. Smisb..7ih line,
has been leaned by Hollington Broe., and
the former and hits wife will leave for
Alberta, N. W. T., next mouth. Ho le
holding a sale of farm stook, implements,
&o., on Monday, M0001 6111. Mr. Smoti,
has lived on the 7513 line for the peat 10
A number of young people from the
Ord. and 4111 line asaemb ed at the borne
of Time. and Mre, Ellis, 8rd ice, where a
moat enjoyable evening was spent. They
tripped Elie light fantastioe until the wee
email hoary of the morning, Most
exoe1lent amnia wee furniehed by
Weapon Campbell' and Kellington Broa,
the company going away voted Mr. and
Mre, Etlie moat excellent hoetand beaten,
OnoTtARY-Ohlmly the 0100o of life
Dame to Mimi Beane MaMiohael, 6 reel.
dont of the Bib eon., at the home of her
slater, Mre. Wm. Kelly, on Wedneeday
morning, having attained the patriarchal
age of 90 yeare. Demand wee born in
Kavau (emote, Ireland, aid (tame to
Arnerios about 50 yeare ago, living iu
Buffalo, N. Y., until about 0 yeare ago
when she removed to Morrie where the
has retitled over ohne. Mies Motdiabnel
has been failing in health for some time
and during the last two weeks never lett
ber bed. She 10 onrvived by one brother
who reeides in Ireland, and Mre. Kelly,
of Merrie. The deoeaaed wee a member
of the Charoh of England. Funeral will
take place on Friday afternoon at 2 80
tem, service et 2 ooloak. Interment
wool be made et B0000018 cemetery,
W. H, KERR, Prop
A Fonttea RxeIDen DWI -Alter being
in poor health for about 4 yeare, during
withal time the old vigor and rebuetons
had lergety departed, owing to heart
weakneoe, Wil ism Andereoo, brother to
Quintin Anderson, of the 8rd line, passed
that bourne from whence uo traveller
retgrne on Wednesday oI last week, aged
O1 yeare and 8 menthe, Pbe home of
deemed wag at Anderson's Mille, Belli
SAD townebip, Brno° 0o., not far from
Obeeley, Be had moved to that locality
about 30 yeare ago atter living; in this
towuslnp, Mr. Anderson wee born iu
South Dumfries, near Ayr, and on et
waning Die young manhood he followed
farming before going into the eawrnfll
end lumbering bueineee in whioh he was
not only vary enooeselol bat honorable
and straightforward, poeeeeeing the good
opigion of the community to a marked
degree. In church reettionehip be tvas a
Presbyterian and in polities he wag an
ardent Liberel. He filled various pool
tions of public trust and might bave
attained greater eminenoe had he desired
28 yeare ago be was united in marriage
with Mise Margaret Furber, also of
Morrie, and ebe and a eon, George, ser
vivo buoband and father. The funeral
ou Saturday was very largely attended
fntarmott was made in Obealey oemetary,
Quintin Anderson and eon William, of
the 3rd line, and Mae, Nod MoLanobii,
(wbo ie a sister to Mre, Andereoo) alio
Mies Jean, of Breesels, attended the
funeral, The p0reute of downed moved
from Ayr to Morrie parolmamg the Wm.
A dradoe farm where they resided until
ceded away to a home beyond the skies,
Quintin Anderson residua on the home
stead. Mrs. Anderson and eon wbl share
in the sympathy of their old time friende
in thie community, Mr. Anderson's
lite exerted an inlfuenee for good and his
demise will be regretted.
La grippe has been common.
A wedding ie o0 the tapia on the 3'6tb
Service will be held in Bethel, (March
next Sabbath evening.
Bert. Evane, of Brussel°, Sundayed at
hie home, 12th eon.
The next Oonuoil meeting will be held
001 Monday, Marsh 53b.
The bank baro of Henry Ward, 13th
con„ will be enlarged next season.
Mise Chrieteua Buttery, of Paisley,
arrived home Saturday aftera two weeks'
01s00 10Torooto, Aurora and Guelph.
A lady Clerk hes beau added to the;
staff of J. A. Mo$ay'e store. Her gams"
is McKay uud she will no doulje.-')give
datiatao1100, er
Ray. 1118.'Coseas, of Brneeelcj.was the
preacher at Roe's and Union ohurohea
teat Sunday. Rev: Armstrong was,,
at Brnteelt.
Leat week a baby daughter came to
gladden the boms of Juo. and Mae, Mel
Mlle, 18th coo. We bid the young Indy
welcome to Grey.
Waiter McKay, of the boundary talks
of going Won One Spring with the in•
teutiou of taking ap a farm. He bee
not en d hos property here.
Guelph Mercury says :-Donald 0
McGregor, of Toronto, wee a revelation
to the audience, who fairly went wile
over it. -Town Sall Brunetti Tuesday,
Feb. 27th.
Nelson Aekio'e farm, Oon.' 14, bee
been leased to Jmmee Cololoogh. Mr.
Askin ie sheep ranching in Idaho, Rota,
Stair will 03050 back to hie farm now
being ;emitted by Mr. 001010ng11.
George Miuebell, of Pierson, Man
itoba, wart renewing old trieedehipa in
this locality during the pest Week. It
is 25 yeare eine he went West. We are
plauled to hear he bio prooperad in the
Prairie Province.
Pete Baird, of Mooeejaw, a000mpanied
by die sister, Mies Cbrietiun and ooneiu,
Mies Kate Thomson, of Braaefoold, were
vieituro ut Wm. Buttery's, 11th con., Shia
week, Mr. Baird also visited Charles
Stemmon, of Ethel.
Won. Brown, god con. Gray, has die.
posed of his flue 100 acre farm to his
a.•n in•lsw, S. G. Sangster, for the sum 01
$6,500. Mr. Brown has resided there
for the poet 40 yeare and will still make
hie home with Mr. Saugeter,
Owing to the inability of Hngh Ram•
say to get about as of old, on 0000001 of
the injury to hie limbo, he bas decided
to take a root from active farming in the
hope the rant wilt du him good and wilt
bold en emotion eats of farm stook, in,
elements, et0., on Wednesday, March
7th. His farm ie loo 5 con. 17. F.
S. Scott will wield the hammer.
Knight, 12tb non., hay pnrohaeed the
pure bred Aberdeen Angus Boll, "Luta
Phomas B.," from Eph. Butt, Clinton.
The she of thie Sue aaimet ie eGoderieth
Ohtef,' the champion bolt o1 Canada.
Teta to the first of the Aberdeen Angue
brought to thie locality of This welt
known breed.
Belleville's 900le� kbas been dieoovor'
ed to be due to faulty joints in the pipe.
Rev. R. B. Nevin will be oppoiuted
raptor of St. Baruabao' OMural, St. Oath
Three hundred thousand barrels of
Nova Scotia apples were shipped abroad
lot Fall.
Two young children of Mre. McIntosh,
of Glenoue, were.kdled at a crooning ou
their way to school.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce has
parohaetd the tlorobante' Brink of Prince
Edward Iataud,
Ron. Sydney Fieher hes ttooepted the
resignation of F. W. Hodson, Dominion
Live Stook Commieaiouer,
Jobneton Jordan, of Port Hope, et'
lowed earl/olio aoid in mistake for me
eine and died in half an hoer.
The Monne of Anton Stetke, an lentri.
an miner, near Sydney, N. 8,, was barn
ed, and the remains of the parents and
two ohildre0 were found in the mine.
It is believed to be a 0000 of wholesale
A sorntiny by City Clerk Baker of the
Wroth done by deputy returning deans
at the last Munimpei election in Loudon,
Ont,, chows that of 48 deputies only
twenty one carried Out rho law in. Ali
Edward Bunten, aged eight, and Willie
Gogerty, ten yeare, went through the loo
at Montreal anti were drowned,
Senator Choquette nae retired from
the mayoralty ount001 be Quebeo, in 0001
pliauoe with a request from Sir Wilfred
CHURCH 0111 12.'1.
A load of St. John's young people
attended the soak eoaial in Walton Met
Tbo pastor will oogdect the regular
servioea iu the Methodist church next
Rev. S. M. Lang Ford has been appoint
ed a member of a depot tion whioh ie to
decry oat a Missionary Campaign in the
Diocese of Boron daring May.
Bev. Mr. Fowlie, of Erin, preached in
Melville church last Sabbath and gave
two excellent demotion, Next Sabbath
Ile,, Mr, Cunningham, of Hamilton, tell,
be the preacher.
A meeting of the men of S6, John's
congregation will be held in the (thurob
ou Friday evening 7.80. Addressee will,
tie delivered by the Rev. T.O. Boyle 8, A.
D. D. of Wingham, and Mr. Nue, of
of Wingham.
On Tenney evening St. John's A. Y.
P. A. held a very Interesting Missionary
Meeting. Dr. 0. 0. Elliott, who ie a
.Medical Missionary 400 miles up the
Y.,ogtz., Obtna, sant a long intetestiug
ester to the Society tot the meeting,
Ur. Elliott, is a personal friend of the
Reuter. He went to China from Wards.
vine a few mouths ago.
Is the failure of Rev. Dr. Gundy to
get to Brussels last Sabbath Rev. Mr.
Armstrong of Ethel, 000upiod the pulpit
I was the Mino'onary 0nniVereery sue
the apoeker of the day rendered 0plendie
dervfae. "Hour the Lord with tby
nabetenoe, oto." was the morning text
from whioh a most praotioal dimooures
wee presented, "John the Baptist, the
forerunner," was the evening theme
1'he nuanoial reunite were iu advanoe
of last year and mere will follow.
atim'vereay wirm010 to conoeOtwu
with the Epworth Leaaae will be pt eaohea
iu the Methodist church, BMWS'S, o.
iebbemb, March 4th. 1906, by Rev.
JunesLtviegslone, the talented divm,,
a1 Loudon, at 10.80 a. m. and 7. p. m.
,Mouday evening a fine Lecture will by
delvered by Rev. Mr. Livingstone on the
interesting tome "Imagination." It wit
00 well worth bearing. Admission, only
10 and 15 aeons. Doors open at 7.30 ;
Linters at 8 0'0100k. VOORI and lnetrn-
meutal mesio will be rendered.
People We Know.
Harry Downing will return to the West
next week.
A. H. Montgomery wag in Toronto
over Sunday.
A. J. Lowtok, of Fordwiob, wee in town
aver Sunday. ('
D. M. Soott, of Hamilton, was in town
for a few days.
J. 13 MoLauoblin will return to the
West next month.
Robs. Thomson made a :bneineeee trip
t0 Toronto this week.
Mien Jean Habkirk is visiting relative's
and friends in Blyth.
Mine Ahoe Bone ie home from Toronto
tor s few weeks' vacation.
Mies Mary Rose ie visiting in Toronto
with friends for a few weeks.
hire. Fred, Lowiok, of Detroit, is visit•
ong elm. A, J. Lowtok, Joon a1reet.
Ed. Kerley was visiting at hie home
iu Berlin for a few days this week.
Rev. A. W. Aviion, of Alma, (5ae salt.
tug on old friende iu town this week.
Mre. 0.E. Turnbull was on the sink
list during the past week bat isimpaoviog
Garf. Banker, of Port Oolbourne, wee
01)105 on relatives and old friende iu
S. 0. Wilson has been laid up with the
prevailing bad cold bat will eoorbe o. k.
we hope.
Jas. and Mrs. Williamson, of Wingham,
VMS visiting with relative's in Towu last
J. 1. Wood was away for a week
in the interests of the Excelsior Koikting
1001087, Brneaole.
Rev. T. W. rind Mre. Ooeene were
visiting at Atwood and Trowbridge for it
few days last week.
W.F. and Mre. Stewart were in Toron-
to for a Lew days ibis week combining
ba -insets and pleasure.
Mina Lena Grille, of Listowel, wits a
venter at the home of R. Leatherdale,
her II DON, on Monday.
Mise L. Weir, of Seaforth, was visiting
netb her meter, Mre. Oban. Brohdfoot,
for a few days this week,
R. K. Roes, of Lietowel, spent a few
days tit town. He is well pleased with
bis business 1n that to(5n,
George Manning, photographer, of
Wroxeter, woe a vieitorat hie pareutat
home, Weinof town ovtC Sunday.
Joe Hunter has entered into an engage -
client with Brneeete Martino Works pro
901810re to tette charge of the work in the
Mies John McLanohlin went to Obeeley
lest week 10 attend the funeral of her
wattle, Wm. Anderson, whioh took plane
an Saturday,
Mre. M. G. Richardson, and Mies
Bella left Thursday morning for Bane
Ritter'Ont, where they intend to remain
for the Summer.
Among those who attended the Laurier
banquet from Bement were J. Leokto,
F. S. Scott, A, Himop, M. P. P., A. B.
MoDonald, Geo, Brown and W. H. Kerr,
While playing hockey at Gerrie last
Friday evening A. H. Montgomery, of
town, reoeivod a nasty blew above hie
right eye from too oioso acquaintance
with the puck. Al
Jno. and Mre. Walker, of Teeewater,
Will. Habkirk of the same town, and 11.
W. Curtis, Of Listowel, were here oft
Monday attending the funeral of the late
Mre. D. D. Fergaeon,
Preeideut Joe. Speir and Secretary W.
Et. Kerr wore delegates from Grey branch
Agricultural Society to the Provincial
Faire' Aosooiation in Toronto on Wed-
nesday and Thursday of this woes,
Craig Ologhoro, of Bluovale, visited hie
0ousin Mrs, N. V. Moffatt, on Wednesday,
llfany old friends were pleased to have
an opportunity of shaking kande with
Be,, Dr. Ross o0 Tuesday, allhOogll hie
mission hero wee a end 0130. Io WW1 a
somewhat noteworthy ooinaidonoe that
-?,-reverend gentleman baptized, married
and burled Mrs. Ferguson.
DoN'T fail to hear Donald U. MaoGregor
ging "Afton Water" at the Conoert on
Penalty evening.
FLETrHER STAALINO has load the poplar
trees out down in front of his home on
Ohoroh street. He talks of planting
Maplee this Spring,
Doo'T forget the emotion Pale of bonne.
bold furniture, &o,, at John Doualdeou'e
residence, Alberti etre01, Bruenefe, on
Saturday afternoon of this week.
THE laundry buoinese changed Mande on
6ioudey of this week, R. J. Williamson
heeding the bgeineao over to Won. Wil-
ton. We wish the new proprietor o000e0S.
OARD Ott '1'aaaxa.-A. Lindsay and
family wish to Lauder their beet tbaoke
to the many kind friends who rendered
valuable and kindly aid daring the illneee
and oabeegoeut death of Mre.Lindsay.
Da Ovaas, M. D., London, Eye end
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brussels, on the Bret Tuesday in
emelt numb. Soore, 8 a. m, to I.80 p. m,
Cataract, 8gaint, failing eeeelk110,
deatuee0 and tonal catarrh treated and
gla0000 properly fitted. Next visit,
Pasodny, Mere!' 6th.
Runexes Mans' AoaoorATION•-A meet.
tug was held it. the Council Chamber on
Monday evening to organize a Protective
A•000ietiou in the interests of the busi•
01008 men. Mr. Brnbackor•, of Berlin,
de0relury of the Provivaiul Retell- Mao-
Meanie' Association addressed the meet.
,ng. Another meeting will be held in a
0o0p10 of weeks.
G. T. R --The following are the ship.
mania during the past week. -1 oar
wheat to Portland for export by R.
Graham ; 1 oar cattle to Toronto by
Stank & Barr ; 1 oar bogs to Oolhngwaod
oy A. 0. Dames. -Inward -1 oar lumber
for P. Ameot ; 1 oar empty boxer] for
R. Thomson ; and 1. oar ooal for Wilton
& Gillespie.
item '9 taken from a Chicago paper and
apeake of a former well known Brueaelite,
Rae. Fletober, eon of the late T. Ftetohor.
-"T. R. Fletcher, who has been with the
Western department of the Queen's Life
losnrence 0o., for the last Dix years, the
test two 0s examiner, has been appointed
opeoial agent fur Oolorado, Wyoming and
ate Steak Hills, with headquarters in
D.nvsr, and leaves for there this week,
12. . Flynn, an exeminer with the Ger-
ms • la, eaooeeds him with the Queen."
Tn Pon wishes Mr. Fletcher prosperity
w ,is new field of bneineso.
E Wingham Advance, of this week
poaks of a former Braoeetite ;-"Robt.
John.ton took charge of the boob and
,hoe business pnrohaeed from H. 11.
Wtebtmeu, on Wednesday. The latter
iutends to go West where there are
SO many exaelleut busmen openings.
Mere is no doubt that to a young man
the West doers offer iudnoemente. .Where.
ever Mr. Wigbtmau may go, we are gore
that hie sterling character and energy
will eneare mane. The Advahoe also
wiehee Mr. Johnston ousoees in the new
100 of baeineso he has chosen." THE
Pose, with bis many Brussels friende,
jo,00 in wishing Mr. Johnston eaooese in
Me new undertaking. Rebt. Downing
was up at Wtugham helping Mr. Jobo.
awn take stook.
AT Ho1E.-Tile Ladies and Koighte
of Msoaabee'e of Brussels held, an in-
formal At Home in their lodge room
Noonday evening of this week when they
were visited by Sir Knigbt, S. W. Treas.
Provincial Commander, and Deputy
Supreme Commauder Towueend, who
note addressed thine preaont. Mr.
Townsend oaaupied the chair and the
following program watt given ;-Inatrn-
mental duet, H. L. Jaokeou 011d Lorne
Danford 1 solo, J. Leslie Kerr ; reading,
Mose Josie Bnhaoan ; solo, Min Vinle
Cardiff ; violin solo, H. L. Jackson ; ad.
dreae, Sir Knight Treeoler ; solo, Mise
Jennie MaArter ; trombone solo, Lorne
Dnuford ; eolo, Jae, Jmree, After the
program w66 over the ladies earned
.snob, after which games were aootinaed
.ill a late hoar. The meeting broke up
by all joining in singing "God be with
you till we meet again." Miss Jean Me,
Lenohltn was the a000mpaniet of the
I. 0. 0, F. SevmalmN GRAND Lonor,.-
F, R. Biewett, Greta Mamter,, qf; Lists.
wet was in Toronto oouipletirig. arrange-
mebta for the meeting of the.Soverign
Grand Lodge, whioh'minoring in that
any in September "next, 'life slim of
$26,000 will be expended on the enter•
te,ument of the visitors, and it is ex•
peeked that there will le at least 15,000
delegates, omitting, ene5mpmeute AIM
lodges on the pity during tn0 0011000 ion
week. There are 1,600,000 members • in
the order, and 0f thew sore 80,000 five in
the Province of Ontario. "At the meeting
of tbe Grand L Age Executive it wag
decided to appropriate 912,000 for
entertainment purposes. Toronto will
be asked to ountribute. 95,000 and the
balance will be supplied by the Weal,
lodges, The entertainment will bo on a
tavieh nate, Fetes on the bay, Brewotlte
displays, entertainments will be the
order of the Week. A grand oonoert will
be given at Maguey Hell, the talent foe
whioh will he the beet. on the ooutinent,
92,000 will be set aafde for prizes for
competition in.degreo wont, and 91,000
in prase for the petriarob militant march
of the order.
A building of the Tilloon Co., at Ti11•
Oooburg, mood for packing °nrettle, wee
destroyed by lire.
Zephirin (Andean, of anti, wall killed
at the lumber a0mp of Ilddy Brothers,
tblrteetive miles north of Blind River
A Canadian 'Pacifist freight train
otaohed iota the rear of .a trano0ontlnent,
al Westbound pa0eeuger train West lit
Fort William and a number of treiV•dllere
were more Of 1060 seriously injured,'