HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-15, Page 8f!¢ ,ra EALo ire'.t-'Gar. ssr,:.taawarm,n :;o, rWicti =wericro wasowealoweriessewerweeerwe Goods You May Require Standard Bank of Canada =¢4T4.1uT,99FsZS] 1,B7a './'hie tine of year, AB a rule, brings much eioltuess, especially Golds, Sore Throat, La Grippe, &o. If you shonld be so unfor- lunate as to be a victim of any of these we would !fire to furnish you with the 00oessary eupppiles you tray require in getting well as epeedily as possible. Perhaps the following may be suggestive —Hot WaterBottles. —Good Atomizers from 50o. to $1 26, --Antiseptic Tablets--•Listeriue, for use in same or as a gargle for Sore Throat. —Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets to break up la Grippe or Cold. —Blood Foot Cough Cure, 25o per bottle. —Camphorated Oil, --Stearn's Aromatic Cascara. —Catarrhozoue for Cold in Head, &c. -Armour's Extract of Beef, &c. fa • DRUGGIST ITH, AND STATIONER. GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SORTEEEBN EXTENSION W. O. & B, Traine leave Brenda Station, North and Oontb, se follows; O018o BOOTH Gonna NORTH Tilsit 7;06am 1 Mixed 0,10 a 9 Mtaed...„...,11:26 a.re Mail 1^44 p.3) 14xpres8...... 8:02p.m l Expreas 8:61 11•1• gad J��.117F' Items A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1Y7oGRE00n AND Wens, Feb. 27th. Goan skating ie being enjoyed by both young and old at Oampbeu'e rink 00 John Street, Trot postofftae did a rnolling Va'eutiue bueiaese on Wednesday, the a0wvereUry of the sending of these effusive mienlve. WREN you have your eyee examined by Taube & Sod yon get the beuefit of over '85 yeare experience. Foe's drug slue, Feb. 21 and 22. Wa notioe by last week's Wroxeter Star that the paper bas changed hoods sgaia, Wm. H. Carr being uow the propr. etor. Taa'PosT wishes the Star .nooeee. TILE Model Farm EXOura,ou for thie line of railway has been eat for Saturday June 23rd, thereby allowtug the exam. sionista the advantage of a three stay as tiokete will be good to return un Monday. Wa noticed in Monday's Globe of a bookey match in Oheeley iu whiuh the home team defeated Believer by a more of 6 to 1. D. J. MoLaaahlid, form i now in Uheete played erlyof Brussels, Y, p Y point for the winers. Da Oven, M. D., Loudon, Bye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Doti Store, Brussels, on the firer Tuneaay it, eaoh month. Hours, 8 a. at. to 1.80 p, m, Cataract, squint. felting eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated aha glasses properly &tied. Next visit, Tired day, Marob 6th. DON'T Mlee IT.—Tbe Y ung People's Society of So. John's °burgb has 64840 the favorite and highly reuommeudso baritone vocalist, Duvall. McGregor, of Toronto, for a grand 0ouoert in the ;pawn Hall, Brussels, au Tuesday, 27th inst. He will be sedated by Wall. J. Mute, the well known humorist. Plan of Hatt ural open at Foxe drug store 081 the 20th iuet, Prices 25o., and 85o. Nu one should mise this concert. LaAVINO TOWN Fen FAIRER Flar.Ds AND PAeTURRe Naw.—A. R. Sana, Norm end, after yeare testing hie sloshing , in Wingbam, is going to start 8 Geat's 1 Furnishing store in the estaultehmeut of H. P1gmeeeel, Clinton, who is moviug his stook to the North West. A, R. Smith ie giving bargaiue for BO daye in Overooate, Sita and everyth,ug m mea or,boy wears, even to beets. A R. would like to see some of his old Brits. sale oastomere before he leaves, Move quick for bargains. PAsesb AWAY.—Lae6 Friday motting Mies Mary Headereon, 819188 of Reeve Henderson, of this place, died at the home 0f her father 4th can., aioffi.lop, of dropsy, aged 61 yeare, She was in fairly good health on the Monday previoa8 and bad done the weekly waehiug. That evening she took ill and deeplte all •hat could be done she paid natnre'e detail es above stated. Feueral took place to Harpurhey cemetery on Mouday, Rev. Mr. Oareweil eondaating the service, Five brotbere and a brother in low bore the aaeket. Wm. Hendereon, the math brother, woe unable to attend es he wan laid up with blood poieonmg. We hope he will soon be better. Mies Hendereou will be greatly mined fa the home 8011, re she wee housekeeper for ber father awn brothers. Mre. Henderson paneled away 3 yeare ago last June. Mre. kfenrtrrrou of Brunets, is giving a helping hand is McKillop chis week, OLD TIA(NS Reoo r.sD,—The Stratford Daily Beacon of tact Tueadey says of a well known Brueeente :—John Leckie, a retired merchant of Brueoe,e, and with whom Duncan Fergueou learned the dry goods business, is an the oily, In conversation with the Beuouu t11ie morning Mr. Leokie recalled an to eident of his early boeineee oereer i81 tun "Queen's Bush,” which bommeuce l as tar bank 188 1855. Stratford was then the moat importaet plane In the d,8. triet, as it le to day, and 88 hie trade wee largely done on the es ebange principle he had to come bete to dispose of his produce. Oa one oo" meson, in 1658, he drove down here with several hags of wheat, dried hides, tntlow, etc. The wheat was slightly lounged with frost and be disposed of it at a York shilling a bushu to the late Mr. Horne, fur part 018 h and part dry geode, The dried bide„ broagbt Only 8 note per pound, ane the tallow. a eimiiar price in groceries whish, however, did not inolnde eogar Those were the daye of the aftermath of the Crimean war, When the bottom e for all kinds of MI6 of rlo a fo tell o3) l p e ithataud reduce, as w0, Mr, Leckie, the Merril, n w and Wat able to retire from bueinese a few. years ago. ilIr. Leokle is especially prodd of having provided Btr881.01d With a thoroughly equipped and eu- terpreing dry gouda merobant in the person of Dauom) ii"efgutOn, Pant of Indies' rubbers found. Owner may have them by proving property. Oen at Taa Poem. Ousimeaaa Dene from eyestrain, if you are troubled that way don't fail to 0.8198111 Toone tt; Son at Fua'e drug wore Weaneeday and Thursday, Feb, 21 ane 22 Tali annual auction Bale of magazine, i the $a0llo L'brery was he'd teat Saturday eveuiug, F. B. Scott being the 11810 .900, Bsrgetinn in reading matter were secured. DONALD MoG11Eoo1 and Will. J. White wl.l glee a preen= Gnat willplease with• out any doubt. Hoer OM in Braeeelr Town Hail On Tueenae, 27 h iuel. Get our emit reserved at Fuse drug store. Jao. Donarnso$ bee announced an euutibn Sate 118 bengebmd furniture, &o for Saturday afternoon, 24'11 inst., at 2 urinous, As Mr. and Mre. Doua.deon 1480,•088 removing from town the salt tent be without reserve. A NEI/LINO of the Bruseele Driving: Park Asduwatiou will be held at the Amer,oau Hotel at 8 O'o,00s on Fritts) eveo'ug, 16th inst The imamate of tilt meeting wail be to wind 0p the busiuee, of the season of 1905 and to make pre• paratio08 for the eueaing Season. "SauoLD I telt the Secret of my emeriti house I oould a tale unfold"— hamlet. Some jeatoue minded peopie, woo Wave always been as slow as mol• a theye'1 per L movements, 1Il asses m heir mo ems tG •tut,n their lies to rink peole i 13 I .vel mere them remember whom they urn melee ti,. Remember mercy ienh cowardice. A. R. DMIT8. Leaving Wing - hem uad going to H Piuwateel'e old shah. 186861 store, Oliu on. TaooaLs 18a0D FOR TRE EDITOR.—The (allowing 189880 epeake for itself 9m• rq u,r a 3)o explanation •-81 —You Unot d i3) the paper that Janna Me an S pp raakrn earl Harry Quenu bad 8 sc..6, bud H. Quarto Neutered .Jame° Mu Cruolteu'e arm while eouffiwg, Wen I ,va81 you to understand that it was 1,8 eouff.e. We were having some fon what Lwtntiug wrists and another fnt1018 urni with re afterwards at the eame thing. 9leOrecken and I were as good friend. afterwards ae befure cad I want you H a„.1lgi9e in your next issue of Tan BRUoeaLe POST or I will pee t0 the a11e1 e8eate, Y IIRB, H. Quartz. Queen's Hotel, SUDDEN DEEMS — On January 29111 Fanny .delta tum, of Newark, N. J., 498.9ed away from time atter a very brief Woes,. He w11e taken ill on the Sour day afternoon previous as he drove home ou hie rank 0813 89,112 eomething like to. fiammatio., of the bowel,. The Dr, fame on Sunday and on Monday evening abent 7 80 o'ol„ok the patient wee removed to the hospital, Mre. 01.90811um 1108ump8ny iug her huabaud and rematnlug for s8 beer when he appeared to be reetiut quite 880.. He cited at 9 30 the cam, welt, the relatives not being apprised ul the sad news until next morning. Mr, MoOahum wait a brotl>,er to Mre. Robert Henderson, of Breese's, and wee 68 y.ar1 of age. Hie birthplace wee New Hemp shire, U. S., coming to Morrie township with hie tweets. It is 40 yeare eines Ile left one twenty, He is survived by hie wife (who is a sister to Mrs. Mitchel , Mid street, Brdseeie), 2 sons and 3 810gh tar., Mr. Mo('auum was known to a number in Brussels and his demise cisme with startling eaddenuees, The funeral lo.,k mace o3) Touroday, Feb. 1st. Mrs, i41OUSID103 Stitt family will be eympath. feed with. Polo 00TATICN AND ADDBE9e•—From the Br.gni.0 Buono, of February 9tb, we clop ,be fubowtpg iutereeiug item which refers to the new Manager of the 1188,6. urd Bank in Braesels :—On Thnredny a:enmg, Feb, let , a uuwber of the lean ,ng business men of the v,i11ge assembles in nue of the pertore of the Central Hotel, the oweston botug the eve of the depar, Ure of Mr Rowland to Braeee e to assume a tinnier p08ftio0 td that occupied by him white to Briuhton. In the early part of the evrnidg the following addrees wag read by T. 0, Lookwood, jr, 2'o J, P 1?otolanrl, Your meaty triende in Brighton have merited with regret that you are about to leave 008 m,det, having been traueferreo to another 8gen0y. We ),net that Oslo; mesas edvaooement to you initialler) we are 8mti.iled from the ability wbiob you nave 8buwn in the management of tin bank bnalgeee in Brighton, that y00 are entitled to any more lucrative petition which the bank may have at their die poem. Soolally both you and your wife nave won the favorable witimation of ah Of 09, because we have found you blwaye wining to mist 1,1 enyt11iag of a worthy nature. Mildly accept We small gift as u mean of our re8peet and friendship for you, and with It our beet wi.hee for you mod yunr exoeit8nt o mpanion for th. Inters. Signed OD behalf of your friends, The preoeutatioe was a beautiful chair and Settee. 01r, Rowland wbe apparently taken by 80rpraee, yet replied is ep propriate language thanking all proem for this expre88188 of good feeling. Ever man regent e -f ke in sal loll Y P p 0 0 g terms of Mr. 'e Ro 1 ud'T w a abt ity et 34 banker, The evening Wae spent in sing Mg songs. Liib•e Pear! Wilder Very kindly 83108 several eeteotione very ftp proprnuely for 80118011 she received tangible thanks. The gathering broke up 8baoe ten o'elook by8 eingiog "Auld Lang Syne," BUSPLUB, OR 1111819itV3I FOND $ 1,000000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,009,000 .A, G-eraert>Ll Oa nixing Saaa+lneoas '.IOrtausaeted -' $AViINGS BANK f Accrued Interest is added to eximunt9 every six months and becomes principal. Joint Deposit Accounts—A 8760IAL 000EAIENG111 to use is our Bavlates De, pal tweet re toe "Juwt Deposit" account. Aiuuuy may be deposited or w,ted&awn by etcher of the two members of the boueebold, Thin system lana great 8908eu, ieuoe to many residing lu town, but w0r8 puruoularly 80 to 1880008, 08 in the latter ouee whether roanonwlte comes t4 town either eau attend 00 the bauklug. 4o. Other Nature o1 the 8381818 8d that in case of the death ol-either party the money eau be withdrawn by the eurylVor without emit. We will tell you mere about out tau 1110148 if you wilt kindly call or write, Slurried women and (liners may make and withdraw deposits without theta. tervenuleu et say perdue, SALE NOTES OASHPD, OOLLEOTED or may be left for 8AFE•KEEFING only for whiuh no charge f8 made. YOUR 13U8INE88 will reserve our careful and ooarteoue attention. G. P. 5OHOLFIELD, GEN. MANAGED. J, F. ROW LAND, LOCAL AGENT. REMEMBER the date nf Taube sort 13o035 I,e,t to Brussels, Feb. 21 and 22 and if your eyes trouble you make it a point to 0onb0lt them at Fee'e drug store. Pa3B3NTA110N,—Tueeday afternoon of Mao week the Sabbath 1obual oleos taught by Mre. B 0. Wilson, at ammo. [0wn, 0111811 at her lime, Flora moth, Brussel., and preernted her with a pair of out glues vases ase token 0f their appreciation of the eauedent work d,.ue ty Mrs. W,leou for the past 5 years, The rempteut was eorprieeu bat re8440,td818 to the 90uug laming tbouglitlulue.e ane geal8r08117 i,, very appropriate words, A SAD UASE —The Dad 98808 of the de. mine m Mre, D. D. Ferguson, at Wi,. u,pen, o0 T980811y rooming of tine week urns received here with uuiveraal regret.. dile had gone through a siege of typhoid fever anti 10 nays prior to her death a ouby eon wan burn, Deaeesed'e maiden name wee Jean Forbes, being the eldest daughter of M.re. JnO. Forbes, of Brae. de 9. She was married to D. D. Fere. usuu lam Murch aril went to Wlen,peg .bort'. atter. Mrs. Fergasou was hem in the h,gheet esteem by a wide emcee 01 re a81e889 and frisuu8 sup the news of eel deoetfbe came RS s great shook ea pedally to her mother. The remain.. are being brought to Braesele for in. termeat sad the funeral will take plane next Mouday afternoon from the mother's residence, Albert etreet, to 181819/118 oharoh where service will be ueid at 3 u'olook. Rev. Dr, Roes, of Port Delhouei8, will (uuduot 9b,• servioe. rue bereaved will betarue sharers in the 9 1 m nit a m tb of he nvm n Y p Y Rat/. D. Roca INDUCTED,—The 81. Uatuarinee Star Jou nal of Feb. 2ua •,lye ;—The Preabytiry of Hamilton met at 8 ublook last evening at Port Del wusin fur the iuu lm:on of R88.. Dr. Roes, tate of Brneeele, into the pea. 1ura1 charge there, Among the mu, iater8 pre9ent were ; Rove. Dr, Oraw, 'toting macerator ; J. H. Be8uuffe, sA Hu pier Dr Swab, T, PaH. n J. W gMwL od and M. McGregor, B. A, ,t Ntmgara•on tbe•Lake. Q01 IS a num tier of people from the city attenu811 sus interedtiug and impree.ive ser. doe, The sermon 1811ioln wee one of m108aa1 exoeheuce for such an omit elon was p.eaohed by Rev. M. Mo. Gregor, after which the usual goes tt011e were put sod toewered by the twain oleo) end Rev. Mr. Smith of 'erect the Induction prayer. Rev. T, Paton delivered the ()barge and Mr. noLeod addressed the oongregattou. The attendance woe very large and Lne Presbyterian church cit Pert be. gine a new °pooh In her history nn der very pleasing 809plee8. A -letter of Oo04ratatatiun wee read from the 11,v. Dr. Waffle, of Oa,edooia, a for mei peeler and a telegram from Rev. 0 Tait who had apart the last fuer month» in Port. Tea was served is ,.110 sobool room by the ludiee and a +001841 hour spent by tee 0ongrega )ton getting a61U9ulted with their new m1Dirter. The Pieebytery 3)d jouroed to the vestry to miasma other au9ine88, P8imissiou wee grouted t,,, Port congregation to Bell part of their ,nano property end to apply the pro- ueeda to the renovation of the manse. Business Locals. Bo of obop found, Apply to Wu, Woue, gravel road, Brussels. Ona hundred acre farm in Morrie tuwneh,p for sale at a mode price. Fur pantomime apply at Tao POST. HAIR Daaeeroa.—Sw,tebee made out of 09109.ng' and out hair. MRS. R. HING8TON, Mill et, West. Sows—We fix SAWS that are bard to do and 0180 give a magio 1UOah that will renew. T. MoGaaao8, DLit St.,Btueetle, CuWe, ANTEo.-60 oases eggs and a tan of hitter weekly. Also taw tura and 10,000 rat skins. GEO. E. Rona. et 1u4h11m, DeesetSAk1Na,—else Maggie Beam le prepared to 11,818ud to the wants of the ,allte8 at their homes or at her owu home, Lot 29, Uou, 8, Mottle, Braesele P. 0. WR request all Parties indebted to 08 to 8etlle 88100 by oath or note not tater than Murch let to eosins 118 to Moen books and tette stook at that nate. I. U. Exams, IF you have rheumatism try Gulden 14.qutd. It will ogre. Gulden Liquid td the beet liniment, pain killer auo suagh medicine on the market. Put tip tied sold 00,y by R. LEONE, Brussels. Two Short Born bell mese for sale. Outs i8 9 menthe old and the other 18 menthe i cue a red and the other a roab. Alto Oahe pupe for 318:0. L,e 22, Oon. 18, Grey, Jae. D. MoNulr, Oraubrook, P. 0. CUTTER BARGAINS.-11.1get have room for 160 new bopg/ed to be built this Ong 9983 no 18,1,0flet the balance of our out Dere ata knuoit down price. Now 19 your (Mame. (Jan and see them and get prone. D. Daus Be Cu„ Brusaele. Earl arid 0ountees Grey are visifibgiu M ontreal, Tut Local Option by•laW carried in Bombra byonlyix votes. 8 The Hamilton Oity Oonneil refused to vote for a reduction ofilg000 1,0BnteS, Lady Leerier will seeorep907 Sir WIl• feid on hie forthuomiog visit to Toronto.. Forty carpenters employed i88 the P ymouuh Cordage G0mp9hy'9 new 001431014 et Weyand Went On sulks for higher wages, Seigneur Gmheneky, one of the few survivors of tee eeigneartai tenure 8y8Eem to the p,ovinoe of Qosbeo, died in hie manor huuee at Bt. Euetaohe, aged 79 years• taoR.mv Foiebsos—In Winnipeg, Man., on Fob 21,11, to BD and Mrr. D. 0, Ferettew,, a 8901. iw .n R R. M.=T. - LAweoN—B00000—I„ Almeida, m, Jan. 17,8i, 1906, tit Rev. Ara. Mosul,y, 118910 91, by Rev, Nr, Wallaoe, Alae L Addle Rodger to Mr. Jemee-,weun, Of toms towneh,p. PARR,. TT—B, DINeON —A, the roeider'ce of the bride' pereul.•, 141b con , Grey, ou Feb., 7 h, by Rev. E. F. Arm strong, B A , of E hel, Mr. U, R Parrott, of Douglas, 'Man., to Atha Frano,e, daughter of Wm. mud Mre. Rubinson, of Grey, DSFi 1J • F0A-ER.—Io M.'rrie, on Feb. 10th, L.uub 88l Fraser, aged 08 yeare. EBBWU80N —In Winnipeg, Man., on Tres nay, Feu 13.1), Jen,, brloved wile of Daniel Per. asap, formerly of B,ue 8@88, aged 31 years, 5 m0nihe and 15 days. Henderson•—In Mu$illop, on Feb. 91.11, Mary Heedereuu, aged 51 .8808. MoCamett —10 Newark, N. J., on Jan 2900, Finlay McOmllutn, aged 88 yeare. a 7CT O r - FRIDAY, Fan. 16.—Farm stank, im Moneta , &u , Lot 9, Con. 11, Grey. Bale uureeerved at 1 p. m. Aiber Carter, prop. F. 8. Scott too. TUEnDAY, FEE. 20—Farm e'oak, im wemente &u, BA Ina 80, Cu.'. 8, Morris, Sale uureeerved at 1 p. m. W. LI. Marin dere prop F. S. Boort, m.o. Piano, FEB Man.—Farm etook, im t emeutn deo Luc 20,non p 11, Grey Bale uar888rve11 at 1 p. m. Jacek, Jirun'ei, prop. 5' 8 Semi, atm. SATURDAY FEB. 24—Huu8ehoid Furni tore, &s. Uuruer of W,1'lam and Albert street,. Bale at 1 o'mouk. Juo. Douala eon, prep. F. 8 Soett, auo. MONDAY, Fan. 26 —Farm etook, imply mine, &o , L.,1 18, Oon. 1.1, 4Io$wop dale aureeeryed, at 1 p. m. Jame. Herr's, prop F B Scott, nuc. TUESDAY. Faa.27i,—Farm sleek, fm pimento, eta, Lot 7, (lou., 15, Gre), Bale, uureeerve,, at 1 o'clock. Albert Bolton, prop. F. 8 Ben 8, atm. WEDNESDAY, FED. 28Ta,—Farm snob, Imp mown, &0 L0)8 20, Oen, 15, Grey 88 8 uureeerved 188 1 o'clock. W. J. Shi810, prop. F B. Sono, elm ' MONDAY, 111000, 5ra—Fa,m eteok, imp'emrnte, 810,, 8t Nit Lot 27, Con. 8, 0100019. Sale uur•0008,1 et I o'O 0110, Thos. Smith, prop , F S. 8901a, Sao. ! IIE8DAY, i41AR004, era —Farm stook, imp/. me,111, &o„ 1,e b,j' Let 55, Con. 1, Grey. Sale unreserved et 1 o'clock. William Florence, prop., F. 8, Scutt, 1800. H:4 JS,3 rc: �i3 .+a11R 1Cd21s', Fall Wheat Sarney Pear Oats Batter, taus end ro Eggs per doken Hay per ton Fiotr, per bbl title, Live Wool 818 1, per bo.., retb(1 Potatoes' per OM Apples (per bbl.) 76 42 70 83 19 19 5 01) 4 60 6 20 28 1 00 86 1 50 76 48 70 34 20 20 6 00 6 20 28 7,. 40 1HE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ORATHAM INCUBAT011, 100 V etg capacity. Will be sold cheap, 11 uly11098 0000811909 au.1 is euoranteed a,1 right. Mr. gior'ADDEN, 1iru90811. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 13112106 No 210 'rurnuorry Street brussels. 8 rooms In 110000 Dam good kiteb• a„ o.t buck, Solt end hard water inside, For Further partfuu,are apply to A, (,0018, Nrussele. 01 IULL FOR SERVICE. -- A TW,ro'•bred Durham hub ivi11 bekeut for 8899.39 by the uuder.igued at Lot 24, 000. 14, Grey. Pedigree way be Soon OD ae dwati0u, Terme 1100. 82.4+ DO3ALD 1 0184.18, Proprietor. ( ,OOD FARM PROPEIi'l X FO.l1 lJf Sale o3) wh10u id large brick bonnie, etnnie, drilled web, oleteru, fruit eard9u, tee .51 acres of Shod on Joh , and Janice et, nasals 'kerma re88nuabla. Appy to 30111-MMoFADDEN on premises or F. q, bU v 2'T,1lruoselg, Notice The undersigned nuke all indebted to b4m to null end tattle at Ouse as be it 831 diupusec 01 Ina betimes bueiueee„the b, W prePr,etur taking. p9settim 00 o11 February lit. JOHN DONALDIsOA, Brussel°, WA/M. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MAII11IAGE LICENSES °Mee in the Peet t - Office, Ethel. ' 80.4 1_10USE ANb LOT FOB SALE —The luderbigned lair8 for 081010in house bud lot on the corner of chetah end J ,b3) streets, llCOuee le. 110111 0119 9lteatu,U For hieth,9 part180flre apo•9 t, 14, J, W11u.fA'MsnN, Py9pt1e10r, etweetT roue e.., .. tetsrw',o 3)..a:ur_om:c.ewweita, .111.weweistriawqrswwwwedetta. METROPOLITAN BANK 'ruex ° °Y"au,r OA PI 7'A f --Paid IIP 81,000.000 EYE S I GHT IteSEf1Y5 KIND,. . 81.000,000 t B.3, AMOORE, Pre (dont. IttreeIore D. Is, THOMp80N, K. 0, Vfee•President, Tn0O. Dn0D81t w, 8.0,31, ale Horton Arlt. w. Afo0TNOIR OLARR, 30,0, aqe, mann 1onN 118,8.880031 Mama? ORDERS MONEY ORD17128 lashed payable at any $6 and under Ocento YukoupTerritorylntvtbogtpq Mumps., oat bhe fol over $01011 to $H0 00 19 seals lowing rates:— over $80.00 to $00.00 16 cents DRAFTS for larger amounts issued at roeanuable rates paya.de at all hooking points in OAN&DA or IINIPaiD 8T AT led. SSfO3'ZX(S Boum AM1Patilluiwr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of 61 and apwarde eXate A. E MELLISH, Manager. A8CTIOE SALE 0.b' FARM 'tT00E ')1PLEn1NT8. &0 —F. 8. ee011, Anetio, esr,bee ,rooived i',erruAlong lrnnl the Undereluued Proprietor to rani bylub. be auction at Lot 7, 0015.10 Grey, 01,'ase, 'day Feb.27th,19126, at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing valuable property, vis.1 -1 aped d,lviog mare.1 gelding 1,-08 0 years, 1 newly 991v - ed enw, 3 cows eUDpeaed 11, calf, 6 Opera 118 - Ina 8 year., 4 et ars . stug 2 yours, 8 betters. Asiana years in calf, 6 heltere "f+l ug 2 yea re, 4 paw, . 8 6 Le ow ter ewes .1 Verbabire sow With /icier a, tout, ab,.ut 518 bear, 1 Dealing hinder with sheaf-eareter. 1 Deering mower, 2 Patterson seed drill, 1 Isogon hay rake, 1 Maxwell bay loader, 1 0011f0•,0 2 Oan'o18 1888 o i 1 bus ale,' eprD g 1rou 8001, 1r double buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 huger, 1 lair bob - 'Melts with beg. 1 he) reek. 1 wood reek, e ,'g ra ,ke,' root pallier, 25r101elone8. I set 20001h scale. 1 sol 8W lb',I, tlyarde. 11,.n- ni g m11, 11u,y f0tk, ropes, pUileye and .mugs, 1 set team harness, 1 sot tlog:e bar. 8, 00, 2 tela burse cellars, 120 Cedar pont9, quanti6, of luwb, r and 8ouut,109, 1 Alar s tile, 1 conk et ve 1 beati..g at v0, 1 Daisy churn, 1 eltens410 t8r3e and many tig0r nrticlee too until era Us to We. two. ewe uureeerved as prop ietor has bold bis farm. Terme—Ab ewe e' o1 $6 and under 00811 ver tba. amount 9 ma.11,8' mend will be Oven 00 lurnieb m,, 1pp/, vrd 1,1011 noire. 6 48, 80ne nor anew. ,.11 for 008E oo ereuit amounts. ALBERT Jel8LOP, Flop, fact ;. b. boon', 0813000000, 82.1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM 1w08, IA,YLntl8NTu, 40.—F. 8, Scott, Auctioneer, nue 8.,08 -veil in, 1, uotlooe from the undersigned Proor,etor to soli by pub - lie a• sl801, at L• t 18, Oen. 14, alohllep on Monday, Feb 26. 1009. at 2 n'eluok, the folloW- iug valuable 440.44p0rty, 9.0 1-1 mare. 18 ye8r0, 1 heavy draught mare in foal, '1 driving mar9,1 heavy draught horse rising ¢ years, 4 cows i1, salt to thorn' bred bull, 8 farrow 00188,1 steers 11011,31 2 years old, 4 bailers tieing 0 years old, 8 steer 981ve9, 7 heifer salves, 1 breed 9018 with litter, 120 young 1.1808,1 180.wock,1 Nosou lewd drill, 1 mower,1 hay 00 ke,1 Keystone buy loader. no w,1 hayfork, carriage. Igo toot rope and pulleys, 1 Frost & wood binder nearly new, 1 Deeding cultivator nearly nets, 8 kleury ricers. 1 uungp:uwa, 1 set 20.45 h9rrov8, 2 set 10001b, scales, 1 Moult Mill, I proper. 1 bay 118.8, 1 ln,eelbarow, 1 grindstone, 1 water trou,.11, 2 seta single ,,harness 2 seta double bailees, 1 ,oba, 4 horse bwnketo, wood beating ',levee, 1 No 8 Favorite oburn, 1 be Laval cream separator, I set bouelelghs, 1 f wugo:, nearly now, 1 tun buggy, 1 cutter, 3 d. gen groin page, 1 log- ging chew, about 12 loos of mixed timothy aug a,e,ke bey, *mute chane, wbiifletrees, ue0kyuk128, seov818 Yorks and other articles sale aitauus1008r9e 188 3,19440 eter bas sold hie la,m Tinu,r—All some of 50 and under oath ; ever that amount 12 wahine oe.dit will he given on turbiehing unproved JOWL 00189. 4 come on the &Wear 918 on ...edit010,18,0(8 Jed.l1AaR1B, proprietor, F. 0. P(191m. 08011Un8ut'. I HAYS ARRANGED WI'PH To4U9E c SON Munufuutulfag Opliuian8 and Eyeoiglit. Specialiste, of Toronto, to be at Illy More IUQE H.DAiy Feb 218622 and will be pleased bo have all those roubled with defeotiVe eyoeight call and commit them. They have been establiehed in Toronto since 1871. Duriug that time over 100,- 000 0/8089/18809 been 9uo0808fu11,0 fitted by them. One advantage they have over others ie Ile hurt that they mind their 0183) Leneee and by so doing prevent a0y error 10 the process of Lees making. , It your Dyes bother you in any way of the Glee es you now wear are n a e0m, fra'table don't negleo this opportunity of havingyour Eyes properly attended to. r 411 work absolutely g ,aranteed. 1 Como ea ly as you may require a sec- ond testing. For Beferenaee and Testimonials eee- small bille, 11 X 9 Drug Store 4•'” �•---..3)u--- 4ARM I'OR 8101] •—TH nlmetoNED ,..ff,rn hid 50 mare fan' , 110- 1ngl9u..84to. 811, ,o0,8,llrey,'or ea r, On the prewiaea in n. Muse house, ba ig bares 40x00 ft , tone fnuudutio Hint 11 , 1.' -.rut ail Seeded ,lawn dud 1n ;cud 011,. � 9e PT veva, loins wel,e. pl ub•e sloe 'y :uy t,u,e If 'int 00613 -farm will bee i Fur 13). that la81•t,o0, * me 80 pi 300.8 0, &a, a• -p y to the pr0pnetur 81.2 WA L'1'0B dto0A 76, ellsoeltonstiOseaswiPoltiesowtotowereesi Brussels - New - Daylight ., Store G. N. McLaren SifiCilliVW Sid of MC111��tlise Everything in the Store is New We have just ripened New Silks, Dress Goods and Trimmings ; New Laces and Embroideries ; New Prints, Gingbarns and VIuslins; N' -w Flannelettes, Cottons and Cottonades ; New tihirtines—•i3) fact New Goode of every description that you would expect to get in a Dry Goods More 2 STAPLE SpEer1 Ls 2 7c Flannelette for 5c. —80 pieces good quality of Flannelette, 28 and 29 inches wide, in pink and bine stripes, also dark checks, regular value 7c • On Sale while it Lasts for 5e 7c and 8c Roller Towelling, 5c —12 piece• good quality Crash /toiler Towel- ling, 17 and 18 Lichee Ovide, colored borders, regular values 70 and 8o 011 Sale whie it Lasts for 5o New Clothing for ' Men and Boys —A. full range of Strictly New, Perfect Fit. —A. decided Bargain on any Overcoatlin ting Clothing for Men and Boys—Prices the the Store. " It would be a good investment Lowest. for you to buy an Overcoat now. We are offering P.xcept-onal /r, g od Value in, .Men's Winter Underclothing, Men's Colored Shirts, ,Men's ,Mitts and Gloves, Jifen's Cloth Caps. NEW BOOTS ND SHOES Strictly New Boots and Shoed for Men, Women and Children at the Very Lowest Priced, , $1.35 Women's Coil Pebble Lace Boots for $1.00 — 60 pairs Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots, all solid Bather, Standard Screw Soles; width E and E Lin, sizes 8 to 8, regular value $ l 86 On Sale while they Last for $1.00. We pay the highest, prices for Produce and we cheerfully refund money for r any arttcle bought here that is n ,t perfectly satisfactoryWe will appreciate viley business you may fluor us with Yours for Mutual Benefit, G. N. McLAREN Next Door to the Arr,erican Hotel.