HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-15, Page 5• 'II'
fee eeeeie
001 -LEGE
te &High-grade Oommerolat fiehool,
Three Conrsee 1
Commercial ntehogranby Tonography
Write OP.O, SPOWON, Principal.
Ono Hundred more Young Mon a nil y0
Women, who are amblEoue and 08.LI
l torprisIng. to qualify le the le
for the many positions open to all
those who are thoroughly prepared to
qiaccept them A 8114 mouthscoerce
In Ibia o 'tinge mean. for a young mou
0108 the right kind, an educational
equipment better thou many trades k
or eroiesseue in money earning
power. Students admitted at any pe,
fp time, Circulars free,
11 CO» 'YONG» AND ALM:UNDER $2'8.W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Succeaor 10 Dr. S. A. illattughlen
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Pont Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, Now York
Member 01 Oollege of Physicians and Sur -
Teens of Ontario.
Ogles and residence 00820 88 formerly °c-
oupled by Dr. etalanghtou.
Disoutios of women it specialty.
'Phone No. al.
. eV00Vat.orLEomotgr,grtgi.;,g:trtg,8;37,t0.1T-
Court Princess Alexaochia, 21». 21, 0.0.18'.,
Brussels, remota In their bodge Room, Blies.
hill Bunk, ou cite dud and last Tueadays 01
each mouth, o88 Melook. Visitieg brethren
always welcome. JAS. 13URGESS, 0.10,
A, ME WASH, 21,2.
Issuer of Marriage 'Licenses,
J.:• mint, will sell for better Prises, It.hotter mon, in len time and lose charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't (Marge anything. Dittos and orders
elm always bo arranged at thla 011100 or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tan Posy, Brunets. gni
• Honor ticaduaeo of Mu Ontario Vot
signory College, is prepared to treat all dm
oases of domesticated animals in a compel,
out manner. Partlqular attention paid te.
Veterinary Dentistry anti 21140 Paver. (Alia
promptly attended to. Oilloe nod Infirmary
-Pour doors North of bridge, Turnberry
-LA., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte.
820000801 to II. V. Blair. Ottiee over Stale
deal Bunk. Mewls. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Beak,
. Barrister, Solionor, ifionvoyaneer,
Notary Public, &a. Office -Stewart% Block
1 door North of Ceutral Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
paorprooT, HAYS & BLAIR-
W. Pitotinvocm, H. O. R. 0, Balm
O. F. Iirstut,
Oillesa-Those formerly mieepted by Messrs
Cameron ik Dolt,
Gte:tuate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pirst•elase Hours
Graduate of Toronto Univeraity. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
DO you 'want a good position In the rf
0o0101araial World 1 The surest and Jj
ri shortest road ia Via of Ulla aebooi. Wo il
give a 0011200 of training that is not
L. surpassed 018 14018
/Mahlon Oollege in
Oauada, We give individual arne.
time. Write for free eatalogue and
doe therefore you may outer at oily B
1.2 got lull pattioulars.
' Prinoloate. .
THE 'morons AIM ADMIT,
Thete to only one tetty 10 permanently
ogre catarrh. Inhale the nothing repot
of "Cetarthozoneft and swift madly: eure
follows in every ease. Try "Catarrh
°gene" yotweelt-eitte plealant and are,
Art Studio
lleadcinarters for FIrst.class
Life Size Poitraits, Crayons
and Watercolors fimslied 111
A 1 style.
Family Groups a specialty.
Call and see samples.
gm!. sews Items
A. 0. U. W. FRIDAY evening of this
A88618801t TURNBULL i8 00 hie annual
comma 111 Brtlaliela.
A. CURRIE bad ide ice house stooked
during the poet week for the owning
MONTHLY Sorsa Fair will be held le
Bruiseeie on 111110re411431 Math let, It wiH
na a hummer.
devaner, from Brussel, and locality wil
attain; the Laurier Bonenet at Toron
next Wedneaday.
C.110082 your optioian at; you woul
your phyasoiae, 001 31008 choke be Taut;'
& due, at Fox's ants Mee, Feb, 21 alio
Lola of eyesight is worse than lose
of fortune, email eye troubles lead up
to more tierioue thiuge. No motet hew
aieut your eye troulue may be doe'v b
go tiectorreeted. Commit Ten & Son,
118 x'a Meg etore, Feb. 21 aud 22,
SUGAR Biceere -There tallow:utterable In
0101400 III the number of Boger let et grow
ere for 1906 iu the amity of Brosaele
ea welt 00 148 Other points. Ti10013 Who
drow beetfor 1905 ;mem to be ,veil oath,.
lied with the financial mania,
timid; had about 20 tons of u ean beet.
from one acre realizing 980 00 R. J
J over realized nearly 81.00 00 from 1
soma, and 081418 are not ter behind.
Tim Atwood Bee says :-We nutter
:nand that the moat hotellieepers are
giving the people o formate of Looa.
Optim iu the matter of inoreaeed rata
for meals and lodging. The rates aro
1100 01 sow day (intend 01 91 a former.).
Aa it result numbers ot travellers go
through to List..wel or Brussels and le
urn to Atwood next morning. W
amulet Hee that the howl keepers ar
indented in Dna course of notion. It way
reset upon them later on. The temper
(11208 people are determined to Bee that
020011201 aecommodation ie provided the
;ravelling public; and if the prase'',
hotels will not ziVe it after May lst, then
ether measures met be rootlet' to.
Tag Mitchell Advooete of .net %nee
pealts au fuliowe et a former Brueee:
t -Few towns the etze of Mitohed ott•
mutt of such a been•iful "Art (eatery'
es that owned aor ounduoted by our en
terprieing onizeu, W, W. Bargee..,
Mr. Burdens hue bean doiug budiumi
111 thio town for about thirteen years,
starting in small compartments in au
upstate flat. To.day he owns and oe
aloes 0110 of the best moral hi on,
namlet. On the first floor ie a beauti
i al aolleo.ion of ploturee, mouldings and
pno.ographe, an ideal plaoe for (me to
spend an hour or two viewing the many
pretty mamas mud pietures, The battle
p421000 of this block is 001 ized for re.
teuchingoto , While the second flat is
used exoluinvely for photo taking and ie
&tea up with a glees roof Reid all the
Ateet venienoes for 8(106 week
dr. Burgess (0 80 440 00020301141041 on hit
noterprian 0110 It is 011131 fair to say the;
to better photos are produced any •
where Mau in tele tip•to date estabildh-
Rev. Irl 1130118 920t00018 as follows ;-A
cold ware beginnieg in the lotto
part of January will be apt to spread
ever the uountry from the 2nd to the
5th. By the Oth look for a change to
warmer with possibly rain, winde and it
may be thunder, from 7112 to 10th, with
oriels touoinog the Elth, turning to meat
ug enoW and blizzerde from the North
O880, These storms will sceroely djo
appear, lent threateing and stormy
veather will, in ail probability, pentium
nto the reactionary period, central on
be 12th aod 1.8011. TWO period may also
be counted ou tor bravy snow and biz
ards-aoine of 1418 0118141084 of the Winter
-over math of the oonutry composed 01
eutral end Northern states. A general
ud genuine cold wave will wind ap the
eneral perturbations. A regular storm
eriod falls cm the 10th to the 2010,,
laving its centre on the 17111. There in
very ream to believe that sumo of the
amino 13802013 and 011081 080828 Weatlio:
or the Whiter, will 001 00 ut this I
itd 0011ti1008 with little intermissions,
or the remandier of February and into
March. A regular storm period begins
the 27th and has its oenter on Marob
et. A disturbed if not stormy state of
weather will lead up to this period, but
hoot the 28th therm °auditions' will itt
tease into marked intensity, causing
any 110(090 8102(00 &taste the opening
aye of Match,
,Dati you ever notice how inuoh the
oor pnbile ie advised ? No sootier has
recovered from oi buffet of advioo on
ne side than it is slapped beak by
otttrary advice on the other, One of
he dailies told ne 8110 081101' day 820 :0000(0
ay, onreelvee 1100000k111 eget if we liked
y awing on the little tbings, many of
hiaixwe could do without and which
dded nut materielly to oux appeerance.
tit in leas thou, •a WWI, 10 1 another
aper with "Lt ie poor policy to buy one
xpensive article and force yourself to go
ithout the little ttoteeesariee widish
Ily melte the well dreneeci womon."
keep youvg ono journal Bays, "Work a
(4(0 4(1161 rat a geed deal" ; another,
pitoh into the wotk end let Elm resting
Ito care of Doe while the latest
Iva le to keep grinidn'. 0.11111a01 y
rinnits' Old. age wou d he about as tin
eatable at; trews wrinkles. Perham' our
od onmes in for more of that 21111011 80
050(1 10 give and hard • eo take than
iything elm "Don't take moot; meat"
(tinned -to Mt Iron/ everywhere when we
now bow hungry we ere without it, anti
ow that Bente diet goes to just the tight
aoo where we•feit Weak beturte And,
ie ranee& onsidered alio of the
ell-,MMteArINOP*Mtli"---gfifflirc9IPAD.LottoNalliwAH-- -.,'""NeP•PtiettiaM'Plir.•°1•••,VV,V,111.1••.,!•
dark 8900 by new who Among them 4
Morrie fitruler'e wife, "My dear," said
her hnehaud, looking over blo glassee,
..tioa't baliove all you reed, fur if pie
Wtthtlq geod fer you I'd a bin dead forty
yearn Nob I 0“,vaye et all I mold pet a
hold tn.'
T-7/1111eit t.
J. W. Mille, of Hallett, having rented
hie flue farm of 190 moo to Ohao,
Banbridge for a term of yoaro at an an.
rtnitl 214404 01 9660, intendo haring a large
08021115 Dale of farm etook and imple.
ment• on Friday, Feb. 28rd. Mr. Bern.
bridge hue secured one of the moot 09to.
ditto farms In Hulett 4(03(0 (0 return Mr,
Mills has got a first Maas tenant.
vw 000.
AN ELM PIONRIIIR.-f849.0 Whaley,
twat line West, died on Tuesday coorn•
hie, 28rd, nit , in the (36 year of his age
Ele hos been enviously 111 since Deoember
last end bee been (toothed to OW house
moot 0( 1(10 time einae. He hes been
very low for the past week or two, and
the end wee expected at any time. Tbe
d- 'teased was of Irish parentage, but was
a native of Oeinida, having been born in
the oounty of Oxford in the year 1840
Al a y01211g man «1 27 he (tame hook into
E 0330 thirty l/iLt yeare ago, and took up
1130 farm oampied by John McCallum.
After wearing part of the vacs and
building a log home be returned to Ox
ford where he was married to Annie
Rirkwo td, who came beck with him to
;share the home he had hewn 000 (04' bine
self in the buoh, and who eurvivee him
They fleet on the homeeteed farm Limb
about (-21 yeare ago. When Mr. Wheim
gold It and bought the,present place. Th.
family oonsiets of one daughter ouly,
61re Devitt Wray, who late been at home
eeeisting her mother to nurse the 0211,
sham last Christmas. The funeral take.
plains Thursday, afternoon to the oln
amatory Mr Wholey was a valued
member of Ruox March, Listovie1, and
wee a etrong, agorene man, a worthy
speoimen of the hardy pioneers of the
ear y daye. He lute enjoyed good health
nearly all hie life until hie (aot filmes.
He 21148 18 good citizen, mash respeaed
for hie upright oharaoter and hie kindly
and neighborly disposition.
Very largely depend° on the mother't.
diepositien ; she is animated and
bright, noerione is happy ; but if ehe 0.
nervone, irritable and oross-everything
goes wrong. Bright cheery women
nasally Ferrozone, the greatest
heelth.trieker known. By arcing
ihrongh the blood Ferrezene is able to
reaub all the mann that need aesistance;
it establishes regular and healthy Rations
of all funotione, builds up the general
health, fortthee the system 21i411 a reserve
of 00010 that defies dieease. Don't ma
off-Ferrozone ooste only 50o. At any
drug store ; get it to.day.
8 V .
8011008 2131' .11.8. -The following is the
standing of the pupils of El. S. Na 8 for
Jennary, determined by examination,'
and 01008 work. h Mao
Deneld, Br. 4,11. -II. Wilbee, 06 ; , Mo
Rumen, 65 ; W. (Jerdiff, 40 ; dr. 8rd.-
11 &lath, 70 ; R. Wilbee, 60 Jr. 8rd -
D. MacDonald, 69 ; O. MoKinnon, 68;
D Cardiff, 64 ; M. Abbey, 60 ; 18
Smith, 56. Sr. 2nd. -M. Lowe, 64;
0. Doll, 62 ; 3, Smith, 60 ; J. Oole, 60 ;
Hr. Pi. II -J 0 Iyer, 75 ; K. McDonald,
56011', Ool-, 50 Pt. I -B. Smith, 21,
Smith, n Lattimore. Average attend-
ance 20 11 B ImittONT, Teaoher,
damn lizporm -The following is the
report of 8 8, No. 4 for the month of
January. Num- s arranged in order of
standing formed from written exemia
ations. Olaes V -George Fraeer, Eva
Smith, Annie ManDonald, Neil MaoDon.
%et, Mian Smith, T Smith, Hugh Mao
D floId, Olese IV -Jean MacDonald,
Lorenzo Frain, Gledys MoQnarrie, Avon
MeEtevie, Jane MoLennan, Milton
Hoffentn, John Emden, 0 take Elatden,
John Burke, Olive L the, Dave MoLen•
natl. Sr 11I -Mag ie J0110000, Mary
MeoDonald, George King, Mary Hayden,
Alex, MacDonald, Willie Smith, Johu
Johnston, Edward Ring. Jr. I11 -
Edwin MoOntoheon, Elgin MuOutoheon,
Arthur Johnston, Tom Goodfellow, Ben
Ring, Aldine 31014, Percy Attwood,
Sr. II -Roland Huffman, Eli.,
John MtioDonald, Roy MaoDoneld, Nei
%On Ager, Gordon Hoe, Mary Wallaoe,
George Johnston, Willie Agar, Dee
Wallace. Jr. II-Emusa Lake, Sam.
Burke. Pt, II -Sophia AloLennan,
Laura Bryan, Dyad MoAllister, Br.
Pt. I -Mary Smith, Lily Klee, Elide
Jolloaton, Edith Ring. Jr. Pt. 1 -
Lome Frain, Laura Smith, May Burke.
Average attendance 48. F. T. /NUNS,
&noon Itaronz.-For January, S. S.
No, 10. Grey. Names in order of merit.
-IV Oleos - Mamie Denman ; Eva
Badmen ; Roy Oxtoby ; Florsoce Whit.
field ; Jamie Campbell ; Charlie Battery ;
lames (Ninth° ; Grace Sperian ; Stanley
Hutchinson ; May Ox oby. Br, and Jr,
III- Rale Delman ; kmrt Sperian ;
Pearl Oxtoby ; Ivan Sperm° ; !Myrtle
Iberian ; Jobe Hollenbeek Margaret
Hutchinson ; Lily Evans; Willie Sper
tan. Sr. and Jr. IV -Wilfrid Whitfield
Mary Mahan ; George Evans ; Mary
Taylor ; Cheater Baker ; Jima DWI
Brandi Whitfield ; Herman Piokrell ;
Delia Whitfield ;Dila Whitefield ; Robert
Paua; ; Pony Ward. Sr. II -Russel
Coatis ; Hart. Sperian ; Freddie Oox ;
Luoy Taylor ; Minnie Baena ; Stanley
and rtings
We are offering some Special
Values in Watches and Gold
Rings. Wo shall be pleased to
show you our
Reliable Honest Goods at Closed
EL. Jackson
air211 WI COO
Owing to a change in business a Reduction Sale will be held for
the next 80 Days, during which time goods will
bo sold for Dash at
Specially Reduced Prices
In Stock will be found Harvest Tools Cross -cut Saws, Lamps, Car-
pet Sweepers, Silverware, Cutlery, Stock Foods, Bells,
Mitts, Lanterns, 'Whips, &c., &c.
-Orosv-ont Sawn at $1.95, usually $8.00,
-Lamps at 92.50, uoually $3.75.
-Carpet tiweepore at 82.25, usually 63.00.
-Silverware away down.
-.Cutlery must bo sold at Very Low Prices,
-25 lb. Pail of Stook Food for 81.90,
-12 Ib. Pail Animal Regulator for $1.60, regular $2.00.
Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains
LerAll I0000068 aro asked to be squared off at once.
Mallen ; Wilho Ward ; Stanley Hamil
tom Jr. II -Gertrude Special ; Mavgie
Lova ; Henrietta Denman ; Andrew
Dootis ; Milton ()amity ; Milia Oox ;
Edith Piokrell ; Eari Bothwell ;Freddie
Holienbeoll ; Rubble Hamilton I Wee.
Bellantyne. Pt, II -Emma Taylor ;
Bennie Bollenbeek ; Carrie Ward ; Jennie
Ward, Ist Claes-Stanley Sperian ;
Eric Hutchinson, H. 0. NIAOGILLIVRAY
800008 11E1,0M-8011001 Report for S.
8 No 6 for the month ot January, is as
follows :-Sr. Fourth.-Eridie Stephenson
Penelope Brewer, Ella Pearson, Grace
Hutohinson, Glair, Brewer, George
Hutahlueon, Bertha Blair, Melville 131atr,
Willie Jaoklin, Jr. Fourth.-Peroy
Stephenson, Garnet; Jaoklin. Sr. Third.
Ada Beternan, Freddie Smelts -re Helena
titahell. Jr. -Garde Sterthention, Wea.
ley Brewer, Demist Blair, Joe Jaoklin.
Sr. Becond.-Meggie Roes, Eva Mitchell,
Jr, Second,-Elarah Hutchinson, Luella
Jaoklin, Pate II -Herbert Bateman,
Reobeu Brewer, Willie Mitehell, George
Roee. Part I-Maggle Blair, Lela,
Vuitton, Beale Vodden, Hazel Rose.
Average attendanee for the month 25,
2802314041 AIINISTRONG, Teaoher,
Tilston For The Bronchial l'Wheeze"
11 (00003 that disease will soon attaok
the longs. Wheezing is alarming to
the sufferer and annoying to hie friends.
Nothing half so oertain i,o bronchitis and
throat trouble as "Catarrhozotte" ; it
gives (natant relief and cures even the
worst eases. Bronchitis fairly 11e.s
under the majio influence of Cetarrhozone
wbioh onres eo thoroughly the disease
uever return°. Other remedies may
relieve, bnt "Oatarrbozone" our.°
bronchitis, eatarrh, and trouble for all
me to oome. Bold everywhere,
The wife of 0.13. Heyd, mkt. P. died
at Brantford.
The bye meotion in Maleonnonve will
take piece on Feb. 29rd.
James 1'. Nioholls, aolleotor of inland
revenue as Walkerton, is dead.
Wthiarn Boyd, a cook at Montreal end
ed hie life by Haug a ballet into hie
The new Grand Trunk passenger station
and freight abed at New Hamburg were
burned with entire contents.
A bill to provide tor the better obsery
atm of the Lord'e Day Is on the Govern.
merit program for the ooming session.
Eugine 599, running light ahead of the
internatioual express, ran into five oars
ancla ehnnting engine in the London
Beet yarde, causing 92,000 damage.
The twelve year.old eon of David Mao
of Eagle, while driving Donee the Al, C.
R. traok, wee struok by a train and
thrown about fifty feet. He etnesped ten.
Charles 0. Brown, a former United
Staten materna appraiser, was arrested
itt Montreal on a charge of oonepiring to
defraud the 'United States Government,
and held for extradition.
Sir Th matt Shaughnessy, President of
the Mondial Pacific Railway Company
announced that the company had decided
to make Quebec the Western terminus for
their new Atlantic stamen:.
The baggagemen at the Grend Trunk
Runway station at St. Elyaointhe, Quebec
found a lot of dynamite oartritigee die
tribnted through the building, with the
evident objeot of blowing it op.
A two•year old eon of Joseph Topaok
was burned to death in a fire thee dee.
troyed a Weet Fort William boarding
haulm. Daunted and another brother,
aged four, were alone in the dwelling
while that, mother wee doing the milking,
Mr. and Mae Sohwerdleger, about ten
miles North of Gletiboro', Man., were
burned to death iu a fire Mint destroyed
thei r reeidence. 21 ra. Sohwerdfeger
leaved her baby's life by tbrowing it from
the window.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Gout, Neuralgia
All caused by Rheumatic roman in
file blitaranteed-11c.
lief Swift and Sure Prom
There is a new life ahead for every
sufferer from iheurnatto poison who
baa not yet ne"d Illr. Hamilton's Palle ;
their pronto area are the marvel of
the medial profession of many 1108.
The unspeakable angnish ol theurna•
lit torture need no longer be suffered
-me Dr. Hatniltou's Pillo and per.
manent oure it/ assured. In so many
Miliaria of moue have Dr, liattlii•
ton's Pille been auoctessful, the nsanu•
footmen are wining 80 guitraitee to
lasting onre to all that WM them.
No one an doubt the tllotey of
Dr. Hamilton's Pare after reading the
anemone° of M10$ Minnie Satuidere,
of Halifax, Who Bays :-
"Sooree of different canalise failed to
relieve me. I suffered inoeeseantly from
neuralgia and soiatica. Sometime', the
pain wee unbearable,
"A friend recommended Dr. Ham.
Monet Pills. In a few days I was roller.
ed. I continued the treatment, using in
all five boxes, and was cured.
"I have not felt the slightest pain or
aehe since taking Dr. Hamilton's, Pilo
aid consider my cure absolutely perfea."
Why delay any longer? Get Dr.
Hamitton's pine at once. They will
radon; your health in a short time.
Price 25o, per box, or five boxes for
91. at all dealers, or by mail fr m N.
O. Polon!, 500o., Hartford, 0013D., 11. 8.
A., and Kingeton, Ont.
111r. Holeate'e report on the Peterboro'
lift look refleote severely on artain if&
Wale, and the Government will probably
aot promptly upon it.
Mies Eleanor Macdonald, of Winnipeg,
wine the 42028 019250 by suggesting the
name Priooe Rupert for the oedema!
oontinentel railway'e terminus, and the
name will be adopted.
Is the liver. Small wonder that liver
trouble makes you feel so miserable.
The symptom; are oonstipation, dizziness,
indigestion, headache, feeling of depres-
sion and look of appetite.
There is but one sure oure,-Dr. Hem-
ilton'e Pills. In every ease they are am-
oeeefol. By relying on Dr. Hamiltone;
Pills you are sure of strong vitality,
nourishing blood, bright obeery epitite.
N., longer will you suffer from disordered
liver or kidneys. The marvel of this
metlioine is that it keeps you well -
prevents and wards off sickness of any
ktod. 25o. per box everywhere.
We want to Turn Your
Th oughtsPrieeward
Again this week. Chances to save anything really worth.
while do not grow on every bush, even at this time of the year.
Sales are as thick as anyone could wish for and if ads. are to be
believed there are many chances for a purchaser to buy himself
rich. Admitting the truth of all theta printed we still think you've
much to gain by patronising this store. For one thing we haven't
picked out a scanty feartieles that appeal to you but we have
made the out just about general when we were at it and all up and
down the category of the home needs we offer you chances to save.
10 only Ladies' Black Freize Skirts,
newest Spring styles, worth regular
$2.50, Special thio week only at....
15 only Navy and Bleak Fine Vane.
tin Ladies' Skirts, nicely trimmed,
the Retreat Spring etyles, worth
regular 98.75, Special at
25 pairs only Fine Nottingham Lace
Curtains, 60 inohee wide and si yards
long, bordered edge and worth ago
lar 61,60, on Bale this week et
2 pima only 70 inoh Unbleached
Table Linen, worth regular 45o, on
sale this week at
10 pieces only new Delainetts, real
value 15o, on sale this week at
15 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Stooltiuge
size, 8, 9, 9a-, real value 80o, on sale
15 pieces only 28 'nob stripe Flannel-
lette in light and dark colors, worth
regular 6a, on sale at
20 YDS. FOR 1.00
10 pieces Fancy Plaid Gingbams,
guaranteed fest dye, very suitable
for guilt linings, worth regular 80
and 7o, on sale this week ab ,
5 dozen Ladies' Fleece Lined Shirts
and Drawers, real value 60o, on sale
this week at
. 39
25 ends Venetians, Homespuns and
650, 750, 91.00 5081.26, elear11311 this
Tweed Drees Goods, worth regular
week at
. 69
Test these Prices and make Comparisons
t"-VVe pay the Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce.
Big Black TVallue
,We are in a position to offer you what we
think is the Biggest Black T Value
that has ever been placed before the
people of the Township of Grey. Are you
going to take advantage of an opportunity
of buying Black Tea at
which we will place beside the so called
"Tea Pedlar's" 35c. Value ? Will
you try a Ten Pound Package? If
it pleases you, you are saving money ; if it
does not please you, it will cost you noth-
ing, as we will refund your money just as
cheerfully as we take it if you will return
the Tea to us.
R. ee Davies & eo., Ethel
•o'vtivwwww*NA aiwriftwevv,set""Afti rAtes eetetworwinothoi wilor~A