HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-15, Page 1Vol, 84. No 82
W H K ER R, Prole
- 08''013F,-
Township of Morris
FOR 1905
Balanoe on hand from 19040 4126 91
Tuxes lee onied Township 18975 40
Debentures 88.28 00
Boundary lino minuet - 4 39
Engine fats 4 00
Laud improvement fund 82 49
r Legislative school grant 277 00
Lioense fund 82 00
Loans 1800 00
Iutereit 82 80
Refund on drains 3 40
Uee of grader 1 50
Total $24161 89
Ronde and bridges $ 5262 89
{ Miscellaneous 200 26
Officers' salaries 720 00
Printing 60 00
Taxes 2870 85
Berr`awed money 1800 00
Bohoola 4791 86
Inleroet1.; 11 75
Drainag9 77 40
Debene�rruree and Coupoue 1074 83
Boar'tOf Health 18 00
Total $16876 84
Baleance on hand $ 7785 55
Ui ioollected taxes 780 00
Pibad grader 150 00
?Township Hall 900 00
f Total $ 9615 56
County Rate $
Debentaree on Lemont Drain,
Railway Debeuture
Guelph & (#oderioh Railway Co
Total $
3864 45
31 77
546 80
257 53
3500 00
7700 55
We, the undersigned Auditors.
hereby deolare the foregoiug to be •
correct Abstract statement of the
Receipts and D' xpeudituree and of the
Assets and Liabi'itiee of the Townehip of H.ROSEN
Morrie for the year 1905.
. JOHNSTON, Mill st. West,
New Advertisements
Loo.l-G. E. King,
Locale -A, 10, Smith.'
Locals -Taube & Suu,
Lural I. U, Riobxrris,
AUOLiOI sale -Jae, Harris.
Auction sale -Albert Hislop.
Abstract Village of Brueeole.
Abstract -Township of Morrie.
13u11 for aervioe-Donald McNair,
Property for sale -John MaF•dden.
Rage and Metal - Toronto t:otnpany,
Iuoubator for sale -John McFadden.
�z tl"CC# ittids.
Hite evette.
Norse. -Mrs. Robert Warwiok, of
Morrie, fell and broke her arm-Mre.
Diment, senior, ie very poorly.-Daogiae
Fraser, of Turoberry, had hie auction
Bale on Tueeday.-The Guild of the
Presbyterian ohurob will have a nano
evening In the Foresters'. ail! on
Friday evening, February 28rd, A
spelling match, games and refreehment
are on the program. To melte money le
not the object of the mobil but to have
a pieeeant time -Miami Mary King acid
Nellie May McKinney, ep n1 Thorede>
0f 'not week, with Jno. and Mre, Harris,
of Wrbeeser.-J' mea and Mre Blare, el
Suoehin., spat t Sunday, at Thoma•
Stewarre -Howard Stewart ie under the
dootnr'e Bare,-Oliffurd Pagb, toucher at
S.8 No. 8, Hallett, spent Sueday a,
hie home in Bioevale.-J. J. and Mre.
+leerier and Miae Margaret, of Hamilton,
Toronto Rag and
Metal Cis?.
For Rap, Iron, Rubbers.
Wo Pickings, Hor',e Hair,
Rides, &c , Ste.
High •st Prices for Ali
Some people
don't like to wear
a heavy shoe at any
time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot
wear you want.
For good warm winter comfort, we recommend
for tt light -shoe" wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth,
bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles.
We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one
pair will wear a whole season.
Both men's and ladies' in all styles at all prices.
Balance of our Felt Boots and Shoes at Reduced
Heavy and Light Harness, all our own make, at closest
prices possible.
Robes and Blankets at Reduced Prices.
Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices.
I Comfortable Dwelling for sale or to rent.
1f Many have already arrived.
1f gore may be here any hour, may be by the
time you read this.
1f ll the Colors and Materials t d Shades andd
Weightsgoing gthat areto be Fashionable
this season will be shown you any time you
wish to see them,
Any Time You have Time to Oil!
FergusonP & Ross
are spending a few days at William
Meeeer'e,--C. R and Mrs, Brinker were
e. home to about two hundred invited
000048 00 Tuesday night. TheForeetere
Het -wee ailed fir danoing.-The wtllinr
workers of the ele'hodiet congregation
Inn e tea in the basement of the chorea
on Fnday.-Mrs. Weal le suffering from
enema of the ?toe. -Several Blneva este•
attended the Harrieton-Wingham hockey
match in the latter town on Prides
eight. -George McDonald is pu ting
supply of lee in the batter faotory,-
Ire. David M (Tett, of the Boundart,
has removed to Sammie to live retired
1 11.11 nitroOlc.
Mine Mabel Menzioa is vieiting friends
in Fordwtah and Gowanatown.
Mre. Chile, Murr, of Monkton, bee been
renewing old frloodehipo here.
Jim Long and Pete McDonald are
away on a trip to Wellington Co. We
with the boys apleaeent time.
Alf. Raymane, of Loudon, was here
vieiting hie coo, Berl, who hag been
eeriouely ill with pneumonia, Mre, A.
Cameron, the former'e Meter has also
been ill with pneumonia. We hope boil,
wit' Boon be restored to their formes
The Toronto Mail and Empire says ;-
Donald C. MacGregor, the gifted baritone.
proved a decided favorite, hie riot, voice
being heard to advantage in "Afton
Water," "Drink to me only with thine
ave.," mid other ee•eotiooe: Brnee&le
Town Hall, Feb. 2711.
W rot xeater.
Mre. W. Carr arrived from Toronto on
A Hislop M P P,, of Welton, wee 1,
our visage on Thursday.
Ltev, L. Perrin end Rev. A B. Dobeoi
exchanged palette on Bentley.
Mee Calder, of Palmerston is ,h,
go. et of her nut, Mrs. Hy. Armetronr
R. T. Miller, of Terence, wee the gaite.
of hie mother, Mre. T. T. Miller fan
Mr. and Mre Dane, of Souris Man
are vieiting the latter's brother, Jobe
Lewreooe Lovell returned to hie horn
a, Onion Lek-, A:borta, last Wedueed,.
a'ter epending some time with 11
paretite here.
John Davidson seas in Wingham lap
weep attending the fanetal of hie broiher,
he fan Gavin Davideou, who died aft t
an itlneee of several weeks.
Oar hockey team went to Gorrie Fri
ley evening and defeated the team of
that pine by a amore of 10-8 A load '
young ladies attended the game fr. ni
bet e.
Alex. Oaeemore left for Wingham las'
week where be will attend Bneines•
College. Jno. W,laon hae taken be
position in W. Rutherford's hardware
Rev. J. H. Oeterhout preached on the
Torrey Alexander meetings Sunday even
nig in the Methodist church. The ohm,
Forel. -heti very appropriate m0ai0 for Lb,
Wm Wattere, of Fordwich, took charge
of the service in the Episcopal °home
Sunday afternoon in the absence of Re'
T. Far, who oonduntsd the funeral to
the late Mre. Phair in Fordwioh.
Jei eeeStowia.
Lest Sebbath evening Mr. Carr, of
Wroxeter, avoir the aervioe in the Hall
here. Rev. Mr. Perrin, of the emcee
village, wi preach next Sunday
S. Snell is uekiue for tenders for the
ereitin,, of a new brick hones on hit
farm, N. d ote 1 and 2, Grey townehit,
the tem,, it.no receiver, up to 4 o'ulook on
the 2610, inti
Mre Jno D Snell, of Priam A•bert
N W. T.•,e a visitor at her brother -i0
law's, S. Snell. It is 26 yeare tome Mr.
and Mre. Snell firer went Weet. She le
a welcome visitor. Mr, Snell is doing
The Winehmm Times eaye:-Donald
U. MacGregor, Canada'sfavori•eb ,none,
reoeiven a bearry-reception. Hie deep
rich, powerful volae won the admiration
of the audience. Ona of the beet numbete
was "Phe Standard on the. Braes o'Mar "'i
Mr. MacGregor will ba heartily welcomed
in Wiugham.-Brueeele Town Hall, Feb.
A debate will be held in Viotoria Ha" 1
on Wednesday evening, February 21er
The toilette will be "Removed that the
Indians of North Amertoa were m,jaetlt
treated " Those taking part on the af•
fi-motive aide are Min Jennie Simeon,
Jas. Simpson, John M. Miller and Robt,
Simpson, On the negative side are
Mre+ Ina Bryape, Ward Caldbiok, Dan.
O Miele and A. F MaoDona d. A goon
pr 900018 being prepared.
W n.1 Lose.
M, M. rrieon is on the sink list.
T. Waghurn, V. 8., ie able to be about
MoLanghlin'e infant eon ie eerione
ly ill,
MoKillep Council met on Tueeday in
Beaton h.
D•vid NoLengblin, of Fordwieh, is a
vieitur in tewu.
A number of our residents intend going
Wend in the Spring.
Mre. Jonathan Moore still remains in
a militate condition.
Jemee.and .Mre. .Murray entertained a
number of enema town oyster s0pper 00
Thnr•day of lost week.
James Rarrte' attrition Bale of farm
etook, implements, &o. will We place on
Monday efttrnom,, 2610 10et, F. B.
Scott will be the aurae neer.
Commentate service wan held in the
Methodiet church laat Sabbath, Rev. R.
el, Baker rMutating. A reception eervice
wet held in conneotiOn, at which 21 per -
sone were received into membership
Two weeks ago the Rev. Mr. MaoNt.b
dieoovered that hie out bin, which had
been nearly empty, had been withont hie
knowledge, three quarters filled. About
a week later he dieoovered that it had
been 5 ind to ovetifowing, and that what
it wae lboapabie of holding had been lett
in baps. The bit, holds a hundred
buoheie el least; so that there ie no
danger of the tnanee horse elai'ving.
This in not by any means the only
eabstantlal kludneea (hewn by the
people of Duff's church congregation
eine 1906 began to the 000apante of the
mance. They do their good deeds by
stealth, not letting the left hand know
what the right bend death.
'Otte Toronto Daily Star in epeulting of
Medd 0. OlunGregor, who singe in
Brunets Town Hall on Feb. 270b, Bays :
-Donald 0. MucGregor'e uppearanoe
watt the e'gnal for apptauee. Toronto'e
venlig baritone is a favorite with Mt•eey
Hull audionoes, gad hie eolo, "We ere en
orotlere heli," w. Gnu by hum for the
000ateon, wae an i,etant hit.
Lie - grave.
We are pleased to see that Mire
Mebel Mo0'elland has paeeed her
primary grade in mL at the Toronto
Coneervatory of Moeio with firet.eiaee
R. 0. Davies was in Toronto for a few
days thie week.
L. L. Longeway spent Sunday with
relatives to Menk,on.
Walter Jamieson and bride were vied
ing John Jamieson this week.
Mre. 0 R Monro, of Toronto, to visit
log her parrots, Wm. and Mre. Hall.
Mies 11. McDonald, of Walton, is vieit•
Me her Meter, Mre. W Kreuter tbie we k
Dame Rumor says that we may ebort
y 'eau one of oar most popg,lar young
The meeting of the Reading (`iro'e wi 1
be he d at John Pennon's next Monday
Mre. Epb, Cober, of Moorefield, we.
'Oohing her pareute, R. and Mre. Lath.,
hie week.
H. B Cole sprained his left wriet a few
teethe ago and is eta, amnia to use the
""jured member
It ie reported that Geo. M. Mitchell
intends bonding a restaurant oft the lo,
facing Mill street.
The debating Boolety held a sucoeee
fol debate last Saturday night that drew
a large crowd to the hall.
Several from this locality attended the
Nowick Memel Inecrance Co'e. auntie
meetiue at Gorrie luet Friday.
The debate between Ethel and Roe'.
League which was to take piece on Feh.
23, will be held on Wedueeday evening,
?.'n 2let.
William Lang has leased hie 50 nor,
farm on the Sth von,, Grey, to William
Sceveneon. The writinge were drawn by
William Rpe,oe, commiseim,er,
John Ritchie has sold We residence
here to W. J. Shies, 15th oou. Ore.
We are sorry to see Juo. Bell out here
ad we were in hopes he would remai,
with tie.
The hardware store of Geo. Kreuter is
genie ie up very quickly ender the d,reotio.
of Joeepb Hemaworth, who ie a hnst.er
It wilt not be long before Geo. ie atarte,
to work again. We wish him success
At the Quarterly Board meeting Re.
1fr. Armstrong was u,'antmeuely invite
,u remain ea pastor of the Meth•'5.8
ohurob. He has aooepted whial, is vet
et tielaotory to hie three o+ngregatinoe
A very enjoyab e time was epent las
Friday evening by a number of the you
people Skating ou the river, after wince
they went to John Eokmier'e and her
'tomb, epending the 'emaiuder of the
evening in games and ma0i0.
The choir of the Methodist ohareh
uorpoeo bolding an At Home in th.
rownshtp Hell here on Friday eveniee,
Feb, 23. An exuelleot program is beiue
prep .red utter which a lunch will be erre
act by the ladies of the o'os regation, Be
tire end keep the date in mind.
Mre Hemeworth and daughter, Mre A.
George, of Listowel, who ware V,eitlnt
Mre, J,Eokmier, returned home Bitter
day, Mre. Hemeworth being called home
owing to the illness of h r grandson, Ree
meld Dobson, eon of Rev. T. Dobson, of
The Port Elgin Timee eaye :-Do'•ole
0. MaaGr' gor, o'moert baritone, thoneh
.f protmoinl repute, made hie first ap
le -manes in Port Elgin. Hof volae ie
powerful, bot to an clear and +wee ae 111'
drong. In "MaoOregor'e Gathering" b
stirred the blood of mere, patriot, -Town
Hail Bremen, Fee. 27th.
In oonneotion with the Ohildrett'
service in the Methodist church last
Sabbath evening 28 children 801108er
tender ,he church banner. The panto
preached from the teat "My eon give me
seine heart," The ohoir was composed
of 16 email girls and nye who led the
aervioe of Bong and did 'their part well,
elbowing the great pains which Mies,
Tenn had taken ie training them.
W. Heath has purehaeed the home and
lot of John Iimey, paying $700 fur it
Mr, Imlay may remove from the village
It le said. Mr. Heath has sold his lot
on which hie house and shop stood be
fere the fire to B. 8. Cole, The latter
will °eland hie building operations+ to
hie property. Cellar is excavated anti
part of the brink hauled for the new
entree. Work will be paehed as soon a -
suitable weather arrives,
The Woman's Institute held their an
naal At Hume end Oyster Supper iu
Gibeou'e Had Thursday night of last
week, when the ladiee and their hue
bend+ and some frieude to the number
of 100 or more spent an enjoyable time,
After the supper Jno. McDonald was
called to the their assisted by Rev. Mr
Armetroug, A good program woe
given ooneieting of songs, reading° and
-reeitatior'e, assisted by an orchestra
.6 seven or eight ptaoee who gave some
excellent mueio. The women certainly
gave all who,were ,bare a good time.
The annual report of the Presbyterian
numb' has been leaned. It ebowe a
membership of 107; added to roll Met
year i7 ; removed from roll 4 { No, of
lanolin 80 ; no. of bhptieme 2 ; Session
met 8 twin. 0580 wee oontrinnted in,
ctudtng a halftime of $65 from the pe, vitae
pier. Tu minie'er'e 08 90,5 Elbe
aontribntes 0300, and earetaker gets 080
There ie a balance in bands- of Treaearer
of $04. The W. F. M. society has 11
members end raised $26 for reheat -he
beside a box of clothing. There are 72
peptta m, Sabbath Beta l roll ono 8
tee/here. They tweed 0109. Thr
V. P1 S. 0. E, also contributed gener00e•
ly to Mieoione, Rev, D. E. MORae ie the
hstb(ul noetor. The oougregatioe
commence 1906 under favorable auepieee.
C r01•,
Minutes of Townehip Coonoil may be
read on another page,
Archie Hislop, v1. P. P,, is away to
reroute, Psrliameet opening on Then
day of Gate week,
Mex Stewart, of Galt, and hie Water,
51r8, H. Johnstoo, aro vieiting with Mrs,
Denali MoN.tir end family on the 14th
Friday afternoon of this week A'bert
Carter, 11th von., will hold an unroee,red
'native sale of lata etook, implemente,
The notion sale et W. J. Shiele, Lot
20, On. 16, will take man on Wednes•
ay, 2810 mete at 1 p. m. Sale will be
M'm, and Mre. Laweon, of Constance,
.are renewing ofd frieudehipe in Grey
uwuehip for a day or eo. They ere
-'"ways welcome,
We are pleased to hear that J. K. and
Ire. Beker of the 9th con, will vel brute
heir 26th aunivereary of their marriage
'n Weaneeday of n at week, THE Pun
b rp-8 they may see their g..luen wed•
Winnipeg Towo Topics says :-Donald
te. SlaoGregor was beard for the fleet
tae in Winnipeg last night. Mr. M.' -
Gregor wade a great hit and came in for
a etrge share of the apptaase.-Brunee,e
10wn Hall, Feb 27th.
Iutereetfng services were held lent
sabbath at Roe's and Union, the pa -tin
lenduuting eervi0Be for children, Tbe
+u,giug wee lead by the children who
.id well, A special effort woo made to
.dd the youth to the membership of the
Thia week R. J. Hoover was away to
Eon Wawanoeh asuieting his brotbe,
u toad a vac of aettlere' effects for th.
.le -t where he intends mal,ug hie borne.
Edmonton, N. W. T. is the fooahty
0011, Tee family will move later,
lir. Hoover sol., hie farm to Wawanoeh,
WEDDING Bone. -A very large and
tam gathering aeaewbled at the home
I Wm. end Mre. Rusin -on, 14th 000 ,
Grey, eu the evening of Feb. 7t3, on the
cot eiot, of the marriage of their dactyli
ter, Frauois to C. R„ Parrots, of DoaoNne,
risnnoba, After the Wedding March 1
av Mtse Annie Roblueon, of MitohtOf1
uouelu of the bride, aua eeremouy p
termed by the pastor, Rev. E. F. Arm
0100, g the company eat down to a eery
obnete008 repeat, Toasts, to the newt'
.vended emulate were proposed by Mr.
ademe, of Listowel, end Mr. Marche, of
sl,tob.11, in a happy manner. It
.dditiou to the relatives and neighbor-
noud many were preee01 from other
ootute, Meedamea Stewart and Park of
Toronto: Mre. Irwin, and Mre, I Toer,
.1 Stratford ; Mr. and Mre. Adams, of
[oatmeal ; Mr. and Mrs. Hnmmuud, of
Lebanon ; Mre. Ribbert, Mrs, Robinson
.cid family and Wm. cud Mrs . Pbilnpe,
,f Mitchell 1 Mr. and Mre. Pinder, of
Set& ; Mr, and Mre. Hill, of °union ;
ylre. Owfidid and family, of Seaforth ;
8. W. and Mra. Pollard, of Ethel ; and
rlr, and Mrs. Leslie, of Monet Fore.t ;
the preseute formed a very pretty Om.
.Jay, being both beautiful and melee
he newly wedded 0ouple will sono lea.+
or their new home near Douglas,
Seed peas for shim, Apply to James 5,
-mew, terminals. 31-4
The next regular meeting of the Morrie
Ounce will be Oh Mo,00 19th.
Mine Mabe, MoOatl, 7th hoe, visited
.vnh friends lu Brueeelo for a few days.
N. S. Smillie, of Heuoatl, was ninetieth
o d trleutBhipe in this toweehip during
the past week.
Tne Auditors' report of Morrie town.
quip for 1905 may be read in this week's
testae. 00E1,1011minutes also appear.
Monday afternoon of this week Quin
tin Anderson, 3rd line, went to Chesley
'0 nee hie brother who was eerioaely ❑..
The Durham Chroufole says :-Donald
.;, MaoG,egor ie still it great favorite, and
viol, nen e000eeaive emit becomes mule
and more popular. He is certainty aster,
-Br useelo '1'uwo Hall, F.. b. 27th.
The auniuu sale of farm stook, imple-
ments, eto , on the farm of W. H. Manu.
,ere will ttllte place on Tenney atteruool,
o, next week Sale will be without re
nerve ae Mr, Maruders has leveed his
fat m to Time Brown and will take up
,eal00000 ,n teroeaele. Mr. Menden.
MOB been Went before so is acquainted
with the wurk,
T. B Bkeitou'e anotion aide was a big
aoeceae, tending $1600. Even the pow
try brought g"ldeu primate 80 Nene so d
88 melte each ono 26 et 37 00ute, a total
of $21. 15 for the 56, e 9 "tenths' old mare
hit brought $9700. Mr. and Mrs.
Rke'lon wel leave for their new home in
Oxford ()entity about ,March let. Their
malty o d frtende regret their removal
out wish them nuacees in the yeare to
°ume. Jno Janson an t
d family, now
deme on the 610 ,fee, will move to farm
Mr. Slue too is leaving. Mr. J00keu0 is a
former reetdeot of tine looality and whl
be welcomed bank.
MArmnt sant/,-The Almente Gazette of
January 18te,epeake of a wedding of a
well know., Murrieue ea follows ;- "The
hams of Jae. D. Rodger was the uoeue of
to pleaeant gathering on Wednesday even.
iug,Jan 17111, it being the marriage of
Ills inter, Mies Addle, the math danehter
of the tete David Roeder, to James Law
nun, a peospero08 termer of the township
of Morrie, Heron Cot !Thu nuptial knot
wao't,od by Rev, Alexander Mo5aley,
assisted by Rev. Mr. Wausoe, both of
M,ddleeille, in the preetume of a neither
of immediate relatives audfr,ende. The
array of 000117 and beautiful preeente
testified to the high eeteem in which the
Yonne couple are held. After oongrat'
ulatious ,were tendered the newly
married couple the guests did
ample jnetioe to a sumptuous repast pro.
vided for the 0008e1oe. The evening
was pleasantly spent i0 eooial enjoyment,
vuoal u,,d instrumental moole, Ae MISS
Rodger always took a leading part in
wench and rely cue oiroles, ebe will be
greatly missed by both young and old.
Besides being a Elanday eohool teacher
..he ably performed the duties of organiet
iu the eborah here for almost the last
two years. After visiting for a few days
among their nearest of kin they left Perth
en Tuesday morning for their Boma near
Walton, followed by the beet w,ebee of e
largeheat of friends." TUE POO wishes
wishes Mr. and Mre. Lawson many
happy and prosperous yeare,
Rurvicee, N. W. T, -The following
latter is from a former reeldent of the
towuebip and will be read with to•
;'reef f -"W. H. Kerr, Braseelo, Ont„
Dain Bin :-I am Bending you herewith
he loner for 1 year'e subscription 10
Pea Baueeana PINT. The weekly vier
&'line Poar keep. me well Iiform,-d
with Its budget of neer of Brunets 005
vmfi,ty where I neat tin first 22 years
of my life. The POET oomee addreeeed
to Redvere Station, Asea, Redvere
Stetwn has grown eine 1902 to a vu
age that oleate an overseer and it hae
2 elevators, 3 dry geode stores, 1 grocery,
a bake shop, butcher shop, 2 bauksmith
Mope, 2 hardware 'Aurae, 4 farm imple
til' 01 agents, 1 hotel, 1 drag +tore, a
doctor, poetoffiee, which hoea motley
order °Moe, a laundry and almoat every
buei,iese man f+ it real estate and loan
agent, with almost every mrohauiu,
merchant, school teaobere, theological
s'udeute speculating n0 land. It cannot
be a tong time before laud will reach
us maximum va'ae. One halt notion
.bout a ane from Redvere has been
sold a few weeks ago for $26 per sore
and yet there are a few mining entries
for homesteads in this vioinity lately.
Yours truly, Jee. PUavxe,
Bodeen, Aeon.
Redvere; Feb, 9th, 1905.
OBIT-Lauubhe Frannr, of the let line
if Morrie, who has been a 00ver8 sufferer
for many weeks and in &ideate heath ton
tie past 12 yeare, died on Saturday ane
was buried by Court Doogiae, 0. 0. F
rile Fraser family have the sympathy 01
the community fn this boor of trial.
lIre. Fraser has been ill for some time
oat at 4be time of her hneband'e death
end funeral wee able to sit up. All Mr.
s'rueer'e family bad been in close attend..
anti on him during hielast Meese.
Phey are Mre. Jobe Geddee, Belgrave ;
Mre. Robert Shaw, Blnevale ; Mre. Jee
Robertson, Buieoevaio, Mao., Mre. John
llostard, Morrie ; Martha, Maggie 000
X,nta at home, and the only ecu, Wil
tam, who line aloogeide the hometeaa.
Mr. F raser's brother, Alexander, beiu,_
unmarried, had alwaye made his bona
with the family. Bin. John MoVettie, of
Morrie is a sister. Mr. Fraser was born
if Soottieh parents in Lower Canada 1,
1840, oumfng to Ootorto when a youut
man and settling in the "Qaeeu'e Bun," :
Lilt line of Morrie. He was united u,
narnage to Mies Mary A. Tarvey it -
1866, Deceased was very patient darint
eta d.nees and endeavored to hide hie l
.offering° ae mush ae possible so as to
ovoid giving bin rami y pain or trouble.
Be was most thoughtful of others, e
thorough Ohri-iia, and loved to 000verer '
m rangione subjects, giving clear netdeu
oe that he was well prepared for dopamine
f'om bila life. For many yeare Mr.
Finger was a member of Ebenezer Meth
tdtst oburnh and Superintendent of the '
Sabbath Sobool 00011 be took i11. Last
.Monde), tee funeral took plain ,to Wing
tam cemetery. A very appropriate
.ervice was ooudooted by his pastor,
Rev• George Baker, etiolated by the Rev
.V. J- Weet, M. A, Mr, Fraser wee 66
yeare of age.
Norce,-Alfred Stafford, hae returned
Hume alter a few month, outing in Ne..
Ontario.-Miae Jame Broth:Haon left for
tier home iu Dakota, on Tneedey after
,pending a pieaea01 vieit with her many
relatives ant Mende around hare,-Juo.
and Mrs. MOGavin entertained their
neighbore and friends at their comfort
sole residence on Thnreday eVeuiug
set week. The (amnion being the
hrieteniug of their little eon, -Th,
Young People's Ctrele of -he Walton
.yle•llodiet eborah spout a p mutant even•
leg on Tueeday at the residence of Wm
end Mre, Dennison. Although the
weather was unfavorable yet a very
a"joyabie time was spent by all in attend
.hoe, -The amnion tale of J. H. Brow,t
on Friday last proved very anoaelidfut.
L'be day being fine a large crowd
aeeembled and pricee were goon.
-We auderetond Mr. Brown bat par
maxed a general [tore buainete a,
Cromarty.- Henry St,more, who soh
hie farm to hie neighbor, Henry Bean -
,veta8, hae eine bought the Bunter home-
stead from Alex. Soutar. The Tari.
o,ntaies 80 sores and wee sold for $4,950
We have cot beard what Mr. Boater in-
tends doing.
R1oKIDnur 0ooNooD —Tho Council met
at the Uommerota Hotel, Seaforth,
Feb. 13 Ad the members present.
Minato of last meeting excepted. The
inn for the constructing of the Guelph
and Godertob Railway was ex ended
for 1 year. Oontraot for steel as
a er.
structure and cement A tore for 4 bridges
was let to A. Hill & Co. The contract
for two arched cement culverts was let to
Looby & Nagle, Auditors' Report wae
aooepted as oorreot cod 100 copies order
ed to be printed, The tender of Mclean
Bros for the townehip printing was
'incepted. Annette to the amount o!
$252.29 were paned and ordered t0 be
omit, A petition asking that Clause
606 of the Municipal Aot be changed wee
ant to The tlionorable the Legislative
Assembly through oar repreeentatnve
A. Hiefop, M. P. P. Tenders for the
conetruotion of cement abntmoute for
6 bridges will bo received up to the 5th
of March, also tenders for removing and
replacing the euperetractare of the 8
cemeet bridges, on the Barron drain.
D. Rose was appointed Treasurer.
Cnouoil unlearned to meet at the
Commended Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday,
Mardi 5th at 10 o'clock a. In,
M, M00010, .
A new oompeny will apply for a char
ter at the corning 8888101 of Parliament
o bui'd brenml Hoeg in oonoeotiou with
the Grand Track PaoiAo Byelem,
11.1150011a.,e,.G,a n
73, Gerry wail a visitor in Seaforth this
Ohar lea R icharde home from Toronto
I o
for a few days.
M. H Moore, V. S., woe in Woodetook
for a few dale.
Jno Deckle spent it few days in Btret'
ford this week.
Mies Fi''re Buil, Of Pioton, is 01011111g
Mre. I, 0 Richards
Mre, Ed. Lowry and children spent
Bacdey at Wimgbam,
Mlee Eva Oantelun and Cleve Denbow
are visiting ill Chntou.
The Wiesen Forbes, of Winebum, are
visiting friends in town.
Mie. 0. H. Broadfoot and daughter
arrived home to Brussels rout week,
Mies Il bel McCall, of Morrie, visited
with friends In town for several days.
Mies May Reading, of Winelitsm, fs
vi,iteng her aunt, Mre. Geo, Brown tbie
Mr, and Mre. Hall, of Nieg'ra, N. Y.,
are visaing at the home of Joseph Oster
1 t' wit.
Ispeator Robb 10 vieiting the various
departments of Seeforth Pubda School
this week,
Dana May Karr has taken a eituatiou
in Toronto aid left for the Queen oily on
Councillor Alf. Backe' was in Stratford
for fete days thin week combining beet•
ems and pleaeure.
Mre. Day, et Gorrie, and Mre. Young,
of Fort W&l,am, were vieltore with Mre.
A, J. Lowry on Tuesday.
Mre. W H. Wulia and eon Harvey, of
Seaforth, are enjoying a ho'idey with
relatives and friends in town,
Joseph and Mrs. Orr, of Michigan, are
visitors at Juo. Lott'+, Albert street.
.lIra. Orr is a Meter to Mr. Lott.
Mise Lizzie Brown left on Tuesday
morning for Toronto where .he will tike
a course in the Oentrol Bneineee °allege.
Ronald Shalom., who broke hie leg a
,bort time ago, wan able to take a drive
obis week. We hope he will soon be o. k.
It is rumored that D. MoGsbcady, a
one time owner of Tan Pose, is about to
launch into journalism aaaln in Calgary.
The Mieeee Levis, who have writ
some time in town leading relatives re-
turned to their home in Clinton on Taee•
Arthur MoNanghtou, who hos been
,pending the past two months at hie
home here, retuned to the Weet on Wed-
iaDr.•J. M. Moore, formerly of Bruoeele,
hae moved from Carthage to Listowel for
the practice of his profession. We wish
him steams.
Mieeee Annie, Lizzie and Mary Rose
end Mary AltClare and their oonain Mr.
Corneae, from the Yahoo, visited with
Senforth and MoKiliop trtende over Son.
Mrs. Neil MaLsuohliu was called to
()Insley last Monday owing to the serious
mines of her brother-in-law, Wm.
audereoo, who has been in pour health
for some yeare.
The many frieude of Reseal Zimmer
will be pleased to hear that tie in afowly
recovering from bila sickness in 'Toronto.
Hie deter and uncle, A 0.
Dame9, ar,ived borne from Toronto
aooday evening.
Ie was with profound regret that we
learned or the terioae and long eeige of
Neese whioh our esteemed friend, J. D.
Stewart, of Rusaeldaie lately endured.
It will be a relief to hie nomerove friends
o know that he is 000 oonvoleeaeut,
Mre W H. Kerr, Klee Lottie Brown
and J. Leslie Kerr visited in Stratford
old heard the Pittsburg Orchestra, Set.
erday evening and "Tor Hely City"
'lentata in Rev, W. T. Guff's ohoroh
dnnday afternoon, Both were well
0111 nail t ill
There will be Mese in Bruseele Catholic
,hu,oh next Sorday at 10,80 a. m.
Last Sunday R v. J P., Westgage, of
mood, rook the uervioee La St. Jobn'e
hunt), Brussels, and Rev. Mr, Lang.
Ford ofiiaated at Atwood and adminie•
red the Sacrament.
Next Sabbath will be ,the annual
tse,onary aunivereary in the Methodist
buruh, Broeeele. Rev. Dr. Goody, of
Wiugham, eheirman of the D.Btriet, will
enemy the p0 pit at both services,
Two fi ,e di-moureee were delivered, in
be 61'teodi01 church here lost Sabbath
ny Rev. Mr, tMiilyard, of Lnoknow. He
0-011 with "Peter's Deem" at the morn.
'i01 service and iu the eveuiug preached
.n eloquent end well planned sermon.
('ora the text"Hto name nail be called
Wo, dortnl." He aleo uptake briefly to the
bipwartb Leaeao, Mr. Mnlyard will
ways be welcome to Brunie.
A oummittee, ouosietiug of B. Gerry,
1. Farrow and W. H. Kerr, was ap.
pointed ey the Board of Btu88el8 Melina
tat ohuron to oousider the queeti00 of a
.00ae9eor to Rev. T. W. Coeene and to
open ebortlyto the Board. The pres.
ant a for ie completing 4 ea 0 9
s ao n int
veareio whioh he hae been very ably
supported by Mre, Memos. They de.
serve agood appointment for their next
Intereeting and profitable sermons were
preaobed in Melville chinch last Sabbath
by Mr, Lee, a etadeet of Knox 00Jege.
"Take ye away the atone" wee the Scrip.
•ore chosen for the m'ruing Methane in
which i0 was shown to be the duty of
everybody t" take away the atone of (1)
[gnorauoe; (2) Iudtfferenoa ; (8) WI h.
ere. "Paying the tare" woo the even.
'g theme. Next Sabbath Rev. air.
b'owlie, of Erin, will oenduot the 0erviees.
Browns School Board,
The regular meeting of the Public
School Board was held in the Board Boon
et Friday. Members present, D. 0.
Rose, Jae. Elliott, R, Leatberdale, T.
1±'arrow, and J. G. Sloane. Minutes of
last meeting rend arid adopted.
Moved by D, U. Roto, u000ndtd by R.
Leatherdale that the 80Ooent of W,
Marion for 44. oorde of wood et $2.76,
$12,87 be paid. Motion earned.
J, G, Banana Soo,