The Brussels Post, 1906-2-1, Page 8' 'akyeStg ' ,. ,- 'a 1126 l'hir YN" "e'." .�/'?ttTi_'iiiiti4l :.,4.'•a..'»"it+asG+11N
Our Owe, Condition orders Standard Bank of Canada METROPOLITAN B
%-.400001011000-For Horses and Cattle
TIs�9OO 3.07g
The kind that once having used you will 'come back and get another
8URPLLI8, Olt 1118.8EItVk1 FUND a 1,006.000
Genetical 130-Alling IHufztinelge3 Tr.•altupsaeted
package of the (lame every time,
to theta for bringing Horses or Cattle into a thriving condition -
Creates a healthy appetite, insures a fine glossy coat, and tones up
their whole system. You will get back your money spent over and
over again in the increased value of your animals through using'
our Condition Powders. 25e per package ; 5 packages for $1.00.
lle:'We give Special attention to idling Farmers' Receipts.
We handle the leading Magazines, among them "Harms -
worth's Self Educator," to which so much attention
is being called at the kresent tinze,
.11116:4.11110•01, 11.069ROSISOMISIMIPX11•1•Pallalrallp
Prat Stios kerns
A oldel's among ye taklr' notes,
An' taitb he'll prent it.
Hoeg Fair Thursday of this week.
VIW.A6E flonnail next Monday evening.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Falun of next week the Sobool Boar,.
will meet.
SEVERAL interesting Remo are orowden
oat of Mile into but will appear next
Tut annual meeting of the Driving
Park Aeeooiation was held at ch.
Amerioan Hotel on Tuesday evening of
this week.
W. D. HART, of Kingston, has genre('
hie connection with the Standard Bent
to enter the service of the new Sterling
Beak at Toronto, as acting General Mau
ager. He was the agent at Brueeels for
several years.
Ottawa ot ROW, for Meters, Deride and
Habkirk came to band too late for the.
issue. Their Spring stook bas arrived
and they are prepared to suit anybody in
A. 1 style. 'Watch for their ohaoge of
next advertisement0 week.
FarnAa afternoon next week the Annual
meeting of Howiak Mutual Ioenreuoe 00.
will take place in the Town Hall, Gori ie,
The anneal report nosy be read on page 4
of this week's ieene of THE BAT. There
should be a large attendance at the
LAST week George Barkley, of Brussels,
was awarded the 1 contracts for the
cement abutments of the Oo. bridges at
Jamestown and Wroxeter by the 0,.
Ootineil. There were many teuders in
We wish Mr, Barkley euacees with hie
Dominic BRee, are having the store
in Dr. Holmes' book, formerly oo0upie°
by D. 0. Rose, fitted op in modern style
and will remove their boot and shoe
business to it in the course of a mouth or
Ha, It will make a fine roomy place of
W. 0. T. U. -A meeting will be held
in the Methodist church on Wedneeday
evening, Feb. 7th, at 8 p. m., for the pur.
pone of considering the forming of a W.
U. T. U. in the village. The ladies from
the various oongregalione are invited to
be present. Mrs. Bryans of Luoknow,
will give an eddreee.
JNo. 0. Mama was quite suooes.fnl
this week iu securing signatures to a
petition which will be preeeuted to the
Ooonoil meeting next Mouday aek'ng
that a suspension toot bridge be planed
across the Maitland near the flax mut
It is a work that ebould be done in the
opinion of THE Pon.
DR. Ovens, M. 0., Loudon, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Dais
Store, Broeeele, on the first Tneeday in
each month. Hoare, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p.
M. Cataract, squint, failing eyeerght,
desiring and neral catarrh treated and
glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tues.
day, February 0th.
APPENDIOITIe.-Leel Tneeday Ra•eol
Zimmer, who is attending the eohool of
Practical Soienoe at Toronto, was taken
ill with appeodioitie and on Wedneeday
wee operated upon euooeeefally at St.
Miohael'e Hospital. He bed been ill at
home last year for a time with the same
trouble. His uncle, A, 0. Dames, went
to Toronto to see biro on Wednesday.
We hope Rae. will Boon be o. k.
Mae, JOUR SEAM DEAD: Last Sunday
word was received here of the demise of
Mre. John Shaw, of Olintoo, formerly a
well known reeidenb of Btasoele. The
funeral took place on Tneeday afternoon.
Mrs. Shaw wan an excellent woman and
was beloved by a wide chole of friends.
She is earvived by her huebaud, two ao0e
and three daughters who will share
largely in the sympathy of many.
TEE Poem ie very eorry to learn that
last Sunday Wage, the youngest soil of
Sandford and Mrs. Leppard, of Beatrice
street, Toronto, died of diphtheria, in hi.
8th year. Funeral took phos on Monday
afternoon. The lad was a bright,
interesting boy who will be greatly mia.•
ed in the bome. He was a nephew of H
L. Jaoleeon, of Brussels. The many old
Mende of Mr, and Mre. Leppard
eympathieewith them In their sorrow.
Dome WELL. -Kathleen O'Connor, Itoeleven year old daughter of Leslie O'Uon
ner, of Thorold, formerly of Brownie,
enooeeefally paned ber mneical examine•
Mon in theory at the University of Tor•
onto in December laeb. In June of lain
year She paned her Primery examina.
tion in Maeio at the same place thus
poeeeeeing two oertidoates with boon
at an early age. The youog Janie ie a
grand•danghber to poetmaeter Farrow, of
Brunie. We congratulate her,
Chntle 1 or BusINEes.-Thie week Geo
Stemm, of Sobriugville, took pannier)
at the honing bneineee he pnrobaeed
from Job. Donaldson, in this plana and
will domtino° it on the eOaeesetnl linea as
thole adopted by bit predecessor. We
Weloomo Mas Stemn into the holiness
oi1Ole of Brunie. Mrs. Stems and
family will not come to town for a few
weeks, Me, and 11115, Donakleon , 0,111
leave Br8eeels alertly for Montana Where
they expect to make their home. They
will carry the good wiehee Of a wide
gargle ot friends with them,
Clown Orange Lodge will be held in
Wiugnam Peva Tneeday.
THE A Y P. A. of 8t. Jobn'e oburoh
will bold a social ai the home ot Mra. D.
Robb, Thursday Feb. let, Admiaafon
SETUBAL membere of Brneeele Prang,
Lodge attended the funeral of the late
Jahn Oweue at Belgrave on Thursday
ttternoon of last week..
8251NVITATiowo Were sent out tor the
Aseembiy to be given in the Town Hell,
Brussels, under the auspices of the
•'aubelore and benediote, on Friday even
ng of thie week. Loudon harpere wid
upply the music.
LAex Monday Mre. Harvey Ham,
f Luukuow, formerly of Brneeele, tr.
,,veld the sad intimation that het
a•dter, bad paered away at Owen 8008,
there he was electing. Mr. and Mr,
dam left Monday afternoon for th.
oeoral. Quite recently Mrs. Henry, t'
Teter of Site. Ham, paid Nature's debt.
Her home was in Owen Sound.
Business Locals.
ConisoATABrE'and convenient dwelling
to let. Poeeeeeion at ono.
I. 0. RI00A0De.
ONE hundred acre farm in Morris
uwnehip for Bale at a close price, Fur
inanimate apply at TRE POST.
HAIR DBsaeING.-Switcbee made out of
u0mbin5- and nut hair.
Mon R. HIN68TON, Mill et. West.
As I intend to reside in Brunie I
would like to get work by the day. I
viii be found at the reeideupe of wm.
LoeT in Obrtetmee week a pencil,
twin mug, nickel and atone. A donor
witl be given to the finder by Mrs.
FORREST, Queen Bt. Brussel°.
DaeeetlsxxN6,-Miee Maggie Beam le
prepared to attend to the wants of the
adiee at their bomee or at her own home,
L it 29, Oon. 8, Morrie, Braeeele P. 0.
WANTED.-Ohoioe Roli Bolter 25e.
New lain epge 80o., $5.00 cash for No, 1
Mink. Clearing sate of Deese go0de,
furs, eta. G. E. KING,
Ir' yon have rheumatism try Golder.
Liquid. It will cure, Golden Liquid
is the beet liniment, pain killer end
eougb mediofee ou the market. Put up
and °old only by R. (hose, Brunie.
Two Short Horn bull oa vee for Bate.
One ie 9 mouthe old and the other 18
months ; one a red and the other a roan.
Also Collie pupa for ea e. Lot 22, Oot ,
18, Grey, Jas. D. MoNair, Oraubrook,
P. 0.
GRAPEIO, a National Ill1°trated Weekly
Penni live oente. Tweive oopiee to 80100
with ee..t tree, Addreee -TSE CANA
Viot„ria Bt. Tot unto, Oaterto.
People We Know.
Norman Harris, of Wroxeter, is visit.
ing in town"
Mre. Walker was visiting friends at
Mines Lavie, of Clinton, are visitors at
R. Wiiliemeon.
Miee M, R. Kirkwood, of Preston, le
visiting Miee F. Rogers.
A. J. nod kIre. Lowry and Jim spent a
few daye with Gorrie triende,
000uoillor Jame+ was off duty for a
day or so but is better again.
B. Gerry spent a few deye in Toronto.
Mre. Gerry vi.ited at Beatortb.
His, Lamont, Mill etreet, spent Wed.
eeeday 01 this week at Oranbrook.
Mies Lizzie Woode was on the wok list
be pest week bot is getting better now.
Mise Margaret Menndere, of Morrie, is
Visiting her aunt, Mee. W Gillespie, this
Inspector Robb 10 visiting the de
pattmeete ot Clinton pablio school Hite
David Wright, of Brandon, Man., was
visiting with Geo. and Mre. Brown this
Mre. Oaeemore and children, of Wing.
ham, are visiting friends in Braeeele and
vim atty.
Frauk and Mre, Woode spent Sunday
with his parente,Heury and Mrs, Woode,
of town.
Geo. Baobanao le lambing at Little
Current, Manitoulin Island. We wish
him well,
George Brown and Mies Campbell, of
Molesworth, were visitors in Bowsaw
61118 week.
Mre. McGuire and Mre, R. Jobneton,
of Wiugnam, spent Tuesday wi th Mre,
Geo. Bogor,'.
Mies Agnes Govenlook, of Atwood, was
a vieitor with her meter, Mre, T. W.
Ocetne, Brnseels,
Mrs. J. Ferguson was ander the
doctor's pare thie week bat we tru01 obs
will soon be bereelf again,
J, J, Gilpin wan a visitor with Wlertbn
friends for a few days. He also attended
•aonaal meeting of the cement Qo,
lllrs. Ddnean MoNair, at Grey, wbo
bee been visiting Mre, Tlroe. Ilnnle for
the phot week 161110604 bome On Monday.
Oharlee and Aire. Mttrr, 6f Monkton,
were re06wiug old trieodebipe during the
poet week. Mrs, Marr is extending her
v eitt
"` ?SAV/NGS aANK ''
Accrued nrereet le added to accounts ovary Bin inontbe and be00raeu prlpelpal.
Joint rtaitoelt Ac!' aisle -A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE 112 use in our Savings De.
pertinent le tate "Jo1u0 »epoelt" aeoo0ut. Money may be dapoelted or withdrawn
y either of the two membere of the household, This eyetem is a great eonven•
fence to many residing In town, but more partionlariy so to farmere, oath the latter
ease whether man or wile .eom00 to town either oats attend to the Banking, An-
other feature of the system la that in ease of the death of either party the money
eau be witbdrawu by the survivor without coat. We will tell you Inure about our
methods 1f you will kindly mall or write,
Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw doposite without. the in-
tervention of any purlieu,
only fur whieb no charge le mud°.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefnl and ooarteous attention.
Joe. Hooter arrived bonne from the
SVeet last week alter a sojourn of eeveral
menthe, and will probably remain in tbie
Mies Ada Roes was home from Guelph
to be present at the faravelt social to ber
tether and and mother, Rev. Dr. and
lire. Rose.
Barrister G. F. Blair and 0013 Allan, of
Goderiob, were iu town for a few days
this week, oombin;ng business and
R. W. and Mre, Matheson and daagh•
ter, of Luoknow, were renewing old
friendships here during the past week.
They are always weloome,
James Ritohie is bome from Clinton
where be underwent treatment for a
partially dieabled shoulder. He is doing
Eine we are pleased to beer.
F, S. and P. Scott attended the funeral
1f ,vire. Jno Shaw, formerly of Brneeele,
At Oliotion, on Tuesday afternoon, Chas.
ldroadtoot was also there.
Mrs. Egli. Downing and eon, of Win
nipeg, who are spending the Winter with
eiativee here, are away for n visit with
:attends at Allauford just now.
George Henderson, of Hemiole, Man.,
vho was the guest of Mre. Geo, Mobil
tan, returned to hie home on 10.15 CO.
William MoM111ao eocompouied biro,
Dr. J. A. \leNaoghtuo and Miss Fier.
ecce, of London, were palling on relaiiveo
and friends in Brussels and locality dor•
ng the past week. The doobor'e healtb
is improving.
A. 0 and Mrs. MacFarlane and child
ren leave for a six weeks' holiday on
Saturday of thie week, Mr, MacFarlane
beteg granted leave of absence for than
ime. J. F. Rowland, of Brighton, will
.the obarge of the Standard Bank here
furine that time.
A welcome visit 'r bare this week was
Edward Hill, of Moyle, B. 0., a eon of
J hn Hill, Queen street. Mr. Hill, wife
,od daughter are renewing old friend
ships in Ontario atter a lapse of eeveral
yeare. Mre. Hill was a Mise Hillier, of
d b illi eu a ed in mer.
e Mr e
Go rte H
tactile pursuits and is doing well.
Next Sabbath Rev. D. B. MoRee, of
Oraubrouk, will take the eervioee in Mel
villa (thuroh, making the ofloial dealer.
ation lie to the postoral vacancy.
Next Sabbath morning the regular
Communion service will be observed in
the Methodist ohuroh. Fellowship meet
ing will follow the sermon in the even
ing. The pastor will be in charge.
The Women's Missionary Society took
obarge of the Epworth League service
in the Methodist obarah last Sabbath
nvemng Mre. J. L. Kerr presided.
Mrs, W. F. Stewart dealt with the
French work, and Mrs. 0oeene and Mre.
Dark gave information relative to Japan.
'Phe choir wee oompoeed of membere of
the W M. S.
Cueeday evening of mat week the annual
meeting of Melville ohnrob oongregatioo
was held when one of the beet rroords in
,t0 hietoey wee presented. Bev. Dr.
Rose presided. The four retiring mem
mere of the Bosrd of managere were re•
elected, viz, Jae, Bpeir, M. Bleak, A.
Hislop and A. D. Grant. J. G. Skene,
the painstaking 8eoretary.Treaenrer for
the past 14 years, was again appointed at
the same eatery, $50.00. Very e0po0rag
ing reports were planed before the meet
ing among which were the following
statistics: -No. of families, 200: mein•
bars added to roll, 48 ; removed 81 ;
present membership, 466. Lose col.
motions totalled about $200 and from the
eovelopee was received 91880 ; peetor'e
salary, 91200 ; organist, 9100; sexton,
$100. A balance was reported in baud of
8300. Received from Sunday eohool,
$198; Young Poplin' Guild, $89; for
Miaeionary sod benevolent objects 9800.
I'oial amount paid for all purposes,
98006. The congregation and the retlr•
,ng pastor, Rev Dr. Rose, are to be con.
aratolated upon the splendid nooses at.
tending their efforle in 1905 and the act.
look is most reassert, g.
M0D000ALn.-In. Morrie, on January
2809, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mo.
Dougall, a daughter.
STnsonAN -In Grey, on Jaunary 29th,
to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Streeban
jr., a eon,
CROOKS -Guttae. -At the reeidenee of
the bridele mother, on Jen, 80th,
by Rev. Dr. Rose, Mr. Albert E
Orooke to Nies Annie, daughter of
the lete Donald Currie, all of Morris
t. wnrhip
wmeoo-1'Aonoo -At the home of the
brlde'e purente, on Jan. 80th, by
Rev. Dr. Rose, lir. S. 0. Witeon, of
Brussels, to Mi -e Margaret, daughter
of Mr. and Mte. Damien Taylor,
G ray.
Bon -In Grey, on Jan. 28th, Irwin,
youngest son of Wm, and Jane Bray
aged 8 months and 8 d -,ye.
LE0PABn.-In Toroats, on Jan 28th,
Bruce, v+onsteteon of Sandford and
L zzre Leppard, aged 8 years
OWHNe.-ft) Wawariooh, on Jan. 58.5
John Ownens, aged 77 years.
Notice to Creditors
In tbo matter of the estate of Frannie
Beirnee, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, farm -
err, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pnrenoot to Bevis
08 Statutes of ,latarii, 1807. Chap 120, sed
amended Sots, that ell areal tore and others
having any claims against the estate of the
said Frauds Betruee, who died on or about
the 7th day of January, 0888, aro require! on
or Wore the 24tu day of F••brua„ y, 1008, to
send by poet, prepaid, to Matthew Morrison,
h., 001 Geo of ble sate] 0deeea ed °Ghe"fe1.
portion are of their elaime, Iho statement
of their sonuota d thli naturere 01 the
securitiest.1 bythem
,1 no1ieo lefurther g
van tarot nt•er the
said last mentioned date the said Ex outer..
will proceed 10 dietrlbute the asee0s 0f the
deoeseed amouget the parties entitled
there,' l,haviog rega•d only 1, the claims n'
which Obey shell then have notice and that
the said Executors w•11 not be liable rot the
Lt68Me, or au- part thereof, to any pereen or
parsons of wb .ee claims notice shall not
have been received by them at the time of
snob diattribution,
• Dated at Brussels this 28th day of Jan -
nary, 1000,
A B MACDONALD, Rolioiior for
Bronean 121irma, 13enfryn P. 0. ExeOatore
MATT uioaal00N, Waited P. 0,1
-0.0, Seett,kue tie neer, has been ,uetru,t-
ed by the uarlersigeed to soli by public sue -
Hon ab 41 L'.t 18, Con 8, at„rxie, on Wednee
day, Feb. 7, 1808, ea le o'clock, the fohewing
p roperty, v z.:-1 burse 0 years old, 1 bore
11 years old, 1 mareytare old in teal, 1
marecultrising 1 year, 2 eolte rising 2 yrs,
6ouwe supposed in calf to thoro'-bred bull,
Barrow cow, 1 dry cow, 8 a earlN,o heifers
8 two-year-old etoere, 7 oa ver, 1 Yorkelllre
sow in pig, 11 pigs 21 months Ind, UO haus, 1
Deering mower 1 Massey0urrie drill1 hay
rank, 1 tnrl,ip pulper, 1Ifs nguroo plow. 1
eeeOIOI, 1 narrow plow, 1 set iron iialrowe,
1 hay rake 1 top buggy, 1 double -seated
buggy, 1 vaggue, 1 new oumbinatl .n wagon
box, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 wlreelbe.rrow,2 sees
long tug Lertless, 1 eat single hareete 1
grain cradle, 1 Chatham Panning mill with
bagger, 2 Bete doublotreee, 1 wagon epri.'g
seat, 1 crone -out saw, 1 set 1 20U Ib. weigl.
scales, 1 dleo burrow, 1 wood ruck, 1 water
trnah1 dinner grindstone', about.
24.5 oge la, r poet9, a uomber of grain bags, 1
sugar kettle, about 800 'Ingot outs it not
sold before the Bale, epndne, obevole, forks,
1 orre,n.1 cupboard with glass htint, 1 Brawlcupboard, 110cnse, 2
bedsteads, 1 table, 1
Daisy churn. 1 wood .nook stove, 1 (Iiniug-
room W005 beater, 60 I0.0 pails nearly new,
2 eight-day clocks, about 20 bus. of p„ tatoee
a number of other small art,olr'e too numer-
ous to mention. Sale unreserved as propri-
etor has sold kis farm. Terme-Ali sums of
21000 and undereatb, over that amount 12
mouth: ored,t will be given on ,urns -ilio;
approved joint uole01 6 per cent. of for
eaeb On credit amounts ; grain, 50000.0
and oasts to be cash 00008 10 443IELTON
Proprietor ; F. B. BooTT, Auoticnoer.
F. CXR •
1f Many have already arrived.
¶More may be here any hour, maybe by the
time you read this.
¶A.l1 the Colors and Materials and Shades and
Weights that are going to be Fashionable
this season will be shown you any time you
wish to see them.
Any Time You have Time to Cali.
Ferguson & Ross
CAPITA 1 Pani 101
8, J. MO083,
TROD, nuAD9mAF, B,L,A,
Directors 0. E, THOMPSON, lt. 0.
NIS 1200000* A;0, w. 0101591100 00A05, Y.0 140. 009101E
20731,1 r;tt61'0100Va
aI.S.F [011aail;ddi5°
0000500 0330000011100505 payable atlany w0 and under 8 oente
hankie town in 01i.NA0A (excepting tale over #6,00 to CO 000- .. ..
0 cents
Yukon Territory) without aharge, at the 101. ov"r 310,011 to 01000 10 seats
lowing rates:- oyer $80.00 to $00.00 15 saute
DRAFTS for larger amounts hunted e,t reasonable retell payable at all bunking
pointe in CANADA nr UNIT IND STAT 00)8.
S, rINGI ' RAW: A',h" T
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ou all 001310 of 91 and ifpwarde
A. E MELLISH, iltanager.
WSDNEBDAY FES. 7Ta.-Far132 stook,
implements, hou.ehold furniture, &o
..i Lot 18, Ion. 8, Morrie. Bale unre.
-er.ed at 12 o'olook, Thos. R. Skelton,
prop. F' 8 Scott, ano.
1 nonenA9, Fen. 8t l,, -Farm Stook,
implements, eto,,lot 27, Con. O. Turn.
perry, (. djoming Wroxeter) Bale ante.
-erved et 1. p. m. Robert Miller, prop.
F. S Bnott, .uo
Fri/DAY, FED. 9th. -Farm stook, inn•
a entente, etc , Lot 14, Con. 14, Mr$iiinpp.
Nair anreierved at 1. p. m, Jae• H.
Brawn, plop. F 8 Scott, Dap.
&iguanas Fag. 24 -Household Frani.
tore, &o• Corner of William and Albert
street., Sale at 1 O'olook, Juo. Donald.
MO, prop. F. B. Bouts, alio.
The undersigned asks all indebted to him
to tall end settle at once as be bee disposed
of hie harness business. the no w proprietor
maths pueeeeetua 01i February 1st
J011N DONALDSON,-Bruseeis,
1iJJ Uou, e, Morrie, about December met, a
Fox Terrier bitob. Owner 'may have ammo
by proving property and pitying expeueeo,
Iomnso 1kor horns 085 Grade 0•,011
at Hiheiee mock Farm, London Baud, 1
mise at 5th o1 Clinton, ou W edeeaduy, Feb
14,11,.1000 59 bhertborne, 12 Grades Th„
Shall h' roe are gond Cobtle and well bred.
Imported 110110 have been la.guly Used
Sale will 00mmen08 e.1 1. p. m, snare.
7 e rm1--'9 m'n abs ortdit gives on lnrnisbin.
approved joint mote, or 0 per 8000. 110,
un• om LSE oroneh.
Tee. 1IINn109, 13, PLI7riSTEEL,
00.1 AUe0tuneer.
BALH -tieing Ln) 20, (v n 15, Grey,
oonteiulug 100 ser, a of first -ole re land. Thu
,a.m ie iu . torso state of cultivation, there
being 25 three F011 p owed, OIeven scree
seeded to clover and timothy, f teen acre'
of hay, eve sores Full wheat, BIS aoree hard -
Wood bush, balance puoturo, There are
three good wells, orchard, frame dwelling,
hank barn,oarrlego bongs and other out-
buildings. For price, terms, etc„ apply 00
DAVE!, or WILLIAM ORIN LS, Executors
of estate, on premises, or iraubr0ok P. O.
Fountain, Bulb, combination
and all other hinds. The
meterlale are exceptional In
gaolily, the oonebrootion ie
0neh fie only good workmen limed do,
Prf.ves era low -we buy direct
front the maker,' of them,
When you want a go 'id Syringe,
the best that eau be bought,
aslt t0 see 000
It's all in your favor when
they bear that brand We
salt them at
Fox's Drug Store
(moo in the rout /I11100, Rthel. 80.4
The undersigned offers for seta lila
hour° and lot uu the cor tier ot.Ohuroh and
J Shu streets, Brussels. Ffret•oloe. eituatlon,
For funk, r partioul ire lip my to
11. 3, W14LIAM8r1N,
Brussels - New - Daylight - Store
W2 bIYB 3 Slt14 No Slag
Everything in the Store is New
We have just opened New '`ilks, Drees Goods and Trimmings ; New Laces and
Embroideries ; New Prints, Girlgharua and Muslins; Now Flannelettes,
Cottons and Coltonades ; New Shirtings-in fact New Goods
of every description that you would expect to get
in a Dry Goods Store.
7b Flannelette for 5c
-80 pieces good quality of Flannelette, 28
and 29 inches wide, in pink and blue
stripes, also dark cbeclie, regular value 7e
On Sale while it Lasts for 5o
7c and 8c Roller Towelling, 6c
-12 pieces good quality Crash Boller Towel-
ling, 17 and 18 inches wide, colored
borders, regular values 7e and 8e
On Sale white it Lasts for 5o
New Clothing for Men and, Boys
-A full range of Strictly New, Perfect Fit- -A decided Bargain on any Overcoat in
ling Clothing for Men and Boys -Prices the the Store. It would be ag ood investment
foro1i to buyn
now. a Overcoat no
We are offering except onaliy goocZ Value in glen's Winter
Underclothing, Men's Colored Shirts, Men's Mitts and
Gloves, Men's Cloth Caps.
Strictly New Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children at the Very
Lowest Prices.
$1.35 Women's nil Pebble Lace Boots for $1.00
-60 pairs Women's Oil Pebble Lace Boots, all solid leather, Standard Screw Soles, width
E and E ltl, sizes 8 to 8, regular value $1.85
On Sale while they Last for $1.00
We pay the highest prices for Produce and we cheerfully refund money for
any article bought here that is not perfectly satisfactory, We will appreciate
any business you may favor us with.
Yours for Mutual Benet,
Next Coor to the American Hotel.