HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-1, Page 5,
a .,
„ 1,
lo RIO -grade oommerelul Bobool,
Three Coirreee r
Commercial Stenography Telegraphy
Write I EO, BPOTTON, rr'Inolpnt
One hundred nlarn Yonug Mon and
Wr wee, wee aro erebildoue and Dm
torprieing, to qualify la the
for the many poeltione open to all
ulnae vela) are thoroughly prepared 10
cinooept them A six menthe uaur00
fu this Gallego manus lora young maci
of the right kind, an oduenttonall.
equipment bettor thou many trades
or roles us In mono earning 0 tr u
p Y 6 power. Students (Mindere
admitted ut any °
time• Oircul 3. free. N
W. J. BLLIOTT, P''inolpal. k
Con Tonna eon ALftxexnun 000. IV'
tfi5"p5't3 $tEF2FitJ4ifi
successor 10 Br. a. A. UeNnugittOn
IDrnlOela, Ontario
Graduate of Polyolluiu Post -Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, Now Irma
Member of Oollogo at Phydoiane and Sur-
geons of Outarfo.
OlBoe and rosldenoo same es formerly cm -
01181011 by Dr.DloNaugbton,
Diseases of women a specialty.
'Phone No. 20,
Ji. bfoOJi&OKEe N—
V V • 100001 of Marriage L10onooe. Oh
Bae at Gr000ry,'Purnbarry tproot, Bruee010.
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.04, 0. 0. 10.,
Bremen?, meets In their Lodge Room,Bias-
11111 Bl00k, ou the zed and last Tuesdays o1
011011 month, at.8 o'clock. Vielting brethren
always lvelwmo• A BO M ELLISH, O.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• 5810, w111 sell for better prices, to
better mon, In less time and lees (barges
than any other Auctioneer In Meet Huron or
be won't obarge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thio office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Salus arranged for
at Ibe Gruen of TEE Po0T, Brussels. 2884
• Heuer tlraduate of the Ontario Vet
erinary College. 10 prepared to treat all ills
same of domeetioated auimale in a oompot
ent manner. Parti^.alar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk 8evar. Calla
apromptlyboretNrrtI) of bridgUnice TururInfirmly)1.
• 13arrlater, Solicitor, Notary, Leto.
Successor to N. F. Blair. olaoo over Stan.
dart Bank. Brunets. eolaoitor tor Metro -
Penton llaak,
V V b Barrister, Solloitor,,Oonvo0800ar,
Notary Public, ere. Ulloo-Btowart'e Bleak
1 door North of O0I,trer Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pnow,soOT, R. 0. B. 0. Ell%
Offices -Those formerly 000uplod by Morten
Cameron dr Bolt,
GonSRr0n, ONTAmo.
DR. R. P. PEId.D,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgooneot Ontario and B'lrot•elaso Honor
Graduate of Toronto 'University. Moe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
gatizaiCENTRAL . / /7,97
tq Do you want a goad position In the
f 3Oommeraial World ? The ebroet aidjj
ebortoot road 10 via of this eohool. Wo
a give a e0nf90 of training that le not it
1surpassed b any Business College in
.1 Oauada. WO give individual lustre '
tion therefore you may outer at fury
time. ..Write for tree [m8010(010 and B
gat bull partioulitl•0.
IOLLAOr'1' de MoI,A013LAN,
Quito they t0 euro it wits Pntnam'a
Corn I]atraotor, Only takes twenty
tour hours -no pain --dead entre nure,
Try ?Meant % ; its tar the. boot.
Otte (,tubbing List
olTIMub with ell llofthe le
(ading Weelcite0 and
Dailies and other Journals of every
Tug POST and the following named
Ipapers will be 'writ from now until 1)'.u.
Slat, 3900, for the prise of cue year',
eubsoription as followe
POST and Toronto Globe $1 65
" Muil and Empire 1 76
" „ Free Preen 1 110
" " Family Hereto dr Star„ 1 80
" " Aloutreal Witriuee 1
" " London Advertiser 1 00
/1 1' Weekly Sun 1110
" 1i Farmers' Advooate 2 86
POT and the News $1 90
1 , biter 1 86
" " Globe 4 611
11 " Mail and Empire.... ,. • • 4 60
" " World 811)
" " Advertiser 2 86
When Premiums 080 given with tiny tl
the above named publications you eeuorl
them through the olub 11th THE POST.
Uall at the office or remit the xmuua+
by P. 0. Order, Express Order oe Reg•
i01ered letter, addressing
Bruoeele, Ont.
I-41 Wird 0vv.
J. W. Murray and family removtr
last week from AshIleld to their home on
Bose Bt. in tbie village.
James Martin au old and highly esteeni.
ed citizen of the village died on Thursday
18th alt. in the12nd year of hie ate.
Last Sunday anniversary eervi0ee wets
held in the Euglieb church, Rev. '2. B
Boyle, M. A. 13. 1)., of Wtnghom late in
the Cathedral Montreal, preached imam.
0ermone on thin ,.0000109,
The beautiful home of Peter H. Mo
Kens e, M. P., on the 4111 Con. u]
Killion, was the mane of a happy gathe
Ong ca Friday 190h, iuet when the Dime
lore of the Higdon Branch Agrlou-tura.
B0oi00y, and their wives and Irienet
aoovmbled there to present air. and 11'lr,•.
11oKenzie with two large and haudsomr
loa•her chairs in recognition of Mr. Ala
Senzie's tong and faithful eervioe' ae
President of the Society.
Two rinks of our onrlere went to St.
Thomas last Wednesday.
The new mechanics arrived here Wed
ueoday to work in the f.,uudry.
Charlie Linder has been engaged to
le d the rattail( baud at a Salary.
Muni Alice Hensel BIat011ford, th,
first pereou born in Reuse'', ie bum,
tram North Dakota.
W. Celehou took a floe span of ponier
harness, cutter and rubes on a deal li,
made to Melon. He certainly Lae u
tine outfit,
J. W Orbweiu wee taken very ill on
Thursday and had to have medioat
atteudauee. He Suffered each eevert
pain that (b was 10uud neesse0ry to ad
minister opiates, bot we are pleased to
elate le now recovering.
The pork question is nota bunting one
with John Elder au he ie0triotly oat of it
About two years ago Ile parted with hie
teat =Illicit Swine for $100 after feeding
them $200 worth ot grain. 'That 0Be the
Urea for John. Pork was down that
Yon eould'nt be otherwise with each e
distressing malady. Well, for one doctor
spent on "OOtarrbo20ue" you ^ ^ b,
1loruugbly oared. Foolish to delay, be
Dime asthma steadily grows worse. Get
Uatarrhozone to day and mire your0ed ;
Ids plummet t0 use, and gnarentee0.
Prescribed by &manmade of timers aria
used by the people of eine nations -
Certainty Oatarrbazone mast be good ;
it 110eu't foiled yet, uo matter bow
ehronio the ease.
O lee,lurbh. •
Patriot ?Quimby of Seafortb, a young
mauled man, employed as a hitcher in
Stratford was 0truek and horribly manta -
eel by au enema at Stafford Station and
instsutly killed !friday evening. Mr.
Mulubay was the well k00wu Beaforth
100108se ,goal keeper. His wife and
mother are still living in Soafortb.
Apparently. be was eudoavenng to oro0e
ur pee in trout of the engine, and pro
bably stumbled, when the engine ohmght
and Eoaoed over him. Dr. Devlin em.
.panelled ajury, whioh viewed the body
Tan IIoKaLLor INe011AN0a Co• -The
anuuel m•otu,g ut the rnemuere of the
MuKillop Mateo' Piro IOelirar,00 Corn.
pithy was held to the town ba 1,
Seatortle, Friday of last week. The
100008 of the company thio year were
'mutually heavy but on amount of the
excellent fivanelalttiwding of the Dom
pail, they were enabled to meet al
airtime without In0reaeing the 800008m008o
and still haves large e1rplua m rat,
treasury. The new bueiuleee roomed to,
the year was very eal,efa0tory, some 676
nely politica havtug been 1Vrl0t0u, 0100,
1ompany oommeuood the year with a
halaooe of $10,600 in the area•ury an d
after paytug au 1080 0114113/e and otter
workutg,expeusee they toil, moil have a
oash balanoe of about $7,000 with whtnh
10 001111111,1100 the new year. The ionow
ing is a alatement 01 the (08000 • for the
year 1 R G0801110olt, lightning, $80 ;
01 Swoitzer, damage to hymen by light
nine $00 ; W, Staples, damage to Rouse
by fire, $60.26 ; Et, Donk, damage to
the hoose by lightnirug, $7 ; A. Brcudfoo
meta lulled by tlgbtnlne, $41; Jamas
Uarnu, 'neer Milan by itglltuma $6(1 ; A.
Byermop,,heiier lolled by ilgh,hma, $20;
1'. (:urtiti, itnimale (Gird 11y ,(glomus,
0200 ; 12. Grieveti,ngee and ooeten(8
J ,royotl by fir. , 4:80 1 0 Deineey,
'te,ler 01104 by d„htming,. 428; tt
Uloortor0, sheep ku 0d by 110110111,011, $6 ,
W G, 110rt, hotter, killed by oahtnh.g,
$20; B. UttrIln, colt Injured by lightning
$80 ; J. K. Wise, barn and contents
burned, 41;070 ; W. Duggan, ,house and
eoliteute burned, $800 ; ,1 Benny, hem
arid entente $800; Homage Curnbu(,
barn acid °entente bunted, $1,128; Jame
1Lehoe, house deMaged by fi•e, $5;
Robert blearl0tr., barns and °entente
banned, $2,800; Ed. Jarman, hoaeo and
contents harped, 4800 ; Colin O8mplrsll,
18001001e of barn 1311111;11, 0170 ; (3• B.
Black, etaer hotted b: 10(1011ing, $Y01
George Gott 11i;ed by li-ht,laR
R , 1 • •
$100;JMING AI•.'V,nu•, 1)000a0 damaged
by fire, $16 ; 11. 0. 1)Groo1J, omnuets of
Minim damaged i1y fire, $400 ; Whoa,
Daokson, damage to bora by lightiing,
$260 ; it, Doig, damage ,o bowie by are,
$2; datum Ottotpbeil, damage to barn by
lightning, $2.
Wing tariff.
Malaria- ie now arriving for the ad
clition ler the Mr= furniture fa0tory,
and work will be oommenoed at an
early date,
Mayor !sell, Dr. A. J. Irwin and Prir.
o(p.l A, 11, Mnegrove, of 11,0 Pub a
Sehoq(, were in Goderioh (est week lay.
vug before the county oonnoil the mattoi
of setting Winghant apart its a High
dohooloentre. The regneat was grunted,
in view of the favorable voto of the rues.
payers in January end building oper-
ations will proceed,
Thomas Abraham, 040 of the earfieal
40ttlere of thin town, who has been
engaged in the shoe repuirime bueinese
for upwards of forty yoare, was found
della lo Lad BOC vr•dk
y 1 1 y morning 1111
old gentleman had been in failing health
tor about three months, He was e
prominent member of the Orange Ordei
'.rid a lira long conservative. Ile had
been for years a member of the Wingham
Pubiio Bolton) Board, and was re elects •
by aoolamation in Jannary.
Oen have but one oltase-dieearel
kidueyo, whioh meet be strengthened
before 0300ka0(Id oan be cured. Why 0..1
nae Dr. blemilton'e Pule ? Thay aura
the kidneys quick, make them etrmy
end able to filter disease -breeding
poieoue from the blood. At once you feel
neater, etrolger, brighter, Ridney healtb
el guaranteed to every user ot Dr. Ham
ilton'e pills. Get a 25o. box from your
.rugglet, and refuse substitutes.
L,1>:,ro vv et.
Palmerston again mourne the death
f another prominent oitizeu in the per.
4011 ot Johann Adam Hees. De0ea'sed
wad been in poor health since feat Bpriee
mud was suffering from mower of the
%male. Be was 60 years of age, a uat(ve
t Germany, and had reeidod in Lietowe
for over thirty year,', and at Palmerston
fo eleven yearn. Be wag the yo00geat
brother and partner of the well known
manufacturing firm of the Beta Brae.'
')hair and Furniture Factory, of Lieto•
,vol. After the disoolution of thin part
,erehip, Mr. Heeo was engaged in the
amber baaineee in Parry Sound for
three years. Subeeg0ently h8 Game to
Palmereto0 and ran the Heee Hoose
untie he retired from the boniness over a
tear ago. Deoekoed is a brother of
George Hese, 00nt0m officer of Stratford
Wm Hess Lf Gravenhnret. and Mrs, P.
Knapp, of Berlin, A widow and lire
,trddrei 0088080 him, viz , Theodore, 01
;h ougo; Sire. Hammond, town; Edward
f Nitrpaws, Manitoba, and Omar, Henry
..rid Lawrence of Palmerston. He woe a
stau0oh Conservative and had always
'akeu an active part in lodge worn
(vlaeonia and Workmen), and parried
66,000 life ineuraoce. The funeral took
prom on Sunday at 1 p. m., end wee in
charge of the Masonic Lodge. Interment
took plane at Lteiowel.
Dr. Harry Browning lett on Monday
18,1 for Ouppdr oaf where he baa taken
a'infation ,n the Medical departmeot of
Creighton Hospital,
A Gun 0.ub le being organized in
town. It i. the purpose ot the club to
ony blue rooks and hold regular ehoote.
A large umber have Dignified their lo•
tension to 11 001110 members.
A meeting of the N ttiooel Portland
Cement Co. wee had in the 'Town Han,
Heater,. on Saturday, Jan 20. There was
�fon' reprenentivion of the shareholders
present, there being $06,000 or more Moak
r -presented.
1. B Oarliug, one of our most en•
ohnoloutio p0oltry fauaiere, eon boast of
having a Mott of hone ot the Barred
Rook variety that can claim the prigs
for a laying record. He has nix
teen petiole whioh have 'aid 808 ego
01"00 the 29th day of November last.
H. Spuokman, woe on Tuesday
0f last week at the opening session of
Huron county Caution at Goderioh elect•
rd W,rden of the County. Mr. Spook
men has served several pear? as a public)
servant for Heater and for the county as
fo-lowe 3 -Exeter Municipal Col umil in
1889-1890 ; Dep. Reeve and Oo, Oonnail•
for to 1892-8 ; Reeve of Exeter in 1899 ;
Oounty Oouooillor in 1901-1906 ; Warden
0(luuty Conned 1900.
Dr. Rutz on Thursday of last week sold
hie drug bttsineee to W. 8. Cole, of Lon
don. Poseeeeion was given immediately.
The Dr, bee been iu booineee for It great
many years and daring that time gained
for himee f a great many friends who will
regret lo hear of his retiremout, although
freely aoknowledging that he has well
earned a rest from Itotive baoinese llto.
Hie health bag not been of the beet (0tely
and he found it neaoosary to Beek relict
by eliminating heathen wee.
M. G. Cameron, M. P. P., is visiting in
Nu 1 Company of the Sera Regiment,
Go I?rich, intend holding an oyster supper
on Friday, Feb 9,
Ex 'dation Anent Straiton is able to
take out dour exeroiue and hie borate of
friend. hope he may he able to 0ontin08
hie walk- daily.
U(Iarlee E. Shannon, formerly of
Goderioh, Won of Mre. E .ward Shannon,
hate been ahnilted Jul, partnershm in
Biteo' 1vn ton Market, blemphle, Tenn,
The pont officio and Court douse Btge
were at hod mast on Wednesday and
Thursday in memory of the late Minister
Of Maria' and Fieherioe, Raymond Pre.
Aflmr a (oroed reef at home for Guar
ren weeks W. A.. MoKtm (a able to eland
on two'feet, and will anon be op town.
Mr J3IeKim will meet warm greetings on
the Square, when he again vie(te hie
Knox church session report showed 68
no Sana •nuied'lo the mernherehlp, 25 on
proteeeion. of loath lino 48. by oer1tfienle,
Th- remnvale 0101022 by oerti8oato, 17
without oertifluate and 6 by death leav
11(8 708 on the roll, er net tnorea80 of 28 (tl
the momhor?hip from last year. During
the year seven m'magoa ,vire performed,
buptieme adm(„ietorad to 24 lefatote and
2 adnite, and 27 limeade recorded. The
attendance at the December Communion
eervioe rude the largest in the history o'
the ohuret), nearly 600,
Robb ;rs.
de 16 so
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
Alarm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, cartel, fleece -lined socks and stout snag.
proof rubbers --that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They ant
:n'iced down to rock bottom, too.
Also Fe1t"Shoos aur Boots for Ladies or Gents, which are
both comfortable and durable.
In Our Harness Department
is a fine stock of Robes, Blankets, Bells, &e., all of which are
now selling at Reduced Prices. Harness, both Heavy and Light
all our own manufacture and made out of the best material -
procurable. Oar prices on Trunks and 'Valises will alway he
found the lowest. '
11 •
'Ron will never rea11z0 what good health
tpe0nl until you, feel the 1300088ning,
vllallziog effect ut Dr. fiamiltonie P(llo,
Every tiled, overstrained, nervous roan
anis woman should 0100 thin greed tomo
regularly. Life will then be fnl( of
beppiue8n and baoyeut health. All
doaiero nail Dr. Hamilton's Piffle, 204o,
per bps, or Ave Paseo for $1, By mail if
prion le forwarded to 7*, 0,' P01800 rti
00., 1artferd, Oonn„ U, 0. A,, and
Kingston, Ont.
Being desirous of making room
for our new stook of Prints we
have determined to clear off our
present stock of that line
goods at prices that will readily
do the job.
-Regular 10o geode we aro now selling
at from
60. TO 80.
—Regular 120. geode 114) are now offer-
ing at from
60, TO 100.
IC 3I P A i d D S While these Goods last your op-
portunity lasts.
Potatres, Butler, Eggs and other Farm
Produce taken and the Highest mar.
het prion paid for same,
Mise Blued Sharman has completed
tier o0nree in training as num at Grace
Hospital, Detroit, with high honors nom.
tog out at the head of the graduation
Wage. Her record of 94%, for the three
years' Oburee is au exceptionally orodit
able one, and the young lady is to be
oongretu'ated upon the splendid euooeso
D. P. Wamlink completed a shipment
of nearly 1,000 barrole ot evaporated
apples and 600 barrel's of jelly stook to
Rotterdam, Hol and. The barreie ltit(
overage about 250 poaode eeob in weight,
making a total weight of 875,000 pounds,
Twelve care, each carrying 126 Mamie,
are necessary to oarry the shipment to
the seaboard.
The glory end eatiefeotion of beautiful
womanhood elan 110 known only to those
poseeesing the unlimited advantages of
health. No weals t901ne0 oau be happy
or enjoy ba f the pleasures of life. Pallid
obeeke, exhausted nerves, all tell of e
terrible straggle to keep up. What the
weak woman neede is Ferrozone ; it re•
news, restores and vitalizes instantly -
it's "a w0m00'e remeny,"-that'a
Ferrozone makes women strong, and
healthful because it eootaine Iota of
outlimenl, the hind that term meg0le
bone and nerve. Vitalizing blood oeur880
o1,rough the body, "making delightful
color, happy epirile, true womanly
wtrergth, Fatty same buys a box of
Ferruzon°in any drag store.
Perth County.
Perth Oo. Oon00t1 re•eleoted. The
following oRoere were re.eleoted;
Ooutnty olerk, Wm. Davidson ; auditors
Janne Jones and H. Hamsworh ;
comity eolaoitor, G. G. McPherson, B C.
phyeioiau, J. A. Densmore; oare-
taker of court house, E. Branetou ;
auditor of criminal a000uute, Wm.
Au 000ident marred on the G. T. 1Z.
near Georgetown lest night in which
Geo. Harvey, of Stratford, was injured.
The height train ou whioh Mr. Harvey
was engineer, pitched into eom8 owe,
with the result shut the engine and
several oars were somewhat damaged,
To nave himself, Mr. Harvey jumptd,
end in doing eo met with iejuriee not
James Smart, ex•Sheriff of Leeds and
Grenville, died at Brookville.
A report oemee from Roseland of a
good strike of ore in the old War Eeg'e
B,auttord temperanoo people propose
to build a new hotel and no it with a
At Deeeronto Ernest Jordon, nerd
twelve, skated into a hole and Rae
A, E. Bigoall, formerly iuepeotor of
the Merobante' Beek, died at Riverelde,
The liquidator announces that part of
the York County Lnall property will be
put on the market immediately.
Judge Lanier died at Belleville, aged
79 years.
At Grimsby forty men were fined 46
to $38 00011 for taking part in a cockfight.
The Canadian Freight Aesooiation met
and deoided to restore the old rate on
Surveyore are now out on the last
forty miles of the Temiskaming and
Northern Railway.
Albert Grupe, traveller for the J. J.
Zook Company, Toronto, woe r• hbed of e
tray of diamonds veined at 32,781.
Two veteran letter 011110x0, W. P. Ser-
gent and Charles Cuirass?, were presented
with Imperial service medals at Toronto.
T, a Oana0an Military Gazette Print.
ing & Publishing Co, Limited hasCuirass?,
iuoi•rporaled, with a capital stook of
Fire in building on Viotoria square,
kIontreal, did $160,000 damage, and sev.
eral girls had to mope by firemen's 1
Mre, Archibald Cameron, of Port
Arthur, wee found in a dying oondilion
by her Iraeband and her brother on hear-
ing of her death oommitted enioide.
The Dominion Draught Horse Breed-
ers' Society decided to wind up its affairs
although there to a samples, The nation.
allzttion of the stook records by the
Government is given as the reason.
At Montreal Harry Weill, a traveller
for an Rngliah firm of wine merohente,
was sentenced to pay fifty dollars for
violating the law and eoli0itiog orders for
hie firm without having paid the Provin•
Dial tax on travellers.
Art Studio
Headquarters for First-class
Photographs, ,•,;
Life Size. Portraits, Crayons
and Watercolors finished in
A'1 style.'
1{'atnily Groups^'a . specialty.
Call and see samples.
acid I t.ngs
We are offering some Special
Values in Watches and Gold
Rings. We shall be pleased to
show you our
Reliable Honest Goods at Closest
H. L. Jackson
Watch the Skin
for Bad Blood
It Cemex to the surface in rho Form of
Pimples, Boils, Bathes, and
Where the blood (e weak and depraved
the eyetem looks etayi0g power and
force, Frightful nloers and unsightly
blotches break out and the akin becomes
yellow and muddy, the eyes lack lustre.
Reader does YOUR blood reed eaten•
woo ? If so get Dr. Hamilton's Pine al
oboe ; they filter out all poieene, elimin•
ate disease making germs, nourish and
revitalize every drop of blood in 10 e
No medicine exerts mob a marvelous
influence for good se Dr. Hamilton's
Pule ; they olear the complexion, make
ib exquisitely beautiful ; they cure
pimples, rashes and skin troubles of every
kind. Bead the following claret oily
No Appetite -wed Color -General Dcbillty
"I was run down," writes Mr. Albert
E. Dloksou,ot Fairhaven P. 0. "My
Dolor wee dull and unhealthy. appetite
was poor, and I oonotantly suffered from
"I found it bard to sleep, and felt
worn out and tired all the time. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills made an instant obenge.
I grew stronger, my blood wag restored,
rhenmat(ane vanished. To day 1 am
vigorous, cheery and healthy in every
To clear out the balance of our stock of Hand
Sleighs 'they will be sold at
Positive eost Prices
We do not purpose continuing in the Fancy
Goods and Toy Business so will clear out
everything on hand.
Innocent Indulgence Often Brings: Trouble — Simple
Means of Escape
The oonoognenoee of violation phyeioal
law are often as nnpleaeant as
the breaking of a moral rule. The in -
'meet indulgence of overeating brings
ooneeguenoee that amount to real suffer.
ing, Indigestion is non natural, it is not
right 1 it ehould not be.- We offer a
mane of escape in Miono tablets that is
simple and practical.
These simple tablets are composed of
emote valuable medicinal agents as;
bismuth subgallate, whioh is Superior to
a'1 other remedies for atomoeh troubles,
oerlone oxalate, and tomes and oorreot•
isms which promote the action of the
digestive organs, strengthen the whole
digestive tract, and it make' it
possible to eat when you like.
If you enffer with headaohee, indiges-
tion, flatulenoy, heart born, dizziness,
eleepleeenees, back aohe, or debility
and weakness, begin the nee of
Miooa at once. Just one tablet out
of a 50 Dent box before eaoh meal and
you will regain perfect health and
If yon cannot obtain Minna of your
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OF THE... P�
Toronto Daily Star
Recently Moved Into
Largest premises of Any News-
paper in Canada
Situated on King St., a Map et
two Wast of 0ongo ; ltd that
bueinese heart ot.tito
The Starr has installed in its building, lately completed, a
meohanibal equipment whioh in up-to-dateness and speed ie
not surpassed. As an illustration, its press capacity has been
increased eightfold in the last SIX Years, and even now it has
been found neoe0sary to make arrangements forfurther addi-
tions to its press oapaoity.
The rise of The Veronto Star In sic years ender ito pro00ht man-
agerttent to the very front resit of Canadian lournallem has barn
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entiinoned d 4002811 0(18gr0a1er plan0 for the future
We are 'still able to) offer you The Daffy Star and the paper
your are now rending
for Gita ear for $f.•"G.