HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-2-1, Page 4Cbl VrATSPIO Vint
THURSDAY, F:G'B. 1, 1906.
Huron• County Oounoil.
The Jannary session of the Count,
Coaaoii opened on Tnerday afternoon of
I11a6 week, and after the roll of member..
bad been called, Messrs MONaugbtou and
()antigen nominated Oaun, Hugh Spook
man for Warden, mud there being no
other uomivatieo, be was declared elect.
ed, The Warden wag then sworn io fay
Hie Honor Judge Holt, after which be
aeaumed the Warden's chair, and thank
ing the Counoil for his election, spoke of
the work carried out the peat year ant
that proposed for the preaeut one, a, d
concluded with the wish that the o ,t
exbibited by the members in the peat
year'a work may be ooutinued damn
1906, Moved by Mr. Carrie, seounden
by Mr, Lamont,'tbat Messrs. MrQuihae,
Bryaue, Miller, Gurria and Iebieter be „
Striking committee for the year 1906.
Moved in amendment by Mr. °notate. ,
seconded by Mr. Morrison, that Mesera.
MoKenzie, Bryaue, Lamont, McQuillat
and MaNanghtou be striking commit
tee. The motion aarried and the Conn
oil adjourned to meet in the evening at
7 80, when the following report of o .m
mitteee was adopted, and the Council
adjourned.-Exeoative and Speoial-
Meeere. Miller, Ferris, Grieves, Bryans,
Iebieter. Fineuoe and Eduoation.-
Meeers. Gardiner, Deig, McQuillan,
Currie, McKenzie. Road and Bridge
and County Property-Meesra Canceler,
Lamont, McNaughton, MoLeao, Morri•
soo. Egnalizetion-Tbe whole Council],
Warden's Committee Mclean. Miller,
Iebieter, Bryans, Gardiner, House of
Refuge -Messrs. McKenzie, Ferris, Mo.
Qoil dans
Judge Holt was appointed to the posi-
tion of trustee of the Goderiob Oollegiatt
Institute, vacated by the death of the
late De. Ure. The following a000antt
were sent to committees named t -Io
'Teetotal Tom and Robb, to Education
Jailer'a and Inearanoe,' to Property ;
County Oommieaionere, and Mr. Roberts
on the Bayfield work, to Road ane
Bridge; Treasurer's and Registrar's, to
Finance. Tenders for County printing ;
letters from Sheriff and Inepeotor, Wept
Enron'° Womeu'e Institute, Good Roads
Aeeooiation, National Sanitarium,
Prisoners' Aid, Huron Rifle League,
Hospital for siok children, and letter
from Municipal World, all to Executive.
The following were sent to the Special
committee; Communications, ra peopoe.
ed changes in County Counoil ; re tuber•
ooloeia; re the repair of highways, and
to monopolies. Tbe resignation of Rev.
Joseph E liott as Collegiate Inetitute
trustee was seat to Education eutnmittee.
A communication from A. M. Todd, re
Grand Orange Lodge meeting in Goderiob,
to Property committee ; letter from the
Goderiah Star, and a large number of
amounts were sent to Finance. Oom.
munioatione from the Trustees Aseociu
tion, Guelph Collegiate Institute, were
sent to Ednoation committee, A latter
from Perth County and rue from Meagre.
Duff rk Stewart were Bent to Road and
Bridge. The following appliaatioue
were laid on the table ; W. H. Gundry
and Juo Yule, for the position of High
Constable ; P. Oantelon, R. A. Garrick,
101. Bleck, N. Robson, W. bloOrostie, W.
McKerober anti Mr, Govenloak, for the
position of Auditor, and J. H. Cameron
and W. J. Moffat for the position of
County Examinere. Chief Constable
D. 0. McKay tendered his resignation
whiob was duly accepted. The jailer's
report showed 15 persona in jail, 1 female
and 14 males. Tbe woman and 7 men
had been committed for vagranay, 4 for
theft, 1 for larency, 1 on a oharge of
horse stealing, and 1 for insanity, The
County Registrar's returns for 1905
showed total instruments registered at
4,1.10. Patents 1, deeds 1,201, mortgagee
998, wills 209, leasee, 8, abstracts furoieh•
ed 1,139, mechanics' Ilene 99, other in.
e0ramente 878. The groes fees as 95,851.
90, se against $6,757 60 for 1904, The
prymente were to registrar, $2,128.46, to
deputy, $1,200, to etaff and for atationrey
$1,258 88, and to the comity $1,270.61.
There were 947 mortgagee registered of
the given value of $1,484,28120, of wbioh
12 were for a nominal amonut, 428 under
$1000, 285 ender $2000, 219 ander 95000,
and 28 over $5000. Mr. Govenloak, reeve
of MoKillop, addressed the Gentioi) with
reference to the bridges on boundary be-
tween Logan and MoKillop, ae did alio
ex Reeve T. Haye. The road and Bridge
Commmittee later an reported on the
matter, and their report was adopted.
Mot. Colin Campbell addressed tete
Council on behalf of the Weet Huron
Women's Inetitate, and asked for a grant
to euah institute. Statement from St.
Mary's Collegiate Inetitote for coat of
pupils, from this county in atteudanee
wag referred to Exeoative committee
V. M. Roberta mat the Comical in
referenoe to his report on the oonorete
work atBay8eid. At tha (*nein Siert of his
statement, Meeere. McQuillan and Mc.
Kenzie moved ahearty vote of thanks to
the gentlemen for the valuation given to
the Counoil, Carried. Tbe report of
the Oonnty Valuators was presented and
Mr. Leckie addreeeed the Counoil in
referenoe to the report. Col. Yonug and
Captain Gundry addressed the Connell in
referencia to grant to the 83rd' Regiment,
and the matter was sent to the Exeou
tiye committee. Tbe Council then ed•
jonreed to meet at 10 a. m. Thursday.
The new Warden's municipal careet
dates book to 1899, 17 years ago when be
was first elected to the the Exeter
Counoil me a OounOnler. Io 1892 he was
eleoted deputy reeve, and in 1898 re•
eieoted, whiob aarried representation at
the County 'Connell. Re wag elected
reeve in 1896 and 1897, Under the
preoent'Aot, which means the vote of the
Whole °minty Connell Division, he wee
eleoted in 1901 and 1902, by aeolamation
in 1908 and 1905. That he will bear the
honor with dignity andaability goes with-
out b tteetfon,
The Exeter Timee says of Mr. Spell.
Mat :-"Mr. Speakman hi a man of
sterling obaraoter, a olase student to the
dutiee of bis office, In municipal affairo
he hall been ever active, and many im
provemente ere oredited to his etetee•
manebip. While in the County Connell
be hive proven himeelf a valued member,
and during his career with that body hae
been on Several important committees
and his judgment and knowledge 01
matters has been of great volae and
geuorelly uequisaged in by the other mere.
bare. Tbe appointment to Warden ear'
rine with it it number of Itrduoue dutioe,
but 711r,'Speoltalan ran be relied 00 to
oarry out the work imposed upon him to
the entire eatsefaotion of every one, Mr
Sparkmen has lived iu Exeter nearly all
his life, corning here wheu bat a year old,
and when Exeter was a mere hamlet.
He was educated in oar seboole, and to-
day ie one of Exeter's progre.sive bust
nese men, being the owner of a large
hardware store, er'joyiug a large and
attentive trade. Mr. Speakman's !deeds
here oongretula,e him on the appointment
wbioh he eo deservedly merits."
The following is ee list of teachers
and their post office addresses in the
inspectorate of D. Robb, for 1906 :-
S. S. No.
I Marion Smith,... Brussels
2 Rebecca McNair ..........Cranbrook
3 Samuel B. Lamont Brussels
4 Fred. T. Bryans Jamestown
5 May Hogg Brussels
6 Florence Armstrong.... Brussels
7 Lizzie McKay . Cran brook
8 Kathleen Telfer. Walton
g Alberta McNaugh` Carmunnock
to Olive McGillivray ,...Cranbrook
It Laura E. Shannon Ethel
Annie Switzer........ ]1.thel
TO Bessie Somerville.......... Winthrop
U. 4 A. Y. Markle ,Molesworth
U 3 Jean D. Smith.... ....Molesworth
U. 4 Theresa Switzer Atwood
t Hattie Burns Huntiagfield
2 Gertrude Skilling Lakelet
3 Sarah Padfield Clifford
4 Mary Padfield Gorrie
5 Ada Chapman Gorrie
6 Emily B. Hasset ............Forrlwicb
7 Chester L. Eedy Gorrie
Lydia Harding Gorrie
8 Marg.UJet ?adfielcl.,,,,...,,Fordwich
9 Annie Murray..,.,.., ,., Furdwich
so Mae E. Skilling Gorrie
11 Ethel Musgrove Fordwieh
02 Cassie M. Welsh Newbridge
13 Win. 1. I'erreu. .. \i'taxetar
05 Ella Sanderson Iinutiugfleld
16 Jean Carling Molesworth
17 Starry R. Long Fordwich
Maggie Roadhouse. Irord'wiclt
18 Lucy Keine. ..... .....
U. 5 Eanna Boyd .,...,,,...Molesworth
t Ida Cornish Clinton
a Annabel iMcEwenClinton
3 Arthur McAllister. Constance
4 Effie Llunter Lendesboro'
5 Addison F. Iohns..Londesboro'
6 Mina Murdie .. • .,, Harlock
7 Elizabeth ehidley,..... .Londesboro'
8 Clifford Pugh Loodesboro'
Clara E. Huston..,.. ,,Loncleeeboro'
9 Mary Aylesworth.,. Auburn
10 Edna Copp,.., Londesboro'
U. 5 Osear Rogers• AuburnClara Sedates Auburn
U. 12 Etta Petrie. Summerhill
U. to -Margaret Bielby...............B1ylh
1 Josephine Lane Seaforth
2 Helen McMillan Seaforth
4 Lizzie S. Lawrence. Seaforth
5 Pearl Anderson Beechwood
6 Melvin KeysWinthrop
7 Christopher White Leadbury
8 William J. Fuller.... Beechwood
o Mary Windsor. Walton
to Celina Durand Winthrop
12 Cora White,.. Leadbury
13 Matilda Fowler , Seaforth
1 Hester Armstrong Blyth
3 Minnie L. Ker Brussels
4lsabel MacNab Brussels
5 Harry D. Ainlay Belgrave
6 Carrie Milligan Brussels
7 Nina J. Isbister Wingham
8 Bella Murdie Bluevale
9 Mildred Martin . Walton
to John 'r. Strachan. Jamestown
II Clayton White... ...... .....Leadbury
12 Norman L. Murch. Blyth
U.3 Irene Woody. Blyth
t Isabella Aitchison Hensall
2 Thos. N. Forsyth... Kippeu
3 Andrew Scott .Seaforth
4 Jennie Grant... ...... .........Clinton
5 Robert J. Beatty ...... ..Eginondville
6 Russel E. Hartry Seaforth
8 George W. Holman....Egmondville
q Thos. G. Shillinglaw...Egmoudville
10 Isabella H. Waugh Hensel]
t Duuoan A. McDonald.. Jamestown
2 Jennie French Gorrie
3 Triton W. Ansley Glenannan
4 Malcom C. Aikenhead Bluevale
Jean Black Bluevale
5 Jessie Garrick....... Wingham
6 Austin A. Lamonby Wingham
7 Pearl 14I. Wynn . Wingham
8 Ada Howson Wingham
9 Lizzie H. Vanstone Wingham
rr Marjorie Fisher Wiugham
U, 12 E. F. Collins Belmore
t W. R. Lough ,..,fainton
2 Grace Shepherd
3 �Jsuet Wilson
4 1)elIet J, 0Neth,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,
5 Edna Manning
6 Hattie B. Courtice.,...., .....
7 Annie E. Taylor
I .Wer. Moffat. ........ .....,......Seaforth
2 Miunto Mackay .............. "
3 Jennie Ballantyne "
4 Hattie Phillips
5 Jessie Bethune
6 Mrs. Mary A. Coulter ...,, "
t A. H. Musgrove .Wingham
2 Lena De La -Meter..,...,,
3 Maeda L. Brock
4 Mary Coruyn
5 Bernice Reynolds
6 Cassie Farquharson
7 Lizzie G. Wilson "
8 Lizzie Cummings
9 Edith Matheson
I John Hartley Blyth
2 Annie Hamilton
3 Minnie E. Thompson"
4 Georgina Murray
r J. H. Cameron Brussels
2 Jessie Robertson
3 Kate Wilson.,.
4 Dora M. Smith
5 Mary Downey
6 jean Ritchie
1 Arthur Dobson, ....... Wroxeter
2 Elizabeth Henry...." ..... "
It your child comes in from play lug
e, uahing or showing evidences ut Grippe
Sore Throat, or 'datums of any kind
get out your boat,° of Nerviline. Bub
the obeet arid neck with Nerviline, and
give a few internal donee of ten drops
of Nerviline in sweetened water every
two bones. Thie will prevent bey
8erione trouble. No liniment or pain
reliever equate Poleou'a Nerviline, whiob
has been the great family remedy ie
Canada for the dart fifty years. Try a
bottle of Nerviline.
Part of Peterboro' was flooded by the
giving way of the canal blink.
The budget will be brougbt down in
the Manitoba Legislature next Wednee
Reba, Woods, farmer of Ternberty
township, was etrook by a falling tree
and killed.
Lookeley Carter, a convict at Kingston
Penitentiary, committed enicido by
strangling himealf.
A pension plan for teachers in the
schools of the Province wan laid before
Hon. Mr. M,.theeon, Provinoial Trees=
It is now reported that the 0. P. R.
and the Aliso Lioe will make Quebec et
Summer terminus for their steamship
Port Arthur corporation bee made an
agreement with a firm of Boston capital
iota for the erection of a $750,000 plant
to manufacture steel tubes and to employ
250 men.
IowioI - Mutual Piro Insurance Company
The Directors beg to lay before you a statement
of the business done in the year ending December Dist,
1005, The year has in many respects been one of the
best in the history of the Company. A marked nd-
vanoe has been made in the amount of surplus gained
tend in the amount of insurance in force,
The number of policies issued during the past year
was 1274 and the number in force et the end of the
year was 9054 being on increase of 2220 policies.
The amount of insurance written was $2100,825.00,
Mee amount cancelled and expired $1,588185.00, leaving
the net amount in force at the close of the year 50,61)8,-
811.00, being an increase for the year of $e18,000.0D in
the ninon£ at risk. .
Tlee premium notes held by the Company amount
to 0500,946.00, and the amount available on said notes
The Auditors' Report, with certified statement, is
appended hereto.
It is the sad duty of the Directors to refer to the
death of one of their number during the year, namely,
Mr. Robert Scott. At the first meeting of the Board
after Mr. Soott'a death, the remnlning Directors ap•
pointed Mr. William Scott for the remainder of the
year. It will be necessary for you to elect a Director
for two years to sornplete the term for which R.
Scott was appointed. The other Directors who retire
are J. R. Miller and Edward Bryans. All the
Directors who retire are eligible for re-election.
It will also be your duty to elect two Auditors for
the ensuing year.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. S. Mo1EROHER, J. It Mumma,
Secretary, President.
Oeele balance as per last audit $18492 02
Fixed payments for the year 1906 18188 18
Fixed payments, years prior to 1906 844 58
Interest 490 88
Other sources 50 85
927516 84
R. J. Hoy, Grey, barn, coal oil lantern, 1904 ...$ 500 00
W. A. Jackson Minto binder,lightning,1004,.. 16 00
J, F„ and G. J'aok, H'owick, dwelling house
and aontento, cause unknown 450 00
A. and R. Menzies Grey, damage to dwelling
and contents, furnace pipe 25 00
T. H. McMahon, Minto, barn and contents,
08u0e unknown 705 85
D. 311160, Grey, frame building, from ashes 12 00
P. Curran Stormanby, two pigs cause un
m b 11, Wallace, heifer killed by ligh'ng 6 0
James 11eagan, Colborne, row, li htning.,,, 85 00
Jos. Clegg, Morris, buggy, etc., destroyed by
fire, cause unknown 75 00
Mrs. Cl. Campbell, Wallace, heifer killed bo'
lightning12 00
Thos. H, White, Arthur, steer killed, ligbt'n'g 15 00
John Johnston, Morrie, damage to dwelling
house, liglttnii g 10 50
John Weber, Hawick contents of barn, Menne
unknown ... „ .. .. 100 00
John Eurig, Normanby, Dow lightning .. 88 OD
George Me- night, Wallace, barn and contents,
crone unknown ..... 8100 00
M. Farnoombe Wallace, damage to horse' by
lightning, 1004 2600
S. Hiolce Hendrik, damage to row, lightning,12 00
J. and 1i , o ick, colt ii lightning 65 00
Chas. B. Forrest, Hayden,Morris, cow, 1{ahning 50 00
H. W. MolSay, Grey, heifer, liglttrang 20 00
Wm, Slommon Grey, cow, lightning 40 00
Wm. Holmes, Turnherry, steer, lightning 16 OD
Jas. Adams, Wallace, cow lightninga 40 00
Hy, Zimmerman Efowlek,horse, lightning .,140 00
john (Members 'Minto, horse, lightning 02 50
Robert Hostis,Plonfelr,steer, lightning .., 4(1'00
Robt. Hamilton, Tnrn,
berry, brood mare; 151 00
G. W. Lane, llgremmra cow, lightning..,........, 85 00
John Cutt, Grey, damage to dwelling house, 18 00
A. Forrest, Morris, damage to house contents,
coal oil lamp27 OD
Wm. Bride, Wallace, contents of buildings de-
stroyed by fire, cause unknown 10 00
John McLennan, grey, steer, lightning 88.00
Robt. A. Taylor, Howlek horse, lightning 60 00
Geo. Thomson, Minto, calf, lightning 10 00
Wen. Clegg,Morris, damage to house and con-
tents, lightning . 14 00
W. ) . Campbell, Duet Wawanoslt, steer, light-
.. 25
A. Brniydges, Morris, barn and contents, light-
ning....,.....................•1500 OD
Wm, Heaney, Norrnanby, horse and harness, 106 00
M. Campbell, Egremont, damage to barn,
if S•Ictning 26 00
W. 13. Hamilton, Hotvick, damage to cote,
lightningg. ....., ee.... 10 OD
A. McDonald, NormaaLy, steer, lightning 21 OO
Thirty-three losses under ten dollars 185 68
Law costa
Mutual Fire Underwriter's Aee'n fee..,........... 10 60
Statutory Assessment and License Fees 68 08
Premiums returned to policy holders 088021 60 41
Commisoion to Ageits
President for extra services 25 00
Investigating and ad usting claims 124 OO
Printing, stationery and advertising.... 191 00
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express 02 62
Directors fees 288 20
Auditors fees 18 00
Scoretary-Treasurer's salary 800 00 '
Rent of office mid expenses therewith 60 00
Rent of room for Board meetings 12 00
Travelling expenses . 61 00
Care of Hall for annual meeting 1 000
Blink discount
Basin ess Tax
Buildinglot and expellee 110 20
Policy Register and Cash Book 12 00
Cash on deposit:
Standard Bank of ()amide at Brus-
sels , ....,... ,„.. $ 1800 00
Standard Bank of Canada at Harris.
ton ., 1888 20
Bank of Herndon 00 Gorrie.........., 800 06
II II II Wroxeter........, 140016
Central Canada Lean & Snvinge Co.,
Toronto ............................... 0000 00
Huron & 19rie Loan and Savings Go.,
London 6000 00
In Treasurer hands at office ...... 42 17010 84
827015 00
Cash balance on band $ 17010 00
Unpaid premiums 1010 70
Real Estate 185 00
Premium Notes available 209280 02
9817888 72
We, the undereigned Auditors of the Howdek Mut-
nal Fire Insurance Company, having examined the
Boobs, Premium Neten, Sesuritlae for money, aeoemlta
and vouchers of the *aid Menpnny flied thein correct.
A. A. GBAnArif,Auditorg,
Taos, G, Sti1Annn, f
Wroxeter, Jaanary 17th, 1906.
Annual Meeting of the members of the Co.
will be held in the'rownsbip Hall, Gorrie, oh
Friday, February 9th, 1906, at 0,3o o'clock p.
m„ for the purpose of receiving the reports of
the Directors and Auditors for the past year
and for other business.
Bulls for endo, eligible for registra-
tion. Apply to JA8. 8Pb',101, Lot 20, Con, 0,
fderrla Bruseele P.0. 28.01
11 8bow Uanee for sale, cinch 0 feet long,
walnut 'raise and dnnble 1101015 glass, ,Op.
MY to Tun itus'r, Brussels.
nano Bull Calves for sale, prize MO -
nem at Bruseele Pair. One n roan mud the
other red, 10 months old. Have also a
number of there' Used young bolfere for
be evilu•• purposes for mule D. 1ttJBEItT-
0.024, Lot 8, 'Com '9, tiny, or Brussels P.0,
Green, Beech and -Maple. Lengths
from 10 to 48 Maims. Crdore left at Thom.
eou'8 grocery, Bruteels, will he promptly
attended to or to
.1. dc J, H I(7I'RON., Blyth P, 0,
26 8 Lot 10, Leon. 7, Morris.
-The uuderalgued offere his rum•
termitic house and a 1 sere of laud ou 11111
street, H2u88016, for bale. '!'here is a good
garden, aa, all stable, well, woodshed and
, titer eouvenienooe on the premises. It
will be 8010 at a 1>ar0010. if mot sold by
ethane let premises will be to rent.
tt Proprietors
Officer Wanted.
Applications will be ,eoeived by the Clerk
up to Feb. let 190, fora general utulty man
who will perform the same duties for the
carom Moe of Bru•selo as A, NOLauehlin
nae been doing with the addition of Eugir-
ear of the Fire Bugle. and Collector of
'' axes. Salar to he 5400 00 080 ant,um, and
a bond for $6000 to be Wreathed by the Oaf.
ser. F, S. SCOTT, (Mork,
see SALE .-G ermine "SLIM Nose" Corn
carefully saved ou the cob -the beet enoil-
age porn Ivo have ever seen. sewn the 7000
nay ,will ripen early in September. Also
"Burly Triumph" Potatoes which have euo-
e00efully restated disease for the past three
heavies. Qututity limited 1 first Dome, trot
served, J. M, E.NIGHT, Lot 21, COU. 12,
Carey, mit
DERoIONIoD offers his 60 sore farm, be-
ing Bast t Lot 11,..00, 9, Grey, for sale. Ou
,be pre 01000 is a frame bowie, bank barn
40x60 ft.. Acme le.uuaation, small orchard.
p-arur all voided down and lu gaud shape 1 2
never failing wells. Possession given at
!thy time if Lot sold larm well be rented.
e or htrtuer partieulsre as co prime, thrum,
00.. apply to the proprietor'.
D21800N0D offers the 100 acme, known
ae the Aekeb farm, Lot 10, Cum. 14, Grey, to
tout, Geed brick house, '2 frame butes and
thuiee uruhard, Berm is alt seeded down
except 20 acres; 5 mares of Fall whest ur.
P,,seeee>ou at once, For Ju re Lerpartieulars
apply to J,>HN GRANT, Lot 0, Con. 12,
urey, of thumb' P. u. 22.0f
V belug Si Lot 18, Con.4, Morris.
10on, 8u 0oree are cleared, balance in bush.
'Deere le a !roue Lomat, bank pare, driving
tlled, orchard, 00. Plasty of good water.
Uunveuiout to school and 8i miles from
ite :vele. Poteeea>ou can be elven Monet
105. e'or further particulars a0 to price
terms, dm., apply to ' A. J. LO WRY,
18.0f Brueoels.
NJ being Lots 27 and 28. con. 7, Grey,
I wile Mast of Ethel. 55 acne plowed ; 18
aoree Fun wh. at ; 5 acres bush ; 10 acres
0081000 10) (1; balauee well seeded, Is (well
feared and watered. Ou premises are nom•
fortablo dwelling house. bank bath 50x105,
horse etable, driving thee, windmilland
silo. Poxeeseion given March 515th, For
pride, terms etc., apply on mammas to L.
A, 01AS09,'.k'tbel P.0. 291f
POR BALE. -Toe undersigned
hate for sale, on Lot21, Oen. 15, Grey, the
following well bred stook: -5 improved
Berkshire ROWS, due to litter in February,
!dumb and April, 8 of them carrying first
litter; 1 Berkshire boar and a few kowe
about 4 menthe o1a bred from prizewinning
stook ; a Yorkebiro sow, with litter of 10
1Jge at foot, bred from Berkobire sire ; also
a few alunee i nogg Yorkehlre 00100 about
rosily for breeding. A11 stark guaranteed
as represented. Bargains to quick purohat•
erg. J. P. 0101610 H,
27-tt Orabbrook P. 0.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Ziegler, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, farmer,
Notloe is hereby given, nnreuant to Boyle -
ed statutes of outario,1897, Chap. 129, and
amended Aote, that all oroditors and others
having any claims agalust the estate of the
said William Ziegler, wh t died on or about
Me. 20th day to Oetolier,1905 arc required on
or before the 24th ,.ay of February, 1918, to
Reed by poet. prepaid, or deliver to A. B,
MauDotiald, 01 the Village of Brussels, in
the County of Huron, Solicitor I r Oath.
arms Ziegler, 01 the Town,Wp of Grey. Ad.
miuletretr>x of rue estate of the said
deceived, the lull particulate of their claims,
the etatemeut of their aesouutt and the
Latino of the soeutitfea (if any) held by
Aud notice is further given that actor the
Recd last mentioned date the said Admluio-
tratrix will proceed to distribute the tweets
of the deoeaeed amongst the parties cubit.
lard thereto, buviug regald only to the
claim. of which Cho shall WW1 have
eiottee and that too said Admiuietratrlx will
nut be llable for file asoeto, or buy part
tuereut, to 0117 000005 ur persona of w11000
elatmo notloe shall sot have been received
athb time
this 1B o, dayt of jam
nary, A,D„ 1900.
50.8 Solicitor for Administratrlx,
Liverpool and Londonderry
Prom Bt Joho From Halifax
Ooriathlan .•:•..Bat,, Jan 27 Mon.. Jen, 20
Parithen " Feb. 8„ ,., " Fob. 4
Bloiliafl " Feb 10 " Feb. 12
]elates of Peteage
First Cable (Wither Seaos) $50 and up.
wattle. Broondrlabia Liverpool and ton.
dOuderry, $40. 'tided Cabin, Liverpool Lon.
donderry, oto , Parisian $27,00 -other above
eteamet's 528.50
Melegollan Settrrdmy,Jan 27
8 armatlam. .,,.,.... .,,,..,, 3atnrday, Jan. 20
rorfurtberapplyto partiemave, rates and Matfett
Agent, &o,I{bRtl4rhssels,
M ON rHH L v
Horse Fairs
Tito'.ifouthly Florae Fairs will be hold in
Bruseela for the 00100 n i>0 fellowo
MAZE. lot,
" AP11,, 5011,
Leading Local alto tlulsian
Buyers win bo I'rpnenl
F, s, SCOTT. Cr,Enar,
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Felt Hats for
We axe also Agents for the "Now
Idea" 10 Gent Patterns.
Call and get es Fash-
ion Sheet. .
can get ani. kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - 13rassels,
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming camm'nnity
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
• , O/
YO UR iit7a'
Having invo ted in a Hot Water
Heating apparatus I am now in a
po,ilion to offer you Hot Coffee,
Beef 'rea, Tomato Bouillon,
and Chicken Broth at our Res-
taurant on two minutes' notice.
Thanking you for past patronage and
hoping for a continuance of your
trade, I am,
Y•:nre Very Reapestfnlly,
Oysters Served Hot or Cold.
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year to All
While you are in town don't fail to call
and Pee the fine assortlment, of Goody we
are showing at Reasonable Prices
Our stook is always open for your
Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Leading Tailors
Are making the •
Finest play of ��
Call and See them and get Prices,