The Brussels Post, 1906-2-1, Page 1rpopersomommemonaital...amarizewesscoonamossamanamosamos...._„*,_
Vol. 64. No 30
New Advertisements.
Card -Wm, Spence,
Looal-I. 0. Richards.
Goad syringes -Jae. Fox,
Auotion Plumeteel,
Soma prion-Fergueun & Rose.
Farm for eale-D, & W. Riots.
Mauitolin Flour- Geo. Thomson,
New Suitinge-- Ferguson & Rose.
Change of businen-Geo, Stetnn.
Notice to creditors -A, B, Mtiodonald.
Morrie township Commit will meet
next Monday.
Miss Maple ltdoCall is visiting with
her brother S. 18., in Toronto.
The Maitland has reanmed its normal
proportions after the January freshet last
W. and ?dn. Olubfne have retnrnaci to
Mildmay after visiting at Are. MoCall'a
for a few dere The ladies are aieters.
.1•01.001[111.011.111•Pealinia.m.••• A••••=sommenailtspin
John Young, 5th line, wne plowing on
Tuesday of lest week, a very unusual
otrournetunee or January 28rd.
The emotion Bale of Milton Watson
peened off enowatefelly. He will (motions
to reside to tale :entity, for a while is
ENAIENHAL.-Rev. Dr Roue tied the
matruneritai bow at the home of ere
Donned Cowie, 4th line, on Tuesday
evenieg about 5 p. m., between A.lbert
Edward Crooke, n well !mown yonng
farmer of th- mune iine, and Min AMU,
Currie, There were 40 gunte. The
Ceremony wan perearned under no evei
green arch, the bride being given away by
her brother Robert. The prinoipels were
unattentied. Mine Belle McKinnon,
nein of the groom, played the Weddite
Marob. The bride wore a becoming one
tame or white satin cloth trimmed wig.
°Wife,, tied face and oarried Mike rose,
and emallax. After hourty eoligratule
biota the company eat down to in ell -
gently prepared repast. The present,
were (theme. Rev. Dr. Roan propene
the health of the bride in fitting term
and Reba &Laity, of Grey, responded i.
au ideal style. After o p mem (intone
• Change of Business
The undersigned wishes to announce to the
• Public generally that he has purchased and
taken possession of the
c Harness Business
a so long and successfully conducted by John
• Donaldson, Brussels, and will be pleased to be
• favored with a continuance of the trade so gen.
4z erally accorded.
a A first-class stock always kept and the
a wants of the public promptly attended to.
a b
a z
a z
We want to Turn Your
Thoughts Prieeward
Again this week. Chances to save anything really worth
while do not grow on every bush, even at this time of the year
Sales are as thick as anyone could wish for and if ads. are to h,
believed there are many chances for a purchaser to buy himself
rich. Admitting the truth of all .thats printed we still think you'vt
much to gain by patronizing this store. For. one thing we haven'
picked out a scanty few articles that appeal to you but we have
made the cut just about general when we were at it and all up and
down the category of the home needs we offer you chances to sae
10 only Ladies' Black Freize Skirts,
newest Spring styles, worth regular
$2.60, Special thi, week only at, ...
15 only Navy and Blaok Fine Vene-
tian Ladies' Skirts, nicely trimmed,
the Newest Spring styles, worth
replier $3,75, Special et
25 paire only Fine Nottingham Lae.e
Duendes, m
es, 60 an wide and n yarde
long, bordered edge and worth rep -
lar 51.50on sale this week at
2 pieces only 70 inoh UnMeaohed
Table Linen, worth regular 46o, on
sale this week at
10 pieoee only new Delainetts, real
value 15o, on sale this week at
15 dozen Wins' Cashmere Stockings
size, 8, 9, 9/, real value 30o, on sale
15 pieces only 28 inch etripe Flannel -
tette in light and dark adore, worth
regular 6o, on sale at
20 YDS. FOR 1.00
10 pieoee Fancy Plaid Ginghams,
guaranteed fast dye, very suitable
for quilt. /beings, worth regular 6o
and 70, on Rale this week at
6 dozen Ladies' Fleece Lined Shirts
and Drawers, real yahoo 00o, on sale
this week at
25 ends Velastiens, Homeepune and
Tweed Dress Goode, w rth regular
650, 76o, 51.00 & 51.25, clearing this
week at
Test these Prices and make Comparisons
pay the Highest Prices for alt kinds of Produce.
41r. and Mrs, Crooks took their de•
;tartan to their oornfortable home earns
'be way where they begin married life
with many good wishee, A reception
,,,,rty wee given Wedneedey evening no
rirol o arge oompdoy 'Tent a meat en•
jovahle time. Gnome were preeeet from
Italian Herr, N W. T., Luoknow, Lo
Corel . Welton, Brancato mid other poiete,
taagett two:tote.
Peter MoDonald visited with Mouton
friends last week.
Rev. D 13 MoRae will preach itt
Brune:. next Elabbeth.
Mien Retie Reymann frit Monday for
lieriin after two weeks visit at her home.
Last week David McNair left for
',ham where be is engaged in eheep
A few young people spent a pleasant
evening et M. Raymanne, East of here,
thutadity evning,
Miee Dente Goreelitz hue been tin the
,eeto hat for the peat mw days, We hope
-the will twee be e. k.
Oommunion serviee win he'd in the
tielhotlin church Int Sabbath afternoon.
11 xt Sabbathei services will be ygthdrawn
.wing tu communion at Brunetti.
Dr Ovens, M. D„ London, Eye and
Der Surgeon, will be at Smith'. Drug
Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday in
oath mouth. Ithre 8., m. to 1,80 p.
in. Datamot, equint., tahIig eyeeigiot,
inhume and tweet north touted and
•etaesee properly fitted. Next visit, Tees-
aey, February Otto.
angles/ to wini
Now that the matrimonial ball is set
rotting we hardly know where it will
Mae O. Cult, of Blyth, who has men
viewing in our midst, Inc a short time
returned to her aurae on Wedneedity last.
Prviodent J. R. Miller aud vice Prem.
Wig E. Bryana 'mended the Howiek
;moat monthly meeting et Gerrie lust
Geo,and Mre. Eekreier were in Ethel
en Thursday and. Friday of Wet week to
dee Mr. licatnier'e anther, who le in poor
neBith at preseut.
The °entreat of the new steel bridge
which is to toper the Maitland river heie
wee let test web to Hill & Co,,
(Inc. Berktey, of Brunetti, will build the
torment abutments.
Uo. Doer:oilier Miner, neer Wroxeter,
hes announced a clearing reunion sale of
term etook, implemente, em., on There
toy of next week, 8th inst., at 1 o'olook.
Be hits sold hie farm hence the sale.
Dr. Oven, M., D., Loudon, Eye and
filer Surgeou, will be an Smtth's Dreg
'eon, Brussele, on the first Tuesday to
Doh month. Hour., 8 te. m, to 1 80 p.
tot Otttaram, equint, falling eyeeight,
dearneas and lineal catarrh treated and
ermine properly fitted. Next vatic, Tun
.tay, Feb, nary doh.
Wednesday evening, Feb. 7tb, a
meeting of the Literary Society end De,
hoeing OInb will be held ir Viotoria
Besidee 00 itgaresting literary and
music:el program there will be a debate
O the anoint. •'Reaolyed that Canada baa
• brighter future than the tJuited Steen."
tinlonIm 8teek and S. Lemont will up
hold the affirmative ode of the debate
ahiI Thu. Bennett and P. A. McArthur
wet handle the other aide of the questiou.
An interesting tune id promised all those
who attend.
The exceevating te being done for the
now brioe block to be erected by S. S.
13. 5. Cole was awarded tbe cement
ebutriteete for two 00001y bridges by
the Co, Coanoit.
.e. oar of feed corn hes been received
rev W. E. Btu:adore and is for ewe at the
elevator at the G. T. R.
Win. Buttery and Wm, Lang who have
been woi king at St. Joeeph's letand eines
test Fedi, are home again.
The Wutnen's Iostitute will hold their
annual oyeter supper and At Home in
G boon's Hall text Thursday, Feb. 8th,
they inteud potting on a good in ogram
Mr. Cole hue made to good jou of the
made to the immediate vicingy of hie
mane and eepsoially at the bridge where
to has fill, d 0 level to the wire fence et
the approeobes,
J. W. anti Mre. Seine returner/ home
0.0 Mondry evening after a visit of six
weeks with relatives and tweeds at
Milverton and other plans. Mr. Sandere
has purchased tt general store at Britton,
Perth 00., and will tette poeeeeelon on
March 11, We wish bino well,
Joe Etnneworth halo pttrobenci Mee.
Doltrnier's been, paying $875 for Male,
110 hae a good plan.
Geo, Kreuter hes parchrteed the fernier
Carriage shop of Jno. Cotter and wet
othhioe material for constructing a new
1.11 wore store, We avid', him well.
Do'. Ovene, el. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at, Snaittde Drng
Store, Bruseels, on the firat Tuesday in
meal) month. Horne, 8 a. m. to 1 80 p.
m. Getman, squint, fading eyesight,
deaftwea and easel catarrh treated end
Waimea properry Bite& Next viait, Tan
dav, February 6th,
Next Sabbath morning the regular
quarterly commaition nevem will be
held in the Methodiat thumb Itere,
oommenoing at 1050 &cloth. An
evengelistio Barytes will be held in the
eveaing. The pastor will tete the
serviced. "Tell mother I'll be there"
will be sting in the evening.
A Debating Society was organized here
on Monday evening. The officers are ;-
President, Jno. Pearson ; Vete Pree., 5,
Canploell, See•Treas., N. A. Milne. A
good oommittee woe also Relented. R.
Malley, Critic ; Ant. J. Keifer ;Judges,
Hey. 51r. Armageng, Jno. eloIntosh and
F F. Freeman ; Debars, 13. McKee and
J. Dokmier. On Saturday evening, Feb.
10th the opening debate will be held in
Giheon'a Halt, the subject being "Re
eolved that war ie a greater evil than
intemperernie." The captains are B.
Jaoksoo and Noble Milne. A mashed
program will also be rendered. Every
body welcome.
The regular meeting of the Council
Will be held et Ethel next Monday.
James sad Mrs. Armstrong, 10th corn,
were visiting at Auburn this week.
The regular preaohtng servioes will te
aanoelled ao Ree'a and Union chnrOtate
next Sabbath owing to the quarterly com•
mouton at Ethel League aervioe in the
evening at Eaton.
DEBATE. - Tueede.y evening of nest
week a public) debate will be held ander
the ,lireotion of the Epworth League of
Roe'a ohereit. Subjeot "Resolved gut
Queen Elizabeth was a greater sovereign
than Queen Victoria." Several personi,
will take part.
Oormaillor Grant had a staff of men at
work this week taking the Mitchell bridge
timber apart and hauling them beck to
Grey. Tbe bridge was found in two
aeo•ione, one near Brussels and the other
mites West, left on tne fiats as the
',ebbe; reeeded.
W. 13, Hislop, of Arcola, N. W. T„ who
has been enjoying a reunion with rels•
tives and old friend° after a long abeenoe,
lett for his Western home data week. Be
ie a bright, well informed gentlemau and
has unbounded faith in the ponibilitin
of the Great Weet. We hope Mr, Hielop
will soon nil bonn ne again.
Lan Sunday Irwin, the yoongest son
of William and Jane Bray, 16th not.,
passed eway, owed 5 menthe and 6 days
The oeuee of demise was Whooping enough
and pnentalunia. Funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon interment being made
at Brunets cemetery. Mr. and Mre.
Bray there in the aympathe, of tbe
oommunity in the lone of their baby boy.
Lain week Alex. McLean, of Fillmore,
Sask., N W. , oame to visit bis brother,
A. MoLesn, 16th Oen. Mr. McLean
went Weet in 1883 end ie a bogy man
being engaged in farming and ether
pursuits. He will take a oar or two of
boreee back with him. Accompanied by
our toweship resident, the visitor visited
old home soenee in Hibbert and called on
numeroue friends in that locality.
MATItiti MAL -The reeidenae of Dun
O, Teefior wee the scene of a happy
event lest Tuesday afternoon at 4 tdolook
when a matrimonial altianoe between B.
0. Wilson, of Brussele, and Mies Maggie,
daughter of the boat and bonen, were
united in marriage by Rev. Dr. Roes, of
Brussels, in the presence of the immediate
relativea of the contracting parties, Mho
Janie Strotoban, cousin to the bride, sang
'The voice that breathed o'er Eden"
beautifully, 'Phe bride was given away
by her father. She wore a gray °bitten
travelling null. The officiating olergy
matt proposed a toast to the bride to
which the groom responded. Many
beautiful wedding gifts were After
partaking of a very tany repast the
happy twain drove to their home Flora
aireet, Brussels, where and, were very
pleasingly enrprieed by a wedding re•
caption by Bruessle friende. Mr, and
Mrs. Wilson will be anorded many good
tviehes f or a happy and prosperous sail
on the ocean of ilfe,
Five noses Manitoba Flour
Nothing Better Malo
=1-T GEO. 1110111S01 S
FEBRUARY 1, 1906
Rev. Dr. Ross Rem
inoves from Brussels
A Most Successful Pastorate.-In-
tereeting Closing Services
and Ceeernonies.
The long, happy and most theoessful
pastorate of Rev. John Ross, D. D,,
oonnnotlon with Melville Presbyterian
ohuroh, Bruseels, was terminated this
week to the regret of not only the emigre-
getion referred to but to the community
at large. It was a cane, however, where
the question of health and perhaps lite
wne meets ad so that Melville people took
a philosuphici view of the situation and
with a desire to promote the beet
interests of their beloved pastor gave an
unwilling consent. Port Dalhousie, in
Eamilton Preebytery, in the new field of
labor into which Rev, Dr, Roes was in-
ducted on Thursday of this week. RIB
work will be mach lighter there aa the
membership ii considerably smaller and
snore compactly located. That Dr.
Ross will du good work on his new charge
is a foregone conclusion and the Dal-
housie people are to be congratulated.
A large and splendid field awaits bis
successor in Bruasele.
Last Sabbath we the date of the con'
c ming; services of Rev. Dr. Rues' sue.
woeful pastorate of over 26 years in
haIelville ahuroh and it wan not a matter of
wonderment that the church was filled to
Inc utmost seating eapaoity at both morn
ing and evening aervion, indicative of
the heat eeteem iu which the pewter was
held. The morning text wee found in
Pc. bo 103 ePreise the Lord 0 I my Eam
and vine most befi.ting to the amnion.
Iti speaking of the many causes for
thanksgiving Dr. Rose dwelt on three in
paetioular, (I) Thenkfelneee for the
ring years of unbroken peace and bar
rnony enjoyed. (2) For the years of
steady and substantial progress, In
comparing tion congregation at the open-
ing of his pastorate with to-dity he poiut-
ed out that the number of familiee had
increased from 90 to 200 and the member-
ehip f ono 116 to 466. Received 802.
151 had been added by the 'mien of
Knox church making a total record of
1069. 13y death and removal the con-
gregation bad Ion 608. Present mem-
bership 406, the largest of the 20 charges
in Maitland Preebytery, Largest in
crease for a siugle year wne 1896, viz 54
although 1905 showed 48. Interesting
reference was made to the fruitful co-
operative motion of the Session, Board of
Management,. Sabbath Scheele) and
Young People's Society, Missionary
organizations and the individual effort.
The reverend gentleman modestly at-
tributed the splendid results to °there
rather than to himself, although the con-
gregation well knew to whom math of
the toucans was due. (8) 'lhankfainese
ror the olose association and intimate
fellowship always existing. It bond been
a true bead both in joy and sorrow and
the severance of the tie tvould only be
°MOW. Dr. Rosa sympathetically °ailed
op the fact that this was his first change,
the scene of hie first home -making and
he attachments were strong and would
never be forgotten. Only the question of
his health would have caused his removal
from a people so faithful and generous.
He urged duty doing on the part of the
congregation and hoped bye and bye a
joyous meeting to part no more would
be the portion of all. Many an eye Wee
beditneried with team and the service will
live long in the memory of those who
were present. The hymns selected for
the ocoasion were most suitable one being
"Blest be the tie that binds." In the
even ng the Scripture °loosen as the
tame of the aermou was the one used in
the introdnotory discourse of the pastor-
ate from which a warm gospel invitation
was preened upon probably the largest
audience ever assembled iu the edifice.
It WAS a trying Sabbatlt for the pastor
but he did his port most effectively.
St. John's ohurch availing service was
withdrawn and Renter Lang -Ford moist-
ecl in the opening exercises in Melville
Monday evening there was a large and
representative attendance at a most en-
joyable swim' held in honor of the departhg past r and his most excellent family.
After due attention load been paid to an
A 1 spread in the enbool room an adjourn-
ment was Made to the audttorium where
a varied and very interesting program
was presented with A. Hoelop, M. P P.,
iu the chair. It was as follows :-Organ
solo, T. A. Hawkins, organist ; °heir -
meal address ; anthem by choir ; pees-
eutatinn of illuminated address to Rev.
Dr, Roes and a beautiful onthedral obinme
01001t to Mrs, Ross ; reply by Dr, Ross ;
remarks by Elder T, Strachan ; remarks
by Rev. D. Perrin, of Wingbam ; nolo by
Mre. Matheson, of Luoknow ; rernarka,
Elder Stewart; remahke, J. H. Cameron;
male quartette, Messrs. A. and D. Straoh-
an, Richardson and Heleltirlt ; letters of
regret were rend from Rev. Mr. Tait, of
Teeswater, and Rev. L. Perrin, of Week -
°tee ; solo lite°. Olive, of Winghain 1
remarks, Rev. T. W, Oesens ; duet, Miss
Habkirk end O. Richardeon ; remarks,
Rev. F. M. La, g -Ford ; remarks, Rev.
D. 13, McRae, of Oranbrook ; mixed
quartette, Misses MeArter and Walker,
T. A, Hawkins and J. Habldrk Netnarks,
Rev, A. MoNabb, M. A., of Walton; aolo,
Mrs. Matheson • male quartette, by
Messrs. Strachan,Rielordson and Hale -
kirk, The addresses were brief, cordial,
complimentary and expressive of the
igh esteem in which Rev. Dr Rona and
tinnily are hntd The kcompanists were
aliases Habkirk and Jeanie MoLauchlin
and T. A, Hawkins. Before leaving the
school room Mrs. Bone wne made the
recipient of a eplondidly bound Bible and
Book of Praise, a parting gift from the
Women's Missionary Society, of which
she me so long and faithfully its Preei-
dont, and Itilieees Ada, Argo and Bertha
Rose Were each peesented with it gold
ring from the young people of the cone
grogrtion, emblematic of the golden, un-
broken friendship existing.
The Addrees was heantifrnly prepared,
the handiwork of Alexander & Cable
Lioho. Co., Toronto. It contained neatly
executed pen and ink sketches of Melville
church and manse, and was boned in red
moron°, It will he e gift of uuqueetion-
ad value to the reverend gentleman. The
reply was juet what might be expected
from Rev. Dr. Rose who alwaye punnet -
el the happy faeulty of speaking the
right word in the right plane, Address
was read by Elder Stewart and was as
To Bev, Dr. Bose
at your expected and regretted departure
and the breaking of the happy and blessed
tie that hes bound us together for more
than 26 yeara as pastor 'and people we
wish to give expression to our heartfelt
sorrow et this unexpected severance of
this relationship. You have endeared
yourself to tut a people by the faithful
performance of the manifold duties which
pertain to your office as pastor. Your
discoorees from the pulpit have always
been of the highest order, showing maid -
noun and prayerful preparation, great
depth of thoughtfal study and research
and the deliverance of the Berne has been
from the heart, neither mind nor body
being spared to oarry home the menage
with convincing power. Your guidance
and sympathy in all departments of the
altureh's work have been greatly apprec-
iated, each Soaiety receiving your kind
and stimuleting advice and encourage-
ment ae 0001LEn0II required, and your
pastoral work whicuh hes been no onerous
luta been faithfully performed. In your
fidelity to the aged, dolt add sorrowing
ones you have been as a ministering
augel, bringing joy, hope and brightness
int0 their clerk and saddened lives. To
the whole community your noble and
exemplary lite has been se a benediotiou.
The instep of the Mester'a approval has
not been withheld. When beginning
your work here as pastor of Melville
Church we had a membership of 117 to-
day we have a membership of 466, the
largest in the Presbytery of Maitland.
We also desire to bear testimony to your
dear partner in life, Mrs. Boss. She by
her kindness, tact and sympathy has en-
deared herself to every one in the con-
gregation. As a oo-worker in many
o ganizatione of the church she has prov-
en invaluable and we ask her to aocept
this olook as a memento of the many
heppy relationships tyhioh have seined
and as the hours pass and the obimee
ring 001 their melodious peal may you be
reminded of your friends here and look
forward to the happy reunion in the
larger congregation, where severed ties
shall be no more. While expreesing our
heartfelt sorrow at the eeparation yet we
are glad that we oan ever be united in
spirit and thea your work shall ever
remain a testimony to your faithfulness.
The friendship of Ulm past years will
we hope Stili continue, for we trust that
neither time nor distance shall be able to
destroy or even impair them. Our
prayer is that God's °Indeed blesaiug
may be with you and yours and that y u
may be all spared for many years at use-
ful work in the Master's vineyard and at
last receive His blessed ealutation "Well
Signed on behalf of the oongregation by
Brunets Jan, 29, 1906.
Dr. Ross was born of Scottish parents
in the township of Nichol, county of
Wellington, in the year 1861. He attend-
ed the Elora High School where he also
taught a year. In 1871 he went to
Toronto Uuiversity, graduating as
REV. 0.14. ROSS.
Bachelor of Arts in 1876 tailing the
silver medal in metaphyaies, ethics and
logio. Three years were spent in Knox
allege at which he graduated itt 1879,
During hie college days Dr. Rose took
mission work at Manitoulin Island,
Markidide and Gloucester, N. 13. After
leaving Knox College he wan assistant to
the late Rev. Dr. Topp, of Knox church,
Toronto, until he accepted the call to
to Benguela in not. Ap. In December
of the eame year he was united in
marriage to Min Elsie Watt, of Elora,
.and their family °consists of three daugh-
ters, In 1885 a oall with inoreaeed
salary, VMS extended to Dr. Ross from
Soarboro' but it was declined as others
have been since. Dr. Roseman eloquent,
praotioal and logical preaoher ; a clever
debater and is well posted on a wide
range of subjects. He has taken a great
Internet in educational affairs in Brtweela
and occupied a seat on the Pnblio Sohool
Board fee yeare. ' On tins Public Library
Board he tosotondered oft:Went service.
]to Iacidrees to Mre, Rose was
DRAB hiss, RM. -The members of ono:
W. F, 03, 8. desire to express their
sincere sorrow at your retrieval from our
midst. For many years you have been
identified with us tte one beloved President
and we have recognized in you a true
helper and inspiration in the work. We
look baulk with pleaetire to the harmony
that hail alwaye existed and the gymemehy
that hal bound toe together and While
. e
. KERR, Prop
recognising the leading Of "is hand too
Win to err too loving to give needieee
pain" we are yet sad at parting. Worde
deem so powerlese to oonvey our feelinge,
but we tweet that though severed by
distarme, we may .yet keep very near tO
you in heart and In the work we feel euro
you will forward in year new field of
labour. Please aceept this Bible and
Hymnal as a token of affectionate re-
rnemberance from your past 40 -workers,
and believe that very often you will be
remembered till we meet again, Signed
on behalf of the Society.
Man. Dneetteer,
Mae. CABLEileN,
Dr, Bone and family left Brunetti on
Wednesday afternoon's train for thole
new borne with many tearful farewells.
A large number of old friends accompan-
ied them to the depot. They carry with
them the good wi hes of everybody and
will always bo %eleven° book to Brussels,
Trno Pose voine the sentiments of Bros -
eels and community in wishing Dr. aud
Hrs. Rosa and daughters God-epeed, and
hopes they will find as many loyal friends
at Port Dalhousie as they have left here.
Presbytery or Maitland,
The following resolution wan unmet.
measly pentad th the meeting of Pres -
bony held in Materna char& January
ifith, which speedo for itself :-
Tbet the Presbytery granb the. trans -
ration of Rev. Dr. Ross and release bine
from the pastoral charge of Melville
church, Brunets ; syhtob release and
translatiou ahall take offset on the Siet
day of Jaonery coming. In doing eo
we would record our deep regret at his
removal from our midst. We know him
as a men of great natural and acquired
ability • of iudefatigable industry ; and
purpon to perform with all
hie powera whatever • be believed to be
for the honor and glory of ins Blaater.
For over 26 years God hew bleesed Mel.
yea church with his ministry and ban
ceased 10 00 grow from being one among
many 0001 10 has beoome, in point of
membersbip, the premier congregation
of this Presbytery. Es has by hie ster-
ling gealitiee endeared himself not only to
his aongregatiou bot to the oominunity
in the midst of which he has lived ; and
be ia moat loved by those who have come
to know him beat. The conspicuous
part be has always taken in the busi-
ness of dna Presbytery will mouse him to
be miened perhaps; more than any other
member would be. In all his Presbytery
work he nae ehown keennees ot intellect,
°Wetness of understanding and readinese
of inaisive spaeole. Whatever was done
was dove with his might. We might]
sympathise with Melville oongregation
en their lose and we oongratulate Port
Dalhotteie congregation on their gain.
"Mai tem.
Work has been resumed on tbe railway.
T. G. Wagborn V. S. in on the Mak lit,
Mr. Rosamond, of illonkton, has joined
the engineering staff of he 0. P. R. here.
Jas. H. and Mies Homphriee attended
the Crooks -Warne wedding in Morrie on
Tuesday evening.
B. J. Forrest, Die. Eng. ot the G. ik Cie
R. sone in Toronto tide week attending a
meeting of the Can. BOO. of 0.B.
Oornellea and Mrs. Wheatland, of
Mauitoba, are vieiting the lattee'a
brother, Wm. Hoy of this plane,
On February 3.6th a Soak Social will
be held at the home of 0. White at Lead.
bury at width a good time ie expeeted.
There wilt be a congregational meeting
in the Methodist church next Monday
evening to dieonse several business
The 186 more farm of James Heade
5/ lot 18 and Ei of Si loot 17, con. 14,
boa been sold to John
Dougherty, of the name township, for the
sem of 56,800.
We are enrry to note that Mrs. Jonath•
an Moore's health ie not nearly aa good
°Hate as else ie now °toothierj to bed,
Her condition ie a cause of anxiety to her
relatives end old friends.
J. E. Brown, lot 14, oon, 14 MoKillop,
'has aanouned a ()leering amnion sale of
farm stook, implements, me, ae he baa
disposed of lue feral. The date is Farley
afternoon of next week, Feb. Ooh, at 1
o'olook. F. S. Seat, of Brussels, will be
the anotioneer.
Dr. Ovens, 111, 0„ London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brunie, on the first Tuesday in
each month. Your°, 8 e, m. to 1.30 p.
m. Oittaraet, equine, ZotilIng eveeigbt,
deafnesa and mina: oatarrh treated and
ghtena properly fitted. Next visit, Tues.
day, February Otto.
The Young People's Circle held an en.
joyeble gathering on Tneeday evening at
John Berry's. An old initiated spelling
match provided amuse/tient in the earlier
part of the eveniug. The four storey
cake, which was the main feature wee
distributed by Mise Pearl Lawmen and
Silas Mamie Bennet, and provided re.
freehment for he guano.
DEATTI 00 .5 FIONRER.-Alre. Jobe ale.
Fedwean died at the tesidenue of her
daughter, Pars. Thomas Gemmed in
Egmonclville, on Satanist,' Jan. 20th.
atm klaadzeati had reached the great
age of 94 years and retained all her
faculties in a remarkable degree limit
neer the last. Her maiden name wan
Mary Taylor. She was been in the
Island of Arran and wag married to Mr,
Moradzaten in Ayrehire, nearly 74 yearn
ego. They came to illanatta in 1861,
first settling in Ayr, Waterloo county,
After a abort reaidetioe there they re.
moved to Grey township where they
continued to reed& until Mt. Mol'adeean
died, about 16 yearn ago, since whiell
time tbe'deeeheed made her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Gemmel,. She had a
tamily•of twelve, but is only survived by
two sone anti two danehtere. The eone
are Thos. MeFeclzeau. dr Grey, jetnes, Of
Oalifornin, and the danghtere, Mee. Sinop -
son, of MeKition, tuad Moo. Game:tall, of
ligenondviiie. The teetotal took plaoe on
Tuesday and remains were taken
Brueeela cemetery end laid to real beside
theasef him whose joys and sorrows OM
had shared ter en mealy years, The
pall beano* were the six grendeoes
the tinned.