The Brussels Post, 1906-1-25, Page 7_;e •n• til teed r� I oES RELIGION y The Profit of Piety Can Never Be Expressed in Cash. [loth Job fear Cod for naugin?—Job 1„ 9. That was theguestion which, in this, striking drama was asked by uan's( grout adversary. It was a most natural one iron the satanic point of view, where selfish gnhn is the only admissible explanation of any action, weer° the solo question is, will it pay? and where personal advantage 'ts the only (mown standard 01 ethics. 1L is not strange that the lodger view Of life books on re- 11glen as a possibly profitable business venture, a side ]loo to be carried for whet there is in 11.. The acr."sn'Ion In the question is trite enough Lo -day, but It only pel:alsls be- cause of the Iruth In it, The Christine soldier who lives for the loot keeps alive the sneer al religion. A man's testimony in prayer meeting is often only an eco- nomical method of nclvertlsing tits sugar or 1110 dry goods. Many a man is serv- ing erying God with an eyo single to the good 01 his trade, while to others piety Is but a professional pull. To yet others relig- ' ion is a performance to be regarded as one of the penalties peed to social con- vention. Moro dangerous because more subtle is the error of those who look on pious practises as means of placating the wrath of the deity, who hope to buy passports th heti von by prayer meeting pretences on earth. ACTS OF \VORSIIIP • are to them things devoid of delight which they dare not forego for fear .I future pains. ii heaven could be earn- ed this way they would certainly deserve IL But the hypocrites deceive no one. Their pretences are ton palatable. They alone are satisfied with themselves. Piety for profit alone is almost its own sufficient punishment. Who can help pitying the masqueraders who loll so hard to produce no impression. Neither heaven nor earth takes any stock cf them. Their mummery has no more to do with religion than charily balls have to do with it beneficence. It neither pays as business nor as religion. In spite of all pretenders, who are al. ler all relatively few In nunener, relig- ion is a reality In the life of man and the question. does religion pay? deserves a fair answer. Life has no place for that which dons not pay. Neither sup- erstition nor sentiment can sanction the waste of life on useless ends, Taking the soul's infinite standard of values all things must coma to the Lest of their service, the meet to mankhld. A man serves God for the satisfaction secured; not for sol[-50Lisfa0Uon, but because deep within him ho feels 11is treed of the divine, of one who can sa fy his thirst for good, who CO s0,'• 1,088 his highest aspirntftens, who can constantly tone up his life and lead elm to things better than himself. Friendship is not without Its Putt;; yet the true friend dons not Ilgure ran them. Ile who unselfishly seeks another soul, who delights in his service, und counts all sacrifice as joy, finds rcwatds KWh as the cunning of selfishness col 1 never extract. So is it with the service of the Most High. • THE SOUL OF MAN seeks after (lie soul of all; religion Is ser- vice for this supreme friend; worship the communion with him, work tile do- ing of things that please him who shall mOasUre the profit of such love ter what shall a man give in exchange for 110 joy and peace? Tile soul's need of God, the need o[ 110 sources of our lives for the source of all life, the need of the inner spirit of man for touch with the great spirit of all is as real, as definite, and as stead- ily asseelive as the need of the body for food. There aro men so busy making money that they think they have n0 time even to eat; but their folly is As wisdom enmpared to ,That of those who think It does not pay to tate time to fend the inner life, the eternal man. Nor can a man estimate the profit of religion by his own soul possessions alone. Wherever even two or three lift up their eyes and hearts to nobler things the whole race is raised. Che worship of the things that aro worthy makes the whole world more worthy. The profit of ono man's faith becomes a common possession, and the most god- less shore the benefits of the godly lite. The daily search for God is the tuning o,, r L the must t it close o t whole life of the the infinite; the harmony, the fleapit, the salvation of the world depends on its coming into complete accord with that which rules at its heart. Thls, then, is the eternal, individual, and uni- versal profit of piety, that it causes all things more and more • perfectly to work together for the good of all. THE S. S. LESSON y_ INTERNATIONAL LESSON, A IAN. 28. fon e -e ;s; LESSON WORD STUDIES. Note.—These Word Studies lire based 011 theioxt of the Revised Version. John Mark, and His Life Sketch of Jesus.—To our second Gospel has Vaca given,not the Hebrew name of its author, which was Jo1311, but his Roman sur- name, which ons Mark. "John whose surname was Mark" (Acts 12. 12) was an attendant of Darnabas and Saul on their first missionary journey, and just pre- ceding (Acts 12. 25; 13. 5), and a little later a source of contention between tis Messiah, and for his coming people were superiors (Acts 15. 27-30, because of his to prepare themselves. having loft them before the completion of their first missionary lour, on which he had started with them as their at- tendant (Ads 13. 13). But in the Epistle to the Colossians he again appears as the companion of Paul (Col. 4. 10), and is mentioned also in Tim. 4. 11, and In Phnom. 24. Peter also, to 11(s second epistle, speaks of Mark, calling him his son in the faith (1 Pel. 5. 13), and it is to rho home of Mark's mother In Jeru- salem, whore it company of disciples was gathered in prayer for his deliverance, distinguished from Christian baptism, that E'eler hastened upon being mitten- with which It wos not identical. It was lously set tree from prison (Acts 12. 12). a baptism unto repentance, and signifies Mark's gospel is distinguished from those of Matthew and Luke by its brev- ity. On him the life of Jesus seems to have made the impression of a "swift march of important events toward a tragic end." Omitting all mention cf the birth and childhood of Jesus, anal touching but briefly on tinct events of resurrection morning, his life sketch of Jesus is devoted almost wholly to the period of his public ministry, "a brief and terse narrative of a throe years' campaign." That Mark wrote for Gentle rather than for lowish readers Ls evident from the fact that he oOnstantly explains Ile - brew terms and customs. The feet that he refers to 111e destruction of Jerusalem as an event still hi rho future, 'though imminent, necessarily pltioes the date of the compostten of the ,gospel before A. D. 70. Traditidn points to Rorie as the place of its welting, and certain Latin words peculiar to this gospel give support to this tradition., Verso 1. The beginning—Mitts verse alnenl8 to be intended as a title or heading of the paragraph in rogard to'[110 work of John the. Baptist, whose announce - tient of the corning of one mightier than himself was tho beginning of the gospel, X01 good news about Jesus Christ. . Of Jtsus Christ -Jesus is th0 personal name of our Lord. in Matt. 1. 21 its descriptive metalling is pointed out to be that of Saviour: "01100 511a11 call lids name Jesus; for it is he that shall save his people [rem their sins The word Chi'IM Ls the official title of Jesus, and means literally, the anointed, or [dos- siall, Tho .expression the gospel of Jesus Christ" may mean either the glad tidings coneer0tng Jesus Christ or tllore brought by him to the world. 11, In isalall the prophet --Thee Icing James Version In its rendering in the prophets" follows a sma11 minority of the older manuscripts, Tho quotation which follows le really token front tern. prophets, the lime part being g font Mal. 2. t, and the seemed from Ise1011 40. 8. Before tory face --ht the original 'ens- sage from bialarh[; Jullovall himself 1s spent:he; old, says, "Behold 1 s111111 by tnessLuger, who shelf prepare the way WOW 1110," 11e for whom the way le to be pt 111M - self self made flesh: "And the Word be- came flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1. 14). 1n Matt. 11. 10 Jesus himself points out that in the coming of John the Baptist the prophecy of Malachi was fulfilled: "This is he of whom it '8 written, Behold, f send my messenger before thy face." 3. Make yo ready the way of the Lord, make his paths straight—Public highways in the Orient are not, ordinarily kept in good condition. When, how- ever, a prince or o1.110r person of royal dignity desires to make a Journey her- alds announce the fact sufficiently in advance to give the inhabitants of the country through which the prince is to pass a11 onnortunity to put the highway into condition for travel. 111 111ce man- ner, in a figurative sense, John the Bare net was In annrnnlce the coming of the 4. John came—Verses 2 and 3 have have been parenthetical; on1(ttng this parenthetical reference to the prophecies, and joining this fourth verse to the first, 11e significance of our comment on verse 1 becomes apparent, "The begin- ning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,' consisted, so far as Mark's narrative was concerned, in the corning of John the Baptist. Baptized John's use of the baptismal rile was unique, and is to 110 carefully the inward purification of the person baptized. "It took u" into a symbolical rite the figurative washings of such pas- sages as Ise. 1. 16; 4, 4; Jer. 4. 14; Zech. 13. 1; Psa. 51. 2. Outwardly it had its counterpart in the Levitical washings of the law (Exact. 28. 4; Lev. 44. 8, 9; 15. 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 21, 22, 27; 10. 20, 28; 17. 15, etc.).' Gould. Repentance --Tho Greek word means literally a change of mince, especially such as comes from an afterthought. 'Thus 1.0 reconsider one's actitun, and to turn from a life of sin to one of righteousness and holiness, is to repent. 5. A11 the country of Judaea, and all they of Jerusalem—A hyperbolical ex- pression, just its if WO 811001(1 read in a oily paper that the whole ally had turned out to soo or hear the President. 0. C7d11od with camel's hair—Clothes made of coarse cloth woven from camel's Clair. TITLED WOMEN WORKERS I101V '1'Hl'IY HAVE HELPED NATIVE IN'DUS'TRIES', Englund, Ireland and Stollen() Have L'ene[illed by Their 'Influence. Many ladles are excellent organizers. writes Lady Violet Greville 111 111e London Daily Chronicle; many of them have o talent for collecting round them the right people and putting them in the. right places, while they are 01s0 gifted with such acumen and jurdiclous in- sight into character as enables them triumphantly to conquer difficulties. The work done by the Scotch and 11.1011 indltshles alone proves this. 'I'Ile Duchess of Sutherland has re- stored comfort and activity to many a village home which for 10.011 of work was perishing, and by her unwearied energy and example hes developed the making of homespun and tweeds into a real and flourishing industry. She, in the north of Scotland, Lady Aberdeen in centra( Scolland and the Duchess of Buccleuch in the south practically sweep the country between Mem and command an excellent sale for the pro- duces of their taste and judgment. The industry so valuable to the poor crofter's who weave m the long winter months has steadily progressed from the first initial opening, when the turnover was 81,900, tin it is now ,£,400. As was very wisely observed recently at the Leeds exhibition, "\Ve don't desire ,o raise an unemployed fund, we wish to keep the poor employed." One Weal advantage of the materials they supply. which a(, dyed with seaweed, which gives lovely tints unattainable other- wise, is that they ore all good, GENUINE AND DURABLE. As an illustration, there is a story cur rent that two suits of -Harris tweed were sold by a worker to a couple who wished to bo dressed alike on their tandem bicycle. Year after year, when the friend visited them, they wore still wearing the stilts; at last In the fifth year the friend saw 111en1 no longer and thought they must now be worn out, when, be- hold, in came five little children alike le the identoul tweed, still a5 good its ever. What these ladies have clone in Scot- land industries 1 revhdn the cottage land 1 g Y g in Ireland byLhe repealed ^been has Duchess of Abercorn, Lady Aberdeen. Lady Londonderry, Lady Cadogan, Lady Arthur Hill and many others, In Ire- land the old art of making beautiful lace, which was languishing for lank of indicated and there found Inc bones of encouragement a few years ago, is now the murdered warrior concealed in a successfully practised, and fashion In moorland tract. called the 11111 e[ Paris, by some inscrutable process known only to itself, has ordained that this season Irish lace should be the "dernier orf de la mode." Whole gowns are fashioned 'of it, blouses of fairylike texture tempt the purse and the vanity of the olegante, while no dress is con- sidered complete without the addition rf a jabot, a pelerine or a trimming of Irisin lace. Lady Dudley, wile of tho ex - Viceroy of Ireland, has encouraged the manufacture and sale of lace to the ut- most of her ability, and Lady Mayo seconds her efforts in giving designs, advice and assistance of all kinds to the superhllenticd by an Intnlllgent work't 1144141414414"1".R44144 rye, '4'44 fr,g. ji' J' r'�4M■1+1 ing winnan, and soul In lhR \liege - J. 41' gr� � �t� e Ached. All these boys hove turned out, well. One is a slutiou master, another p. an organist, a third an estate clerk, a I fourth a lend gardener, one or two til Ihel1 having slhown special cupacity were sent to college, and did excellently. The great beauty of all (hese schemes is the voluntary effort conipried in thein, and the personal influence required to 1� ,44„�„�«ereeee viegel„ ,+14 hring lien to a satisfactory conclusion. They show that many woman are seri- ously trying to grapple With 11118in055, educational and social problems, and are busy in 1001'e senses than 'one, HANGED ON OHO:T'l"S TESTIMONY. Peculiar Trials Found Among Bettish Court Accords. The. testimony of a "ghost" would not now count for much In a court of law but the day has been when it has sufficed to hang a man. It is slated that the original depositions are in the Bodleian Library of a most remarkable case 11 this character, says the London Stan- dard. A girl named Anne Walker was sup- posed to have been sent away for her mind by n sitestonlial farmer. Some time nflerwerds a so-called apparition appeared to a neighbor, with its head all nuouy Il•01[1 wuuuus, and tolling hint that she had been murdered by the far- mer and an accomplice. Her body, 11e apparition said, had been buried In a spot which she described, and.she begged the man to whom she appeared to bring her murderers to justice. True enough, the body was found in the place mentioned and the men were brought 10 trial. The sensational character of the case was intensified by ono of the jury- men declaring that he saw the child of the dead woman "silting upon the shoulder" of its father, the farmer. Both the culprits were hanged. There was a ghostly accuser In a case with winch readel s of Scott are famil- iar. Soon after the "45" an English sol- dier wandering near Braemar met a violent death. Hawks do not peck out hawks' een and no man opened his mouth to give a clue. Years passed and then came a story of a communication [ram another world. A faun servant declared that In the night a spirit bad appeared to him, de- claring itself to be the ghost of the sol- dier, whose bones it said lay still un- buried. The highlander must see to their decent interment and have the murderers, two men named, brought to justice. The Highlander promised, but and a second rd and s c did not keep his word, appeared andu- the spirit n e up- braided time p thirdp p braided him for this breach of faith. Alarmed at last and no longer daring to delay, the man called a companion, went to the spot which the spirit had workers. But lace, tweeds, friezes and serges are not the only manufactures distressed Ireland produces. Lady Kenmare, in the delightful and poetical regions of lenl- (arney, has organized a new industry in the shape of INLAID FURNITURE, made by the natives, which can vie in beauty and finish with any other work of the kind. It is almost superfous to mention the well-known lingerie and art needlework executed in convents, schools, etc., and encouraged, presided over or actually created by women. When one considers how difficult it is to reorganize a dying trade, to enter upon business as an un- trained person, ,1 find out the best mar- ket for the sats of goods, to create fashion, that most capricious of females, and to snake both ends meet, it must be confessed that women of tho present day have shown remarkable aptitude for organization, clearness of aim and un- paralleled activity and perseverance ei carrying out their somewhat ambitious aims. Lady Warwick's experiments In toehlnical schools, gardening and agri- culture are well established and have opened several new careers 10 women. Lady Henry Somerset's temperance work and (ler homes for Inebriate women aro the outcome of a lifelong devotion, and one knows not which to admire most, the strength that has enabled her to travel all over America In the cause, the silvery tones 0f her clear voice when she pleads for the poor and the wretched, or the admirable discipline and wisdom with which she rules her little communi- ties, and the decided success that has attended them. A leathern girdle—Compare the des- cription of Elijah's raiment: "He was a hairy mal, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins" (2 Icings 1. 8). Locusts and wild honey—Several species of locusts furnished food for the common people of Palestine, especially in times of ranine. By wild honey is meant the honey of the wild bee stored in hollow tree trunks and in Caves and crevices In the rocks. Tho Greek word seems ,also to have designated the sap Of certain trees. Laiohet-=The strip of !anther that fastened a sandal or 01103, The English word comes from O. F. les, or laced, "noose," from which (101n05'a1130 the noun "lace," any kind of cord holding to- gether pmts of a garment or shoe. 8. In the Holy Spirit --Or, "with the Holy Spirit." 0. Nazareth of Galilee—The phrase "of Galilee" is one of the many little ex- planatory phrases found in Mark's gos- pel which indicate that the circle of readers far.which the gospel was in- tended wee Gentle and outside 01 Pal- estine 10. Straightway—A favorite word of the a116ho1', wheee narrative might, be called the. stral htwey appropriately f¢ gospel," firrelc the pre. Rant asundtr •-fn t10 P r. 0(0(1 Is,nonnotl01' than Gad 1im- sell pnrtictple is used, indicating pre. P. Sent action, being rent asunder. Christie. The story of the Highlander came to the ears of an anti -Jacobite, who caused the mater to be brought to trial before the Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh. There the talo was corroborated by a woman who had seen a naked figure enter the place on the night spoken of by the man. It was an age of superstition, In a dis- trict more than oommonly given to super- stitions, and the jury seemed disposed to find the two rnen charged guilty of the murder. Rut it happened that the principal witness spoke only Gaelic. Nov,said counsel for the defense, "in "'el. language did the ghost speak?" '1.s good Gaelic) as I ever heard In , ,rubor, was the reply. "Pretty good for the ghost of an English soldier,' said counsel. And that question and comment saved the nettles of the men at the bar. The jury could believe in n ghost, but not in an English ghost speak- ing Gaelic. The Duchess of Montrose's hobbyUs to establishment of district nurses. p to a [ow years ago 831011 useful women wore unknown in Scotland, 111e training of village midwives left much to bo de- sired,' and the poor in time of sickness were forced to depend on the minister - Ings of relatives or the unseill[ul if wall meaning attempts of friends and neigh- bors. The ductless has organized 11 training home and nurses' home In Govan, ono of 111e poorest suburbs of Glasgow, where any amount' of exper- ience can be acquired, and thence is able to send out DULY QUALIFIED NURSES to any counties that I'egilire them. Tiny ventures of all kinds have boon practised by other busy ladies, accord- ing to their several capaciltas and idio- syncrasies, One, for instance, has started a holiday Homo for poor chil- dren from the -crowded eines where the 11tfe ones may breathe fresh air and en- joy the delights of running wild In the country ter a fortnight; It lothee -Mees charge of Crippled children, perbnps the most pathetic work of all, and end0al•01's to restore them to 11011111 or to leach them trades by which they they bo nude self seppartIng and happy. - The Merchfonees of Deeadalhana has initialedan inlorasLing experiment 1n ilio education of orphenl boys Mon 10011. the poorest ciass; The boys, about a dozen i11 millibar, are lodged '9u -a Teen lvurinuan's College in a beautiful village; STRANGE ROMANCE. 1011(1n Marquis fields itis Title to come British Subject. A strange romance of an Italian mar- quis, who gave up leis title and fort tie and became a British subject, has been unfolded in the New Zealand Court of Appeal. whe- herCourt was asked to deckle he - her the late Marquis Arturo Taliacarne was an Italian or a New Zealander. lie w as the son of the Marquis Andrea allacarne, of Genoa, an Italian subject, and at various times Ambassador of the. then King of Sardinia to many countries. Tile Marquis Andrea married an Eng- Ushwoman in London, and when ho was Ambassador for Sardinia at The Hague, n 1859, his sot Arturo was born. The boy was educated at Harrow and Oxford, and on. the death of his father became possessor of largo estates In Genoa and other parts of itaiy. In 1881 to went to Now Zealand, invested a large sum of money in land, and, adopting the donoeratio spirit of the country, dropped his title, and assumed the name of Arthur James Beetle. While he was in New Zealand he ar- ranged for the income of his Italian estates to be invested by an Italian ape pointed to receive the money. After the Marquis' death, however, it was dis- covered that f.his person had become bankrupt and lost the entire fortune (f the Marquis, amounting to about $200,000, Ill 1800, shorty before 1118 death, 1110 Marquis married in his English mune, and• it is his wife, who has since married again, who brought an action asking the New Zealand courts to revoke the grant of probate to his will on the ground that ile was an Italian subject. The action, however, has been decided against her, the Court of Appeal declaring that the Marquis was a r.esidml1 (1f New Zealand and a British Subject. PERUVIAN RAILWAY. A retnorkable railway, 0110 of the wonders of Peru, is that which runs from -Callao to the gold fields of Cerro de Poem. Beginning in Callao, it as - coeds tic narrow valley of the lilma , rising nearly 5,001) fact in the first 0 Hailes. Thence it goes through the intri- cate gorges of the Sierras till it tunnels the Anulus at an altitude 0f 111,615 feet, the highest point in the word) where n piston roil Le moved by Menne This es. tnntshilig °lihve llen is reached in 713 mil08. Bo - r t 1 Fritter Beans,—Beat an egg until light, add ogle -fourth teaspoonful of salt, one- fourth of u cupful of milk, and pour gradually into one cupful of flour. Beat until smooth, adding more milk !f needed to make a drop batter. Pour through u colander Into deep hot fat and fry until brown. Lift out with a sicimmer and drain on brown paper. Put a spoonful into each service of soup as served, Apple Ginger.—Wipe, pare core and chop sour apples enough to weigh two and one-half pounds. Put In a slcwpan and add one and one'hftlf pounds et light brown sugar, the juice and rind of ono lemon, one-half ounce of ginger root and one cupful of water. Cover and cook slowly for three hours, adding water as necessary to keep from burn- ing. Serve around the roast goose In apple cups made from bright red apples. The apple sugar may be prepared a week: ahead 1f desired. Soft Ginger Chocolate Creams.—Form fondant into tiny cones, tucking into each ones a bit of preserved ginger, well dried, before using. Dip the balls 1010 melted chocolate, one at a erne and lay on paramn paper in a cold place to harden. Maple and Butternut Cream.—Break into shall pieces five pounds of maple sugar and brat in a porcelain pan with one pint of cream. Boll over a moder- ate fire to the soft ball stage. Remove from the fire, add one cupful of chopped butternut meals and stir slowly until the mixture cools and beghas to thicicen, then pour into_.shallow buttered pans, score 111 squares and place a butternut meat on each square. When cold break apart and wrap each piece in a square of scarlet paper with fringed ends. Devil's Food. -13o11 together a half -cup of sweet milk, a half -cup of brown sugar, and a half -cup of grated chocolate. When as thick as cream take from the fire and set aside to cool. Cream a cup Of brown sugar and a half -cup of butler, add two beaten eggs, two-thirds of a cup of 011111, and vanilla flavoring. Mix in the boiled mixture and add two cups of flour that have been sifted with iwo teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Bake in layers and put these together with icing. boiled i c Apple P utter.=Boil cidere1. down to two- thirdsIts original quantity, and turn into this as many peeled and sliced apples es the liquid will cover. Simmer, stir- ring often until soft and broken. Strain out the cooked apples, odd more fresh ones, and cook in the same way. De 11111e until the cider is absorbed, Set all aside in a stone crock for 12 hours, tiler boll to a soft brown mass, and pack in stone jars Lemon Pie.—Line a pie -plate with a light crust, grato upon this the yellow rind of one large lemon. Remove the white inner peeling carefully: and cut the lemon into slices, placing them in the oust with the edges touching, but not overlapping. When the bottom if the pie is covered strew the lemon with a cup of granulated sugar, then pour hII a tablespoonful of cornslerteh, stirred into a gill of water; cover with a top crust, and bake. A New Idea for Meat PIos.—We all know how soggy a meat pie crust usually is, so most cooks will hat this new way of making them. Cover the outside of the pan with the crust, prick- ing it lightly all over. Set this pan over a eel so it will not touch tho bottom of the oven, and bake nicely. Slip from the pan and you have the bottom and sides of the pie. Roll out and cut a cover to fit, prick it well and bake this also. When wanted for use, set in the oven a few minutes, fill with the hot meat mix- ture, put on the warm crust and set in the oven until ready to serve. Both crust and filling can bo made the day before., so this saves a 1ot,of time. ALASI Once I was rich, end all rnrn v01110 . Submissive to my call, But 1n a, Moment's 11010 n blame A10rtn clock spotted ,111311. `. If used regularly, the appearance of having been bleached. When boilingmeat the red juice will escape and so render 11 dry and insipid r dread of e turning it to fork c to n it t 1 In aIs g n knife or spoon If the meat Melee to the gridiron and is milked by the bars, 111e latter have not been won greased be. fore putting -on the 8101111, T11e really best 010110,11 of aleenimg mirrors and windows Is t0 rub ureal w1111 a pasha of whiling and water. When ttt(s dries polish with dry chamois and remove the powder. A little alco- hol in cold water also gives a brilliont polish. Soapsuds should never be used., When making soup, if there is uo time to let it enol and heat again before serving, pae4s It through a olefin wh11e cloth wrung out of 00l(1 water, The cold- ness of the cloth will coagulate the fat and will prevent the pure grease from getting through. Soup 30110 wholes of fat Muting on the top is very we appa(lzing. If meat is Lough, or If you have any doubt as to its tenderness, put a table- spoonful of vinegar over when putting it on to mole. You will (Intl it very tender when done. Try steaming fowls instead of boiling. You will find that the meat is always tender and rho full benefit of the fowl is kept, besides a very delicate flavor. To polishthe dining table, take 0 quarter of a pound of beeswax (the un. bleached will do) end have ready a piece of carpet a quarter of a yard square. lined with a piece of cloth and padded Hold the wax before a fire, and, as 11 melts, coat ihr 010111 well with IL, and while yet warm begin to rub the table briskly. Ruh for a quarter of an hour. Por chilblains or blisters on the hands first soak the members In hot water. then rub with spirits of turpentine. ()thing Ls better for a cold on the lungs than equal parts of turpentine and lard mixed and applied warm. Many sharp pain in 11e side or cues(. can be relieved by applying clouts wrung from hot water in which is one tablespoonful of turpentine to the quart. MADE 81011 13Y BOGUS MINE. Exploits of Swindlers Laid Bare to Their Dupes. - An exploit of the "Band of the Baker," the gang of international thieves now being broken up by the Paris police, bas come to light. Two years ago they invented a milling company in the United .Slates. There was no mine, but the shares were adroitly put on the market at 820 apiece. They were well subscribed, l ' b and in the • c ed few months the entranced course of a shareholders received a preliminary dividend of $6.25 a share. Three months later they received a further dividend of $6.25. AL the end of e. third three months another letter from the company mime. This lime d was 111e notice of a general meeting of the shareholders, and an Intimation that valuable mineral discoveries had been made on the company's property. Mirabel, the leader of the band, ex- plained at the meeting of the company that further capital was needed to devel- op the new discoveries. Ile said that the directors had decided to make a call of $15 a share, which would enable them to extend the operations to the fullest extent, and make the fortunes of the. shareholders in a very little Cine. By a refinement of cleverness, the shareholders who did not wish to pay thio call were Informed that their money would be returned to them less 111e divi- dends already paid. Everybody paid this $15 call, Since the day they received the scrip the shareholders have not heard of the company or the directors. NEIGHBORHOOD DON'TS. Don't, in the interest of peace and quietness, and as you venue your own reputation in your own neighborhood, be too intimate with any ono when it conies to revealing the scored places 01 your heart and• home. Your mother, my dear young woman, or your - husband, is the safest confidant, and it makes no difference • ov' perfectly congenial a fried may seem, or even prove to be, she will value you none the less for tho fine reserve that you maintain about per- sonal maters. And such reticence may savo you infinite annoyance by and by. Don't snake the mistake of saying, "Now, of course, this is just between you and ale," about one neighbor to another. Don't, if you have cl.11droh, allow them the privilege of any premises except thole own, lost you bo.overrun with 1110 young of other families, and thereby find mach undiscovered territory of impa- tienco in your own self, and fresh pro- blems 111 the care an(1 culture of your offspring Don't entertain your neighbors with stories of the cleverness of your chil- dren, your oats or your canines. Don't tell them 1101v good your oldest son is, for they may put on the look of the wondrous wise, and thereby 0xas- pnraLe you. If ,33011 haven't sul[icfent lea in 1110 house fur 1110 imminent meal, do with- out, or mate coffee in the stead of it, for the borrowing habit Is insidious, de- moralizing, and once begun 1s as hard to reform as the drink habit. The whole system sums h at m a in the ob- servance p of tho gondol rule, but since no one is possessed of all (ho graces, and negative virtues in a neighbor are the ones we value most, except in rare emergencies,it will be well to 1ea131 the golden rule 0f Confucius: "De not unto others, as yo would not 51hey should do unto you." The cheery visits to you in your stria mass or bruuhle, the kindly Helping bend when tinges of stress come,. will not mean sn much to you if they are thrown' into relief by a background of petty annoy - niters, end and 11'41 a poor rule Ita1 doesn't work both wept._ POR uy,+,_ TOR 'i'HP, 1111L'4E\VIFle, A little pipeclay Weeded in the water employed 111 ensiling 1inraeb•awcs the dlrlic\st clothe, ihoruughly,. with a great saving et total' ((1111 soali, It 'will .also improve the calor of the linen, giving If, BRITAIN'S NEW PREMIER Silt HENRY (1At11I'IBELL , BANNER. MAN'S 111(0ORD.. ile is Entitled on Services to the Proal. - inept Position lie Now Holds. In spite of Ills somewhat pronounced LIL0'aliene,-his adherence to Home little, ' and the countenance which extended during tea Shah African war - to the pro -Boer section of his party, Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman has never been„ unpopular among the Conservatives at Weshninster, says a writer in the Lon- don Standard. (Con.) His cheery man- ner, itis genuine kindliness, and a con- siderable fund of dry (1unier, which oc- casionally, though too rarely, dhows itself in his public speeches, make him a pleasant companion. Ho is moreover, it hospitable roan, and an excellent judge of cookery. Without any pretensions to learning or wide reading, he Is a well- informed, clever conversationaliot, and versed in 111e light literature el Franoe as well as of -England. - HIS ADVANCEMENT. - From the beginning of his career In Parliament the was marked out for ode vancemenl, though his warmest friends could scarcely have predictedthat he would become Prime Minister, or even Leader, of the iIouse of Commons. He seemed destined, rather [0 figure among the highly -esteemed but distinct- ly second-rate politicians whose claims to Cabinet rank are recognized on COO, dation that, when the time comes for younger men to press forward, they wilt uncomplainingly retire --either' with or without a peerage. Twice he served as Financial Secretary to the War Office (1871-4 and 1880.2). From 1882 to 1884 the was Secretary to the Admiralty, and in the latter year he consented, at a troubulous period, to become Chief Sec- retary for Ireland. In all these offices— even in the last—he acquired a reputa- tion for tact, businesslike capacity, and a certain amount of Parliamentary -ad- dress. JENKS WAS RIGIIT. Farmer Jenks is a man who is so de• sirous of being considered infallible that be will suffer great inconvenience rather than relinquish that claim. "1-le'd ra- ttler have his own way than eat when Vs hungry," says his wife, who, after long years of contention and final yield- ing, has learned to know holm well. Not long ago Fanner Jenks injured one o[ his fingers so severely that llc was obliged to leave s work and go homli e and have it dressed. "I tell you what, Jane," said he to his wife; "that finger'll have to come off." "No. 'twon't, either, father," said she. s0otlliligly. "I've seen plenty of hurts worse'l that." "Jane, I tell you 'twill! Don't you s'pose that I know what to expect of. my own trfgcr?" The dispute ran high, and, as usual, the husband had the last word. Days event and the (Inger grew worse rather than better, until M. last It reach- ed such n elate that filo doctor was culled. He had not been in the room fifteen minutes when Farmer Jenks sum- moned his wife. "Sane," said ho, "come here, come herel What do you s'pose he says?" "Well, I guess by the way you're emit - in' he says its all right," said she, also beginning to smile in relief. "I must say I am glad! Your forefinger and on lire right handl it didn't seem to me 1 could 11e reconciled if it really had to conte off—" "iiut that's just it," interrupted her husband, still smiling in triumph, (Ind looking at hor with sparkling oyes; "it's got to Dome off, and i told you sol" SNOW -SHOES FOR MARSHES. Tha largest extent of mm'sh land in the world is to be found 111 the lowlands which form part of the steppe of Ba' - aha, between the rivers latish and Obi, in Asiatic Russia. elem region is not, and Corded with forests, salt lake?, and quivering menthes, extending over an area which is not less than 1013,0(10 squ0r0 miles. During the simmer dense clouds of nlosqutuas float over the treacherous ground. Jtnecnse nrea8 of these dreaded "llrmans" Have never been vieile(1 by man. The marshes treacle - musty concealed 1(11(ler a swaying toyer of grassy vegetation, can only be crossed by moans of n 1(11101 of snot' -8110e in winter, except at the po'I1 of one's like CURIOUS COAL CEid,111. to !inn churchyard of a coeteln Welsh village. n 11111(11(1 sloring•plamc is pro- vided for 1110 000 used to tient lila ('lurch during lie winter months. In Ilia churchyard stand four largo yew I(,10c, prominent lamlmarlw•( known to all Iho villagers. 13ut these [!rand old. yews are not only nrnantodal; one. aL least, 80rve8 a Toed purpose,, for in a hollow in: 0110 of El SIM, 331(1011 Is protected by a flog',. 14 slurcd' 111e rite -Mee supply of Coal. THE CORDITE VOTE. It was natural that when Mr. Glad- stone formed his now Ministry in 1886 an important department should be in- trusted to a loyal and capable follower. Sir Henry was Secretary of Slate for War for a few months in 1886, and again from 1892 to 1895. On both occasions he won the, good opinion of the perman- ent staff. Certainly he is not one cf those administrators who make them- selves disliked by restless energy and reforming zeal. It was, perhaps, the reluctance of Mr. Gladstone's and Lord etosebery's Governments to spend money on the army estimates that led to the famous exposure es to the cordite and to their defeat in the ouse of Commons. There is no doubt that when they went out the military store., had been al- lowed to sink to a dangerously low quantity. AFTER THE SPEAKERSHIP. It should be mentioned that, so far from Sir henry having anticipated ten years ago that he would reach 111s pre- sent exalted position, he was anxious on the retirement of Mr. Speaker Pee[, t0 succeed him in the chair, and it was only at the earnest Intercession of his colleagues, who were already unwilling to face any of the dilennas of'recon- slruction, that he gave up what was then his highest ambition. it was, per- haps by way of compensation for this considerable act of self-sacrifice that he was created G. C. B. The withdrnwal of Lord Rosebery from the leadership of the party, and the subsequent retirement of Sir Wil- liam Harcourt and Mr. John Morley from active wok in the House of Com. mons, loft the field clear for Sir Henry. Undoubtedly 11e has worked hard for his party, and is entitled on his services, to the high reward now bestowed upon him. Whether his leadership can be permanent, or whether it will be adval- 10geous, even during a brief period, for his party, are questions that we need. not now discuss. Nor will we go over what we regard es his very'comprom- ising and unfortunate reenrd as to South African affairs. RELATIONS WITH ROSEBERY. Probably it was no fault of his that the was forced into rivalry wvith Lord Rosebery, who, after withdrawing, broke up the party—so the Radical group con- tend—by founding the school of Liberal - Imporialists and setting up a definite organization, the Liberal League, which, in regard to foreign affairs and also '1s te Ireland, pursued a policy which was not the policy of either of 111e loft wing of 111e .party or of its accepted leader. These, again, are points that need not bo discussed on this occasion. Tho p011r1.21 which had seemedto -be appeas- ed before Sir Henry's speech at Stirling and Lord elosebery's lrply at Bodmin had not died away—it only -slumbered. And it is sold that Sir Henry, though he has paid generous tributes to Lord Rosebery's great abilities, did not alto- gether relish his recent reference to 11hn A -i an "0111 friend." Personally, we bo- ileve thorn was no animosity. But the difference in their points of view' he re• g�erd to all imperial questions is abso. 13110)y fundamental,. SPEAKS leR011( NOTES, Whon Sir Henry chooses to make an effort he can deliver a fareible end 11un1- nrous speech. But he indulges at times in an excessive use of gesture, and the effect of his utterances is much dimin- ished by the fact that they are, tie a rule, reed word for word from a paper, it is a habit whiele he must abandon 1'f he wishes to attain 13113' 53101)088 "es lead- erof the House of Commons. 8 ('.11511 AND EFFECT, "That young woman next door to you goes in 1'00 meta, doesn't silo? "Music, so•oalled, yes." "Vocal or instrumental "1 Milo of both. She's vociferously Vaal and instrumental in making tate neighbors swear,", 0.14.411,0 \VIIICII? file -•pore's a joke abort 0 Weneatt trying to sharpen a. load pencil. f Can't sen any point to ill Iia---Noboly Ran, Thatee What the joke serv,