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The Brussels Post, 1906-1-25, Page 4
t t tbmoe s fist. TX OTR$ D AYO JAN. 26 1806, Ih Alt e Wale. 17aulaa' Osunos,--Tea congregation of Eadiee' Oburgb le prospering under oharge of elude peeler, Rev. W. J. West, 511. A. The report above that. for 'stipend and eapeneee there wag reoeived, $694 28; for the aobemee of the church, 8145 01 ; Other receipts, 588 76 • the Sabbath Sohooi robed 580,19, and the W. F. M. S., 548.74. Five'membere died, and 7 removed ; 12 were added, leaving the ruomberalip 96. The Elders aro—F. Lewis, 3. Sutton, T. Aitken and H. Peareo 1 Treasurer: Fronk Lewis. The ohurob ie neat, and comfortable, and the oongregation attentive and appreoiativel. Gown( WRDnnio—The home of Robt. and Mre. Maxwell, of the Biuevale road, was the some of a happy gathering, on Wednesday, 10113 incl., when a large number of friende gathered to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of the host and boateee, and tender them 'langratalatione on Lavine peeved fifty years of married life. Mr. Maxwell tate born in Domfrleehlre, Scotland, M'oreh 22, 1894. Hie partner, lane Scott, wee 'born in the same -plane, July 19th, the ee.ma year. They came to Oauada iu 1855, arriving in Galt, June 19 Om Tau nary 10th, 1856, they were unload In marriage, settling first in Princeton. In 1869 they name to the township of Morrie, but for the past 28 yenta have melded in Tarnberry. The 0uloa wan bleared by a family of four Bone and four daagbtere, all of whom are living, except the eldest eon, James, who died in 1008, The mem. bere of the family are—lldre. Hugh Roes, Wiugbam ; J. 8. Maxwell, Brendon ; Mies N. Maxwell, Zion Oity ; Wm. Max. well, Blaevale road ; Mre. T. H. Rem, Wingbane ; Mre. T. G. Nieho'.eon, Ztou Oity, and Robert Maxwell, Wicghem. The oompauy that gathered o0 the 10th inst., to oelebrate with tbie respected oouple, the 50th an0ivereary ot their wedding day, was a molts happy one. Arthur Murphy, of Galt, the groom.. man fifty years ago was present, together with about fifty old neighbors and friends, among whom were a number over eighty. Tiley brougbt with them many valuable presents as tangible evidences of their esteem. Among these was a puree of gold from the family. Dinner was served at four a clock and then followeo a program with J. 0. Moffatt, of Galt, presiding. Among the toasts presentee were :—"The Maxwell family," propos. ed by the sane, replied to by the groom. This was followed by a song, by Rebt. Maxwell, jr. "The Sonata law," by Hugh Rosa and T. H. Roes. "0td friende" coupled with the names of Jobe Burgess, Adam Oleghoru, Thos. Jeukine and Arthur Murphy, of Galt. Rev. W. J. Wert spoke on The "Chetah Reia tioua" of the bride and groom. After the program, the evening was pleaeautle spent in singing, games, story telling. etc. Messages were reaeived from C13i• oogo,e, Brandon Milling Co., aud other Among those present from a dietsnoe were :—J. 8. Maxwell, Braudoo, J. 8. and Mrs. Moffatt, Mr. Marpby 8800 Mao. R. N. Scott, all of Galt. Wilma -ham. The Book and Stationery bneioese of W. Cooper & Co., in Wingham, ohangee hands. Mies K. M. Fisher, who has bad the management of it for some months past, ie the purchaser. Deputy District Grand Easter Donglaee, of Wroxeter, installed the officers of Court Maitland lodge of Odd le lows. They are ;—N. G., E. Moore ; V. G., S.A. Maguire ; B. 8., J. F. Grovee ; F. S., T. J. Elliott ; Trees, H. B. Elliott Warden, P. Hill ; Con., A. Bell ; R. S. N. G., J. W. Hawar ; L. 8. N. G., W. J. Haines ; R. S. 8 , G. Allen ; L. 8, B., J. W. Dodd ; I. G. S. Piper ; 0. G„ A. Leishman ; R.13. V. G., A. Porterfield ; L, 8. V. G., D. SIooallnm. The animal meeting of 'Tarnberry Agrianitaral Rooiety was held on Jari. 10th. Following officers were elected :— President—John H. „Moffatt ; 1st V,ee Pree.—W. J. Henderson : 2nd Vitae— W. J. Carrie ; Direotore—J. A. Morton, S. Keruigbam, D. B. Anderson, W. S. Liuklater, L. H. Boemau, Jae. Musgrove, P. Fowler, Jae. Henderson, 0. A. Rio tool ; Anditore—Joo. A. McLean, Rooert Corrie, )r. ; Beoretary-Treasurer—H. B Elliott, The Auditors' report showed —Receipts, 51208.55 inoluding it balance on hand al feet audit of 5186.45 ; «x penditure-51080.57; amount of prtzre 2 notinelndingte toof speed, paid -5468 5. e s A balance of 5127.98 remains on baud, including retained memberebip fees. WOaaheD Oveu BIT0ATION, DRANn OUNCE of Pooeo ,—For some mato- countable reason, pretty May Field; 28 yeare of age, who lived with her (deter, Mre. Thoma(' F. Modraoken, wife of a wood.worker, at 424 Park avenue, nom• witted euioide at London, 1'hareday of lett week. She was not found autii about 9 ea:Asi a that night, and it de thought she had been dead about rix or eight honer. .Mise Field was employee fa one of the departmente of tbe Me. Clary Manufacturing Company. The last time the was even by the family wee on Wednesday evening. Then, Mre. MoCeaoken said she appeared se usual. She came home, had ber tea, and went to ber room. Later, she went oat fora walk with a girt who boards in the house. She went to a Dundee street drug store, with her friend, and there bought a bottle of carbolic aoid. No queettons were asked of her by the drug olerk, as her appearance gave no evidence of the terrible deed rhe con tetnplated, According to the law, it le neoeseary to sign a register when aoid is purobaeed, bat carbolic aoid is now need for so many pnrpoeee that the publio would consider it an outrage if they were compelled to register every time they buy the drag. Ooneognently, the law is not adhered to by obo drug gists, and Mies Field woe not called upon to register, Her oompanieti thought nothing of the purchase at the tittle. Upon her return to the home, Mate Field appeared math ao aeaal to the inmatee. She geld nothing to whtoh epeeist interest bad now be attached, and she retired at the usual hour. d,ittureday morning, Met. McOraken, busy with her work tie a boarding, hoaeekeeper, did 001 mite her 810180. 11 was not an 0noommon thing foe the girl to have her beeakfaet with some of the boarders . and to teem fur diet work without eayleg anything ea her eisier.. She was in the habit, too, of aaateeleveleeet tate toeing ,her tamale, and Re a OOOee• quenoe, 8130 wee not minced uutil tetter 0 o'oloolt in the evening. Theo Mre. MoOreokea bagen to gob anxloue. She watched Red waited for a couple at boors, little dreaming that npeteire in her room her sister lay dead. Then a questioning at the boarders showed that no one had seen the girl at breuktaet, and the alarm wee spread. Upon going to her room, the door WPM faaud 10 be lacked on the in. aide, B wee at ono broken open, and there the girl was fennel in bed. Sbe lay au it asleep. An attempt was shade to arouse her, bat it tailed. Theo Dr. liiagemitl was cant for, and be at 01100 pronounced her dead. The Hooter die covered au empty one ounoe carbolic void bottle in the room, and an exam. ioation showed the lips of the girl 10 be badly burned by the aoid, Be eat• stoned lir. Piper, who, after an ex. , amivation, deemed an inquest anneaes. vary. Dr. Piper stated tbat Bo far Be he is aware there was absolutely no reason for the anidid°. All he -oould •e0ru wag that Mies Field was a very melaooholy girl, and that the worried, though altogetbar needlessly, over her situation. She was a girl of the high. eat ohmmeter, against whom nothing could be said, end the most enrolling Inquiry fails to reveal any love affalr. I'Le family is eery reepeotable, two of ber brothers being well off in Wiugbam. I oaunot amount for her awful sot," Dare. MaOraokeo eaid ne ebe wept hitter• ly, "May was always a good girl, bat from a child ebe was neelotioboly, and would alwaye look on the blank aide of lite. 1 cannot understand it." She late Mtge Field, it is said, bobit• tinily worried over her work, and al ways appeared to be ander the int premien that she was not pleaeiog her employer, when, se a matter of fact, rhe always eujoyed the goodwill and esteem of those for whom she worked. .A.6w oo (1. Mister Mary and Aggie Morrison were attending the Cheese Convention du Ingersoll last week, Samuel MoAllieter, was appoialod aeeceeor for tbe township of Elma for the year 1906 at a salary of 590. Wm. Gray, eon of John Gray, Blind Line, underwent a euooeeeful operation for the removal of a growth from his lip. Mies Martha Thompeon left for Chat. Ilam where she has tempted a eitnation in the office of P. D McKellar, Register of the County of Keut, Supplementary meetinge se the N. Perth Farmer's Institute will be held in Atwood on Feb. 2nd, Gowaeetown Feb. Bed, Carthage Feb. stn. Elms Connell held a special meeting uu Tuesday foe the p0rpoee of appotut• tag a successor to the late Thomas Ful erten. Considerable interest wee aroma ed in the probable appointment and quite a number of the epoetatoro were nor appticante for the poeition viz ; T. G Ratcliffe, C. J. Wynn, J. A. Tarnboli *0d Thos. McCauley. After ooeeiderable 810008010n and consideration, the council -elected T. 3. Ratcliffe ata salary of 5260 e, year, this to include the regieter- tug of births, marriages, and deaths attending to appeals on aeeeeemente end atriking the school rate. Formerly tbe eatery was 5200, and these latter dntiee were eoneldered. as extras end were worth from 560 to 565 a year, ao that there ie e alight saving iu this cage. YOU TIELANCIIOLY WOa8EN t Can't emu sleep—restless day and night brooding over imagined trouble all the time. The disease isn't in the brain, but in the blood which ie titin and in - nutritious. Do tae right thing now and you'll be oared quickly. Jost take Ferro zone ;it-c0rne everything yon eat into nourishment, consequently, blood oou- taining iota of iron and oxygen is formed. Yotdll�live loeger, feel brighter, be free from melancholy if yon vee Ferrozone. Fifty cents butte a box of thie good tondo (fifty oh000lete coated tablets in a box) at all dealers. Ir ordwleale. G. W. Walker, the newly appointed Townebip Treasurer has resigned. J. Rowe has been appointed Justice cf the Peace by the Whitney government. Mier Betrice Watkey left on a visit with Mende in Thedford and Toronto, G. E. McKee has purobaeed a grocery bueiueee in Parkdale and will shortly move there. Robe. Wilson, of Melita, Man„ ie vieiting at the home of Jamas Hunter on the 9th line and will spend the Winter in Ontario. He looks bale and hearty. The following offiaere were elected by Court Howiuk C. 0. F. •-0. R. A. 0. Hutchinson ; V. 0. R., J. Walkom ; F S., J.13. Rogers ; B. 8. Alex. Gibson ; Treas., G. W. Mapleton ; Auditor, W. Wetter') ; Obap., W. A. Edwards ; S. W., T. Weller : J. N., T. E. Wade ; S. B., R. J. Gibeoa J. R., L. Orlet; Trustees, A. C. Hutohieon, A. Gibson -and W. Waetere. Bpringbenk Creamery has again oheng ed kande, Mr. Stnitb, who purchased the business from the old company, bee disposed of the creamery to W. D Lewrenee and A. D. Lamont, of Woodslook, who have also purchased the Notary Bite from Me. Gregg. The new firm Intend to run the Creamery all the year round under the old name. Tbey have a oonneotion do Great Britain for a blgh grade quality of Creamery butter, which being exported direct eaves the middleman's profit. They have two creameries, one at Prinoetown in Oxford °minty and another at Nelson 12 miles teem Hamiltou making the same quality of butter, which is now Belling in the Oid Country market for 118 shilling', a cwt., (112 ibe,) wbloh ie one ebilliug better then the Datieh at the present time, Thie ie equal to 25o. at the battery bere, The annual meeting of the Howiek Agrioditnral Booisty was held in the Foresters' Hall, Fordwicha on Wednee• day afternoon 10th feet. The attendance w.8 small as ne0al, but it was very harmonious The financial report ebow sd a balauee 5560 in the treaeary, the c008,918 being 51098.70 and expenditure $588 78. The Borptan was increased 517 although the directors granted 550 to Gorrle Police Village to enlarge the ball en Vittoria Park and $20 towards the Spring Show. The following oflioero were eppointed ; Pree., 3, H, Jo13081on Vioe Pree., James Downey and W, Weir Dirootore, J. A. 8ttong, W. Evaoe, W. Stinson, R. Edgar, W. Strong, 3, G. Lambkin, Ab, Johneton, J. McEwen, John'lfollend, Agee. Direotore, 7. Patter sen, Sam. Vogan, B. S. Cook, 'Thos. Goggin, Ed, 0ampboll, Aaditore, 0. G. .._ _ �__..... dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, — I (tentage paid, or rebeipt of p0168' Write today for ooueulta1ion binuk that will entitle you to eerviaee of our medical departmout withont charge, The R. T, Booth Company, Syomet Building Ithaca, N, Y. FAMOUS PtOPL I fro( JANNIE M. LOTI-t12OP Q .,vis. '.µ•6",.w n .. ',ao'.^. ; ,...` 1 .,. .. ..wum. n ,2208.808) Pr DIM. Pub, Not Yoe ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL The inventor of the Telephone Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, comes from a family that has made a special study of sound and speech for three genera- tions. His grandfather, Alexander Bell, invented a method for removing Impediments of speech; his father, Alexander Melville Bell, was the inventor of "visible speech," a system to teach deaf-mutes to spealr; and the third of the Alexanders, really "Alexander tate Great" of his family, taught a piece of wire to carry the human voice m+ny miles and deliver the message with. out a change. He was born in Edinburgh. Scotland, in 1847, and after receiving his education at the High School and the University of his native town, went to London at the age of twenty to attend the University, but left on account of ill health, and in 1870 came to Canada with his father, Two years later he went to Boston, where he introduced his father's system of teaching the deaf, and supported himself by private classes. But the broader field of science attracted him most; in England and Canada he had carried on ex- periments in multiplex telegraphy v'hich grew more fascinating as he pro- ceeded, and in Boston he interested two wealthy men who supplied funds for This experiments; but he had to trach by day for his own support. In 1674 cane the first faint elusive germ of the telephone; it seemed such a will-o'-the-wisp to his partnere that they would not listen to it; they were practical men with no time for mach dreams. In 1375, after completing his multiplex telegraphy, he went to Washington and found his application for a patent had been contested by rltsha Gray, the'great scientist. He was in despair, but while talking to Professor Henry, he mentioned his theory of sending sound by telegraph, and the few kindly words of encouragement he received, breathed into him new Me and purpose, He returned to Boston with a giant's energy lent an almost empty nurse. To complicate the situation he had fallen in love with Mies Iiubbard, daughter et his friend and benefactor, and had a feeling of delicacy about asking the tether of his fiancds for a loan. So in desperation he renewed the struggle, and in Tune, 1875, almost by accident, stumbled on a clew that solved the problem. On February 14th, 1876, he filed itis application for a patent; one hour later Elisha Gray filed a caveat on precisely the same plan, and on March 7th, 1876, Mr. Bell received bis patent; it was number 174,4851 one of the most important ever allowed in the history of America. Wend 00,0.8ler to Act ante rarlintneet at Ganott, le the year 1006, by 1v. C. ,reek, at the Deportment el Agriculture. Gregg, and B. 8. Cook. The Directors will meet in the nese future bo appoint a Seeretary•Treaeurer and to trauesot other buelna:e. The anneal meeting of Fordw)ob Cheese and Butter M'fg. Co. was fairly well attended. The By•taw to rednue the numbers of Directors from 6 to 8 was defeated by e. large majority. The re. porta showed the finances to be in a eatiefaotory condition. M. Aldrich, Ed. Armstrong , Jae. Lynn M. Deem and G. H. Magee were elected direotore and J. Daum, ealeamau. The direatore held a meeting after M. Aldrich was appointed Pres. ; M. Daum, Sec., and 0. H. Magee Treat. A Oboesemaker bee nob been hired for next year yet. It lane been proposed to sell 100 eharee of factory stook at $10 a share this reason, none to be oolleo0ed eoleee tbe full 51000 etook is sold. Luelono w. Archie McMillan, of MoVltte, N. D , ie visiting friends here. Angus MoDonald boa sold big hotel to Mr. Bonne, of Stratford. Mies Laura Webster, of London, is vieiting at her home here. Mre. Scott, of Brandon, was the gaud of her cousin, Mre. Geo. Girvin. Mise Mae Belgian, Walkerton, spent a few deye in the village thie week. 'P. E. and Mre. Conine, Mies Bina nominee, are vieitieg in Lnaan. Maluolm Hamilton, of Stratford ie ',letting hie unoie, J. S. Hamilton, Miss H. W. Barber, of Wolseley, Sask., le visiting friende in town and vicinity. Mica Gertrude Johneton, of Owen Sound ie the genet of Mies Bella Robert. ROM Mise Mary MoLeen returned to Tor• onto on Monday to reeume her duties in Havergal. Mrs, McLean end Mies Ethel Cotton, are spending n few daye with friende in Wingllem. LIVES IN THE BLOOD. Consequently it requires an internal treatment, one that will restore the blood, and thereby relieve the mouse of the pain. After years of eapertment Dr. Hem..Ilton euooeeded in prodnoing a remedy that quickly aoree rheumatism, gout, and alt aria aoid dirordere. This marvellous cure has boon given to the public as Dr. Hamilton's Man. drake and Butternut Pille , in every nee they dura quickly. By totting the ktdneye and liver, Dr, Hamilton's Pille onenro a olean, healthy body, The blood is restored to 0normal healthy condition, renewed vigor le imparted to overworked or• gang, and thus the general health is built up, and no room de left for theta matitm to creep in. Discouraged sufferer, relief ie at band, Use Dr, Hamilton's Pille, and you will Boon ehake hands for good with your old enemy. Here le eobetantlal proof : A Cripple's Steey of Cure, "Thie le a glad day for me, writes James 3. Brownfield, from Midland, Ont,, "booauee I can speak of lay per. marmot cure 01 rheumatism. I have been all through the oohing days and sleepieea nights, have spent my money on worthless remediee, and opusequert ly in reoommendiug Dr. Hamilton's Pills I feel euro of their merit. No remedy gave each relief or did me ate moral good as Dr. Hamilton's Pilie, My rheumatism they oared, and ever einoe my health hue been perfect." Mee Dr, Hemi ton's Pills are to be had in any drugstore, it's foolieb to live on in misery and iti•heallh, You ought to get this medioiue today and cure ynneeelf. Price 25e. per box, oe siva boxes for 51 at all dealers, or by mail from N. 0. Poleon & Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and King• et0n. Hon, 0, N. Parent bee resigned the Mayoralty of Quebec. Robert J. Leitgh fell off the new eleva for at Midland 80 testi to the ground and wee killed. An explosion in the bleat furnace of the Algoma Steel Oompany at Sault Ste. Marie remitted in the killing of William Ault and the damage of the furnace. Dennie O'Brien, of Stratford, brake. man ou the Grand Trunk, was fatal y injured at Baden by the auxiliary oar beaming derailed. Three other employ• see sustained minor injuriee.._ Samuel Brown, of Mitcbell, got We left hand in the unison of a meobiue at the flax mill on Tneeday, the beair being badly lacerated, which will lay him off work for coma time. The Mitchell Horticultural Society bald its annual meeting Wednesday evening, 10113 duet., when file following officers were appointed for the opening year 1 Pree., Rev. J Kenner ; let vice prem., 0. H. Eisler ; 2nd viae twee., Wm. Babb ; Seoy., A. J. Blowee ; hon. pree , Dr. Bmith ; directors, J. W. Gull, 'Thor. Stoneman, J. Barnett, M, Kim, T. S. Ford, E A. Dunbar, F. A. Campbell, Wm, Elliott and W. Graham ; Anditore, Dr, Huebert and S. R Stuart, All who with to become members for 1006 must join note. Don't Diose The Stomach Hyenwl tures Celnrr9t by Breathing Aromatic Healing Alr. You cannot afford to risk permanent loss of health by taking (strong drugs into the stomach In the vain hope of eerier: catarrh of the nose and throat. The only true way of outing catarrhal trouble', ie by the gee of byomei which is breathed throuph n neat poetise inhaler that comes with every outfit. Ilyomoi is not a comet remedy, and We. formula le given to all reputable phyai01ane Ir'i bale ie the femorae euoa'yptne oil. Tide 0embiaed with other healing, aromatio tome and .bel same, so that when tieing Hyomoa, the air yea breathe ie lilted with germ killing bealtb giving curative powere. It Mlle all catarrhal gonna and restores the moons membrane of the noes, throat and longe to a perfectly healthy condition. The complete Hycmet outfit, aoneiet ingof a neat poetlot inhaler, a medicine drooper and a bottle of >lyomei, ooete but $100, andextra basins cap be nb mined for 500., melting ie the moat 00850 18al method of Miring Catarrh, tie Well aft the most reliable. It you cannot obtain Hymnal of yone watate xr...,.a..,aa.n.nr-ncaarar n..n.,., ereeeeeraetter..wn;•aletwes»aw,vu.nera.uwawsma w.,,,-teet>.,n„waeatee.e eateee , eweete. _ ,a•-reteet ,. �r,.e8.leteiatat:_ tr..! ..___ _ .... IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE YOUNG SHORTHORN l rf�.. Bulla for eats, eligible for rcaletra- tion, Apply to JAS. SPEW, Lot D0, 000, 0, Morrie. Bruseols P, 0. Watt THREENEW COUNTER Show Cases for sale, 000)1 0 foot long, walnut trainee anti double Chloe glass. Ap- ply to Tim Poe'r, Sroeeele, TWO THOBO' • BREI) DUR- 73A10 Bull Calyee for sale, prize win- ners at Brussels Fair. One a roan and the other red, 10 months old. Have also a number of thorn' bred young heifers for breedtug ptrposeefar sale, D, ROBERT - 80N, Lot 8, Con, ". Grey, or Bruesole P. 0. WOOD FOR SALE, DRY AND Croon, Beech and Maple. LOugthe from 10 to 48 Mabee. Orders left at Thom - son's grocery, Brussels, will 130 promptly attended to, or to J. C J. HEPP ION, Blyth P. 0, 20 8 Lot 10, Con, 7, Morrie, FT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. =Pte uuderetgued offers his orim- lortuble Louse and a } aore of laud on Mill street, Brussel°, for sale. There is a good garden, small stable, well, woodshed and other oasyenienoee On the premises. 11 will be sold at a bargain. If not sold by Maras let premises will be to rent. 251088, LLOARMONT, tt Proprietor, Officer Wanted. Applications will be 100oived by the Clerk up to Feb.lab .1000, fora general utility man lelro will perform the same duties for the corporation of Brueeole as A, tloLavohlin bus boon doing with rho addition of Hugie- 000 of the Niro Engine and Oolleotor of 1 axes. Salary to he 6400 00 nor annum, and a bond for 50000 to be turutehod by the 0111- oor. P. 8. SCOTT, Clerk, SEED CORN AND POTATOES t Fon SALm.—O anoint, "Smut Nose" Ooru carefully saved on the oob—the beet ensil- age corn we have ever seen. Sown the 90th "BurlyjTriumph""rPotatoes September. have 008 eeesfully resisted disci/tee for the past three eeasoue. Quantitylimited' Bret come, first served, J. M. 1:NIGIIT, Lot 21, Oon. 12, Grey. W.61 ITARAI ,FOR SALE. -THE UN • DRBBIONRD offers his 50 acre farm, be - tug Haat i 1,08 16, ..ou, 9, Grey, for sale. O0 the p, cannon 18 a frame house, bank barn 40x00 ft., stone Ywudatiou, tonal! orchard. Faun ell seeded down and in good shape ; 2 never fuihng wells. Possession given at any time 11 not sold farm will be rented. 1'or further purtioul,tre a8 to prloe, terms, 60., apply t0 rue proprietor. 20.4 WALTHR Ma8AY. L'AEM TO RENT. -THE UN - =WON= offers the 100 acres, known tie the Aaklu tarot, Lot 10, Oeu.14 Orey, to rout, Good brielt house, 2 frame batue and choice urobard. Fares Is all seeded down except 20 acres ; a acme of Fall wheat in. Possession at twee. For further purtluulare apply to Jt1HN GRANT, Lot 0, Con. 12, Grey, or Brussels P.0, 2248 loo ACRE .WARM FOR SALE being Si Lot 18, Con.4, Morris. About 80 acres are cleared, balance in bush. There ie a frame house, bank barn, driving shed, orchard, 00. Plenty of good water. Convenient t0 00h001 and Si mllee from Brnasels. Poseeoaion nun be given March let, For further partioulara as to pried terms, Ao„ apply to A. J. Ti0 WRY, 18.60 Bruseele, BERKSHIRES AND YORK- anIttae son 84.0,10—The ondereiguod has for male, on Lobel, Con. 12, Grey, the following well bred stook; —0 improved Darken -Ire Bowe, tlae to litter iu February, Murch and April, sof them oarrylug Brat Utter; 1 Berkshire boar and a few sows about 4 mouths old bred from prize winning etoak ; a Yorkshire sow, with litter of 10 pigs if w 0 1,001, bred from Berkshire sire ; Also young Yorkshire sows about ready for breading. All stook guerau teed as represented. Bargains toquiok ppurohae- era. J. P. M0INT0..11 27•tf Craubrook P. 0. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of William Ziegler, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, eUeeuaut to Revle- ad Statutes of Ontario,1807, Chap, 199, and amended Acte, that all oreditore and others having any alelma against the estate of the said William Ziegler, who died 00 or about the Moto day of October, 1905 are required on or before the 24th nay of February, 19:0, to gelidity post, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. MacDonald, of the Village of Brussels, in the 00880ty of Huron, 8oliaitor t Oath.. Orme Ziegler, of the Township of Grey,. Ad- miulbtreerlx of the eetat8 01 the said doomed, the full particulars of their Maims, the statement of their 0000a0te and the nature of the seametien (if any) held ley 611em, And notice ie further givou that atter the Bata last mentioned date the amid Adminis- trate= will proceed to diebrdbute the a8B8te of the deoeaeed Ymoug86 the parolee entit- led thereto, baviug regard only to the Melina of whiuh she shall Mien have notice and that the add AdmioletreArlx will not be liable for the assets, or ally part thereof, to any person Or persons of whose elutme notice shall not have been received by her at tlto time of soon distribution, Dated at Brueee's this IBM day of Jan - nary, A,D„ 1900, A. B, MAODONALD, . 20.9 Solicitor for Adminiebratrix, .ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry ROYAL MAiL STEAMERS From St Jobn From Halifax Corinthian Rat„Jan M Mon., Jac. 29 Parielau ” Feb, 0.. .,, ' Feb. 0 Sicilian " Fab, 10....,, " Fob, 12 Hates of Pne ag3 wet dee. a condd(labte,LtvetpPa l anddLon- douderry, 840. Third Cabin, Liverpool, Lon• dendooey, 010., Parisian $07,00—other above steamers -29.6.20. BOSTON TO 41LASG0\V Mongolian Saturday, Jan 27 ilt1,8EAX TO ZOD/HON tend MAVItit earmetiau (in lurday,Jan,20 Nor further pertlonlaro, ratite and Game apply to W. 01, Birt*, Agent, oto„ Mineola/ M©NTHLY h„d' P li:. 0 8 L orse Fairs BARGAINS BF8l.d SSEL-$ The Monthly Horse Fairs will be held do Brussels for Ate eene n as follows 1—• TIHURSDAY, FEB, let, " MAR, 1«t, " " APR. 5611, " Loading Levitt nud Outside Buyers 'will be Present F. S. SCOTT, Cnanx. Farneere or Storekeepers by coaling to the Brussels NI Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Iirusaels. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Graiu Chopping 1u311 Crushing at lowest rates. All work will bo promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. ILLINBHY Felt Hats ,Yor ref/ 9aw.r We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Call and get a Fash- ion Sheet, ABKIRK YOUR COMFORT Having iuve.ted in a Hot Water Heating apparatue I amnow in et position to offer yon Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tolnato Bouillon, and Chicken Broth at our Res- taurant 0n two minutes' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for it ooutinuance of your trade, I am, Yetlre Very Respectfully, KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or Cold. flaBalZeileaPeallTatlea A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All entleme. While you are in tofu don't fail to call and see the fine assortment of Goods we are showing at Reasonable Prices. Our stock is always open for your inspection. Satisfaction Guaranteed The Leading Tailors 01 "8 .. ,. .'arei800,1 e D. E PRZME.IMIZZEAmlimileft 1--3RUSS ]TIS; 043 Are tlutknlg the Finest display of utters Ever seen 511 Brussels. Call and See them and get PrikeS,