HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-25, Page 1Vol. 84. No. 29
New Advertisements.
Laoal —R; Crone.
Local—Ma, Forrest,
Notion—,John Donaldson,
A11au Line—W. H. Kerr.
Local—Mrs. Walter Payne.
Auotiou sato—Frank Woods,
New goods—G. N. Molaren.
Farm for sale—L. A. Mason.
Annual meeting—F, S. Scott,
Local—The Canadian Graphic.
Condition Powders—F. R. Smith.
House foe Bale—R. J. Williamson.
Notice to Oredibors—A. B. Macdonald.
1113:t a:trici .03z,
Lead tater V.
Alex. Soutar wears a broad smile these
days—a baby boy.
Mies Sebnla Forbes has returned home
from au extended visit with friends at
John MoGavin had a vory successful
bee loot Friday ontting wood. John
stands higb in the esteem of hie neighbors
as was testified by the large turn -put.
We are sorry to hear that Mre, John
Dundas leas not been enjoying the beat of
health lately. The large amount of eiok-
nese in the home has been very trying on
her atrongtle but we hope that with good
treatment and Care she „will be restored
to her usual good health.
Wal ton.
John and Mrs. Campbell, who have
been visiting friends in Walton, returned
to their hone io Ohio, U. ti.
The Young Peoples' Oirolo will hold its
next regular meeting at Mrs. Berry's.
An enjoyable evening is expected.
Rev. R. B. Baker was in Toronto this
week attending theTorrey-Alexander
meetings and other ministerial gatherings.
A. T. and Mre, Morrison, who have
been visiting relatives in tide vicinity for
the past month, left on Tuesday for their
home he Wapella, Sask.
There was no preaching in the Metho-
dist church last Suudny, as the rondo
were so bad that Mr, Young, who was to
take the services, was unable to be
Duffle's Cnrmon.—The annual meeting
of Duff's oburob, Wteltou, was held on
Friday evening of last week and was a
most harmonious gathering. Rev. A.
MaoNab, M. A., pastor, presided and the
various reports were presented and were
of a very satisfactory character, The
new year i8 entered upon with pleasing
proepecta. The ouly change in the
Board of Managers was the appointment
of James Murray as successor to W. A.
MOOaIl. 1905 wee a successful year iu
the congregation, all indebtedness being
met and a 1alan08 of $25 reported. 29
were added to the membership during the
year and 14 removals, leaving a total of
128. Ohuroh and Manisa are clear of
debt and the various organizations are in
n proeperoae condition, For Miseione
$140 was rained. Exoelleit work wag
done by the Ladle& Aid, who are always
deserving of praise, bitting raised money
for the purpose of flooring the basement
of the church and plating a furnace in
the manse. This is Rev. Mr. MnoNab'e
aixth year and the work accomplished
daring his pastorate is most oommend-
The following clipping from the Wiar-
ton Canadian refers to the death of e
former resident of Walton :—The many
friends of the late Wm. Beirnes will be
sorry to hear of his death here on Thurs-
day, Deo. 2811), of paralysis of the brain.
For a number of years be has been well
known around Wiarton and was h"nored
and reseeded by all. He leaves behind
him a widow and sevetiel children to
mourn hie lose, among whom are : -Min-
nie and James, of Winnipeg ; William,
whole now at home ; Mrs. W. J. Craw-
ford and Joeeett, of Virden ; Mre. John
Pothiak, of :Winthrop ; and W. J. Beirnoe,
of Harcourt. The funeral, whioh was in
°barge of the Orange Order, was held on
Sunday, Deo, 81st, at 8 p. m., after a
touching and beautiful eorvioe by Rev.
Mr. Henderson. Theremaineweretaken
to Bay View cemetery, there to await the
call which will bring us all to the throne
of God. The following address was
passed at the last meeting of the Orange
Lodge and preeented to the family :—To
Mow., Wm. BEntnus,-Onr Heavenly Fath-
er in Hie infinite wiadbno has been pleas-
ed to take our brother to Himself ; there-
fore, we, the Orangemen of the district,
desire to expreee to you Dar eincore eym-
pathy in tine your hour of trial, We
believe he lived a life of moral upright.
0888 and ab peace with all men, W.
hope that you and three who aro loft you
may he blessed with every good and pet.
feat gift while travelling along the rugged
path of life, and finally may yon all b
admitted into the gate of Heaven to th,
full enjoymmut of life eternal.
S A Emco,
Signed S. k FOOTLIl,
Mies Lib. MoLnuohlin, or Sydney, 0
B., is home for a month'e holiday, Sin
10 employed in it large millinery 08tabilab
George E. Brown, of ratans, Minus.
este, has been visiting at the lemma of
Jacob and hire, Long, of Oranbrook, tutu
J. K. Browu, of Ethel. He i8 a nephse
of the above, He papas to return to
the laud of wheat neat week,
Monday furenoou of this week Mrs, A.
J. al, Helm reoeived the earl iuteiligen:e
that her mother, Mre. Graig, of M
Forest, had died suddenly the night
previous The funerel teak place Wen.
ueedav, Mre. H lm attending,
INBTALLA0r0N AND Surren, — The new
odious of 1.00)1 Woonbme, 0. 0 h.,
Or,hbrouk, were recently installed 1,
their mut room here. They are se fol
l 0tve.:-0. R., Wm J. Wood° ; V. 0. 11„
Jae, D. McNair ; F. 0., A. Reymann ;
R. B., Allan Cameron ; Treasurer, Jae.
Cameron • Chaplain, James A. McNair
B. W., Rube. L. Taylor • J. W., Wm.
Ziegler ; S. B., Edward Fulton ; J. B.,
Nen Duuoausou ; Pbysioiao, 0. A. Toole,
M. D. After the proceedings were over,
including a short program of speeobmas.
ing by several visitors an adlonrnme, t
18149 made to Long's hotel where an ex-
cellent supper was eerved hi A 1 ebyle to
whioh the large company did ample
justice. It was au enjoyable time.
Tun PORT gives the news. Help ii
along by furnishing 000aeoional Penni of
Some of Our oontraabore are tendering
nu clement bridge abutments for the
Comity jobe.
Auditore Livingston and Daviee wee(
at work during the peat week on an
township accounts.
Title week D. Milan and Councillor
Jno. Brown attended a sale of Tuore.
bred Durhame at Fergus.
Jeo. Eukmier and Joe . Hemowortl
attended the faueral of their nephew
Max George in Listowel Wednesday,
Mre. Robert Lang was visiting at
81088840 this week and brought a ooupi.
of 'her grandchildren home with het
preparatory to the Oober family remov.
fig to Moorefield.
Al! ladies and gentleman who are in
tereeted in the formatio" of a Debatmt
Chub in our village are requeeted to meet
in Gibeon'e Hall, Monday availing 2911.
met. et'7.80 o'clock.
A loud of yoqug people from Beanie
spent au enjoyable evening at G. Al.
eitobell'e last Friday night where then
tripped the light Inelastic till the einem
hours of the morning.. Several of me
young people here attended.
It ie e1a1ed that the former 0obet
Carriage shop may be parnhaaed by
Weems. Kreuter and Ritchie, the bode li
tug taken down and a hardware Store
built on the alta. We hope this ie i
u0rrebt and that the boyo will 00on re.
open bueineee.
It is btuted that L. Mason end Tamil)
may remove to the Norihweet Territor,
it they Bell their oomfortable homevteeo
Isere. 'There are severe? sous mending h.
the West now. The people d this local
ivy would be sorry to see the Mason
family remove from this locality as they
are firot oleee residedte.
Wednesday onset week Nies Mary,
daughter of Richard Noreen, formers.
of tine loonlity, bow of Inniefail, Alberti,
wad united in marriage to a Mr. Ander.
eon, who was a former resident of
Kincardine locality. The many- friends
of the bride will be a unit in wiehine
them many happy prosperous years of
matrimonial life in their mew home.
William Buttrey, er,, and Mre. J. 35,
Brown returned home from Woodbridge
last Saturday where.they went to flied
their eWere, who hae been i91 for some
time but ie' some betterMre, Joh.
Snider, who resides near' by and aloe
their father who lives with hie daughter,
Mrs. John Snider. There was quite a
family renr1o0 as this is the first time
in forty yeore that the brother and three.
9158819 have met together.
To clear out the balance of our litock of Hand
Sleighs they will be sold at
Positive. t Prices
s es
We do not purpose continuing in the Fancy
Goods and Toy Business so will clear out.
everything on hand.
The good old reliable well in front of
the Royal Hotel here whioh bee gcenohed
many a Looal Option mane throat (laved
,u lost Sunday Morning owing to the
heavy thaw. Mine boot Longewey who
hkee to see everybody u -ed well hag got
" cleaned out and is now in working
•oder again.
The Olinbon New Era of last week
.penile ae to lows of u former young lady
f Ethe ;—"We understand that Mite
11ar01 Newaombe 1188 taken a position as
0pra0o eolelet for the ohoir of Indhtn
Head Methodist ahurob, and will leave
herofor in it ooaple of weeks. She ie n
well known end popular mueltIan, who
ORB taken part in many loon' events, 000
nor removal will be a lose to both
,00isl and males' oirolee. She will be
t000mpnnied by Mies Helen Frost,
another charming young lady of town,
who goes an a visit to friends. We are
efrnid that on08 the Western young men
tet Byre on these young ladies, they w .1
persuade them to become permanent
residents] there." Mies Newoombe's old
mode here will wish her a g od time.
Goss Fiona —The angel me00engere
Death entered the home of Joo. end Mre.
smith and parried away their Utile
,aughber, Lillian, aged 13 years t0 the
•,etter lend, She was taken ill on
Stturday,Deo. 90th, with appeudioitie
red though everything that medical
•1111 and loving hands aonld do was done,
The petted peacefully away on lite fol.
,wing Saturday although at thine
itr0ng hopes were entertained of her
.000very. Lillian herself appeared to
have a preeeetime0t that the end was
tppruaohlog and tried with thoughbfu'•
lase in one so young, to ooneole at d
+'then the blow for the dear ones whom
she knew wou.d feel her lone so keenly.
site lett many loving message for her
ehoolmates and friends at the Sunday
'oboe! telling them that "Christ wee
Oar refuge." A funeral service was held
u their home on Sunday evening when
large umber of sympathizing friends
abbered to take a last look at one whose
41018, ±0000001418 and beautiful death
wd•I long be remembered. Next morn.
lie the body noo0mpaoied by the family
As taken to Pert 19 gin oematery where
t was laid beside her Bleier Grace, who
.led with the same trouble some five
veers ego. The sympathy of the
u'tmtnuuity is extended to the family in
'heir bereavement,
Biue^vale .
Mre. Donoan Ring is in poor health,
Mise Stewart, of Clifford, attended Mrt,
yloHardy'e -funeral.
Jahn and Mre. P.igb,ofBrueeets, spent
4uuday at Joseph Pugh's,
Joon Iabieter, of Saskatoon, visited
1140 aunt Mre. Frank Scott, last weep.
J. Johnston went to Goderinhlast week
o sea his mother, Mre. 840489 who ie
very ill,
The annual meeting of Bluevale
Presbyterian congregation took piece. on
Lumley evening.
Ashton and Mrs. Mason and family
1 Stratford, visited the former's 95101118
Ltobert.and Moe. Mason, 1006 week. They
on, attended the golden wedding of Mre,'
laeon'e parents George and Mre. John-
ston, let line of Morris, on Wednesday
o1 loot weak.
Robert and Mrs. Black attended the
aondeu wedding of Mrs Bleak's parents,
lohn and Mre. Robertson, of Wroxeter,
u Friday last, Mr. and airs. Ruberteou
were presented by their family with a
purse of gold end among the many
.oseeagee of oongretulatioun watt a cable.
,ram from friends iu Sootland.
1'he'foueral of Mre. MoHardy took
pleo0 on Sunday morning lust. The
service was held in the Methodist aurae
to eleven o'olook and the procession left
the bouee for the oematery at half pa01
twelve. Mre. MoOardy was born in
dootlandseventy nine years ago. She
.ed aver recovered from the effects of a
paralytic, stroke whioh she had last July.
elle leaves two sone, Harry and Ja008
'4014 et donghter, Mre. James Aiboheson
Her hueband, Robert MoHnody, and her
daughter Aunie died several years ago.
8iuoe the death of her daughter, her
erend•daughter Mies Annie Aitobeeon had
made her home with her,
Considerable teaming woo done daring
the brief period of sleighing.
It ix said Jobe Jaokeon may move to
the Wm. Jeekeon farm, 8th line, ou it
tieing vacated by Thoe, 13. Skelton,
'Phis week Oo Oouuoillor Isbieter ie iu
the Oo. town etteudiug to hie duties a0
Oo. Legislature. The Jouoary union ib
x,way8 au important one.
The eon' of Alex. MoLauohlin, East
gravel road is ou the eiok Het with (omelet
fever, Ail of the children have had the
fever bat are improving we are ploaeed
to say.
GOLDEN WNDLINe.—The home of Gem,,
and Mrs. Juhuetou, 181 line of Morris,
was on the evening of the seventeenth of
lifts month, the. Beene of 9 moat mercer.
able event when friends from tar and
near assembled to ce ebrate the, fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage in their
golden wedding. Game numbering
about one h0hdeed gathered from . Slrat.
ford, Goderiob, Nile, Bruenel°, WIngham
tied the surrounding neighborhood.. Ad
the members of the family were present
=apt James who resided in Manitoba.
Shortly after the gathering was aompiete
they were Inhered into the dining room
where all parkin&of the delicate viands
00' 6umpta0tlely spread before them..
Title was followed by au address read by
John Johnston to hie father and mother
Rud a presentation by the family to Babb
parenb of a go.d watnh, Mr, Johnston in
malting reply gave a eltetab of hie career.
He hae been a r001111nt of thie locality
for needy half 8oentury eomiug to thin
loonllty'ax a1 early pioneer. Many
weenie, both beautiful' and expensive
were reoeived by the honored couple,
mnnileeting the high esteem and great
papa in whioh they are held by their
many Wade, Nor must we fail to make
mention of the excellent program render-
ed, Rev. Me. Halter meting as] ohairtnan
ad wad the host and Mateo, capital.
'sting them an their long and euooeeefnl
lives. Along the game theme did Artbor
Shaw make a moat pleaeiug addre
Other item of the program that added
greatly to the evening'e entertainment
were :—Inotrnmental doe, L. and Mre,
Dnttan ; reeitet1on, Mise Mary PoHaook I
solo, "Page under the Rod," Mre, Baker ;
lnetrumentol duet, Mrs. S. Johnston and
L. Rattan; recitation, Arthur Bhew;
address, R. Shaw ; (Maros, reading, Mre.
Mason; emulations and eonge by the
g nod children. Luno) wee arced at
twelve o'olook, after whioh many depot
ed for h me. It must be said that a
roostenjoyable time was spent by all,
We I pleased was every guest and it .will
b with great pleasure that they will ever
retell, alio 17th of January, it is with
A 1 heertinoss that Me. and Mre Johnston
are wished those bleeeinge, that bring to
this life the greatest happiness and most
unbounded eu000ee. Tnu POST joins very
heartily in the oougratglatiooe.
MA'rRIMONiAL.— On Wednesday, 17th
inst., at the home of her Weber, Mre. Geo.
Wilkinson, Mise Martha Corry, youngest
d',iughter of the late Ieaao Curry, of
Morrie, become the wife of Wm, Cook,
of Arthur. The ceremony was perform•
ed by Rev. A.' P. Stanley in the presence
of only the immediate Mende of the
contracting partiee. The bride, wbo was
given away by her brother, Ieaao Curry,
wore a ooetnme of chiffon broad cloth
and carried a sheat of carnations, Little
Cora Wilkinson, :aloe of the bride, anted
BB flower girl very prettily. Mr, and
Mre, Cook left for a welt to friends in
the Evet before going to their bome in
J sane to to
Mre. Geo. Ooombes is visiting at
Exeter and Centralia.
Mies Tena Ontt, of Blyth, ie visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mies Ina P. Bryaua spent Sunday
with friends in 8,useele.
Geo. Rattan, of Lakelet, is visiting at
the home of hie oriole, L. Rattan,
Andrew Pollook oondndted the ea.
vice in Victoria Hall on Sunday evening.
Mre. Geo. Pea000k 10 visiting at the
home of her brother, Mrs. Joo, Owens,
of Belgrave.
A F. McDonald attended the funeral
of his ooaem, Miss V. E. Gordon in
Loaknow on Saturday last.
3. T. Straohao will spend Saturday
nod Sarney of thio week with friends at
fano River and l5moardiue.
Leonard Rumen hae now got hie chop.
per estsblia ted and is prepared to do all
work offered him with emigration to his
customers. Give biro a Gall.
Hugh Brown, of Trout Creek, and
Ming Oeldwell, of Paisley, are vieitiug at
the home of the latter'e seater, Mra.
David Ramsay of this plane.
The Literary Booiety are buev peeper.
ing for their next debate. With favor.
able weather, n full house and interesting
disooeeion, a flat olaes' program will be
The Local Option debate, despite the
bad weather was largely attended and
°roved bosh interesting and instructive.
The next debate will be held Wednesday,
Feb. '7, the subject being "Resolved that
naooda has a brighter fatnre than the
Duit.d States." An iotoreotiog patriotic
program will be given.
ci rev.
The reeent thaw flooded low lands very
Oo. Oouuoiller Bryaue is attending the
Oo Council thin week.
George MoOellam, of North Eaethope,
Perth Co., is a visitor with his brother,
Robert McCallum, 10th eon.
Wm. Reid, of Owen Sound, is renewing
old friendships in thio locality. He was
a former resident of the 501 eon.
Don't forget Frank Woode' auction sale
of live shook on hie farm, lith eon., on
Wednesday afternoon of neat week.
Mies Barbara MoEchersn was the
guest of her cousin, Mre. D. Livingston,
tat work. This week she is visiting
Mre, James Streohan and John Mohair.
Mre. 15 '13, Outt, of Goderiob, fell from
u pair of steps the r,ealt being e doab'e
fraoture of the left leg, The lady ie do.
tug well and it eeome-ae if she will hove
a quick ran:very.
Eh Smith was a visitor in Toronto for
a'few days during the past week. He
bad the opportunity of attending (several
of the Torrey•Alexooder servioee and
enjoyed them very much.
The Mitchell wooden bridge, 12th cow,
was washed away by the freshet, It was
to be replaced this season by a steel sup
ere1raotore. The Commit will be saved
the trouble of taking it down.
Elton, son of Charles Bozell, 911) ono„
who hue been home for several weeks
owing to fllneee, returned to Torooto tins
week to resume hie stadia. We hope
he may soon regain hie old time vigor.
James B. Houston has diopneed of hie
100 are farm, Lot 9, con. 16, Grey, to
Wm. and Tboe. Knox, of the same line,
for the num of $6,400. Poeaeeeton will
be, given on Maros 1st. Mr. Hooeton may
teke a trip on aproepooting tour.
A new brick residence will be ereoted
by Wm. Work on itis fine farm, 11 miles
North of Bromide. The material t8 being
hauled as] sleighing permits. Lxet week
considerable of the necessary briok was
arolighb from S. S. Ooie'e yard, Henfryn
Jno, H Hielop and wife are here nom
Aroofa, N. W. T., on a holiday visit.
Mre. Hislop ie a daughter of Jemee
Smillie,.1811 eon. They have raided
in the Waat for the pool—years and
have prospered. There 10 a possibility
that they may not always e,jurn in the
GED. Su1loe'PA89Eo Aw1,x. — Loot Fri.
day an old and welt known resident of the
14th non., in the person of George' Bbiels,
paid Netgrs's debt et the advanced age
of 77 years. T10 1000(01 took place 10
Brownie amatory on Monday afternoon,
Rev, D. 13. McRae, hie pastor, ooudooting
an appropriate eervioe, Me, Shiele wee
born in the vitiate of Beggar, Lanark
ehire, Sootland, on 001. 2002, 1828, He
woo United in marriage to Susan Wortley
in Fullerton township, Perth Co„ in 1867,
She pre damaged her Mahood 17 yawl
ago. There were 11 children born to
41r, and Mrs. 8111010 Viais—Barbara, (hire.
Thou, Gilpin), doo0aged ; Jane (Mrs. Wm.
Bray), 18111 000„ Geo ; Thee, E , of
Detrmt, 1Mich, i Stit8`nnah (Mre. Ang4O
Carmichael), 17tH atm, Grey ; Robert,
debeared Mary, (Mre. Henry Hart), 1411)
con„ E'ma ; Geo,, d800690d ; Jerma1h
(Mre, Geo; Eat), dammed ; Ellen, of
14th eon., Biwa; Wm. on the homestead,
and David at home. The oab)oot of this
ttotl09 took op land in Grey, 15th 080 ,
before be was married, awing to the
towuehip i0 1852 and by industry and
eoouomy did more ,ban make a living
even in pioneer days. John 811iele, 14th
00p., end Wm., of Biggar, Scotland, are
brothers and Aire, James Anderson 8r,, of
Taenberry towoohip is a slater to deoeae•
ed. Mr, Miele wan a zoalooe .Presbyter.
ice in religion and a warm Liberal in
Politics. On his arrival in Oauada he so.
jnorned for a time in the town of
Whitby where he spent 2 years. The
pallbearers were Wm. Bray, Angus Oar.
mi0bael, Geo. and Henry Hari, Jae.
telltale jr., and John Wortley, In the re.
meal of deoeseed another of Grey pion.
eere, who eudurod many privations but
weathered faithfully and fearlessly the
gales of this lite, hae paeeed to, hie long
home• Tho bereaved are eympathieed
with in their sorrow.
W e-o.xeter.
Adam MoLeao spent Wednesday in
Dr. W. M. 13. Smnle is spending two
weeks in Detroit.
Mies T. Coddle left this week for her
tome in Lake'et,
Mre, W.'1'. Currie spent two days with
Brunets friends last week.
B. T. Oarr has parohaeed Geo. Barrie'
reeidenae on Howiok street.
Mre. T. Johnson, of Goderiob, vieited
with Mrs, A. Esty last weak.
E Lewis 000apied the paipit in abs
absenee of Rev. J. H. Oeterbout.
Mre. 0 0Koehler, of Ayton, is the
gueet of her Meter, Mre. A. H. Moffitt.
0o. Oounoiltor Mater is attending.
County Connell in Goderiob title week.
Dr. Brawn returned from Toronto on
Thursday where he had elated for a few
Gavin Davidson lett for Galt this week
where he hae teamed employment at hie
It has been rumored that the Star
newspaper here will ebortly change
Frank Sanderson, of Wallaoobarg,
spent Sooday with his parents, John and
Mre. Sanderson.
Rev. Dr. Medd will preach Epworth
League Anniversary serviette in the
Methodist Ohurob Sunday evening ab
seven O'Omok.
Peter Mo3lwen, of Turnberry, bag
purchased the farm of Ben. Ringler who
with his family expecte to leave for
Mtoh'igon in the 8pr1ug.
Many tel.grams and cablegrams of
congiatalatiuns were received by Jobe
and Mre. Robertson onFriday, the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding.
Mlooee 0. Hiogston and D..Baeker, of
Brnvele, who are guests of Mise Jennie
Have, sang a very appropriate duet at
the Methodist ohuroh Sunday evening.
The dam here has bad a very good test
this week owing to the immense flow of
water. The ice le all off the pond, a
rather minimal thing et this time Of the
Rev. J. H. Oeterhoat lett for hie home
in Northwood on Friday to attend the
funeral of hie seater, Miss Oeterbont,
whose death occurred quite unexpectedly
on Thursday.
t•.1ertior tit.
The annual meetiug of the membere of
the BOMB Huron Agricultural Society
wee held an Wilson's hotel, Bruoefleld,
on Wednesday of last week. There wee
a fair athendauoo, The treasurer's and
auditors' reports show the safety to he
in a prosperous condition and to be doing
good work. The year wag oloeed tvith e
eurplue of five buudred dollars. , The
following offone and directors "were
(fleeted for the ensuing year ; Ed. Christie
Exeter, president ; Time. Fraeer,
Stanley, viae president; Thos. Eneeel,
Exeter, and. viae president ; direotore,
J010 Murdoch, John Ketohea, Peter
MuGregor, Wm, Berry, Jas. P01ereou,
A. G. Smillie, Wm, Dixon, H. Smith
and W, D. Sanders, Rohl. MoMordie,
London ; Robert ()barters and Andrew
Davidson, Tnokeremith, were appointed
honorary directors. Meeere A. T. Scott
Bruoefleld, and Joseph Senior, Exeter,
were appointed auditors, Thomas Raeeel
and John Murdook ware appended
representatives on the direotorate of the
Weetern Fair, London. At a subsequent
meeting of the new boned of directors it
woo decided to hold the tenet Spring
Fair at Brueeibeld, for whipb the date
will be set and all arrangements made
in meeting 10 be held in Heneall in
ONTARIO Provincial Parliament will
meet on Thursday, February 151h. It
will be an important session.
a * 8
IT ie said the O. P, R. may build e
road to parallel the London, Huron ea
Bruce and continuing:Northward.
Tam Laurier Banquet, to be held on
February 2101 at Toronto,' is creating no
smallenthusiasm 'inthe Liberal tanks.
RiNOoToN bye•eleotion for the Prov
facial Leginlatoro will be held on Monday
of next week, It ie expected that E. Ji
Psne5,' the Liberal candidate will win.
w * a
G1t010 interest le menifeeiod in the el.
eeti00 in the Old Laud, The lendolide:of
the Conservative ;candidates was hardly
expeotod. The new house will have a
peenliar mixttiro both as] to parties and
knotty problemsand it Mt, Bannerman.,
Oampbeli oan harmonize the eating
elements he will prove Limned( to be it
o1ate0man of n0 meati order.
Ton Peer 0oagra1ulatee Editor Robb,
of the Walkerton Telescope, 00 hie el,
action to the Warden's elude for Brace
Comity. Robert Armstrong, of Ellice
towosbip, was the ohofoe in Perth Co,
TUBERCULoeIS is buoy in Ontario, .tis
latent government retarne Blowing 172
deaths is 1905 as compared with 154 for
1904, Tbie in the face of more modern
rosette of treating the disease le rather
Owrxa to the diffic▪ ulties encountered
this week in obtaining lee for ekabing and
hockey porpoeee thio Winter it le pro
posed by large rinks to hereafter mann
taotl)re an artifloial oharaoter. Whether
the now variety will have the slippery
vide always op remains to be seen.
Teta petty eritioia ▪ n of some of the
parsons over the disaoueeeeof Rev. Dr.
Torrey at the Massey Hall 'services, Tor
Onto, remind ns] 0f a paean making an
effort to blow oub an oleotrio light while
the power house ie etill busy. Dr.
Torrey's !Mutton will do good despite the
jealous fault.finding of the oritioo.
The following i0 the report of Inepeator
Robb to Heron County Commit in cow
oeotion with the inspectorate of East
Baron whioh will be found of genuine
intere01 :—
To the Warden and Council of the
Connty of Huron :
GENTLEt1RR.-I beg leave to eobmit my
annual report on the state of Poblio
School Education in the Inspectorate of
East Hum for the year 1905,
There are 123 Poblio School Depart.
mate open in Bost Heron .daring 1905,
Tbeee were in oharge of 83 male and 90
female teeohere,-a deoresoe of four
male teeohere. In 1904, 44 school
dspartmeoto changed - teeohere ; do
1905 there were 51 ohangee,
Wbeo there were more teachers than
eahoole, eahool boards took advantage of
the commercial law of supply. and
demand and, as a cooeeque00e ealerie,
became lower and lower year after year.
Daring the last three pears teeohere
have availed themeelvee of the 000001ty
ofte0ohers and have not hesitated to
maga their (tamale when a higher salary
could be obtained elsewhere. Whatever
mama is due in the ease of teachers is
equally applicable to Boards of Trustees.
1904 1905
First Claes 5 7
8od clave 68 58
Third close 52 55
Temporary •, 1 3
Total 124 123
0.88110.011 050511100•
1809 1801 18115
e 2
A a m a
w A
k W
Rural .........4988 .0„1299 4003 3011 8818 $007
Drbao 721. 921 767 9417 770 924
0)e14ee448'e 414 016 468 617 482 926
There has been en inereaee of $88 in
the average salary of male teachers sou
$10 i0 that of female teeohere in two
Tbe 1110101400 10 the average salary of
rhe urban female beakers de bot $8,
while that of rural female teaobero has
boon 384 in the same time.
The eooial and other advantages of
raiding in a town or village no doubt
accounts for the difference in the advanoe
,n salaries.
The average experience of all the
teachers of East Huron ie 61 years end
the average time in present school is 33
years. There are 20 teachers in ado in
epeotarate who have taught 10 years or
over. The average experience of the
other 108 is but 23 yearn.
R00140 Scheele
Enrolled Averageattend'e
678 9190
Village Schools 596 986
Town fiohoole 1.945 097
5612. 9969
In 1904 5664 pupils were enrolled in
the whole inspectorate, hence there has
been a decrease of 58 mile during 1905
The average abbeodance de 613%. This
1s] an 080011001 showing.
831 candidotee wrote on the eatranoe
examination of whom 288 posed. The
average age of the suooeeefal oandidabee
was 133 years, 124 candidates wrote at
the two collegiate inetitatee4 Clinton and
Beaforth and 207 at the five outside
oeotree, Brussels, Wingham, Blyth,
Fordwieb and Wroxeter, These °entree
were established by the County Connell
slid last year 000b the oonnty 364.66
Tbie sum was paid to 8 prodding exam
inere, for ink, expree0age, printing &e.
Each for
received 86 and railway
fare. It ie estimated that this outlay
'1 864 66 settee in ,railway fame, board
&e at least 31000 to parents wbo have.
pupils writing on this examination The
County Oounoil,hag full force to abolish
tbeee oontren,
01ODEL 9011500.6.
Therewere'88 teaohere-in.training at
the Olinton Model eobool Ioet year and
27 at the Goderiob Model, 12 teachere
whose third Matte o0rtlfluatee had expired
re -wrote on the final examination and
had their cierti 08108 renewed for three
peers, All the oandidateo were 0000400'
Model abbots Were eetabiiehed by the
Public) Soboolo Aot of 1877, and 101 it
limo the teeohere do training were
required to attend but six weeks hence
there were two model tame from Sept.
let to Deo. 92nd of Moil year. It wait
eau found that the term watt too short
and after three yearn it watt lengthened
to fie present length of three and a halt
Some of three ooboole especially the
two models In this county have done
excellent worts bat as some others have
but few pewits, some even ae few Rs 4 it
has been felt by many that the time bag
come to replace these saloots by normal.
eohoole ; 11108 allowing teeohere to reeelve
their Waning at nae time, and net
pieo0menf as] at present.
Mr,' W, R. Lough hae been principal of
the Clinton Model School for twe0ty.two
years, during wbiob time 640 teeohere-ln
training have paeeed through this 0011001,
For the last eleven years no candidate
has tailed on the final examination at
title eobool.
000011000503061 00.4180 0014000.0,
The three' large continuation oleea
schools in tide inopeotorate are doing
their genal eaaooeefnl work. Two of
Mese schools Wingham and Brussels
each have two teachers devoting their
entire time to High eobool work, At
the High school examinations in July
they were more e000eerf01 than many of
the Higheoboole of the province. Blyth
employe but one teacher for High Sobool
work. This eobool also had good 8000000
at the midsummer examinations. There
were 504 pupils taking up High Sobool
etediae in the public' wheel() of this
inopeoborete during the year 1905.
NEw 000OOL 000600•
During 1905 the village of Wroxeter
built a fine two roomed brink aohoolhouse
of the moat approved modern design, 11
to equal, If not superior, to any other two
roomed eobool in, the province. It cost
$6500 and is cheap at that prise. School
.e0ttoa No.2, Tnokeremith also built a
fine one roomed briok wheel house • with
e basement. It oast about $2,500 and is
a oredit to the action.
Union 8. B. No. 16, Howiok and, Grey
rebuilt their school house, veneering 'it
with brick. It omit about $1500 and i8 se
good as new.
I have not urged the building of new
+obool houses for some time as I hope
that the formation of ooneolidsted sohoo?s
will receive each encouragement from the
education departmentae to make it a
me question. Every new school is au
obstacle in the way of consolidation.
TEAO0ER0' 0014800140000.
A very oaoaeoefol Teach. re' Oonveotion
for the entire county was held ab Clinton
an Mey 25th and 28th. At tbab' 0onven•
Won it was deolded to hold the meeting
in 1906 at Guelph Agrioulturo College, BO
,hat teachers mtghthave ate opportunity.
t0 inepeet the•uoueolidatedeohbol eetale•
imbed there ; the eahool garden : the
elsodonsed inetitate ; the Ontario Agri-
cultural Oollege •, end the many other
attractions of that educational centre.'
1t ie hoped that not only every teeoher do
the ooauty but the majority of the Sobool
trustees will join the excursion and Dee
the trend of advanced modern edaoation.
It hae become the fashion for college
profeesio0e and others who have nob
stood inside of a public school for thirty.
or more years to carp at and oritioiee un-
favorably the work done in tbeee schools.
I.bave been a teacher for the past forty
one years, and during all that time nob
an boor of my waking life has been free
from the thought of the work done in
our 1.nblio and high eohoole, and how it
might be improved ; yet I have no heel.
ation do eayrug that our public schools
nave made greater progress than any of
the allied profoanione, Divinity, Law or
To compere one of our good modern
eohoole with a similar taboo) of forty
years ago is like 0omparing a modern
exprese train wlth the stage ooaoh it
Much remains to be done but it will
be done in due time.
In aonolueion I may add that all the
soboole were visited at least twice during
the year, onadin eaoh term, The dates
of these visite are appended.
Daring the poet fifteen years every
school department has been vieited twice
each year.
I am gentlemen,
your obedient servant,
Bru•aelo, Jon, 22nd, 1905.
annuli OIU MIOM.
Next Sabbath will be the °losing date
of Rev. Dr, Rose' pastorate in Brussel°.
The Woman's Missionary Society will
+apply the program at the Epworth
League next Sabbath evening,
The next regular meeting of Maitland
Presbytery will be held in Wingham on
Tuesday, March 6th oommeneiug at 10
a. no,
Tuesday evening the annnal oongreget.
tonal meeting of ilfelvibe church was
held and moat encouraging 1090140 were
A farewell congregational social will be
tendered Rev, Dr. Roes and hie excellent
,amity in Melville church on Monday
evening of next week. Supper will he
nerved in the eahool room atter which a
program of music, addressee and other
items of interest will be presented in the
Lase Sabbath Ree. T. W. Comma gave
two floe dieponrees in the Methodist
thumb. Morning sabjeet Was "The abun.
dant Life," and in the evening he dealt
with "The mntiletod Bible," (lone
aeration 0009100 wag held in the Leagtle
afterward Mies Minnie MoNeugston be.
tog the feeder, she gave an excellent
reading and Mieeoo Bertha and, Jennie
Ranee eang a 011oi0e duet
The various departments of the
Methodist ohnrob are 0010oing an anti;ve
!Merest in the project of paying off the
balance of the ohttrch debt in 1000.
$100 00 bas been accepted by the ludieot
AM as tleieshare !the Sabbath School
willaim at a sunnier amount ; the
League will undertake $35.00 and the
Omit 325 00. This with $100 from
Sinking .Fane will leave 3750 for the
general congregation, It is ex eoted the
*Diel will b0 banked before Dee, 1514