The Brussels Post, 1906-1-18, Page 8Bloods Root eons ng.+rw•.�wc ..Jnrw+Prov.warr�nnp%+vro,,:,imor.�r.+ac7`.',r�,.-I,.«-.m,?��•�snet re�w-a-ra.-+nw�.�ia�;. .;asawru:..ws...wn.Tt «.,..wine "'"."°�'Ir..�'"`'' n*sin,.,+mine;a,�..,._..�a�r�-.,a,o1Mn�mT._N'ao!?^ .,...,.. .»•1.°w''.'.:� ..,.,............ .,,,.._..w..., etre Standard Bank of Canada THE Noibetter Omagh Remedy to be had than this: In the Winter time there are sure to be many colds going their rounds, Be on the safe side, keep a bottle of Blood Root Cough Cure in the house and attend to your cold right at the start. Blood Root Cough Cure is no new preparation, but a safe and reliable Remedy carefully prepared by ourselves and has been sold from our Drug Store for years. TRY A BOTTLE, PRICE 26C, We thank our many Customers for their Patronage during the ,ast year and solicit a continuance of the same. F. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOIITaanN EZTENer0N W. 0. di S. Trains Leave Brnaeels Station, North and South, as follows; 00IN0 SOIITO Goma Nowa. Mail 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed 5110 a,u, Muad.........11:l5 a.m I Mail .. _ 1Md p.0 Hxpresa...... 8:03 p.m Eaproga 8:51 pa. Karat Betas jte is A ohiel's among ye *skit' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. How does the address label on your paper read ? Worms DOWRY is baying a oar load of horses for the West. MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels es Thoreday, Feb. let. Keep it in mind. Saloom Board met on Friday evening in regular seseiou and Wednesday even ing of this week as per Statute. Diem weak Thuell Bros. Shopped 850 bags of feed at their mill, as many at - 257 r257 in one day. They now handle flow and teed also. Two gentleman of oolor spent a few days in town. They are strolling mare clan being quite expert in the maul polation of the violin and banjo. Two sleigh loads of young people want 10 Trowbridge Friday eveu,ug and spent an enjoyable time at the Moore home. stead. They returned about 7 a. at. on Saturday. Sevonen Bruseela Canadian Foreatere went to Oranbrook het Friday evening and spent a pleasant evening the game et Court Woodbine, An oyster supper was served in fleet -Saes style at J, Long's hotel after Court. AT a meeting of the executive oom• mitten of the Huron Old Boys' Anomie tion of Toronto Anal arrangements were made for the annual at home, which will take plane at the Temple building on Friday February, 16. ANxLE BHnxeo.—Wednesday afternoon Ronald Sinclair was wreetliog with Alta Speir at school during recess, wheu she former fell with hie companion on him. The result was a Pottle fraatare oa the right ankle. We hope he will soon be able to get about toe usual. Oen good neighbor, the Wingham Timer, bad another birthday the other day and Tooke healthy and able to do good service. Bro. Elliott holds the helm with a steady hand and the Times carries a well freighted cargo of news and live advertising matter each week. Cann os TEANxs.—I wieb to thank the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters of, Ontario and the local Court of Brunets for the prompt settlemeut of the beneficiary claim of my late husband, Neil MoLaoolllin, also for the receipt of funeral benefits. May your noble Order ooutinne to prosper is the wieb of Mea. Naw MoLeuansxze. Brneeele Jan. 12th, 1906. PBOStoTED •—TSH POST is pleased to learn that Raeeell Member, of Chiaago, formerly of Bruseela, bas bean made the ohoioe of the Queen's Inenranee Co. of America as special agent and adjuster for the Sbatea ol,0olorada, Wyoming and South Dakota,with headquarters as Denver, to take effect on Feuroery 1st. We congratulate Mr. Fletcher on his pre ferment and hope be will continue to climb the ladder of progrese, CoNDoLENoa.—The following le a oopy of a resolution of sympathy painted by Court Princese Alexandria, No. 24, Brno eels, to Jacob J. Wilton, Brunets, which speaks for itself ;—J. J Witten and Family.—We, the Offieere and members of Court Privaese Alexandria, Bracelets, take thio opportunity ot ex pressing our Sincere sympathy with you in the demise of a true wife and devotee mother. Human words may tall tar short of soothing the sorrow but tb,. Good Master ie the Great Phyaioian to whose care we commend you. We with you improved health and the many other attendant bleeainge of this lite and • e happy re•nnion in the world to come with friends fondly oheriebed who bave passed on before. Signed in behe,f of the Court, JAS. BoRaxee, (Thief Ranger. Goon AND FAITHrIIL.—Atter thirty four years in the eervioe of the Allan Line, as their general passenger agent for Ontario, H. 0. Beadier, of Toronto, bag deolded to resign, owing to par Mal disability, caused by the harem. ing attaoke of rbeumetiem and soiabioa, ' Mr. Bundler halo had a long and honor. ed career In the service of transports. Mon oompaniee. He was for seventeen years with the Grand Trunk Railway, for the first three of which be Wes agent at Point Levis, and had °barge Of the forwarding of the steamship pas. eeegere. He was the fleet eteti00 mar. ter at the old Tinian Station, Toronto, which Was opened in 1868, ani remain. ed at this poet till 1872, when be join. ed the Allan. Line eerviae wieb head. gtidrters at Toronto. Naturally Mr. 130uriier is widely known to the travel. ling publib of Ontario, :and hie many ftiende will unite in hoping 'he will be. epared for many years to enjoy lois well. earned rest, Tan Poet has very die tioot reoolleaiioue of pleasurable °Mingo with Mr. Bonnier in which hie geniality loud kihdlineaelwero well illustrated. Tars has been a bad Winter for akar i ug rinks. TIIE,Dar was a rough day although not severely cold. Tito 0, T. R. is in clover this season 88 compared with the past two Winters. Tam sleighing was ooneiderably im• proved by the snow fail of this week. envemm weddings are on the program ant our u,.me is "Mum" until the dates &raw nearer. Tan local snowplows came 111 for many oeuediotiOne during the peat week elope° .ally by the fair aex. K. 0. T. M. meeting an Friday evening, len. 19 Sir Kt. Towueeud isexpeoted to addreee the one ting. A 13eu Seor.—Some attention Should ea Riven the sidewalk at the Southerly nppsoeoh to the iron bridge. An outside iron hand rail would help matters in ai. probability. Norra .—All persons indebted to the :ate Arm of Stewart & Lowioe ere requested to square off ammo at 000e and oblige the ander eigued, W. F. STEWART, Bassen B takee no eeooed place for e lot of good driving horses. The moat of •hem are the gat of "Oosbnmer" ane •Il.aplau," owned by Masers. Scott & Warwick, well known horsemen of town. Moor nx PAtD.—Tax O011.otor Long ,as been instructed to oomplebe the tax oolleettn, at 0000 eo tboee who have not paid are asked to promptly attend to the dime as roll must be returned for the Auditors. Hutton Co. Connell will open next raeeday. The moat interesting feature of the first day is the selection of a Warden. The oonteet will be betwee,. Hugh Spe.okmau, of Exeter, iod Robert McLean of (doderioh, Do Oven, M. D., Loudon, Eye and Ear Surmeou, will be at Smith's Drap Store, Brussels, on the firer Tuesday i, each month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m. Cataract, squint, failing eyeeigbr, deafness and nasal catarrh treated apo glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Twee day, February 6th. Too Poem and Farmer's Advocate, the best agrioo.tnral paper published in 0au- ..da, will be fnrutehed to present eub• embers et the °lab rate of $2.85 Nee eubeoribers to the Advocate can °blab. papers ler $2. We highly reoommeua our readers to enhaeribe for the Farmer's, Advooate and Hume Magazine. TDB 1150080 oOmmlesiueere for Huron County brays been re appointed by the 0uterio Government as follow :—West Huron—Matthew Lookhart, Thoe. E. Duroio, Thee. Obmobill. East Harem— John Shannon, Johu Cardiff, Jas. A Strong. Sonth Huron — Peter Douglas, Wm. Delbridge, Joseph Coming. Two masked treats will be given in Stratb,rd Theatre during the Winter. The Pittsburg 0, chimera, of 68 members, • seieted by Madame Ryder -Kelsey, of New Yurk, soprano soloist, will give s u,uoert On Feb. 10.b. On March 28th, e ooneert will be given by Madame Alban', existed by Mr. Archambault, the great English tenor. Rivsnsms HIVE.—Tuesday evening of last week the office bearers of Riverside Hive, No. 816, Lady Macoabee Order, Bruseela, were ineballed by Mrs. A. OoGuire, Peet Lady Commander, es follows —Lady Commander, Mrs. Wm. Randa ; Past Commander, Mrs. W. W. Harris ; Lieut. Oommasider, Mrs. A. Mu finite ; Rao. Keeper, Miss 5. Reiner ; Ohaptain, Dire. G. ()Mein ; Sergeant, Mrs. 1). 0. Rose ; Mietreee at Arma, Mrs. P. Anent ; Sentinel, Mine Maggie Mo. Arter ; Picket, Mrs, A, Lemont ; Organ,. let. Mrs. E. Cellar ; Auditor') Mrs. D. C. and Aire. Deadman. After tbe,netailati• on 0 somal evening was enjoyed in the Lodge room, the Lady Foresters' being the geoids of the Lady Maccabees. An impeompin program was presented and 511 had a good home. Riverside Hive bee 26 benefit members and one Associate. LEGAL NOTE.—The following gestation was oohed by a Greyite end answered fu the legal oolumn of the Mail-Empire.— I was a member of the School Board taut yanr. Ou Deo. 21.1 I gave coder of re eigmltion ; en Deo. 22nd Z wee nominated for totenehip councillor; on Dee. 21011 my name was printed on the ballots. On Deo. 27tb I tendered my, reoignatioro toe trustee to the ratepayers at the annual eohool meeting, whish was accepted; yet the township clerk, who he returning uffioer, told eeveral electors and the deputy returning omoere that I wag "diequali Bad,' because my resignation from the School Board bed not been aeoepted at the time of my "nom1885100" for the Ooonell, Was I diegoalcfied ? (2) Have 1 any adieu of damages against the re turning cutter for lissome told the elector° and deputy returning offioere that I was dtgquahflwd? Ane.—The Municipal Am says ; "Na member of a aabool board for which none tore levied eb411 be qualified to be a member of the Council, or any ether municipal corporation." It hae been held In several oasesthe'where a candidate wag a member of a Bohan beard en the day of his "nomination" for the aloe of oounoillor, be was thereby diaquanflod, although be resigned hie membership on the halloo) board on the day of polling, 'Limmermen v. Steele, 6 0. L R 566, following Adamson v. Boyo, 4 P. R. 204. (2) If you NV. re diegnaliflrd at the tome of bus nomination, yon have no Sallee of aoti,n egaioe5 the retnrniug ordeal, for having told the elenten§ and de. putise of your diegoal,floation, „�fi'7: A7a�2,SSS-31:11'1 1e7:2 BUItPLUB, Olt 1tf08E12V14 POND $ 1,01)0050 TOTAL A88ET5 UV10It 30,000,00d A. General Uanlclug' Iitaaiuetes; Trn.nerraetetf. —'e-t°S,A V/NGS L3.ANKs'8' Accrued lutereet Is,o Sled to aeoouate every six woman and Immo prinelpal. .loins Deposit Am:aunts—A 8PI:CLI1., O01eVf:AIENGD, to use in our Saviugqe De. partmeut 15 the "Joint Depoett." account. Money may bo dopoeltod or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. This syetom 15 a Remit °thyme• item to many residing iu town, but Moro particularly so to farmers, an In the latter ease whether man or wife 0o11108 to town Dither eau attend to the Banking. Au. other feature of the syetom is that in ease of the death of either party the money can be withdrawn by the survivor without oust. We will telt you more about our Methods if you will kindly oell or write, Married 'Women and Mum may make and withdraw deposits without theta. teryention of any person, BALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be lett for SAFE -KEEPING only for which no °barge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive onr careful and ounrteoue attention. A, 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. Tns Goderbob Star hae cantered past *umber mile poet and appears to be in oke rice to win. 1; is a readable, well printed weekly and deserves the hearty support aoaorded it. Mres ELLA Mailmen, who hae BO 015• 818011y performed the duties of operator at the Central Telephone Office here bus resigned her position to take op house. hod duties. She has been succeeded by Miss Bertha Sharp who will no doubt flit the bib acceptably atter Ru aegnaiut• pule with the work. Seamen Benoo .—A meeting of the ex southaot Wtugbam "Metrics Epworth League was held in Wingham ou Friday ,ast. It was decided to hold the Kennel Summer Sobool, this year, in the town of Wingham. It is expected to last several days, and a fide program of eddresaee will be preeeuted, THE esteemed personage, "the oldest inhabitant" mime somewhat ubiquitous, tor he ia,fooud here and elsewhere. Just where he resides is of little import - aloe, but what he rays is enbitlea to sou. eideratiou. He prediote au open and uumparatively mild Winter, with fre- quent shown and abbreviated moo .nape, and uncertain Winter roads. He tdeisea those who have teaming to do not to negleot the opportnnity to rash things when the roads are good. Hie predio its is based on late thunder, green grime, and , dome other eig08 familiar to the wee be, wise. A NOTE from Will. J. Good, of Einer amu, Man., formerly of Bruseele, dn'ed memory 120h says ,,We are having eplendld weather here just now, Octant lea's in it for a miner. Rave not had e real old b,izzard this Winter, Eieie ata hSdna have jam recovered from a severe amok of diphtheria, The doctor remov ea the card today and Joey and I ore suing beak home to morrow or Sunday. It will be three weeks that day sinoe we ,vara gaaraotined. Had New Year's dim• Der wipe the Peebles' family at Morrie. Lamy are doing o. k. Wishing you a happy and proeperooe year, I remsiu Y one e,noere,y, WILL. 5. Goon." ADVERTISING PAYS. — Here are three uuuorete serapes of the beuefire of ad ,ertssing iu THE Poem :—Mre. R. Ross, Of Kmoardioe, lost a obild'e toque, leggings, 010,, and they were returued the day atter the fleet appearance of the advt. Ernest Miller advertised for a strayed 0"Itie and inside ot a week he beard from rut' different parties of straying helmet and secured his Met dog 81 W, Kernay's, Morrie. Is goiug home a Blyth Jno. Out lost a new horns. mauket on the 9sb of Morrie. It was alverttaed iu las Posr, and brought to our office by Tbos. MuOatl, who found is. dr.Omt got it last weak. These are ]sty a few of many imitation of the real value of advertising in a paper that is widely read. Don't forget to tell the people you trade with that you noticed lertaio pointe, bargains, eta, in their ad. rertisemeute that impressed you. UNOKOAL OrEnATIuN.—The Olintou N.•w Era of tart week says :— James Ritchie, a former from Bruseela, uuderwent a rather serious operation as the C.ioton Hoepital on Saturday mel, About four yens ago Mr. Ritob• ,e bad the misfortune of having his arm broken a few inches from the ihuhlder, by a moue wall falling ou nim. The arm was badly mangled at the time, the bone oomiug through the flesh. Although the wound° healed, be bone never united, and a false j 'int formed at the seat of fracture. Notwithstanding the deformity auto the double joint, Mr. Ritchie was ab s .o do a good dial of work with the tem. The operation °onsisted in saw .ng off the ends of the bone and wiring tbem together. Mr. Bitable bas been ,ermine iu Alberta for some tome, and eoently returned wail the objeot of uaviug hie arm fixed it possible. Rio emends will be pinhead to learn that 50 ter he is progressing favorably, and cruet to see he woefulness of hie arm fully restored. Gum 5RANOa DIREOTone MEET,—There wee a good tamp out of Directors at the mestiug of Grey Branob Agricultural docilely last Wednesday efteruuou. President Speir presided; On matiou of Juo. Leokte and Geo. Tbomeon W. H. Karr wee re-eppolubed Seoretary Trete mot. Ou minion the mum of 5809 war offered East Huron Agh Soasety to hold Me Auauat Fad Fair In Brneeele for 1906. President Speir and Secretary Kerr were chosen repreeeutetivee to the Faire' Assooiation anuual OObvenbion t0 be held February 21st and 22nd, The question of a new Fair building was d,eouosed when unanimous vote was passed as to the deeirabillty crud uecegeity fur Boob a building and that if pose,ble It be oompleted in time for the Fall Fate A committee oo0siobing of the Preeident Secretary and Menus, Leckie, MoOraok an and Tbomeon was appointed to arrange for plans, mare animate, Mo., Bud report at Itobor meebiug of Threaten In reference to aeojdent to Mrs, Wm. Wilkinbon's knee at the Fair huff Full Mr. Walkineun stated Ibat rhe wanted 9000 The direobore were disposed to do something along the sine of settling the dootor'e boll, which was not produced, without prejndioe, and Meesre, Spelt, Leckie, Robb and MoDouatd were appointed to visit the "palace" and see she floor, aeoettain other parbioalare end make a report on the moms t0 a meeting to be held before long. Meeting adjourn. ed to meet at the mall of the Preeideut, Wert Asaimboia Liberals nominated W. E. Knowles, of Moose, Jaw for the Common°, s noosed the new Prtviueiel Premier, Hon. Walter Scott. The new Baptist church at Meaford ongoing 98,000, was formally opened, Bev. G"ro Cross, M. A., of MoMaeter, preach- ing the sermons. BllblllQS9 Locals. Nonxt, richer than wheat. Better than meat, at W. A. GnEwAo'd. Dwelling rooms to let over store, o0m torbabie and oouvenient. I. 0. Rzoaenns, lluw Fare Wanted. Will pay hieheO market 951085. McKee & Co Goon dwelling bnuee for sale or to let. Hard and soft water all under cover ; very convenient. I. 0. Bmuenne, ONE hundred Rote farm in Morri' towuehip for sale at to close prior, Fur partioulars apply at Tno POST. Hein DssssiNo.—Switches made out of combine- and out (lair. Melo It. HnNasron, Mill et. West, Fon SALE.—Two hanging lamps, flower stand, flower pots, fruit jars, wheat barrow, &c., apply at MEnvmna Manes Wow stows are old dull and tint of true eke •hem to McGregor and he wit. make them new. Mill St. Brnesete Ont. DnEesoAItING.—Mise Maggie Bram ie prepared to attend to the wants of the adies at their home° or at her own horn, Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris, Brnaeels P. 0 WANTED.—Ohoioe Roll Batter 25•. New laid mag° 80e., 96 00 moll for No. 1 Mink. Olearing sale of Drone goods, furs, eta. G. E. KIN°, Wiughum. Two Short Hurn ball ca vee for Bale. One is 9 months old and the other 18 months ; one a red and the other a roan. Also Oollle pups for sale. L ,t 22, Co,, 18, - Grey, Jas. D. Ma mie, Oranbrook, P. 0. A re•oon0t has been granted in the Gannoque Mayorality election. eturgiars robbed Father Lemurs of Longue Pointe of a lot of valuable for . The petition against Henry Lovell, 31 P. for Btonetead, Qoebee, was dismisses. Dennie Shea was burned to death in ,t fire that destroyed hie dwelling at Smith's Bay. The King baa rent a message of con dolenoe to the family of the late Hou Raymond Prelontaine, Burglare lobbed the residence of B. M Bone of Montreal of 5800' worth of jewellery and 51100 in bilis. Saab, Carson & Naylor, a Winnipee departmental store firm, have aesigued. Several Toronto firms are intereabed, Mr. John Watson was probably fatally scalded by falling into a hot water teen at Hyman'° tannery in Loudon, Eleobions in WestAeeiniboi,t, Saekateh• 'ewers and Sherbrooke, Que., will be he d on Feb. 18th, Nominations a week earlie, Charles Laing, for shooting through the window of the M. 0, R. station ar Hawbrey, was sentenced tojail for lbre, months. The remains of Angnetue Sabraw Wert seeu by neighbors in a blaze that deetr y ed bis fiahermau'e shanty near Smitb'e Pal le. It Is stated that Hon. A. B. Aylee• worth has purchased for $9,500 the prop. arty known as "Liuderiea," eitnated en the hill North of Rideau Hall, at Ottawa. axe=a. Hooven.—Io East Wawanoeh, on Jan very lith, Joseph B. Hoover, aged 80 years. MOINTOsa —In Grey, on January 12th, Johu Ritchie, only son of John and J. ell McIntosh, aged 18 menthe. MarotxxoHT—Iu Tum,berry, on January 6th, Thomas Phillipe MoOreigbt, aged 66 years mud 2 months. BonanraoN—At Nanton, Alberta, on Jan- uary 8th, Will S. Robertson, form arly of Wingham, iu his 28th year. •Stumm Irl East Wawauooh, Jan. 10th, 1906, Mary Lister, re int of the late John Bbieil, aged 74 years. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QTBAYED ON N if LOT 17, 0011,8, Morris, about December net, a Fox Terrier bitch Owner may have mune by proving property and paying oxpoueon. AUCTION SALE/ OF FARM STOOL IMPLEMENTS, FIIRISIDORE, &a. —P. R. 8outt, taw tloeeor, has been n,etruut- od by the undersigned to sell by public unc- tion at 31 Lot le, Dun 8, Morris, on Wednee. d ay, Peb. 7, 1000, as 18 o'S1nak, the 10110wlug eoriYe 11 yar,1d81marc 0 years lo Vial, 'Dare cult rising 1 year, 2 eons rieiug 2 yrs. G cows supposed in oat, to thoro'•bred bull, 1 farrow onw, 1 dry cow, 81 earane heifers, . two.year•old atoms, 7 calve°, 1 Yorkeblre sow meta, 11 pigs 21 mouths old, 00 bens, 1 Deering mower 1 Massey-IIarrie drilt,1 bay rack, 1 turnip pulpsr, 1 Kenmore° plow 1 seualer, 1 narrow plow, 1 set i5011 barrows. L hey rake 1 top buggy, i d,•uble-eeaLod boggy, 1 vnnggon, 1 nsw bit atm 801,000 box, 1 set liernoigbe, 1t tousle tifiru2 mese long tag harp see, 1 rot ate to huruu ee, 1 grain cradle, 1 Chathamfannies will with bagger, 2 nets d0ubloteeetrs1s, 1 wagon spring real, oross.ottbe sow, 1 5,1E 180a lb, wet Water reales, 1 died narrow, 1 wand rook, 1 Watut V41 ced, 1 dinner bull, 3 grrindgrune about 2d5 cedar poste, a number of grata Mage, 1 saga• kettle, abont 000 1,08. of oats if nob gold before the tale, spades, shovels, forks, 1 ertecupboard, l o1pbunge with glare fruut,able,1 cupboard, l lounge. 2 benettode, 1 tante, 1 Daisy ohms. 1 wood eons 0000e, 1 dining. 50050 wood hooter, GO ut palls nearly now, 2 numbeey cloche, about 20 bae,ot potatoes, r. a number of other Sm all reserartiolte b00 pnmOr. out to s soldmention,his faro nuroenrvod nspropel. f $tor lies sold Nle larm, Tonne -431 ohms of 910.00 sad nutter moth, over !bat amount 12 mouth.,' orntl,t will be 530011 u0 luruiebing approved joint nates • G per Dent. off for sash On erode au100u55 ; grain. putlt1Oe8 Dd Dote to nu oath 51108 It 58014LT010, Proprietor; P.13,#3aomT, Am:Menem, METRI POLIITMv" CAPITAL—Pald til, 81,000.000 RESERVE FUND a $1.000,000 5.5, 1100RE, Pro'l1eot, T1100, 10AnanAW, 1'.L,A, Directors M1 AK D,1;, TWOAOPS0N, K. O. V our,• Proeiden t, U8.011110 EIS 1100011 AIR, w. 0101ITIAtn11 OLaltx, x.0 1000 511000150031 stfoovEr Oza?aves, MONEY ORDERS lasted payable ntptuy 90 and under 0 cents Nanking town In CANADA (excepting the over sem to 91000 0 conte Yukou'1'orvitoryl wltbopt charge, at the fol. 'over 810.00 to 510 W 10 emote lowing r:ltee 1•- over $110.00 to 550.00 17 cents DRAFTS for larger amounts issued at reasonable rates payable at all banking pointe in CANADA or II511110D BTATiOS, Sia MAWS 11s?d9'Z ,�// e^Arr^4 c,rCI$'20edFfa&r lateral) at RIGHEB'S CURRENT RATES allowed on toll aurae of 91 and upwards r8sJJ, iimexem A. E MELLISH, Maonger. Geenua.—In Marnoob, on Tuesday, Jan. 16th, Miry Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mre. J. L. Geddes of Belgrave, aged 12 years, MARISSABI 7, MAoLnoD—SexrH—On Jan, 10th, at the reeids, oe of the bride's parents, 14 ooh., West, Elma, by Rev. H P. Westgate, Mies Ida E., eldest Baugh ter of Mr, Thou. Bon•th, to Mr. T. B. MeeLeod, Sintalula, Seelc. Rzonu,n a—MmLen —At Fa rview, in Elul eft, at the residence of the bride's parents, on December 28th, by Rev. Dr. MoLean, Mr. James H. Richmond, of Morrie, to Mise Mer. ianna Millar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brigham. Ruooan—Sona —At the Methodist par. aouuge, Hannah, North Dakota, o0 Deo 61h, by Rev. Mr. Hayes, Mr, John Henry Rugger, of Dresden, North Dakota, form. rly of East Wawanosh, to Mies He.ens Smith, of Wroxeter, Ontario. oao�xa. � BROADFOoT.—In Toronto, on Jan. 14th to Mr. and Mrs, C. 11. Broadtoot, Bruweels, a daughter. BEnorrr —Ia Arcola, N W. T , on Jen• nary 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. 0. R. Bennett, a eon. MARSH. — In Bellingham, Washington Ter.,on Jan. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Marsh, a daughter, .A.TJ•CT3o1V' 6.A.T.,s., FRIDAY, JAN. 10th.—Farm stools and implements, at East ,} of lot No. 10, oonoeeeinn 6, Morrie. Thomas Stewart, prop., R. H. Garuiee, alto. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 81sT.—Fere Moak, Lot 18, Con 16, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Frank Woods, prop. F. B. Scott, 8)10. WEDNESDAY FED. Mr.—Farm stock, implements), bonvehold furniture, &o. Si Lot 18, Cho. 8, Morrie. Sale more aerred at 12 o'aloak. Thos. R, Skelton:, prop. F. S. Boobt, 800. You ora'! Cough long if you use Fox's White Pine and Tar., You won't lose anything if it fails to core you—Wo will refund the price paid. You Will agree that it is one of the very beet Cough Syrups you ever used— that is the almost gen- eral opinion of those who have used it. 25c. per bottle at Fox's Drug Store Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, babe and rolls,,,, Eggs per dozen Hay per ton Flour, per bbl flogs, Live Wool 78 76 42 48 70 70 82 88 19 20 19 20 6 00 6 00 5 00 6 60 6 10 23 28 £0 vvw vin a>Wvan�d roaV,, Cts }BRUSSELS' DAYLIGHT STORE FOR THIS WEEK $5.00 Men's Darlc Grey Freize 350 Overcoats for . . —11 only Men's Heavy Overcoats, well made, with good quality linings, finished with velvet and high storm collar, sizes 36 to 40. Regular value $5.00. Extra Special at 3.50 $8.50 Men's Fancy Tweed Over- 6 50 coats for v —9 only Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats, extra long, with strap backs, No. 1 linings and perfect fitting. Regular $8.50 quality. Extra Special at 6.50 $1.25 Women's Colored Waists 69c for vv —3 dozen Women's dark and light colored Waists, fast colors and guaranteed perfect fitting, alt sizes from 32 to 44. Regular price $1.25 Extra Special at 69e Furs at Actual Wholesale Price —The balance of our stook of Women's Furs—Ruffs, Caps, Muffs and Caperinee—• good assortment in stook. Take your choice of the lot this week at Actual Wholesale Prices. $1.25 Men's Fancy Shirts for 75c —10 dozen Men's Fancy Shirts, soft and bard bosoms, cuffs detached, perfect fitting and fast colors, sizes 14 to 17, regular prices up to $1.25. Choose from the lot at .. 75c (See South Window) $2.75 and $3.00 White Wool 225 Blankets for —8 pairs White Wool Blankets, 60 by 80, full double -ben size, pink incl blue borders. Take them while they last at $2.25 per pair. Also Special Prices on the better qualities of 131anlcgts. $2.50 and $8.00 Men's Fiue Pante for 2.00 —18 pairs Men's Fancy Worsted and Scotch Tweed Plants, all Mon's sizes in the lot, well made and trimmed in every partio- ulltr; perfect fit guaranteed ; regular values $2.50 and $3 00. Extra Special at.,. 2.00 $2.50 Women's Dark Grey 'j ti'j5 Skirts for .L 0 —1 dozen only Dark Grey Wool Freize Skirts, assorted sizes, regular price $2.50. Extra Special at ,.,,. 1.75 Wo ails© have o, Full- Stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Heavy Rubbers and Sox Alen's and Children's Overshoes Women's Overshoes and Cardigans Boys', Youths' and Children's Rubbers PRICES THE i4..®W,L ST Money cheerfully refunded for anything nob perfectly satisfactory. Highest prices paid for all sorts of Produce. Yours for Mutual Benefit, G. ( et A R NI. Next Door to the American Hotel. t*uaedRa W"rR,. o- ieVhr.as. 4fad'aradOsStl isovNe /h/hPv,'MNe 1�. d