HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-18, Page 5Am. A. . ' N21 6. .021,2551.,V4.141.1MC, knurrAtumecamerinagimanomerm-wavxxontatesnostafforx.sznexr .0,41*••••ArwlipaAAAR.ImawarArze.....rsam......APPAA.A.'n WINGHAIIII BUSINESS 00L.L.E.GE 18 n Iiigh.grado Oommerolol School, Three Cuutliee t Commercial Stenography Telegraphy Write Itit0, gP01(70N, Principal, W64IVTEDI ID Women, wbo are ambitious mid on- LI One Huutirod morn Youtig Men and Ili torprishig, to qualify in the 8 ELLIOTT j TORONTO. ONT. ra/ for floe many potitions open to all VP 'fl thou, who tore thoroughly prepared to ft accept them , A six monthscourse I. lu this 0 tilego minute for a young wan y of the right kind, an educational id equipment hotter than hiltuy trades or 16101 0010110 lu looney 6 arniug I, LJ power. Students admitted at eel, ny time. °Laniard 610 0, fgaTri5 •'•7116'71!9-t..5 4 kt• OlS,.-0-1/5•5 'l Con YONGE AND ALEXANDRB 1178.W. J. ELLIOTT, VrInotpul. MEDICAL CARDS, I)R. R. A. BURNS- - Stio0eSSOP to Dm J. A. McNnugltlou Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyellnio P011 Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New 'York Member of Collage of Physialaus and Sur- geons of Ontario, lame and residence Baum as formerly cm. mimed by Br. ItieNaughtou. Diseases of eronieu a specialty, 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. \A 7 B.. MoORACKBN— • testier of marrittge Licenses. 01. hoe al Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. C. O. P. Court Princess Alexandria, No.22, 0. 0. II.. Brussel% meets in their Lodge Boom, Mae. hilt Bleak, 011 the gud and last Tuesdaya 01 eaob mouth, o08 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. lithRIESS, (.1.111, A. 10, 0112l,L12611, 11.2. M. MORMSON3 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 10013110000, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- -N.: 0 BRA, will sell for better prices, to butter men, in less time and lose ;Margo than any other Auctioneer Infield omen or Lre wou't charge anything. Data and orders can always be arranged at this (Mee or b) p arsenal applioation, ROST. H. QARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. T,ornee reaeonable. Sales arranged to' at the °Moo of Tian Poem, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. G.A. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor tiradnace of the Ontario Vet urinary College, is pr oared to treat an die eases ot domostioated animals in a oompet ant matmer. Particular attention paid to Veterinary neutletry and Milk Fever. Calla promptly attended to. Moe 118(1 1338001013 —Pour doors North of bridge, Wurnberry at. Bruesels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— .c--J_• Barrister, Begetter, Notary, Eto, kieeeeesor 10 1,0, 1310.10, 011100 ovor Steu• (lard Sault, Brussels, Sollottor for metro. polltan Baak, W M. SINULAIR— • Barrister, Senator, dlonvoyaneei, Rotary Public, dm. ()Hae—Stewart's Blom, 1 door North of Central Rotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank, pacronrom, HAYS & BLAIR- - BARRISTERS, BOLIOITOBS, NOTABIEb PUBLIC), IOW, W. Prieuxoroom,H. O. It, 0, Mars G. Braun, OfIlees—Thogo formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron* Bulb, Gonamon, ONTAItIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal °otiose Of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Firet.elase Sono. Graduate of Toronto Onivereity. °Mae next to Idrewerli Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. Etol CENTRAL /h6( STRATFORD. ONT. Llo you Want a and pc:tendon in tho /I 3,5 Commercial World 7 The surest itml shorteet road lit via of this 0011001, Ws gIVO IL °ours., of training that le not 11 minimised by any Ruthless Option° in Onnoria. We give individual instruct. Ittiott therefore you mom outer at , any time, Write for free catalogue and Ef tint lull pertioolars, ELLIOTT & MoLACIIILAN, B 4 Principals, i=i = - . •:.., / W7. 00011 REASON arOlt Plea.SIICCESSe Without doubt the largest eelling catarrh medioice 10 AtnetiOtt le Catarrh. ozone, Not adverlieing but honest merit hay made the fame of "Ostarrhogoneft whioh ie guaranteed to dune eatarrb in any part of the system ; try it routed% Ou Olubbing List ••••••••••10.61,101.3*14000..X11 TOW POBT IMO made arraugeinente to olub with all of the leading Weeklies and Milieu and other Journals ot every deeeription. Trio POWS and the following named papers will be emit from Hew until bee 31e0, 1906, for the prole of one year' subeorlption fallen ;— WEEKLIES, POST 011d TOr001.0 Globe $1 66 " " Mail and Empire ..... 1161 1 18* 3. 65 1 tin 1 83 9 83 I 11 I. it 11 Is #1 t. 41 Posx'and the News 91 90 Star 1 86 Globe 4 DO Mail and Empire 4 5(.. World 8 11 Advertiser 2 85 Free Prase Family Herald & Star Montreal Witneee Loudon Advertiser Weekly San Farmers' Advocate DAILIES. When Premiurna ere given with any oi she above pained publioations yon 80001, them through the club with Too POST. Call at the °film or remit the strum, by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Re: oitered letter, addressing Tiro POOT, Brussels, Got, trirt ttews, .M.olga W0 ir The annual meeting at Mutesworti, Uheeee mut Butter Company, Limiten. twill be held in the °tango Hall, Molev. worth, on , Saturday, the `dOili day tu January, 1906. (, °cleric h. The opening of the new North etree Methoduit ohurob, it is now expected, will take platys shoat the Snit t,f htturoli. The Sabbath Ludlow of North etree Bethatilet ohuroh is Bending $25 I., die Stott Childrau's Hospital as Tot auto, au a Christmas glib. T. W. Wiinnott, Roos ohnrelea nett ,Nutlet and otioninauter, created t instantiate irupression wheu for the .firs 66118 be souk uharge of the annewal eta rase. The annual meeting of the Goderiol Hortioultural Boatety was held Wee- d.....tay evening, when the fo towint .,fficere were appointed Preameit,, 0. Naft..1 ; vioe•preeident, Blot.. nurn ; aectretary•treeteurer, W. Loire . tuditor, R. G. Iteynolda ; directorS, W, Wornoult, 0. Oampbell, 0. Wade. W. Biohau, J. 0. Laithwaite, Georg, diewart, A, E. Matheeou, W. Y01111g, Hawkius. T, 0. Naftet was hp pointed de.egate to the A.escouttiot tri.eting in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Baugh 18 out again after beim. laid up with 0800000 cold. A series of revival fieroloee are beim 1101(1 1» the Methodist church, They art sell attended. Ou Saturday m•ruirte, January Ooh, Putt Hope, Out., Dr. Topmast Neeianow in the 05 h year of his age, cited of fever. Mr. Neelands was ought of the editor of the Bengal, Observer. John Carmichael who ba e been It rest deur of Heim(' for the poet 25 yearn, passed away Net week. He had beet, eugineer at the flax mill and salt work, for the past 25 years. He wag a quiet, tuduetrieue malt, liked and respected b) all, Muth regret was expreseed by ll out etlizsue on learniug that William Chap man bad been 80010118u with paralywie of urs way home ftom church on Thursda) eight, 4t11 tnet., and was carried to Ina nume in an uncouseiout coudition, Se loitered in that state until Sunday morn ug when death relieved bis sufferings. A. deputation from the North end of the Hinge headed by Thos. Cameron mime on the commit and demanded that aotiob m taken to relieve their lands and cellar. , ruin mitplue water caused by the stop page of the draio. After some disouseioi au arrangement watt made to meet th aggrieved mimeo on the Iola complaint() ut on the followiog Wednesday at 1 p, WHAT CAUSES APPENDICIT/8, The aurum cause of appeudicitis 10 constipation. When you require physio dont nee cheep dreetio pitie=get OrIlamtiton's Pius whieb saengthet the stonsauh, regulate the bowels ant prevent auy tetalenuy to uppendiattie. in one day you'll feel tbe tremendous of:het:It of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Bi purifying the blood aud cleansing tti, syetera they preVent Ileaditointa, lilt depremiou and drive away wearinees. No medieitie so suecteesfat as Dr. Haunt ton'e P1110, Bold everywhere in no, boxes with yellow cover; get the genuine. Arthur D. 111. Dueoan, son of J. R. Duncan, Lisburne, has taken a position ,n the Sovereign Bank here DM junior work, John Hackney, Of London Road South, lost a valuable oto w the other day by the straw atitels. 10)11119 00 it and ernotheriug if to death. Mrs. Samuel Cobblediok le confined to tier bed, eeffering !ruin an ante attack of rhenmotteln, Mr. Cobbledielt inn ale° been quite ill from the same trouble, The sew Reeve aud Connoilicire were aworn In by the Work, Joe, Senior, on Monday noon of last week. Rev. Wm. Markle opened the meeting Mtn prayel alter winola in order tbo newly tneettio reave end oonnoillore took the oath 01 °Mom They held their first ordinal. meeting Wedneeday evening, W. 0. Huston, who has been oonduot. tng 16 (Uri:attire Foote here foe a bomber of years, dieputted of 1,10 business to Atkineou dt 1111,3010. The port:num wii move 1130 010016 tO 1110101 present, premiere and the other mad will be o.oeed. Mr. Huston ie tindeelded as to hie future intentione, but wo trunk. he Will continue to remain in tOwn, The annual meeting ot the Stephen end Usborne Agrieniturid Society who held in the Town nom. Theo Hawkine was voted to the chair, A, report of the finanees wag read width showed that the 'moiety was itt a healthy oondition. The following Offieare were aimed i—Preel dent, Inn Betbridge ; let vioe President, SIKWIMALIC411:140 E. Mantua ; 2zul vice Prealtiout Jae. Itallantyne, Dueotore—W. D. Ssodeva, J. All,0,0„, 13, Al aT.,eg.; rt, Wrn. Mooed, Joltu Moir, Shwa Hunter, Henry Smith, A, Q. Dobler, and W, R. itiott, Tr() vt, 1) eltdexe. Afro. If, GOSeue and con George aro vi. hint! 111 Port (1,lown0. of Aroula, upend a few days vith lite ei‘tev, Mrs, 0 ark, Mine klagdie Vergovon, of Wagon, le the guest of Mtge Maggio Graham. klieg E. 111o0orrnielc has relnrned to Detroit lifter spending the holidays with ler pante here. We are sorry to report the serious 111. time of puma Whaley. No tapes are intertained for hie reoovery. It Button reoelvt-d the sad news !int yeek of the death, by aeoldent, of hie eon. iu•law, F. 0. Bennett, of Sydney, Age. ration Mr. Beonett leave% beside wothere and sinters, a wife and six small uiliirtri to mourn their sail lose. The inlowirg ie oopied from the Sydney Warne' t—ofloonanable, Nov, 2803.—A ad and fatal atteicient oaeurred about valvo miles out yesterday at Stuart :Srow.' drilling rig. Kenneth Stuart and If. 0, Illeonets were at the top at a derrick tastenioasome tont/ere, whoa a fierce gnat wind b ew the whole structure over, oth men indite heavily thrown to the round. Stuart was badly bruised about tie head and facie, but not seriouwly ojured, but Mr. Bennett was pioked up utiooneoloue, and Tao conveyed to the •kionamble llovital, but died upon emitting the iostitute " Mr, Bennett vas a Clitnedian, end left with a party Mtn Oil Springs about fourteen yeure tgo, they having oontraoted with Ibe Anatratian Government to sink artesian .velle. COVERERS, ILLWILERS, SPITTERS Puha° expectoration ie against the Qom. .01010011, egainst the laws of health ulao. When the throat Hokin, that's the time .on need "Oatarrhozone" 1 it soothes sway the irritation, oats out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. Toted quialtly oare that catarrh and throat Nub e with Oatorrhoz no. It positively ...events new attaolte and onree catarrh orever and for all time to come. Don't eke our word fur it, try Oatarrhozone eoureeif, Noe used you'll be delighted yith ite pleasant and helpful iiilluence. dat.t.vs, .1041. It J. Waller, bomber, killed and dreae. t.,,iitnndos.g for J. A. Porter that cirteeed 000 ,,n Ema Oheese Co. ie asking for tendere fur supplying toe turd for dividing Whey ,ne tilihnmed milk, The Oidneut Company seed some parties for non pityment of oall of stook Court in Lietowel, and wou ntdr SUB. The anneal meeting of Eton Fire Imicrancie (Jo., will be held ie the Agri• anitoral Hatt, Atwood, on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, at 2 p. m. The attendants) at the subool here is very large, the aeuior roma having 55 tinpile in attendanee, out of a registered 6064306.008 of 60. Mae, E.'11500 met with an accident at rorrest's pinning mil: whereby he enffer. ed tiro loss of a purlieu of the forefinger tf his right hand. Dr. A. S. Langrill received a cheque for 9400 from the Economical Fire lo. "(6008000ocupauy, ef Berlin, ail settle. meta in full for the loss sustained by Wm in hie recant fire. From the Finanuial report of the El. into, ()lieese & Butter 0o., for 1905, the cohowing intereetieg !lathes art, gleaned total receipts for batter, 91,776 11 ; for Thema, 945,119.401 total expenditure for nutter and (Meese, 948,410,0 ; leaving 06 durpltui of 9611.18, of which 9410 90 was paid to the patrons, '1'he olleese maker received 92,307,87 for °Ilene Rod 9184 86 for butter ; the millthaulers reeetveti 91888 23 ; total make over 214 tons ; tverage pries per lb., °beetle 10 72o ,• average prim per Ib. butter 90.87a ; told amber of 'be. of milk, 4,669,572. The death of Township ther k, Thomas Pn,lerton, took piece on Wedoesdity of .1001 week. To many, this olid intelligence -teemed to come with startling sudden 6888, 00 he hod only been ailing for some few weeks. For some time lir. 1,001.130.. Wit had 110b looked welt, hat he nottefaily amok 10 1,68 work and literally died in naruese He wits subject to livor ciono. plaint mid his system had also been weokecied by attooks of pneumonia, whioh oft him font hi fitted to weather aoy serious diseitee. Not long ago be follow. 40 the remains ot hie eldeat brother to the _rave. Little did he think that he was to eoon to fallow iu hie atop. klr, erten was unooneolotis for some time previous to hie death. The funeral tnok piece on Friday to Roe's Cemetery, 612861 oou,, Elmo. By Mr. Fullerton's death he township loon an honest and faith. ,ol servant, one whose plium will be extremal bard to 0,1. The new Coattail will mise his pi(11») hood and timely 61101.00. 111-Vtla.. Riohard Believe bad the misfortuue to be etruolt with a trunk at the Grand remelt station on Tuesday of last week, from the eifeeta of which be W08 =ion. detona for mime time. It surely must go against the grata to be knocked out aud euffer pain. 240.1CA:tort Hughee .net with it see. tone accident on Friday afternoon, 5th het. She and Mr, Hughes ware prooeeding mous Dineley street between the reeidences of Edward Watson and Mee. Patch& tieffron, When hlre, Hughes &typed on the icy sidewalk and fell on her right side, breaking bo right hip hone and her right arm below the etbow. Mrs. Boehm) is now confined to her home and doing me well as eau be exploited for 06(0 01 her age, • The animal meeting of the Morrie Smoot) Agricultural society wee held 661 Industry hall, Wediteedey afternoon orlost woek. Thom was (Ally Nit attendanoe of tn.:inhere. Reeve Slone wee mooted °batman, The minutes of the last minuet meeting were read and adopted ou motion ot R, B. McGowan ttlItt Wm. Jitekson. The treasurer, Frank Metcalf, premonted his report, from whieh we take the following *toms :—.Mernhers' eubsoriptione and donation% 0221.50 ; ndmiosion free to ex. 9802.66 , paid prize Winnerd, 0778.02 ; total retlitipte, $1491.41 ; total expenditure, 91857 98 ; (Josh on hand, 9184.08 ; assets, 93070 08 ; liabilities, 91862 Mt, the treasurer's% report woe adopted on MotiOn of IL 13, McGowan and Robert Ferris. The follOtving of. Boers were sleeted i—;rresideut, J. Be Tiernay ; Ora; aloe preeident, Rob art Verde; awed viol) posident, T. 'W. Wean ; dirintors for Morrie, George Taylor, Wm, PoPttok Hod ottn ; thrt,060r9 for Bast Wave. e00lr 161 13, McGowan and Thome Plaids ; direntora for Builett, Joint Barr and Admit 131liott ; direeture for Blytit, 14. Liwin,iston and Dr. a E. Long, 3, 111. Hamilton and Jamey AtoMurebir Were reappointed auditors, Mra. Johnston, of fillilatt. Bp terad eu, aotion for damageagainst the Guelph and Goderfob railway for in )(tried reaelved on September 61h Met, while analog along the diversion roan 04 John Anderoon'a farm. Thu ao oident was amused by the hem becom lug frightened at the steam shovel, and bolting, threw Mrs, Johnelon from the bligo breaking har eollar bone and badly cutting her body Ott eome isnot wire. Ool. A. II. Mosclonald, of Guelph, ro oretary for the railway, went to eoder. fob mid made a eettlemsnt with Mrs, Johnston by paying her 9400. 1,intto vrot. The annlvereary 'serviette of the 13apti0t Church will be held 011 the 28th Met, W. 3. Howe la opening a naw shoe store in the premises recently vented by W. J. Moore. Mies Helen Hawkins left for Roobeeter, N. Y , with the intention of graduatiog as a none at Lialtuarnann Hospital. R. W. Du maw*, of Siteltat000, Sask., is in town forming a eyndieate tor purobao ing !mod in the Bettleford dietriot. 1.1 Martinson is e&01 eonfleed to hie home from the effects 01 6, Blight attaok of paralyeis, theugh we are pleased to aenounoe that be ie making favorable progress towards recovery. The departure of P. S. Connolly for Toronto was made the ocamaion of deserved otimpliinentary testimonial to that gentleman'e strrling qualities by hie maly friends and well .sleben), who oom pries oil the best eitizeue of the town Between 13000(1 100 of the citizens as eembled in 000 of the large sample room, of the Grand Central and presented Mr. Count:illy with a gold ohain and looketand a gold rtog, P. Wilson WAS Omen President of the AgrIoniteral Sooiety, Wm, Cleland 101 vioe president, and H. Goddard gun vioe.president, Direetors—Wallace, W. Landerkin, Arnold, L. Schneider and Fly. Eton ; Elms, A. Perk ; Liatowel, J. Bray, Jac. Wanton and J. Suborner ! Grey, R. Piria. A. J. Collins and T Male 01010 01.0180014 auditors. The dates for the Fail Show were fixed for Tuesda and Wednesday, September 25th and 26th. Brine ham. Anson Dalmage was engaged assessor for 1906 9.0 65 salary of 9125. A. F. Smith and A, Cottons Will be auditors for the ensuing year, Wary *to bem$8.03, or130hell and Dr. Irwin and A. H. tioegrove, will interview the Comity Connell at their first meeting aud regneet them to establieh a High $ahool in the Town of Wingham. The twinned meeting of Tornherry Dietrich L. 0. L. w le held in the Orange hall, Winghem, on Tueeday afternoon, of butt week with a foie representation of the lodges preeent. The °Meer!' for the ;nming year were elected RB follows :— W. M., Thos.Bridgee, Belgrave ; D 1611, Wm. Guest, Wingham ; chaplain, Rev. Geo. Baker,Bluevale; recording smeltery Thos. Stewart, Bleevale ; D, of 0 , aeury Uathers, Bluevale ; lecturer, John Otteemore, Witit4bana. Word was received is town on Mandel, of last week of the death of W. 8 Robertson, 8011 0! Wm Robertaon, former ly o! Wiugham, ol hitt home in Noniron, Alberta. Death marred on Monde% morning atter a long illness. The de otased young moo was in his 28th year, and wag born in Wingbara. He spent a few years in eohool tetioldog and after wards secured 61 positiou in the oivil service at Ottawa, where his health failed, having oontrouteti a eevere cold wbiob developud,ioto that dread disease consumption. In the Summer of 1908 he went to Calgary in the hope that the change of climate would be bouteoial, He wits very much improved and the family went Weat in the Spring of 1904. During Fall he wee attain taken down and his weakened constitution could not throw off the diseese, Mr. Robertson woe a bright, active and upright young Wish and hie many old friends hare will learn of hie death sego early an age With mach regret. The bereaved family will have the empathy of many friends iu their agitation. The body wag brought to Winichrtm for interment and the funeral woe conduoted by the Independent Odrifellowe of which society deaciased woe a member. Mien.lor Lb . 16', Johnson gathered a oar load of pedigreed cattle in thie vitainity and abliTatdJtobrednlautd0ieWpo8slekcIrovfnhieie'barber shop and tob0000 businees to Staple Breit. Mr. Jordan lute purohased the Bedford Howie barber shop at Goderioh and will shortly take pommesiou. The Oonnoil made the following ap. pointments Mr. Lusby an market Clerk ; W. Sommerville an auditor ; Ur. Hammett aa angtueer ; John Turtier 110 town engineer ; Wm. Ballantyne av ammeter 13.. S. Hays As town aolioltor ; Wm. Gilleapie was appointed policeman and night watehman for the year and his duties to be the same and all fees °onset. ed for arreate, eto., shall bo handed into the troneurer ; John Shine, Sidney Jobno and Jamee McMiehael fence viewers ; Clerk's salary will 6189825 00 and the salary of the treasurer the same art last year. The annual meeting of the Tooker smith Brawn) Agrionitural Society MO bald in the town ball, &infants, alitintee of lsot meeting read and adopted, The treasurer and auditors' report was rwad showing timeline of 9984 and disburae manta of 91008 PA leaving a helot:tee dot treasurer of 9108 89. Report 19068 0(101)104. The 1011001109 01110008 and directors were elected :—President, 21, Broderick ; vice. pree., J. F. Daly ; direetore—Tooker smith—F. Fotherinehara, Wm. Charters and Alex. Broadinot ; klolLilop—James Oarlon, Jas. rivans and John McDowell ; Hallett, Thou. MoMillan, Mr. Matson and Geo. Irvine, jr. ; bonerpry meintaws —Jas. Dioli, Geo, Chesney, Geo. Whitely and Mr. Stevens ; MoKillop — Jae, S. Smith, John G. Grieve, Arch. McGregor ; 9litokeremith—G 121, Oreitewell, Jobe B. Maroon, Geo, Bele, Itobt. Charter° ; Hodett—W02. Rion, 0. MOGreger, jee, G. Moldiolotel ; auditors, A. Young end Wno. SonterVille, The (Wee for the Vail 13..ow Well. fixed for Thursday nod Fri. day, Sept. 20th and 27811, 'She DO to tut °rouge Lodge of 0111101i met in no. Oraoge bali, Seatorth, 008 14/e.401,.. itt hos 0, the Soh, represeute. lives beitig pweeent trom 01Intoo, Bunt. rnerhill and Winthrop, and a number of visiting brethren. The reports, from the V rloue lodget sham the diatrInt in a ;it oeperone eindition. The ofiloera 01001. ed for umuing year are as follows 4., W. 0. Smith, of Moms ; D. G. kJ., lotto Montgomery, Seaforth ; Chap, 0, Lowery, Summerhill ; Bo W. J. Kinney, Winthrop ; Fin..See., aturten Weleb, Seaforth ; Trees , Wm, Tre. ,vertha, Winthrop ; D. of 0., W. J. Miller, Summering ; Leeturere, F. W. 13 inriett, Winthrop, and JAL W. Mar - ninth, Seaforth, An American Disease. --- Indigestion Is Responsible for Store Slentiess f America Than Any Other I/Iscase. Some &rehire go so far au to Bay, that indigestion le the national die. ease of American Repeated Mistake in fiame the lining of the stornaoh and amuse the glands to secrete mime iu• eietri of the Wow' of natural dlget- ti•in, Oonsequeotly the b ood ie 6018 oned, nerve tome hi redeoed, the vita'. i e of the entire aystem is weakened. There is bet one national remedy 'for indigestion and that remedy le Dr. Elam, Ilion's Pills which are need by thousand with marverone 8000108, Dr. Hamilton's Pills accelerate the aution of the gastric glands and give tooe to the digestive organ& They strengthen the Icidneye and liver, cleanse and purify the blood, and thee add general tone to every organ of the body. Fleet) and strength are fast , venom] and the patient eon eat and digest any food he plecteee. 'Under the vitalizing effect of Dr. Ilantitton's Pills your ayatero will soon rally ; once more you'll enjoy the bleas• ing of healtlt, Test Dr, Hamilton's Fide yourvelf. 23o. per box or five brass for $1 ; at all dealers or by mall from N. 0. Poison ed Go., Hartford, Ootin,, B. A., and Kingston, Ont. a nings We are offering some Special Volutes in Watches and Gold Rings. We shall be pleased to show you our BARGAINS -Reliable Honest Goods at Closest Prices. H. L. Jackson LEADING JEWELLER. 1X3/20._1400,Bil,S.4.1.1130.1REA011•104.7124.04.12..4,4..mails,,,, ellINIMMEINIMEEKORM4fallaMiligaihigNOMIIIMairsiMP.my A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Gentlemen While you are in town don't fail t,e call and see the fine assortment of Goods we are showing at Reasonable Prices. Our stock is always open for your inspection. Satisfaction Guaranteed Dod s & klabkirk The Leading Tailors 1,2111.101•1•1130.110.1MILMOMO.331.0=1,001.1••.M.0.01.11N6 AmAtoftwARturn. bousAseammano.masel2mrAeriamousARANO•mmodl Sox and Rubbers: • No matter how cold or slushy the weather is, your feet will be snug and .varm in a pair of socks and rubbers. Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat for out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They are priced down to rock bottom, too. Also Felt Shoes and Boots for Ladies or Gents, which are both comfortable and durable. In Our Harness Department is a fine stock of Robes, Blankets, Bells, &e., all of which are now selling at Reduced Prices. Harness, both Heavy and Light, all our own manufacture and made out of the best material procurable. Our prices on Trunks and Valises will alway be found the lowest. a RICHARDS • 1111191721471, This is Good ews Here's where we make a cleau-up of left-overs—hero's where we offer our readers a once -a -year chance to make money fast and make it easy. All the odds and ends left from the holiday scramble we are going to hand over to you and mako it worth your while to take them. We aren't bothering half as much about the slashes wo have made in the prices as about the quickest method of letting the public know that this is a generous start of ours on a year of 13argain Giving. Don't miss any time or 8, figure in the list and if you find an article noted that you would like to own why you should start as soon as possible for our store for there's bound to be some lively selling a8 soon as the facts get generally known. —3 pieces only Heavy Tweed Deese Goods, all pure wool and worth regular 75o. Special at 37e —4 pieces only Pore Wool Venetian Dress Goods in shades Brown, Navy, Green and Black, 48 inches wide, real value 85o. Extra Special at 60c —16 pieces only Fauoy Tweed Dress Goods, 64 inches wide, in lengths of 5 yards, worth regular 9194a 91.25. Clearing Price 69c —4 pima Extra Heavy Table Linen, 60 inches wide, regular value 800. Special at 28c —2 pieeee only Table Linon, 70 inehes wide, extra value at 45o. Special at 30c —12 only Oantel'a Hair Tants, regular value 60o. Special at 250 —2 pieces Extra rine Unbleaohed Table Linen, 72 inches wide and worth 60o. On Sale at 39c —4 dozen Tarkish Towels, Moe 18x24, worth regular 250 per pair. Special at 18o —10 dozen Illon'e Cambric Shirte, all soft fronts, real value 91.00, this season's styles. Extra Special at 50c —8 dozen Mon's Extra Heavy Blue Beaver Cloth Caps, with tar in band, worth 750. To Clear at 50c —24 pairs only Extra Heavy Celia Tweed Pants, always sold at 92.00. On Sale at $1,25 —5 dozen Boys' Shirts and Drawers, assorted sizes, regular prices from 850 to 50o. All at one Price to Clear 25c FOR A MAN Who needs anything that a Tailor makes there is no better time in the whole year to get it than this month. "ANY TIME THIS MONTH," January is between buy times, it is too late for the Fall rush and too soon to oateh Spring business—that's wby profits aren't so much a consideration as usual. All this month we offer you anything you would like at a Reduetion in Price, Just Por This Month Don't Forget Mon's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Mantles, Buffs, Caperines, Muffs, Men's Fur Caps, all clearing at Special Prices. Highest prices paid for aII kinds of Produce, u s n 56 11,