The Brussels Post, 1906-1-18, Page 41 raao.o emaisiesewsweswisisseasentiesesessr. „vi rm l A. Hill & Oo•, part payment of ✓ � tit ~ 1 � 3� A .tr McFarlane Bridge 850 09 Jacob Kreuter, taxes remitted,.,, 2 88 Peter J. Bishop, taxes remitted.. 48 THURSDAI', JAN. 18, 1906. Morris Council Meeting, The newly elected members of tin Municipal Oouooil namely—Georg, Taylor, Reeve, mad George `•idly, Wm fyloOutaheoa, C. G. Campbell and Robert Xouill; Counoillore, met a000rdiug to Stetuie in the Town Rall Morris on Jail 81h and eubeoribed the ueeeeeery deoleratione of offtoe and gnaltfioation The Reeve occupied the cbmir, Minutes of last meeting for 1905 were read anti passed. On motion of Mr. Kelly secoud ed by Mr. Youill Wm. Clark wee re. appointed Clerk at a salary of $ 180.00. On motiou of Mr. Campbell, OBoounea by Mr. MaOnlobeon, M. Blank mild R. Johnston were reappointed Auditor , salary 98.00 each. Moved by Mr. Mo Cotoheon, seconded by Mr. Youill that Jno. Scott be paid a balance of 66,99 due for gravel. Carried. Un motion of Mr Campbell, eeoonded by Mr. MoOutobeot the ordinary Township printing for the c'ur'rent year was awarded to W. H. Kerr, remuneration 930 00. Jas. Golley appeared in reference to an outlet drain oh road allowance at Lot 1, Con. 2 re. gniring 5 inch tile for a portion of the drain and $ inoh tile for the balanoe Moved by Mr. Mo0uaobeoo, eeoonded by Mr. Oampbelt teat title Connell pay for the tile at the kiln, Mr. Golley to do the work. Carried. Ou motiou of Mr. Sally, eeoonded by Mr. Youill the Clerk was instructed to order 8 copies of the Muuioipal World for use of Counsel ani. officers. On motion of Mr. Oampbel., ae000ded by Mr. Kelly John Wmteon we. reappointed Assessor at a salary of 670 Youill voting nay. On motion of Mr. Mo0utoheon, seconded by Mr. Camp alt Henry Johnston was appointed member of the Board of Health. John Parrot' appeared requesting that his property Ur withdrawn from B. S. No. land annexet, to union S.S. No. 12 Morris and Hellrt' Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mt. Youill that thin Council take no actio, Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, eeoonded by Mr. Kelly that R. Procter leo reappointed Uotleotor ab a salary of 980 00. Carried. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follawe ;—Jno. Soott grave 88.99 ; A. E. Bradwin, printing 95 00 , Municipal World Eleotiou Supplies 97 20, 0. MoOrea, Jae. A. Moore, Tbos. Bitla,, Wm. Laidlaw, R. G. Garnias and Jo-eph Robb for D.R. 0. fees each 96 00; Schou Seatione No. 1, 9, 5, 7 and 10 tore of imbue houses at Eteotion 93,00 eaoh t W (nark Election expeneee and posting fleeu0,a statements $10.00 ; R. Proctor poata., and stationery $1 50 ; R. Proem,' oolleotor'a salary, $85 00, Mauioip tl Worse subeoription 6 60 ; R. Yomtl Lumber $8.96 ; Sick Children's' Hoepital donawoe 95.00 ; T. S. Brandon, poetage eau stationery 92.00 ; D. Sommerville grave $4.02. Ou motion of Mr. Mc0utoheou Duo Mr. Kelly the Council then adjourn, u to meet, on the 5th day of February next. W.OLeax, Clerk. Grey Council Meeting. First meeting Monday, Jan, 8th, 1906. The members elect of the Muuiotpe. O000eil of the corporation of the Totvu- ehip of Grey, met in the Towbehip Hen, Ethel, at eleven o'olook, a. m„ ie ace eordonoe with the provisions of Statute Wm. Fraser, Reeve, and John Brown, John Grant, Demme Johnston also John 0ntt, Ooanoillore, time severally made and subscribed the statutory deo laration of gaalifieetion and also the, of office], atter wbiok the Reeve took the chair. The minutes of the )eat meetln. of the retiring Connell for 1906 wet- read and approved, On motiou of Gra' t eeoonded by Browu Bylaw, No. 249 was read three times, appointing 0ua confirming the appointment of officers to eerve in the Municipality of Grey for 1906 ;—(1) That John Molatoab be Clark ; (2) that Peter J. Bishop be collector for the North Division ; (3) that Jacob Kreuter be collector for the South Divisive ; (4) that A. Reymann be Treasurer ; (5) that John M• Dayiee and James Liviugatou be Auditors of the Twp. aoaonnte for 1906 ; (6) that Themes Chapman be caretaker of Ttvp. Hall 1 (7) that M. Ferguson M. D. be Medica Health officer ; (8) That Thomas Mo Donald and George McFarlane be mem bare of the Board of Health ; (9) That the following ennead persona be appointed fenae viewers, Darman Taylor, D W. Dauber, Malcolm Lamont, George Welsh Jamas Ferguson, Peter Bivalair, William Fulton, Joseph Whitfield, Richard Oox, Aroli'd McLean, John Smiley, Edward .Bryan ; (10) that the following named persona 00 appointed pound keepers, Mrs. Wallace, James Brown, Louie L. Longe. way, Jacob Long, 'l'hoe, Wilhamaou, al„ Collie, 0. Berrie, hire. Goo. MoKtm. On motion of Grant, eeoonded by Brown, the olerk ordered 0 oopiee of the Mum icipal World for members of Oouuoil. On motion of Jahnslop, seconded by Oath, that A, Hill & Co, be paid $146 00 for Dement flooring on the MoFanaue bridge, said amount b.ing the differ mode In price between tamarac flooring and cement flooring. Carried, 0o motionlof Brown, eeoonded by Gram that A. Hill & Co. be paid 9294 00 for Dement flooring on the Mitcham bridge, said amount being the dtfferenoe fn prioe between tamaraa flooring and cement hooting. Carried. Oe motiou of Brown eeoonded by Jobnatou that the °entreat of the Dilworth bridge be given to A. Hill & 0o., prime 91800.00, bridge to be 90 feet inside, top of abutments ; and 98 feet over all, Bridge to be placed Immediately after the abatmente are completed. Partied. Oe motion of Grant, eeoonded by Johneton, the follow ing aoaonnte were ordered to be paid John MoEwan, D. Be 0. Rooth 1.4 4 00 Wm. Work, D. R. 0. Booth 2,.., 4 00 Oliver Turnbull, D. 11, O, Booth 8 4 00 John 143oKay, D. 11. 0. Booth 4, „ 4 00 John Molntbeh, D. R. 0. Booth 6 4 00 Amo8 Smith, D. R. 0. Booth 6.. 4 00 Allan Gamete!), D. R. 0, Booth 7 4 00 Irfaloom Fraser, Booth 1 3 00 Robert Hoover, Booth 2 8 00 Alexander Stewart, Booth 2 8 00 H, MoNaogbt, Booth 4 8 00 John Denber, Booth 8 3 00 A. Reymann, Foresters' Hall, Booth 7,. 8 00 Ethel Public Library .. 5 00 Angus Lamont, wood for Twp. Hall 1.,.,...or„ . 6 25 Obrietopher Skin, part payment approach tMODdhald bridge.,,, 18 81 Sick Children's I3oepital, Toronto 5 00 John Eckmier, repairing grader.. 1 00 Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, February 6th, at 10 a, m. Jens Mallmoen, Oterk, A Truly Great Newspaper. The Montreal Witness i0 being 4Doi gratolaled by Premiere, judges, miuietere, beekere and eminent men in all walks of life, ou the ouoa0ion of its "diamond jubilee," having been established in 1840. rhe Witueee is given credit all over eb, Dominion for fairnees, OMenneee and .itrootneso in dealing with the questions of the tiny, The Wituees (Daily Dad Weekly) gives' all the news that is worthy the attention of the average reader. It keepe ite read ere well informed on all snbjeota of inter eat, The cable, the telegraph and tbe elephone, together with au ever.iooreae- leg staff of oumpetent adhere and report •re, all unite to make its news oolumns .cooed to moue, The Witness editorial pages are eeknowledged by its readers on all sides to be both fair and forcible. Reliable commercial news and quota. amus of the money, stook and produoe markets are features that make it of greet veins] in the world of oommeroe, finance and agricaltnre. The Witness epeoial departments, enoh am The Home, Literary Review, Lettere from Readers, Boys' Page, Ohildreu', Corner, Queries, Agrioulturai, Heroical. .oral, Veterinary, Poultry, Pete, Medioal, Legal, Namiematio, Obese, ate., are ably oonduoted by epeoialiete at a large ex pence, offering a meet valuable privilege to Witness readers. On Deoember 15, 1845, the Witness wee .torted by the late John nougat', seed hie aim was to supply the Dominion of Oanada with the beet possible newspaper. One which would always keep in mind .ugh ideals and be "for God and Home aid Native land." The Witnese bas :town ranee then. Modern machinery and present possibilities have made treat improvements iuevilable. But it hoe never outgrown the principles that are, Bo to say, engraved on itee corner atone, Few papers have had a oontinnoae existence for ea long a period. Fewer till have held to the came prinoipies and amve been Controlled by the same fumi'y for anything like so long a time. Thi reonit le that The Witness enjoys a loyal aoustitaeuey that cannot be tempted to ,ease is in favor of any other pablioatione, A newspaper published on The Wit. uses lines needs the support of those alio are walling to pay iia sobsorip• ion prism for the reason that it vol. 'temerity foregoeo in the interest of its ,obsoribere muoh revenge from per. ntoioue advertisements, etc., that ober publications accept regardless of their readers. We understand just t Icy or two before Christmas The Wit eerie refused aver two tboneaed font t.undred dollars for the lineation of er edvertieement calculated to iujare ite .ubearibere. The Witueee ie certainly nnlgoe ',along the great metropolitan Dewe. p,pers of the world. The Daily Witness ix 98.00 and The Weekly Witness is 91 00 a year, Pnb• 'laked by John Dougall & Son, Moo' ureal. i'EN THOUSAND SEL- ECTED IMMIGRANTS Will be Brought to Canada Through the Agency of the Salvation Army the Majority as Farm Laborers. The efforte of tbe Salvation Army on the lutes of immigration were so eoo0eee. fel last year that arrangemeute bale b -en made for ten thousand people to eave the shores of Great Britain throneh the tame agency during the coming sea. Boo. These immigrants will be selected ham a possible one hundred thooeaed anpneante, and when it ie known that -ooh Date is tboroogbiy inveeti. sated, and preferenoe given only to those who are likely to make good settlers, the efforts of General Booth's worthy movement will be thoroughly appreciated by every Comedian. OUARTEEED 1TEAltanlPO. The entire accommodation of tbrer steamships has beeu °bartered for t11iu eeaeun's bueineee, and the first organ. zed party of 1,500 will embark on the 9, S. Keneiogt' n, Meroh let, arriving au Halifax ten days later. Many of these people are from the agtionitarel ,lietrltte of Great Britain ; in foot the majority are coming to Uanada intent m engngiug in farm work, and will be dietribated t0 forme in Ontario en Arrival. Farmers who have not secured .heir help for the Doming season will do well to write immediately to Brigadier Choc, Howell, Secretary, 8. A, Immi gratiou Department, Jamas and Albert 13to., Toronto, for application forme anti furtber particulars. Many eplendid tributes have been paid to the Salvation Army for the excellent class of men who have already been brought to this ooantry. Ot11LLS PROVE FATAL I 11 warmth and oiraniation aro not promptly restored, ohille result In fatal pueumonia. Tbie neoeeeitmtee keeping Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water is breaks up a Wai11 in two minutee. No inimant go strong, so penetrating, 00 twat to kill pain and iuftammaliou. Nearly fifty years' record has proved the volae of Poleon'a Nerviline. You ebould get a bottle today. LtBaad1J tees Township Commit,—Counoll met at 0. White's, Leadbary, on Jail. 8th. All the membere present and eubeoribed to leo ,rediae of offioe. Minutest of leek rneetieg read and adopted. The ealariee .t the different nfaiale for the year 1908 ere, oterk, 920 00 ; emptier, $80.00 auditors] 910 00 eaoh for auditing the noouate of the towaehip for 1904 ; Win, Evans, ae680600; Chne,iDoods, collector ; John Shannon Adam Mason, auditors, The Domed of Health for 1906 ata the reeve, °lode, John Murray, Bernard O'Oonnel, Thee. McElroy, 8.3, Sheraton, Sanitary Inspooter, and John McGmeis, M. D,, madieel health darter. The clerk ruxts.�..SCX�_sc_Cilaux..:.•cY'�nxa-6k4`.4++r�1++.�n-b,,�.G-s:±IC.ai--"y '�- ""sxrmcnaA, ^Smnuv.F� nmeuCtMmui+vr"*fA4;,acmRmH. avw.uretKm nFM.sa �,, c„« x rink Ufa giving blood, supplies ilttlrlo et, ET rind building metered for woruout net'ves, Every poo and brienty anus neuralgic �lj armors Institute, 17vory root and brtuioh of ilio disease it ji al 111U1 iJ little Abeoluto 'memo in every tinea, Btop Buffering—fifty gents buys Ferro. zone. Fifty ohoaoiete coated tablote in a box et Roy drug utore. No Sanatoria ".more judiciously . , and economically" managed. CANADIAN OPINION DR. R. W. BRUCE SMITH In- spector of Public Charities, SMITH, of Ontario. Official Report ; "I was specially pleased with the attention paid to conduct the institution carefully and economi- cally. The patients I found cheer- ful, happy and evidently well looked after by those in charge, I found particular attention is paid to pro- vide nourishing diet:.ryt carefully prepared, and the quality of the food served was excellent. This hospi- tal depends for its maintenance lamely upon the voluntary contri- butions of the public." FORBION OPINION DR. Ff, 1,. RUSSELL, President of the Advisory Board of the Wisconsin State Sanatorium : "We have just recently returned from our eastern trip, in which we had an opportunity of inspecting practically all the sanatoria in the east that are designed for the treat- ment of tuberculosis. I am very glad to be able to write you that the very favorable impressions that we received at Gravenhurst have con- tinued with us after this round trip. We have. found no place in our travels in which money seems to have been expended more judiciously and economically than in connection with the two institutions that are under the control of the National Sanitarium Association." The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives Increases the Accommodation by Twenty-five Beds This means twenty-five extra beds to be furnished; twenty-five additional patients to be fed every cltly (three regular meals and three hunches is the bill of fare daily) ; twenty-five extra patients' to be cared' for by physicians and nurses, calling for increase of staff. The entire cost of management is increased one-third. i PATIENT xA INATION Bat so pressing are the calls of those on the waiting list, and increasingly urgent the new applications received each day, that the trustees have decided upon the step indicated, confident that the Canadian people will see that these new bods are furnished and maintained. $50.00 Furnishes a Bed Complete —Contributions may bo soot to Sir, Wu. P, Me sutou, Kt., Chief Justice, Osgoodo Hall, or W. J. GADO, Esq„ 54 Front St,'W„ Toronto. Yl4Y..if 12g4gair MIeM was required to write the Huron Espoeitor and Settforth News to tender for ltlo Killop township printing for 1908. Aa wants to the menet of $182 51 were passed and paid by obegoea on cr,aknrer. The reeve to attend meeting of County oounoil in January re MoKillop and Logan townline bridgee. Commit ad jeurned to meet at the Commercial hotel,. Seatorth, on Tuesday, Feb. 13th, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. Mordie, Clerk. I33'ittovale. TunNnsnnx COux011,Minutee of Connell held in the Clerk's OlSo., Bloe vale on Monday, Jan. 8th, 1006. The members of Council met acoording to Statute. Present, John Muegrove Reeve, Jobe Rathertord, Alex. Kelly, end David H. Moffatt, Coaooiilora. Bach of the members having made their declaration of qualification and of o9ioe, took their seats at the Conceit Board. The min utee of lest meeting were read nod adopted ou motion of Mame, Moffatt and Rutherford, Moved by Mr. Berber. ford, eeoonded by Mr. Kelty that the following letter of condolence be sent to the widow and familyot our late colleague John Coapland. Mrs. John 0ouplaud and family. Whereas it has pleased the Almighty Father to Hie Wirth° wisdom to remove from yon and your family, by death, a loving husband and father ; we the remaining members and offioiale of the Council of the Township of Tnrnberry do hereby express our very sincere eym pathy for yoareelt and family in the severe affliction yon have sustained, and white we offer our oondolenoe to you, we know that year aad our lost is hie gain, We have been favored for many years with his sound judgment and native work in the 'mutton of the Toweebip of Tnrnberry, and we oan willingly bear testimony to his faithful, blameless life, and we earnestly pray that the Lord Jeetle may, in Hie Melte mercy guide protect and oomtort you and yoare, and that we may all meet, when time here for us shall be no more, in that heavenly home that has been prepared for all that believe in the Lord Jeeue. Moved by Mr. Rutherford that Bylaw No, 1, 1906, be passed for the appointment of the members of Cloacail Road Commissioners for the year 1906. Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eeoonded by Mr. Kelly that By law No 2 1906, be passed for tbe appoiutment of Trangtae Fraser and Alex. MrStven, auditciro for thie year 1906. Carried. Moffatt—Rutherford, that By law No, 3, 1906, be pees. d appointing Jobe B. Ma'avieb, aeoeseor for the year 1906. Carried. Kelly—Moffett, that By•law No. 4, 1906, be paused for the appo rennet of James Elliott, a member of the Local Board of health, to eerve for three years and for the appointment of Dr. Agnew, Medical Health Officer for the current year, and also for the appoint meat of Wm. F. Smith, Sanitary Iuepeo- tor for the oarrent year. Carried. Moffatt—Rutherford, that By law No 5 1906, be passed for the holding of a puede meeting of the etcetera of the Tp. of Tnrnberry in the Foresters' Hall. Blaevate on Tuesday Jan. 16th, 1906, at one o'olook p. tn. for the nomiestion of candidates to fin the vao,tnay in Council for the oarrent year. Carried. Rally— Rutherford, that the anditore meet at the Treasurer'e Melee for the eudit en January 24th at 9 o'alook a, no. and that Treae. get 50 oopiee of the abstract and Detailed Statement printed to lay before the Council at the next mreting, Carried. The following [amounts were passed end ohequee fenced :—John Bureaus, reg B. M. and D 916,40 ; W. H. Brawn, lel. D., oherity patient, 910.00 ; H. B. Elliott, printing 99 00 ; Municipal World, popers eta. $0.75 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber, 94 26 Leo. Orvia, bridge belle, 6200 ; Cott eamptivee Hesitant, charity, 95.00 ; Oolin Eadie, damages, 91.16, Kelly— Moffatt, that this meeting do now ad - j000 to tneob in the Clerk's elate), Blnevale on Monday, Feb. 5th 1906, at 10 o'olook a. m, Carried. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. TUE SOURCE OF NItURALti1A. It rune hand in band with poor bleed and weak nervoe. Health rune down, nerves gel irritable, neuralgic) torture follows, For the moment application's may relieve—bot to thoroughly cure, the system must be ettengtlreued with nntrilione blood. Whet oten equal Ferrozono ? It in annum the appetite, forme abuudauee of INSIDE INFORMATION. THE POST Readers Chance for Profit—Everyone Ought to Grasp this Opportunity, To bavreeeen a simple one of indi• geetion le to have inside informa- tion" of suffering that warns of (Ori- on trouble in the future, nnleee the digestive eyatem ie strengthened. If you cannot eat and digest three good, equate and enliefying mettle eaoh day Without disoomtart, y001 etomooh needs Mi.o na tablets, They are not a rnere temporary relief, but are oomposed of valuably medical agents which etrengtheu the digest. ive mane, and sure and prevent 'stemaoh tronbiee. When there are pains or dletreeo after mating beadeohos, belohietg of woe, a sour taste in the mouth, dies ei0ee0, heart barn, specks before the eyes, furred tongue, eleeplesenoos, nervousness, or break eche, the stem Rah needs the help of 1111 o•na, Every reader of TDR Pose ehould group the opportunity offered 00 try edi o,na. Just one little tablet out of a 10 cent box of Elva remedy be• fore eaoh meet for a few days, and you will anon have a strong etomaah and perfect health. If you 'rennet obtain 11fi•o•ne, of your druggist it will be emit by mail, past-pald, on receipt of prion. Write no for advice on your oaoe from a lead• ing etomeoh sperttaliot wbioh will he sent free The R. T. Boesch Company, Ithaca, N. Y, , IMPORTANT NOTICES rnill(EE YOUNG- SHORTHORN 1L Bulls for sole, eligible fey realetra- tfou. Apply to JAB, HPLIB, Bot 80, Oen. 8, Morrie 13reseels 0.0. 00.tt THREE NEW COUNTER Show Casae for sale, snob 0 feet lona, walnut trainee and double thick giaee. Ale. ply to Tan Poll, Broaeele, TWO THORO' • BRED DUR- nAm Bull °elves for sale, prise win• nem at Brussels Pttir, ou0 a roan and the other red, 10 months old. Have also a number of thorn' bred young beltere for broedlug purposes for Dale D /ROBERT- SON, Lot 8, Oon, 9, Grey, or Brussels P. 0, WOOD FOR SALE, DRY AND Green, fteoeh and afaplo. Lengths flout 10 to 08 limbos. Orders left at Thom, sou's grocery, Brussels, will be promptly attended to or to d, & J. HEF1'RON, Blyth P. 0. 26 8 Lot 09, Con, 7, Morrie, Huron County Council. The Onuuail of the Comity of Huron will meet in the 0..ucoil Chamber 1n the Town o Gotiorioh ou 'Tuesday, the 28rd of Jana - try, at 8 e'Otoak p m. All a000uuts against the gouty most be placed with the Clerk ,before this date. W. LANE, Dated Jan. 10th, 1906. Clerk. OUSE AND LOT FOR BALE. —Tho uudersigued effete bre com- fortable house and to 4 acre of laud on Mill street, Brussels, for sate. There is a good garden, small stable, well, woodshed. aura they conveniences ou the promisee. It Will be cold at a bargain. It not 0014 by March let premises will be to rent. Ti;0S. LEABafOOT, tf Proprietor. Officer Wanted. Applications will he aeceived by the Clerk up to Fell. 1st 1000, fora general utility man who will perform the same duties for the corporutiou of Brit -solo as A. M OLao ohlie has been cluing with the addition of Eugi ear of the Firo Region and Oellootor of t axes. Batory to he 840000 Der annum, and a bond for 90000 to be furnished by the Olil- oor, P, B, SCUTT, Clerk. C -Z EED CORN AND POTATOES 17 Fon OALR.—NOuulue"Smut NOBO" GOrn O•a•afully wised on the mob—Ube boat ensil- age ecru we nave Byer semi. 8•wn the 7001 -nay ,will ripen early in September. Also "Early Triumph" Potatoes whiuli have sue. oes0lnlly leeieted diheake 101• the past three aoaeuue. Quantity filnitad ; drat Dome, first served, J. 61.110110119, Lot 21, Cuu, 12, Dray. 26.61 teARM;FOR SALE. --THE UN• 05108I0NED afore his 60 acre farm, be, lug Bust :i Lot 11, .,°n, 9, Grey, for Bale. On the p,emteee Ii a frame house, bank baro 40x00 ft , moue feuuuation, swell orchard. Farm ell seeded down and in good shape ;2 never failing wells, Eoeaession given at aay time 1f not cold farm will be rented. For further particulars as to p1100, terms, &a., apply to too proprietor. 264 WALTER MOKAY. 111AilM TO RENT.—THE UN- DEnaroNan offers the 100 acres, known as the Ask,u farm, Lot 10, Ooo.14, Grey, to rout, Good brick house, 2 frame baa us and choice orchard. Farm is all seeded down except 20 acres ; 6 acres or Pall wheat In. Poseeesiou at tame, For tanner partioulare apply co JO11V GRANT, Lot 6, Con. 12, urey, es Brussels Y. 0. 22-tf 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE being Si Lot 18, Oen, 4, Morrie, T1uou: 8u aurone are cleared, mamma in bush here is a tratue house, bank barn, driving shed, orchard, &o. Plenty et good water. Convenient to mahout and 81 miles from 13inesels. Possession can be given Marab let, For lurtb'r pwrttcular0 at to price terms, 40., apply to A. 3. LO WRY, 18.11 Brusoalo. 1 ERKSHIRES AND YORK- enxatt0 Foo BALE. -91,0 nndereigued how for sole, on Lot SI, Oen. 12, Grey, the renewing well bred steak: —6 Improved terkeeire sows,duo to litter in February, March and April, 8 of them carrying first litter; 1 Berkshire boar and a few sows about 4 mouths old bred from prize winning stunk; a Yorkshire sow, with linter of 10 p,go at foot, bred from Berkshire sire ; also a few chole° } aline Yorkshire sows about ready for breeding. All stook guaranteed as represented. Bargains to quick paralyse; ere, J, P. IrboIN4O-H, 07.11 Oraubrook P. 0. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Hugh Hanna, late of the'].'ownehip of Mor- rie, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revis- ed htatntee Of Ontario,1897 thap, 120, and am5uded Cote, that all ore ctitore and others having any claims against the estate of the ea Id nigh Haulm, Who died un or about the 1015 day. of NoveruLer,1906. are required on or before the 80th nay 01 January,1910, to amid by poet, meant, or deliver 10 4. B, MaaDouald, of the 9111 ge of Brunelle in the,louuty of Buren, Solicitor for Anna- belle/Immo and ilaomi Bahna, Isruoeoi a P. 0, Itxeoutrloea of the estate of the eafd deceased, the lull partioulare of their laminae, the statement of their 000mnut0 and the ueture of the seoucitfeo (10 may) bold by th0111. And uoflee is further given that after the said taut mentioned date Ane said Exoou• trieea will proceed to dletributo the assets of one deceased mw0uget the parties euttt- lerl thereto, having roga,d only to the elaime of which they shall Wien have notion and that the said Executrioee will not be' liable for the assets, or any part tlIrOul, 10an9 person 01 persona IN whbse claims notice shall Lot have been replayed by thew al the cline of 111001 distribution. Dated at Bruoeo)o thin 2nd day et Jan- uary, A,11,,1000, A, B. MACDONALD, SOlro,lor tor Emmatrfooe. LT Farmers or Storekeepers by coining to the Brussels Salt Works man get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels, Meetings of the Feet Huron Fnrmere' luebltate will be held e0 fallen ;— Berlook, Friday, January 19 h, Winthrop, Sitturday,;Norway 20,11. Bt. Oolumbuu], Monday, January 22nd, To be addroeeod by Danoan Anderson, of Ru,nieaea, Mgbyeetiugeee at 1.3tedby0 p.ced m, and iecal7.80opp. mketo. All are aoadially invited to be present and take part in the dioouseions. Tnoe. Mo111LLAN, P, A. edoeme'non, President. Secretory. MONTHLY Horse Fal rs BRUSSELS The Monthly Horse Faire will be held in • Brussels for the ems n as follows :— THURSDAY, FEB. 101, MAR. 1st, APR. 5011, If „ Leading Local ltilbl thitaiile Buyers trill be Present F. S. SCOTT, Cents. GRAIN OHOPP NG The undersigned beg leave to notify the fanning community that they are now really to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. 11Ianitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always iu stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building if- k.§, Lw BARGAINS ILL NEBY Felt flats for nts We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Cttll and get a 1'asll- ion Sheet, J' ISMS IikEKIRK f ' 'a ;STUTHED) WON CONIFORT Having iuveeted in a Hot Water Heating apparatus Ian, now in a position to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, and Chicken Broth at our Res- to.nralt on two 0111,0tes' noti0e, Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a tiuutinttauco of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, J. W. KERNEY TELOI'HONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or Cold. .41==.311.' Ameirliael .r 0 ewe-oo,ct, :,wno.:•rp,vmo _.::v.,...w,s.,.01001 a'l�n3.000 Stock to he i � � uced OWING to the Salo of my business I will hold a Reduc- tion Sale for the next 60 days during which time Goods will be sold at Specially necluoect Rates In Stock will be found Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Sleigh Bells, Single and Double Harness, Trucks, Valines, t&c., all First-class Goods. Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains. t 'A11 accounts are asked to be squared off at lot of year. J110. efFIENNEVEMSetSfet naldson Maker 141 Harness D. 11 V SIJ E,1JS Are rnalzityg the Finest display of Ever seen in Brussels,. Gail and See them and get Prices.