HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-11, Page 8mx,u.,,,aw.ra.,,.,,u,.a, w,.`..�ti`•ma"°,eeaen,.+.azr•^_...,.,,,....e�a..e,•p,..naem: zed •�ry�:xssuw•ns,,,=*„wsee�ax�s,+ce�a++v,evuw;.,^w�:na,_a,w�ati.,:...-...u'., ,.,e•mcm,e: ,snvn> ,.a,,rnsvx+an _sa,.hw,vmeF ,ox,ya atwca?.s^•ns,.r?:R+•�agy.aw.,,or,�n•m�rm+u..-ns,
CAPITA G,r,iid up 91,000.000 •
RESERVE FU1110 91,000,000
H, J, 18(00811,
Pre, Ilent.
D. Fe, THOMPSON, E. 0.
Ta05, D0Ap5BAw, 818,0. me 01001540 Mtt, w tron'IMER [MARX, H.0 8A4, EMIR
MEN Er.Ittvrnnoal&
Namur Oansus°
MONEY 0RDP0R8 resiled payable at(auy 80 and under 9ciente
hankies town fu OANAOA (excepting the over ea,00 be 81003 0 Pouts
Feline Territotr) without charge, tit the fol. over .8(0.00 to 03000 10 area
lowing rates,;— over 830.00 to 000,00 10 ooube
DRAFTS for larger enemas rented at reasonable ratite payable at all banking
a INGS AIX& DRQ it a .ft, a °r
Interest at HIGHES'1 CURRENT RATES allowed on all flume of 91 and upwards
lad ?r&°I 'k''Ib1S° Czeaxeir
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
A-rrc¢'IC, regio✓.
FRIDAY, JAN 12x11—Ten -aoree eland
rep timber, of 25, ocel 14, Grey. Sale
et. 1 p. m Donald MoNell, Prop., F. S.
Soot t, 500.
Mammy, JAN 15— Farm etnek, imple•
mante, &u , Ne lot 28, nun 5, Morris,
Nate, nureeerved, at 1 o'aiook. W. S.
Sarlere, prop , F. S Soott, 000.
FRIDAY, JAN 19,11 —Farm stock and
impiemetes, at Best St, of lot No. 10,
ounoeesinn S,. Morrie Thomas Stewart,
mrop., R. H, Geniis%, nuc.
03Fi le-es=S.E MAR6;x:m=.s
Fall Wheat
78 75
42 43
82 88
Batter, tabs and rolls..,19 20
Eggs per dozen 19 20
Gay per fob 5 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 5 00 6 50
Yoga, Live 6 10
Wool 23 28
Huron County Council.
The Onunoil of the County of Huron wit
meet In t.11.• 0 u-,otl Chamber in the Town
o 6•' r , a of Jaen.
. de Jolt oil 1'11 31 y, the 23rd
All ,r at 0 'ill leek 1 m Al attenuateaenine
the County meet be planed ih te Olerk
before this dote. W, LANE,
Doted Jan 10th, 1000. Clerk,
—The uvdoreigued offers bit 5003'
tnrtable house and a *mire of laud en Mil
street, Pruseele, for sale. There is a good
garden, small stable, well, wondebed and
,the! conveniences on the promises. it
will be raid at a harentn. If not sold by
\larch 1stprebHees will be to rout.
tf Proprietor._
Officer Wanted.
Applioatioue will be received by the Clerk
u En Feb. tat 1808 f•. a neralman
p T s,9 ies f
ver will 11 er faint the le ms !tense forthe
a,a be enion of it tale as tion of Delb-
,tt been Ing with the add tion le tr,r -
eer a tb'• Fire Becton and 0nllactnr f
bora ea8• 00 to he fur n ner annum, and
a bond for 80000 to be tura500 by1 the Otli-
,er. F 8. SCOTT, Clerk,
01110e8 FOR NAL131—The enderstseel
has for sale, on Let al, Oen, le Cray, the
'ollnwlee well bred stools 1 — 0 improved
Berkebire eowe, duo to litter in hebranry,
Mena and April, Sof them carrying Are.
litter ; 1 Berkebir0 boar and a few eowe
about 4 mouths 0111 bred Iron prlsa wi unto
stook ; a Xorkehire sow, with Jitter of 10
pigs at foot, bred from Berkshire sire ; ale •
a few choice } Os,•g 85,1 elill'e eowe abnu
raeely for breedlag. All stook guaranteed
as represented. Bargains bo qulok purohae-
1•7.01 010ub8o011 P.0.
ere, J. P. Moils 111
Cough long if you use
Fox's White Pine and
'liar. You won't lose
anything if it fails to
cure you—we will refund
the price paid.
agree that it is one of
the very best Cough
t'+yraps you ever used—
that is the almost gen•
Heel opinion of those
who have used it. 25e.
per bottle at
Fox's lug Store
( eralra' . isra fea`itaaarrSa'r.'�''ates. ce waft' eliea`4isri� teletttitat'rea rE.*a.V.L�.+'i' teatgfe ;a
,Q At . Business Again
John McD n id
Wishes to remind the people of Ethel and vic-
inity that they will find him ready for business
a few days in the store next door to the
Royal Hotel.
We e also wish to r6miudy uu that it will be
necessary for us to have all accounts settled as
soon a8 possible.
Thanking you for past favors and hoping
for a continuance of your patronage,
Yours Respectfully,
ETH9s,. t3)
Blood '2 Root e ()ugh eure Standard Bank of Canada
Nolbetter'Cough Remedy to be had than this. In the
Winter time there are sure to bo many colds going
their rounds. Be on the safe side, keep a bottle of
Blood Root Cough Cure in the house and attend to
your cold right at the start, Blood Root Cough Cure
is no new preparation., but a safe and reliable Remedy
carefully prepared by ourselves and has been sold
from our Drug Store for years.
We thank our many Customers for their patronage during
the Past year and solicit a continuance of the same,
6001E0814 EXTENSION W. 0. & E.
Trains leave Brnaeela Station, North
and South, as follows t
eonro Soma Gots° NORTE.
Mall 7:05 a.m 'Mixed (110 aim
Mixed 11:25 a.m 1 Mail .. ......1:4i p.m
Express 8:00p.m ;Baptises ...•. 8:51 pini
recratletvs Jttnts
A ohiel's amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Tax Pose gives the news.
A Loan of young people from town wee.
skating at Gerrie last eight,
TUESDAY a oompany g o mpuny o1 young
people from Bassets attended a ball et
A SLEIGH load of Free Masons visited
Wroxeter Lodge on Monday eveningano
report a goad time,
THE interior of W. J. McCracken'.
grocery bas been mach improved by a
new dress of paint.
Ton Local Option debate in James
town, on Wednesday, Jan. 17th, will ba
botb iateresbing and instructive, 'If you
are interested attend.
J. H. Sra retro, of Whibeoborob fit
remitting bis bubeo6pti0o for 1006 say.
THE BRUSSELS POST la always welcome at•
a weekly letter from home.
Hies COURT SITT0N0e.—The nex
sitting of the High Court for this count,
will be on Tuesday, Marob Ha (jury),
before Justice Anglin, and Monday, ,Yea}
7Ht(non-jary). before Justine (late,
Two open air skatingduke are now m,
the Wa in town one at the ha ueau's
y r Q
Hotel yard and the other opposite
Vioteria Park. The pond on Geo. Robb'',
term has been having the call eu far.
LAST weekthere was a mistake iu t)3.
edition of Tax Pose and we fined our
selves 100 papers short, oonaequeutly
half sheets bad to be run to complete
oar list. We were sorry for the over.
A New 60 foot smoke etaok was put up
at the Excelsior Knitting Factory Iasi
week, under the superintendence or
Thos. Newsome. The steam whistle
on the factory now adds its mueioel voice
to those of other industries in Brussels.
Do. OVENS, At D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Diu,.
Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday i,.,
each month. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1.30 p.
m, Cataract, squint, failing eyesight,
deafness and Hotel catarrh treated and
glasees properly fitted. Next visit, Twee
day, February 6th.
MATniuoxreL.—Wednesday of this week
Charles Ritchie, of Brneaele, and Mies
Maggie, daugbter of Riobard Bewley, of
Morrie, were united in marriage et Sea.
forth, by Rev. Mr. Larkin, and have
taken up residence at their comforters
home, John street. Tae Poste wiehs,.
them many happy years.
A. 0. U, W.—Last Friday evening the
following °flicere were installed In Bra.
eels A. 0. U. W. Lodge by Pest Mwster
Farrow and W. H. Kerr. D. D. G. M.
M. W., Jac. Simmons • Foreman, el. H
Moore ; Overseer, Watson Aiutay ,
Reoorder, W. H. Kerr ; Financier, W
H. MoOraaken ; Treasurer, G. A. Deed
mac ; Guide, Wm. Armstrong; I,
Watubman, W. Wilton; 0. Watchman,
H. Mercer ; Medical Examiner, Dr. Mo
Hervey ; Auditore, T. Farrow and Rev.
Dr. Roes ; Rep. to Grand Lodge, W. Id
8ioOraoken ; alternate rep., G. A, Delta.
TO Foanwxo11.—Last week A. J. Low.
ick took °barge of the Bearing mill at
Fordwioh having leased it for a term of
years. Mr. ,,owiok has had a wide
experience in good mills and will do bis
Share in retaining and improving the
good name of Pordwioh mill. He wi,
temove bis family to the Nortbero burg
Which by the way is re0eiviog the fel.
g1eo.a of Bruseelitee. Tye Post
wishes Mr. Lowiok 500850s in his new
venture and while regretting the depart
ore of the family from town can heartily
recommend them to the people of
MITaueLL—Henege.—Daodae Star Deo.
27th Saye.—"A pretty home wadding wa.
solemnized at the reeideuoe of J. J. amu
Mre. Haines, Hatt street, yesterday
evening at 8 u'oloor, wben their daugh
ter, Sarah A. wall united to Herber.
Mitchell. The bride Wee attended by
Mise Pointe Mitouell, slater of the groom
while Frank Haines, brother of the bride
anted se beet mac. The ceremony wa.
performed by Rev, James Grant, of the
Baptist church of which the bride Was a
member of the choir. Gnats were
preeanb from Brnaeela, Toronto lino
other places. After the ceremony a
wedding sapper wee provided, and a
Moot enjoyable evening Was epeut,
The pOpularity of the young couple wee
evidedeod by the large ualnber of pres
ante, among Which might be mentioned
that of the Young People's Boo,ety 01
the Baptist ohurab, and one from the
employees of the ;dove works. Tha
young aoupie will reside In the reetdeuoe
belonging 10 the groom, nest door to the
bride's parente, All wish them a happy
and proeperons career." Har. Hadley re
a eon of Mre, Jane Mituhe,l, M111 Street,
SAwrooe ars being healed to the Ames
STJVEWOUD does not find many ease,
buyers 58 ao many people are aeiug con
this Winter.
Tug Baud start their Winter practice
Friday night. They ere talking of hay
ing u Concert in the near future.
008e1DERADLE business waft done at 113.
Horse Farr Tbaredlty of lust week. TO
' sat Fair will be hard on Thnreda}
February Ist.
SoiteTaiea wont wrong with the engin.
of the afternoon mail train from th.
Beat between Bruesele and Ethel of
Wednesday and it was, tied np for a,
boor or so. The express trona the Nurtl
wee also held up until the truck wee
open for them to prooeed.
WEDNESDAY afternoon of next week the
annual meeting of East Huron Agrlcu•
tura! Society wit] be geld at 1 80 o'clock
'bare eltua;d be a good atteudanon, Gre:
Branae Suoiety Directors will (amviu.
at 1 o'alouk and it's important that el.
members ebonld be present and on tine,
es well.
Gor,o WATCH PRESENTED. — There'll;
evening of art week a number of tit
lrteude of En Moore milled at the rant
dance of hie -brother, el. H. Moore V. S ,
to say good-bye to the former before h.
left for Uaoa and took advantage of tin
1)000,•3013 to present him with au sieges
gold watch. Wolter Lowry read th
audrees end H. L. Jaekeon made tb
presentation. The renipreut replied ap
prep, lately and thauked the denims, Mr.
Muure reeitied in town for the past 89
y ea re.
e.fteruoeo of this week the Grey Distrait
Orange Lodge mat in the Oraoes Ha, .
Bt mama, for the traueeetiou of bueineee
e.eotioo of utiiuere, eto. There was+
good atteudanne. 011ioers wars eleote,-
v er, m re
ns fn lot s. Sleet B 1. Pu
elected; Depnty master, Dauoau John
eros ; ULeptutn, 13, Gerry ; Sooretar),
tlilie. Ocie ; Flo-rinc • teem ., Joeepl
Htmiltou ; Der, of Oer., Beery Hamill 1
Lecturer, Wm. entitle 0o. Lodge wi'
meet to Wlugham oil Tuesday, rebates.
IT is reported that Robert Wi liamsot
has diepoeed of hie laundry hgeinere
to Wnt. Wilton, an old reetdect of Bras
sale. Permeate will not be given time
.est mouth we understand. Mr. Wit
hemeou has attended to business at.
tentively and euacessfully but purpose:
soieg West hence the change. Mr. atm
Xis. Wilton have been aesoaiated with
the laundry wotk and will no donut keep
the gaud came of the laundry nater"
tailed• While worry to rose good claws.
"lie Mr. Williamson and fami,y from
Bruaeels we hope they will do well.
part et the paper we puul,eh the Metro
politer) Base's auntie, statement. audit%
Deo. 80th, 1905. The figures show that
the Bea is malting good progress aim
the affairs are to a healthy °eudittoa.
The 1018, deposit now amen8te to
92,828.000, the notes in otroulatieu,
6887,590 and they ebow a net pr. fic tw
the year of 8120,085. The Turuutt
Globe, of the 6th lust„ oommeuting o"
the Statement oouoluded by Baying :—
"A perusal of the Statement will ebow
bat the back is oerryrug 00 a very large
000iu1105 on a sound baeie, and is entitien
to raga am .ng th5 foremost of Canada's
0,3000101 institutions."
Femme DiviaioN COURT.—The regnlai
enturg of the Fourth Daimon Court were
veld ou Wedueaday of thea week before
518 Bon"r Judge Holt, but the only actiuu
tried was that of Kreuter vs. Knight aim
was brought by M.obeelHrauter, of Grey,
egaiuet James Hutgbt, of the same town
ehip, to recover a bantuoe of 812,00 fel
the pasture of twain cattle belonging le
the defendant. The only pofmt preteloalls
10 diepate between the parties was 0e to
wbether a previous payment of 64000
pard to the plaintiff was in hill settle
mat or not. The Judge adopted the
plant ff'e vrra,on of the matter in pr.•
ferenoa to that of the defendant tad gave
judgment for the belance claimed namely
812.00 and coete. W. M. Smoleir ap
peered for the platutlff and A B. Mao
Duua'd repreeented the defeudeut. lin
tiuuur. 00mm:w ad uulavorebly as to the
aoaummodatttou Oared for the holding or
the Courts is the village and intimate°
Mutt be intended notifying tee Muoicipn,
Clerk that unless better a0oommodatiou
to the way of beating the upper porno'
of the Had were esoured be would tefuee
to ho d any farther Courts in the village.
Huns °ooNTY,—The Bureau of Iu
100(8100 hoe tau report of the 1904 grope.
We 001108 that in Huron county the
returns Were ;—
Produot Aoreg Quautity.
Pull wheat 40,298 514,028 nus.
Spring" ,1,599 22,886
ttartey 80,708 1,424,796
Cats 181,666 5,485306
Prue .... 6,906 166,744
Gaits 4.0•1111 • 267 4,806
Rye .. 0,071 82,101
4Jgnkwheat 1,684 86.765
Ouru ,,,,,,,„,,,, 1,387 02,889
Horn (10) 8,485
Putatoea ....,,8,698 514,022
Hey 122,887 218,789 lens
Buren comity reported 15,826 horses ;
82.610 cows ; 27,290 sheep ; 8,857 hogs ;
28,574 poultry, Ttiereal value of farm
property, Litep,ernente and (ive stook for
-be Bear f 'pima ae follow,' ;—Land,
$80.624,165 ; hniti .ge, 811.007,871 ; !m.
tesm0ula, 82,798,000; Iles emu, 88,8491.
r31SW.alt.StS..Z1fV33113:. 1672
SUIIPLUB, 011 10EBEI8VD FOND' 8 1,000 000
TOTAL A88ET8 OVER, 10,000,000
A, General 13artl;;ing Business Tretel attached
--'e SAV1NGB BANKI".--
Accrued Inlereet le added to accounts every ale mouths and becomes prinoipal,
Joint Deposit Aecultnla—A 8P1,OIAL CONVENIENCE in use in our Savings De.
pertinent is the ''Joint l)epoeli” account. Money may be depoeited or withdrawn
y either of the two members of the household. Title eyotem is a groat °env ie-
ienee to mann residing 1n tate, but more peritoularly so to Y511001'5 as iu the latter
0006 whether mail or wile comes to town either own atteu.l to the banking, Au.
other feature 01 the syetem 1a that 4u oase of .the death of either party the money
eau be withdrawn by the 00881808 without coat. We will tell you inure about 031r
wetbode 1f you will Madly call or write,
Married'Wuuwn turd Miners may make and withdrawdoposite without rhoiu.
terveutluu of any person,
only for Ivhlob no oharge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoeiv0 our oareful and aonrteoue attention.
741 ; total for the 0oonty, 808,680,277.
,I.'he number of °batter mortgagee steno
tug agalost farmers in the Oouuty of
Huron on Dwember 81et of last year wa.
116, for 965,115. The number erandiug
, setl51 flu 000uparts in the nutty web
268, covering 8229,498,
PRIERS An ADDED. — Last Fall three
prune were offered by the East Harm,
Farmers' Iuetituta to yotut farmers in
the R diug foe the best essay on "How to
mike farming pay," The first prize
went t0 Jas. 8loFat'zeao, of Walton ; 2ud
to. Thos. Bennett, of Molesworth ; 8r0 1,
Walter Smith, of Hallett. The award•
were allotted by the Profeseare of the
Ontario Agri:nhere! Collage, Guelph.
erns is a practical texture of lute
vork 'hat should be uoutinued. Tilt
I8.ze essays wili be read at trona of the
,upplemenbary Iuebitu a meetings,
Mns. Join MaD000gnu—Lass weer
Can Poem teburred to the demise of Mrs
John McDougall, at Sault Ste. Marie,
Jo Tuesday of last week. The remain.
trrived here on Thurodiy afternoon
weompanied by ber eon, Augur MoDoug
.I, and the servioe was held iu Melvin
dmro b Rev. D. 13. Molise of (Sambrook
$o wted cue absence of Rev. Dr.Rose
.rho was attending Maitland Presbyter}
et Teeewater. Interment was made
.be family plot, Brussels cemetery. The
pill bearers were six nephews, Malcolm
end Neil Btaok, John and Peter Barr.
8311 Andrew and Marin Lamont
Deoea,ed was boru iu Argyleshire,
iaotlaud, and name to Canada in 1801,
un0tieg at Pickering for a year belur,
Riming to Grey Township. She was a
tangbter of the late Allan Lamont 16138
meter to Sire. Simon Great, Brussels,
00012 and Malcolm Lamont, and Mrs.
John Lamont, of Grey townebip. In
he year 1859 the subject of this 1301105
vis united fu marriage to Mr. Mo•
Deuga I who predsoeased her by nearly
6 rears. The sorviviug children are ;—
'oho N. of Bowmaoviue ; Peter, Alen,
engoe, Mre. Hill and Misses Mary coo
Maggie ail. of Sault Ste. Marie. The
'ause of g
Hrs. MoDOu alts demise was
h1 ly a to iofirmit age. She
of du 9 of old
gee in her 74t13 year and was highly
esteemed by a wide oirole of relatives
and friends.
Eau 0131108 FARSIEna' INSTITUTE. —
1 us5day afternoon in tbi• week the firer
..onion of Gila Best Heron Farmers'
institute meeting was held to the Town
Gall here. In the abeenoe of Preeidee,
altos, McMillan ex Reeve James 'tarn.
gala of Grey, was voted to the obair and
tilled the bill all right. The first speaker
vas John Campbell, of Woodville, V.0
coria, a abarp shrewd praotioal farmer,
and a good (meeker who dealt with the
importaut question, "How to doub a the
pr.eduobion and 100ome on the average
arm." He pointed out the chief eeaell
tale as proper drainage, good oult;vatiou,
food imnlemente and well brad stook.
!deny of the plane suggested at there
,neetinge are not workable on the ord,n
try farm but Mr. Campbell's theory wee
bear and "get•atable" and will do good.
lohu S. Pearce, of London, for 20 years
, well known eeedsman, gave a talk along
'he "Selection, tare and cultivation or
amide," in which he impressed the
eeoeseity of good seed. Many queetioas
were answered by both of the spankers
wd even after the meeting adjourned
enemata dieoaaeionsleaened. About 50
,ew members were received, The even
no session drew a full Hall. W. H.
Kar presided. Solos were well rendered
by J. Leslie Kerr and Mies ()atria Ring.
•tion and the letter associated with Miss
Dolly Banker sang a pretty duet in good
voice. Miss Ida Bailey was the imam.
300ist, Short, epioy addressee were
given by the speakers of the afternoon.
41r, Pearce dealt with 'The farmer's
awe end llower garden," with some hints
ve to tree planting and proved oouulueive•
y that a nice lawn and Bower garden was
attletn reach of everybody. Mr. Camp•
use's theme was 'Lila on the farm,"
'n which he exalted this 000upatiun and
bowed the nubility of the calling.
Votes of thanks were passed to all who
assisted and the meeting ooncinded
with the National Authsm.
Business Locals.
Nome, richer titan wheat, Better
than meat, at W. A. GnEwan'e.
Raw Fare Wanted. Will pay highest
market mares. McKee & Co.
BAIR DRxes1NG.—Switahee made oat of
oomb,ng. and out hair.
Mas. R. 1500(05x081, Mill et. West.
Gnaw rednotione in prices of robes,
blankets, belle and single flatness for
dash. I. 0, Rmuaans.
FOR BALE,—Comfortable dwelling and
a eere of laid. Also reliable pony, cart
and barneee. I, 0. Rlomanns.
Wane saws are old duh and out of true
take okem,n to McGregor and be will
make them new. Mia St, Bream Ont,
DRE9erionige,—Miss Maggie Beam is
prepared to attend to the wants of the
ladies at their bomes or at her own home,
Let 29, Ooit. 8, Morris, Broesele P. 0.
WANTED. -011010e Roil Butter 256.
New eaia eggs 80o., 95 00 oaeb for No. 1
Mink. Clearing sale of Dane geode,
fare, eta. G. E. Klee,
House blanket loot New Year's, night
between Brnaeela gravel road and the
Centre Sideroad, Morrie, on 9th 000.
Finder will greatly oblige the loser by
leeviDg it et Tea Pos'r, Bressele,
Two She, b Hurn bull cameo for sale,
One ie 9 s o Jhs old and the other 18
rI)dnthe i one a red and the other a roan,
Also Cowie pups for ea -e. Let 22, Con,
18, Grey, Jae, D. McNair, Craubrouk,
P. 0.
People We SHOW.
le and Mrs, Scott were calling on Ben
forth friends ties week.
Will Leatherdale visited friends 11.
Brantford for a few days.
Mrs. Geo. Shield and daughter ar.
visiting relatives 140 MoKil op.
Mrs. Weimer] Aielay is visiting bel
daughter in Mogl,lop townehlp.
Mre. M. G. Rtnnardaotl end daughter
are visiting relattvoe iu Bineva.e.
Mies Ruby Plum is able to be entitle
nuc„ more after her severe ilnless.
Edward Lowry Lia returned to Tor
dna where he baa Neu employed.
J. J. Gilpin is awe on a hoitde to
w St. Marys and Granton for a few days.
Mies Irma Mitoheo, of Ethel, is visit
ug her grendperents Geo. and Mrs
Col t id.
Mien Etta McNair, of Uranbrook, he.
00511 18 mace with ilea. Leukle, et Ke,
.In[ Y
Gc e.
A. and Mrs. Seveupiper, of Merlin,
-peat Christmas and New Year's e.
James Dudley's.
1'. Arrest, who was taken ill at Lon
ChM, was able to come home Triodes
-veuing and will be o. It. in a short time
me trust.
s,0 ,
Mrs. B. Carter and Mies Eva pant o
,ttended the funs, al 0f the attic' [toughie,
of fierbert and Mre. Pogal this week a
Geo. Sohwalm, wife and family, e,
411.amay, ware 8,8110re at D. A. Lowry
Queen etreet. Mre. Sobwuim is a sestet
to Aire. Lowry,
Mies Barak Dudley and Joint Gott, or
'tercet°, spent Chrletmas and New
P ear's at James Dudley's and returuee
to Termite Wedueettay of last week.
Ma. John Long was at Ripley There
day -of raat week attending the [m,eral al
a friend, Alice Marilee Ferris, who Bien
Jan. let, aged ed 16 Y eere and 6 mouths.
01,es Maggie Brown 10 hu t,
„g inn alter at
extended and enjoyable visit with reit.
duce and frieuue et Witteipeg and othul
pointe in Manitoba and North Dakota
Mrs. Wm. Camera fed down he.
cellar staire and broke three of her rine
we ere sorry to elute. Under her phy
etoiaU'e cure she wi.l emu be all right we
Mies Maggie MoLauoblin, who hat•
base 8(5(11ng friends and relatives im
and about Oiiutuu Mune before Cbriet
name, is home and reports a pteueant
Alex. MoLanohlin was able to get
down street ou Tuesday, lee first time
same hie flares. Be 'a not yet op to
w,noert pitch but we hope be writ soot,
be comp,etely restored.
Mie. 1'. L. Mcilienou and daughter,
Mies Janice, of Wluuipeg, arrived m
Brusse,e Wednesday evening and are the
gums of Mrs. L °kis, Mrs. eroKinnos
wed Mrs Leckie are Cetera
Arthur Rubinson, jooularly named
"Two Strike," from his vigorous ambit .
achievement, is now filling a pobitiou ne
the Lanita Thies OOioe Io Regina, N, W
T. We wish him promotion.
Rnesell, sou of Aired Lowry, loft lasi
week for Bt. Thomas where he will take
a oouree at the Booineeos College. We
wish him eueoess. He LUIS lived in the
oily before so will be no stranger.
Robert Armstrong, a former old res'.
dein of Morris tow"nbip, wag culling o,.
ofd fr,eude in 61,15 locality last week prier
to a trip to North Dakota where 116 wll
visit relatives and friends. We wish lane
an enjoyob,e stay,
Wm. Browu, of Molesworth, was visit
ing bis daughter, Mre. Wm. Walker,
Bruseele, 111,0 week, He Lae recently
returned from en enjoyable 2 mouth.'
trip to the West iu which he visited at
E dmonton, Oalgary, Strathoona, Regina,
Brandon, Neepawa, Winnipeg and other
Bnonxe,—In Santora, on January 6th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ohne. Brodie jr , k
Belmar. —In Wroxeter ou Jan. 20d, to
Mr, and Mrs, E Bernard, a eon.
41x00031—In Huhea, on DIM., 29,h, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beim, m, a eoie
Cu6T.—In Goiania, on Duuember 21m,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. H (:oto a .un
KELoY,-Io Morrie, on December 25th.
to Mr. and Mre. J. W. Kelly a
Welxxn,—Is, Brussels, on Jan, 7th, to
Mr, aid Mot, Thos. Walker, a
DOaDa—RANlIN—At Priniby oharor,
Emory, Mitchell, on Deo. 251)3, 1905
by Rev, 0. 0. Porton, Mr. Wu.iem
Dodds, to Mise °aerie Rankin of
MoToniLi—HAnNEs.—Io Dundee, on Deo,
26th, by Rev. J. Grant, Mr. Herbert
Mitchell to Mies Sereb A., daughter
of Mr. and Mre, J. J. Hainea, lion
RoTarnE—BewLEY.—At the mange
Seaforth, on Jan, 10111 bt Rev. F H
Larkin, B, A., Mr. 0. M Ritchie, of
Bruttlels, to Mies Margaret J.
Bewley, of Morels,
BARNARD.—In Wroxeter, oh Jan, 41h,
Itafberine McLeod, wife of Edward
Bernard, aged 84 years,
WATTS.—It Winnipeg, on Jan, 8rd. Mr .
Eliza wawa, roan of the lean W Z,
Waste, remarry of Wroxeter.
fain az
Here's where we make a clean-up of left-overs—heroic where we offer our readers
a once -a -year chance to make money fast and make it easy. All the odds and ends left from
the holiday scramble we are going to hand over to you and make it worth your while to take
th, m. We aren't bothering half as much about the slashes we have made in the prices as
about the quickest method of letting the public know that this is a generous start of ours on a
year of Bargain Giving. Don't miss any time or a figure in the list and if you find an article
noted that you would like to own why ,you should start as soon as possible for our store for
there's bound to be some lively selling as soon as the facts get generally known.
—8 pieces only Heavy '!weed Dress Goode, all pure
wed and worth regular 75o.
Special at 371c
—4 pieces only Pure Wool Venetian Dress Goods in
shades Brown, Navy, Green and Blaok, 48 inobee wide,
real value 85o.
Extra Special at 60c
—15 pieooe only Fancy Tweed Dress Goods. 54 inches
wide, in lengths of 5 yards, worth regular 91 end $1.25,
Clearing Price 69c
— 4 pieces Extra Heavy Table Linen,' 80 inches wide,
regular value 80o,
Special at 23c
—2 pieces only Table Linen, 70 inohes wide, extre
value at 450,
Special at 30c
— 12 only Camel's Hair Tams, regular value 50o,
Special at 25c
—2 pieces Extra Fine Unbleached Table Ligon, 72
inches wide and worth 60o,
On Sale at 39c
—4 dozen Turkieh Towels, size 18x24, wortb,regalar
250 per pair,
Special at 18c
—10 dozen Men's Can1b'io Shirts, all soft fronts, real
value 91,00, this soaeon's styles.
Extra Special at 50o
—3 dozen Mon's Detre Heavy Blue Beaver Cloth Cape,
with fur in baud, worth 750,
To Clear at 50c
—24 pairs only Extra Heavy Caltof Tweed Pants,
always sold 01 91.00,
On Sale at $1,25
—5 dozen Boys' Shirts and Drawers, negated aizee,
regular priors from 85o to 50o.
All at one Price to Clear 25c
Who needs anything that a Tailor makes there is no bettor time in the whole year to get it
than this month. "ANY TIME Tf1I.S MONTH," January is between busy times, it is too
late for the Fall rush and two soon to catch Spring business—that's why profits aren't so
much a consideration as usual. All this month we offer you anything you would like at a
Reduction in Price.
Just For This Month Don't Forget
Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Mantles, Ruffs, Caperines, Muffs,
Men's Fur Caps, ell clearing at Speeial Prices,
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce.
erguson,�, �^,, ttr. ,14 . .