HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-11, Page 5.i% 444 4. f` "rmnuuwu , ,way.'...urw.+.ramw+o.:_mnww+, e.rwrxew+uw .wwrnn,una,,.a„w.w•.>.wv+,w,evrvasa...w. rrr,ra»arw,r +,..+n,ung".w=::w:w,,.wyv:+wAw+an..mmw, a.r.mvm,uw,pn:a=v. ,wr«a,os:sxixw:m mvu-...-rw .„...,..,, 0111.11410.0•111.100/04111.010.4.401104.11.1.41141.1. •` `.,,° 1177Y1 (ll l }linrr T.ict•H' IIVI NGHAM BUSINESS OOtLLEGE le a If18b•grado Commoreh.1 Sohool, Three Courses : Commercial Stenography Telegraphy Write G:EO, SPO'l"1'UN, Principal. WANTED One Hundred morn Young Melt and wemen,wbo aro ambit:ono and ea. N terprleipg, so qualify lu the IRLLIOTT &day TORONTO, ONT. for the many positions open to all is those who aro tborougn.y prepared to ge accept them, A els mouths oourse in this o magCa means fora young mail , of the right kind, an ed80ationa1 equipment bettor than many trades or proleesioue in money 'terming power. 8ludenle admitted at oily A. limo. 01r0tthtre free, W. J. laLLIOTT, Principal. I3 ri Con. YoN13 Ann Arus:cm:ma 'Pre. 913 C.1- 5 3--0.38 l ee.9't8)-eri Ekt MEDICAL CARDS. -Tali,. R. A. BURNS- 3DJuccossor to Dr. J. A. McNaughiou 11ra300133, Oladtrio Graduate of Polyeliuto Post Graduate School of Medicine sod Surgery, New York Member of College of Physicians mud Sur- geons of Ontario, Olnoo and m01401100 Rama as formerlyoc- oup,ed by Dr. MoNetughlou. Diseases of 0011300u specialty. Piton' No, 21. BUSINESS CARDS. Wkl• MoORAOXNN— • Ismer of Marriage Lioenaee, Of. hoe 01 Grooery, Turnborry 011313,1, Brutaols. C. O. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No.04, 0, 0, 13., B teasels, meets In their Lodge Room, Blas - 11111 Stook, on the kid and last Tuesdays 01 'AMA month, at 13 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JA8. BII1B0Lee, C.R. A. D. Mk;LLIOU, 1i. 8. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 188011.10x, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1-1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • son, will Bell for better Prices, to better men, In loon limo and lees charges than any other Auottonoer in Mast Heron or he won't obarge anything. Datoe and orders can always be arranged at this onion or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged fo, • at tho of600 of Tait P000, Brunets, 2211 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— .. Honor Graduate of the (Mario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die eases of domesticated animals .10 a oompot- eat manner. Portinelar attention paid to Veterinary Deutlotry and Milk Fever Oa133, promptly attended to. Office andlcdrmary —Pour doore North of bridge, Tnrnborry at„ Brnseele, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— •Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte. buccaneer to G. P. Blair. Moe over Btau- dard Bank, Brussels. Solioitor for Metro- politan Back, VM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solioitor, i0ouveyaneer, Notary'Publio, &o. Ofeee—Stewart's Stook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. ptiOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS IIBLIOCI17T0, NOTARIES W. Ploonsoom, II. 0. R. 0, Hese G. F. Blunt. 'Mace—Those formerly mounted by Molars Oamer031 & Holt, Go081I00, 0NT1.nro. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEI'LD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sergeant] of Ontario and Firtt•olaoe Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OMee next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. fr,, dla f 3e B .D a ea/ia/CENTRAL •SORD. ONT. goodill toe ion la the Do oil out a i1 Y w1 The nd 1World t e surest a ip Oo most road a 7 h AV shortest rle via of 11110 saheb!. Waya give a ooure31 of t1aluing that is not it surpassed by ally Bneluees College in Canada. Wo glvo iadivtdual inetrue- yqp dk tion tbeyou enter at any q5time. WoltO Write foe flee 000 catalogue and 5 p get full particulars'. iA 7)LLIOTT MOLACHLAN, 5 N Prinalpal8, B. WHY IIRINOlHITIS IS 881010118. Bemuse tt becomes a °beanie (rendition that verges closely on boosampti00. "Ontarrbozene" is the meet pleasant, 011npie and Certain odr0, Try Catarrh ozone '211 15 Pour sae Glade arrangemobts to club with all of the leading Weeklies and Dailies and other Journals of every dos0ription. Tan Pon and the following named :were will be Bent from now until Deo, 8301, 1900, for the pr100 of one 7001'. oub0oriptiou as follows :-- WEEKLIES, Poex and Toronto O'obe 91 05 " " Mail and Empire 1, '70 " " Free Pres 1 90 „ p'amlly Horuld & Seer,1 811 ” I. Montreal Witneee " Loudon Advertiser " n Week.y fdun " Farmers' Advooalo DAILIES. Poo snit the News $1 00 " 't 1 86 4 60 Mail and Empire 4 60 World 8 10 Advertiser 2 85 „ 1 66 1 60 1 80 2 85 I u Star Globe When Premiums are given with any of ,he above named publi031tiona von 8003114 ,ham through the u,ub with Tnio POST. Call at the office or remit rue amount by P. 0, Order, Express Order or Reg. nitered letter, nddreoeing Tine Pon, Brn300l0, Ont. RItstri.Ct 131 s' tits. Albert Wilford left for Tirooto caber. be will take a mune in a Mishear' 0031ege• Hugh and Mrs, McQuarrio spent tin festive holiday° in T, anteater with rho" d.nghter, Mrs. A. M, Babb. Mr. 570 Quante is cow able to get around with the aid of crutches, Our staff of metiers outdate of ;— John Hartley, priuoipal ; Mies Annie Hamilton, flret ae030ta11t ; Mies W. E rbompeon, second assistant, and 11130 Georgina Murray, third add 11311101. Miss Sarah Bentley and Jame° Dudds two employees who have 00011 long Der viae with Masers. MoKinuou & Oo., were ea031reuented b Y Mr.. tkloKsnuou with. s p oheok for $40 in recognition of their long and faithful ebrvioe. Isaac Brown has sold hie Eureka agment blook machine; wbioh be par• 03100031 from .VMBntre, MoNalley & Plum roar three years ago, to a gentleman at Dashwood. He retains p000000ion of the maohine until the first of June next. orrle. Amos Doan 1108 been given the rink for this Winter. The high wind on Wednesday of last week blew the front off the old building next to the butcher shop. Polioo Trustees were elected in Gorrie as follows :—Hamilton, 58 • H0mmoon, 54 ; Irwin, 52 ; i010Lnughlin 46. J. S. Found, the genial and ebtigiva agent o[ the 0. P. R, who has been bare for the past 13 years, reoe,ved word thad. be had been appointed ogeut at Fergus, Mime Amelia Howard, who hao been living in Brockville for soma time past where 'ho baa a (emotive position, is spending her vacation at the home of her mother, Mee. Howard, at Orange Hill. Court Game, No. 67 0. 0. I', hat. elected the !allowing officers for 1906 •- 0. R., James Armetroo„ ; V. 0. R., Subs. Wnllaoe ; 15. S„ John Hemmed ; F. H.. Geo, M. Walker ; Trrao., W. 13. Litt : Chap,, Albert E. Vanetone ; S. M„ Tithe. Sradno0lt ; J. A„ Wm, H1etie ; S. B , John Ardell ; J. B., Jae. King ; 0. Phyoioian, Dr. L. Whitley ; 0oart Nep• itch John Stewart. TOE ROOT or NBUR,tLG10 READA(U8 I° an irritable 0°8310400 Of the name orased by cold, Relief nomee quuokl, :rant Nerviline, the great pain reliever of 4.0ay. "I o insider Nerviline a 10033031 'emedy for Neuralgia," writes Mrs. E. G. Harris of Baltimore. But I never worry f Nerviline is in the -house. A few ppitoationo never yet failed to hill the pain. I aan aleo reoommend Nerviline 'or eliffneoe, rheumatism and magentas pains." In nee nearly fifty ye0re ; try Nerviline yourself. I7 ordwich. Thos. Hussar, of Loudon, spent New Year bete with hie brother at the par. 00uage. W. G. Ward i0 the proudest 3000 in town. Santa (Maus presented him with a eon and heir. We. Time. Littlejohn, of Cordell, Mon„ i0 visiting her parents and ,friends in the vicinity of Newbridge. Charles MoLaughtin has sold his residence and park lot of six acres to Mr. Kent, We undoretand the Woe is about 9700. Geo, oud Mra Faulkner are spending a ptrt, f their bottom ion with her father, J. Heuusbergioo the 9th eon. Mia. Faulk aerie an old Fordwioh girl, The smokestack of the furniture factory wag blown down on•Friday night Deo 29th and was badly damaged. The roof of the factory was slightly injured. L. B.00013 has purchased a drug store in the thriving village of Tara. He sae bad oousiderable experienoe 131 that bushiest and no doubt will make a r0°oee0 of ib. Solool re opened on Wednesday with a good attendance in both depertronte, H. R. Long, of Benmiller, in 'Marge of 'he senior department and Mies Road. bonne the junior, Sbme !tattle belonging to Olelland Bros. rsoill1 broke into where they had heir !Mopped grain sored and go nu overdose of it. Two of them died but he other recovered. S, Johnston 31ae handed in his re0ig Police 3,1 nation 00 Po 3 Trust a. any e of our ,1d Mumma regret Olathe has done 0o rte he has been faithful in the dioohaego 0, hie duties. Another nomination will be r100ee04try. The members of A. Robinneola Bible erase of the Methodist. Sanday Sebool 4greeebly surprised that gentleman on New Yoar'o day by waiting ou him and preoening 11imwlth a lino watch bbain and an address. A. J. Lowtok, of Brum:els hao rented the Fordwlah dent Mill for a term of 'hree years and took .puaaesaion boat :seek. Mr, Lowiok is an exporieneed miller, having spent 25 years at the 11n01ne00, IIs hag retained the 4ervi000 of W. McLeod. The Newbridge Choir was very p'eatantsy entertained at the p110m,nge n 0, remit evening. The evening wad 013011 in motel luteroonite, mn030, and gamer, after whinh n dainty limit 3,410 eervttl by 11113, Hueaer. (451lt0 wast. Cray, Bernie ea Co, have bOneht the Root and Shoe ei001t of W. J. Moore, Adatn Max, tubo lately returner) trent 311 Wedt,lhao beau in t+11714 (01 fair pout week and may I0«3te here again, ,1.11n and Edwn1 11'nrne., vt Toronto, were in town during the holidays seethe their father, Time. Forboe, who a0ntiunee vary low, Robt. I5o'h. stop•eon of Mayor tt t Watson, son 1u<1graduateof t o 1 1 Llat wr p Selma, High i a g , has pained 13,41 Oivi i remit qualifying exemination0, IIB •vrot0 ID London, H. Medium, a well known eitiron int one int the newly u'eeted Counoillore, had a paralytio wolto, ilia right aide 0onsiderably uffeeted, but it is hoped hat it may not prove serious and that be will speedily recover. Tbo now hotel at 4110 G, T. R. station e now open and reedy for the a0oomm3i nitron of the pubiio It is a floe tw... .tory brink bili dnig, with 0orninadi3u • unmet N. Stewart, latent tlstr,iltou, 1.• in °berge 419 manager, and 10 On ex• er01noed hotel man. Mee, Munnel,, the owner, °coupiee a suite of rooms f0. be hotel J. S Goo has turned over the grooery t p0riment of his stores to hie eon, Howard Gee, who has had 01lurge or 'het eran0(1 for Borne time past, and eta 3e to a oopab'e young man he will no oobtcontinue to do a gond bueinese Mr, Geo will 0o0tinne the dry goods art,) nota and shoes 410 before. limb n orm] will be oarried on in the 331300nt mantle. 1011.11 ton .' Robt. Welsh hem been an employee of Clinton Council for the peat 17 years, Al the recent Civil Service Examin• tlinniu London, Mies Maggie Wideman, 'laughter of Ootleotor Wiseman, pulsed. Quite a large vote was polled on Mou• ay, but sentiment wee strongly against the Waterworks Bylaw, it being defeat. ed by a majority of 15.1. The debeuteree issued in eon0001100 with the Clinton Kuitti,g Co, loan, have n0o n sold I by the he e3v on to theWoodmen uodmau .1 the World et 44 per omit. interest. Mro, J. 0. Steveusou, who left recently :or Ottliforuia, owing bo the illness of her brother at Alameda, received word of his death while ohe was enroate to the West Wilbur N. and Mra. Manning, (Sher. uok-Mooning Organ Oo,, Loudon) former. y of Clinton, ere 300010iug the 0ongrat. 10110110 of their friends over arrival of . win girls. The G. N. W. Telegraph offioe, which -00 been in connection with Watt's More or years, hao been removed to the store f J. W. Irwin, and will atilt be in obaree •1 the efficient operator, Miss Gilchrist. A ineeting of representative etotik men was held On the Council Chamber to take reliminary ['tape toward holding a wont), Lire Stook Fair in the Spring, on .imilar tinea to thous held iu England nod Bootland. A eooial given by the ladies of the buroh,10 the ob0ir and ol&oiala thereof, was held in Wesley oburuh, lletreeh• 0101110 were abundantly served, after ahloh a program of mune was rendered, See. Mr. Manning toting as 011airmao. Adv.tllage was taken of the occasion to ,1reseot S. T. and Mrs. &lurch, leader and member of the choir teepootively, With ,, mid ai ver tea service, in ratios - moo 0f 131•'ir'servtoae. The present was 000mpanied by a suitable address by R. . Mnn0ulg. %V o1_ha rn. Joe, Colley, V. S,, a former well known townsman, now toasted at Dauphin, Man., is vietting with old (monde 30 Wiugham. Master Peel, the yonng 001 of Rev. A. E. Prior, formerly of Wingham, died at hie home in Geneva, Ohio, Iasi week, after a long illness, ata special meeting of the Soboo Board, Arob, Petersen was engaged as °.retakor of the Bohool and also °are. taker of the room in the old ohoreh. The partnership existing between R. Johnston & B. Ooobvaue ea marble deal are in Wiugham has been dissolved. Mr. Ooobrane will oon1rnne the business. The Dawson property on Diagonal street wee satisfactorily sold to Rev, &1r. EU 13101111 Ioabo 41001 future it will proba11431 be arranged for the 000npation of two tenants. Mr. Brower and family removed Inst week to Uh0111am. His youngest eon was taken ill and was oeuveyed to the hospital in Chatham, as the family was not settled in their new home. Mr. Mo&enzie, of Toronto has been appointed 000duetor 301 the L. H. & 13. as 010000001 to John Quirk and has oomm0nord hie new dotes. Mr. Me. Kenzie 40111 01010 hid family 10 town as FOOD as be is able to 0eoure n hones. W. F. and M10, Vanet0ue Oelebrated the twenty fifth aunlveraary of their marriage, on Saturday, Deo. 80011. A fete of their frieude from n distance, were pr°sept to tender oongralalatio0e, ..ad a very pleasant evening was enjoyed, The plumbing is being done at the new G, T. R. Station, and it is expected. that atat,ou-master Itarifid will be own. foriably inotelled in hie new ga31rter0 in about six weeks. W. F. Vanetoue bee tiurobaeed the old station, and Will. Gray is now owner of the old engine house, The old freight shed has bean moved hook and will be need only by the turn. tture faotorie0, while the new shed bee duty for oilier freight, Ta300141(, — There are many in ihi0 amitywho froereonal nn uanitance with and m nd high 0ete of the thirdly rwi11 read with regret the announcement Mutt Robert George MoOoeh, eon of Rev. Dr McCoeb, formerly of 13ayfsld, Clinton a g a , !t and \V,t1 h m had 0omi 131.1011 snioide at Winnipeg, being fenod dead fu 131a private ro ins with a bullet' and hte head, made by a revolver wbioh teas found by hie aide. It is eeppooed to be a 00130 of rfiotdo from deepondoeoy. He wee em• [guyed in the Bank of Oommeree, and hie Rooke et the bank and hie financial mat tare are in a perfectly 0treig115 shape. lie wan °bout 81 yetir0 of Lige. Hio Fath• •r, in 410011400 to engairie0 by the London Free Preen, over the phone to (Mathew, said: "Severs' m:tttorb were preying en • it mind but 13vunld rather not 4100800 hem jest nota, Them ie no doubt that .heed matters 0ff00ted him deeply, and hat ho was temporarily insane et the ttm," Mr, M000031 later stated that hie eon Fad marritd before receiving the srinrj demat'd,d by the bank otlinia'e. 1'i,io in OO1lsitlered to be at 1!131 bottom of the re, b 31x1,1. At the O'3131'ar meeting of Court Mail,. :and, Ni,'2J, Oatrodrun Order of Parfet. ars, the ful,owiug t31Oar„ were eleet.:d for the ensuing year ;--0 R , Jesse But• tan •,V. 0. R., J. A. 11ito13011 ; 1300000er, W. F. Monmouth ; fl,nanelei se011(tarv, Dr. W. T. iloleway 3 rreording 0,0re tory, H. A.. Maguire ; 0118311010, M. Book 0,111 ; an.iitor, W. J, Neil ; B. B , A. Campbell ; J. 13., F. Il. It ,dorouo ; H, W., tee. r,;t' Oliver ; L W,, W. 3. Neil ; ti 11.1ees, A Oampbal, Jar00 Button, W P, Wackamntli. Mont meth. Meta Bona Ovse wee a ounueocful ex '111,1)10001.1138 Sortie paaltry el,ow. 3. F Daly recently ro'd a pair of W bo W, an'nt131chinks to a gentleman 311 1''°reet for the 114311100300 sour of 925. li.-needy Bros , butchers, had un d.e- p av a two year old hog raised on the faun of Jae. Devereaux o[ Mo 1!11.31, it is one of 1110 !4110330' seen hare for some time, and wei131ed 660*'be. Tn0mav Pptberingl'am, eon of Wm FOthoriog11am, of 'J'nolseremilh, who ie 0„ga .ed in the drug 11uxinee1 in North 1),1(01, la home on a visit. While on he way hire he was in a railway wreak and while n01 1001ivieg any further in jury than it cin on the foreheai and a bleak eye, two men in the seat i0 front t him were Isilled.. At the 10.01 meeting of the local order of 111e O. M. 13. A. the following officer. were eleoted for the ensiling year I•— Sufriteal Advieer, Rev. P. J Corcoran : Pres , Dr J. MoGrnnio ;1st Vice Prea , Frans Fau tiler ; 2•id Vioo Prea., Don ea Andrew t Ree Sea, J. A. Darwin ; Fin Sao., J. Daly ; Chancellor, ht Brod. prick • Guard, J, McNamara ; Truete00, I'. ,11,Qnaul end J. Keating ; Medlnal Attendant, J. MoGinni•, M. D. I' Fin Own , J. :Galore!), J. Darwin and 11 Broderick. —y WATER IN 1101st 1(1,0)03) Lore of people have One watery blond— they eat plenty bet dont digest. When dieeetion,11 poor, food isn't ootiverted til. to uonrisbmeut—fn 00131Ega33100 the body rapidly loses 'strength. To positive. ly renew health, nothing equals Perroz.me. It exeit00 tbarp appetite.—makes the 9400100h digest, forme life Bustii e b".0d. 4.1311041001.s tre n 111 is aura to follow. If you need more vitality, extra. energy, better neeve0, then use Ferrozeno, the medi001 triumph if the axe. Fifty •ante bays a hos of fifty ah0oolate coated Fel rezone tablets. «oderiel►. John Poetiewait•e was the only Godo• rio31 pooltry•breeder who exhibited at the Guelph exhibition, and he won many ri b"000• Tho following have been appointed Jnetroes of the Pointe in West Huron in additrrn to those wheoe name,. were •eoently pn11310hed :—Peter Oantel011 and William Doherty, Olinton ; Peter W. Scott, Least .Wowonosh-; Thomas Hell, W 4310114130. Gan ph Mercury:—Tbe work of tear. ing down some of the b031(11 go on the Rite for the new Guelph—Goderiob etat,on and paes80ger yard, it is expected wilt begin immediately. The work of de. molition will be completed in. the Spring, when the ground will be in rendiheee to start the work of oonotrn01ion of the new •tetinn and tracke, Dr. Walter Turnbull left for New York where he intends spending some time in the hospitals which he will devote to -artery and diaeosee of the eye, ear, nos- and throat. Two years ago the Doctor -pent the Winter as house em'geon in the New Yorh hospital, and his work there now will be on familiar ground. Dr. J. L. 2:ar31bell will remain in native prneti10 here until his brother's return end assist Dr. Emmerson. Inverness Camp, No. 64, Sone of Soot. laud, hue eleoted offiiers for the ensuing Year as follows ;=Pitet Chief, A. D. Mo. Lean ; Chief, Jams+ 'gait ; 013101 aiu, okpt Mttl003m lvloDonald ; Chaplain, Rev. Jas. A Anderson ; Reo. Seoretary, J hn l4deEwan ; Fin. Secretary, Jamas Mitchell ; T,eaourer, J.4. Walker; Mar. 0110.3, 1. 8, H-,wrle • Standard bearer, Swain Wm. BirnieSwainGeard, A. Johnston ; Senior Guard, Jae. Andrews ; Piper, R S. Oraigie ; P11yoioiau, Dr. W F. Gal low ; Trustees, Wm Prondroot, George Porter and Lt,.OoI. Wm. Young. 2i1 -t W o on. Mies Effie Robertson has taken up her work as teacher of the Junior depart- ment of Munhton school. Melvyn Graham, of &leple Creek, Asea., ie spending a few weeks visiting his parents, Jno, and Mrs, Graham. Dairy Iuotraotor G. H. Barr, of Len don, attended the annual 010611ng of the ohareholder0 of the Elma Cheese & Butter Co., on Saturday of last week. Jae Strea tore and Elgin Klump, o' Lemberg, Saolt„ are ependrng a few mouths visiting their reepeetive parents The boys left here some years ago, and have sinew made steady progress in the great west. Looah OPTION CA110300 IN Eru,t. — The 70113 on Loonl Option v, E Ona 301111100 111 onrryinu the 13y 'aw by 201 majority, the vote being as follows ;— Divisions For 1 72 Apofo24al 2 72 27 it 71 17 4 70 65 5 07 82 0 57 68 7 7 10 7 81 80 580 886 In Trowbridge division Looal Option was parried bymajority. 48 Jo y. At the Grange hall the majority f 'r was 41, and at Brit ton 64, Five 'Menses wtl be oat off an a remit of the adoption of L ural Option in E ma. The liminess ioeued for the o0rrent year were ' Augn01 Bauer, 111onkt,n ; Nathaniel Oog3Nin, Atwood ; Jaspph MVlethaneeu, Atwood ; A, 13 Wynn, Newry ; W. 0. Kidd, Lietowel race track (beer and wine license) The 1300 e0y0 1—Monday was a day fraught with ooneiderable imp01tanoe to a groat many people, as well as to a areal many intermits. The tlrree•oornered nature at the minted for the reeveohip made the reealt aimed aforegone eon elusion, althoagb the must oe0e004 that 411, 1lamilton'e majority 0140 larger than we antinfpitt011, Mr. Loohead 03018 a good run in his own division, whore he metered a maj-,rity of 70. The Grange also gave him a majority of 2, all the other divioione giving a majority 10 Mr, II, milloll, The venerable ex oolleoto1, Jne. Duncan, etoarod 70 votes is all. I'1s1130ttint Mr. I,"ohhead was a 1001 dent of Atwood, doebt.ese hart Lin °halloos, an the farmers Deem to feel that a farm r elleu'd hold thepoeit1041, Then again, two Lrb00130 and one 0oneervative being in the field doubtle033 made a dal. femme. For Reeve--- Duuo0n 70 Hamilton 466 Loolthead 862 Fig Coonoilfora— A i t oil i sore 879 Su^han01l 490 Coates ... ..........•,487 Rloltmoud 428 Soots 429 The Annnal meeting of the Elam Re. form Aneo:iation woo held on Doo. 2104. 'Chore was a large attendan0e, and the iv moot harmony prevailed. The lollow• ,n; onion were eleoted :—Pree., Jno. G. 3)35113300 ; Int Vice Pres , W. 0, Hewitt ; 2.4 Vice Prue„ H.Itunnenberg; 8rd Vioe Free, A. Stevenson ; Beo.•Trs,s., Thos. Hamilton. When Kidneys Fail, Health Declines. Dull, Aching neck nano, Scanty and Highly entered lIi'3 o, Ilesithiches and 1010,ni111 1 11114101 D30enee3 Kidneys. Atter experimenting for nearly 20 yearn, Dr, Mami30n discovered an ab. 11030te Ramona for weak kidneys. Hie 311•,0 of Mandrake and butternut pure permanently. eau yo0 afford to delay ? No, 1 our interest oompela you to nee this car tern wire now—to day. Only take Dr. Htmllton's Pille, and on absolute re. 0»very is guaranteed. In thoaeande of 00000 relief has been inetantoneoue. Such war the experieuoe of Janne G. Gordon, of Marysville. Twenty Years n Snferer•, "My kidneys bothered me for twenty years. I had gnawing pai10 in the beak and my lrmba aohed with weari nese all the time. My digestion wee poor and I had epeoke before my eyes. ...saw teiriMilegfilitgatiatUaillniffiiMMOOMMIlMianDrfigaGmerginze MaRsii.7• r'GltgN,4 '.$htfirt A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Gentle. .0 en While you are in town don't fail to call e and see the fine assortment of Goods 1 7 are showing at Reasonable Prices. Our stock is always open for your inspection. Satisfaction Guaranteed Deeds I -la The Leading Tailors ir a ''an::n, "Dr, Hamilton's Pill's helped me from the first day. Relief wag im- mediate. They restored 300 and my health's better than ever," All complaints kindred to kidney dia. rage are prevented by Dr. Hamilton's Prlle. There nee insures you against Diabetes, Bright's disease and Jiver trouble No bonne ebonld be without oaoh a valuable medicine. Sold every• whore by druggists, 25o per box, or five for 91.00. By mail from N. 0. Polson & (Jo., Kingeto:o, Ont,, and Hart. ford, Cono., U. 8. A. MID °II/N 11'AB 1EILL014. "I bad only to try Dr. Hemilton'e Pills to appreoiate their merit" writes Mies Annie S. Bryon, of Woode1ook. "My system was out of order. My blood was weal, and thin. 1 had a nasty, murky complexion. My skin wee bard and dry. The fifer box of Dr. Hamntou'e Pilla ranee a complete charge. I felt better at mice. Hi althy Dolor 00030 into: my facie lit ,.b at three weeks I waI oared." Dr. Hamiiton'e Pills Effect an easy mire. Try these good pule, 26o. per bex, or live bosse for $100, at ell dealers, ate. H4itd BRUSSELS' -Y ALII : ' STORE N. Mc xtra FOR THIS WEEK iai $5.00 Men's Dark Grey Freize Q.5® Overcoats for . . —11 only !Men's Heavy Overcoats, well made, with good quality linings, finished with velvet and high storm collar, sizes 86 to 40. Regular value $5.00. Extra Special at... 8.50 $8.50 Men's Fancy Tweed Over- 6 50 coats for , , —9 only Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats, extra long, with strap backs, No. 1 linings and perfect fitting. Regular $8.50 quality. Extra Special at 6.50 $1.25 Women's Colored Waists for , —8 dozen Women's Clark and light colored Waists, fast colors and guaranteed perfect fitting, all sizes from 82 to 44. Regular price $1.25 Extra Special at .,.. 69c 69c Furs at Actual Wholesale Price —The 'balance of onr stock of Women's Furls—Ruffs, Caps, Muffs and Oaperines=- good assortment in stock. Take your choice of the lot this week at Actual Wholesale Prices. $1.25 Men's Fancy Shirts for l..o 75e —10 dozen Men's Fancy Shirts, soft and hard bosoms, cuffs detached, perfect fitting and fast colors, sizes 14 to 17, regular prices up to $1.25. Choose from the lot at .. 75c (See South Window) $2.75 and $8.00 White Wool 2.25 Blankets for . — 8 pairs White Wool Blankets, 60 by 80, full double -bed size, pink and blue borders. Take them while they last at $2.25 per pair. Also Special Prions on the better qualities of Blankets. $2.50 and $8.00 Men's Fine 2 00 Pants for —18 pairs Men's Fancy Worsted and ''Scotch Tweed Pants, all Men's sizes in the lot, well made and trimmed in every partia- l -liar ; perfect fit guaranteed ; regular values .$2.50 and $8.00. Extra Special at.., 2.00 $2,50 Women's Dark Grey 1 . t'75 Skirts for . . — 1 dozen only Dark Grey Wool Freize ;Skirts, assorted sizes, regular price $2.50. Extra Special at 1.75 We also have a Full Stook of -- -' 1N/en's, Boys' and Youths' Heavy Rubbers and Sox Men's and Children's Overshoes Women's Overshoes and Cardigans Boys', Youths' and Children's Rubbers PR!CES THE LOWEST Z Money cheerfully refunded for anything not perfectly satisfactory. Highest prices paid for all sorts of Produce. Yours for Mutual Benefit, Next Door to the American Hotel, ®k tete '+ do sNi4e'• `+tl'r§(' cF ?t ?17ft09at1ni• tmN35'aE3tir'48raOW4