HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-11, Page 1I
or.e see m es a ..e,,..uineuuearimudeortieuv.e,t
Vol. 64. No, 27
New Advertisements.'
Looal—G. E. King.
You Won't—Jae, Fox,
Laid—Mrs, 11, eliegeton.
Comity Councail—W. Lae.
Art Studio—H, R. Brewer,
Offioer wanted—It. 8 Booth.
Good News—Fergeson & Roes,
Auction ale—Thome,* Stewart.
Stook for eale—J. P. MoIntorth.
Statement—Meteopoliton Bunk.
Home for eale—Tin, loornoone.
S et and Rabbera—L 0, Richards.
Watches end rines—H. L ;taloa.
At Bastion again—John MoDouald.
i3iotritt Aleb3s.
Turnberry Council met here last Mon.
Rev. J. Oeterhout, B. A. B. D., of
Wroxeter, will preuoh a Missionary
sermon in the Methodist aura here
n.xt bloth morning.
Art Studio
Headquarters for First-class
Life Size Portraits, Crayons
and Watercolors finished in
A 1 style.
Family Groups a specialty.
Call and see samples.
Lust Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Winn
preached at Jetnestown.
Berme of the Nerth and Smith made
are badly drifted with last weeksMoron
Penner& Institute martin will be
beld in the Foreetetes Hell here on
Seturday afternoon of next week, There
will not be an evening gathering. The
apeattere will be T. McMillen, 0. lion
bull and Demon Andvreon, a good
eadlentie should be present.
Oro seteromic.
Rev. Mr.
Armstrong, B, 0., of Ethel,
melee d the pulpit in the 'Methodist
aura here lest Sabbath afternoon. He's
a good preacher.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Dr. Rose.
of Bramble preaobed in Enos ohurah
nod addressed a Onion Bible Safety
meeting iu the same aura in ihe even
tog, Wm. Canoron presided .t the even-
ing service. The meeting woe one of
profit. Collocate will ebortly wait on
the people for donations to this worthy
aitteseintovet to .
Femme MoDouald VMS visiting friends
in Winehum and Luoknow reoently.
John and etre. Eolimier, of Ethel,
spout New Yeare with Lou. and George
of Mkt locality.
Miss Annie 8,raohan left for Pine
River thio week where ebe will toast la r
brother D L. in hie store.
D. MoDoneld, merchant, paid a dying
vigil to Galt and Shakespeare last weeh.
Be reports n pleaeant time.
The anneal Bible Society meeting will
be held in the Ball bore next Sabbath
evening. Thos. Stratum will wormy
the Moir and addreeeee will be given by
Chas. Riehardson and W. H. Eater, of
New programa have been leaned in
°anemia with the Yang Peoples'
Safety hero. The officers for the arrant
term are :—Elon. Pres., Thos. Straohan ;
Pres, A. F. McDonald ; Viae Pres , elan
Maggie Sueli ; Sen. Treats., ante Miller ;
Organists, Mimes Jeeeie 0 rachan, and
Elmo' Ooombes. Meetings are held eaob
Pride), evening.
Sox and
41 •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
warm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag.
proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
Also Felt Shoes and Boots for Ladies or Gents, which are
both comfortable and durable.
in Our Harness Department
is a fine stock of Robes, Blankets, Bells, &o., all of which are
now selling at Reduced Prices. Haruess, both Heavy and Light,
all our own manufacture and made out of the best material
procurable. Our prices on Trunks and Valises will alway be
found the lowest.
John and Mre. Cult, of Blyth,' were
viskore with Jameatown Glenda for u
few (Jaye thie week,
A. debate le emirs on the program fin
Wertneadity, Jan. 17th. Subject will be :
ellemol red tb..t Lou& Option wuuid be ti
benefit to the ciontmunity." Georg(
John .ton will oriole the positive side ain.
Mr. Monroe, Of Wrimeter, the negative
The 'Literary Magazine" will aeso b.
lead. The minim% le a live one, and Wl.
be instrative and interestiug to al .
Don't fail to be there.
VP Het Lon.
We oongratulate James eleFeezean on
being let prize Winner fur hid ellen
no Pa.ming, in tate nompetitiou offer,.
by East Buell Patinae' Inatitute. Tin
prize is 05 00.
Thareday afternoon and eveniug of
next week the Permera' Inetitute mem
in will be held here. Geo, Merdte an.
Darman Auderson will be the_ °poker.
Every farmer Mould %Heed,
I, is reported shut Dr. Irving has din
poem] of hie pratin and residence 10 1),
Menzies, who toile from the Eat. W
WC anie the newcomer. Dr. Irving
not decided yet where he Will looate.
1 elrenou w FALL9.—The followite
notes are taken Hunt a letter reaeived
Ton Doer from Ohas. Tureuna, former!)
of Walton :—
To the Editor of TEM FORT :
Dna notioe by my aflame
labei on Tux Pose that my subsoriptioi
hoe expired eo I tato thie upportnoity ..1
mantic my dollar for another year as 1
do not care to mists it for it is aa good to a.
letter from borne. Te writiug I 90081 WO
e few words in Merinos onr town. I,
the liret place it te no country for farm
iug, though there ere 'tome very goo.
farms within n few miles ot here. Th
principle bueineee is luinhering, Relent
and pulp and peper malting. Thera en
n number of large Bow mille near her.
ankle an average of 80 to 150 theorem
feet a day, principally pine, eprime an,
b,roh. As ter paper making there oei
barely is a fine pout here, worth at O.
ormolu% time bout 48,000,000 end et,.
moreasing, having added tome 1 miter),
dollars tide Mat season. They built Ia.-
Reaeou a large ouiting43p tolil, 60s1.20
feet and 2 stories high ; enlarged tb.
feitlishieg room, Melee feet, si merits ;
built large stale, 30x140, 1 etory
with brick °aerate Auor, hot and oo.
water. They inso built a large oftlu.
0..04 35,000. and a large ealphate ram
901185 feet, 180 feet high, the highs
uf an kind to Oustria. They have a eau
wet roll building 60480 feet, 1 shire
atiorete, besides other out buildings
Plane are out for two more large bnild
mite next summer. They love starts.
work on 60 meet's ef railroad from Stor
geon to Lake Tantename, Borne 3 of e
rode having been graded lest Pall. A.
ana. 'Stings
\ \
We are offering some Special
'Values iu Watches and Golo
Rings. We shall be pleased t(
show yon our
Reliable Honest Goods at Closest
H.L. Jackson
Statement of the Affairs of the Bank as at Dee. 30th,
Nokia of Bak iu airouletion..3
Deponite at bearing interest..
Deposits bearing interest
olaing Internet atoned to
Deposits by other Banks iu
Balances due to Agents In
tailed Eirigdom
887,692 50
770,204 06
1,069,814 86
83,125 61
66,886 04
Capital Stook paid up 3 1,000,000 00
Reserve Fad, 1,000,000 00
Debate on Bills Discounted20,150 51
Dividend Number Pour pay
able January 2nd, 190620,000 00
Forrest dividende unclaimed42 00
Balance of Profit Etna toss Ac-
count, carried forward 188,188 84
8,771,712 07
2,178.885 85
36,045 087 92
Speedo and Dominion notes....3 414,410 98
Depeeit with Dominion Govern -
meat for security of note Mr
oulation 40,528 87
Rohn ot and amines on other
banks 174,890 78
Balance due from other banks in
Canada 207,672 13
Balances doe from agents in
foreign oiinutries 128,785 28
Railway and other bonds, de-
beutoree and amenities 556,998 58
Call Imola secured by bonds, de-
bentures and stooks 590,882 87
---. 2,124,481 84
Ourrent loans and disconnts3 /1,661,746 21
Notes and bills overdue (esti-
mated logs provided for)..,. 6,194 09
Dank premiees, safes 0.0111 Mce
furniture 158,617 28
8,820,666 58
45,046,087 92
Dividends Noe. I, 2, 8 and 4 3 80,000 00
Written off Bank Premises 10,000 00
Deo. 80, 1006—Beennee carried forward 188,188 84
$ 228,188 84
Dee, 81, 1904 —Balanite at credit ot account -4 108,041 79
Deo, 80, 1906—Prate for the yea, after de -
dating amps ot mantmement, Internet dee
depositors, rebate on nurnatured bills, and
atter making tun provision foe all bad and
end dahtful dehts.c..,... . ...... ....its, 120,088 58
$ 228,188 e4
W. D. ROSS, Genera) Manager.
for the town Mies rOwn 111090 It papa
bition 01 1,500 to 8,000 eines coming here
8e years ago end to paha buildinge 110.
Ioulnini itself, baying this Salmi
ereated 0 large briek brooks aud aba,
re. hundred homes On the fared that
r live there have been 19 homier boil
,ione and 4 of chains° double tenementu
Parttime property and reel awe beet
inure then doubled in the pat 2 year',
eloping tliab yea are enjoying good health
and whaling you the compliments of the
teaeon, I remain yours truly,
Cu,00. TtleN11014.
W 0 X RA Lai r
William Onion Mee returned from 111.
W et for the Winter.
.tiee !dilly Playford has returned to
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
W. Mitleoltn, of Kinoercline, vieiled ni
Joh,, Robertson's last wvelt,
Juo. Monad, of London, has been
vi nor in the villege for several days.
..inage on Mishima futwo days lai
r a e
..Get.eo. Dane, ot klesniiton, wits in the
OeWin Smith left for Oweo Bound Mai
eednesday Where he will attend Salome
lie4.'. Geo. Baker, of Diaevale, wi
treseehidtg.he Ddethodiat Generals neZt 80,
8,00 Robertson, of Boissevaie, Mate, i
n. ginnit of her graudperents, Joe. ftti,
Mrs. Robertson,
houkey 01a9011 between Wroxeter
teordwich tea= was played.on the poem
Cambay afternoon.
A number of blame from Braude ano
3arte visited' the A. le. & A.. M. Lode..
iere Marley Melo,
Berry Brawn left for Toronto Ism
l'huredity where be intended vending e
890 days before retnruing to Crania ,
Skating in the rink oommenaed Mon
ay eight. Tbe waiting room has bee,
ileely fitted up 80 11101 it ie much mot,
,omiorteble thee in the past.
A. very end affair was the death of Mr..
E. Barnardwhich took plume Tburecit9
months after a short tease of Hsu aye
busbend and WO eniell ohildteu, one .1
,vtione is only a few days old, ere left 11
'noun her too, amo several preterit um
mothers and her mother, Mre. A., Me
Leod, who has been residing iu Eaten,.
, for the peat year and did not rote
are until &Monday too late to see he
daughter wive. What makes it still 010)0
8.0 le the fent that Mr. Berard re .8
erreeet lying seriously ill. The furore
..uok place on Monday afternoon to th.
Wroxeter arnetery, ,the services beim
emanated by Rev. L. Perrin.
W 1-3 ..K ERR, Prop
the front allowed v. solid building but
there Wee a arrow specie betwoeu the
nation plaaea, It is a pity the teat
mote et the 0000 Wind not be arrived at
The infaot daughter of Herbert and
Mrs. Fogel, formerly of Ethel, died at
Brentford leet Sunday aged 11 Anualthe,
we ere sorry to report. Ptolemais was
.118 cane. The Brentford Expositor,
panelled Jan, bike contained the foil.
ming. The /*melee of the late Edith
Mildred Fogel, Infant daughter ol
Herbert and Mrs. Pope, Darling street,
were interred in Mount Hope cemetery
teeterdey afternoon. Berviose were
eonduoted by Rev. W. 13. De•weii. The
Neral tribute, were : Star, Felber and
mother 1111180 01 1110 valley, Dr and Mre
Babcock ; sprays, Mr. and Para. Foyal,
thee 111. Fogel, Hrs. George Morgan,
4r. and Mrs. W. Greensidee, Mre
lanaton, Mrs, B. Brown, Hr. and Mre.
O. Wall, Mr, and Mrs. S. Howe, Mrs.
Noe, Mrs. eitalabbin, Brotherhood
Coition's St. church, W. J. Verityes
dauday school Maas, Itir. and Mre. J
cage and Epworth League 001borne
-Street aura.
New Coanoil met on Monday.
The Sellers Illation este will be held
na Monday afternoon of next week, 15th
Peter MoDeugall wan elected trustee
.1 8. 8. No. 10, to take the piece ot
Alex. &meet.
Next Sabath afternoon Rev. S. H.
()merle at, B. D., of Wronter, will preach
diesionary aermona at Ebenezer Moira
at 2.00 ad Johneton's at 7 p. m.
An auction sue of (atm stook is
tunouneed at Riot e South e Lot 10 eon
5 Morrie, to ma ;Pace on Friday, Jan.,
19.h, Thos. Stewart ie proprietor and
Gerais will be the anotioneer.
Erase Wheeler, who le attending the
-Wheel of Telegraphy, at Toronto, wise
iume for Chriattnee. Ete returned to
he Queen oicy last week. He le a ion of
i,..• a Wheeler and is Well pleased with
the work.
'ewe of the mumbere of Alex. MO
tuttlelltiu'e fannity, 1 miles North of
tit newels, have been in with eoarlet fever
.01 are improving nioely now we are
Wound to State aud we hope they will
nion be o. it.
A. 13. MoOall, 13. Forsyth end Juo.
eleOutitheon, of Frobisher, N. W. T., are
edam visitors with relative0.00
Heade in Herds and Grey. It is hinted
hat some of them may have company
mink to the West. Time will tell,
It be reported that Thos. Skelton, fith
dee, be eoid the Jaokaon homestead
nom book to the former proprietor Wm
Jatoksou, uove of B•yth, and will bold an
motion sale of farm mock, implements
etc , on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, with P. 8.
iamb, of Brussets,jas auotioneer. '
Tots week John Wheeler, 4th line, ar.
teed hwne frem Caba where he went in.
ending 90 090011 the Winte.geent the elan
da way too damp for his rheumatism
.0 he was compelled to leave. Ilar
(liege has gone from Cabe to Florida.
We hope Mr. Wheeler will improve.
Ches. Armetrong and eon Rich. of
ilumejew, N. W. T., are here on a holiday
'nett with relatives. It be 18 years since
dr. Armstrong first weut West and 5
erre Mae he was home, He bee dem
well and leeks first oleo, Raab. 8. Arm
»rag, an old resident of the Ore, bine n
the visitor's tether.
TIM Pose givee the neWe.
Young Mn Mason is vieiting here from
the West.
Rev. Dr. Roes, of Brussels, preaate
.0 the Presbyterian chetah here ia-.
Sabbath after000n.
Robert and Win. Blair spent a fee
'aye wbtb their might Jumee Blair, al -
reviotdale, Ontario, Ittile week.
The Ames Bros., who love been vieli•
me bore fur the pan few weeke, left ter
„air respective homee this week.
Rev. Dar. Penhail, of Atwood, wi,
preach in the Pilethodlet oburah here nee
sabbath eveniug. The paetur will be to
Former& Institute meeting on Wed•
nudity of next week, 17th inst. Spew,
ere will be Meeers Mathieu, elude,
Andereon and Ream). Benious at 1,80
,ad 7.80 p. 10,
D. H. act hire MoNiohol retarom
.1.,rne t rum their hare moou, on Monde)
Jen. 8th. Tbey visited at Biota, Fergu
aud other points. After having tipeu•
very enjoyable two weeks they 9011:
take up their abode in Ilthel.
Last Sabath evening Rev. els
Doyens gave a. Bele address at the uoboe
Bible Sweeny meeting held in th•
Metteidist obtooh. Collectors wet,
eppointed end Ethel will give a goer,
amino, of iteelt ea it alwaye does.
We are pleased to hear thee John ele,
Denaid, whose stare was realm!)
onrued out, is arranging to open up buei
note] 10 the store Wee t ot the Roye
Hotel here, and will be mimed to wet
wenn all hie old customers.
CARD or Trireme. — 0 wish to thenk,
through the oreumne of your paper, thoei
who kindly end heroioally toiled to ea.,
my house and bunion plain from tai,
deformities Ate W11 10h cased BD MOW
lova In Ethel. loot week.
Goma M. Mieraterz.
01 10 reported that 8. 8 Cole has per
oband the lot where the fire took pia,
from alre. Simpson end will toot a sub
stantial 20100)' brtok bleach 'next moo,
There is 65 feet frontage. We bops the
rumor wit 130 carried into execlutioe,
Mr. Oole in 1110 1000 bodo lb.
Feneonan—MoNionoz,—On Wednesday
Dee 971190 quiet bowie wedding tool.
piece 10 Ethel, at the home of Ildwaro
Fletaber, when hie yoangeet dunghter,
Mies Ii1ize,bath, wen muted to merrieee
to Donald 11. bloNiehol, of this place.
They Were unatteeded, and only immee
late relatives were present. The youne
couple lett next morning for Elora and Mil
return to Ethel shortly to take op their
The home ot Robert and Mre. Weer
Waft merle merry during the Christ
nuts holidaya by their many friends from
various pointe, Among thme from e
distance wag wtu. ulatr, nt Pertain
lit Pruirie, Man, Warne J. Ewing and
81, lee»neil, of Sheibutne, who have bee,.
attenchng the Hormel Bacot et London ;
ihe family of Jae. end Mrs. Oolo.oneh,
ot Walton ; and Miss Aggie tanakah,
Eindergerta teacher, of Termite.
Thie week the ineureas Commode.
have been etraighteniog up the oreime
from lam weeket Are. J Mel:Maid get.
36,000 Irene the Waterloo ivintuni, Wel
11051110 Mutual ned the Gore. 31,500
vefil be paid Emitter & Bitable by the
Weterloo Metal. W. Moth reanivea
3286 end Mre. Runyan will get 31,0011
on the Mona deetroyed and 380 homage
to her base. There d,,ae bot appear to
be any light a to the ease of the
Are although Ineendieriem hue been bin t
ed at esi some thiell the fire Started be
1900091 the two MONO. From the street
teat Sabbath afternoon 11, EL Hoover,
911 oon„ realved ititinotion that his
brother Joseph, of Eaet Wawanosh, had
died on thourday. Tbe funeral took
plaoe Monday alteration, Mr. Hoover
A. very pleasant time was spent at the
ow:Mortals home of Jamie Mann, 13th
000., on Tuesday evening of last week.
Mink, gaging, dauoing and Boatel ohat
was on the program. Among the gags
was Wm. Mann, of 1:18140W, Boothia,
end Alex Lovle, wife end daughter, of
Aberdeen Elotlarid. The latter are
visitors, at Peter Rose'.
Grey Agricultural 000940.
The annual meeting of Grey Boma
Agrioniturel gaiety was held in the
Canon Chamber, Brume's, 00 Wednes
day after000n of tide week, as per Statute,
Preeirlent Spar i» °hair. A/Motets of lam
notating reed and pained.
Auditor& report was presented and
chewed a cash balance in hand at this
date of 43,542.94.
Report wee adopted on motion of Jno.
Lean. and W. 15, Mu0rooken.
Oftioere for tbe year were chosen as
Preaident, JAMBS Speir,
Vioe 't Jae. Leckie,
Directors — W. H. bloCraoken, 11
Nichol, D. Roberesea, P. Scott, Game
Robb, 0. Eamier, Wm. Waleson, Robt.
eloDonald and Geo. Thomson.
Auditors, F. B. Soot and A. Stream:I.
Wm. Wilkinson addremed the meeting
relative to injury to Mrs. Wilkineon's
knee hi the "Pekoes' at the Fall Fair.
Left over to Directors' meettne.
The gneation of a new Agrioultaral
Hail wan disonseed at some length and
On motion Direetorre meeting was ar
raged for Jan lOch, at 1 p. m.
DEAR EDITOR —Another note from
Ouba may be permissible, Basing been
here since lecivetaber and finding no re
lief for rheumatism I am going to try
mime bathe in the States. The climate
here is very damp sio ao that ee,vel
opee and postage maim left in a grip
will etiok together. Good clothes that
are oot pat in the ea once or twioe
a week ore not good long. Havana ha.
one very fine street oalled the Prado,
about two mita long. But the moat of
the etreete are very narrow, just room
for two rigs to pan. The sidewalke
are two feet wide and the street oars run
along one aide end foot passengers stand
edgeways to let them by. There le no
ezonae or "beg pardon" down here, if
yea get a thump just go On and look out
for anotber. Some parte of the city I
will not describe se they are a little on
the Iongh. In the 'Gantry there le no
sabbath and if you don't mind where
von go in the city you will not find many
there. Tbe natives ere as dirty
913 they make them. Io the country you
will fled depertneental stares, good and
stylish dry goods, groceries, tobacco,
;ignore, living pige end hens and a bil-
liard table altogether. We have been try-
ing to keep dear of the yellow fever
sines we caroe here, Mr. Olegg is going
over to Florida as he don't like to oome
Nortb nail nearer Spring. There le one
lootor in the city wbo thought the mos.
maim were spreading the fever, and be
offered 3500 a piece for ten who would
stand the test. He put them in a weed
and got some mosquitoes and bed them
sting a, person with the teem and took
them and stung the henIty ones and they
ell took the fever and two have died,
The Spanieb language ie bard for tie
to geb over. Imagine being dropped
down perhaps at eleven ab night
in a oity of three bnndred thousand,
and you might speak to fifty and would
not find one who could mower you.
Every other man marries a knife in hie
beet. Mr. Editor I will not waste your
time further. I think I will be home
thie month. 301190
Eavena, Jan, 1, 1906.
r ea,
Snow is the order of the day.
A. diploma. wee received by Peter Rafter
from the World's Fair -for barley ex
Mre. James Thompson, of eon Robbie,
f Soarboree are visiting et Thos. David
gm's, llth oon.
Next Beason Aaron Eeffet talks &bent
minding a new briok reeidenee on W-
enn OU the 8,11 oan. He has %Ana site
or a blending.
Mimeo Minnie and Irina Forbes, of
nonereiff who Were visitims, old friends
and Itoquaintenose in Hallett, have re.
urned to their home, 16th line,
We are glad to weloume Angne Malay
and bride look to hie old home on the
17th eon. May they have may happy
..d prosperous years in store for them.
Quite a number of the people of
douorieff attended the New Year's party
eat 09 1130 pleasant home of William
Pattereon, 14th line and set report a good
Min Annie Watt. of Blalock, wag the
eneet of the Mime, M. and I. Forbes of
Mencrieff, Ideas Watt aleo Kota a
o *Meant time with her friend Mre. W. V.
NeJley, 14th line.
Next Sabbath evening the anal Bible
-Monty meeting will be bald 10 Roe,.
aura, A. M. Altainy and B. Gerry, of
Brussels, will give addressee end 031101.0
ie expeoled from the choir.
Lan Sabath evening the annual Bible
-Moiety meeting wow held M Bethel
aura. Addremes of Interest were given
et, Ohee. Richardson and Eli Smith.
Oolleotore will pall on the poop e for their
At the School meeting in in ft S. 80,1
Mort Carter wag elected trainee ae
unmoor to ache Davidson, R. Hoover
was appointed Searetary Treaeurer, 18
Cochrane got the wood contract @ 32 80
per oord. The Meaning of the school
was let tole Shine foi 380 00 per annum.
Fon —Weed ootnee from R. M. Done
eta, of Park River, North Dakota, turner
tv ot the 16th oon., that on Deo. 28rd he
Old his home ,ted the ()entente upetairs
by Are. A temporary dwelling has been
notratruated, Mr, Douglas' °emote to
move to Seakatelowan :district, be W.
P., next Spring where Ids old Wade
hero bope he will do well,
Wedueedey morning of this week
'Noma and Mrs. Davidson, llth oon.,
elre. Thee MaPtielmon and Jno. 590,111,
were roiled to Thome% Simone Co., to
*Geed the Nara! of John terrible, bre
Hier to Mee, Davideon and term Meleta.
man Sled mole to Mr. 5i1Ile, Funeral
took piton Thursday. M. lornbie was
well tip in yeas and it survived by his
wtfo and One son. Debarred wag only 111
is Mort time. Ile Wati 0 Metriber of the
lereabyterian actra and a highly re.
epeoled, Well.to•de Man,
length and the eelloveing notion paged,
that applications be aked foe 00011 19
partition, the officer to perforce detige
similar to those dove by A. Illotauchlin
p us being engineer of Are engine and
alimitor of texas, and that rotary be
3400 per senora. Applications to be
ausidered at next Meekinit Of the 000n.
Oil and that all advt. be lueerted hi Tun
Pear, Oarried.
Several other metiers munerip tor
discussion each as Terve Hell, Elefetrio
loght, Oonstab.e &o., which will no
doubt be more fatly dealt with at sable-
gnent rneetinge.
3400.00 woe reported as still unmated.
ed on Tax Roll, The Collator woe ask-
ed to have the enme promptly severed cff,
Council then unearned,
Rev. L. Perrin, B. Auer Wroxeter, will
occupy the pulpit, of Melville Mara next
Nast Toe/tatty evening the Babied at
St, ilulen's A. Y. P. A meeting will be
"Freedom and restriotion of the awe)."
The Preebytery of Maitland will meet
in Melville Miura on `renal, Jan. 18th
et 3p. en, to cle.pose of the oh from Port
De:13002W to Rev. Dr. Roes.
"What Chriai taught shoat money and
its nem," will be the tope at Melville
Endeavor nub Sabbath evening. It will
be introduced by T. A. Hawkins.
Th t new ofilmere In °ermine ioi. with the
Gone. ot 190. villa aura are :—Hon.
Pres., Rev, Dr. Rues Pres., B. 0. Wa-
aon ; Sem-Treas., Mos Jean Elabkirk
CoreSece, Miss Annie Roes ; Collectors,
Peroy Either& and G. A. Dedman;
Oreeniat, Miae Elia MeEinlay.
The fifteenth Annual Doovention of
the Auburn Union Sabbath School Aa.
armietion will be held in the Presbyterian
Church, village of Auburn, on Wednes-
day, Jan. 17th. The following have con.
Genteel to be there :—Rev. J. 0. Robert.
eon, Genteel Seo. Presbyter -a' Babette,
Schools ; letra. (Rev.) Stitoliffe, Grand
Bend ; 15. P. Shepperd, Nile ; Paetora of
congregations in the Union.
Last Sabath mortally, Rev. D. B. Mo•
Ras, of Oranbrook, cergiopied the pulpit in
Melville aural). He read the citation of
the congregation in referenee to the mal
to Rev. Dr, Roes, their pater A Con.
gregatiOnal Meeting wail head Thursday
efternoon of this week. At the Petiole
eery meeting at Tetswater last week the
call wee sustained. There will be many
regrets if Rev. Dr. R0103 removes ent he
finds the work of a large a °lessee
ueavy tax upon him end deairea a post of
duty wbere the btird• n would he lighter.
Port Da 13 mete offers 4800 as compered
with 31200 now being received by Dr.
Ac a meeting of tbe Methodist aura
art Monday evening Mies Ida Bailey
was appoiuted organiet for 1906 at a
Hairy of 385.00 and W. R. Kerr reap•
pointed oboir ender. H. L. Jackson was
elected Minute Beoretary ati accuser to
A. Ornately removed. New trosteeswere
appointed as follows 10 011 up vaitanoies ;—
Et. J. Hoover. Jernee lonstrong, L.
Wheeler, M. 8. ()kraal, Alfred Lowry,
d. T. Ptum, 3,'0. Wood, and S. Raney.
The grieeteun et wiping ono the 31100
debt on the church chniog 1906 Wee
briefly disowned in conjunotion with
the oehibraeiou of the 80th onoivereary
ot the elearoh next Mee Meeting od•
junrnod to meet on Monday evening ot
next week et 8 o'clock, when the ieuestion
will be more folly dealt with.
Last Sabbath evening the annual Die
Sootety mewing Wee held in the (teethe
diet °hutch, Brunet, the regular 0000108
•u Melville aura beiug withdrawn.
There waa a large Rudiment preeeut. A.
M. McKay, the Preeident, occupied the
Onitir and after the devotional exercises
made sympathetic reference to the pat
President, the late Rev. 11. Pani. Be
palated at these oharaterietios 9000080.
ed by the deceased : (1) His diligence in
the cervine of hie Monter ; (2) The delight
be took in the work ; and (8) Hie darn
don to furthering every good came. The
aactionoe Was patted to emulate these
virtue. Rev. E. F. Arneetrong, B. A.,
B. D., of Ethel, gave a doe addreae in
which he termed the most hnportent
event of the oentnriee ae they be past
ed and showed the imprint of the Bible
on the nations of the earth, bird's eye
view was taken of the different field of
abor and the important part played by
the work ot the Bible Sanity end urged
devotion and aesimance 10 this able
ORURO. Following this come e timely
talk by Rev. D. B MoRae, of Orenbrook,
who pointed 001 19 ntimber of important
features pawned by the Book of books.
The their sang "My Mother's Bible,"
and "Tile Glory Song" and a male °bora
aorittibated "Holy Bible Book Divine."
Oolleation totalled 31100. Thanks Were
retruned to lest year's oolleetors and
generous oontributione toga for Oda
year. The service WWI an inspiring one.
Dr. Monne Neelande, of Port Hope,
died on Setorday.
The overdue oar ferry Marquette hall
arrived at Port Stanley. t.
The Grand Trunk bave let the oon,
tract 10r arl eleetrichll eyeteob to opetate
the Sarnia tunnel.
William Earl fell 001 01 en upper story
window in the Brunswick Bond at Loo•
den and may be fatally iejored.
The Manitoba Hotel at Portage in
Prairie wow destroyed by fire. The hotel
wee ill led with gents, who metered in
Mein apparel, •
Harry Diamond, of Queensboros,
whose mother WM agnitted at the recent
amazes at Dellevele of the charge ot e pole.
easing hie wife, died of pueninonia.
Mr. Close, editor of the Comber Her.
old, wee committed for Oita 1» 29 charge
of (trimmed ibel preferred by F. F.
Je0oo, hie Heel in the 0100101pa1 elention.
Six young ladieretvere overoonee by ges
wbile et week be tbe domestic) voienee
department al the Coneelate Institute
in Woodetook ole Jan. 81,1t, Thie Wee
the opening day in the department, null
the unfortunate ineident wee the reale
Of a defect in inetnIting e. gee Move, the
proper anneotione not being Made itt
the beater. The htudente Wert rendered
nneoneciag end. had le he removod to
their 1300180 10 abe,
Brussels Council.
Tbe statutory meeting of Brasile
Comical was held hot Monday forenoon.
Reeve Elandereon and Counaillore
Jooee, Baker James and Ballantyne
present and duly sworn in.
Minntee of last/meeting Were read end
Foliowing amounts were preeented 1—
F. B. Soon, election expenses....387 10
Geo. MoNiehol, Fire Dept 75
Thaell Bros., 15001110 Light 108 05
W. IL Seer, balance on printing12 50
Moved by Jno, Japes, etioanded by
IL Jaren that above seeennte be paid
eloapt Time! Bros. and that they re
delve 300.00, Carried.
Appointnernts were made for the en
»Hug term as ander 1—Anditore, W. H.
fteriOraoken and J. Y. 8. Niels, on motion
of A, Baker and J. Dellantyne To
Board of Health, Wm Jewitt foe 3 years,
by 3. Jones and A Baker. Public
Libenry Board, W. EL Ilert for 8 year
term, by Jae. Jottee and H. JaMeti,
8 reef Committee will be the Reeve
end Councillors Baker and Jamee.
Finance and property Committee, the
Reeve end Cloonoillere Jones and Bal.
11901y 00.
Letter wae read from W. D. Cooley
relative to a smell Mondry proposed
1,111 as partionlare enough were not given
the matter wee teed over until another
Moved by 15, :Ames, seeacia by Jae
Malatya that 8 acipiee et the Dann
laituel World be ordered for me of
members of Board for 1908. Carried.
On motion of A. Beau and 3. Jones
the Conteil wee asked to tells eaten in
reference to having Ethel Burton placed
in a home Where ehe mold be promoly
(Area tor. W. 13. Etre wee asked to see
President of Marlon's Aid eloelety 66
Ode 0. tegerding the matter,
Weed by A Brisket, treaded by J.
Jonen that q6.00 be donated to Hospital
for Biok otodren, Toronto. Curled,
The retention of eppointing a caretaker
ot town work wits discussed at 008110