HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-4, Page 8,8•••.e, ,...., :.:,'n"""'"" ": .»w„w..zaww . , . .= . _vS.w„"'... ". "u"_. -..- _._. _.»,...».. ........- -.,_..
�w,,,:..rc,a,wvrw.wrwaww�.,w.ror,euo,®w,....w. w„mww+,r..vwW.. .. �,,, •�•-•^,••,,
Blood r Root eouh sure Standard Bank' of Canada To... -"E METROPOLITAN
=in•S'.krxex.gnxTeme:e 1$72 ma
TOTAL AssET8 UVEB, lu,o00,000
A Q.euex•al 131.10410414 Tralnxrtetecf.
No better Cough Remedy to be had than this. In the
Winter' time there are sue to be many °olds going
their rounds. Be on the safe side, keep a bottle of
Blood Root Cough Cure in the house and attend to
your cold right at the start. Blood Root Cough Cure
js uo new preparation, but a safe and reliable Remedy
earefully prepared by ourselves and hae been sold
from our Drug Store for yearn.
IW e thank our matey Customers for their patronage during
Me Mast year and solicit a continuance of the same,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOINd Boons come Hanna,
Han 9:06 a,m [Mixed sale a,m
Mixed 11:25 a.mMail .. ......1:44 p.m
=press 8:02p.m I Express 8:61 p.m
Pal 3 Itis ct.erits
A ahiel's among ye takiz' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
RENEW for Tau PoeT.
SEE THE Pon clubbing offer on page 5.
A. 0. U. W, Friday evening of this
Puma° sohoale resumed work on Wed.
San additional local news on page 5 of
this issue.
MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels
Thursday of this week.
MHesne. DAMES AND JuwrrT each shipped
a oar of hogs on Wednesday of this week
FouETH Divieion Court will meet in
a of sex week,
10th inet.
TEE people who were kinking
about the open Winter changed their
tune on Saturday.
SEE the list of Farmere' Inetitute
meetings on page 4 of Tan Poor and
attend ae many of them se possible.
ANNUAL meeting of Grey Braooh
Agricultural Soofety willbe held in the
Council ohamber oo W eineaday of next
week, 10th inet., at 1,80 p. m.
CHEESE MEETINo—The annual meet-
ing of the Brueeele Cheese faotory will
be held in the Ooaocil Chamber, Brae.
sale, Saturday afternoon of this week,
when the annual report will be preeented.
Tax names of James Elliott and S.
Wilton were intetahanged in last week's
inns in speaking of newly elected true -
tees in Brownie. Mr. Elliott ie the
gentleman to take the seat ae manner
to James Turnbull.
A. MaLeuoanni Inn,—•Last Friday
morning A. Mebaooblm, the town care-
taker, took ill and has been confined to
hie home since. We hope he willeoou be
d. k, Jno. Simmons ie attending to Mr.
MoLauoblin'e duties.
Sows Txoxos ABOUT 1906,—There will be
five Sundays iu April, July, September
and December rvepeotively, Goad Fri-
day oomee on Apzil 18th • Easter Sunday
on April 15th ; 24th al May on a There
day ; the let of July on Sunday, and
Chrietmae on Tuesday.
Dn. Ovens, M. D,, Loudon, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brussels, on the first Taeeday iu
each month. Hours, 8 a, m. to 1.30 p.
m. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight,
deafness and nasal catarrh treated and
glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tnes.
day, February 6th.
OARn o>r THexxe.—We take this oppor-
tunity of retnroiOg thanke for number-
less note of helpfulness shown to the late
Mre. Wilton and family dnriog ber reoeut
itinese and demise. To say we appreoiat.
ed it moat highly and thankfully is
giving feeble expression to our heart
feelings, We trues the Lord will richly
reward you. Yours Truly
Brueeele, Jan. 3rd, 1906,
Oen old townsman, Wm. Roes, end hie
good lady celebrated the 60th annivereary
of their marriage on Obrietmas et their
residence, Williem street, by a Boma
gathering of all the members of their
family. THE Pon voioes the sentimente
of many friends in expressing hearty
congratulations over eo iofregnent at,
event. The principals are enjoying a
large measure of good health.
MMus. JNo. MoDouaALL DEA,',—Tuesday
of this week Mre, John MoDougall, a
former old and well known resident of
this louality, died at ber home in Sault
Ste. Marie, Ont,, in her 74th year. It is
about three yeare eiuoe deoeaeed and her
danghtere removed trona Brussels. The
remains wets brought here on the after.
noon train Tharedey. Servide was held
in Melville church immediately atter
and interment made in the family plc'
iu, Braaeele cemetery. A more oxtebded
notion will be given next week.
r,.Ioeeoiouro. -- East Heron Farmers'
Institute will hold a meeting in the Town
Hall, Brussels, Tuesday of next week,
At the afternoon seeefo0, opening at 1 80
o'olook, nddreeeeo will be given by
Prekidont Mordillao, John Campbell, ot
Woodville, who will Medusa rue very
praotioel topio, "How 10 double the pro
duction and income on the average farm."
Jae, S, Pearce, ot London, will umiak oe
another important subject, "Solution,
oare add dUltivation of Leede." Evening
meeting will aommonoe at 7 30 o'oloak.
Mr, Oamphetl will deal with "Lite on th,
farm, am It was and ie likely t0 be," and
Mr, rearoe'e addreoa will be "The farm
er'e lawn and !lower garden," A tand-
em! program will also be given. There
Should be a large attendance at both
meetings, There should be to large attend
anon at both meetings. Think up the
tubjetto and oome prepared to dleonee
chem. Wedneeday, 10th inet., the same
staff of tpeakere will go to Gorrio for two
HOWrco Mutual Insurance Co, will hold
us annual meeting at Gorrie t Friday,
Frb 9th.
Tan new Municipal Coanoile will meet
as per oaten, on Wednesday of next
week at 11 a.m.
ALTnouea eoueiderable snow fell the
.leiguwg has been of little use owing to
hn nigh winds blowing the avow, which
was very light, into the fences.
A Now smokestack has been parobaeed
nt deaturth by J. T. Wood to replace the
one blown down by the wind and destroy.
ed as the Excelsior Kuitting Factory.
root Uuderosn d ar ie booming 00.
Uounoinor R. McLean of that town as
Warden for 1900. It is more likely that
Hugh Speakman, of Exeter, will occupy
;he chief ohair. People We Snow.
Tnson were 64 interments in Brussels
cemetery in 1905, 45 were adults and 9 Ransil Wheeler is home for a vacation
ubtldreo, 1903 baa already had three, from Toronto.
Mre. J. Wilton, Chita. Williamson and Eph. ()ober was home from Moorefield
Mrs. Jno, a1%D..ugall. for New Yeare.
SOntxxo»Y slum the wire etothee lino Wm. Wilbee, of Galt, was renewing
from the American Hotel. The pro. old friendships here.
prletors say if the thief finds it too abort damn Turnbull was home from Ford -
they mut get anotuer piece of wire by wish for the holiday.
mating at the hotel and aeslug for it. Miee Ethel Creighton, of. Nelsen, B. C.,
TEE etdetva,ka were in a very slippery ie visiting in Winnipeg.
ooudetmn Wednesday and Thuredoy. Ed. Lowry was at Toronto last week
J uo. Summed sprinkled sand on some with hie little daughter.
of the worst plane. Many people Dr. and Mre. Berne epent Christmas
adopted the Irish method and took to the with Brauttord relatives.
middle at the street. Miee Minnie Moore is home for a
Rm.—The members of the Zion ap• vacation from St. Thomas..
penitmeut of the Aebtield exacta, present- Jae, Wilbee wee home from Stratford
ec their pastor, Rev. W. A. Smith, with for the Christmas holiday.
fifty bushels of oats ae a Keane gift. Jes. B. Iunee, of Moorefield, spent part
People tenon generous hearts prompteto of last week in this locality.
even laudatory an. have not ouly the Mre. Barrett and eon Homer, of Wing-
tta'ttur'e binning, but also the esteem of ham were in town this week.
en who hear of nob a deed. Mise Mary Goatee was visiting rale.
MRs. (Ltay.) iioLaine' MOTHER DEAD.— tivee and friende at Seatortb.
Mrs. Jena Ba,kwot, mother of Thomas Miss Mattie Orr, of Wingham„ie the
Ureenwoy, deed at the ex•premier'e gneet et Miee Margaret Ameot.
, eetdenoe at Crystal Oity, Manitoba, at James Bitable has gone to Clinton for
the advanced age of 90 years. Some aix medical treatment for hie arm.
years ago deoeaeed had a fall, and die- W. Currie, of Ingersoll, was a holiday
anted her hap which kept her confined visitor at Jemee Sharp's, Princess street,
to her bed, Mr. Greenlee), was in Simon and Mre. Grant were visitors
Chicago, and wee not able to return is in Howiok with their eon for New Year's.
time to be present at the funeral wbiob Mrs. T. Ballantyne wee visiting her
took place on Moodev, Mre. Balkwetl daughter, Mre. R. N. Barrett of Wiog-
was born in England, and Dame to ham.
Oman. ever 60 years ago from Ptymontb Obee. and Mre, Dodds, of Mogillop,
setttiug neer Bowmaaville with ser are vieitore with their eon and wife in
Met husband, Thomas Greenway, er., town.
and obitdren. She leaves three sone, Brine Soott and Dr. W. J. Cameron,
Hon. Thomas, John and Witham,_of of Palmerston, were here for the New
t.ryetui City and one daughter, re. Year midday.
(Rev.) J. Holmes of Doroheater, Ont., Miss Feild, of Hamilton, was a visitor
,orinerly ot Brussels. Sire, (Dr.) Rollin, with her brother, Dr, Feild, during the
of Exeter, deoeaaad, was also a daughter. past week.
ENTERED INTO REex.—Peaoetmly end J. B. MoLanohlin ie home from the
happily name she otose of this lite to West on a holiday vieit looking in first
Euphemia dimpsuu, wife otJaaob J.8Wil• elaee fettle.
.ou, Queeu street, Brussels, early Friday Harry and Fred. Rogers, of Fullerton,
morning, after an extended illneee of 11 •rare visitors with their uuote, Thoe.
mouths. She had been aonflued to bed Moore, Brueeele.
slobs ootober 151h, daring all of which Thoe. and Mrs. Roes and children, of
she demonstrated the Ubrietain spirit ()Lesley, were vieitore at D. Rose' daring
and otteu cheated vieitore by her Goof'. the holiday term.
.teat hope of a better than earthly home. Master Joe Wilton spent Christmas
She was burn in Waterloo Go. and wee with hie uncle and aunt, E. T. and Mre,
marrted in Woolwich township; in 1883 Grenaidee at Atwood.
w Mr. Wilton. They lived at Doon for Mre. T. Frieudehip, of London, epont
it year and in Ooueetoga for 15 peers be. New Year's with bar step daughter, Mrs,
fore oommg to Brueeele in 1899. De. A. Currie, John street.
ceased was 43 years, 10 menthe and 16 H. and Mre. Molntoeh and eons, of
nays old and was a kind hearted pereol, MaKi,Iop were visitors at Wateou
most intimations in her habits and oe• &inlay's for New Year's.
voted to her family. Surviving ber to Miee Goveuloak, of Atwood, spent the
Mr. Wilton, who has bead an invahu. New Year holidays at the pareonage
for years, and five ahildreu, Baptisms, with ber sister, Mrs. Conn.
Herbert, Wm., Edith and Mary manel. A. R. Smith, merobeut, of Wingham,
l'he funeral took plane New Year's day, wee shaking hands with old friende in
Rev, Dr. Rose, who was the downed'. Brussels on New Year's day.
pastor, taking the eervloe. Pallbearers Mrs. R. Henderson arrived home
were Jae. Bargees, Wm. Armstrong, Wednesday of last week after a eojouru
Ubee. R•itobie, It, Crone, R. Oliver anu of aix weeke in Newark, N. J.
George McNichol. Among the Mende Mr. Penance, of Rule, has been visit•
from a women who attended the funeral ins at Wm. Martin's. The gentlemen
were Mr. Simpson, A. and Mrs. Shoe• were eohoolmatee in Somthied.
maker, and Mre, 8. Shoemaker of Ber Jno. and Mrs. McDougall, of Bowman•
an, father and sienna to Mrs. W11100 ; ville, were here this week attending the
Ed. and Geo, Linton, ooueina, ot Ayr aaeral of the former's mother.
and Bright; J. and Mre, Amer, of Wrox• Frank Wright, of Wroxeter, and Mrs.
ster ; Mre, J. Styles, of Wingham ; mu R. Laing, of Wroxeter, were vieitore at
Mre. W. Payee, at lieatorih, Mr, Wil• John Wright's, Mill street, Brueeel&
ton and family are deeply sympatbieed Mre. (Dr.) Bell, of Toronto, and Mre•
with in the going away of wits mu Moegrove, of Blaevale, were;esllion on old
mother. friends In preemie on New Year's day,
Miee Kate McKinlay is enjoying a holi-
day with relatives in Ridgetown and
Business Locals. _ Detroit. We wish her a pleasant stay.
wheat, Better Jamee Smith, of Galt, was visiting
Nonni, rioter than
than moat, at W. A. tw tea relatives iu Brunetti tor a few days
daring the past week. He stioke to
Raw Fare Wanted. Will pay highest tiam in veteran fashion,
market prices. McKee & Co, E. T, and Mre. Greeneidee, and W. E.
and Mre, Greeneidee, and Master Hilton,
all of Atwood, were visiting et the home
of S. Wilton, last week.
Mre. Joeeph &inlay, of Listowel, and
Mre. R. Murphy, of Emily Citg, Minh.,
were renewing old triendehiperu Bras -
eels during the past week.
Miss Luella liolmee, daughter of Rev.
John Holmes, of Dorchester Statiob,
formerly of Brothels, was r50evring old
irieudebipe in town Int week,
Philip Ament and Mrs. Ament went to
London last Friday for a visit. 'The
former was taken UI there but we hope
be will soon be ae watt ae ever.
Tan Poe eongratulat0a W. H, Willie,
of Seatortb, on hie election as Mayor of
that good town. We wish him an en-
joyable inonmbenoy and Seatorth a year
of proeperity,
Mre. B. T. Taylor, of Paris ; R. W. and
Mre. Matheson and dangbter, of Look.
now ; and A. and Mre. MaKeuzie, of
81701, wore holiday visitors et Gen,
Crooke' and along with Mrs. A, V. Gerry,
of Indian Head, N. W. T„ made a joyous
-•cisAvINGs BAiel+l,CV-'-
Accreaed interest is added to accounts every aix menthe and 110000100 priouipal.
Jaunt lberteett Aeeeunta--A SPECIAL OONVFAIAINGE rb ase In our Savluns 1)e.
pertinent es, the "Joint Deposit” aouuuut. Money may be deposited or wrtbdtawn
by either O''the two members of the household, This system is a great euuvoo.
101100 to man( residing intown, but more pertteularly eo to femme, we in the latter
ease whether man o7 wife oomee t0 town either eMe at toad to rte Banking, An-
other feature o1 Om eyetem is that in one of the death of Dither party she moony
Wap be withdrawn by the survivor without suet. Wo will tint Yue Inure about our-
80methods it you will gladly Dell or write,
Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw (Unman without the in.
00rvent100 et any person,
only for which no oharge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oonrteoue attention.
LOST in Brueeele a obild'e patent
leather ;dippers, toboggan Dap, eta. The
finder will greatly oblige by leaving the
deme at Miee Rose' store or at THE POST
Pub. House.
Hones blanket lost New Year's night
between Beneeete gravel road and the
Centre Sideroad, Morris, on 9th eon.
Forder will greatly oblige the loser by
airing It at THE Poor, Brussels.
Samos collie dog loot in Brunie about
a year old. Yellow in Dolor, with white
around nook, euewere to the name of
''Laddie." Any information leading to
hie reoovery will be thankfully reoeived.
ERNEeT MILLER, Brueeele.
Two Short Horn ball oa,vee for Bale.
One is 9 months old end the other 18
months ; one a red and the other a roan.
&leo Collie pope for sale. Lot 22, Oen.
18, Grey, Jas, D. McNair, Oraubrook,
P. 0.
Tara finest and most up•to.dateJewelry
at the Gorden Clock. W. F. Stratton,
GREAT redttotione in prices of robes,
Meehan, belle and eingle barneee for
mash. I. U. RICHARDS.
FOR BeLO,—Jomlortable dwelling and
.ore of land. &leo reliable pony, oars
and harness. 1. 0. RICHARDS.
Woolen 1,000 mink. 95.00 Dash to,
No. 1 prime. All kiude raw fur handled.
GEO. B. KM, Wingham.
W. F. STEETTON cordially invitee hie
friends and the public generally to melt
hie store add inepeut his fine dieplay.
WEEN saws are old dull and out of true
take 111002 80 McGregor and he will
Make them new. Mill 138. Brussels Ont,
AT the Golden Olook you will find
Stratton, the Jewler, willing and ready to
compare prleea, quality and dolga in the
Jewelry line,
DREestANtNa,—Minta Maggie Beam ie
prepared to attend to the waste of the
mime at their homes or et her own home,
Lot 20, Om 8, Ataxia, Brueeele P. 0,
We are pleased to welcome Bin. M. G.
Riohardeou and Mies Bell home after an
anemia of nearly a year. Master Willie
has taken a situation in the Algoma Iron
works and will remain. Willie ie all
i igbt,
Bert, and Mrs. Hill, of West Selkirk,
Man., are timbers at Joon Hill's,
Queeu street, Brunetti, the former's
lather. Several years have elapsed alone
Mr. Hill went West but be looks mach
the earns as of old.
Dr. -Bert. Ferguson had ionated at Dee•
boro', Grey Uouoty, where we expect be
will du w811, He was In Brussels nein-
lug Dr. MGNaugbtou for a good ehere of
a year and was a geueral favorite.
Wm, Millar and Mre. Jas. Millar and
oldest sou, of Whitewater, Mau., arrived
In Kincardine last week, They will visit
Wm. Millar, of Berrie, and other friends
in the EARS. They expect to remain iu
this notion two menthe.
J. W. Ames, of Bey City, Miob., and
Thos. E. and Mise Edna, of Winnipeg,
warn visitors at D. U. Bose', The gen.
Heinen are brothers to Mee. Roes and
were beta attending their latber'efuneral,
the late S. Amee, of Ethel.
EsReeve Dougald Ferguson and Mrs.
Furgueon, of Teeewater, were °lalling
in town and local0y for a few days.
Mr. Ferguson has been in bneiuese for
the pent 25 yeare but looks none the
woree of hie aloes applioatieo.
W. F, Scott, of New Liskeard, was
here for a short visit. He ie a former
well known Brneselite and a graduate el
Tau Pon. Mr. Sone haute a govsrnmeut
uffioe In New 004ar10 and says thtnpb
are guiug ahem* 1n goad shape.
Mre. Jane Mitchell, Miee Peens and
James Mitchell were away to Dundee
and Toronto for the holiday and spent
mu eujoyable time. They attended the
marriage of Herbert Mitchell, Mre. Mlt-
uhelt'e yoaugeet sou, to Mine Sarah
Hanes, of Dundee.
;QEditurs Bradwin, of Blyth ; Hawkiue
and (Jamie, of Listowel ; and Dtugmau,
of Stratford, were elooted to nate at the
Connoil Boards ut their respective muco
impalities on Monday. We ere pleased
ateo 10 000100 the re-eteotion Of Barrister
Blair, of Goderioh, to the Council.
Charlie Frain, who has been in the
West for the pest 8 years, is here on a
leasiness end pleasure trip renewing ole
trieodahipe. lie will farm uu his owe
amount at Craik, Saskatottewan, N.W.T.
Mr. Frain le a son ot David Frain, who
was a haroeae maker iu Brussels some
years ago.
Robert Rose aontemplatee a pleasure
trip to Cuba. Ho has been on the water
for a number of years eo may try to be
a landeman for a time. Although oat
in ninny a storm he has never suffered
ehipwreok, He has seen oonoidereble
of the world. We wish him a pleasant
tune or, hie trip.
By the removal of In Parker from
Brussels to Wingbem, the Epworth
League of the Methodist church here
loess its President, the Sabbath bohool a
rood teacher and the oharch a worthy
member. He is a young man well worthy
of the esteem in which he le bald by
those who know him and while sorry, to
;on him from town we wish him pros
Seamier Charles E. Church died sudden.
iy at Halifax,
Sandwich, people are confident of
nearing the United Statee Steel Com•
pany's 910,000,000 plant,
,John 0. Keine, be, P, P., has been
appointed Miuieter of the Quebec Pro -
motel Government without portfolio.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
have placed ordere for 81 new loaumo•
tine, six of which will be built in To.
It is said that D. Gallery, the diogoali•
fled N. P. for St. Anne's, Montreal, may
appeal the oaee and 000npy hie seat ut
Parliament during the coming season,
r.0ai1V .
OetenaouT.—In Wroxeter, no Dea. Slet
1905, to Rev, and Mra, J. H. Oster -
hem a sou.
RAE.—In Great Bend, Sask., on Deo.
25th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Rae a
SELLitae.—Ie Morrie, on sea. 80,h, to
Mr. aid Mre. Joseph Sellers, a eon.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Hugh
Hanna, late of the Towusbip of Mor-
rie, in the County of Huron, fernier,
No11oe is hereby given, pursuant to Revie-
ed Statutes of Onterl0,1007, Obap, 120, and
amend 101 stets, that all oroditore and others
having any claims against the eetat:. o.0 the
Bail }Align 1,1m an, Wile otos 00 or about th
lett, dal of November, 3002 are 1.,gnired on
or before It.e Beth ray Li anthiett•},1000, to
seed by poet.,rennin, or deliver to A, 13,
Maonuuald, of the Vial go of Brussels, in
the tluunby of Duren, Solicitor for Anna-
belle /imam and Naomi Hanna, llrae0u.0 I•.
0. Executrices el the estate of the sal
dedeueed, rho 10111 partloula, a of their 01a,me,
the statement 01 their ao000000 v,ud the
nature of rho securities 1R any) held by
And 11°015010 tuetllerglvou that alter the
anal last mentioned date the maid Mxoou-
OXIOOS wilt 3(0010510111 dletribltte the aeeetb
of the deeeesed Itmouget the parties mutt.
led thereto, having regald Only to the
etalme of wbloh they eball titan have
notice and that the ;odd lexeoatridee will
not be liable lot the assets, or any part
thereof, to any pei'500or 0,0rau0e a1 w10se
Wenn., notice anal( not have been reosived
by them at the time 01 0110tt distribution.
.Dated ut .urusoula this Mid day ul Jan-
uary, A.D„1200.
A, 11, MAULONA 1,D,
Solicitor for foXe,ltrleet,
CAPITAL—!'aid up 81,000,000
RESERVE FUND • $1,000!000
BA II We Wish
You 241.
President, Viso-Prosldent..
Tiles, nRepOUAW, 1r,L,A, are 110tion azo, w, moivrIntn11 aLAAS, $,0, add• nYRtE
00110 1rn0TnnooI
HONEY ORDERS issued payable at any $0 and under 0 (tents
town in CANADA en:oopt the Yukon Territory) over 30.00 to 81900 0 eent0
without charge, at the following rases ; over 810,00 to 800 00 l0 mints
over 300 50 00 800,00 10 menta
DRAFTS for larger amounts leeued at reasonable ratespayable at all banking
S &INCE AMC EPS nT .aver
Internet at HIGHEST OURHENT RA'Z'ES allowed on all sums of el and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager,
1'unenuem—fn Gederioh, op Deo. 26th, 0AY.—Uu Deo. 22nd, •, Janne ®mow
E. Caa•
to Dr. 5. L. and Mre. Taruball, a ' eudy, of Toronto, formerly of Auburn,
000. aged 41 years.
DtaseoN—FIenvsx.—At the home of the I WrLTON.—In Brueeele, on Deo. 29011,
Eliphemia Simpson, beloved wife of
bride's areute, Castle lain Farm Ja. aged 40 yenta, 10
Elea, ou Deo• 25tH 1905, byRev. !,'mittcobJs andWilton, 16 days,
to Grey, on Dn. 9101,
Wm. Harvey, brother of the groom, Ohao. Williamson, aged 70 yearn, 8
assisted by Rev. A. MaoVioar, Miee menthe and 6 days.
Maggie B„ daughter of Mr. and Mre.
,; dThoe. Dickson, to Oyrue W. Harvey,
of Eima. 5R V-ss=1..S aer.A xx=m'S'S,
1SooNEx—AMns.—At the residence of the Fall Wheat 75 76
bride's parents, Deo. 14th, by Rev.
,L J. G. Elliott, B.D., Mr, Chae, Edgar Barley 40 42
'; Aman, of Milestone, N. W. T„ to Peae............. ..:06 70
Miee Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Osla 82 93
Kee, Henry Mooney, 01 Weyburn, Batter, tuba and toile19 20
N. W. '1'„ formerly of Morrie town. Egge per dozen 19 20
Blip. Hny par too 5 OU 6 00
Flour, per bbl 5 00 5 60
ax»a, Hoge, Live 6 10
MoDoneerm.-1n Sault Ste. Marie, on Jan. Wool 23 29
god, Catharine Lamont, relict of the Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
late Juo. McDougall, formerly of Potatoes per bus 95 40
Broeevte, in Ler 74th year. Apples (per bbl.) 1 .60
Very Happy'
New Year
Drug Store
FRIDAY, AN. 12Th.—Ten 00000 'Hand-
ily, timber, tot 25, Dan. 14, Grey. Sale
at 1 p, m, Donald McNeil, Prop., F. S.
Soott, enc.
MoNDaY,JAN.16—Perm stock, imple•
menta, &o., Ni lot 28, nun. 5, Morrie,
Salo, uureeerved, at 1 o'clock. W. S.
Sellers, prop , F. S. Scott, nue.
8 Extra S fro -y ,�ir"•?t�
$5.00 Men's Dark Grey Freize
Overcoats for . , 3.50
—11 only Men's Heavy Overcoats, well
made, with good quality linings, finished
with velvet and high storm collar, sizes 36 to
40. Regular value $5.00. Extra Special
at 8.60
$1.25 Meu's Fancy Shirts for
—10 dozen Men's Fancy Shirts, soft and
hard bosoms, cuffs detached, perfect fitting
and fast colors, sizes 14 to 17, regular prices
up to $1.25. Choose from the Jot at .. 75c
(See South Window)
$8.50 Men's Fancy Tweed Over- 6, 50 $2.76 and $3.00 White Wool .25
coats for . . . Blankets for
—9 only Men's 'Fancy Tweed Overcoats, —8 pairs White Wool Blankets, 60 by 80,
extra long, with 'strap backs, No. 1 linings full double -bed size, pink and blue borders.
and perfect fitting. Regular $8.60 quality. Take them while they last let x+2.26 per pair.
Extra Special at . ................. 6.50 Also Special Prises on the better qualities of
$1.25 Women's Colored Waists 69e
for v
$2.50 and $3.00 Men's Fine 200
—8 dozen Women's dark and light colored Pants for
Waists, fast colors and guaranteed perfect —18 pairs Men's Fanny Worsted and
fitting, all sizes from 32 to 44. Regular price Scotch Tweed Pante, all Men's sizes in the
$1,25 Extra Special at - 69e lot, well made and trimmed in every partic-
ular ; perfect fit guaranteed ; regular values
••••••••1•••••••••••••••$2.60 and $3 00. Extra Special at.., 2.00
Furs at Actual Wholesale price
—The balance of our stock of Women's
Furs—Ruffs, Caps, Muffs and Caperines—•
good assortment in stock. Take your choice
of the lot this week at Actual Wholesale
$2.50 Women's Dark Grey 1.75
.75 Skirts for . • .
—1 dozen only Dark Grey Wool Freize
Skirts, assorted sizes, regular price $2.50.
Extra Special at -1,75
We also have a Full Stook of --�
Men's, Boys' and Youths' Heavy Rubbers and Sox
Men's and Children's Overshoes
Women's Overshoes and Cardigans
Boys', Youths' and Children's Rubbers
Money cheerfully refunded for anything not perfectly satisfactory,
Highest prices paid for all sorts of Produce, •
Yours for Mutual Benefit,
Next Door to the Atr,erican Hotel.