HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-4, Page 7CURREN1"I'OPIC5
Lord Rothschild, Sir Sunnite 111.m.
teat', and other proadennt Britiett
elms who have Issued an appeal eo
the el ow s of the wo vld tt !minim) all
eithenies for the fotenlatton of IA
• ghetto elmto have given the beet cal -
vice poesthie under the eircumstaneee,
thci signors of the aereal point
net, such scheotes aro itenractleftWoe
even if ehair fruition, acre nestle - Ode
It Is estimated that ie 11'011id comt
*200 a head 00 11101,0 the Jews a
Itussin, of whom there aro about
4,000,000, to Palestine. Where
i$ pertinently asked, Is the ?1,
-000,000,000 necessary to finance ilds
giganti� exodus to he got? 011
oilier hand, $250 wilt move six per•
sells from Ruesla to Angen
tine or Canada. 7,1 very J ew
In Russia might be brought to
tile now world ler 3150,000,000
or $175,000,000.
This puts the merits of the gees -
tion Jewe must consider in the clear
est light. Shall they continuo to
strive after the lofty Ideal of Zinie
ism7 In all human probability If
they do want of funds will render
their efforts vain. Meantime the
sTows of Russia will continuo to be
the victims of *rely species of brutal-
ity end outrage. Nal. Is their situa-
tion likely to be iroProved by impend-
ing chatiges. They have as much to
fear from the people Of Russia as
they over had iron) the autocracy.
Whatever turn affairs take their ease
seems hopeless.
Suppose, on the contrary, that
Zionism wore given up as a 'dream,
aloble but Impossible of realization,
at least in the near future, and that
the ,Taws of tho entire world united
Q great elTort to remove their suf-
fering brethren from Russia to Ar-
gentina. It might not bo preeticatoe
to remove all the Jews from R11991.0,..
It would be quite possible with the
funds that they themselves possees
and other [nude that could bo raised
Lor the purpose to remove a large
portion of then). As the number in
Rustlia decreased those remaining
would undoubtedly race:eve bettor
treatment- Those going to Argentien
would soon be among the happieet
and most prosporous members i:1
their race. The government is free,
-strong, intelligent, and tolevant. The
resources of the country are groat.
The population is as yet compara-
tively scanty, Nowhere perhaps on
earth clo „more golden opportunities
invite the industrious immig,rant, than
in the republic of Argentina.
Rumanity seconds the appeal of
Lord Rothschild and his associates
The Jews of Russia ere over half of
all the Jews in the world, Their
only sctivatiou iles in early emigre -
tion. It S001/1N, therefore, that It
would only be in keeping with the
.dietates of good sense, of beneve-
leneo, clad of that racial solidarity
which always bas been so charactev-
istic of the Jews for thom to drop
Possibly visionary schemes Rad begin
work at ance to enable the menthern
of tho race in Russia to got relief in
the 811100 \Nay that Is practicable.
Nephew of Great Gorman General Now
Chief of 'Staff,
On Geeeral Count SchliefTee's re-
tiremeut another Von Moltke will
succeed to the post of chief of the
general staff of the Gorman army,
which his famous, uncle hold for 80
years. Not famity 1)00' influence, but
Personal merit, has won this high
honor for Count Von ItToltke. Serv-
ing as a Hub -lieutenant in the Pram,
co-l'rileatait war, ho received the
iron cross for bravely. It took him
'20 years to riso to tho grade of ma-
jor. I.ater he was aide-clo-camp to
the Kaiser. 'After further promotion
he We appointed to the general stag
where ho has been quartermaster -
general of tbo artny. The ninny man-
oeuvren this ever in which the Kais-
er took aft active Tart, wove Rimmed.
by him.. Now, after 25 years' ser -
elate Inc attains the highest rank,
A woll-known divine tells how, when
he once necempanted an elderly floater
on a eloaniboat trip, they weee uneble
to obtain berths in any of the slate-
voOms, and had to cOnteni themselves
atich a sofa in the cabin,
In the middle of the night he Wes
awakened by a groaning which seemed
to 00010 from the sofa of his elderly
1110011, Sterling lin, lie, impilved if the
doctor was in palm the
The anewer 01)1)11 in 'a Snotty voice:
"rm nfeeld-rVe had- a stroke -of par-
in an instant the youngee Man woo
out, of bed, calling foe a light 'IN file
.camilee had all bernt thenteelves into I ho
their Sockets. When the light elute, fho ing 1
reverend geMleman wits soon lo lupin (Olt
been lying immodiatoiy below the (kg!) first
of a ca
guttecqng ndle, and i he drops It 1-
tellow, falling on his check, lind con. 'Palm
genlail them into a cake flint lind grad- Vont.
00113'spread tip to 1110 eyo, beige)
• AS ho Oculd not move the muscles of A11
hie ince, the poor Ottogineline All t
tuid trartsretred tho powerloSeness Io the that
rest of his side. refive
‘VIth the bele of the alewee(1, how- even,
deer, the hardened gleelee WAS Scraped tho 11
off, 31)3(1 the doator, meow:ring the Imo tho g
of 111$ Etta! inescleft, Was Mlle oneo mein
more to dyne off In steers Old 11
&1110 folks tict al if Choy woo allond tii ehin
hig a eolittlittar0 Inhere' SerViee. 1 awe
Love is the Ultimate Te
Pure Religion,
Pure religion and undefiled I
Cud and tho leather, -,11(11155 11.
Every right -mintiest and S
beacted 111/011 or Woman bollmes
that is, that man has
ties titt,h3g Mai for Cod, role
that Lied Illin to Cod, clutiva
10 U(1,But what is pure reit
There aro su many counterfeits.
shall I tell the genuine ankle?
t of the
a,forel Love." It looks upon Him as10
27, father, °lily (10011 tog the highest well-
Wind- being or Ells creatures, it worships
11) not with (ear, but with 103010-
11)0', it serves Rim, not 10 the bond-
,tkoas age of a slave, but with the h•etelora
owing of a son, it, is not hampered by tho
Slop? chains or (Mn letter. bet lives la
31(1)0 TEM L213E1157 CV '3111) srlitrr.
aS 10ha( perplexes many a p0100,) 0111)
would like to lie really religious,
leirst, there is the religion of 1)1
001, Santo persous treat it ns en t
ter of shrewd ealculathni. They
it is prudent end safe Lo lie relig
It is a good prop for the :date
makes good citlee(1s, Lt is a 05
0011) of character.
ing in the community is 1001)0)1as; a valuable aseet, mach the
as a bunk aceotine,
it may also be a passport
heaven, such persons al
gulnr o Sal \ et a of church so'and perhaps large givers, Bin.
religion of interest is a hollow 0
terteit. reduces piety to the
of '
It has the "form of godliness,
denies the fervor thereof, and it.
irreparable harm to pure rang
afavy take these formalities ae
types of religion, and they think
all platy Is but hollow show, on
ceremony, sounding brass and ti
It, is the religion of 3.310 heart, it
la the voligion uf joy. IL in the ideal
religioe of tho soul. 9111,4 10 010
"P111.0 l'Oligi011" 01 0110 1024, "1.1Ild(;.-
twill; filed before el oil aml the Father."
1,01.0.1, I "Pure religion" again is 0 life, aad
and 1 none the less iH it a fat 1.11. It is a
rtiti-1 feequent mistake to 000001va of these
tend -I as (Hamlet from or opposed to one
(men ' another. But nmenally they are 100-
140)11s ' tali.e independent es fountain to
into 1111)010 is, indeed, a dr ead oin
I stream, root to tree, seed to
,e re -i (=medial, but there is also a 1
1(:08 fait h.
this A 101105 lila is none the better for
01111- being an atheist or even a heretic,
level Negations ere not sources of life or
00 1001, "A 11 great ages," wrote
Emerson, "hare been ages of belief."
lynt rho purer, the stronger, the (1111)101'do,s our faith, the richer and more heatl-
true inful and fruitful will be our life
And so 00 reach 1110 last and
est outcome of real religion as deft -
in tho latter 00(80 of our text.
Pure religion is this, to visit the
fatherless and widows in their (Vale-
iMV. 1/0115. Ihe religion of faith and love,
who of freedom arid joy, starts in the
inks, sent the streams of charity and
0.110; good will. Ito who has it wishes all
the world to abase in
In ono of Tissot's mast orPiecos
Jesus is portrayed as ironing
through a multitude of sick, &seas-
ing cymbal.
Rere, again, is the religion of
This regards God as a law -giver
must be feared and served. It th
of Hint with trembling and 1.
Renee with it penance,rigor and.
denial aro the chief graces i
religion of the coescience and ti
oughly sincere, but its objection
that it only sees one side of Go
It s morrow, harsh and austere
makes religion a /natter of gio
and robs it of all sunshine. It te
too, to selferighteousness., It m
ufactures Pharisees. Its votaries
come censors of others. They je
all by their own herd legalism. A
whoever does not square with th
narrow, severe stanciterd, they I
disdainfully upon as publicans a
The third type is the religion
love. This aloes not, indeed, for
that God is law and justice but
recognizes that supremely dGod
tor -
, :ft ad or crippled. As Inc passes by the
om pallid cheek glows with health, the
ncis enfeebledelimbs grow elastic and the
an- whole sorrowing scene is cluneged in-
be- to beauty, joy awl gladness. So the
dge final tot of pure religion is that it
ncl touches the soul with the spirit of
010 kiedliness, and tkat as its poesessor
ook moves through tho world he has a
nci heart oi sympathy, a word of gentle-
ness and to hand of help for every
of struggling brother, en.nd thus every -
get wh.ere a tee`, of light 111111 a ray of
it gratitude follow' upon his gra.eious
is steps. ,
t doubt, still many persons twin
o had themselves been 0) 00133.0055
of the events connected with ih
of Jesus. This vast source
Men and oral material front 10"hic1
drew 111 constructing, his narrativ
re approaehod in the spirit and
I) the method of a scholar, trac
"the course of all things emu,
ly from the first" (Luke 1, 3), b0-
(1 proceeding to write, Concerning
(0 \VD. know, apart fram, that
eh eve aro told and may infer
corning him from his writings
• gospel and the book of Ants),
t, ho was for a time the competit-
or Paul, being with tho great
stlo at Rome when he wrote: his
ties to tho Colossians, to Tint -
y, and to Philemon (comp. Col,
2 Tim. 4. 31; Phil, 24), From
$0 references 010may info- that
W00 a Gentile by birth, with
ch agree:, the Greek l'orm of his
101110)0, though this was
bless derived from the longor
in m
form Lemma, 'rho character
language of the gospel itself
-8 out tho inference that it was
1)00(1 not for a Jewish but for a
tile, though Cluestiae, eivele of
ors. It, presents a chronological
0111, of the lifework of :loses, as
018 the sources available to
01)3.1101' 0111010)1 him to make. It
(11(1)1(1800 to 0)10 Ti10001111154, who
be considered l'opposoo tat iya ol
rial1a whiCh the gospel wee M-
od to influence. The piece if its
ing it is not poseilde to dolor -
'00 t, In those tines--Thet, 1), 1)1
line when the Vent narrated in
neve-ding fleet chapters wore tak-
+8,av 0008 01S--.1.1111` 010)1-3.1111(1))Roman emperor, 11, (.1, (Ili to A
Whim authovity extended (woe
3010 and adjacent 00 en trieS,
being• at 010 time 01 1110
t of her worldly glory.
13n\ 510110.Lho enrolled -
he Romeo world, it is probable
1)100,3 umrative at (110 point;
is the nettle' wins:1111g of the do -
Which u
conVeys to s a bit or
Mighty end boast fel 0313)13. of
11113. world 0)11(11)', '1(111 enroll -
wee n inking of the (l0)100)4, Th
01 w.
,coN.,H3;1 310010(1 a t[0'
11 he interesting to note the
001)010 of OW Word “erir011011,"
beleg no boOks or the kind 0108
JAN. 7.
Lesson 1. The Shepherd's Find ees
Golden Text, Luke 2. 11,
Note -The text of the Revised V
Mem is uec-cl as a, basis for ,th
Word Stiitlies.
The, 'Narrative of a Profession
Mani-Lulre, the author of the 111(1g,ospel, eves a physician (Col. 4. 1
of scholarly tastes and instincts,
tho time cif 101$ writing his norm -ft
of the life of Jesus (about Al.).
•or a little later) there alrciacly
istod, addition to the vast or
traditions clustering about the nam
Of Jesus and still fresh in the men
ory of the nest genevation alto
Christ, several written 1)00)3111110 o
the words end work of Jesus (1,110
1. 1), T\VO of these Warc doubtles
the gospels 01 Matthew and Merit
the narrative of Mark being the oldo
of the two. There NV01:0 LOSO, With
is a
are tiseileto, all writing was on long
strips of parchment or other ma-
terial, oaoh long strip when rolled
together correspotaiing to a Single
volume or book. Thh Greek verb
means simply to write down, to re-
2. When Quivinius was governor of
Syria-Quirinius is the Latin form
of the name, while Cyranius (which
occurs in the 'King James Version)
is the corresponding Creek form. Out-
side of our lesson narrative then) is
no record of thie first governorship
an'cl onrollxneet of QvirinIns. From
secular history ere know that ten
Years tater (A. D. (3) Quirinius was
(probably a second time) governor
of Syria, and that he, during this
second administration, ordered a
similar enrollment. This 600011Ci en-
rollment hit also mentioned by Luke
(Acts 5. 87).
el. To Ms own city -That is, to the
eiLy of his birth.
4. Naeareth-,t small town situat-
ed in a high valley 'en -long the most
southerly of the limestone hills of
the Lebanon range, 011 the northern
hornet. of the plain of Esdraelon, in
the province of Galileo.
g City of Davirl-Tho city in which
- Davld was bore, Compare "his 0011
0 eilete,'' veree 3, above.
f Bethlehem -The name means 1iter-
1; ally house of bread. The town is
0, one el the oldest in Palestine. lt is
mentioned in Gen, SIN'. 16; lluth 1.
- ' 2; 1. S11111. 17, 12; Mite 5, 32; and
other 010 Testainent passages, under
the name of "Ephrath" or 'Ephra-
titah" (fruitful). Ilore Rachel died
(C -en, 80. 16); here Ruth and :Boaz
clwelt. (Ruth 1. 132); and here ;fosse,
Ihe father of David, livo'cl (1 Same
17. 12). It 18 locatect about six
miles from Jerusalem to the south,
5. Iletrothed to him -According to
Orientel custom, tho betvothal was
as binding me the marriage itself
(00011), Luke 1, 20...80).
7. Swaddlibg clothes - Swaddle
nueens to wrap or wind; hence, swad-
dling clothes would be clothes weep -
pod about an infant. According to
the custom of the East, these were
wrapped tightly • about the whole
body of the ohild, confining both
arins and lege.
In a mengev-the inn --Tho stables
of the Ithait or inn of Bethlehem were
(11:00rding to an old arid not Impro-
bable tradition, a limestone grotto,
the manger iteelf being ectually a
niche in a limestone cave,
8. Shepherds in the same country
-1 trobabl,v the shepherds attending
the sheep kept for purpesee of sftvri,
(1Co iit the temple. The pastures
nemnothlehem wove the tame from
whieb David hail been summoned to
be anointed king over Israel.,
0, A nge1-1,1 Coral 1,v, Inessengev
11 Christ the :lewd -The word
"Olndst" means I 10,0011y 1111011)100)
luslee, as i I1 110,1 margin of the Revi-
sion, "anointed Loede' .
11t, A multitude of the heavenly
bost-A. 1aeg0 '00rop111)y of angels oe
other sopeelautiat, baingS 0111080
a WIllling pla00 WaS heaven. Compete)
Bali. 7, 10, 'Oren thousend time$ tem
thoiiiiand stood before 1131.1):" eorePetlie
also Rev. 5. 11, 10,
11. Peace. among men in whom he
18 well 1)1ettsod-,11:be proinlec is not
of absolute, MIIVersol motet., but of
constant 00000 to those 'whose Byes
are 00,11,401g to Cod, To stud\ the
message of Cheittiantis brings JOS,.
The litorel Greek 1114 (('01103)) 0(11 In
Ile margin or thrs novIscli Version is
altim11/ "0100 or good Weaver - ."
Setae anohnit antlioritiee, hoWever
4ead peace, good pleasure among
10, Mary kept these sayings -Not
underatanding Um significance
of all that, transpired, aka treasured
13 incitheits :her 1001nor, 1301108r -
lug them in her heart.
ttill."*"*"644114**2441 1 Itiltitpliine dthiathoenn ForDtVeriCs11800crwlel(h'ilaadakodfli ,•,.. r_
i imusli, itifal lot it dry without dust ectie
. lelcb 111Vill‘ t bullock's gal/ bus been incorporated; what Is Getv, D • OD nigh"
. Ring on it. NOTES c)' ii--FARvsw raox
1 re Renovate Sleek Lace. --Wash Mc, nillt, .DAN.KS A VI, BILAEIS.
etkit-lei n 7 .10,N, 0114 41 warm wider inlo wide!) _
rinse in 10/11 SOU water. Then pass the , ' , ..." '4' in. . ''
lace through a weak solultim of glue, 4•4nna alla '4°.`4""I'as "
MOTOR 00(ns 171PARIS, clap A wait 1110 11011110 till roost or the Auld 'Zs itja.
friVentor 'Went l'brougli Streets ut .44,...Meseltillt.a+4.44144+74 1110"(111174-1°.13 g°110,0" ..111° 13. out "(11/1Y Tbo J101611 Community Of Glasgow
Twrirty.Pive Mile Bele,
AceordIng to the London Express, - 11‘,00 toast is 11100 An* 111131101'.
SOME DAINTY D1SUES, To Rlaneli Wainuts,-Ceuek Um 11110115 sdfon"ut, to0,100;1111,0 010011u7p001.1$.1,11015 Polliall,' .
Put so WM Um ,mits are not sp111, poll out
,,,,,, first prlso for hairdressing, an Aber -
An. Eithiburgh, man has parried off
tfiJyttrisseteeinnsg tuveitteigs441101101tlee(11 ntittli,11) 011)10' 05)' 81.:1111)13a1C., Durtheichsego`3,L111;11.1 a01$11113411111,,suult• ,h,,n• c„1.78(11311,11'nitr41111., i),°I.crsitIlli,n, itiiiii:uull*IIb,polIlitligij):wliivitliir (3, man . th0 0000nd, 01,n1 a ulaagaa,
alobg the Avenue des Champs Elysees 111'. salt, butter and cayenne peppoe, ,,,`-' -•.-.., •al• Seib< Mr ‘Wl/ nhinth'S• /01,01;1101,11MoltIllitly11.110111 0001.11 OIT 1,110 pan.
end theitee te the Bois de lioniugne ii', SI'l 111° Fa° °11 Ih° 4°7°' Inla wIleu III8 Whim the 6k11.) meY l'e CasnY vilIrnved 11,78-114'1,-alitn:v-ahylOtathattln,i)118)111111d1hihhileiridotta,t
pay their way well,
The mansion hoeso of 'Blockhouse,
between Largs and Skehnorlie, has
been acquired by illr, Stewart.
°1 elluPP.1.1 °I111°I°11 14‘el, "4 °Plc.° I° 0i.fml)Pt:efmgleall4M0(110ef larahlirelsPwuecitelif'1,11hte'111selalf.-1111s1 thew, general dealer, Kilmarnock,
tasle, Mix wed and moisten Riot- of turpcmilm, cut 1110 soap nit, thin The stock In the shop of Fred Mat-
rjusuig,11nYiri\vtiti•lill l'filiiiintcjYWellii..1118 is
atnanwharnrul'ell;1 011)nnnalnna.ccifintlen:gihb1030111,10,11,1:1,i,set)xs cut,i.,, puti,,s,_Tniin 8001,..? now mem, 80ap is dissolved, stir while tenting, and
up /00 weight. (Inn naiinnitrr, con, the meal very 1Intly, Sa1180/1 WIth pop -
1 (0 pounds, baL as ma feet are 110L 1111,,,1 free it from skin. fat and gristle, Chop oil 1 ' 1- b. ' "k' - N 1-- tit latnelee on the 30i3.1 ult , whon
1'141Y l`ty slices. awl boil with the Wafer unill the
add the other in mectient • ce ml v'lli
Ito reset or lavender. 11 tvlshrd, Dolor! srio
801puilio"ple vis1;,c1 tb • . .
opening was Inaugurated
was destroyed by fire on the 1.01,11
LI 1 /I 1.0 0 lib 1111-10, fie 111101118 m°•a„,c/1 With „g°°11 grar).' l'hta
PCI, salt, and curry powder, and slight- w h WI° 'ett513(j°nrld of yerialikal, art galleries.
he death is annon....ced at Um age
4t. nimi claims to have travelled several e. 0 olusetuos und
on them. When asked what 000111 htip- ta moll a '00810011111 01 the . 111In"c,.
to travel from Paris to Si. Poloitsburg 0,01110 R001,1)8018 with 81-101.1 1111110, PIMA
.....unamgmuno, of AUChhaE11•1'1:3, 1•itev-
LAUNDERING EMBROIDEIlY. of 86 of Mrs, I -tart -let Robertson
A piece of fine linen embroidered in eenst.0111, lAymidro.
diffident, and declined to discuss the
Mx miles and the other al 30, he became In a nharP °van. and 001've hori
pen 11 one motor started at the rate ,f 0/0.1 cover with Pastry rolled thin. Buse Miks by hand, Is well worth taking rare
For 'fen caltos,--Tatie ono pound of always washed by itself, not In with the
. of mil this necessiinIcs Mal il must De 017tthios 0(xit)acetteertLitilietiitlaloyn telitoemoweacetstaior;
subject,. . flour. two ounces of sngne, two Minces regular wash, mane in an oarplon bowl jolocAt b;erat100,enthUenixvcelin.sgitywiiiiii oteprIterntlf)3r
leaspeonrel of hidden powdos. and 0 of some kind of pure soap. \Vasil quick -
of butler or chlrill,,c1 to,of dripping, a fairly hot wider and make a light suds new tinrinanj college. buildings.
STORY OF A BIG SWINDLE togi.ther theronghlv. and rut] M the lion between the bands, but avoid
piaci, of salt. Mit the dry ingredients ly. II the linen Is soiled Mb that nor. coLunacaitioll,el,r.r othottatotihnie eihmaw4epsaparthso,
Torrolloti TRE ANIERMAN CUSTO3P't beaten egg and a smell quantity of and rinse thoroughly In clean water.
- butter, make into a agg (100,ah with a general rubbing. Take it out of lite suds Ltin0l;ct Ita'n1'011:101:troeefeEntairtnibuultheipltaillh:ilecet:
Al' NEW YORK, milk or buttermilk. Make the dough Having thoroughly washed the article,
Into Mlle flu0su,sbauen rolls, 11111411 commence to dry it, swearing and vulgarity,
tions, as well as with discciurtesy,
French Dealer in Fake Dutch Master- over wiih milk, and bake In a slisrp A wet piece or embiNairlory sheuld
An important shipbuirding Morn -
pieces Ilas a Novel klethed
e upon itself and thrown in a heap; Cammoll, Lhard 4; Co., of Sheffield,
tootreanct. Serve hot, spilt open and but- never be bung up to dry; never he ne ..8 announced, the firms being
In the Parts Molin M. Ilarclouln, n et: ) ,• I .)
of Working.
John Drown & Co. of Clydebank.
Leeds 11-cl ling 1s excellent and not nat'er left for a moment while attendin 1 the Fairfield Shipbuilding and En-
g mil ng (-mini/any of Govan, and
Sir Frederick Troves tvas elected
WW1 ft silver pocket fruit knife. When
the rale of 25 trifles an holly. )1 Whh 8°1 51'1.Ve bull'11.1141 t°"I" D 10(1 out no pal, de lr
Conslonlini, the inventor 01 )11>11)' b0010, " 'In140 filltalcitalat is made as fol. • °° '11'4 "-•- "A-/1."1,,
.dispinying the nov footwear. The boots. I'll": Tfoce 0.3110 waight of fitewod L0,110ns ;v1110 ilw133) 11 drY s""cithii
r U1)111101111111$, 131 111;;;ac11101116088 '311111100.,1,1,,land 0011,11 quI;;I,),,°04,s 01 11111'1‘).(1)11IinaSa0af)vilit'iin'atuar;lisill:1110ap
long,nrpullonar.tirled ry$111 renliis ;lot 1-:;i1c.111 1; 111'011,111'1, 01 the"111,.rp", ,11`t":j1, 4`17;.:( hi"1""" n". and a Cp101,101, Of a poluat of Castile1
dllam et. ccumultdora were carried
OS 111 1
In belt, They transmit by wires 33
horsepower to each motor. The ambits
• , s . ate one egg end to something else, Lay the piece flat be-
wtll known wilier and financial author- i s we'ght In flour, chopped apple, hymn to dry travels. or Mick linen
ity, thus describes an Ingenious plan 10 shredded .suet, hreadcrumb8. a ten- Noma and roll it up inside these in midi
hoodwink the New York customs author, Sp'0010l af u tido s, the snow mem- a way that no part of the embroidery,ec,ozof Aberdeen University by a.
Ines, which he says was carried out:- My of sultanos Wilh 11 Illtie chhpped 01111 touch any other 0ert of the seine' nINC)ritY 01 1287 '00e11 the R18111. Ii°11.
"There exist in .kiontmartte poor devils lemon peel, mix all with milk and linen. In this shape it can he wrung or
Ci.D1;;;Ing a severe gale on the east Ritchie.
wlio can turn 'out 110111b1'011015 better Will in a greased mould for one hour twisted without de scier, or can be light -
than Rembrandt himself. Several dis- and a half, ly pounded that the dry linen 'may 13)3 000.8 a ketch' was driven ashore
honest picture dealers in Paris know A gond thick gravy for hash or other more quickly absorb the molsture. Inr carnonstie, and the 0.101V, 0011 -
this 10103 give orders for these 'Dutch' made dishes is ovine in
easily ade from this condition It should be left until the sniTting of six men, were drowned.
masteipleces. At the bottom of the con- M,Y recipe. Fry a mincod I in • i1?l . y. Mr. J. R. AM:luso/1 0 of the post.-
vasses tilY 11111110 of Rembrandt is placed. ler to a nice dark brown and stir into Lay the pieces face down upon an iron. ark*', Nelyeaslle-un-rYne, 11115 loon
Ordinarily the dealer sells these. 130 it smoithly an ounce of flour, fhen Ing board well covered with ttso'era1l appointed postmaster at Glashiels,
it occurred to one of Mom last summer add, stirring well at the time, half a pieces of material. Spread a clean white in room of Dlr. Kinnear, retired.
that them wile something better to do tin' of Sire* 'nr even water will do, cloth over the embroidery and Iron10 patient in the Royal infirmary,
with them. 'These nre good,' he sabl Flavor tvith ‚salt, an a lib lightly the whole surface, being careful! a 150 re ,,
to the ragged painter who brought 11 catsup. Stir while it hails for a few not to press too heavily u 0 i coramitted suicide by stab:
Eciinburgh, J amps Donald, aged 28.
them 'Put pier own name on them m minutes, and thon strain. Nicely ant broiclerecl portions. A hotpIerOntilleilaccenti 1 binf himself to tho heart with a,
place of that of Rembrandt. Why give islice,ii of cold meat warmed ;not boll. upon embroideries that are wet win pr, PO CKe t4::11110.
11110 the Credit, ehr The artisl carried edi t11 this sauce, and garnished will) clime a steam that will injure the same. A wall -known flg•ure in Palnackie
oSf the canvases, painted out the false walnut pickle. make a very tasty dish Do not. press hurd ol ft ' t, bul O'oll(district has passed away in the p.
010100 and put his own in place of 13. Plaln cmcia Scones aro evidently what rapidly. Shoulci the centre have become eason of Mr. William 00110, who 000.0aS
Then he took them back, 01111 1110 000100 3(0*,)3(0*,)('00301(10, Put one and a half nou»ds too (Irv. use a dampened aloth to run
bought them for a plliful sum. of pastry flow' in a basin. 'Fake a /1,..cl,.te,a,,cher in. the public chool for
the iron over, as this method will leave about " 7°01.0"
WARNS THE cosiroms. heaped teesp000nful or carbonate cf the linen suffteiently damp tor pressing, Atajor SpOWSWOode, lst Seafortlt
"After a few weeks Ma dealer melt soda, and iho same quantity of cream It also leaves the linen fresh and holds Highlanders., now serving in India,
the pictures lo his cof•respondent in New of lyrist', and crush them finely. Seat- the nature] stiffiless, Damn linen, dry hes been selected to succeed Colonel
ne:Ja1eslllit ?ainni'a1a °I 11° 211(1On ., and atho same lime sent a ltterter te powdev R , salt, . ,. ta n ionand quick movement -a1ta/onnAerinLin the 000101(10 enthatities ther, inning and mix all togethe. Makita are the elements necessaryto success,
thorn that they were about to be the vie. light dough with buttermilk. Turn ills,' . Lieut.-Ool Everett las boon form -
tints of a treinendeus fraud. 'No reel on to the hoard and work lightly 1111; , ally appointed to command the 8rti
Rembrandt plain recently discovered,
were to arrivo hem Eueope with the handle. Roll out into it enlce three -maw- --- alittItlincill'itoilli,i(0111121asnurelcJe.s,igloAn Ifoanctiar.,.
smooth enough and firm enough to CROWNED LINDI1STS.
Mrs of an inch 10100, and then, with a No Reason 'Why They Should Not Speak 1 gt
name of Rembrandt painted out ancl ono. ....ore3,-, C.D., retirecl,
another insignificant name substituted slump knife (21)1)150 0110 flour. cut (ho rorelon Tongues. 3110'. James Drown, miners' anent
for 11. 'Take off the upper coat of paint ' . fun counters. Brush over has been adopted as Labor candidate
with beaten yolk of egg. P.,000 on a King Edward and Ile Emperor Wil-, for North Ayrshire. lie makes the
will tind that the name of Bembratedt la
in the right hand lower corner and you
griddle or in a slendy oven, liton eve not, perhaps, the greatest: firth Miners' candidate already adopt -
Mom, The idea Is to sell these !tid Pig Pudcling.-Alix logelhoe three- among the mama) linguists of R11-1 ed in Scotland for the general clee-
quarters of a pound of breadcrumhs. 1'0'0, but they boll have the reputation lion,
masterpieces in the United 8)0',,after cn s' eeking at least one foreign langu-I The Glasgow. Corporation Trani -
chopped figs. six ounces or moist sugar,
sIx ounces of snot, halt (1 00(111)3 0! 14(0• 00141) rare perfection. In (001)00' ways Committee have decided to tako
one ounce of flour, anti a little gilded jr, noe direction,
1 on with the Ring's acoonnilistimenteI ,0 i hot action , rdasto tieitohso
nillmeg. Mix 1111 thoroughly, then an Interesnng paprak'g. rPanalli.11 irtLinhais" 13111t-5 1 wPriro°uPlu°dis‘tadintehrir°e-il-I•og-:ii u-nrcTulizit'yeegsa' with tie:
moisten with en egg beaten in a lencup- 0101- of the late Prince Nikolaus of regular services,
ful of milk, Boil in a buttered basin Nit SOX, Whi0Il apneared a few days` The
for lour (10018s and soc10 with sweet ario in the Neue Peelle Presse: "On' formed. .1lf7.8.(mtVOisit•,ergl.pub.51.4tlitatbaigt hies'''.
ful for servieg for sandwiches. Take'j 1,eared 111 the c,onel. [1,, had just come' elpetted.
day while 1)0 was welleee on Ow 10:r1 net been found possible to proceen
Pewee. Braised Reed is 03010)3 pop- Promenadeth
," writee e eminent Oermani with the erection of the 1101V post
0)111' when served cold, and is most use- writer, "the them Prince of Wilica (113.3&nee at Stornoway so soon as anti -
good piece of venni steak wet il b , •
they have passed your administration,
1 metro you that each painting Is worth
at least 8120000.
"This advice did not fall into uneager
ears. The outer (0(0( 01115 taken orf, anti
suee enough, there VMS the name Morn -
!remit,' svith the proper dote, The cus-
toms people demanded 1125.000 for the
two pointings, a sum paid contritely by
the 'correspondent, WI10 feigned great
thankfulness for being' let oft for that
amount. But a fortnight later he sold
the pictures for neerly 812.0,000, their
(11113)0)) 1101(3,' being properly established
by the receipts of the American oUstoill
house. They had cost 1120 apiece 111
The story is 1001 of a party or exeur-
sionista in Um Aegean Sen. When am
preaching the Greaten coast, the party
essembled about the raile to cnioY the
beautiful scenery. One lady turned tft,
quiringly to a gentleman at her right
11041 said: -
"What is thal, while off them on the
110 rizon?"
"Thal, is the snow oil the mountains,'
replied tho genlleinan addreesed.
Vele that's runny," she replied.
"My husband said ft was grease."
"What do you mean by 011111'00g nl0
seeenty-five cents for this peoecriptime
-for, 1111Ing it -when there isn't, over
• four C0108' \earth of stuff in 11?" asked
(he customer.
"Oh, 1110 balance is col, what I know,'
airily explained the druggist,
"For what you knew? Mild If yOli
could get people la buy what, .you don't
know you'd do a thousand. per cent.
bigger business,"
"No, Tommy," said the fond parent,
cannot irderfere in your behalf, 'Your
teacher writes that she thrashed you on
shucks," exclaimed Tom-
my, indignantly. "I guess know
where she licked me, ell right."
"Has yoor son tiny special qualifica-
tions foe a college career?"
"Well, lie has heen 10iUbstd into rive
secret societies, has been hazed stXteen
times, W118 twice nosily killed in fool -
ball grimes, and studied 181111-"
'Novel, mlncl about the rest, will
nerlitillb' Pass a most creditable exam.
"Waller," Called a 011,810111ar d
smell railroad restaurant, the other day,
"bring me a plate of fly specks,"
"Fly specks, air? We !Inuit SeITO
"7'llen," demanded the 4WhY
don't yob take Mein aft the bill or fare,"
about six p01111C18. ilone this carefully, noticed oalne a°11illoillileigr. (11 I lib% hsvaonleprinra)eos
and tie round whit a tape, and skewer iciont end at once went and shook
into a good shape. Placa a 111y1-0 of 1 (olds 'Yoe look brilliant' said Prince
shoos of streak). bacon 111 a slowpan N todnus in (tormen) after the first
Teel is touching with. love.
with to carrot, nn anion, a 511031 01 eel. greeting 'Be'11 1 •
'Bel y01111 . .
. Weeds aro a call to work.
y, an a turnip, all sneed thinly. (her careful, nen look too brIllinnt. I The immovable hearts move th
Add a good hunch ef sweet horbs and llelleve you are getting stout"I know f world,
snIllcienl, stock to cover the bottom of 1 know,' the prince or Walos reputed Tho blue heart always has a block
tho pnn, Slew the meat very slowly with n &MI, and looking Nikolaus up shy.
\Till h°711-Incirker tollt°111 OPielactiemi,1 w?Illi nwebizksj 041111,1 down, he added, '1 011Vy 3,011. HOW 1 331(1 empty faith is usindly made el'
on it. Slend.1111 perfectly cold 071(.1 trim ohart3g'edu nrnabneli.)1140 5 dItillingY0i11110 3100 IT few ' 8°011;;CeibiLesi..rar:ORI: get wedded to truth by
i11110,o shape. 13001113)sh aver with glaze and 3 ears. The university slang comma flirting with doubt.
, :Dom 'not, a bean,' with whic15 not even The O'llv wet* without honor in that
HINTS' lee,711 ;1113 DOME. 11 onfm nines 1811(lnual 1111IUosfill411t.1 (110r1111111sItgi 11%111111'1Ya pp°0u,ot I
1 1 yen. 0 mien IA are unfilled, impresse 1 1 Getelialicierhinaheon\lp‘rvaie,:natiflowni%),:e8,1;,‘:iiiing to play
Wine SInlos on Linen may be, re.' rn1 Otter liiiind 11 ditriettll 10 keep 111 1 i ile Is blessed with tortoni: who has
mewed by bottling the affected part In solemnity 0!3)1C) prosorthod to Mei teellate 1 to hoar misfortune.
milk boiling on lite fire.
commoner to nic prosonoo or royally. The tosses of truth aro 0101`) prOIll•
010 proportion of half a Milt measure
trihr3cidt kaTiesotilk‘n;loCi!i sant ‘tvediscsc!liv1 edh 0111 \lila, fieilt. 10nve
To Prevent Chilbtains.-Reak tho feet Aftnr the Pchre 01 Woh''' hurl taken i able l'ilfm 1310 guln8 cir tril'ic:,,n rota
8 yomutirciellil,nuile ailrloaltiirotdheourEiiitrolilis11010 10.Tnignici: bomr:,ll'ils,1,101111eloil,wr?,iiil, Pmroollnnottlelli,l;fl
I expreesed in my royal host mvt A num who is honest for poiloy will
of salt to one gallon of wn ter. with such perfection ns to be Milo to . rolls will he 3011110 allari an wings,
O noeture made by 0111,1171(1(0 Rase, reduralness. '.0111 why 4,011hi 1,,,1 tha t, date il 1101-01`110048 IO 11,11'01.1NO 11solf,
gmoth in 01.11,..„,40 (1(51)111' 10, 0)3(06 1,0 1,3, rolloquInlisma with entire caso end: .NA:,,,11010'innnunnitl,ftiftolnik isf,,,)113,iiien,:11)170mnm(olirt:si
rains 01 0001ate or 310101?) 10 ma, 1)11)1 Prince of Wales talk 0,10111011 just as , e
qf rosemary. Apply this to The skin, wiill as we On,' prtner Nikolaus Nam i rim, kocr, yo"r whiiiinvs troo from (hist,
moons tee fee 00 moo 0$ )0851)110. 'Mmo'ther wee half flerman, his 1e-1' Newheve 518 Ii10103' (TOMO aTo eenOid?11Piniings.-1koe0101011110113,', and 1 thnk 10 /heir hmetitseppointng mrage then n to mTroOrardl'(1100 potao,scla11lmt,ary1jaam1
11.03,' talk more aorrnan then linglish.'"; llt"crl•
clit in half, Will) the cut stiffnce rub No less a polsion thnn Jules Slalom! Molly tlf 11S "'Pt a ‘1°13 "'nil a hcen
the Painting gently. A.5 its surrime gels Ill° r100011 Philt)snrhev. beara 01I10189, ear foe ner prayers and a dull eye for
which should ba wipe(' off with a soft ..A." Ina (010)1(11, 3(01)1310). 111 110° ll, i
dirty cut off a slice. A lather will form, Ir the mastery which William IL brie i 0131/41111ehnc:11a011;ficys.1,4 rondy 3,1 am in ihe pan
rag, or old 81111 handkerchief. Simon was nt ilorlin, and on several oe i it ins inninnil shilii nninli "1in livi'd tn.
For a, Sciambook Paste. --Dissolve °'/giqls hn4 inll clirlyzi.Psn I inils \\*1,91.! tlicrs°1.(1»aoln;ign that vou will got along
slowly In water'a Vero of ,0 ntroon glue' f1:13;11c11111,31).7tvi'iswt.T.enliorrhT:dihehinplmtp0ey„,";1, with the angele 1100.011$o no WM cad
Ivo Inches square, adding unwell alum 81,031(0 ths ,,,,,,„,, pi,nk:ii,,, wi;‘,0 g„ g,1 along with Volt hero
in powder (IS glue. Then work half a leespoonfill of 11(011' into ci postwith ji.oi,rnae',, Aoc,dsmilim ',„,' ),,ssnd ihta u you er3.1)0,001)1- of thecerth yo
ia11115,08 101151 not 00103)10111 if you get a gooda tittle cold \atter, Str 011 to.olhor and bd bon 01)3)1)foten veers bY stalking riotv and then
abrohill allittot(11:ips0001)viettrilli or oirhn aolf-ni_otsoLoosolt1„,' a Franc!) 1maial, erf„vo y011 01,0' r'110111,ai 1.the inim who tools he Is throwin,4
" ' in; inn uso tin incorroet expres.sion?" th4 It -s''43' linnicY evelT 11"10 hi) P"Is "33010
la‘;:eolliecireyl'..leave$ make a (tendons flavor- Ni, %non, "And 003,1)1, 0,,,, ii R., 11, • Own caw,
I Emperor asked. "(1)113'(11slc.,,,,l, 037" 3.13)1
, in the orfoi•Ing is probably right in his
111(0 when the bleached (0(30)')' 35 not pro- mnissis, who m
80000 i,arpri$,,,,,,d, 5,401,1 I A big man's wreath on a 111 Ile mares
01)11101,'. These may be dried and 00311on. 0when vein, meieely 0010), ,ws , held seen slips down and becomes a
100)13'3m'05e in brown 0'1°318 01'sleWs. have met in miller to havc. a drinking nnaaa an bla ncalt'
Tho not -Plato or tilo 1(1l51011 83 000 .,Mit. ((1odettler,) Bid godailler hitt
may be cenaked when eery hot by cold good prench wom,it the Emperor ar.
water being upset on it wbon a heavy
saner:pen Is hying placed on the stove. agityleocide"rilela‘rlvoilini 51,111 11.1-fl'Itilueilllebt"int feiticli,l;
: A Dish of Charcoal placed in it leerier used 1101111e1' 811 (1)0 Aeadoinie. or in Lica.
will keep the articles stvert and whole- dem Ical tirilWing-voonle," HUI 1'1'0110.11.
some almost RS Well ae lee. Outvoted moo pooled. iiAin Not; .1 win 10110
i$ n greet disinfectant. Change IL about nolo or this. And was that my DM/
once iii len days during worn) Weather, mistake?" "1 swear 13.' wart," said Ill.
To Restore Tour Kitchell Stove 10 118 Nmort, and the two parted the best of
mama( stale, serene orr oli !he grow, friends,
dust, ami blneitle,ail with parailin and
in in n i(1e flist, then will) strong 10111(8-4----
ammonia and plenty of hot soapy water,
When theroughly dry, mix blacklead
with turpentine and apply in the orclitt-
ary Why. A man doe:mit erderboing laughed
le keep Silver Might,- elean it. Iholt, at by it crowd oldest, Ito gets paid for
oghly, rubbing lastly with 8 clean soft It. .
The Steep' of Suceessrul Ittan
A prosperoes 1000e1t isn't always 11
prosperous feeler.
-4 1.1011(05 (110 OP LONDON.
. 13. is not tow for But lirst limo that
London's C.ouncll is proposing to take
over the responsibility of lighting its
streets and tionses. In 3 716 Mc old
common commit . thought itself most
ohne-spirited in passing an act by
which "all housekeepers Whose house,
door or gatoway reonts or lies next 101
(my street, lane or public passage or
elaoe.of the said city, shell In every dark
night after cacti full moon and the
seventh 11(01)3. 413101' each new tnoon, set
or hang out !One or Moro iighlo, with
sufficient cotton wloks, ot. penalty of