HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-4, Page 5WINGHAM
is a Binh -grade Commentlal Shoot,
'Mire Cetu ars ;
Conan ero101 eitenograpby Telegraphy
Wt'ito 11E0 s1'OP'I'ON, 1h•I1101181.
i'Q46=5.d$ t3tl''
41 Ono Hundred more Young Alen and
te W. men, woo aro 0 )18181008 and on.
U turprlafug. to quality in the
for the many positions open to all et
those who are tburengb'y prepare' to
, Accept them. A six mouths amuse
In Ellie u Mega meant for a young man NV
(� of the right kind au adueatlo101
`1 equipment better than many Grades
'r1 or proleselou0 in nmuoy enruiog
power. Students admitted at any Py
time, Oirculars free.
W. J.10 LLIQ7r1, Priuolpal, gi
1Ys�RL".Rt9r-te� $ ii`H?5r tt'g' k:5--� 2si
84uccosscr to lir. J. A. MONaughton
itrllaeelfy Ulltnriu
Crudest° of Polyiiituio Poet Graduate
Bubool of tlodioiue mud 8nr90ry, Now York
Member o1 College of Phya 10118 and Bur-
geons of Ontario.
011loe and reilldam° same 0e lorwbiiy 00.
11014011 by Dr. eloNaugbtou.
Diseases of Women a specialty.
1'1000 No. 21.
`'V% Yl. MoC1ZA0I ] N—
V T • lsouor of Marriage street,
Bru. OI.
000 at Groaory, Tornberry 84408, Brueools.
C. 0. F.
court Priuooes Alexa..dria, No,e4, 0, 0. le„
Biennials, meets to their 1,8190 Room, B1as-
hiil Stook, 011 toe and and last Tueedap0 et
Dann month, eta o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JA8, BIIltembete, U, 18.
A. N. 181NLL1011, 11. 8.
Iosuer of Marriage Licenses,
1. • HER, evIll ea for better prices, to
batter men in less time and lees Charges
than any other Auctioneer in Beet Huronor
be won't abaege anythiug. Dates mediation'
pan always be arranged at thio office or by
normal applioatfon.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the ofaoe of Tale POST, Bruasele. 2281
\A • Honor Graduate of the Onterfo Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat an dis-
miss of domesticated animals in a aompet•
out manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry toe Milk Wever. Oa118
promptly attended to. 011800 and Infirmary
—Pour doors Northof bridge, Turnborry et.,
.l]..• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
b0oaee08r to C. P. Blair. mace over 8tee-
dtu'd Bank, Brussels. SoliettOr for Metro-
politan Bank.
V 8' • Barrister, 8olloitor,,Oouveyanoor,
Nobmry Publlo, &o. Olfoo—BtoWttrt'8 81000
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PnonnsooT, If. P. BLAm, R. 0. Hiss
GOffices—Thom for orlyyt melded by 1eesre
00181111100, ONTARIO.
DR. R. P. FEiL.D,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
8nrgeoueol Ontario end Past elms Honor
Graduate of Toronto Univerettyy, 081100
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
tl Winter Tefvn Opens Jan. 2
This 1s nue of 100 best Oommeretel
ono Shot thand. school( l0) the Domiu-
41 lon. Our courses are thorough and
.- Many Bt0 innae
ea met
la ploy our 10.dUat09 1s Weaken. All
our gruduntes secure good posiEloue,
11 Write for free catalogue,
No easier or more pleasant way than
86 inhale "Oatarrhazooe"—it stops the
oold instantly, blears the nostril( and
cuts but the phlegm. Try (,atarrhozoue
Our Olu'bb ug List
:Cott POUT hoe made errangomente bo
club with all of the teedfn9 W00101100 and
Deities end other Jorlrnitle of every
Tula Pea and the following Lamed
papers wilt be sent /rem Low toad bee.
Slot, 1900, for the prase of outs year'0
dubseriptwu ns follows :—
PoS'1' and Toronto Giotto $1 05
11 1, Maf1 01141 Empire l 76
" Free Praha. '1 090
" Fatuity Herald dcStitr1 80
Montreal Wltnese .106
" London Advertiser 1 60
Werk'y Htu, 1 80
u u Farmoro' Advocate 2 36
PORT and rho News •161 00
" 1 13ber 185
Globe 4 60
Moil 14110 Empire 4 60
World 3 10
A;1vertieer 2 85
When Premieres cruiven with nu of
9 Y
the above named publioatione you secure
them through the oaub with Tun Po018.
Uall at the Oleo or remit the (00008111
by P. 0, Order, Express Order or grog.
istored letter, addreeelug
Tats POST,
Brumeel0, Ont.
Yam], ;teivo
HOLMES ET AL VS. 13Artme.—This was
au action heard at the tem -Jury sittings
f the kWh Uonrt of Justice at dtratfora
un the 18th nit, before Hie Lordship
Joatioe Street and Wail brought by Di.
Hermes, George Edwards, W. M. 13110
0,000 tend W. U. Smith, an of Bremner
who are the 00aeue0 of oertafe laude it,
the tutvneilipe of Grey, Elmo acid Logue
including the lands 081810 do(0l10110,,8 00000
ed oy them for the purpo.o of drilling
and operatieg for p060010um, After the
defenuaut had eigued his loam and baa
(maimed the ptaiutiff iu setting up their
urtllui9 maubtuery and had 0omtneu00n
pamp1114 water the lndteatioue of the
presence of petroleum became eo pro
immured in tb,ir diameter ea to land the
plaintiffs to at Duce procure the eeryiMae
of en expert and forward fur analyst',
.am9000 of the water taken from the wen
and the reports from both the cheesier
and uualytiu1l chemist were quite
pooitivo as to the iudmtitious of oil. '!ho
defendants on beoomieg aware of it
Immediately ordered the defeud,ent,8 off
1110 laude and refused then and there to
ellaw them further to pr0080ute their
work. An injunction was at came iaeuen
and served wbieh the dofondsut defied amu
rue notion then pretended ea above. lila
Lordship in 900809 judgment in the plain
tiff.' favor oumrneuted strongly on Math.
ativatiy and wrougbeadodue0s of the tie -
tendons in resisting the proems of the
Court and oleo added that the defend-
ed might thouk 8bo plaint-ff
fur their lenient)), in not haviui
then moartl to commit him en jail to,
i sobeuieuoe of the Uuurt'e order
Judgment wars awarded the plaintiffs
for damages ler dofeodaub'o interfere0o.
end iujuuotion perpetually 00010144one
him from further iuterrtlptiou and ful
ooete of the 00ttou. Tina 0nti0n being
to all intents and purp0aee a teat ease
m this l000lity at Meet, este at re -t the
validity of the plaiet,ff0' teams in
the above townehipe and their rights an
cite re0p00t• herring been fully emote
tied by the Oourt an applioatiou for
incorporation will be made at mate an18
when obtained the work of devslopine
and folly opeui0g up for the interested
public), thin new field will he proceeded
with at the earliest possible opportunity..
Wm. Proudfoot, K. 0., of Goderioh, re•
presented the p amt,ffa and J. O. Making,
Of Stratford, acted for the defendant.
Mentos BAND.—The little Stare Mts.
slim Band, of Melville church, Brenda,
geld their 101,11 auniversory Birthday
party, recently. Tea was served from
6 to 8 p. m., fathers, mothers end grand.
parents were invited mud the school
r0003 wail well JIMA. Atter supper an
enjoyable pr09rum was preaeote0, with
the Preeideut, elisa Lizzie Roes, campy
,11g the chair, as followd 1—Opening
exeroiees 1 report by the Seoretary, Katie
Deadman; fiend started iu I895 with
100 mambere fu let year, only 17 of the
original 13aud oro now members, 90
members thie peer ; Treaeurer'e report,
by Treas., Bertha Rosa, showed $12 28
as the Birthday uffenon, and $4510
raised by the Bond during the year ;
°horns by Primary olase "Jules love.
000" 1 recitation of welcome by Label
S1rauha11 ; 000itatiou, ''Heathen Chil•
dren," by J. Wilton ; mieaionary diel
ogee by Laura Strachan, Oora Bell and
Mary Robb; recitation by Annie Mc-
Laughlin ; missionary song by Duda
Karr, Edith Toole, Nellie Fox, Isabel
Streohan, Stella cud Ada Moore, little
Stare joining in the ohorn8 ; 100160tion
by Juhuuie bieLautiblin; 000100tiou
"When Mamma was ill," by Betd,el
Kerr ; dialogue, '''flee Night Before
Xmas," and chorus by 7 bays and eirl0,
fbe song, "Making Taffy" was well
given, also "Xmas educe but once 0
year" ; the Ohriotmae aural out0ide the
poor woman's house was very sweet ;
reottation by Annie MoL0uohlin ; red.
to8iou, "Just like a little old Woman,"
by Jennie Rabb ; dodioatory prayer
by Mrs. (liev.) Ross; Good Night drill,
by Dodo Kerr, Isabel Strachan, Ada
Moore, Nellie Fox, Layette Ballantyne,
Edith Toole, Dont Amelt end Alga ale
Kay. The latter blew out light of her
oondle and jumped into it ()radio. .1218011
little girl was dressed in night dreea
and °up atm hurried doll (deemed ditto)
t undle in right
lighted u nue k
in k
bend, It watt well done ; speech by Rev,
Dr. ItoS%, He oongratulalad the band on
their 10th aunivereery tole the world
wide work of minions in New Y0r11, etc.,
1 10 miles inure
n be
hoped their $46 d ev ti
of I and
India d t children
te to
of light
(Mina. Dr. Rasa 91100 the little Stare
it motto 4 m0ub0 ago, several reinetrt-
bered it, viz. "Onward and Upward." Miss
Ross, the president, then presented a
handokerohlof to eaoh of the 4 girls who
had attended the 12 meetings of the refs.
hien band during, the year. They
were ;---.1700 (lobar, organist; Katie
D00dmn,r, Seoretary, and Edith and
Irene Toole. Vote% of thanks were
moved by Natio D.edms.u, emanated by
Joolt Leokto to Mimed Smith and liftelio
for deilli01 the bond. Jae, Fox, the a
parent, moved a vote of thanks to Mise
Ross 1011d Miss J. ffabltirk fur their onto
and 1000/0119 of the '•Little Soma.1
Motion watt xeaun,lad by (1, A. Llandnntn
Altera tlitdldmoue vet, the 1njoy,blo
and edea 0(lul 10ee1,0, W118 100811,1081
by a hymn and Dm bourdiuvice.
12 Glee't try d+.
It manor--Peoteree.---'1'Le hum 05
:dm Jona Lruut r Jena
et Palmeri; oro
t0) woo the 000110uE It blippy eVOW, When'
Dor ynmtgeet daughter, I4zabeGh V.
united in marriage to Demme U. Robert.
Don, of Belgreve, the oeremany beteg 1
performed by 1100, Dr. Heuderunt. T1o,
bridal party entered , the drawing room
00 lolille Tillie Wilkinson, of Bt•Igra90,
played the Wodd'ng figural, and took
their Mame beneath It pretty arell of
evergreens and wedding lens, Jol'n
Robertson, brother of the groom, eCied as
groorn0mlte, whsle Mies Pearl Anderson,
of Balgr0ve, wen bridesmaid, Tho bride
Wath given away by her y000900t brother,
Garner, Bride wets attired in a h'"1d•
aurae dress of blue silk, trimmed with
white silk applique and made n very
pretty pl81810. After t110 meal 0011
gr0tulattoue,supper 8100 nerved in the
dining room which wee prettily
deooratod with evergreens and flowers.
1118o presents were costly and numerous.
Evening was spent fu games and mesio
until the was email hours, The yeueg
couple will maks their 00sider,00 in Bel
;rave, with the best wham of their
many friends. The bride and groom will
be home after Jan. let.
VV rOXte otr.
HYttENEAL.—A. quiet but very pretty
.veda1ug and an meet, of more then the
001100 degree of interest was celebrated 01-
18(tie bomb of Jim. and Mrs. Bray, Robert
old Eaut Aveuuo, Uiomiltou, et 8 80 on
Xmao Day, their deu9810er Sera becoming
1110 bride of W, E, Dodeou, of the dame
city. About 20 guests from the city and
outside points were present for the happy
000008ie moat of them being relutived of
the 10ntre01i05 parties. Holly cudroses
formed the principal feature of the
.1000180Eim10 which were very pretty.
Jibe bride, who was unattended, was
gowned in cream and carried. a shower
b0quet of rosea. The oeremouy was per -
funned by Rev. R. J. Treheveu and was
tol,owod by the (customary wedding
limier served by Howard Bros., enterers.
VIr, and Mrs. Dodson left on the 7.05
train for St, Marys and pointe Wein
amid It shower of aougrnteletloue, The
mine's' Noble away dimes was of dark
green broadoluth, Oo Glair return they
will taste up their residence i0) Hamilton.
Phe bride will be remembered by mauy
l,, this locality Ne the bray famiry were
residents of Wroxeter tor eeveral years.
liar many old friend's here W3081 her and
her hombend =toy happy and prosperous
That's why it is sure to cure oatarrh.
You see it goes direct to the source of the
tioeaee,—it's healing vapor repairs the
damage caused by aa8arrhal infiummotion,
••Uatarrbozooe" always mires because it
goes into those tiny cella and poseag00
that ordinary remedies °sn't reach,
goes where the dieeaee actually is.
hnpoeeible fur "Outorrhozone" to fail as
any doctor will tell you. Don't be
misled foto ebiuking there is anything so
good as Catterrhozo0e,-1100 it and you'll
10011 say good. bye to catarrh.
Mies Emma Boyd will teach the
VloIeOWOrth eollool.
W. E. and Mrs. Greeneideo and blaster
Hilton, of Brantford, are spending the
uulidays with their parents, E. T. and
.41re. Qreeneiden.
Miss Lizzie Thomliueon, teaober of
the Studer Department, was presented
with a handsome gift, 0000nepaoied by an
appreciative address.
Bid 1,eman, who is working with a G.
C. R. o,0atru0tion gang eroding Dement
abutments on the line near Brantford,
was a visitor ret the home of bis p0re8t0,
R. end hire. 21000180,
Geo. P. Greeuside0, who hail been head
ohe000anaker of the Tyrrell (beeae factory
the past 000000, is home for the Winter.
George hod it eueeeolnl 08x800, and has
Ween re engoged for uext year at an in•
ereaeod salary.
Arthur 0, Anderson, student of Tor.
-onto Varsity, spent a portion of the boli
daye with his nnele nud aunt, D. G. and
.Vire, Andoreou. He le . a British
Oolutnbie lud, his home being in Sum.
reedited, 13. 0.
Samuel Leybourne, who is visiting at
J. Morrison's, met with a misty accident,
Sunday, Duo. 23rd. He wine drivlug with
Julio. Ovule, and whet) in front of Geo.'
Fisher's reoidouoe, the horse shied, and
threw the oo0uptinte out of the baggy.
Mr. Laybuurue was rendered pertiotly
unoons0ioneand had a rib frlwtured. He
lett pretty more for a few days.
Virilia lawn.
Arthur Cummer of Pickering, formerly
of Wingham, has been ordained Deacon
by His Lordohlp Btohop Sweat man,
Wingham Curling Cinb have re-
oeived an invitation to compete in the
Forgue Bonepielon January 16th, 1701
and 18th.
A pleasing event 0000rred on le meant
evening when the employees of IV, J.
Greer pt•eoeoted him with a fine quay
tered oak melting ohair, as a Christmas
Tho annual 1aottieh oonoert of the
Sone of Scotland will be held on Tuesday
evening January 9081. The talent will be
Fools Beaune, concert tenor ; Mies
Grape Murry, eloottcioniet ; Mrs, A.
Gillis, minium : Jae, T'ax and J. F.
Cameron, 0000ediana ; piper MoDoo.
ald'end Misses Moble 018,1 Fiore. MuDon•
aid, Highl8ud demon,
The following (Aims were oleoted for
the oomiog term in the K. 0. T. M. 1-1'.
Com A. among • Dom., It N.
U m J. Z
, r ,
Roodlotmo ; L. Dom, Routuaon •
K., 8, W Dodd ; Chop A. Kelly ;
J. P. Kannady ; Berg., F. E. Sell; M. at
A., .6., t0ioNev,n ; lab N. of (F., Geo,
$riglely i 2nd M. of Ge A. E. Bitnmene ;
Bast., Tl, I11, Stannous ; Pio„ 8. W.
Lloyd's3Door Faddy hail a nartrow
00atepe from desernotfml 000 Thursday
evening of last week. Abed seven
u'oloak, Mr. Herr, the nightwmtohman,
dimmed flames .hooting np around
the oiler, and (010181 more the 018.00.
U (prickly 6 v
The llreinee were promptly on hand,
and in a very short tines had two linea
of hose reedy for aotioo, The fire was
soon under control and very little d0mago
was done. Had there been no person in
the fhotory, or had any delay been
omitted, the whole building would soon
NOT WIT 110Ll nom
"There is a prior woman in this
parish •appal'o11tly just waiting fur
deal il 14 carne through consumption,
She has not the means to go to a
Sanoterinrn, or she would probably
lie at one before this, Site la still
cuoy,aratively strong, wants about
(g'11to it lul-.drit'oi sometime, too
but every day, of course, leg rutviut
0811x00, 1Vouh1 thm'e ba any po00i•
bility of her Luing; lrthen dire your
Iio11,e fey t'onsulnplivos7 it would
Lo u ite 0)y if the ',odd be permitted
to enter it. I would much uppreeiatu
an early reply', as every day motors
so 1100,ll ""Rxv flamed,. S0'•rrox,
Incumbent, 13elu,ont, Out.
I.(XIr't' TWQ AA.it1o1TIMAS'
"1 tun advised byDr. J, 0, wilean
to write yon 110nael•ning how soon I
could get toy wife admitted to Con-
sumptite Hospital nt U180ve,r1801'st,
(0100) please send me ptuni,hlot re
tarots while there, I have been told
that it is free, s0 pkane lot 811e hear
from you soon (18.possible. I leave
lost two daughters, and my wife eon•
Meted the dimes(' from our oldest
one, who died ton months ago. I
ren a narking than anti not nolo to
pity a high rate, but still anxious to
do what I can." —24. CAt1l'n'IlLL,
Loudon, Out.
i The above are typical of scores, indeed hundreds,
of appeals constantly coming before the trub'tees of the
a ita
for Cogstimptives
g No effort is being spared to meet every call. . . .
�1JNot a single applicant has ever been refused admission
to the Free Hospital because of his or her poverty,
and the anxiety of the trustees to keep none wai:'nc,i
is shown in the decision reached a few weeks ago
to increase the accommodation by twenty-five beds.
—'A':'is increase in patients X4111 add
heavily to tzte bur010000 of maintenance
and 10021 only be C0'veredi by in10'Cased
generosity 8121 the part of friends in all
parts of Cak11ada. Patients have been
admitted front every Province in the
Dominion, and it is with confidence
in ti11 response te our appeals, that
the trustees Relieve will conic frena
Canadians s everywhel•e, that these ad-
ditional burdens have been assumed.
Q Where a cause more urgent? Where a greater
call to help suffering Canadians? Where will your
money do more good?
—Contributions may bo sent to Stet Wnr. R, MERrtovTlr, Kt., Chief
Justice, Osgoodle Hall, Toronto, or 4V. J. GAGE, Esq., 54 Front St. W.
have been ablaze, as everything within
ie dry and of the material that would
bluzeguiokly. h was a narrow 0seape.
TIIA'1' ('A000 '111tn1) (108[6.
She is in 000iety, in business, at home,
everywhere you Dae her, but always worn
91118 fatigued. She hasn't beard of
Ferrozone or she would be perfectly well.
New quickly it strengthens—
what a glow it beluga to pallid
oheeke I The nutriment loutafued in
Ferrozaue puts strength lobo anybody,
Leugbing eyes, rosy lips bright quick
movements all bell of the vitality Ferro•
zone produces. Thoneande of attractive
happy women neo Forrozone—Why not
you 7 A box of fifty oh000late coated
tablets matte fifty oente at any drug store.
,1ilwertoo .
SitITII—EDWARDo.—One of Milverbon's
toxaemia buntline men, in the person of
4V, J. Smith, lva0 Wednesday, Deo. 20th,
united in bonds of matrimony to it highly
respeoted young lady, blies Mamie A,
Edwards, daughter of Jno. and Mrs.
Ldwarde, of Poplar View, Morulog0on.
Rev, 1%. Boroby, of the Methodist church,
Milverton, was the offtoleting clergyman,
aeoisted by Rev. Meliiuoon, of Barna'
(herds. Miss Ella Smith, Meter of the
vroom, noted as bridesmaid and Edward
Soignee es groumemen. At b o'uloak the
bridal party Mitered the parlor to the
meet (trains of the Wedding Moroh
played by Mille Lottie White, of Mayer.
tun. The bride wee given away by her
,tither and looked charming in a Jop
,affetta silk gown end embroderied oldte
lou, with trimmings of ohlflon ruohiugo
and orange blosepmt, She wore at veil
meroderied fu riotdesign with a wreath
.1 orange bloaeome and carried a bunch
of white Oaruntions end fern Novae. The
0rldeemai81 woe gowned i0) pale blue sills
with ore0m Inge yoke and chiffon bertha
end earned a bunch of pink 0o000 i0n8
'.0)d fern leaves. Miss Violet Edwartlo,
sister of the bride noted as flower bearer
end looked -pretty deemed in white silk
Gemmed with valouoeunioe lain. A
beautiful arch woe ateotod of ever reens
„111101 which the ceremony was performed.
'A. eainptuons iiejeuner was spread in the
dining room to which all did ample
5001810. Toeste were Rivets to the happy
r•ottpla to which the groom ably responded,
i e
cin via s ant in mu 1 o area
The ave g t p , g
end doming. 1480 end hire. Smith were
recipients of a host of beautiful and
ooetly gifts, so fitly demooetrating the
high e0teen1 i0) width both are held.
The bride'o'father presented the. young
(couple with a heride061e cheque ; the
gift ride ( benutf 0)l
�groom's t to the b wag 0 t
0blo ruff, and 40 the brideetnaid a
monogram braoe'et. Mies White, the
musician, (30ooiv010 au opal ring. The
gift to the 50000010)180 was n Fleur de•ivO
tie pie. The bride's travelling suit was
navy V rmint-I weal with vo.vet hat to
niatob, 'upon their return from a abort
honeymoon to Toronto Mr. and Mre.
Smith will reside in Milverton where
their home ban been prepared for them.
The mote numbered about fifty. Those
from a distance were ;—Mre. Dietriok„of
08i0ago ; Mr. and Mrs. Broughton, of
Mookton ; 18'10. and Mrs. Carnoohan, of
Linwood ; kir. and Mra. Welker, Oerth
Mimes Stone, of Hawkeville. Mookton
Never allows his horse to suffer pain.
He olwaye nese Nerviline which is
noted for curing stiffness, rheumatism,
0welling0 and Strains. Nervirtoe is but,
as good inside as outside. For or0mpe,
oolio and i0ternol pain it's a perfect
marvel. In the good raising etablee
Nerviline hi always ,need,—beaanee it
makes better horses end smaller veterin-
ary bills. Tweoty'Sve cents buys a
large bottle of Ner/iline ; try it.
T. W. F. Norton, of Toronto, ie (pend.
i0g the holidays n town.
Dr. Rotherfaid hos disposed of his
praotioe to Dr. F. A. Large, who has been
with him for the past year and a half.
Dr, Rutherford intends going abroad
early in the year to Germany, Austria
and England.
The exhibition genre of hookey played
in the trek here on Christmas night be-
tween Liobowei and. Herrieton drew a
large crowd. The game was too one.
sided to be interesting, the home team, a
mixed one and without practice, being
defeated by the Northern League visitors
by 10 9o01e to 4.
11. Msttenly has a lemon plant and a
lemon whiob had jnst dropped off, the
latter measuring 20} inches around end
12 ioohee largest way. The lemon
weighs 1h ounces, and considering that
the plant is only about eighteen Indies
high, is something remarkable. The
pleat is growing in a'flower pot and woe
rained in Mr, Mattenley'e home.
Three of the town barbers, namely, F.
S, Howe, of the King Edward, E. Snell -
int an
v entered o
r r hove e t
in and ,Ice e
a V
9 B 1
agreement to DI09e their (hope, come
mending Jnnu81y let, 1906, at 7 o'clook
on Monday evening ; 8 o'clock on Toe(.
day mud Friday evening(; 9 o'olook on
Wednesday ; and 1130 o'clock oh Sat-
urday also to close at 1 , m.
urea ovap
Y ti ;
an statutoryand oleic
holida e,
The G. T. R. have replaced the wooden
bridge over Maitland river near the tan.
eery with a new (reel bridge of 79 feet
span. The old bridge wee removed and
the new one put in pleas on Friday,
a oa
the 6, b train had ea
0)A Ik after 4
22 u p
a, d before the 1130 train from the rloulh
wee due. Tho work was a000mpiiehod
by the Listowel, Newton and Miltorton
se0tlnn gongs, ander the direotion- of
J. Henderson. The bridge weighs
OUout three hundred tons, and is a very
substantial looking structure, It fe,
edRinn "i .
�' tJ 1711
From now until January let, 1906, we will poli Ladies' Cloth Mete at slaugh-
ter prime. They 'are (mate that were left over and not 'saintly ap.to•date, but all
good meta, some are long and others are medium and short lengths, some have largo
thud ahem medium sheaves. They will be sold in three Tots at different pricoe.
Every coat must bo cleared out before January let, and we Cavo marker] them at
Prime that will do it,
Ladles' and Misses Jaakots and Coats, made of heaver, tweed anti' bomespno,
iu black, brown and gray, original prime were 62,50, 98.50 and 94. Your Melee for
Ladies' Coate, made of heaver, vi0unna and tWe d, in brown, black and navy,
in different lengths, regular primes were $5, $6 thud $7. Your 011050e Soo 1.00
/:OT 3
Ladies' Mantles, made of fine beaver, kersey and homespun, in fawn, brown,
gray and blank, in different lengths, the prices wore $7.50, $.J and 910, Your: titmice
• These are ridioulously low prices, but the goodo must be sold before ;unitary
1st, no matter at what eaorilioa,
Our stook of Ohristmas Groceries is now complete iu all the different lines,
snob as Raioino, Currants, Fig0, Dates, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Poultry
D. eesiug, Mixed Spice, Icing Sugar, Exhreet0, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peale,
Prunes, oto.
we understand, the intention of the
Company to nee Mogul engines for the
heavy freight traffic) on the Stratford
divieiou, the line being now laid with
heavy rails.
No Medicine Cares tui Many Sick, Over.
strained, Despondent Weak
People as
Dr. .Hamilton's Pills.
The One True Medicine for Health
gif72?,i and Strength.
E You willlrealize as you read the follow -
ng lettere the grand work being done by
Dr, Hamilton's Piffle. They have a
d,reot a0010n on the blood, nerves, heart,
kidneys and liver. All weakness is tutu.
ed into strength, new energy and nour-
ishing blood are created, buoyant good
health is established ifs a short time.
"I had pretty, nearly given myself up
all incurable. I was weak and shirty all
The undersigned ' beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
the time, had headaobe; poor digestion
and sinking feeling, On rising in the
morning there We0 a feeling of awful
"Dr. Hamilton's Pille helped from the
first. They must have etreugthened my
blood, for I gained i0) strength es soon es
I took them. Steady improvement fol
lowed, and I am now completely oared.”
(Mrs.) M. E. Benson, Woodstock.
"No medicine oonid possibly be better
than Dr. Hamilton's Pills," writes Mr.
Joe. Devine from Ottawa. "I'bad pains
in the beck and side, caused by kidney
trouble, was bothered considerably with
headaobe, but Dr. Hamilton's Pills oured
me quickly. I can reoommend them to
008ry man."b
Yoo'll ecome vigorous and strong,
enjoy a good appetite, your Bleep willbe
dreamless and bound atter regulating
your system with Dr. Hamilton's - Pirie.
Pride 25e per box, or 5 boxes for 91, at all
dealers, or by moil from N. 0. Polson ,k
Co., Hartford, Donn., U. S. A., and King.
Mon, Ont.
Albert T. Wing, contractor, died en,1•
denly at Welland.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt 'Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
THE PosT Readers Chance for Profit—Everyone Ought to
Grasp this Opportunity,
To bove:eveu a simple ease of indi.
minion is to have "ioeide informa-
tion" of suffering that warm' of 80ri-
one trouble i0) the future, unless the
digestive eyatem ie strengthened.
If yon Geroot eat and digest three
good, square and satisfying mettle
each day without discomfort, your
.tomnoh needs Mi•o-na tablets. They
are not a mere tempor0ry relief, but
are composed of valuable medical
agents whiob strengthen the digest•
rveorgana, and o0re and prevent
stomach troubles.
When there are palma or distress
after . eating, beadaohee, befalling of
eases, a sone taste in the month, diz-
ziness, heart burn, spoke before the
eyes, furred tongue, eleepleseneee,
00080D0ue00, or back note, the stem.
aoh needs the help of Mi oma.
Every reader of Tax Poo should
grasp the opportunity offered to try
Mi o•na. Jost one little tablet out
of a 50 cent box of this remedy be-
fore eaob meal for a few daye, and
you will soon have a strong stomach
and perfeot health.
If you aanoot obtain Mi•o•na of
your druggist it will be sent by mail,
po0t•pold, on receipt of pricer Write
us for advice on your ease from a lead•
fug Mounds epeoialiet which will be
sent free. The R. T. Booth Company,
Ithaca, N. Y.
• gni ea.LUM/Cu
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year to All
While you,are in town don't fail to call
and see the fine assortment of Goods we
are showing at Reasonable Prices.
Our stook is always open for your
act1 on.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Dodds & Habkirk
Leading Tailors