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THURSDAY, J.N. 4, 1908,
117rea A.broole
Saamon Eltren,—.Tlte follewiug le
Oraubreolt Seined Report for Deoetnber,.
Name are in order at merit, y Olawe.-
Ida Sharpe, Wm. .l;malidon.. Sr. IV—
Boy Ouuniugb&m, Herbert duDouald,
John Jaokiiu, Martha McDonald, Emma
]innter, Thomas jaokliu. Jr. IV.—
Alex. Dark, Mary filtNlohoi, Minn lox,
Vlotor Sperling, Stolle Alderson, David
Petrie. Br. III.—Harold Sant:Won,
Ruseei Aldereon, Viola Long, Roy Mu-
Quarrie, Jelin' Balser, Jr. III,—Lulu
MoDonald, Beatrice McQnarrie, Linnen
Dark, Leila Sperling, Muriel Sperling,
Arthur Fox, Bessie Aldeton, George
Smelldon, Christine Fiaoher, Jeanne
Menzies. Orme Steins. 'f1 Close.—
Christian Motor, Nettie Reymann
Leslie Perris. P. 1I,—Luoy Aldernuu,
Addie Sperling, May Monter, Hazel
McDonald, Lula Stiese, Russel Knight,
Edward Smalidon, Maggie MoNahb,
Mamie Oameron, Gordon Camerou.
8r. Iet.—Evelyn Mu1tiohee Modred
Colquhoun, Fred. Fiaoher, Erie Peening•
ton. Jr. Iet.--Arnold Fiaoher, Eigia
Porter, Thelma Smalldon, Earl Ray -
mann. Primary.—Gordon Knight,
Oscar, Gorsalitz, ()bathe Morrow, tune
Sperling. L. I4eoFeet, Tauber,
Wal ton.
SattooL RE?OnT.—The following is the
report of the standing of the pupils of
Walton Public 8obool for the month of
December, the names being in order of
marit :—Jr, 1V.—Mabel Sennett, Anni,
Atdelj, Tana McKenzie, Dollie McKenzie,
*Ethel McLeod, Jamas MaDousid,
*Julia Outer. Br. IIL—John Morahan,
*Rhea Emigh, *Roy Emigh. Jr. III —
Pearl Me enzie, "Minnie Candler, Gerrie
Marshall, Howard Bolger, Roy Beuuett,
*Harold Grigg. Sr. II.—)ouglea Proud°,
Jr. IL—Ina Maohab, Ida MbLeed, *Elmer
Candler, "Lelia Harris, *Alma ltboldioe.
Jr. Pt. IL—Clarence Bennett, *Annie
MoLeughlin. Pt. 1 Aim MoLeod, Foe er
Beuuett. Those marked with an we, i k
were present only for part of the Exam
inatioa. KATHLEEN TRLPER, Teacher,
Friday erternooa the publio school here
closed for the Ohristmee holidays Mies
Kate Telfer, the taauher was presentee
with a flue stag horn Lady's Oompanmon,
Address was read by John Meter and
Roy Emigh made the preeeotetion.
Mies Kathleen Teller, DEAR TEeOHEO —
The time has now arrived wbeu you
will sever your connection with this
sohool and we your pupils of the peeeb
year, feel that it is a fitting moment to
apprise yon of the affection we bave felt
for you duricg the time you bave beeu
amouget us as towhee, and of the kiudly
memories we shall cherish of your pow -
woe with us. We have appreoieted you,
patience and gentleness on every oucasiee
and your faithtalnees and painstaking
perseverance in the work of the sohool.
We recognize that ander your tuition we
have not only gained teohnioat knowledge
but also have received inetrtotion iu al,
that goes to make up estimation in its
broadest sense, from the example that
has been before us in our teacher.
Realizing thie we beg of you to aouept
this small expression of our friendship,
hoping that you will remember ns ae
those who wish you every heMenleee.
Signed on behalf of tbo popile of U. B. S.
Mise Telfer was very agreeably 'surprised
and heartily thanked the pupils for their
thoughtfulnese. She will teeoh in tones school, 15th eon., Grey during 1906.
Gr 08
David Clark ie home trom the Weet.
Robert Davidson of Toronto, is vieiting
friends in Grey,
ESTowoehip Ocnooil will meet next
Wednesday at Ethel et 11 o'clock.
Robt. and Mrs. French, of Lemonville,
ere visiting of Thomas Davidson'''.
Mise Maggie Soott,i of Sometime, ie
visibiug friends in Grey and Turnberry
for a couple of weeks.
Wm, Stevenson and wife are away to
Grand Rapids and Detroit, Mich.,
holidaying with friends.
In the absence of the pastor, last
Sabbath afternoon, S. Wherry took the
eervioe at Union chorale.
Percy Baker. of Greaten, and Mise
Media, Baker, of Centralia, are enjoying
a holiday visit at J. K. Baker's.
87 eigned the Temperance Pledge at
Union Sabbath School, Union will soon
have Looal Option an its own 8000010.
Walter McKay, 91b con., who has been
taking a oonree in Telegraphy BAC/slaked],
Wieooneio, is home fur vaoation. He 18
offering hie 50 aere farm, 9th oon., for
Bale and will probably go West again.
Silver Oorner cheerio factory Las beeu
parobaeed by Mr. Hastings who takes
poseeeeion for next year's make. Rumor
says be is taking one of Union fair
ladiee into partberehip. We all wish
Mr, Heetinge saooese in his enterprise,
Bosom REPORT.—The following is the
report of B. S. No. 10, Grey, for bbe
month of December. Names are in order
of merit, Those marked with a star
Wigged exame. Sr. IV — Eva Rathweli,
Mamie Denman, Florence Whitfield, Roy
Oxtoby, Jessie Campbell, Grace Speiran,
Jae. Gentle, Charlie Buttrey, *May
Oxtbby, Stanley Hutchison. Sr, III—
Katie Denman, Alma Speiran, Peart
Ogtoby, George Beane, Myrtle Bpairan,
Mary Taylor, Jae, Dottie Ivab Speiran,
Wilfrid Whitfield, *Blanche Whitfield,
*Ella Hamilton, Oheater Baiter, Willie
Speiran. Jr. III—Margnerite Hutohieon,
Mary Meehan, *Lily Evens, Della Whit
field, Herman Pioltrell, *Poroy Ward,
Sr, II -Hartwell Speiran, Freddie Cox,
Bernell Gonne, Gordon Whitfield, Luoy
Taylor, Minnie Henna, Stanley Meehan,
Willie Ward, Stanley Hamilton. 'Jr, II
—Henrietta Denman, Andrew donne,
With Piokrell, Freddie Hollonbeok,
Gerbie Speiran, Maggie Love, Millie Mx,
Wee.. Ballantyne, Earl RathweIl, Mlitou
Oxtoby, Robbie Hamilton. Pt. II —
Emme Taylor, Bennie Hollenboek, Gerrie
Ward, Jennie Ward. Pt. I — Stanley
Speiran, trio Eatohieon, Grbzarb Inglis,
Giadyo Hoilanbeok. Honor Roll — Hen•
rietta Denpian, Katie Beaman, Hartwell
Speirau, Marguerite notabieeon, Almu
Speiran, Pearl, Oxtoby, ;Andrew Coutts,
Bea Rothwell, Edith Piokteli, Mamie
,bendier', Moreno Whitfield, Mary
Mardian, Freddie Cox. Average attend
oboe for the month, 50, J, M. Angle,
PluteenOAT10N —A pleasing *veal
iranejatr°d iii 11. B, No. 10 (Frey, en
,Frivay afternoon il;l d Otte when tad
eubolt.re presented their teaollar, Jolt
M, Adams with e handsome Teeoller'e
Compeuiou on the 000aeiou of hie leaving
the eeettou, Mr. Adams has Proved a
IeitUtnl and effiaieot teaelter, and the
pgplle and reroute alike regret hie
The following is the address;--
A8 we learn with regret that you are
about to over your oouneotioof with de
nu taauher, we take this opportunity of
sxpreesteg our high appreoiatiou of your
uutiritlg effdrte in trying to advance oar
welfare. We have very muah enjoyed
your aompantouebtp moistly, and you
slava ever shown a high Ohrietian
ubaritoter, which has been an ivaptration
to each of aa, and we tenet that wherever
your lot ie oast, and whatever profeseiop
'you follow, thet God may guide and
direct yon and that you may be a blessing
to the Wrote 10 which you move. By the
way of a small token of reu0gnitiou, we
ad It you to aouept Otte Teaoher'a Oom•
pauiun as a tokeu of ear good will Rod
may it suer help you to rememberiethe
pupils of B. S. No. 10 Grey.
Signed on behalf of the School.
Farm Denote
JAMES thisr.8.
Mr. Adams was a ep,eudld Walther and
we are Burry to have hint leave. He will
attend Stratford Collegiate to proesout0
hie studies.
lily Ch.
The anniversary services of St. And.
rew's church, Blyth, will be held on
Sunday, January 14th.
J. 0. Brown, a 'ancient of the Detroit
college of Medioiue, 19 speeding the
050611on at his borne bare,
Thos. Orewlord hes returned from
Brandon, where he had been employed
for several menthe as a °bonemaeon.
Henry Ooombes, of Deloratne, Mani -
lobo, au old Blyth boy, is visiting among
relatives end friends in Blyth and
vtoinity. It is eight yeare since Mr.
Cuombs was here last.
Mee. John Taylor, deter, of W. H. end
0. 0. MeE roy, of Blyth, died at her
mime ie Duurae, Manitoba, on Wednes-
day Deo. 20111. Deceased wee 85 yeare of
age and was formerly a resident of this
venally. She leaves a haebend and lave
8mali °Unclean to mourn her death.
$1,000 1IO,SVARD
for a ease of incurable constipation.
'Lou a parsec' who oe.n't be oared of
000etipation by Dr. Hamilton's Pine
the above reward will be paid. No
letbartto medicine gives such tae1ieg
sane/motion or effeote such marvelops
aura. as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Belief
.nemedtately fotfows for headache,
nliiuueness and stomach dieordere. No
.0,ptu4 paths, uo burning seuen1i00it,
uotbtug but the most pleaeaut relief
ttteude the use of Dr. Hamiltou'e Pille
—others not so gond, Prise 25o. a box
et alt deeler8.
91 o r r s.e.
BEANS --Tile fo'low,ng is the remit of
the promotion and review examinations,
at S. 8, No. 10, Morrie. Promotions
were made from the II, III and IV
wanes. Glass 7—Entwined in Ale.,
Arith., Lit., Latin. Total 400.—Alice
tloombea, 801 ; Ernie Shaw, 800.
Promoted from Jr. IV to Sr. 1V—Exam.
n ad the subjects, Total 650.—Mary
Forrest, 592 ; Bella Robb, 473 ; Lizzie
Breckenridge, 411. Promoted from Sr.
III to Jr, IV—Total 650.—Arthur
Shave, 421 ; Ferns Eckmier, 403 ;
Agnes tither, 879. Premoted from Jr.
III to Br. III—Total 650 —Jennie
Aodereon, 495 ; A.ma King, 433.
Promoted from Sr. II to Jr. 1]S—Total
400 —Annie Rreoltenridge, 879, (honors) ;
Vietta Gerrie, 343, (honor.) • Aldine
100,1, 237. Promoted from Jr. II to Sr.
II—Total 400 —Gordon Holt, 890,
(honors). Jr. II—(No promotions) 811•
va Coombe°, John Hodge. Promoted
from Sr. Pt. II to Jr. 1I—Walter Mee.
or, Harvey Oatt, Pe. II—George Mof-
fatt, Sr. Pt. I—Hazel Ouombee. Jr.
Pt, L—Graoe OOrtle. J. T. BTRAoHAN,
KINDLY RRtIEttBenED.—The oloerng day
of 80homt 10 S. 8. No. 3 and the faun that
the teacher, N• D. Boas, was leaving to
pantie vie studio was taken advantage
of and au address was read by Roes Mo.
Kiuoon aid Oliver Doll presented Mr.
Roes with a handsome writing desk.
Address was as follows
Arent D. Ross :
DEAR TEAaamR,—We, the pupils of 8.
S. Na. 3, Grey, are very sorry to know
that we have come to the closing hoar° of
the very pleasant aeeo0iation0 exietiog for
the past 1e yeare as teacher and scholars.
Yon have, oy precept and example, i0•
spired u8 to lofty ideals of life and ite
dative and the patience exercised and the
interest maeifeeted in onr, welfare bee
not gone by unnoticed. We thank you
very eineereiy and by way of a souvenir
of your stay in No. 8 we ask your
aooeptance of ibis writing desk, whiob
we trust, will often remind yen of pleas
ant hours in oar whom. You will be
missed in the Sabbath School where you
faithfully performed your part as teaober
and in the community your name will be
most kindly remembered as the yeare roll
by. Our Chrietmaa with is that you may
be greatly prospered in your future life
and that at its oleo we may have a hap-
py reunion in the Home beyond the
river. Signed in behalf of the mile,
Mr. Rose spoke words of tbankfulneee,
appreoiatiou and advice to the donors of
the gift.
Winsome BELL°. --A1 high noon on
Wednesday of D,o. 20.11 the home of
Reeve end Mrs. Thos. dodo, of Morrie,
Morris, was the wane of a happy
event, when their daughter Mies
Biala wee united in marriage to
Robert Powell, of Blyth. The bride
entered the parlor on the arm of bee
father as Mies Annie Laidlaw, of Blyth,
played the wedding mash and wen be
oomingly attired in a gown of atom
tette, trimmed with oriental lane end
,abbou and oalried 8 bcgnet of cream
roses. Ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. H, Hartley, motor of Trinity ohurob
Blyth, only relatives and intimate
friends being present. After partaking
of a dainty lnnoheon the bridal party
drove to Blyth and left on the 8 66 train
for a abort trip to Niagara Falls and
London, the bride wearing a travelling
Nutt of brown ladies' cloth with hat to
maboh. The happy maple were the
recipients of many pretty and useful
. BY FANNIE M.L07'Fi12O'
,•4'.: nTNY,hY.m,,'C'un!oe!al...awa!`m''!,.�n,MMer' `' :
Olotorrseb IV 0100. Toronto,
The Greatest Laving Master of Style
In "The Grange," a dellghtrul, plain, brick house, half -concealed by the
.el -work of vines that cover it, with a wide sweep of lawn and grounds filled
with old frees—a whale city block in the heart of Toronto, hedged in by
hixh walla—lives Oanada's venerable author, Goldwin Smith.
This greatest living master of style in the English language, as he has
hem called, has had a busy life in his eighty-one years, yet his own words
prove it has been a serene and peaceful one. "According to the Psalmist,"
says, 'if by reason of strength our years be fourscore, yet Is their strength
'alter and sorrow.' but I must say that while I have found mine full of the
first, they have be^n flee from the second."
Born in Reading, England, he was educated at Eton and Oxford, gradu-
ating in 1345; two years later was elected a Fellow of University College,
where he acted as tutor for some time, and though called to the bar, he never
practiced. He was prominent in the two commissions appointed to examine
into the condition of Oxford University which led to a number of salutary
reforms. In 1358 he was made Regius Professor of Modern History at Ox-
ford, a post he held for eight years. During the Civil War iu the United
States he was a valiant champion of the Northern cause, and on his lecture
tour in that country in 1854 he met everywhere enthusiastic and flattering
receptions. and received the degree of LL.D. from Brown University.
In November, 1363, having resigned his chair at Oxford, he again visited
the United States and accepted the professorship of history at the newly -
founded Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y., where he lived for three years.
On his retirement he went to Canada, being still Professor 'Emeritus of Cor-
nell, where he was extremely popular with the students, who affectionately
referred to him as "Goldie."
In Canada he soon found recognition and served in a number of posi-
tions that gave him opportunity to render invaluable service to the cause
of education and letters, and on all questions of vital political interest his
voice and his pen were ever ready. A long list of books an history, reli-
gion, national politics, philosophy and biography he has to his credit, yet a
far greater bulk of material remains in his constant contributions to the
newspapers and periodicals of his day. A rare scholar, a master of style, a
great thinker, a fearless iconoclast, an able champion, a tireless worker,
Goldwin Smith has been a mighty influence for good.
sinew minting to Ad of the rorlloment of Canute, tang year loot, by w, 0, mutt, st the Deportment of Atrtaetture,
preeente, and their many friends join
in wishing them every 000088e and
bappinese in the future.
SCHOOL REE MT.—The following is the
standing of the pupils in order of
merit in S. 8. No. 4, Morrie :-8r, IV—
Examined in Gram„ Hist., Arith.,
Drew , Writ.—Annie Dark, 766 ; Geo.
Jordan, 581 ; John Speir, 555 ; Leslie
'Phuell, 510 ; Willie Mecabobeon, 878.
Jr, III—Examined In Hiet., Gram ,
Comp., Draw., Writ.—Martha McOnt-
oheon, 575 ; Roy These, 557 ; John Joy.
den, 495. Jr. 11—Examined in Lit.,
Comp., Arith., Drew., Writ.—Willie
Tbaell, 507 ; Harry Mo0utoheou, 488.
Pt. II—Examined in Arith., Read.,
Spell., Draw., Write—Beseie Jordan, 747;
Harvey Mo0ntcbeoa 859 ; Joe Thuell,
580. Pt. I—Jenny Scott, 830 ; Fred.
Ttaell, 285 ; Mark Amee, 279.
IetenL MoNAB,
PRESENTATION—On the alternoon Of
Thursday Deo 21st a public examination
and entertainment was held in 8. 8 No 5.
In spite of the very diaagreeable weather
the eobool room was well filled allowing
the deep interest the rabepetyere take in
school work. The first hour was upset
in teaching. The Trochees present were
Mini Kerr and H. A. Alnlay and G.
Buchanan. At two o'olook, after
eatiethenio exer01080 by the papile, a
program of thirty six numbers was planed
in the hands of Wm, Wightman who
anted to chairman until the Rev. J. 3.
Hanle, of Belgrave, arrived. Pbe pro-
gram consisted of ant' -harp and month
organ music by Mies Jennie and George
and Will, Jordan, singing, dialogues
tabieagx, and recitations by the pupils
and a beautiful reoitatlon by Mies Kerr,
which was given in her usual excellent
style. The dialogues and tableaux were
presented well assuring the vieitors of
the thoroughness, self-possession and
oonfideuoe of the pupils in their work.
After the hist number of the program
was given the chairman took the making
of the program in his own hands
and called the teacher, Edith Procter,
who read the following address, and
Renner Wigbtmen, who made the pres-
entation of a gold locket and ring.
F. T. fryer's, DEAR TEM:HEIt.—On
this aeon -sloe, when you sever your
connection with the school where yon
bave laboured so faitbfaily for the past
three yeare, we desire to expre0e our
eppraeiation of your work, Our prugeeea
hae been a eubjoot of common comment,
and we know is has beau dee to your
painstaking acre and untiring efforts.
We feel that there is little that could be
done by a tesoher for hie pupils that you
have not done for a0, and we are
oorreepondinply thankful. There is
little that Woolen] et wheel can do in
the meantime to repay their towhee, but
we hope that your interest in us will not
end with today, and it not, then in the
future you rosy have wine eatiofeobion
for we ea8no: bet bave been helped by
your obaracterand example ae well all
by your instruction. May the assure you
that our interest in you will continue and
as a reminder of 0e, as well as a mark
of our appreciation we preeont you with
this Iooket and ring as amemento of one
good will and esteem, Signed on behalf
of the sohool. tem PRooTER,
RRNNIE Wlonsntee,
S. 8, No, 5 Morrie Tp. Deo. 21 1905,
Mr. Bryan°, who Was 1111100 entirety by
ourpriee replied briefly stating that al.
thoaght he wee leaving the section yet he
0051 never forget the kindness shown bim
by the parente and popile of No. 5.
Then by all joining beertily in 'tinging
"God save the King" the enjoyable dey'e
prooeedlega were broneht to close.
A Hie Success. — On Friday evening,
Deo 225d, a school entertainment wan
held in Anderson's school, 8rd line of
Morrie, Although the uight was 0nfev
arable, the wheel taxed to ite utmost
eapeoity, wee not large enough to aceom-
modals the crowd, but those who were
able to rain ndmieeion enjoyed the fol-
lowing exc-Lent program : — Ohairmau'o
addrtee, Jas Hewtuau ; opening address,
Reese' Currie ; song by the school,
"There's no flag tike the red, wblte and
bine" ; dialogue, "Playing School," Rix
girls ; gramophone eeleolinn, Mr, Mitch-
ell ; dialogue, "Amariab and bis eons,"
by Mies Sellers,. J. Bryant] end sixboys;
Bolo, Miss Damian ; reoitebion, Mies
Ethel Sellers ; dialogue, "Reading a
letter," by 5 toys ; solo, 0. Riohardeon,
Brueeele ; reeitatiou, Mies McGuire,
Brueeele ; gramophone eeleotiooe, Mr.
Mitchell ; drill, 0080 Almanacs," by 7
girls ; solo, Mies Sharp, Brueeoie 1
dialogue, "Noone in aphotogreph gallery-,"
by Mines M. Auderoon and Cantelen and
W. Henderson ; trtetrnmental duet,
Messrs. Bowman and Griffith: reeibetten,
Mies MoNaugbtun, Brueeele ; solo, 3, D.
Straohau, Jamestown ; dialogue, "A wiee
eeleotion," Milian Bowman, Milligan and
E. Ireland Hud Meeere. Bowman, J.
Mitchell and Armelrong 1 gramophone
selection, Mr. Olitobell ; solo, Mies Hing•
°ton, Brusee'e ; dialogue, "Lucking
around for a wife," by Mieeee Henderson,
Ireland and Bray and F. Niobol ; Bolo,
Mr, Richardson, Brussels ; recitation,
Mise McGuire ; insiromeut,l duet,
Mtwara, Bowman and Griffith ; Ethopian
Sketch, "Molted, a Valet," by P.
Mitchell, W. Henderson, W. 8trpheneon
and 0. Audereon. Sante Claus having
arrived, begs" immediately to distribute
the gifts from the beautifully decorated
and welt fillers XMae tree. He seemed to
Farmers' Instituter
Meetings of the East Huron Farmere'
Institute will be held as follows ;—
Brueeele, Tuesday, January 91b,
Corrie, Wednesday, January 10111,
To be addressed by John Cempbell, of
Woodville and John B. Pearce, 01 Lon
Suppiemenlery meetings at
Fordwiob, Friday, January 12th.
Bleovele, Sat. (afternoon only) Jan. 18
Jamoetnwn, Mor,riay, Jannary 151b.
Molesworth, Tumidity, Jobbery IStn,
Ethel, Wednesday, jemmy 17111.
Walton, Thursday, Jenoery 18th.
Hurioek, Friday, January 19th.
Winthrop, Saturday, January 20th.
et, Columbian, Monday, January 22nd.
To be addreeoed by Duncan Ahdereon, of
Rugby, aeeieted by good Meal Bonding.
Maebingo at 1.80 p. to, and 7.80 p, m.
All are eoadially invited 10 be present
and tithe part in the disoassions.
silos. 11foMILLAN, P. A. lyfoArrsfon,
President. Beare tory,
have forgotten ne one, 00 that this was
by etc meae4 the levet enjoyable part 01
the program, Mr. 13ownten, who made
au exoellout oltuirman, tbankrd the
audience f"r their good order during the
evening and %eked all to join in singing
the National Anthem. Accompanists for
the evening were Misses Bailey, Bowman,
Sharp and Dolman. Premeds of the
evening were 827 05. Mine 0, Milligan,
the preeent teacher, will roman next
year. The le tether end sohool are to be
rortgralnl%led On the esoeoee of the 811181•
Two 2 year olds and throe yearlings,
20.8 GEO. R0810, Drum's,
.L Bulla for Salo, eligible for registra-
tion. Aptply to OAS. SPIn1R, Lot 30, con, 0,
Morris Brueeele P.O. 28.11
rising 2 yeare old for sale. One la
registered. JAS, 1311EDDEN, Lot 1., 4th
hue, Morris, or Brua,ote P. 0. 0410
Show Oases for sale, each 0 lent long.
walnut triunes and double thick glass. Ap-
ply to Taw Poets, Brnseele,
HAM Bull Calves for eats, prize win-
ners at Brussels Fair. One a roan and the
other rod. 10 months old. U, 10013F1RT-
SON, Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey, or Brussels P. 0,
Green, i3eeob and Maple, Lengths
from 18 to 48 Mulles. Orders left at Thom.
sou's gr000ry, Brussels, will be promptly
attended to, or to
J. & J. HMFFRON, Blyth P, 0,
28.8 Lot JO, Con, 7, Morris.
Bull for Service
undersigned will keep for eeretoo on
Si Lot 14, Con, 4, Morrie, the doe Shott.Aforu
bull, "Deaanoe," recently purchased from
Donald Robertson, of Grey, Thie animal
was a prize winner at Brussels Fall Pair.
Pedigree may be seen on anplieatiou.
Terms 81.50, with privilege of returning if
nevese..r'y, JAMES 80014DUEN,
244* Proprietor.
it: ins 100 acres of choice land in the
Township of Morrie, On Inc premises there
is a good frame house, bank barn, frame
shoe, plenty o1 wood +inter, &c Farm is
situated on the gravel road aejalulug Wel.
ton ; within i mite of church, school, rail.
way station, die. For thriller eartionlare
apply to GEO, ORRIS LOPHl0R
24.10 Walton,
1',B SALE .—&engine"Smut N„ee"Ooru
Are/ally Raved ou the cob—the beet ensil-
age corn we bave ever eon. Sawn the 9011
Nay ,will riven early in September. Alen
"Early Triumph" Potatoes which have suc-
cessfully resisted disease for the past tk os
seasou0. Quantity limitedBrat come, drat
served. J. M. KNIGHT, Kot 21, Coe. 12,
Grey. 29-tf
Dnn,IONED offers his 50 acre farm, be-
ing East 4 Lot 11, - .on. 9, Gray, for sale, On
the pt eminee is%frame Louse, bank barn
40E810 ft., stone ionisation, small orchard.
Farm all seeded down and in good shape ; 2
never failing wells. Possession given at
any time 1f not sold farm will be rented
Por farther particulars as to price, terms,
440., apply to the proprietor.
25.4 WALTER 10101180.
Denefannn offers the 100 aoree, known.
as the Aston farm, 00, 10, Con. 14, Grey, to
rent, 0008 brick house, 2 frame bat us and
choice orchard. Farm ie ell needed down
exoept 20 acres ; 5-aoree of Fall wheat In.
Poeeeeeion at once. For further particulars
apply to TORN G11ANT, Lot 5, Con. 12,
lr1•oy, or Mussels P. 0. 00-10
being 84 Lot 18, conA, Morris.
Anent 88 aoree are cleared, balance in bush
There is a bane house, bank burn, driving
shed, orchard, &o. Plenty of good water.
Convenient to 805001 and 13 miles from
8n:untie's, Possession nun be given Murch
let, For further particulate an to price
terms, &c„ apply to A. J. L0 WRY,
18-6f Brussels.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
Clark, late of the Township of
Morris, in the county of Huron,
farmer, demand.
Notice Ie hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed etatntes of Ontario, 18157, Chap, 129, and
amended Acta, that all creditors and
ether's heyiug any claims against rho estate
of the said Alexander Clerk, who tiled on
or about the Nth day of November, A.D. 1905,
are required, on lir before tun 20th nay or
January, 1998, to send by poet, prepaid, or
88lfver to 8, 13, Macdonald, of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron, Solicitor
tor Robert Claris, Sunshine P. 0 , 11x, outer
nl the estate of the said denooe0d, the lull
particulars of their Mateo, the statement
et their 880800>8 and the nature of the 60-
euritiee(it any) bald by teem.
And notice is further given that after the
said fast mentioned date the said Exoou.
tor will proceed to dl.tnbuto the 1.8018
01 the deeeneed amoogetthe parbioe entitled
thereto, huviuu regard only to the Malmo of
Whloh be shall then have notice and that
the said ,txeoutor M111 not be liable
for the afieete, or any part thereof, to any
Person or persona of whose clalm8 notice
.hall not have Muni received by him at the
rim a of such distribution.
D5Ued at Brussels this 23rd day of De-
cember, A,U, 1000.
25-8 Solicitor lot Exeontor.
Notice to Creditors
111 the natter of Alooro Brea,
Raton is hereby given that pili Moore and
dmbroeo Moore, bath Otto Town of Brus-
sels,in the County of Buren, heretofore
carrying on business there as Furniture
Dealers under the 11x»7 name Of "Moore
Bros ” have as a firm indivhau6ly made au
Assignment tin der R. 8. 0.1807, Bae,147, and
amending Aote, 811 of their estate, uradit
nut -effects, to Obarlos H Dewdrop t, of the
,old 'Town of Brussels, for the general bene-
fit of their oreditor,,
A meeting of their ororntoro will be held
tit the Amerman Hotel at the field Town of
110,te0ele on b rhtay, the 2011 day of Uecem-
bar, inetaut,thee, tut the bone of 2,80 e'olook
to the afternoon, be receive a statement of
, ILdro, to eppetut Iuam:etere and for et-
dertug el' the affairs of the estate generally.
Ci editors are requested to file their
claims with. the Assiuoee, with th8 proofs
and pit Amulets; thereof required by the
l aid Aida, on or betore the day of mush
And Itotise is further given that after the
fleet day of March. A, D, i90t1, the Assignee
will proceed to distribute the useeto of the
debtors amount the parties entitled there•
to, baying regard only to the ebtimg of
u'hloh noticeobeli then have boon given,
and that he win not be liable for the assent
or any pub theme' so distributed to any A re 111R�11 I ti (r 1 Ile
per80n or penmen of w5008 Mean hthe ll ❑
mit then (1.11had OAOFOOT, 06000018 0,0, Finest display of
Ama lieeo.
By Warne &0ARTfDW,Lis toted P,0, ryas andlite itolloftut•c, 24-4 O
Annual Meeting SPECIAL
(Trey Brtoeh Ag't•lcldloval :±teleiy.
Oohs Anuuni. Meeting of the Grey Brandt ' , P >;6t 1 N S
Agricultural 85018ty will be hold lb rho
TO,D liah, Ilruoaole, on Wednesday, J,wll.
ury10811,11>00,.tit1oalooitp nu
Ibo!puutiue t--Itoneivuut thee'Annual 6104u•
clout and Auditors' Report, 0ppelutlllO 01 -
non for the year 10e0, &n,
\V.14.liO}iR, JAS. 801(111,
Seerotarv, President,
H 110510 of
Annual Meeting
Etna illu'on Agricultural sedgy.
Tho Annual Meeting of the Saab Surae
Agrleultural Society will he held 1» the
Town Bell. Brmol0, on Wednesday Ione -
an 17th 1908, at 1 o'o leant 17. m. Buelneet of
the teeeting 1,-Roo";ving the Annual .itate-
moot and auditor's Report, appointing of -
doers forth° year 194.80.
Seerolary. Preeh.ran b.
Horse Fairs
The Monthly Horse Faire will be held in
Brussels for the eeee.m as follows
MAR. lab,
it APR. 5111,
Lending 1.110151 and Outside
Buyers Hills be Present
F. S. SOOTT, OLnmf.
New Year
At this Beason of the year everybody
wears u bumpy smile so don't forget
to sit for your Photo. nu our Studio,
Gallery open for brighten en New
Years, Oome early.
Family Groups a Bpeoial1y.
All work guaranteed.
Witt' ing my many Customers a
Happy New "Year.
H.R. r!REWEbl
Felt Hats for
"� �1 R'Y
t'dJ le
We are also Agents for the "New
Idea" 10 Cent Patterns.
Call and get a Fash-
ion ,Sheet,
YOUJ 4,ihl
Having (tweeted in a Hot Water
Heating apparatus I am uow Lt a
. position to offer you Hot Coffee,
Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon,
and Chicken Broth at our Res-
taurant on two minutes' notice,
Thanking yon for past patronage and
hoping for lb continuance of your
trade, I am,
Years Very Reopeetfully,
Oysters Served Hot or Cold.
3P000 Stock
be Reduced
OWING to the Sale of my business I will hold a Reduc-
tion Sale for the next 80 days during which time
Goods will be sold at
Specially Reduce d Dates
In Stock will be found Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Sleigh
Bells, Single and Double Harness, Trunks, Valises, &c., all
first-class Goods. Now is the time to supply your wants
at Great Bargains.
larAll accounts are awed to be squared oil at 1st of year.
Jno.�`afL���ilrt �«1,
Harness Naber
:aW:¢v*,r'ti+t+.n.L.:'v*., . "S^..-•. 0.1152;, . "t-vw.va'ivu..-...q.,c ^e,.tYk,. -
Ever seen la
See them and get Prices.
J t�