HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-4, Page 2EntYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA once and
ri never rete.Arn to the adulterated
-AO PACKETS ONLY. 40e, 50c, 60c per lb' At All Grocers.
111G REST AWARD 21'. LOUIS, 1904.
gS57,6. 9Z6 eg S ;Z9
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1. Tilt ill[111 Of [11\111{1[111' 1
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CHAPTER XXVIL—(Continuedl. Inwardly surprised, Guildford Ber-
ton said:
s "L expect she thought you were
writing or reading, and did not 114
to disturb you, sir,"
no wail going straight to his room.
when he saw that the door was half
open of a small room e hieh the earl
with the latest Patented trap nests, used as his own, and notating that
roosts, etc, 10 point of usefulness a there wits a light burning, he thought "Ali, Perhaps so, ho assented, ' Et
plain budding, warm, well ventlluted, that the SerVellta had forgotten to —you may have noticed, Guildford,
and well lighted is to be preferred, 1! put out the lamp. that Novell has an affectionate na.
prefer to •livIde the chickens into' Even nith this trivial matter he turn*"
hooks of 25, giving each hock a se -i connected Norah in his thoughts. '`Indeed, yrs,"
paruto yard, and housing all in ono] "If theh ; - I I I. "1—et'—should not like her to Le
• tLz,,,,,,,3 4/..„,,xmp,,,,,f,,Lei;;„..0„,oe,,,;(1,,e1 long bedding divided Into es many1 and 1 might be lucky enough to Sal%) alarmed.
• -cearre,06],a,eadv(414"1.-3v179-QATeOreetO" rooms as there are flocks, by putting] hew(
ho thought. "Perhaps that
Still more surprised at thin novel
partitions of aim netting with a] milletion of the earl's regard for his
' - WINTER AND SUMMER DAIRYING 1 in might help me. Id burn doan all
• (
Tho farmer who is not possessed of tom. An orchard is an Meal location -
• 2 -root boned partition at the bot -1 hi.core,e,„n if by so doing I could sectue
, • dnughter's feelings, G•ulllford Berton
nodded assent.
quarters that will keep the cows suf- for the poultry yard, furnishing. "I hog you will not mention winter this—
Leh:tle pushed open the door, and was ex—slight attack of mine to Mr.
idly Warm in the nter ehoeld shade for the fowldurings the hot! surprised to sea the earl sitting at Guildford."
not ' attempt winter dairying wraas weather, and the fruit trees are Lets.; the table.
Prof. Timeline Shaw. The quarters eided by the chickens destroying, "Certainly not, my lord. I should
that will keep cows comfortable, that numerous injurious inserts. Face the] "1 beg, your pardon," he said, "T be the last Person in the world to
aro dry, are not, necessarily the seam houses south if possible and see that] did not know you wore here, and cause Lady Norah any disquietude or
as quarters that will keep them warm they have enough w.indons to gir& was coming to put out the lamp—" anxiety,
enough when giving milk, nor should; abundant light. Construct the nests Then he stopped, and hurried to the "You are considerateness itself.
the farmer try to carry on Muter and roosts so they may be removed: earl's side, for he saw that his face Guildford. I—er—,think I will con -
dairying who Is unable to furnish the to facilitate cleaning and do not; was ;white and ;Awn and that he suit Sir Andrew to -morrow morning,
requisite kinds of food to make dairy- place the roosts so high that the, was ill. "What is the matter?" he
Mg altogether successful at tLat fowls aro injured In flying down. A ; as ed. "Are you ill?
s00000, Tho didetenee in the sue- walking, board is desirable where the; The earl put out his hand warning -
cess of the farmer who has good nests must be high up. ly, and looked toward the door.
buildings and suitable food as coni-' To keep the hens laying it is noces- "Yes, I—I am not well, Guildfort.
pared with the farmer who 14 Melt- nary to food intelligently and see Don't—don't bo alarmed."
am is ?
ing in these essentials will be very they get plenty a exercise. A fat But I alarmed. What it" ject more or less to theee—faintaeg
groat, Anyone, however, may engage hen will not lay and if the chickens The earls, my lord. You will find Sir An -
tried to rise, but net
in summer dairying as the chief re- ere compelled to work for their food back; and even as he did so bo took drew will attach no sinister impoe-
quisites for so doing are pastures they will be kept in proper condition.; out his pocket. handkerchief and triad twice to them,"
and supplemental. soiling foods. This I feed all kinds of gra"I hope not; I—er—hope not," rai-
in and vogeta-i to wave it In his usual stately lash- ;
makes the problem of summer dairy- bles available, aiming always to give 1 100. tored the old man; and then, as f
ing a vary simple one relatively.
; a variety of food. A mesh of grain, "It is—er—nothing very much," he _a_s!idered of his sudden outburst, lie
It the dairyman lives near a cheese cooked vegetables and table scraps replied. "A—a sudden faintness. 1 '
factory he should follow summer constitute the morning meal; in the believe the medical men term it—er--
I—er—was thin kinb",* to
or Norah'
] - . dairyin. If, on tho other hand, he evening grain is foci. lIilk is ono of Pressure on the heart. Probaby; I
Guildford. It would terrible leave her alone. Sho has no mother,
; - v name to make butter, he can do so the best roods to produce eg3's• and • haNe been—em—reading too long.
more profitably in winter, other green hone should bo fed two or "I'll get you something,".., .1 no one, lf she wore married—'
things being equal. The price for three times a week. Crit must be Guildford Berton, and he went -eiN'e
sa1C-Yhou would feel more at ease," he
these attacks may be of little grav-
ity, but 81,111—''Ho stopped, 01(11startled Guildford by suddenly ex-
claiming, with perfect naturalness:
"My God! am I going to (lie]?"
"Oh, no, no. Everybody is sum
butter is much better at that season provided •at, all times and nothing his room _and brovght some stl-vole,- „yes, y,s; she Is young and—Inex-
than in summer, hence the advantage Is better than broken crockery. Tho tile, thinldng swiftly all the.. time:
of hating large quantities made In chickens prefer it to the commercial Would it be better for him that the perienced. She is just the girl to be;
earl should die or lite? led away by her feelings. I have'
winter. It may be a little more article, but for a large flock its pre -
"Thank you, thank you," said the never'mentioned it to you, but I tied
costly to malum it in winter but with paration would require too much;
a dread of her becoming entangled by
a 'due provision of food the difference work. old man, with a stately bow of his
head. that young scoundrel who ran awaV
will hot, bo great. : Cleanliness is one of the chief re- shaking
"Have you had an attack like th'e with Betsy North—South—I have fee-
l! the calves are to be grown into quisites of success, so the houses. 1
beef it will be better to have them nests and yards should be cleaned go4ebn, 101e01; itineyinti'l.,,,
.thnf., feed them at that season. In roosts frequently, and provide clean
yourself; It is a—a moro nothing. I
before?" asked Guildford Berton. •'
third. But I beg von will 1101, alarm
—I ain not a young inan"—he waited
"Yes," replied the earl, "this is the
a moment, as if he hoped that Gelid- .
- '.'I am delighted Co hoar it," falter-
Berton, in a low voice. "Yon wrong-
ed Lady Norah by such r suspicion."
ed the old ream "But she ii—impres-
i said Guildford I
come in the autumn. They ean he frequentlY,. the houses whitewashed I '
cared for more readily in the winter and insect powder used freely. Llean
than In the summer. There is more out the droppings every day, oil the
• the ' • they aro of an (tee which material for the nests. If this is • -
andI t el e, s m g . endurance, and sprang forward, but
ford would be bold enough to contra -
enables hem to the readily ou done there will be no trouble from marry—imprudently; I should have before ho could strike the earl, if
• grass, a cheap food when tbo season lice, but if filth is allowed to Leeemn,.. clict him—"and these—er attacks try sten to it. Yes!" Ho drew a heavy roach had been his intention, the tail
comes, and they aro strong for go- ulate, the mites will multiply rapid- ma." ,
, sih
g. "I r
fea—' ho was going to thin figure staggered and fell back
There was silence for a moment,
• ing into winter and when tbo nett ly and 00(190 no end of trouble.. I1 • "I h V not d
,d-," b
.., winter comes. There is also this change nesting material every two then he sent. sa
• "There is a flask of perfume In that he could not bring himself to utter
advent:Igo; the calves have passed weeks and when putting In the new; SI1011 self -condemnation, "The—no
• drawer; nil! you give it mo, please? .
the milk drinking period, and this straw sprinkle it liberally with in; 1 i t i
-eiee ..••••.- • e.' •,• -.or, • ••••41•••• • • •-•.•
(5:0 WA CV
101 sassatme sect.
St. Johns, N.I3., Sherbrooke, Que., inuelen, Ont.,
New Restmlneter, B,C,
Calgary, Alberta'
while thanking you for tho many sor- IN MERRY OLD ENO' ▪ AND
vices you have rendered mo, to say
that we—persons of our rank, do not
give their daughter in marriage t R'T MAIL 'ADMIT SOHN
their footman, their butler, or. to a BULL AND His PEOPLE.
—Mr, Guildford Berton."
Guildford Berton uttered e, crY, the Occurrences in the Land That
cry of a wild animal driven beyond
Reigns Supreme in the Com-
mercial World,
Owing to the recent heavy sees, much
damage has been done all along the
North Yorkshire coast.
into the chair,
"Will you—or—ring the bell, Inv
dear Guildford," he stammered and
Ian s. Did you—er—spend a picas-, e119 100 stuttered, ,as a strange ant
leaves en adequate supply of skim sect powder. A dirt flour is best for
milk for the young swine which come the ben house and should he raised ant evening?" , And me also," said Guildford eurlons twitchingonvulse'd his aris-
) Berton.
i several inches above the outeido level „. e Should he sere the opportunity Limo to dress for dinner,"
, tocratic face. 'I—er—thinie it is
to hand nt. that season. "Yes." snid Guildford.
DArttyncG ALL THE YEAR. 1 50 11, may be kept dry. s, ou aro later than usual,
created by the old man, aud av itv Then his head felt forward, and he
4 "I looked in at the club after I hod
. ,ref -emirs°, be more or less milk 1101 TO a well -regulated dalry there will,'
TO TnE POLI IN MOTOR CAA. sent Lady Norah home," said Guiid- ' himself./
....I. beg your pardon, Guildford? Cluildfoiel Dorton leaned over him.
uttered a crowing•kind of laup;h.
ford, still watching the white, drawn
rl, ing all,t4,110 year. Where one is so ' v., . )1mi, Will Cross Great Plain of Ant. then clashed to the bell.
•.:.,:. forinnete des to live near a cheeee ' 34 In a mcnneut or two the porter and
arctic at Fast Speed.
.• factory...Ad also a creamery, it is murnumed the earl, passing his hand a footman came to the dour
face closely.
"Ail, yes, she has emino home?"
214,11-e4e.eessary to mamitactaire any of I M. Ilenryk Arctowski, the 13elgien over his forehead with a confused no time, perhaps, in uhich I shoele "Quick!" said Guildford Porton.
eepree -dm product at home. But where, Antarctic explorer., gives some further air. "She did not 001110 in to wisn speak of what lies so near iny heart "Dun for the doctor] The earl has
as to be a matter of life or death to bad a paralytic fit." .
cheese factories only are located then: details or his daring plan to reach the me good -night as usual." he added,
11, is 11014'ssarY 1.0 manufacture more; mysterious region of the South Pole. after a pause. and with a kind of re- me, but your Jordshipai words—you(
mention of Lady horalfs poesit lo (To bo Continued).
or less of the season at home. Where • Ile proposes to do it by molor.ear.
ainful to you'?-' he as. ed.
"Yes, my lord. It is not the time"
he moistened his lips—"the:o eau be
pressed anxiety. "That was—er—un-
dairying can thus be conducted prec-1 From the natural landing places of 1111 like her, Guildford." marriage--"
• tically all the year, it should prove i Southern Seas there extends a vast field "I fear I fall to comprehend," he GflOsF MANOR.
. •
more profitable than unchr other 1 of smooth lee, which is supposed to • — said. "Aro you in any trouble? Retied 1,225 Years, But Hasn't Frinlik
What luta elorah to do with it?"
Conditions. But it is seldom in this ! cover die polar region withnut breakage's
"Everything, alas! I must specie. erred Occupants of House. •
county that such a combination 1 01'crevices—a fiat field of lee as en -meth,
exists. In Ontario cheese and butterHS a fruzen pond. , out now, my lord,"went cm A curious ghost story is told by the
6 .. tnakieg are combined in the same Other explorers have been on that' -__,.."even though by so ttcte I luso y me '
factory to some extent. field, hut they of not go fast enough friendship. But, oh, I. do trust you borough, a charming old e mansion,
The farmer who docs the bulk of i lo complete their exploration. Captain will bring yourself to 101111,1)) 01 how pal Ls of winch este bad; to tee early
his du trying in winter can carry on i Scott travelled over the ice for the : much your words will mean tu me days of the thirteenth century. The
si '
mixed farming more successfully than 1 monthsbut hidocould only mate -' that for years past I have expeelene- occuplee, A, W. Howes, recently re.
the one who deo the bulk of the 1 len miles a day, and in the and he was
, s g,s ie
••':;,1 ed nothing but kindness at your stored the building, and during 'the al-
' N hands, and that now I need it an') tcrations, the skeleton of a woman wee
mine ie summer. Re has more Limo: driven back by the fear of starvation.
• to attend to hist farming. lie has' htr. Arctewski's solution of Lhe dint- N, t., g, s . your forbearaece more than I have (mind under one of the staircases, and
. ,
less milking to do than 110 other- culty Is simple. Travel ten limes as 'Dist " -44,4 'e ever donelle generousI beseech e oe) ul" is this discovery that has led Mr
wise ould have, hes less feeding of and the be Pole will rewriter! long Meet; ete4"' ' 1-.0 ' "What is this?" he said, huskily, Hdon Chronicle,
owes to tell hto
ie sry, seys the Lon-
erdveo and less handling of milk. there is any danger of the food giving
This to a man who is very busy out. He proposes to do this by using "Peeve you—been getting into debt fie says there Is something 01)0111 110
means a very great deal. To ono 0130101 1,010 and the idea Is approved es G uipldafbotr?(.1?;0 . building that cannot ho explained. Itor-
my lord. If that \rem Melly Ile end his wile 0000517(1 the blue
who has much crop growittg to at- possilde both by Captain Seal and Mi..
all, I should fear far less acutely the room, in which stands an old nal : bed -
tend to, and especially to one who Shackleton. who accomfienied him on doubt end fear that 055:1 ss me. MY Steado
, n which Oliver Cronovell once
hart much cultivating of corn and Ids long journey aver the ice -field. Tefle
otherproducts, lord, what I have to tell
ir products, it is indeed a boon 1 The.moter-car dereened for Polar - " ex1 triconfession I must mak 0, Will, YoI know,
ti, the ten'. 'sThls room. like the others, is
imperil' ively 055111(15 e.t that Reason. ent effete from that used in 100115 The
Je to be free from other work that is • *ration will, of course. be a very differ-
wheels, for instance, are to be it foot . . 4e*, . , e
your forbearance, your generosity,
take you by surprise, but I plead for splendidly pannelled end has a cup -
bunt W111011 was formerly a prlest's
Ilia crops will receive so much more .e., Ail; eg. ,eK,F.,E.,4,. , T vbpolller,i.,:ii,dolloird.ing place, concealed by a
n than would be possible un- wide. tYred with leather , and studdea sre .,,,,,, ,.,t, e -- love, Lady Norali I"
• , ' • , 'der the ,conditions, that the 11,000 10 With inng protruding Hulls to give them f : /I:
-, "I-1 beg your pardon," he sal tD
. uping the night sounds of foslepa
"What was that you said about, Lady are heard on the landinee and Mie
•'''• • from this source will be much more a 11 II) in the frozen snow. Under the
ear wil1 rim a blade shaped like the run- Norahe I—I nen afraid this attack' ilowes SayS 11 is Impossible to Iceep
. •• .is..;- than it would otherwise be. ....,
has left me a little deaf, 0 nitdford."
°owe innate of course, rest from ner of•a Canadian sledge, and the weight •A •
giving millc for two months or 80 of the cer will rest en the blade, and not, Norall. I have loved here sir, since --
Said. air, that I love LatlY "We have lacked it and put tt chair
the door of this roam clneed.
during the year. It is bettor for the Mullin wheels. ...e*','''"$.4 et11.41.1';ili;iA .: ,. ' against it, and in the morning We 11aVe
0000 to have that rest Period come The idea is approved by the Belgian ‘e .. ...li11 G"111.101dttfuhradv°13011),010non—scitraiteicillgt;n slifel-lie found it open. There are no draughts
in the summer. They are then on Motor Club, and experts are now design.
o r man had Struck him. to account for the opening ef, the done,
ing the build of the ear and deliaeraling "Excume me," saki the earl.
pasture. Food is plentiful and it is HE ab070 piet-ure of .the ,1-4 Since wo have moved out of this
easy for them to build up eoinewhat on the character and arrangement 09 1'9-'7
man and fish is the trade- —or—have not been well this even- ainnudinonlufo)InRetc.jo)8Cchasnlet 1,8111conyi vii..inei.eri niglenell'.1-
during the rest period. This they fuel. AL Arciewski is confident mat the Ina', us you are twain, anti ant not
cannot do if the rest period comes project will result in a notable 11(1/ .,s mark of Scott's Emulsion, in 0. fit condition to enjoy this tipsy
• "In the winter if kept entirely on dry ladiether the precise centre of the; 6Puanrionctre.1,7514 rleouoiml 'prim on the doer or
fodder. Frinn what has been said, Polar region is discovered ur not, 1111011 I and is the synonym for jest. Will you—or—leave reo, please?" Mr, klowes is jocular on the subjece,
and ho waved a, shaky hand towai1 01 this ghost, end says that neither lie
the conclusion is clear that where the door. nor his family tire (damned, er indeed
the conditions favor It, niore caa he "You—sou clam to insolt met" lie selleve in the supernaturni, but after
said 111 favor ot winter than of sum- tries of the globe. said, oarsoly. "You treat it us a emcee vows' "memo of th 1,61,,
211.er /Miry ing, The latter 15 more e -a 3081! You drive me away nil if T they are 51111 . at a loss to account Mr
If the cod fish became extinct
nkety to be engaged In where coun-
HOW MOSQUITOES BITE. *ere a dog! ny God, 'you shall mid i the mends. "We used le say it \Yes
trice me new, and as they get older, it Would. be a wOricl-Wide eala.M. 16 no jest, my lord! I've tril d yore , onvey's ghost." he yoemults, eba now
more rind more will people favor The bill of a mosquito is of Complex itY, because the oil that Como that I love lter—/ say It again. DOI we say 11. is the woman whose skete-
wititor dairyllig. ellarlicler. It has a blunt. fork at (1i, you Marl. I love 1101., lave her! Atte 1 fon we tounde.
head, and seems to be grooved. Work. ft. om its liver surpasses a11 other
II marrY he' t :till Clintieer IR supposed to have visited
t say made, 1 AVi
00101z1e0e5 serywr wpm rouLTRy ing through this groove, end projecting
. .
fats in nourishing and life-g,iving marry her for all your scorn, . you ; the house, and here 'teemed some (Attie
' from the angle of the fork, is a lanceof properties. Thwty years ay. old 30011" I l'inkstillie dialent which appoint in his
Til my dextro to find 140111e ex tone- : Owe, "The 'fleeve's Tale." it is he.
anon for yoill. conduct, Alr. Ilertion,"
lie said, slowly and icily, "E acet111 Id
you of being intoxicated. I fear 1
eannot grant you even that examen.
occupier. of the Mauer Nouse, Knaree.
is expecttd from the expedition in ni,,; strength. and purity. It 18-SOM
wey 01 Increasing nur knowledge of the almost all the civilized couu-
woriirs geographical and phystal char.
au Li Istics.
Araby additions are made at this toiled farm, sharpened with a fine
eeek beside which the keenest RIM the proprietors of Scolit's Erntil-
sonson to the ranks of the poultry -1
men, for the winter shows always fire instrument looks *Ike a saw. On either 8fon found a way °I PmParing
Many of the visitors with a desire to M lo 01 (1tis I. •
try thetr hand at poultry raising, elven points to their delicately -fashion.
writes Mr. 1T, S. Green. These few ed teeth. The backs et these saws play
remarks nifty help somo beginners to agoinet the lance. When die mosqui.
• avoid mistakes often made by the (O arighte with charnotorisuo inun it
cod liver oil so that everyone can
take it and get The full value of
the oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott's Emulsion is the
inexperienced. If rightly managed no . thrusts in itS keen lance, and then en. best thing in the world for weak,
ehtse tit lit% km* will afford as forges the wound with the two saws,
much piailt and pleasure as a flock i until the forked hill, with its arrange- backward children, thin, delicate
of pine bred chlakens. In proportion , merit for drawingout the blood, cun
to the race required and tho cost of tome into use. t is this sawing 1,N.
maintenanee, poultry returns • a' coss which jars upon the nerves of MI
larger per cent. of profit than Cattle, i hapless victim, and causee him la strike
people, and all aonditions of
wasting and lost strength.
gend hoe &Ample.
611001, Or hogs, and with chickens wildly at his tiny oe,
there le fhe advantage of being able SCOT!I ISOWNE, ComrisTs
to stilo w.ith very little eapttal, end At NeevcasIle Assizes 4110 Vend prey , TO*01111:0. 0100.
to incited° Lite stock gradually. returned a trim bill against Air. jebri I
Lockie, ex-M.P„ for Driven Orl who iq Oa mid $1.00, .11t druirgiats,
"tt is not necessary ea build alabore
ate house* or to tio.ye them turnitthed 'charged inisappropria ng £86,000.
lIevod In 110 (111y 11011SP In Eng.
iaml in which :druids au (mom ,.11.1
tree. In this case an old nal: of • the
forest., Willi its reels 81111 intact, rises
You ere 0111151,1 impertinent. lie genii 111m11511 tho kitchen up to the bedroom,
enough to leave the room; to-oloe- where It is mit sheet -11g no 100501'
row you will' leave the home)."
ni.00110arY 10,'1110 tarppot of the root—
Ito paused c moment. to gain his mid Is iised as fi small table for the cc,
breath, Guildford Amon watchieg oupent's candlestick.,
him, glarIng at. hirn.
4 --
'Tau called wro, 11111111, a fool. BUT IS SELDOM ON SIIR1,1%,
With humility, 1 admit. that you have
the right to da so. 1 have been n • owhy is a clocii like a vain, pretty
fool to placn confidence In, to bnet ow young lofty?'•
nly frferidship urine, a person who. it "I fall to see any resembhince„ Wily,"
lin entered my house at all, should "Penalise it is rill lace arid: flow, hes
have• occupied his 7,ropar place in it, at
that of it re:event."
Guildford Berton); five want livid.
"Anti as a last word t
Furs valued at 4.2,000 have been stolen
from elessrs. Prager & Cempanyi, AL
dersgate buildings, London.
Trawling operations are believed t
i\blean11.10 cause of the breakdown in lh
cabIe between England and Lire Isle
Mrs. James Mee, the widow of 111
novelist who wrote in collaberatim
with the late Sir Walter Desant, ha
died at Dulwich on Mender.
A number of silver coins have beer
found in Winford churchyard, intending
silver pennies of Edward Land Edwari:
ITL, greats of Edward 111.
One penny constituted the election
eepenses incurred by Mr.. Dolor ;lames,
the non -perinea] candidate for the Bust
eVieprati.dc,oSoolaer;lt.).orough, at the recent mind -
In the absence of the landlord, who
had gene for the police, a private Lf
Niarines took n flying lean through a
plate-gless window al. the New Boll Inn,
Harwich. Ile died later.
Dr. J. H. Aldridge, a prominent edu.
cationisle who, whilst in the Army Med-
ical Staff, saw the Charge of the Light
Brigade and the 13attle of thiccrman, has
died at Southampton.
In his attempts to address meeting
at Horsham on "The Unrighleirusness if
the late Boer war;" mr. \V. \V. Kensett
WAS pelted with rotten eggs, bed
oranges,.flour and soin.
A howl -shaped cinerary urn of tho
bronze ago, has been dug up at Alph-
ernstone clurecli, Suffolk. Tilts is held,
to -bear out the theory that the church
stands on the site of an ancient burrow.
Seventy-seven 'actions hove been cram -
mance(' againat the Tenceln Corporation
as a emit of the typhoid epidentle,
damages being claimed in consequence
01 1110 simply of hnpure WO ler.
A writ hes been issued egainst the
United National Colliery Centpany,
Wattslown, by the South Wales Miners'
Federation, for drainages Mr the MSS of
over 100 lives in the recent expleeion.
The ratepeyers of the Colchester
Union terve been awed ri year by a
resolution of the guardians' allowing the
now porter al .411e workhouse to merry
the laundress and occupy the lodge.
While manager to an eutlitlen. in the
town Some years ago, the new chief
magistrate oS Glastonbury (Somerset)
made the mayoral 'robe with which he
has now -been invested on his aceeesion
to tire office. . .
There resides at Robin flocirl's 13ny,
Yorkshire, a retired coastguardsman
named Henry 'Teyler, who is SO and his
wife' 09, They have been nuirrled 07
3'0111'S, elie Taylor hoisted the "royel
standard on the Britannia when Queen
Vieteela [mended the throne.
Chaelos ,Wyncititun, , new ille
recognized head of the drtimalic profes-
sion, will bo elected as succesene In Sir
Henry teeing tie; president of the Than-
t Heel ale no gm's' Amelia lion, Apart
mom his eminence in Ilea profeselon—he
Is now perhaps, the most finished pm,
former on the stage—Sir Charles Wynd-
ham is on aceomplished public speaker.
With the object ot preventing the
total extinction owls in ,the eastern
counties, Lord Lliford a short. time ego
liberated on his Cambridgeshire estate
50010'1111y specimens of owls which ap-
pear to have bred successfully. A num-
ber ot the birds hove however, lately
been killed, and his Lordship hos 158110,1
an appeal to formers to protect the
TM 11011d bo aptillit at, Is hard In elop !bele, '.3 131011, so far from doing 'bent
when once It 10 Wound tub, and hire 1, ruse 11111.0. ere ;Willy the Terniere'
striking way of tailing attention le itself Mends and mu 01 great use in keeping
(May hour la Um day." down ' faleo, eta;
L'A-Ys.' Is usual in such
de said on both sides.
of the question may be r
statement of an eminent
who says that the amoun
consumed In this count!
of Um world's total suppl
amount is greater ' the
Oviertany, Austria -Mengel
the United Kingdom comb
BMI1 tea and coffee a
stimulants, owing Le the
contain. Their actual food
ponds entirely on the milk or
sugar that. are udded to the
do,. however, diminish muscula
relieve the sense of hunger to s
toot, and lesson tissue waete.
smaller amounts .of food are n
Vet' -this reason military men an
ens of exploring exeeditions reg
or coffee as anAndispentrible part
rations of their men, and there a
to be no doubt that more work c
done with them titan without.
On the other. hand, the oversti
tion of the nervous system uttenden
immoderate indulgence in tea or cof
Is always injurious, and some persor
suffer from the use of even 8010
amounts. Nervous excitability, tern
lathy of temper, insomnia and tremu
lousness of the heeds are some of the
mere prominent nervous symplons, hut
the digestIon ts also likely to suffer.
This is .especially apt to occur if the bev-
erage Is premixed by a prolonged boil-
ing, es in this ease much of the tannin
present In both the lea -leaf and the
coffee -bean is extracted. Green lea,
seowniinog. to the way in which. It is cured,
contains about twice as much tannin•es
the black, and is therefore less. whole,...
In general, it mny be said that when
taken in itioderallon and properly pre.
pared by a method which does not per-
mit Lhe extraction of ton great an amount •
of tannin, neither coffee nor tea affect
the ordinary individual in good health .,
very much,. either for the better or the ••
Worse. There are, however, many per-
sons who should never lake either; and
for children their use should be strictly
of whatever nature which Merges in iffee;
By cinder weinean any minute i:IteraL,1,:letl.
eye, where it causes niuch pain a
Irelnss'elest cases when a foreign •body
gels into the eye, it creates a little dis-
- acowmayfortyfor a time, but is soon washed
the tears without, doing any
harm. Somethnes, especially when the
particle has sharp corners to it, ati IS
often the case with the line cinders
from a locomollvo which burns soft coal,
thu conpincliva is cut and Lhe body be-
comes firmly lodged in It, •and all no-
` Lure's simple efforts to remove it are In -
°flecked. Man then trtes to come re
, nature's assistance, and often makes bad
' very much worse.
1 The sufferer winks the eye, rubs It
with finger, perhaps inserts ,an
stone, and does whatever else he can
think olio drive the particle deeper into
the conjunctiva and excite hillernmallen. '
This Inflammation -causes swelling of the
conjunctiva immediately surrounding
the offending particle,. with the result
that the foreign body becomes imbedded,
and can be remmed only by the latie
needle or knife of the oculist; or else it
loosens itself by exciting an ulceration 4,3
of the cornea, anti this ulceration, when
healed, leaves behind it a minute white
scar. Lucky is ..the man if this scar
shrefrlocnils oar tlhoenie4ril.e, and not directly
One who gels cinder in the eye must
first of all exercise self-conlrol. Ile
must pot rub the. eye. He may take a
glass of clean water,. throw in tr e.r
of salt, then 'put the head ;lawn so that
the eye is in the writer and wink several
times rapidly. If this does no geed, the " •
particle .can sometimes bo dislodged ey
taking hold of the lashes and drawing :e • 1 t
1.110 upper lid down 0V01' the lower,' and et: •""
letting, a slide beck into place.
It the speck can be seen on looking 4
into the mirror it may often be removed ;eel
by the Up of a cone made by folding the !„••••.a,
handkerchief several times. Sometimes e• .
e friend ern see the speck by looking
inki !he eye with a • megnifying-glass,
and can remove it by gently. touebing it
with the handkerchief cone,
This Is n.11 any one should attempt,
and 11 111080 gentimefforts frill to dislodge
the cinder, no time should ho lost in
seeking the help 'of a- physician, who
rimy lake It away before inflammation
ei. ulceration CORMS to complicate the -
accident.—Youlh's Companion.
When the skin is constitutionally of a -
dry. nature and liable to become rottgly
and irriltible at almost every chenge 117
the Weather it 1.5 generally desirable to
anply, el least once a tiny, a good sk
emollient preparation. Cold cream
almonds is an excellent specific tor this
purpose, To milk() if, mix together 4
oz. of MI of shnondS, oz. of white r
wax end az, or enerrneeeti. l'hese e's
Ingredients should be 1)111 111 a jot. Sol
the jar in a saucepan Of water over rt
slow heat and 1111X lho ingredients
thoroughly together'. 1 ilen the mixture
is 811)001*)11,1,id ,, 5111 0(1, of orange -
flower water; mix we 1 and store in au
earthenwere pot. .iirnple olive oil is
also an excellent unguent for use on the
skin. There Is no clangor from the tiso
of vegetable. oils, A groat ninny people
with naturally dry skin 1 -
pict oll after bathing,
poac a vegetable MI
or olive oil, iii to
thing else.
IMAM ti;
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