HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-1-4, Page 1sten.
et -Tau PosT,
les Maggie Beam.
oft -W. F. Btretbon.
ore -A. B. Macdonald,
cr 4tiv$•
1 him Councillor Cnta.
ndereon and Patterson, of
ieitore atJames'Btraohao'e.
yane and Jas. Straohan have
to their respeotive Colleges at
o puree() their, otudiee.
a' Institute meeting will be held
ell here on Monday afternoon
ing 18th inst. Speakers will be
°Millen, Jae. MoFadzeau, Dane.
o and Geo. Mardis, A loxes
nos and an interesting diet:m gion
°ted. tl
be aanaal&ahool meeting of U. 8.
,16, Grey and Howlett, George
eon was elected to complete noes.
d term ot Thee. Bennett, who ter
ed• to run tar township Coanoillor.
Bbarpin was chosen ae the third
etee instead of W. R. Belden. The
oil ountraot went to Thos. Bennett @
01 per cord. Mise Jean Carling is the
ew teacher, who receives $860 f .r 1906.
e wish her well. The echool well will
e dulled on arrival of imitable weather,
Mre. E. Bernard is at present eeriouely
John Brawn, ot Toronto, spat a few
days in the village.
Alex. Oaeemure hae been ou the elok
list but ie improving.
James Thompeon ie the gneet of hie
Sister, Mrs. R. Bleak.
Miele Effie Care hae returned from. a
;reek's viatb in 'reroute.
W. and Mrs. McBride, of London,
visited relatives bene last weak.
Mise Merle Mann, of Teamster, epent
Monday with relatives In the village.
Mise Margery Gibeon, ot Toronto, is
visiting her aunt, tire. F. V. Dickson.
Alex. and Mre. Campbell, of London,
are vieiling the Tatter's mother, Mre.
Mise Alice Walker, of Niagara Failsis
the gnat of hes grandmother, *Mrs. J.
Mieeee L. Ardell and J. Montgomery,
of Gerrie, palled on friends here on
Alvin Hemphill, of Toronto, spent e
few days wilt; hie parents, T. and Mre
Mtge Nellie Black returned to London
on Wednesday after spending a week at
her home.
Cards of Thanks
I take this early opportunity of thank-
ing you for re-eleoting me to Bruaaelb
Council for 1906. It will be my pleasure
to serve the best interests of Brussels.
Yours Truly,
,To rat ELEOTnna of Monate Twr.,-
You have my best thanks for the royal
support a000rded me on election day. I
hope by my aotiona to retain y001' 000-
Gratefully Yours,
• GDO. KELLY, Joe.d1
I return my thanks to the eleotore of
"orris Township for re-aleobiug me as
•1 enooillor for this year. I trust it will
be a prosperous year to ns all.
Respectfully Yours,
fetal you are de erving of nitabearty
t.•mnks for the splendid vote given me on
ll'tenday and I therefore take this mane
I will ever retain
atter good opinion. Wishing you a
prosperous year,
Yours Truly,
The Golden
Now that the Holiday
season is over I take
this opportunity of
thanking, most heartily,
my numerous friends
for their most liberal
patronage extended to
me. With best Wishes
to all for a prosperous : "
New Year,
T atn,' rs Truly,
Bou, 0f Boil/pevalp,
prate, John and
ham, of Trowbridge,
heir daughter, Mrs.
ante aid Maggie Miller, of
to, spent Now Year's Day at their
e " Oatmoeo Farm,"
Mise Nettie MuNaagbtoD, w110 bas
been attending College in Guelph, ie
epeuding the vacation at her borne in
Barrio Hamilton, of Pioton, and
.Sommerville Hamilton, of London, were
gaeate'of their parents, John and Mrs.
Hamilton, neer here over the holiday,.
SobOol opened In the new, euhool on
Wednesday with Mr. Dobson as principal
and Miss E. Henry, in ;Junior depart.
Ment. The eobool Was open to visitors
for several days.
Mottoes worOh.
Farmer& Iaetttute meeting here ou
Tuesdhy, Jan. 16th.
Mise Edith Burton is antler .the
doctor's are. We hope 81on to see her
around again.
Wm, H, Mitobell and bride are epend
a teiv'days with hie parents here before
rotureiium to Termite.
V. A. Markle, ot Wilteaporl, bee been
eugaged as teaoberfor Molesworth eohoo
for the per 1900: He oommenoed duty
• The members of the Public Library
Intend holding 0 Oouoert iu the vahage on
°unary IOtb. Benguugh will give hit
chalk talks as a part ot the program lei
}he evening.
Bova-MITonELL.-On Wednesday, Deo,
27th, a q ret house wedding took pbaoe in,
Uobourg, Out., at the stoma of John Buyo,
whoa his youngest daughter, Christine,
Ahem was united in marriage to Witham
Harvey Mitchell, Torouto. Thebrim.
was gowned fn oream nun's veiling wilt
trimmings of oriental lane and ribbon
adage and carried a shower begat et
roses, - The brideemeid, Mies L,az:e
alien, Peterboro', Ont., wore a beaomtum
aoetame of obampaign voile with gree"
vetvot trimmings. The groom was sup•
portad by his brother, Allan Mitchell; of
doleeworth, Ont. Atter partaking of the
wedding Innobeon the happy oouple tett
stern uteri; ofute,
for Buffalo and Western O p
Phe bride's going away costume was bine
broadcloth with hat to matob, Mr. and
are. Mitobetl will reside in Toronto.
Read Grey ;ewe on pegs 4.
Wm. Bray was holidaying in the pity
of Hamilton.
H. MoNaugbt was re elected trustee
enS•S No. 9.
Cbee, Oookeley, of Cobalt, is visiting
in this townebip.
S. R. Ureter has returned to 111,,
School of Boienoe at Toronto.
S. B. Lamont was visiting hie- trieods
E. 0. Wilford, 00 Beyth, lass week,
Alex. and Mre. McKay spent the
Xmite holidays. with relattvea in Dawn.
Alex. Mulaggart, ton of John Mu
L'amgart, 10th au., is home from the
• Jno. Lamont, of Wingham, .spent e
few days with relatives ou the 8th„ 000.,
this week.
Arthur Solder, of Toronto, epee'
Xmas holidays with his uuole. Wm.
Buttrey, 12th., con.
At the anal school meeting for
,Felton's wheel, 16th our„ Jae. McNair,
;r., was elated eobool trustee. _ - -
Miss Dmme Buttrey, 12th con. who
hae spent the peat month with (monde in
drauttord, returned home last week,
The company of young people who
assembled at John MaNanght'e' Wednee
nay evenpg report an enjoyable- tame..
Rev. T. W. Coulee, of Brunets, win
deliver an address in Union ahiruh next
Sabbath afternoon on Bible Sooiety work.
The other day James Untie, 16th sou•,
was butted ay a ram ou hie Perm ano
temporarily disabled. We hope he will
goon be lie alert as eves
Mise Germs Henley ie home from he
visit at 'Toronto. George was also a wet
some visitor to frleude around Mouorigff.'.
He is employed iu Stratford. -
Laurie MoNaught, eon o6 John Mo
Naught, is home from hie trip- to the
West and will probably go out again in
the Spring. Ile is well planed.
Next Sabbath evening Eh Smith and
Chao.. Richardson will address a Bible
tlooiety meeting in Bethel ohuroh at 7
o'clock. A ouheetion wil, be taken.
Oliver Ramie was re elected tru0lee
'n terra in This
for the rest t m B. S.No. 2
u g S
station is up•to date with a coal stove and
they Sud it cheaper them wood they say.
:i;;4.. Campbell, and the Misses Genie,
and Edith Campbell, of Oouebanoe, spent
a portion of the -Christmas bolidaye at
Wm. Armstrong's, visiting their oculifine,
At the annual meeting held in B• S.
No. 3 Alex. MoDonald was elected
trustee in place of Wm. Work. P. A,
MoArthae is the Seo•Tteae., for this
An auction ale of 10 gores of standing
timber le amiounued uv. Donald Maaeil,
to take place on Friday of next week,
12111 inet., at 1 p. In., at lot 26, coo. 14,
F. S, Sootb, of Brueaelti will be the
Cann on TOANxe.-We wish to express
our sincere thanks to the may kind
friends who by word and deed were 80
thonghtfu"ttid kindly dutiug the illneee
end demise of ohr father, Chat. Willie)*
eon.' It will never be forgotten.
'1'009. AND Mite. WILLIAMSON
B. S. No. 10 chose John Hutchison to
complete the one year term of Robt.
Coasts, who remov0e to MoBtllop in
Metah. ' Anglia Campbell was re,eleoted.
We are sorry to lose Mr. Conbte from
at 'meaty. Mine MoGillivr0y, of
Mount Forest, i0 the new teaoher in No,
10, She8eta 3376.
ureleohooat openedWednesday
R4 Y
this week, Male' Weathers are in the
minority in this township, there being
only three among fourteen , teachers
employed, Only two teachers held a
2nd Cam profeemional oertiduatee. While
tour school beards pay a (Wary of 0400
or over bit several are yet below 4360.
Which de quite 'an Menage over What
they were three yenta ago, •
A welcome vieltor from the West is „-�
Wm. Hielop, of Aroola, a former roeident /
of tba l4tb con. He ie' a brother of 11 y_�
Arable Hialop,,M. P, P•, sod Andrew
iiielop, of Grey. Like the Ieael gentle.
men Mr. Hislop ie nlep a bachelor but he
nBY li 11NN1g P'1 f:.41�TF OP
may not always be go. is is 1G rare *-.-.•---v-ti..�=rti'-=�-
sinoe he went Weatwhere he hae done ,,.r.N••?""f 1'13,"""`"
Outman WI -arooieoo PAYS NATattE'o
Deem. -Ari old and well known resident
of the 14ta an., paeaad that bourne from
whenme no traveller returns last - Sabbath
incoming in the person of Cherlew Wit,
mamma being finite a surprise to many.
Tle bed undergone a ariti let operation on
Saturday, alter being du poor hetilth for
some years, in the hope that hie life would
be prolonged but his weakoned ooedillah'
was not able to rally, Damaged .was
horn in Oheohire, England and name to
Ceuada over 46 years ago. After living
for a time in Oxford Ott, where' he was
married to Hannah Dnrront, who pre.
deceased bey husband by 6 years, they
moved to the 14th of Grey in 1879, pur
sauteing a farm on wbioh he lived and
died from the late Lewis MoDonald, of
tvalton. The eurvlviog children are
Wen., of Wingham; All„ in Minhigau ;
and Toa. on bbe bomeeteed, Mr. Wil.
'1010800 was an upright, houorable man,
mdnetrioueand lsiudly. He was a mem
her of the Methodist ohuroh for yam, an
independent in polities end will be re•
membered by many for his neighborly
dada. The funeral took p:nue on Tues.
.lay afternoon 00 Brueeela cemetery, .Rev,
D. B. McRae ouuduoling an epprepriate
service), By the demist: of Mr, Wiluam
1300 another of the early residents ot the
Toth line beeu taken away.
Alt orrir+. -
Renew for Tian Poem.
See Morrie mew8 .on page 4 of this
The new Connell will meet on Mon
.10,3 of next week 01 11 a. CO.
Dougaid MoDonald was vieiting at
Mount Forest for to few days.
James Daus ie home from Oxford Oo,
where he hoe spent the peat three or fou
Lyon Fiuiiiater, of Ayr, hae been holt
laying with reh,tivee in Morrie during
;be peat week,
Jas, Gresby hae parehaaed the 60 core
farm 61 lli+ten Watson's. We ooagratu•
.ate Mr. Gresby 011 his lend poseeaeiou.
Samuel Walker. '1h inn who arrived
a ,e• .
home from the West a few weeks ago,
as been on the etoit list since hie arrive'
Ml we hope he will soon be ce, k.
At S. S. No. 6 annual sleeting Walter
Erna wets re eleuted trustee. Wm. Opole
rare viol ouppiy)1ho stovewoodtat 02.40 per
uord end Wm. Maeou the- neueseary
cedar' at02,00 per cord.
Mre Jas, Blake, daughter of Wm
and Mre. Watton left the parental. boom
,aetBatnrd,ty, to joinher husband in
Oalifornia who -L engaged in oil well
Internees. We weals her a sale trip.
John and Mrs. OIOg., trod -family have
been the reoipioute of Xmas ,gifts from
Geneva, Puree and .Hetdleberg, oolleoted
uy Mre. Claim's 'Muer, Dr. Findleler, in
her travels in Eorupe feet Sommer.
JOXNED'IN WED1.o01t.--4. pretty wed -
mg Conk plaou on lhuredey Deo, 214t et
-the reeideuue of A. 1'. and Mre. (Joie,
,when their eldest aaugbter, attune Maud,
.vas united in marriage to W, L. Bran-
don, of k'robieber, Beskabihewan, former•
ly of Morrie. Rev. J. J. Hestia, pastor
of Belgrove Presbyterian aura, per•
formed the oeremouy at high 0000
in the presume of only -the immediate
reiatl0e0 and friends. Tho wedding
march tvae played by. Mies H. Brandon
nude of the groom, - At the close of tite
o0remonya beautiful wedding feast wag
served, atter which the happy ootiple
drove to Blyth and took the 8 66 train
tor Londuu and Saginaw.- The bride
wag the recipient of many beautiful
presents. Tno Eon joins in exteudiog
oungratulattone to the happy couple.
Thefoliuwing legal unto from Osmoode
Hall, Torouto, refers to people well
known in this township : - Re' Smith
Iulante-Judgment nu application by the
father of Andrew Alexander Smith (12)_
and William J. P. Smith (10),. for au
order awarding the - opplto0ut their one.
Jody se against the mother, and to reoeine
former orders. Held, upon the evid000e.
end the report of a ph) eioi0n specially
Belated to make an examination of the
boys, that the tame hoe arrived when it
to for their beuedt to be committed to
re of their lather, with roeieion
the woe p
for rese enable 00oe08 of the mother to
the nbildren properat. and convenient
Mims, - Order cordiegly On the
mother recombine eatlefavtory security,
or on oouueel uudertalting thee ole 10(0nta
will not be removed out of the -jurisdic-
tion, the order will ttot be enforced until
16th April next, W. Proudfoob,' K. '0„
for the father, (l. ()meow, (Goderiob) for
the mother.
MAfattlogx0L,-Tbe- Weyburn (Sask.)
Herald, of Deo. 22nd., gives the following
partioulare of the marriage of former
well known residents of the 6th line :-
One of the prettieet home .wedding's of
the season took place loot-Thbredey
Deo, 16th, at the reaidonoe of the bride'e
parents six miles Nothwest of Weyburn
when Mies Margaret Mooney, second
daughter of Henry Mooney, .wan united
to marriage to Charles Edgar ,Amen, of
Milestone. Rev, J. G. Elliott, B. D.
pastor of the Methodist ohuroh, Weybern
antedated, The bride was unattended
and wag given may by her father. She
.00kedparticulaely 'sweet and demure in
het dainty drese of white organdie with
trimmings of velenelennee tete end' iu-
eertion. Het long tulle veil was bold in
plait by a 0pray of orange blossoms,
while 0 shower bnquet of oarnattons and
moidett hair -fern was 'serried. Mise
Loaiee amen played the wedding march,
The predate wore partiooleriy useful
and biantite' and signified by tIeir
nninber the esteem in whib11 the bride is
hold by her Mende. Only the ithmedlate
'cleaves of the aonitaeting parties were
present at the wedding .The bridge
going limey ooetume was 0 handsome one
tf brown broadoloth, brown het and
atoll fur lined Goat. Mr. and Ma.
Amee 1011 for their home In itllleetoue by
the 6ret mein. o,irryiug With thorn many
kindly wfehee for a happy aed proeperous
W.I-I. KERR, Pt,op
Photo. by Miss Aon-Yesur, New York,
A Successful Younis Canadian Novelist
Of the ,Canadian novelists who have won reputation and recognition
during the past few years, nearly half of the number have been women, and
in this List the splendid work of Miss Agnes C. Lauf deserves high place.
She was born in Winnipeg in 1872, and while in her junior year at the Mani
toba University her health proved so delicate that she was ordered to pack
up her 'school books and go out into the wild, free, regenerating life of the
Solkirks, to see what these noble mountains of Canada could do for her.
There, in a life-giving atmosphere, where every breath is a natural tonic,
she rode and walked her Way to health, defying the decrees and propheoiee
of her physieinne. She found in an Iodlan reservation 'oeated in the wilds
of the mountains, material for ben firer boot; "Lords of the North,"
Miss Laut was the filet woman to lavado the mining camps of the Cana-
dian Rockies and to study the lite there at close range. Her virile, graphic
newspaper letters on this subject wr-to not signed, and editors of mining
journals intowhose
lanae try
chanced tro come,praised
with enthus-
iasm, and wondered why other Eastern writers did not picture mining life as
it really was, like the matt whose articles were appearing in the "Winni-
peg Free Press" and other paper's.
To man in the rough, es itliss 7ant found him in these camps, uncon-
taminated lag civilization, she pars L'gh tribute when she says: "There I
learned to appreciate the r hivah•y rata courtesy of a class receiving small
credit for such traits, and this, than^•h I was entirely alone, without one
instance of aisrespeet or annml ore," On her travels for 'literary material
Miss Laut has had many inte'e'tine; exnertences, among them an eight
weeks' cruise in a government mailhnat along the coast northward from St.
Johns. She made many later visits to the Selkirks, where the natural free-
dom from the trammels of genial convention. appealed strongly to her.
Beside her later books, "Heralds of Empire," "The Story of the Trapper"
and the "Pathfinders of the West," Mins Laut bas written strong articles on
polities and SOeinl gnertions; subjects rarely handled by women and still
more rarely with the directness, Clearness and force which seem to per-
meate with vitality everythiug she writes. Her contributions to the "New
York Sun," the New York "Evening Post," the "Review of Reviews" and the
"Century" Show a virility unusual from the pen of a woman so feminine and
so unspoiled by success as Miss Lout.
Eatawd according arta ante rarna,neat of Canada, in Ulu nay1000, by w a Slat at the Datarlmont of Agriculture.
ruin, e. The many old friends of Mr and
Mrs. Ames in this Motility weigh them
Wended hearty oongreaulation0.
Mre, J. MODouald event n few da-ys
with her mother in Paisley.
titre• T. Driver, ot Blanchard, isvieit•
ing her wants Mr. and Mre. Liviuge.on.
Max. and Mre. Reward aud family ate
their.0hrietmae turkey ander the parent.
al roof.
The old 'settler's• eey it ie a sign of an
open Winter for the 'sparrow hae_ gone
Mre, E. Luong and her little daughter,
Velma, spent Christmas with her perente
At the ,enema eobool meeting David
Dunbar was ammo trustee ae en008100r
to Andrew McKee.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Dr. Rose
of Brussele, will preach in the Preeyb
atria ohuroh here,
A low whisper says we are going to lose
one of aur young ladies. It ie tbonght
eke will keep hoarders,
Miami Annieend Minnie Bateman
epent New Years at their o0081Oe ex•
ldermen Frank Balls Stratford.
A company of .Ethel young people spent
a very pleasant time at reeidenoe of
17ph.0ober, Brussels on New Year's
Leet Sabbath evening Rev. W. Amos
gave an address in the Methodist ohttrob.
A watohnighb 80rviee was held at the
Parsonage later thee 1900 was weleomed
Pao FENou•-Robert Oloee is still the
local agent for the Page wire fence. No
better on the market, Written or par-
eonal order's attended to promptly. Ethel
P. 0. or Lot 28, Onn. 6, Grey.
On Wednesday 17th lust•, the annual
meeting of the Farmers' Inelitnee will be
held in the dell here, Geo. Needle, of
Seatorth, Duncan Andaman and A.
Hiolop, M. P, P„ will eve addreaoee.
Annual Union Bible Safety aervioe
Will be held in the Methodist (thumb .here
next Sabbath evening,, 'Rev. T. W.
Oneono, of Brnsoals, will addreee• the
gathering. Colleotion in the iutereete of
Ile man,
The illustrated Leoture by Rap. Me.
WTleon, of Walkerton, in the Presbyterian
church, Mee Friday evening was e, treat
indeed and mnoh good should reonit in
ewallening Missionary interest among
the young people partianlerily,
Ben lama -Eat -1y Thursday morning
fire wee.4180overed id the etorehoeme of
Jn°, MODnnalti'e store and with the high
wind and absence of flee flgbliug ap•
pliau0ee the fiamee quickly spread aid
before they were Stayed MoDouald's,
general More, Kreuter & .Ritchie'* liard
ware, ire the tame blool , and W. Heath's
barber glum and dwelling were laid waate.
Little wag saved owing to the rapidity
with,twhiah the fire spread. 13y hereto
,flirt the devonriug element was etayed
atter ite devaetaking work above mention.
d, We have nothing accurate as to
inauroeeo, The building in whioh
Masers. IYluDonald, Heater &Ritchie did
busmen belonged to Mts. Simpson, of
Ethel. It will boa bad blow to all oon•
uernod partiaolarly at this, season of the
year. It wee fortneate 11 did not make
a wider sweep.
ONE ar T00 OLD GDAoDo.-Last Bator•
day afternoon wheu Rev. Wm. Ames, of
Woodetook, who is 8o years ot age, was
coming to Ethel' to attend the funeral of
big brother; by mistake he got off the
trate at Hentryo and before he aeoerbain•
ed hie error the train was away. With
old time plank he took to the King's
highway end soon covered the 4 miles
in0er0emng between Henfeyn and Ethel,
and was apparently nous the worse of bis
unexpected' jaunt.
ripe aria of grain ready for the garner
oamo the divine summons to Semnel
Amee on Thurodey of last week, at 10 a,
eo full awe t ,andhepaeaedp ce y y o hie
reward, with hymns of praise and
rtffeobinnitte farewells upon hielips,
meeting bye and bye that nn•ndered
friendships will be reanitrd, Mr. Amen
was bora in Somerset, England,' in 1827
and when a lad of 5 or 6 come to Canada
with hie parents, loo0ting at Peterboro.
Here he lamed the trade of cooper at
which he teas au adept. In 1348 he wee
happily united in marriage to hie now
bereft partner, Mary Forster, with
whom he travelled life's pathway for 67
yearn and who proved o helpmeet indeed,
After: a short sojourn iu Keene Mr.
Ames, with many others from the East,
turned hie face Wenbward and took up,
lot 17, son,' 4, Grey, 51 years ago, then a
bush property and whish by industry
and thrift he and hie family transformed
into trailing fields, 10 years ago Mr. and
Mre. Amee lett the homestead . to their
eon Joseph and moved to Ethel where
they resided eines, The abject of this
ilatioe had a severe attack' 01 pneumonia
7 years ago the effects of whioh were
nearly etwaye present but be was able to
be about and attended ohuroh three
I weekepreodding his demiee. Deaeaeed
wan an old time Methodist olaea
Meader and as faithful and highly esteem•
ed worker in the vineyard as le to be
found. In the pioneer doge many a pas-
tor found liim and tamily.friedds indeed
and hie name will be evergreen especially
with those be was intimately ateooiated
with. Cheerful, chatty and
ever ready
to lend a helping hand it was not much
wonder that hie Mende were membered
by the hnndrotlt, In addition' to Mre.
Ames who le in bet 78th year, there are
11 of 12 children surviving via, J., W, ,
ot Bay City, Mioh. ; Wm„ of Milestone,
N. W. T. ; Henry, of Arden, Man.
Thos. E., of Winnipeg 1 Moe. McGuire
and Mre. D. W, Inbar of Ethel ; Mre.
D. 0. Boer, Bruaeel°; S, R•, of Oreeford,
Man, ; Mre, A. MoAnllieter and Joe, of
Gray township • and Jdre, J, T. -Durgin
of Toronto. They were all et the fuser•
el ou Sabbath afternoon oxeepting' Wm,
Harry, Sarni, and Ma. Durgin, who
could not get here. The service was
held i0 the Methodist ehnroh and wan
eondnatad, by Rev, E. a'. Armotrong,
B D,, deoeapdd'a pastor; who evoke most
appropriate, oommendatory and ooneol•
lug word's from the text II Samuel, 8rd
;hap, and 38th veree "Aud the &Ing said
unto his servants know ye not that: there
i0 a prince and a great man fallen tbie
day in Ieerael." Byrne familiar to
Mr. Ames eung snob 00 "Servant
of God well done" and "There le a land
of pure delight." The ohoir rendered
"Some sweet day," Floral tributes were
ohuiee, Ptall bearere were J. W, T. E.,
and Joseph Amee, sone of deemed, D.
W. Dunbar, D. 0. Robe, and A. Mo
Allister, eons tn•law. Among relative -
who attended the funeral were Rev. Wm
Ames, brother to deueaeed of Woodetook,
Joseph Forster of Peterboro brothe•in-law
and George May„ a nephew, of Peterboro.
Mre. Ames and family will be a000rded
eiooere oympathy and many a Methodist
person will drdp it etleut tear over the
aunoynoement of, Mr. Ames' demise,
"Bernet of God, wall dons ;
Thy glorious warlare'e past ;
The battles fought, the race is won,
And thou art Drowned at last,"
Alai:, McDougall, of St, Thomas, was a
visitoa hese during the past week.
Dr.. T. T. MoBae hae returned to
Toronto. He had rather an 000008.
holiday being 111 a good share of the
Sabbath afternoon next Rev. E. F.
Armstrong, of Ethel, is expeoted to
preach et miseiouary sermon in the
Methodist ohuroh here,
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Dr. Rose,
of Brussele, will conduct the eervioe iu
Knox ohuroh is the morning and wile
deliver a Bible Society 'address in the
0000108 at the annual onion meeting to
he bald iu thesame ohuroh.
The partnership in the medical and
'surgical practise =dented by Dre. J
L. and W. B. Turnbull, ot Godericb, hm
been dissolved, Dr. J. L. having sold bit,
Interest to Dr. A. T. Enemereon, of
Wanda, who with Dr. W. B. willao
U u W
the praotto0. Dr. J. L. Turnbull win
shortly go abroad to continue hie atndies.
WWI ton.
A. and Mre. Gardiner entertained a
number of friends on New Year's night.
Mre, D. Fritzley, who has been vieitiaa
her pareute,returned on Tueedoy to her
home in Toronto.
Rev. A. MooNab will take the 800010ee
in Dnif'e oheoh next Sabbath, halving
recovered from big illness.
Thursday, Jan. 18th is the date get for
the Farmers' Institute meeting to be
held in the A. 0. IT. W. Hall here.
Rev, A. K. Birks, B. A., of Benfortb,
preaohed to the Epworth League of the
Methodist oheron last Sunday evening
on the 000aeion of their an0iver0eryy.
In the Municipal contest' in MoXillap
last Itionday the mantle of Reeve fell o»
the ehonldgre of Councillor Governante at
teat year. We extend oongratalatione
The-aonoert provided by the Epworth
League on New Year's night was em -ex
eeption0lly enjoyable one, as -a brilliant
array of talent wail present. David Mc-
Gill, of Blyth, delighted the audience,
and will always receive a warm welcome
here, Mies Allie Dnudae, of Bethel, mud
Mise Carrie Hiogeton, of Eructate, eon
tributed beautiful Bolos, the latter also
',sedating Mies Dolly Baker in duets
Readings were rendered by Mise Josie
Buohanao, of Brunie, Mimi Elder of
Blyth, and Mies Graham of Goderiah.
The all silk autograph guilt was pur-
abased by T. W. Morrison.
A FATAL AOOIDENT.-A very sad a00i•
dent, that termtnated fatally, happened
on Thursday of last week to (Deadlier
John Ooupland, of Turnberry. Oa the
afternoon referred to, Mr. Ooupland and
big eon Peroy, went out to the woods to
out wood. Towards evening, a tree they
had felled lodgedin another tree, and it
large limb that broke off the falling tree,
was hurled book. Mr. Conpland saw the
hob ooming, and endeavored to reach a
place of safety. The limb however,
streak him, it is 'supposed, on hie back.
Hie eon at once ran to bis assistance, and
lifted the limb, which was then,lying
across hie father'e lege, and propping him
against a tree, hurried home for a horse
Dud atter. Mr, Couple -rid oomplaioed of
hit back, and ae quiokly as possible a
messenger was despatched to Wingham
for a phytioian. A little later, pogeibly
'coo than an hour after the acoideut o0
mitred and before the doctor arrived, the
wjured man expired. Mr. Ooupland was
well reepeated, and is highly spoken of
by I,ljp nefghborg, as an industrious, up•
iR man, and a kind neighbor. Be
leaves a widow and two song, who keenly
feel the trial that has deprived them of
the head of the home, Mr. Conpland bad
lived for many years in the township
and the long eeretae be had given in
Turnberry Council, and his !regent
re,eleotion were evidences that be enjoyed
the aanlidenoe and eeteem of hie fellow
eleatore. The funeral took plaoe ou Sun
Jay to Wingham cemetery. Sinbere
sympathy is telt for the family so ,sadly
and euddenly bereft, Only two montbo
ago the deceased terminated hie oonneo•
,ion with the A. O. V. W. A memorial
eervioe will be bald in Belmore Motbodieb
ohuroh next Sunday, Jan, 7, at 11 a. m.,
oondaated by Rev. J, H. Oeterhout. Mr.
Ooupland was 0 Wad member of Bel
more Methodist o11neoh, and of the
of It
' mrd. He wag
Quarterly 016ma1 Bo
Q y
genial diepoeftfom, sympathotio in hie
nature, and of eterling principles,
The 131, Catharines Daily Journal and
Star amalgamated.
rho Oryatal blook at Buckingham,
Qoe., wag burned. Lose, 09,000.
The Bank of Neve Scotia will elect et
new brf.00h in London, Ont.
The rosette of the cavil eorvioe Boal
exemimttione taro einum00013 at Ottawa,
'J.'he 0, la It. have flied plana fur the
new line from Woodetook to i>liegera
:Falba• -
-George Tbompeon wee erreslotl tut
Kaladar un 0. 'Merge of stealing -
,egtetered letter- from Erinsvtble plat.
Beery Barnett, e prominent resident
ut Brampton, died rather auddenly wlthiu
a few hare of u,,dergoing a ourgioal
MAX Aroth, Manager of the Canadian
Fianna Company, wee uneaten at Mont•
real pu the toublcuel charge of having
ueoured 3216 illegally and by means of
,ales p00000000,
There sae eorvioe in the R, C. ohuroh
un Sabbath last.
- 061,00 wee raised daring for BA! aid* biose by Ilio. "Little Stare" 11817,58ion Bend
of Melville church. Four gmilte "ware
patobed, 16 eorap booke were made and
18 booke of Buudoy Subool papers were
eat to, Malaise and the Northwest.
Sabbatn evening next the annual union -
Btbte Bootely meeting will be held iu the
Methodist ohuroh. Acidreesee will be
delivered by Rev, D. B. MoRa0; of•Oran-
;rook, mud Rev. • E. F. Armstrong, of
Ethel. Collection will go to the Sooiety.
the evening service in Melville ohuroh
will be withdrawn. -
'He put ail he had into Ole bandy' was
Me text from wbioh Rbv.'13. W. Caserta
preached a sermon on ()Desecration laet
Sabath morning in the Melhodiet
uharob. -Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Miolligen
City, sang a solo. Io the evening the
Pastor preached o1 the topic " The
Jbrietiau Rape". A solo wan rendered
ay both Dr. and Mre, Uilpin and they
.ileo sang a duet "Oue Sweetly Solemn
though.' in good vela
A matte -5 of attenuant Presbytery was
Hein ,n leemetter on 'Mummy ut this
.week for the purpuee uftuduoting-Rev.1).
fait, B. A., tato one paetorate -ut Hnox
tiara in that place. Rev,. L. Perrin, of
oVroxeter, ue.derator, twee to peendde ;
Rev. J. Rauforte, of Be,more, wee to
paunch i Bev. .Dr, Rum, of Dramas, :to
aurae the minister and Rev. D. Perrle,
.t Wmghem, the peop,e. 1he all to
Rev. Dr. Rose, from Yost Dalhousie, was
xpeated 00 be pet80ule0, it bavtug been
yeah er .
Henri tau 1 6
by inn H Y 9
Lest•Seubattt morning Rev. Dr. Roes
.nue en hie theme 01110 um Jerusalem."
it wan et mem0uvt merinos beartug on the
mania o1 Sue eleven penmen to 00nnea-
atm with Malmo oottgregetien who bad
panned away during 1905. The names of
departed ars :-S. Barr, A. Moaa'1 sr.,
ffire. Heard, (leo. Bedg;ey, Jae. Douglas,
aro. illo0rae, Neel MuLoOnttlio, Jno.
Ooneley, Letitia EoArter, Mre. Jacob
Witton and Waiter pmilb. In the
8000008 the aermou wan based on the
eubjeat "Uhlist our Leader for the nom.
mg year."
Phu Annual Christmas Tree Enter-
tainments, for St. John's Sunday Bobool
was head on New Year's night. A sleigh
tide from aux to !saved wile given the •
uhlldreu, foll°wed by to tunub, after whiuh
to short program wee rendered an
lot,owe :-Address. by Supertntendaaaute.--
neater ; ohorueby the euhool "a,1,,itry
Merry Belta'1 ; roouatioi. Barry :Moore ;
reading, Mise Matenug : solo, L.t•,11e.
Campbell ; reoiaatiou, Adele Robb ; --
moue 0000, Mine Nora Forrest; redtatiun
Ilutth Colvin; - sot ,o Mre. Perkins;
reettatiou, Beatrice Heart" : • recitation,
George (Iowvlu;reoitetiou, Willie Htgrrie;
enema by aoho0l, "Hark 1 0 Hark, the
Joyous Sound" ; violtu Bolo, seise Forreet ;
Ohrietmas tree distribution.; ' God leve
the &tug.
Following are the Municipal. returns of
laet Monday'e election :-
Reeve Henderson by acolaniation.
Counoillore- 1 2 8
A, Baker fin 71 51-178
J. Ballautyne 37 65 63-166
J. G. Donee 86 46 42-122
H. James 44 75 58-177
S. T. Plum 28 44 28- 98
W. F. Stewart ,,., 86 , 46 40-121
The four Councillors. elected are Messrs.
Beaker, James, Ballantyne end Jones.
1 2 8
4 6 6 7
Baker 18 10 .2 25 68 19 7-189 '
Bennett ' 36 12 2 0 1.8 27 3- 97
Brown....,27 82 84 47 55 44 84-823
Cutts 61 33 9 2a "69 42 28-266
Grant 48 67 49 27 68 84 48-816
Johnston,18 24 82 08 40 14 88- 919
McDonald 80 17 16 14 40 46 80-192
McKay 6 '2 5 58 23 4 22-119
Cnuuoil for 1906-3.1eeve, Wm. Fraser,
by aoolamotion 1 Councillors, Jno. Brown,
John Grant, Dunoau Johnston and John
Reeve- 1 2 8 4 8 6 -
Shaw 48 49 24 28 48 79-266
Taylor 48 46 71 68 45 42-310
Compbell 38 88 69 64 78 83-860
Belly 65 71 46 38 81 57-808
1vfot)utoheon48 48 46 84 24 80--249
Taylor 07 46 88 46 18 86-246
Youill 80 42 74 44 86 44-270
The Council Will messiah of Reeve Test-
ier and Counoillore Campbell, Helly,
Ionia and MoOutcheou.
Reeve- 1 2 8 4 6 6
Pater McKay 88 26 7 28 86 68---186x.
Robb. McKay 48 61 48 61 88 37-286
Atkinson 45 44 14 22 35 60-910
Buoho,nan,..,,, 81 22 8 26.61 68-205
Crich , " , 33 88 40 42 24 46--933
Dale ..;,...,,. 62 64 81 2612 27--202 -
Dallas - - 48 28 4 52 18 86.196
McMillan 48 24 9 28 28 40-170
Popper 23 24 83 20 80,17-166
Connell -R. McXay, Reeve ; Commit-
lora Criob, Atkinson, Buchanan and Dole,