HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-10-21, Page 8rage Eight MENS' CLOTHING Smart styles in Overcoats and Suits. The overcoat'colors for winter brown, blue and grey in Chinchilli and Heavy Blanket cloth. Our large assortment of 200 coats are sure to please. Prices $12, $15, $18 Ladies' Mantles, Rat Coats, Fur - lined Coats -Our many styles in ladies' Cloth Coats in the new Belted Effects in heavy curl, plush, silk plushes, Per- sian curls, bust sizes 34 to 44 Prices $12, $15, .$18 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR -Watson's and Penman's all wcol and Union Suits, combinations for ladies, men and boys Prices 75c to $4.50 a suit We are taking special orders for the Delineator at 750 a y ear. Mail Orders I HANNA promptly filled. i Phone 70. Titk WANORAM ADVANO] WINQtIANI MARKETS (Oorreot up till Wednesday nosh,) Wheat. new. 1.,R.. ..... 75 to 00 Flour, per cwt., Patent3 30 to 8 30 Flour, per cwt., family, , 2 70 to 2 85 Bran, per ton 28 00 to 24 00 Shorts, per toll.. •. 20 00 to 27 00 Oats, 0 34 to 0 81 Barley ..............••.,0 40 to 0 45 Hay, new .,.,,,.10 00 to 12 00 Butter, pot' lb miry • • 0 25 to 0 27 Eggs, per Cattle, medium butchers 6 07 to 6 50 Cattle, butchers choice.. 6 6 7050 tto o 9 0 Hogs, live weight. • •, •., 05 to 0 00 Lamb (cwt) 6 000 to 0 23 Hams, per lb. 0 0 to 0 23 Bacon long clear........ 0 200 to 78 Sheep spins Bides 10 00 to 11 00 COMMUNICATION Dear Editorl Allow me apace in your valuable paper for the following questions, an- swers to which would be a great favor to the public fir general. • 1 -Why le there no drills in the armories, especially when drilled men are needed ? 2 -Were the armories built for the sole purpose of dancing,red cross meetings, etc? 3 -Why is it necessary when a man enlists for it to take from 7:30 on Mon- day evening, Oct. llth, to Wednesday the 1.$6b. at 3,30 p.m. to complete all medical forms such as being sworn in, medically examined, eto. [Signed] Curious. Wante Chickens, Hens and. Ducks (LIVE OR DRESSED) THE WM. DAMES CO., Ltd. PHONE 156 Blyth Miss McCool of Wingham, visited Mrs, H. Marshall over Sunday. A meeting of the W. 0. 9'. U. will be held on Friday evening in the Oddfelloves' Hall. Mr. Will and George Jewitt, sons of Rev. and Mrs. 3ewitt, have enlisted with the field ambulance corps at Lon- don. Major Oliver Jewitt is about to leave for France. This means a great +deal for to give, all their sone, three tsf them for France, Mr. and Mre. A. M. Carthew motor- ed to Lucknow on Sunday. The annual meeting ef the lied Cross eociety was held in Milne's Hall Friday afternoon. Reports from the variouscomtnittees were received, fol• lowed by the election of officers for the year: -President. dent. Mrs, Curiis; 1stt Vice, Mre. A. Taylor; 2ad Vice, Mrs. V. I3. Been; Treasurer, Mrs, J, H. Brown; Secretary, Mre. P, Gardiner; ,ABbt . Secreta ty Miss Mary Milne, A large bale of sewing' was peeked and 'shipped at the close of the meeting. also 75 jars of fruit for the children's heepititt. Annivereary services in connection 'With the Methodiet church were held nn Sunday, Large Congregations Breeted the speaker, Rev, Walter Rigsby of Lambeth. The church was prettily decorated with foliage and flowers. The choir rendered special athlete for the ossa sion and the anth- erns were worthy 'of epecial mention. s i '1'hd offering for the day wa I be r a l. O3onstipatton causes mental and physical buffering. Belton orderlies ears gentle laxative -•promptly relieves conetipatiota. Sold only by J. W. McKibben, The ltexell Stoio,10.', 25. and IWO boxes. BIt«evale,. Mre Alfred Eonis of the 81.h Battal, ion who has been in ttaintagetLend Al for several weel;,e wart home on Sunday to say good bye es his battalion had received orders to leave London during the week, destine' ion unknown. Re• preeentotivee of the Westminster Guild of K•tux Church, of which Alfred was a member, and of the R' i vale Women's Institute eeized tbe tpportunity to call on him at the home of M'• John Spence, Morris, on. Sunday at.ernoon and present him with a testimonial of appreciation and good will. Miss M. Olive Scott, Pearl. dent of Weetminister Guild read an address and Mrs. Robt, Black present- ed hint with a gift of money as it bad been impossible on such abort notice to have a wrist watch ordered in. time. Mr. A. MacEwen, Mr. L. S. Winch and others expressed the regard and appreciation the 'people of the com- munity feel towards one who has lived in out; midst for several years and bas responded to tbe call of duty, and the address read as follow: ; - Bluevale, October 17th, 1015. Mr. Alfred Ennio. Dear Alfred:-- The members of the Westminster Guild of Knox Church and the Blue - vale Branch of the Women's Institute wish to express our appreciation of your action in joining tbe ranks of the Canadian troops in the service of King and country. We are all the more proud of you because you are the first to enlist from Blueyale rod we would like you to take with you this email gift as remembrance from those at home whose thoughts will always follow your dangers and difficulties with eincere interest and who will eagerly await the pleasure of welcom- ing you back frombverseas once more, the battle fought and the victory won. Signed; -Mrs. Robt Black, Pres. of Women's Institute, Miss M. Olive Scott, Pres. Westminster Guild. St. Helens. A large number attended the funer- al of the late Mrs, Harris last Sunday from the home of her son, Mr. Geo. Baker. She was laid to rest in the Gerrie cemetery. She was 75 years of age, and leaves to mourn her lose three sone, Robert and (George of Howick and Wm, of the West, also one daughter, Mrs. Alex Forgie of Turnberry. The pall bearers were Messrs James -Underwood, David Hall- iday, Wm, Hayes, George Dane; John Eluston and Thomas Vittie. The friends have the sympathy of the com amity, Mre. Albert Gallagher presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy last week. Both are doing fine; Mr. Samuel. Woods filled a number of silos in this neighborhood with hie gasoline; engine and cutting box last week, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell received the sad news of the death of her mother at Milverton last week. A large number from this neighbor- hood attended the sale of Mr. Mathew Dane & Son last Tuesday. e Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bryan, Mre. Thos. llryan and Mr. Hugh Bryan motored up from Orangeville and spent Sunday at Mr, Fred Webbs'. Anniversary services in Calvin church on Oct, 24th and the induction and tea meeting on Monday the 25th, Miss Elizabeth M. Anderson, nurse, left last Monday for Ottawa where she will take a post graduate course. Mr. Wm. McKenzie of Lucknow, purchased a handsome driver from Mr, Fred Webb. Corn cutting is the order of the day. Whitechurch .• Miss Edythe Peddle of Grand Bend vieited over Sunday with ber sister, Mrs, Gibson Gillespie. Miss Bertha MacKay of Wingham spent Sunday at ber home here. Mr. W. Mair and Mr, N. L. Blancbet motored from Ripley on Sunday and spent the daeawith friends here. Mr. W, Middleton, who recently enlisted for overseas service, spent the weekend With his areata Mr and , Mrs. Glavin Middleton. Mrs. McOienaghan of the village spent it few days of last week with her son, Mr. It. McClenaghan of Belgrave. The subject for the Guild meeting on Oct. 24th, is "How does Clod want to be Thanked." The leader is Miss E. Davidson. At the morning n service in l' the ..res• g byterian Church next Sabbath the sacrament of baptism will be adlninis• ered. Communion sorvloe wad held In the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath when fourteen new members were received, twelyo by profession of faith and two by certificate. On Sunday. Oct. 31, Rev, Jarnes Wilson of Toronto will preach at Langeide on the occasion of their an- niversary'. Successful anniversary services were conducted in the Whitechurch Metho- dist Cbureh on Sunday and Monday, October 17.:h. and 18th, Rev. R. H. Parnaby, Plena. B. of Belgrave con. ducted the Sunday sesvlces which were well attended. On Monday even. ig an excellent supper and ent rte n tnient wasgiven at the church et ,whish Pave Mr. Elebbert of Wing.hum. Rev, Lt.. J. Garbutt of Lucknow, and Reit. Mr, Stewart, of Whitechureb, proce s amounted to about $75, total p $ Fordyce Mr. Gordon Rintoul and bis two sisters, Ida and Maud, spent Sunday visiting at their uncle, Alex Rintoul. Mre. Champion and John, visited relatives at Whitechurch on Sanday last. Miss Stephens, our genial school teacher, was absent from school for a couple of days attending. convention. Corn cutting ie the order of the day in this locality, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Martin spent Sunday et Whitechurch. Mr. McAllister has been busy in this locality cutting corn at J. Webster's. There is still a large quantity standing to cut, Mr, Hopper of Belgrave, who bas teen drilling a well for Mr. D. O'- Callaghan, struck a suffloient amount of water at about 125 feet. No more drawing water now Daniel, 11111110111111111116 fi..a tr■r111r.ai11 IC H R!STIE'SI GROCERY I PHONE 59 Stole epees 7 a. m. ComeHere for REPORT OP W. P S. Report of W, P. S. for September, FORM I. Seniors, Total 280. --Mary Coulter 248, George Fryfogle 210, Cora Baker 237, Edna MaegroVe 231, Frank Robin- son 204, Alice Imlay 198, Thelma Sanderson 1011, 011ie Hamilton 101, Ruth Sanderson 185, Catherine Adams 183, Florence Hinacllfe 177, Gordon Dow 176, Sem Lockeridge 173, Mae Casemore 160, Henry Aitcheeon 167, May Allen 163, Joe Saint 155, Reggie Smith 150, Stanley Robinson 138, Percy Joynt 181, Charlie Lloyd 134, Laurette- Sturdy 130, Harry Angus 121. Juniors. Total 300.-•--A. Williaulaon 263, E Wood 231, M Roberton 230, 0 Sandy 221, A Galbraith 213, M Reid 211, J Allen 204. G Holmes 204, Mary Robertson 203, M Johnston 109, E Angus 107, K Wilkinson 193, J Lutton 191, V Jehneton 188, V Hill 184, H Gannett 184, 0 Pocock 177, H Huffman 175, I Reid 173, R Nichols 108, 0 Hutton 103, C Bell 162, J Davidson 159, A Blackball 145, A Kennedy .144, E Rintoul 130, H Hamilton 98. Trafalgar Day, Thursday, Oct. 21, will be observed in Bluevale by a public meeting in the school at eight p,m. when the aspects of the war will be described by a dumber of speakers. Mr. L, 8. Winch will speak on the causes of the War. Rev. D, D. Thompson will take up the Eastern Front, Mr, Clayton Duff the Western front, Mr. 3. W. King will explain the situation in the Balkans, the Darden- elies and the Italian Front and Rev. Crawford Tate will deal with the war on the sea. The speakers will illus- trate their talks by the use pf maps so as to make the great war as vivid as possible to their hearers. The pro- ceeds, with the exception of a small sum for school improvement, will be donated to the Red Oroes, Mr, Thornton of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and Wm. Sellars. Mre. Botham and daughter, Bertha, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, George Haney. Mre. Vera Webb of Wingham, is visiting Misses Bernice and Wilma Shaw, Mr. Richard Hockridge is very ill at present, we hope he will soon recover. Mrs. Bruce has returned home after spending the past couple of months with her brother at Palmerston. Jae, Masters, G. T. R. agent has bad a telephone installed at his house. No, 304. Mrs. Thornton of Detroit, is at pre- sent visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Thornton, Rev. D, D. Thompson took a load of ladies to Lucknow last week to attend a meeting ef the W. M. S. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Bowling Green, spent a few days with relatives here this week. Good Teas � 40c., 50c... 60c.a lb. III. Seniors. Examined In Arithmetic, Bietory, and Spelling, Total 300.--Li1- ian Ellacott 300, II Cowell 290, D Fella 294, L Ellacott 292, R Sanderson 291, L. Campbell, 291, M. Walker 290, V Joynt 290, E Kew 290, 0 Robertson 290, 3 Vanetone 289, 5 Donaldson Abp, 0 Scott 287, N Board- man 285, C Bivgston 285, A Anderson 284, I Day 283, M Seli 283, W Etiacott 280, A Baird 279, D Perrie 270, N Reed 275, M Johns 275, 0 Zurbrigg 273, E Bennett 273, K Hutton 271,' P Dyer 271. H Wilson 200, N Varey 205, H Mille 202, S Holmes 257 F Seli 257, F Piper 257, 17 Lynett 255, I Bell 252, F Sperling 251, 0 Dow, 250, L Johnston 234, B Angus 222, M Dalgleish 180. Perfect in Spelling for month, Hilda Cowell, Laura Ellacott, Lillian Ella - lett. Dept. 111. Marks obtainable 410,- M C teens 380, Ml Reduaond 802, S Harrison 362, N Isard 359, L Lewis 356, M Dinsley 356, K Donaldson 354, I Watson 347, L Campbell 343, D Cloak- ey, 342, H Carruth 342, A Irwin 340, V. Armstrong 330, N Clark 833 M Van stone 319, N Morden 319, R Williams 313, S Robinson 313, A Sturdy 303, G Fixture 288, D Piper 279, M Dennis 272, L Bell 271, A Fergie 267, A Scott 261 R Barrett 260, M Pilon 245, J Ard 244, G Bowers 234, H William.' 228, N Rogers 224, G Bisbee 218, A Gould 203, It Wild 170. aortic H. V, Armstrong left on Wednes- day morning for London, having join- ed the hospital staff of the 714. Scott Hamilton spent Thanksgiving with friends in Brussels. Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong spent Thanksgiving with the f or m er's brother, Dr, and Mre. M. A, V, Acne - strong at Tara. Mies Mary Stewart underwent an operation for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital on Monday and is doing nice- ly. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Ed. Rogers visited friends at Lucknow last week. Morris ACCIDENT -While On his way to town Saturday evening, John Spence, let line, met with an accident which might have proved more serious. As he was driving down hill, the snap of the hold back strap broke, letting the buggy run up ~on the horse which started her kicking.. However, Mr. Spence was not hurt but the buggy and harness were broken and the.hot se received some deep cute. John Brooks vieited at Goderich last week. Mrs. George War:v ick 2ad line, had been ill we are sorry to state. Alfred Innis who id training in Loti- on was home over Sunday to say good bye to hie friends as he intends leaving thio week for England, TAKE NOTICE 'hake notice that after the enbreation of in four successive isbueb of the this notice a o the first of wn cl ubli• n h m Adv nc a which Wi a l !x willa onthe 2 th dayp Sd - i ebdm de 9of Cations enober instant) the Council of thcorpora- tion of the Town of Wingham intends to pass a by-law stooping or Closing up that portion of the public' land situ .t0 between lots 367and 368 403and 404 3n the Government novo n o And lotsy in the said Town of Wingham commencing at a point dlsttint 13 feet southerly from the north westry angle of said lot itumbsr 103 add thence southerly to the northerly limit of Viotoria Street by the full width of said lane and authorizing the Conveyance of said poo. tion of a aid,lano to Alexander Young, and in lien thereof opening up a lano or roadway across those portions of lots 402 and 403 de- soribe,d as follows:-VConsmenoin ggat a point in the westerly limit 01 Said lot 402 distant 105 feet southerly from the north West angle of said lot 402 thence southorl alongthe we stb r boundaries Of lots 02 ad 403. forty toaonthenoe easterly parallel With the leathery boundary of said lot 402, two Chains and fifty links to the westerly limit of Wil- Liam Street, thence northerly along said west - tent limit of William. Street 40 feet, thence wwostorlpparallel with the southerly limit of Said lot 02, two chains and tdtty licks to the plass of beginning. And further take notice that it meeting o f the said Co ll 11111 be held itt the ToWn Hall en Monday the 1st day of Nov. next at eight O'clock p m., at.Which meeting the :Connell will hoar in person or b his Counsel. Solid. tor. any porson *Ito slants that hisland wilt be proinalotallt affected by. the said We* and who applies to be heard. Dated et Wingham tela With day of Septeni- bor, I918. (lnovae. V stut Mitis Balla Galbraith visited with friends in 1)`ordwich. over Thanks. giving, Scott Hamilton left on Tuesday morning for Toronto baying joined for active over seas' service. Rev. Mr, Ketitleweil of. Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. liettlewell represents the Dominion Alliance, Wm. Ellis and Sidney Squirrel, who have been training -with the 714. in London, spent the week and in town; the former with his father, and. the latter at Mr. Wm. Hestia's, Miss Kathleen Hutchinson spent part of last week with her friend, Mre, te, Davidson, in Wroxeter. Rev, Mr. Dobson, after a two months' absence on account of ill health, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbpterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. 3. Armstrong visited her son, 3. G. Armstrong, at Tara the early part of the week, A miscellaneous shower was given Mies Wilba McOreth on Monday evening by the St. Stephen's Church congregation. Rev. Mr, Rivers was in Ripley over Sunday. Mrs. Baker died on Thursday at tbe home of her son-in-law, •Mr. Alex. Forgie, Turnberry, in her 70th year. The remains were taken from bre. eon's residence, Mr. George Baker's on Sunday afternoon to the Gerrie cemetery, Rev. Mr. Lackland ce Wroxeter officiating. Mre. Rivers attended the Miseiona^y convention held in Lucknow last week, as a delegate frdm the W. F. M. 5, of the Methodist Church, Mrs. Klein of New York city le visiting with her uncle, Mr. T. H. and Mrs. McLaughlin, and aiso other friends in Wroxeter and Fordwieb. Mr. Geo. Spotton of Wingbem spent Sunday at the bedside of hie father, Mr. Arthur Spotton, who is very i11. Mrs. Beaser of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Spotton, IV Total 310.-V Robertson 290. C Don. aidson 289, E Varey 280, A Carrutb 277; A Williamson 274, I Lutton 269, E Currie 267, R McLeod 260, B Joynt 275, C Oruickshank 262, M Cruickshank 202, V Dennie 262, L Holmes 261, L Zurbrigg 257, F Pocock 256, S Hutton 254, K Munro 244, E Gibson 243, ,V Robinson 242, 0 Lockman 242, C Mas- on 238, M Stratton 237, R ,Holloway 236, W. Mann 227. J Carr 226, 0 Boyce 225, A Mitchell 224, 3 Johnson 223, L Hanna 217, F Bennett 208, W. Brooks 201, W Lockeridge 201, C Hinscliffe 182, L Sanderson 171, E Stevens 165, G McTavish 1.02, E Henderson 157. 0 Casemate 165, M French 114, D Rogers 100, R Brown 85. V Total 375,-J Carruthers 375, D Lloyd 363, V Cowell 3.00, M Angus 386, M Henderson 342, A Williams 835, P Johnston 331, T Stricker 328, D Levis 328, T Isard 325, V Bell 323, J Case - mare 320, A Cloakey 314, M Holloway :311, B Coutts 309, E Blackhall 308, M Schaefer 308, 0 Wright 308, H Wright 299, 0 Pattison 290, H Caslick 296, A Field 290 V Campbell 289, 3 Adair 289, 13 Boardman 258, M HILI 285, 0 Cook 281,P Bell 267, M Solmee 262, 0 Hardy 262, F Aldington 254, C Bennett 254, E Amsbury 250, B Duffey 248, W Kew 245, W Sturdy 245, K Dytnond 244, E Forgie 230, G Ard 217, K Carter 209, H Aitcheson 189. W Clark 125. VI Sr, class. Total 400.-R Carr 386, I Ellacott 307, G Anderson 361, E Ly - nett 360, 0 Louttit 358, E Lewis 340, 13 Jarvis 340, W Bailey 344, E Williams 836, I Hunter 322, C Dickson 306, M Welle 301, W Scott 257, J Cook 243, M Tennant 230, I Aldington 101, H Wild 162, C Tennant 124, R Hayden 107, Jr, class. Total 320.-K Dineley_309 N Fixture 299, A Corbett 298, 0 Rob. admen 297, M Vansickle 295, M Gurney 294, M Schaefer 203, H Bowden 280, L Bennett 288 E Carr 281, F Angus 278, E McLean 277, N Edwards 272, i` Fire lay 264, J Cowell 202, R Lockman 261. H Sutton 200, G Rintoul 250, 13 Boyce 247, L Perrin 246, 0 Angus 243, W Lavin 230, J Taylor 221, M Swanson 217, R McDonald 200 0 Lediett 181,. E Chettleburgli 177, P Stokes 174, T Saint 02,13 Brown 85. VII Class III. Aggregate 775 -M Chris. s - tie 760, L Johnston 015, W Coleman 590, W Bunter 410, J Adair 420, M Fella $60, J Brooke 325, C Hingaton Groves 1$0 ° $ T alorF 235 H 155, , y , Roberson 115, M Cloakey 00, J McGee 65, Claes II -T Elliott, W McKibben, J Field, N Williamson, E Campbell, A Lundy, lei Sandoreon, It Lewis, A Mc- Lean, A Ludwig, M Cowell, M Saint, B Huntley, C Munroe, J Clark, R Holmes, A Irwin, P Gibson, E Calvert, M Thurlow. M Coutte, 0 Fry, F Bow. den,V qamR nen- H b1e1 W 1? ag Hayles. Class I, --M Coleman, A Button, 8 MoTaviPb, F Grover., 0 Walton, J Turner, J Young, F Rogere,14 Walton, } Wagner, Theto nshi s and to s for miles �v p afn 1 around ate making personal canvasses for Trafalgar Bay contributions to the Red Cross, There is one or two ex. Options end they Veil look mighty email' In the eyes of Ontario when the nets are published, Rubber Footwear All the newest and best in Rubber Footwear No matte' what shape or size your shoe is we can fit it As regarus prices kindly note the following: We sell rubbers of all kinds at exactly the salve prices as advertised in Canadian catal- ogues and we handle the very best grades made. 5 W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent a!,rGE!61L iw OR For The LADIES .�iO�O�.jai•�.OJ�O.d�0�0�►'H'NO.Or�iO�.�id�.0.4.•.•p`i.'pi.'idiD�.'�0..��,�i.�i.O.�i.O.00iOiO�Oid1.•f Flve-Passeu er Tourillg..�Car .�. t: .. ♦• ;c Model 83 Morris Council Minutes of Council meeting held in theVouncil hall on Monday, Oct. lltb, 1915. Members all preseut, Reeve pre- siding. In response to a telegram from Lord Lansdowne, through the Lieute- nant Governor of Ontario, the Council decided to give a grant of $250 to the Imperial Red Cross Society. The By- law on the Dockett drain was finally adopted. The construction of the ex- tension to the Byth Creek drain was awarded to Mr. J. 3. McCaughey for the sum of $1332,50. The Council passed a By-law imposing an extra charge of 3% on all taxes not paid till after the 15th. of December. The following accounts were paid - Bert. Jackson, gravel $2.40; George Peirce, gravel $8.40; James Gibson, gravel 40 W, 3. Henderson, gravel $2; Chris, Rogerson, gravel $7.40; W. Cunningham, shovelling $3; James Phaelan, shovelling $3; Geo. Peacock, gravel $8 20; Jas. Peacock, gravel $2,00; H. 13. Elliott, printing deben- tures, Turvey & Beeman drains $3; advertising 75c; stationery, $1,50; R. 11, Garniss, approaches to Garnise culvert $20; Ingot Iron Co., pipe $03; Municipal World, supplies $1.56; R. Ferguson, gravel East Boundary, $2; Robert Adams, gravelling East Boun- dary $7 65; C. Pope & Son, repairing grade* $21 44; J. Shortreed, T. Miller and A. MacEwen, selecting jurors, each $4; Gordon McDonald, rent of room, $1; Jas. Carney, work on road, $5; 3. Shortreed, taking indigent to poor -house $0; Bert Jackson, 'gravel $1.30; Robert Bloomfield, broken plow, $1; 3. 3'. McCaughey, fixing culvert $3; Felix Kirton, tile, Bosman drain $225; W. H. Kerr, printing Bylaws, Duckett drain $12; A. MacEwen, By- tawe and clerk's fees, Dockett dr, $32; A. T. Currie, farm bridge, Nichol dr. $7,50; Jos. Greenway on contract Turvey dr, $150, Council meets on November 22nd. A. MaCII.'WnN, Clerk, Avoid harsh purgatives for children. Tne ideal laxative is Rexali Orderlies. Sold only by J. W. McKibben, The Erman Store, 10e, 25e, toed 60c boxes. Live Poultry Wanted ; 1-Iighest ?rices paid for all kinds o(' live poultry delivered at >l ► Br ns Phone 204 Get our... prides before yo'z sell 1.. ps .t. :*• Wingham, $1050. 1. - 35 horsepower motor, Electric Starting and lighting, Tires, 33 by 4 inches, non skid in rear, Full streamline body, High tension magneto ignition, Left band f. o. b. drive, Demountable rims (one extra rim) f, o. b. •_ j• Hamilton Deep divan upholstery. Hamilton •_• This car is at home in any company. Sold by L. KENNEDY•: - Ontario.11.4 : Belgrave Subscribers of the Morris and Grey telephone will be well looked after in the future. The efficient and obliging lideman Mr. Willie Little haying secured- an assistant, by' means of taking to himself a life partner in the person of Miss Jean Shedden, 4th. line of Morrie. The ceremony was con- ducted quietly last Wednesday. The popular. young couple will take up housekeeping in Brussels where a host of friends join in wishing them all the gool things of this life. Mr, and Mre, Miller Proctor of Biue. vale, spent Sunday with friends in the village. The us'al sere:ce will beheld In the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Guild in the evening at 7,30. Rev, Mr. Parnaby will conduct services in his own church here next Sunday. The little Builders' Mission Band purpose holding a Halloween party on Friday night, Oct. 20th., in the base- ment of Knox Church, Miss Tessio Halliday is president. A very painful accident befell Willie McMurray, while engaged with hie sawing machine at Mr. Jerry Brydges he slipped and fell on the saw when it wee inmoog amotion. It cut a large gash to t the bons below the elbow, Dr, Gutl• foil was at once summoned and under his treatment the patient is doing 'nicely and we trust ere long he may have full use of the injured member, The Young People's Guild of Knox Church le' arranging for a debate in the near future on Church Union. Mr, Robert Strachan ofGrey spent Sunday da at Mrs. James McGill, s. We are sorry to bear Miss Maggie McClelland has been ill for several days, s, but is somewhat lw raved. y, p Mrs. Simpson of Exeter, is visiting friends in the village. Mrs, Butcher of Winghatn, was sal - ling on Mende here last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart of Trowbridge, is renewing acquaintances. Mr, and Mre, Haugh and Mre. Hose, lam were visiting in the village on Sunday. Me, and Mrs, Wm. Geddes spent Sunday last in Londsaboro, Mr. Campbell, organizer for the F'orresters, spent a few days here last weeks It. Johnston ofEther, preaehed anniversary services on Sunday in the Methodist -church. The bouts was crowded at both eervicee, Rev. Parnaby preached anniversary services in Whitechurch on Sunday. The material for Mr. Wm, Hopper's new steel barn is being drawn from the station. John Armstrong shipped a carload of cattle Saturday last. Bel more Mr, and Mrs. John Mulvey attended the funeral of the late Mr. A. Stewart of West Wawanoeh on Saturday. Mrs, Wm. Milne of North Bay, is visiting her mother, Mre. Jos, Murray, and sister Mrs. Win. Irwin Mr and Mre, D. 3. Weir of Teeswat- er, vieited friends here on Sunday. Sacrament was observed in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday, Mr. Wm. Irwin was at Toronto last week. The Thanksgiving visitors from Toronto were: -Miss Annie McGrogaa at Mr. Wm. McGrogan's, Mise Sarah Hackney at Mr. Wm. Hackney's, Mr. and Mrs. Curie at Mr, Peter Hack- ney's. The Rev, Mr. Perrie cf Wingham, conducted preparatory services in the Presbyterian church, Friday afters noon, and preached a most eloquent and inspiring sermon to a large con. gregation. The Women's Institute forwarded a large bale of knitting and flannel shirts to Toronto last week, for the comfort of our brave boys taking part in the great struggle, We deeply regret to hear that Mr. John Clyne, Con, 2, Carrick, intends removing to near $arriston in the spring. Mr, and Mrs. Clyne and fatuity will beuc m m h missed in church and social circlee, Mr. Wm. Peternian has sold his farm to Mr. James Austin and will hold a sale s tock and farm imple- ments on the 27th hest, Miss May Baltagh and Miss Agnea Darling were appointed delegates to W. T. flonvention in Toronto to be held soon. Miss Bax attended the West Bruce 7.t eacher,a Convention in Kincardine and then went to Toronto for the holiday. Dr, Sinclair, Walkerton, melded by Dre. Ferguson, Teeswater, and McRae, rormosa, performed an operation for appendicitis on Mies Gertrude Willie, daughter of Mr. Mathew Willie, Mee Dipole, Walkerton le nursing the little patient, whom all wish a speedy ire. covert'. Mr.'Wm. Abram retailed from the West on Saturday~.