HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-10-14, Page 5+„,,,t,,• .4„, 4, „,, ffr ', , 1 Store News ",,' '►."I i llli III ' New goods are now '"''NINA in stock, comps ising so r "i cases of this Season's ighli 1 J/Jflj 11 i Best Productions. * '1I , Ladies' Coat and Suit Department is complete with all that's New in Ladies', Misses and Children's ;i; J1 Ready -to wear g a r - f fi,4 menta. Carpet Department is well stocked with fiR new Rugs, Carpets, oil Acloths and Linoleums, ;-- °Lace Curtains and Cur- tain Scrims and Nets inc ..3 great variety. Dress Goods Department --is overflowing with this stason's prcductian of correct and stylish dress materials. Plain and Corded Velvets in all the lead- ing shades. Silks in the best wearing qualities. See our Special Line, yazd wide at 89c Bargains in Corset Department-- 00 pairs of good Strong Corsets with hose supports, good value at 75c, our Special Price 59c 60 pairs of Dollar Corsets, sell quick price only 750 Underwear-- Woman's Vest and drawers bargain at..25c BOSE—Children a Heavy Worsted Hose, sizes up to $, our price 25c 410 pieces yard wide Flannelettes, new stripes, bargainlOc 10 pieces Wide Hair Ribbon, all colors, on sale at . I0c Aprons— Women's' Cover All” large aprons with dust caps, made of Galitea Stripe, sale 50c +÷ Sweaters—Large selection of the Best Maker's Goods, bought before advance, all prices, See special $l.50 Furs—Large stock of all kinds just opened up. BEST VALUES lea Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce H. E, ISARD & CO. v444+44+44444& 44++44+44+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Capital Authorized 35,040,000 Capital Paid up - - 33,000,000 Surplus... r s 33,780,000 AMBITION Every man aims to be his own master. No surer way to get the capital than by starting a small Sav- ings Account i in this bank. $ C. P. SMITH Manager . • Wingham That earliest slight 1preak in home ties—the morning when TIIE boy or THE girl first trudg- es off to school! From that day, the changes are rapid. Every year you note them. .And, almost before you realize it, there comes the. severer sundering of those ties, when John or Mary with a cheery 'Will be home for Christ- mas, sure," waves a stout farewell. Both of 3ou arechoyingaacksentiment. And 'afterwards—how pictures, allowing Fall the rapid transitions, do help. Mahe the appointnzent to -day THE MANN STUDIO 614.0"...40.04,004000~4100."0.440.464,4~400,10.0m.; 1 1 vskimuutaiwwwwwamiwaimmthweviwk Apple Butter for Sale We have always on hand a good supply of Apple Butter which we sell at 0 cents per pewit!, shipped in tubs of IA 30 or 00 lbs at a low rate of freight to any part of the Dominion. Guaranteed first class it/ every respect. Orders Promptly Attended To, 'IIONE 8f E M 1 II a . x t a • "No more headache for you—take these" Don't just 'smother" the headache Without removing the Cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach end Liver Tablets. They sot only cure the headache but give youa buoyant, healthful feeling becausea they tone the liver, sweeten the stomach end eleanse the boWe!, 1'r them. All broitshh, 24c., or 14 stall •-*t CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Tarsals. 'Oat. se% CHAM BERLA1N'S TABLETS THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE 10.01100.410111.111.0110111.11111.0 gl.".4 ISM MO 01000.0.4110.1. W MIS DTSTRICT NEWS OF INTEREST The Seaforth Furniture factory have t tarted on a contract for 80,000 Shell botces." 0wieg to the scarcity of applt i. Mr, Joynt has decided not to open the Walkerton evaporator this fall, Robb. Mutcb, manager of Huron County House of Refuge, died on Sunday at Clinton in his 05th year. On account of the drop in flour prices bread was reduced to five cents per loaf in Port Elgin on Monday,— (Port Elgin Times. At Qoderich on the first day of the whirlwind campaign to secure $15,000 for patriotic purposes, the six teams brought the fund up to $.13,911.. At Lueknow Fall Fair, Kenneth Cameron, of Wawanbsh, was succeee- ful in winning 12 firsts and 2 second prizes out of 14 entries of apples. The customs receipts at Clinton for the six months ending Sept. 30 were $14,540.50, an increase over the corres• ponding period of last year of $358.88. James Powell alias James Williams was arrested in Walkerton last week as a deserter. Powell deserted the 76th Battalion while training at Niag- ara. A little twelve -year old girl was taken to Walkerton and placed in care of the Children's Aid Sodiety, She was slightly deranged and the child will have to be sent to an insane asylum. A serioue accident occurred to (leo.. `Faegan, son of John Faegan of Col. borne Township on Wednesday after- noon. The young man was assisting in cutting co.n for a silo when he got his left hand, caught in the ka lives, severing bis hand at the wrist. By the death of Mrs. James Howson in her 85th year,Clinton louses another of its oldest and most respected resi- dents. For some years Mrs. Rawson and her daughter lived together on Albert street. In addition to her daughter several sons survive her. On Tuesday morning, Sept, 28th, at 0 p.m„ Herbert Albert Lippert, furni- ture manufacturer of Berlin, Ont„ was married to Miss Bell Genevieve Jones, school teacher, daughter of Mrs, Jones and the late John William Jones, by the Rev. P. Corcoran, in St, James Church, Seaforth. The Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, had a narrow escape from a serious fire at noon on Monday, when the floor under the large kitchen range caught fire from the range. The fire• men had difficulty locating the blaze and were obliged to tear up the floor before the fire could be extinguished. An interesting event occurred at the home of Mr. Alex. McKenzie,: Tees - water, on Sat., Oct. 0 h, when Mr. McKenzie and bis good wife celebrated their diamond wedding. They were presented by the citizens of the town with a purse of gold and and address, which was read by Dr. M. H. (dillies. Among the winners in the matricu- lation scholarships announced by the senate of the University of Toronto is Mies F. A. Smith, of Godevicb, 0, L, who wine the' Mathews scholarship, the gift of Wilmont D. Mathews, E -q , of the value of $100, with free tuition for two years, of a total value of $180' The Misner Manufacturing Com• pany of Qoderich gave a quantity of toilet specialties to the cause of the Red Cross Society d e eri n g the recent Qoderich fair. The sale netted the society over k100. A mem- ber of the firm states that the com• pany is open to make offers to other local Red Cross Societies. • Thos. Kyle of Hay Township, was before Police Magistrate' Andrews last week at Clinton, on a charge of per• jury in connection with the notorious Bender liquor ease and on pleading guilty was sentenced to ten days in Qoderich jail. The magistrate told Kyle that bed it not been for his fam- ily the sentence would have been much more severe. The Indians of the Southampton Resehve, a few of which were pulling flax In Wingham vicinity for Tipling and Mills, have contributed $500 to the Patriotic Fund. The members of the Andrew Mal- colm Furniture Company at Kincar- dine were not forgotten by the late Andrew Malcolm as was evidenced on Saturday,' pay day in, the factory. Mr, Malcolm's will provided that every man who bad been in bis em- ploy from one year to Live years would receive one week's pay. Every man from five to ten yearswas to i eceive 2 week' pay and from ten years up three weeks' pay, Tne fortnightly pay envelopes of the' employees were supplemented by these amounts, It is needless to say that the men highly esteemed their late employer Mr. Malcolm also donated $2,000 to Queen's College, Kingston, to establish a scholarship. Mr, and Mrs. Angus McKinnon of Langside received a letter from their son, Wm. M., elating that he was then in Holland. Mr. McKinnon Jr„ ie a very cleyer chartered accountant and it appears ,hat' the firm with which he has for some time been en- gaged is doing some investigating for the British Government. Among other thins they investigated the business of the manufacturing con- cerns in neutral `countries in order to discover whether they are sending goods to Germany or Auetria, mann- facturers we waysuppose to whom the British aro permitting imports of raw material from overseas. It is on a job of this kind that young Mr. Mc- Kinnon is engaged at present in Rol- and. At Port Elgin Fair, a bevy of pretty young ladies were busy collecting money for the noble Red Cross work' One young'lady approached an elderly man with the request, "Won't you please give us something toward help- ing our soldiers?" In an instant tears ran down the man's cheek and in tones subdued and chastened by deep sor- row -he said, "My dear. I have given a good deal, I have just received word that my son had died for his country." The scene was touching and pathetio. Sympathy at once came into the face of the fair collector and she too mingled her tears of sorrows with those of Mr. Lotus Mouck of South- amptont whose boy had been reported dead. With the Kinloss nand atilt fresh on h i m , Constable Joseph Armstrong came into Walkerton on Monday heat- ed from running down the latest sen- sation, It seems that last week a lady's dress and 2 waists were found hanging on a rail fence opposite Struthers' lake near the centre of the big swamp, through which the lone road on the 10th. of Sinless rune. As the tracks showed that a horse and buggy had been there and had backed out and gone away again, suspicions of a criminal assault, followed by murder or suicide, overcame all who saw the eight and the wildest kind of rumors followed. Dragging and looking down into ,the muddy waters of the lake for a body were some of the antics gone through, While the excitement was in mid - volley, Constable Armstrong, w h o was scenting around for a clue, heard that a woman had lost some clothes out of a buggy, and on further in- quiry was unable to unravel t h e thystexy by learning that a man, who had found thetu on the road, had driven up and hung them on the fen.:e overlooking the lake. It was a gal. lent act, but the man little knew the trouble he was hatching.—Bruce Times. Mrs. °brie, Blackwell, Purple Grove, and Mise Ida Stewart narrowly escap- ed severe injuries on Thursday, They were driving a short distance south of Kincardi nehen w the horse became frightened at an automobile, and in its struggles the buggy was overturned and its occupants were thrown to the ground. Painful bruises were inflicted, but fortunately without serioue re- sults. Contributions by Qoderich citizens to the patriotic fund in a two days' canvass fully realized the highest hopes of the collectors and "broke the mercury" of a thermometer erected outside headquarters to indicate the progress of giving, The gifts totaled $12,541, which altogether with the $5,000 granted by the town, will make a grand total of over $17 000. A few contributions are yet to be received. The report of a miraculous escape 1 from death by lightning came from Vickers, a station bn the 0,'l?. few miles from Durham. Lightning struck the house in which Mies Short, the village teacher, boards, and the current passed down to the sofa on which she was sitting, Mies Short teas badly injured about the limbs and breast. Her clothet caught fire and she received some serious Burne, but the medical men say that she will recover. Prompt assistance extln- rz nished the 1 tntes h was , The sofa shattered and a dog which was lying underneath was instantly killed by the Current.) Miss Short's eseape Is said to be nothing short of miraculous. The young lady defiles from Arthur, Oat. CANADIAN PICTORIAL Canada's Most Artistic and Popular Magazine This elegant magazine delights . the eye while it instructs the mind cons cerning the picturesque doings of an interesting and highly entertaining woe li. Its war pictures are alone worth the ixtonoy. Each issue is literal] crowded with B' y the highest quality of photogravures, many of them worth framing. Ic is the most popular "Pick me -up" on the waiting room tables of the leading doctors throughout the Do- minion, and in the big public libraries it is literacy "used up" by the many who are attracted by its entertaining and beautiful pages. It's a "love at sight" publication and it has departmental features of great interest to the young womanand the iiome-maker. Qf it—just to quote one nian's praise from among thousands—the late Rt, Hon, Lord Strathcona wrote "The "Canadian Pictorial" is a pub lication which if I may be permitted to say so, is a credit to Canada." (Signed) STI:tAT13CO1VV•A. ` On tri'al to ew eubseribers—Twelve months for only 433 cente. The "Canadian Pieterial" is publish- ed -by TfIb "PICTORIAL PUBLISI#- ING CO., "Witness" 73leek, Montreal Canada. Try it for a year on above offer, And the Cook is a Bear "eery one in our family in some kind of animal Bald Jimmie toe the e amazed preacher, "Why, you shouldn't say that!" the good man exclaimed. -• "Well," said 3irnntle, "Mother's a dear, the baby ie mothet•'e little Iamb, I'm the kid and dad's- the goat," allis FORTHE KIDNEY* How They Relieve Hardfield, N. B. "It affords me great pleasure to cone vey not only to you but to all sufferers from Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of Giu Pills. I feel thankful to you, I recommend Gin fills to everyone suffer- ing as I did." ROBERT M. WILSON Gin Pills are 500. a box or 6 boxes for $2.5o at all druggists. Free sample on request to • 33 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada limited, Toronto. EXCITEMENT IN ENGLAND Dr, Parker received the following letter last week from a relative who is a nurse in one of the Canadian Hospi- tals in England, Sept. 9th, 1915. We had the Zeppeline over last ni8ht and the night before. Last night was the worst, it was something dreadful, You have no idett the aw- ful feeling it gives one, I went to bed about 9.45 and was not long there wiaen I heard fir e engines tearing by, and then Kroh a bring! One bang after another they came. I jumped up, put on my dressing gown and slippers and ran down. The rest of the nurses( and a couple of patients were anenabled in the hall with all lights out. One of • the other nurses and myself went out on the road to watch and could see one Zeppelin quite plainly, (they are made of aluminum -and age lit hy elec- tric light). Then we saw shel:s bure ing round on every side fired from our guns. It was awful, thousands of people were out watching. A lot of damage was done in the city, ever so many places were smash- ed in, omnibuses and trams blown up and people killed and injured 100 cas- ualities I hear, The Nurses' Home at St Bartholomesv's Respite' was struck. You can't imagine the feeling of ex- citement there ie. To -night we all -made up to go on the roof and watch as we were told thirteen Zeppelins were corning, eo we had rugs, cush- ions, applee, pears, plume, grapes, nuts and lastly tea out there, seven of us. We stayed out till 12.30 but so far none have arrived and we have come in to bed, I don't feel like sleep- ing, so am writing this." Brussels Rey. B. H. Spence, secretary of'the Dominion Alliance, Toronto, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday. J. T. Ross has purchased the grocery store he now occupies from Gordon McDonald. Harvest thanksgiving services were held in St. John's Church on Sunday, when Rev. Mr, Dymond, of Wingham, was in charge both morning and even- ing. fRev. Mr. Page took Mr. Dy- mond d work at Wingham, Brussels teachers attended the con- vention at Seaforth, with the excels. tion of Principal Scott, who is under the doctor's care. The white ground hog captured souse months ago on the farm of W. Bunco, 10th concession of Grey, was purchased this week by a traveling showman, to be kept as a curiosity. WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Huron and Bruce Counties PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, excigsivo, territory and money making specialties. Our agen- pies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee de• liveries in first class condition. Nur- sery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this ds• trice. For particulars write Sales Mgr. PELHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto, Ont' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTIIIt OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD C. McDONALD late of tho Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Lab oror. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0, 1,0•t$ Chapter 12I Section 59, that all persons having claims against' the'Estate of the said Donald 0 McDonald who died on or about the 10th. day of September A D. 19'S aro re- nuired on or before the 30th. day of October A.D. 1919, to Ole with 'William J. Greer the executor or the undersigned a statement with full f particulars o heir claims and of all g rtiau era t a security held by them of any) and that after the said date the executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets am •ng the persons e.ititled thereto having regard only to the &aims of which they shall to en have receivoi notice. Dated at Wingham the 29th. day of Septem- ber A. D. 1919. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor. 1,000.0 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering front Nervous Debility, Diseases oiF tiie Mouth and Threat, 131ob 't'oisori,," Skin Diseases, Bladder 1 roub1es, Special Ailments, and Chronic, t"xornplicated Complaints who. 4,aii >f}pt int: curd' at The Ontario, Medi! egl Institute, 2.63-2G1 Vougoia't,, Toronto. Correspondence invited. unifies§' and Shorthand, WestOreIt'School ..Y,1M.C. A. Buifdfnge 20 a. on n near L do , O -„ >, College in Session, Sept: 1st to July. Catalogue Free, fatter any,. time. ,1. W. Writervelt,'Prinoipal PORTRAIT AT COST This new portrait of the Rt. Bou Sir Robert Borden ie the finest that a combined effort on the part of artist and engraver can produce. It is eo good; that an expert would pronounce It a hand drawing from the highest school of art. The original portrait, which is life size, but printed exactly the same and by the same process and people as that handled by this paper, is sold for $36.00. Itis areexact faceimile of the large one referred to, but reduced in eine, the portrait itself measures 8 inches by 12 inches, and portrait with border 13 inches by 18 inches. • The initial Isty 3s1" SIR ROBERT BORDEN cost was mainly expended in produc- ing the original big portrait, which made it possible to supply the smaller size,at a nominal price. This fine art picture of the Rt. lone Sir Robert Borden is the latest and most life -like likeness of the Prime Minister, and as a work of applied art is unexcelled by any other procesr. The effects are a combination of steel, stipple and crayon work. Tun ADVANcu will sppply it s readers with these new Borden por- traits at 25 cents each air mailed to, any address in Canada, Great Britain or United States for 30 cents. We have only a limited number, therefore we should enjoin all those who desire to possess the best portrait ever published of our Prime Minister to bring or send in their orders with- out delay to the office of this paper. HON. W! T, WHITE SAYS - ANGLO-FRENCH LOAN WILL EE GREAT BENEFIT • interviewed respecting the loan negotiated in the United States by the Anglo-Frenci_ Commission the Minis- ter of Finance •expressed pleasure at its successful consummation. He said ;t , would assist materially in stabiliz- ing exchange conditions between America and Europe. Considering, the credit of Great Britain and France and the terms on which before the war they could obtain :oans in their own markets the rate of interest ttid commission might seem high by •solnparison but in his opinicn the loan lad been negotiated upon a basis as 'r,ir as could be expectEl having re- ard to war conditions and the fact .tat it was being obtained in. a foreign ountry. "This is no time," he said, "to un 'illy haggle ever eighths and six- -entits and other vulgar fractions -he main thing is to get the money end the Commission have got it" Nov. Canada Cene€its Asked if it was true that the pro seeds of the, loan would all have tc .0 spent in United States Mr. White aid that the official statement so in ;icated. He said the American bank ,rn purchasing the securities had ne :oubt insisted that as the loan was ;aing made by United States til: noney should be spent there. Itn lirectly, however, Canada would de ive an advantage from the loan bI •aason of its beneficial effe:t upon terling exchange. New York is Can da's internationa: exchange centro Ind any improvements in sterling ex- hange rates will be for our benefit 7s well as that of United States. The •xport movement of our crop, food ,roducts and manufactures is financed ty the sale Of sterling bilis in New fork and be price obtained for them :las an important ant bearin g upon the our e >rlce obtained by producers and n manufacturers. "Exchange or no exchange," the Minister said, "a loan cf this mttgini- tude could not be arranged without a lot of international good -will ,back of it and this to me is one of its mast gratifying features." ENGLAND TO PURCHASE FLOUR IN CANADA The report was circulated recently that the British authorities were Send- ing out an expert to consult with the Government with regard to the pur- chase of hay and oats, The purchase of these commodities has been in the hands of tho Minister of t.griculture for some time past and the arrange- ments which have been in crietence still stand. The War Mice, however, which has in the past purchased in England front tilne to tine varfons .ivantities of Canadian flour for the tee of the army, has recently asked he Department of Agriculture to un- lertake the purchase of limited quail sties of flour in Canada, The pV` basing agetct rho has beet, act• ng this work in Pitglp• ,. or the War 'dice has recently arrived in Canada nil is taking the question up with '10 Mir, aster for the puri ose of '• 1'- anging 3,etails of the work during the text loo' months. 1 YY D0,1)1.) o „ 1.1'l 1R'r I (Successor to , vt1 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT" and HEALTH INSURANCE Box phone 195 P. 0. WINGIIAM, ONT. Page rivei Stop, Look,Listen 2 Dozen Only Patriotic Watches To be given away with every Boys' or Men's Suit or Over- coat sold for cash. The s e watches are not toys but a genuine watch guar- anteed for one year and will keep as good time as any Twenty Dollar watch. These watches are on exhibition in, our window. Our Motto—"More Sales with Less Profits." • • • Mills PHONE 89 W INGHAM, ONT. INNIIMINi IN ;MEI - --- a ITITMTITMTIMMIMMIMMIT 11111111111 11111111 ! f W. J. BOYCE We make a specialty of Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air Heating. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED 1tt4iW1t.JlUllt lin 1111111111111t u u ui►►> u t Ahead of Panama. Chief Engineer Weller is. authority for the statement that. the Welland Ship Canal„ now in course of con- struction, from an engineering point of ki,ew rivals the Panama Canal. Those familiar with the geography of the peninsula will readily credit Chief WeJler's statement. But there is another regard, and a most import- ant one, in which tho Welland Canal (1058 not rival the Panama Canal, but far excels it, that is in the amount of trade it carries. American papers Published a few weeks ago a at;tte- ment of six months' business on the Panama. J. L. Payne, comptroller of statistics at Ottawa, gives a state- ment covering a, like period .of six months on the Welland Canal. The comparison is: Total of vessels pass canal, 3,314; Panama Canal, 496; total tonnage, Welland Canal, 3,484,- 327; Panama Canal,' 2,367.,2 14. The liumber•of-vessels to pass through the Welland Canal in six mouths is al- most seven ti::@e that of the Panama, and the clrgo tonnage is 50 per cent. greater, When the ship canal is completed it will permit the passage up and down of the largest lake freighters. The increased cargo ton- nage of the -large freighters .viii bane the effect of diminishing the number of vessels id servte4, but it will at the same tiny.; largely inereaao the total cargo tollhago. 1•••••••••••* •••• Double Track All The Way TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave TORONTO 8 00 , a nt , 0.00 pan., and 11,45pnt,daily VOR MONTREAL Leave TORONTO 0 00 , a m,, 8 3) p m„ and 11 00 p nt, tlai'y luclttiereent the finest en all trains PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION 0 loly Reduced fares to San 1 rancisco,, Los Angeles and San Diego. For particulars as to tickets West of Winnipeg, etc,, apply to any Grand Trunk Agent. 11, B. Elliott, Towti Ticket Agen J. G. STEWART Town Treasurer Clerk of the Division Court Phone 184 Office in Town Hall Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Real Estate Deals Transacted, WINDHAM 4 ONTARIO iYt4YttWYtt`Yth'tMINIA WihWWWi4it MWeiletalte The Lower Wingham a. Cash crocerj.r .i PJn Dnn 'nn 'inn ie' given the bnyers- *. '.r_ many Etaree, } .) o n r mono.p back,a1 :. n0 que0- tiOflS' . ;a Ehe rule Here. 71i'7.'..';.''.'. ,.. 20 lbs."Su ar l.Y. 0 t i ,t it ii/ n Ei , 10 ti " 75c M 4 81 ti .y0c Ask for price lice of 2; groceries. You can save "; sit10e. on every dollar by i.lisi , dealing here. ,., L. A. Grisdale AM'N1oR1misfit'timwet stati litWUU'JV IIlUtM1UUll alU1 1'?A Ovine a.'Y.ar_.__te • iselwratmawaidaec>#aet% ALMAll FLARI'TY Teacher Piano and Theory taaa.aaw li'oentareparea Sterne for.eryTorontory ntDrtattontrts. Macdonald Diode, . Wtntthar znadslaaaiiswantat