HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-09-16, Page 9Page .3.ight Mantles and Winter Coats The styles to show you this season from the leading manufactur- ers of American and Canadian styles. Our exclusive assortment of Rogers Garments in military effects a n d loose fitting styles and belted coats. $7.50 -to $30 LADIES' FALL SUITS In Berges, navy blue, black and army blue. Our "Rogers'' Gar- ments are perfect in fit and workmanship, The prices are very little different from last sea- son. $ 10.50 to $30 THE WIN H A W1Nfilk1Al41 .MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday neon.) \VLteat. new..... , 70 to 00 IFlour, per cwt., patent:3 50 to 3 130 Flour, per cwt„ felony2 75 to 3 00 13ran, per ton 27 00 to 28 00 ' Shorts, per ton........ , 31 00. to 32 00 Oats, t) 35 to 0 31 Burley 0 50 to 0 5() Flay, new 10 00 to 12 00 Batter, per lb—Dairy 0 23 to 0 21 Viggo, per dozen 0 18 to 0 21 Cattle, medium butchers (3 50 to 7 00 Cattle, butchers choice7 00 to 7 00 Hoge, live weight 0 00 to 9 00 Sheep, (cwt) 4 00 to 4 50 Hans, per 10 0 20 to 0 23 .Bacon long clear 0 00 to 0 18 Sheep Skins) 0 50 to 7u Elides 10 00 to 11 00 "Art" Clothes for Men `Men who 'care for good clothes and good style will find what they are looking for in buying an Art Suit. Our new Fall samples have arrived Prices $18.00 to $35.00 Knitted Sweaters and Sweater Coats For men, women and children in all wool, fine knitted colors in "Warren Bros." make. We have our Furs ready to show in Black Wolf, Fox, Persian Lamb, Rat Coats. Our Rat Coats this season are best qualities. Prices $57.50 and $80.00 Mail Ord ersPromptly filled. Send for a Coat Catalogue. HANNA & CO. Phone 7o. W hitechttrch Pte. J. J. Kennedy of London, epent the week end at his home here, Mr. and Mre, Smith of Galt, are the guests this week of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Fox, 1blr, and Mre. Malcolm Ross spent a few days last week in Toronto attend- ing the Exhibition and also visiting the latter'e sister, Mre. W. T. Shaw. Miss Annie and Mr. A. B. Henry were +'xhibition visitors in Toronto last week, Mr, A. E Pardon with Mr, and Mrs, Ja. Pardon and Mr. and Mre. W. Dawson motored to Brantford and Toronto last week. OArre Mr. Lecbte Aehton was its 'Thread o last week. Mr. Geo, McKee o JT'orouto was calling on Mende in and erouad town last week. Mies Nora Wiling of Teeswater, who was vieiting her friend, Miss Steintnillar, returned on Monday to her home, Mise Margaret McLaughlin of Stra ford motored up with a party of Mends on Labor Day and visited with her parents, Mr. and Mre, 11. Mc- Lauehlin.. Dr, R. IL srullton of Brussels paid his mother and sisters a vieit on Monday last. Jamestown The W, M, S. of Roe's Church met at the home of Mre. Geo. Johnston on Wednesday last. Mr. L. Frain and daughter visited with Gorrie friends on Saturday, Mrs. T. Ritchie of Wingham, is visiting at the home of her father Mr, R. Carr. Mr, and Mrs, Booth are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. King, The barn of Donald McDonald was 'struck with lightning during the storm on Sunday afternoon. No serious damage excepting breaking a number of rafters. Mr. McEwen of Turnberry accom- panied by Miss Martha McEwen were the guests of Mr. Jno McEwen on Wednesday last. The Jamestown girls played a game of baseball with Bluevale girls in Brussels on Labor Day. Tho James- town girls won, the score standing 13 —2, BORN SMALL—I0 Wingham on Friday, Sept. lOtte., to Mr. and Mrs. A. Small, a daughter. PAZTtsoN—In Wingnam on Monday, Sept. 13th., to Mr, and Mre. Edgar Pattison, a son. •.e+c,+. ,....miss, voaimmaao�., Mr, and Mre. Jae, 13eswitherick are visiting in Toronto and also attending the exhibition there, Rev, Mr. Rivers attended the Dist• triot meeting of the Methodist church in r ucknow last Thursday. Rev, Mr, Mavon of Knox church, Harriston, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday after- noon, Mr, R. Carson was in Toronto last week attcadiog the exhibition. The following was received from the Red Cross Society on September 0.h by the Sec. of the Woman's Institute —Dear Madam:—They acknowledged with thanke the generous donation of blankets, quilts, sheets, surgical sup- plies, etc., to the service of this Society; also one from the Belgian Consul on Sept. 8.h—Dear Madam: -- I havo just -received your letter con- taining list of goods whish your in- stitute have shipped to me for Bel- gian relief. Will you convey to the donors of this handsome gift my very sincere thanke which I tender to you on behalf of the Belgian relief fund. Mr. J. W. Edgar died at his home on Monday after a lingering illness, aged 59 years, 11 months and 11 days. Mr, Edgar was a man of sterling quality, a good neighbor and a kind, friend. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Fordwich ceme- tery, after service in the house con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Wesley of Wroxe• ter and Rev. Mr. Bell of Molesworth, and was very largely attended The pall -bearers were Mr. Wm. Edgar, Mr. Alex. Edgar, brothers of the deceased, and Mr. Hugh Hutchison, Mr. Thomas M. McOlement, Mr. D. Sanderson, Mr. D. Stewart, brothers- in-law. There is left to mourn his loss a widow and six sons. _ FRUIT BULLETIN Note the Governments Advertising telling you about Canadian Crawford Peaches You should see your Grocer at once and put down an extra supply of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruits. This year quality is extra fine for can ning Fruit means good health. oococcaocooccoc0000poccomm000tw00000m000000mocc0000a00000pocoop0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 8 8 COMING 1~0 g FOR ONE w 8 EK 0 4.1 F e HEADACHES CURED IN MOST OASES THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd. to Toronto 1 took the Shadow Test Course a few years ago bnt have made arrange- ments with Frederick W. Mayor, of Toronto, to take thiii Post Graduate Course in the Shadow Test, CHILDREN'S EYES OUR SRCIALTY WEDNESDAV, SEPT_ 29th. ye Specialist Shadow Test System Prices Reasonable Hs Looks Into the .Eye Consultation Free I have gone to great expense to get this specialist here for the benffit of the E30 and Heaclaeae sufferers of the surrounding district. The old system of trying on glasses and the confusing guesswork system is entirely done away with. THE SPEC- IALIST LOOKS INTO THE EYE and scientifically measures the defects and corrects them in a few minutes. As I said be- fore, I am taking this special system of Sight Testing in order to Carry on the successful work that this Specialist will start. Many headaches are caused by defective vision. Many children are suffering from defective vision unconsciously, therefore 1: appeal to all parents to avail themselves of this opportunity. Come one! Come All! Any morning, afternoon or evening. Glasses not prescribed unless needed. Evenings are just as good as daytime as all work is done by artificial light. ommormoosoreskismina In conclusion I say to every Man, Woman and Child, "Consult the Specialist" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AT J. WALTON McKIBBON'S DRUGGIST, OPTICIAN he Slay"', EY TESTED FREE ]tt. B.—M'r, Mayor aloes business at tour OUR STORE ONLY so beware of canvassing impersonators 00 4f ff 4`.00 t3 lgC0 S 8 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. k 4( 11004.Pa Wei WEOIIINI BELLS 1 0 HEM OILY—BUM ANM; GROCERY PHONE SS Store opens 7 A. 1A. coneHer;1 for food Teas ; 40c., 50c., 60c. a lb. 1 A pretty September wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mre. 1+'. Boelwiaan, Minnie St., on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 12.30 o'clock, when their daughter, E lith Marl^, was 1 united in marriage to Mr. Claude 3, Gregory of London. Rev, Mr, Uih- bent tied the ncptial knot. Tho draw. ing room was daintly decorated with pink and white asters, and the brides table was gayly laden with white roses. Tl:e bride looked sweetly girl, lab wearing her bridal veil arranged in Juliet style over her simple gown of Bruseels net and white voile with lace trimmings and carried a beautiful bo. quet of roses and lily of the valley, as she entered the drawing room by the side of her father, and took her place in front of a large bank of asters. Lohengrin's wedding march was play. ed by Miss Hilda Buchanan, sister of bride. Mise Edna Campbell, cousin of. the bride made a charming fl )wer girl, Among the wedding gifts, which were numerous and costly, was a beautiful set of silverware from the choir of the Methodist church, The happy young couple left on the 3 20 train for their home in London, amid shower of confetti and beat wish- es of a host of friends. The bride's travelling suit was of tailored blue serge with hat to matob.. Among the out -of town guests were: Mr, and Mrs. W. Gregory of London, parents of Lhe groom; also the Misses Muriel and Ruby Gregory; Mr. Ernest Buchanan of Toronto, brother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Stevens Mr, and Mrs. 3. Rutherford, Mr. Nor- man Macleod, Mrs, Murdoch, Misses Faille and Mary Austin of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Westman and Mr. W. H. Westman of Chatham; also Mise Vanderwater. Muskegon, Mich. BULL—Gmt:ACEY i •OO AIR ..16...et AS MID East Wawanosh. Wm. Dunbar and bride have go nicely settled down on their farm on Oon. 9. Best wishes. Aliases Lilly McLean and Alva Mc- Dowell, also Tommy Taylor and Bert Bradwin took in the Exhibition last week. • Mise Olive Walsh was at Seaforth coosulting a Specialist and taking X Ray treatment for her ankle last week. W. Bennett's house was struck by lightning during the recent electric storm. The chimney was shattered and the Misses Maggie and Ethel were awakened by the bricks and plaster falling on their bed, but were other- wise uninjured. John Fells' and John Campbell's barns were also s t r u c k during the same storm. Mr. Leonard Cook has purchased the frame house on the Woodly farm and after demolishing it takes the material to New Ontario with him for a build. ing there, A very enjoyable game of baseball was played between the Mice of the 3rd, Con. and 0.h. Con., on Thursday evening of last week. Six even inn- ings were played but owing to dark- ness cnly the Brat half of the 7th. was played. Score by innings as follows: 3.d. Con. O h, Con. 123450 123450 03'0120-12 532905-21 The batteries were Misses Potter and McGill, 3rd, Con..and the Misses Scott and Nethery, (nth. Con. About 250 spectators were present. A collect- ion in aid of the Red Gross amounted to 510.20 A quiet wedding tock place on Tues- day, Sept. 14113, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. King, Centre St., when Mrs. King's sister, Miss Eva Gracey was united in marriage to .Mr. A. T, Bull of London. The drawing room was daintly decorated with sweet peas and asters. The bride who was given away by her brother-in•law, Mr, Kiog, entered the parlor to the strains of the beautiful wedding march played by her sister, Mies Nora Gracey. She was attired in asuit of African brown garbardine cloth. Rev. Mr. Perrie, pastor of the Presbyterian ch u r ch officiated in the presence of only afew immediate relatives of the bride and groom. - The happy couple left for a short honeymoon in D,.troit and o the r points before returning to London, where they will reside. Mrs. Bull has always taken an active part in the Presbyterian church work, and will be much miesed by a large 'Circle of her friends who loin in wishing she and her worthy husband bon voyage on the sea of matrimony. With advancing yrars comes con- stipation. Rexall Orderlies are a specially good laxative for ageiug p:ople. Sold only by The Rexall Store, 10a, 25c, and 501: boxes, J. W. (CUSTOM OFFICE, WINGHAM THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR WOMEN • The new Queen Quality shoes Make your feet look smaller This is a positive fact We will be pleased to prove it to you Come in and try on a pair of the NEW FALL MODELS You'll be pleasantly surprised Note the beautiful new styles in our north window W. H. Sole Agent For The WILLIS FOR .5110ELADIES Freak Of Nature. One of the greatest freaks of nature that has been seen in this part of the country for many years is now in pos- session of De, Ford, V.S, It is a two- year•old bull with five Iegs, The fifth leg hangs just inside of the right hind leg, scarcely touching the ground. The beast is in perfect health, weigh- ing 800 pounds, and was purchased by the doctor from a farmer in the Alps, where it was born two years ago, Huron Boy Honored Pte. Vern R, Gledhill of Benmiller, who enlisted at Goderich, is among the names of those whose services have been recognized by King George V by receiving the Distinguished Ser- vice Medal for gallantry onthe field of battle, Pte. Gledhill has scarcely at- tained his majority, but is a crack shot, At Givenchy he was in a cross trench about fifty yds and some hun- dred rounds of ammunition. In a let- ter home some time later, he recount- ed how, with telescope sights on the rifle, he miesed very few shots. When blown out of the trench by a shell and his rifile broken, Pie. Gledhill man- aged to get another, and continued to shoot from behind a pile of debris. Ile latter dragged a comrade to safety under fire. H. DAVIS ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES McKibbon, druggist. Special harvest Festival. Services will be conducted in tttet Army Citadel next Sunday, Sept. 19th. Meetings at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m, On Monday, Sept. 20th, e. Harvest Festival Banquet and sale of goods will be held in the Citadel at 8 p.m, Everyone is cordially invited to attend and also to assist in raising the local target. Everybody appreciatre the good work of the Army and par. ticularly their endeavor to raise suffi- cient funds to send 2 extra motor ambulances to the front. Gifts in cash or goods will be gratefully accep- ted. Official Fruit Bulletin Fruit Brand—Dept. of Agriculture Not many days left for securing the best of Peaches and Plums. Crawford and Elberta peaches are obtainable at moderate prices, but prompt action will be necessary to those wishing a supply of these delicious, health giving finks. It is impossible to have too mach fruit in our Canadian winters. The Red Cross S ,ciety would be grateful for a few jars for our boys in France, and the Overseas Club' has promised to look after delivery. Every Canadian housewife should put down all the fruit—especially Peaches and Plums that she can possibly afford. DIED MORROW—In Gorrie, on Monday, Sept, 0th 1015, William A. Morrow, Aged 59 years. CaRrna—In Wroxeter, on Wednes- day, Sept. 1st 1915, Lidian Lillian Garter. Aged 1 year, 1,0 months and 5 days, • niMiniaMailtallillallaraiNIMMINSINVIONESNIMISOMUCCIMMEMINImmizatimismmer SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 8th. OLLAR D � Y C Iroceries 25 Bars of Comforts.' 00 S # Comforts.' Soap or 25 Packages Am-�0® mouia for 45c. Best Green Tea 3 lbs. for 8 Cans 15c. Corn 1,00 Syrup for 3 Pounds Red Rose ' 00 Tea for 1 Cans Toma- toes for 12 Cans Corn or Peas for 24 Cakes Choice 50 Soap for 12 Packages Jello for 1 ,°0 12 Cans Mustard for 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 'x,00 Dress Goods We can save you nearly half your money on Dress Goods. $1 all wool 590 Dress Goods $ (.5c0 to $2.00 Dress 980 Goous $1.75 to $2,5o Mantle 98c Cloth for 7 Saturday only, we will sell 4 yards Dress Goods worth 4o to 50c, for 4 yards for $1. at LINDSAY'S Read this list and get here early on Saturday, Sept. 18th. The follow- ing list is only a few of the many Great Bar= gains on sale that day. .A. regular feast of snaps for people of Wingham and Huron County. Ends Ends mill Ends Wrapperettes and Flannel.. ettes on sale.,, 30 yards for l;c and 100 Lace fir $1.00 26 yards Toweling for • 1.00 25 Coates Spcols for .................. 1.00 $1 Silk Trimmings 0 yards for 1.00 25 to 130e Veiling for. 100 yd 60 to 75e Velvets for......., ., 48c y d 10 yards 25e Insertion for1,00 8 pairs 25c Cotton and Lisle Hose 1,00 Boots and Shoes $r.5o to $3 Shoes of differ- ent styles, low and high for Ladies', Men's and �p Childrens', DOLLAR 00 DAY Men's$4 heavy shoes2'50 Men's $5 fine shoes 3,48 Boys' $3 fine shoes 1,98 sBhoesoss? $2 50 medium 1 73 Ladies' $4 50 stylish A 80 slims for .G. All slioss away below regu- lar prices Meti's stylish pure wool Suits at about one halt the prices elsewhere, good suit, all wool for $5 98 Better Suits at $7.98,$10.45 and $12.48 But ti - r and Egg; All goods Cash or Taken as Cash •* i IND 'xoduce,othi sa ex- Changed n:this sae. Formerly the Merchants Brokerage sitarliasimitosionsia j! ili. �,,,. 1 � . i - � ill 1 viii ����111111I1Ill I � {I (� ,� �- � \ w r: \V1,, ,; � - / JJl JJJfff ,{\`) ` I,,,, C,lf` i////�//( l\\ V II %/����zI7 II /� III I I! IIIIIIIII 11J �I �rij PIll . \�A,11 1:N 1 h VIII Shadow Test System Prices Reasonable Hs Looks Into the .Eye Consultation Free I have gone to great expense to get this specialist here for the benffit of the E30 and Heaclaeae sufferers of the surrounding district. The old system of trying on glasses and the confusing guesswork system is entirely done away with. THE SPEC- IALIST LOOKS INTO THE EYE and scientifically measures the defects and corrects them in a few minutes. As I said be- fore, I am taking this special system of Sight Testing in order to Carry on the successful work that this Specialist will start. Many headaches are caused by defective vision. Many children are suffering from defective vision unconsciously, therefore 1: appeal to all parents to avail themselves of this opportunity. Come one! Come All! Any morning, afternoon or evening. Glasses not prescribed unless needed. Evenings are just as good as daytime as all work is done by artificial light. ommormoosoreskismina In conclusion I say to every Man, Woman and Child, "Consult the Specialist" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AT J. WALTON McKIBBON'S DRUGGIST, OPTICIAN he Slay"', EY TESTED FREE ]tt. B.—M'r, Mayor aloes business at tour OUR STORE ONLY so beware of canvassing impersonators 00 4f ff 4`.00 t3 lgC0 S 8 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. k 4( 11004.Pa Wei WEOIIINI BELLS 1 0 HEM OILY—BUM ANM; GROCERY PHONE SS Store opens 7 A. 1A. coneHer;1 for food Teas ; 40c., 50c., 60c. a lb. 1 A pretty September wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mre. 1+'. Boelwiaan, Minnie St., on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 12.30 o'clock, when their daughter, E lith Marl^, was 1 united in marriage to Mr. Claude 3, Gregory of London. Rev, Mr, Uih- bent tied the ncptial knot. Tho draw. ing room was daintly decorated with pink and white asters, and the brides table was gayly laden with white roses. Tl:e bride looked sweetly girl, lab wearing her bridal veil arranged in Juliet style over her simple gown of Bruseels net and white voile with lace trimmings and carried a beautiful bo. quet of roses and lily of the valley, as she entered the drawing room by the side of her father, and took her place in front of a large bank of asters. Lohengrin's wedding march was play. ed by Miss Hilda Buchanan, sister of bride. Mise Edna Campbell, cousin of. the bride made a charming fl )wer girl, Among the wedding gifts, which were numerous and costly, was a beautiful set of silverware from the choir of the Methodist church, The happy young couple left on the 3 20 train for their home in London, amid shower of confetti and beat wish- es of a host of friends. The bride's travelling suit was of tailored blue serge with hat to matob.. Among the out -of town guests were: Mr, and Mrs. W. Gregory of London, parents of Lhe groom; also the Misses Muriel and Ruby Gregory; Mr. Ernest Buchanan of Toronto, brother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Stevens Mr, and Mrs. 3. Rutherford, Mr. Nor- man Macleod, Mrs, Murdoch, Misses Faille and Mary Austin of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. A. J, Westman and Mr. W. H. Westman of Chatham; also Mise Vanderwater. Muskegon, Mich. BULL—Gmt:ACEY i •OO AIR ..16...et AS MID East Wawanosh. Wm. Dunbar and bride have go nicely settled down on their farm on Oon. 9. Best wishes. Aliases Lilly McLean and Alva Mc- Dowell, also Tommy Taylor and Bert Bradwin took in the Exhibition last week. • Mise Olive Walsh was at Seaforth coosulting a Specialist and taking X Ray treatment for her ankle last week. W. Bennett's house was struck by lightning during the recent electric storm. The chimney was shattered and the Misses Maggie and Ethel were awakened by the bricks and plaster falling on their bed, but were other- wise uninjured. John Fells' and John Campbell's barns were also s t r u c k during the same storm. Mr. Leonard Cook has purchased the frame house on the Woodly farm and after demolishing it takes the material to New Ontario with him for a build. ing there, A very enjoyable game of baseball was played between the Mice of the 3rd, Con. and 0.h. Con., on Thursday evening of last week. Six even inn- ings were played but owing to dark- ness cnly the Brat half of the 7th. was played. Score by innings as follows: 3.d. Con. O h, Con. 123450 123450 03'0120-12 532905-21 The batteries were Misses Potter and McGill, 3rd, Con..and the Misses Scott and Nethery, (nth. Con. About 250 spectators were present. A collect- ion in aid of the Red Gross amounted to 510.20 A quiet wedding tock place on Tues- day, Sept. 14113, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. King, Centre St., when Mrs. King's sister, Miss Eva Gracey was united in marriage to .Mr. A. T, Bull of London. The drawing room was daintly decorated with sweet peas and asters. The bride who was given away by her brother-in•law, Mr, Kiog, entered the parlor to the strains of the beautiful wedding march played by her sister, Mies Nora Gracey. She was attired in asuit of African brown garbardine cloth. Rev. Mr. Perrie, pastor of the Presbyterian ch u r ch officiated in the presence of only afew immediate relatives of the bride and groom. - The happy couple left for a short honeymoon in D,.troit and o the r points before returning to London, where they will reside. Mrs. Bull has always taken an active part in the Presbyterian church work, and will be much miesed by a large 'Circle of her friends who loin in wishing she and her worthy husband bon voyage on the sea of matrimony. With advancing yrars comes con- stipation. Rexall Orderlies are a specially good laxative for ageiug p:ople. Sold only by The Rexall Store, 10a, 25c, and 501: boxes, J. W. (CUSTOM OFFICE, WINGHAM THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR WOMEN • The new Queen Quality shoes Make your feet look smaller This is a positive fact We will be pleased to prove it to you Come in and try on a pair of the NEW FALL MODELS You'll be pleasantly surprised Note the beautiful new styles in our north window W. H. Sole Agent For The WILLIS FOR .5110ELADIES Freak Of Nature. One of the greatest freaks of nature that has been seen in this part of the country for many years is now in pos- session of De, Ford, V.S, It is a two- year•old bull with five Iegs, The fifth leg hangs just inside of the right hind leg, scarcely touching the ground. The beast is in perfect health, weigh- ing 800 pounds, and was purchased by the doctor from a farmer in the Alps, where it was born two years ago, Huron Boy Honored Pte. Vern R, Gledhill of Benmiller, who enlisted at Goderich, is among the names of those whose services have been recognized by King George V by receiving the Distinguished Ser- vice Medal for gallantry onthe field of battle, Pte. Gledhill has scarcely at- tained his majority, but is a crack shot, At Givenchy he was in a cross trench about fifty yds and some hun- dred rounds of ammunition. In a let- ter home some time later, he recount- ed how, with telescope sights on the rifle, he miesed very few shots. When blown out of the trench by a shell and his rifile broken, Pie. Gledhill man- aged to get another, and continued to shoot from behind a pile of debris. Ile latter dragged a comrade to safety under fire. H. DAVIS ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES McKibbon, druggist. Special harvest Festival. Services will be conducted in tttet Army Citadel next Sunday, Sept. 19th. Meetings at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m, On Monday, Sept. 20th, e. Harvest Festival Banquet and sale of goods will be held in the Citadel at 8 p.m, Everyone is cordially invited to attend and also to assist in raising the local target. Everybody appreciatre the good work of the Army and par. ticularly their endeavor to raise suffi- cient funds to send 2 extra motor ambulances to the front. Gifts in cash or goods will be gratefully accep- ted. Official Fruit Bulletin Fruit Brand—Dept. of Agriculture Not many days left for securing the best of Peaches and Plums. Crawford and Elberta peaches are obtainable at moderate prices, but prompt action will be necessary to those wishing a supply of these delicious, health giving finks. It is impossible to have too mach fruit in our Canadian winters. The Red Cross S ,ciety would be grateful for a few jars for our boys in France, and the Overseas Club' has promised to look after delivery. Every Canadian housewife should put down all the fruit—especially Peaches and Plums that she can possibly afford. DIED MORROW—In Gorrie, on Monday, Sept, 0th 1015, William A. Morrow, Aged 59 years. CaRrna—In Wroxeter, on Wednes- day, Sept. 1st 1915, Lidian Lillian Garter. Aged 1 year, 1,0 months and 5 days, • niMiniaMailtallillallaraiNIMMINSINVIONESNIMISOMUCCIMMEMINImmizatimismmer SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 8th. OLLAR D � Y C Iroceries 25 Bars of Comforts.' 00 S # Comforts.' Soap or 25 Packages Am-�0® mouia for 45c. Best Green Tea 3 lbs. for 8 Cans 15c. Corn 1,00 Syrup for 3 Pounds Red Rose ' 00 Tea for 1 Cans Toma- toes for 12 Cans Corn or Peas for 24 Cakes Choice 50 Soap for 12 Packages Jello for 1 ,°0 12 Cans Mustard for 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 'x,00 Dress Goods We can save you nearly half your money on Dress Goods. $1 all wool 590 Dress Goods $ (.5c0 to $2.00 Dress 980 Goous $1.75 to $2,5o Mantle 98c Cloth for 7 Saturday only, we will sell 4 yards Dress Goods worth 4o to 50c, for 4 yards for $1. at LINDSAY'S Read this list and get here early on Saturday, Sept. 18th. The follow- ing list is only a few of the many Great Bar= gains on sale that day. .A. regular feast of snaps for people of Wingham and Huron County. Ends Ends mill Ends Wrapperettes and Flannel.. ettes on sale.,, 30 yards for l;c and 100 Lace fir $1.00 26 yards Toweling for • 1.00 25 Coates Spcols for .................. 1.00 $1 Silk Trimmings 0 yards for 1.00 25 to 130e Veiling for. 100 yd 60 to 75e Velvets for......., ., 48c y d 10 yards 25e Insertion for1,00 8 pairs 25c Cotton and Lisle Hose 1,00 Boots and Shoes $r.5o to $3 Shoes of differ- ent styles, low and high for Ladies', Men's and �p Childrens', DOLLAR 00 DAY Men's$4 heavy shoes2'50 Men's $5 fine shoes 3,48 Boys' $3 fine shoes 1,98 sBhoesoss? $2 50 medium 1 73 Ladies' $4 50 stylish A 80 slims for .G. All slioss away below regu- lar prices Meti's stylish pure wool Suits at about one halt the prices elsewhere, good suit, all wool for $5 98 Better Suits at $7.98,$10.45 and $12.48 But ti - r and Egg; All goods Cash or Taken as Cash •* i IND 'xoduce,othi sa ex- Changed n:this sae. Formerly the Merchants Brokerage sitarliasimitosionsia