HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-09-02, Page 8Page Eight THE WINGRAM ADVANCE ammairammassaimataawmagrwavaamortammourcio i ..-..... Misses Suit ale %, 16 Choice Misses Suits u' The balance of our Summer Stock will n" be on display in the North Window. These suits are all good, sizes in 16, 18, ° 20 years. Reg. $18 and $15 Colors in Grey, Blue & Black. x. Clean-up Price I $5.95 I l Butterick Patterns Always in Stock. wianzemswasemonsmagnmeneamam .IMMI.A.I74120644awoom OCIVINWOlf . ,.non..., wimsfaxamalawacasammoomomaimer HANNA Phone 70. CO. WIN011AM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon,) t'Vlxeat, new . ....... , .. 00 to 05 Figur, per cwt., patent.. 3 00 to 3 00 Flour, per cwt„ family.. 3 40 to 3 40 Bran, per ton 27 00 to 28 Q0 Shorts, per ton 31 00 to 33 00 Oats, ...... 0 53 to 0 55 Barley 0 05 to 0 05 Peas, per bushel, ....... 1 10 to 1 I0 Buckwheat 0 70 to 0 75 Ray, new 10 00 to 12 00 Butter, per lb—Dairy , . 0 23 to 0 25 Eggs, per dozen 0 18 to 0 20 Cattle, medium butchers 0 dll to 7 00 Cattle, butchers choice, 7 00 to 7 00 Hoge, live weight 8 75 to 9 00 Sheep, (cwt) 00 to 4 60 Harps, per lb. 0 20 to 0 23 Baoon long clear0 00 to 0 18 Sheep Skills 0 75 to 1 00 Hidee 10 00 to 11 00 Tallow, rendered. , 0 00 to 0 0 Oranges, per doz 0 30 to 0 50 New Potatoes, per peck. 0 00 to 0 20 griammummaianamialnaamusamesmaamagoonsommanara J. G. STEWART Town Trenntirer Clerk of the Division Court Phone 184 Office in Town Halt NEIMPIWIS Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insuratce. Real Estate Deals Transacted. WINGHAM • ONTARIO Cityy AnMtM f+i .°°40.4eo r'r+Uss1 ,, IThe Very. best Hard Coal mined. Hard and Solt Wood and Cedar Kindling Give us a trial order R. 3. Cantelon 'Jfiioe with Dominion Express 00. P. 0. Box 127 Use Cantelon's Goal I wthnit war www.mwlamw dwAshyv. I The Lower Wingham 1 ir-1 Cash Grocery I --- .. a: • Sunlight Soap E bars riCrr '" .y - for :r s .; g _ a,, it R Fresh P• ickling Spice 2 Omince, • package C . Pickling Vinegar • XXX White if np Wine per gl C. r.,...�.--- 1 5lbs. 1 Sugar' for 30c. With a $1.00 oiler • L. A. Grisdale rwmwomymmostmAymmommompAA Salem. Mre. Nokes and daughter, Miss Hilda. of Winnipeg, are at present visiting the former's sister, Mrs, Wm, Abram and other friends around here. Mre. Jeseph Higgins visited friends near Guelph for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs.'John Hartley, who have been spending their vacation with friends around here, returned to their home in Vanleek Hili, They were accompanied by their niece, Fannie Belle Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher and children and Mrs. Win. Weir called on the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Gallaher, near Bluevale last Sunday evening. Mre. Meehan left Iast week for the West, where she will visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Willie. We wish her a safe 'return. Mr. and :Mre. James McKersio of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKersie last week. The threshing machines are to be heard once again in our midst. To new subscribers only, the AD. VANCE from now until Jan. 1916 for 25 cents. Bellmore Mies M. Albright of Fordwich, is the the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, Mr. A. Lamonby. manager of Bank of Hamilton, Wroxeter, visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Margaret Law of Toronto, re- turned home on Saturday after virit- ing friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Sae, Wylie of Gorrie, visited at the home of Mr, William McKee on Sunday. Mr. atld Mrs. D. K. Livingstone of Moncrief, spent a few days last week with the lattet's mother, Mre. Joseph Murray and sister, Mrs. W. Irwin. see •.,..d..,....o......,,,,.„4.....,,......_,.,,,.,‘ �y , DAVIS SU +r2. YE} �� �CUs10M OFFICE, WIC M Corrie Ronald Nash and Herbert Irwin left on Saturday morning last for the West. Mies Ruby and Master Reginald Mathewson, who have been holiday- ing with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mre. Wm. nestle, jr„ returned to their home in Toronto on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Black of Wroxe- ter visited on Friday with Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong. Rey. R. J. Garbutt of Lucknow oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sabbath morning and even- ing. It being the annual anniversary servicee. Mrs. Garbutt accompanied him. The game of baseball played on Friday evening between Mildmay and Gorrie resulted in a score of 7-10 in favor of the former. J. T. Tait, who has been teller in the Bank of Hamilton for several years left on Saturday morning for B. C, On Friday evening a number of the people in St. Stephen's congre- gation met at the borne of H. V. Holmes and presented Mr. Tait with a geld watch. A number of hie gentle- men friend's also met in the Bank parlour on Thursday and presented him with an address and a folding umbrella. Mr. Russel Andrews read the address and Mr, Orval Steinmillar presented the umbrella. Mr, Tait responded with a few kindly expressed words, On Friday evening a danee was given in the Town Hall in honor of Mr. Tait. MIss Eleanor McLane of Wingham is visiting with Mr. and Mre. G. W. Walker. Rev. Mr. Young of CIifford occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Milton White of Wingham, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. White. Mr. Herbert Williams of Detroit is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mre. Win. Williams, Miss Cora Scott of Toronto is visit- ing with her aunt and uncle, Mr, acrd and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin. Miss Beryl Ashton is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Percy Whitely is visiting with friends in Beeton. Misses Annie and Janet Murray, who have been visiting their sister and other friends in Tugaskie, Sask., returned on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marra}, and little daughter of Molesworth, spent Sunday with the former's sisters, the Misses Murray. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steinmillar visited wits} friends in Walkerton over Sun_ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mitchell received the sad news on Sunday that the latter's sister, Mrs, Reid of Wheatly, Ont., had died very suddenly at her home on Sunday morning. The de. ceased lady visited with Mr. and Mrs. .Mitchell two weeks ago. Interment will take place on Tuesday. To new subscribers only. THE AD- VANCE from now until Jan. 1916 for 25 cents. Mr, and Mrs, Wen. Nichel and son returned home on Saturday last after the latter spending two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lowry. Rev, Mr, Bradioy of Teeswater, ob• eupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Tait of Bluevale will preach next Sunday. Don't forget the Women's' Institute at the home of Mfrs. Dorg on Saturday, Sept. 4th. Kill Your Own Town, The fail and winter mail order eata- loguee have arrived from Toronto, Fill out a long list and send it to the city if you don't care what happens to Wtnghant and your own business men who pay taut and support the town In various *aye. Mles Glilebrist, of Wingham, spent Sunday tet the Linklater home, she wilt also visit her grandmother, Mre. McKinnon, 2ad. con. who is quite poor- iy,--Tesswater Newe, Belgrave Rev. Boyle and family hale return- ed from their summer holidays. Mee. 1, Gallagher and her sister, Mise Stella Nethery, have returned to thein home in the Weet. James Walsh has returned to bis borne in the West after spending a couple of months with hie parents, Glad to report Mrs. Wm. Wray} win has been i11 so long, ie improving nicely, Fred Seandrett, who was hurt at a ball game a few weeks ago, is in the Toronto hospital and is doing nicely. We hope soon to see Fred back again. Tile people of Belgrave are very sorry to hear Rey, Farr has accepted a call to Kincardine and expecte to leave very soon. He has many warm friends here who will be sorry to lose Official Fruit Bulletin Fruit Brand—Dept. of Agriculture Peaches and Plums are both so good this year that there is every inducement for the housewife to "put down" a lib. cral supply. The Canadian Clubs and Red Cr, ss Societies are asking for con tributions of canned or preserved --not jammed fruit, for our soldiers in France People who wish to ''do their bit"should communicate with the nearest Canadian Club or Red Cross branch, Much fruit is being put down without sugar, by sterelizing process. The best plums for the purpose are 13radshaws, Gages and Lombards, and for peaches the St. Johns, Crawfords and Albertas. Orders placed in advance with your grocer' tpeaus better fruit for you, Mr. Richard Fay is very sick with mumps, but we hope he will soon be around again. Mr. Dan Geddes of Londesboro was in the village last week. Dr. Guilfoyle and wife have gat settled in the village and he is ready for practice. 1AR RIED 1? 1lt+usoN-•-Wxnrxry--At Centra; Congregational church, Winnipeg, on 'Wednesday, August 18th, Muse Zeiler May Whitley to Mr. William George Ferguson, of Edmonton, for- merly of Howick. Ross-Dt nn—Tn Dungannon, on Tues- day, Aug, 17tb., Jdith Florence, daughter of M. and Mrs. H. Mr Duff, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Rosa, principal of Dungannon Public School, BO11N Litwxs--In Wingham, on Tuesday, August 31st,, to Mr. and Mrs. An, Lewis, a eon, MASON—In Wintham, 6n Thursday, August 24th, to Mr. and Mee. Robt. Mason, a daughter, Glxtovts-•In.Wingham (Andrea Iios. pital, an Tuesday, Auguat Met, to Sergt. Henry and Mre. Groves, d daughter. , DIED. OAItL•RSr—In Brussels, an Mondy, August 23rd, William Oakley, aged 05 yrs., 6 months and 11 days To IttNT--Three comfortable tense over Advance Office. Modern cor I venientiss. Apply to 0, N. Griflltl, •�sl lOalalt •nen • l DEATH ROLL Blyth Mr. A, H. Musgrove M..P., of Wing - ham, was in towm on Sunday. The Miesee Little nice attending the Exhibition at Toronto. Mr. L. Williams spent Sunday with Wingharn friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oar•thene of Regina, are visiting their son, A. Id. Cartbene of the Bank of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marshall spent Sun- day with friends in Winghsm. Masers Clarence Utley and George Sloan are attending the Clinton School of Commerce. L. J, Williams has disposed of hie hardware business to Mesera. BIack- all of Bothwell. Mrs, Stephen Stothers of Dungan- non, visited her sister, Mrs. Joseph Stothers of town. The Womens' Instituto will hold a tea on the lawn of Mrs. S. Gidiey on Wednesday, Sept. 1st. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Fund. Mr. Matke of Bayfield, is the new principal of the public scheme Miss Ashton of Gorrie, has been engaged to fill the vacc any caused by the resign- ation of Mise Morley. Mrs. and Mise Metealfe left on Thum - day morning for Moosejaw, where they purpose spending several week. with Mr. Metcalfe who is Fruit Inspec- tor there, The following left for the West last week—Mrs, Frank Little, Mr. and Mre. R. Ferris, Mise Collinson, Messrs. Archie Webster, 3. Youngb'ut•, A. Wells, J. Martin, B. Hoggart, C. Knox, C. Watt, D. Brown, H. Rad- ford, G. 0. McGowan, Terrace Tier - nay, A. Cockerline and F. Nixon. The results in Standing Field Crop Competition are as follows: lot, J. and F. Laidlow, Morris; 2ad, David Laid- law, Morrie; 3rd, Duncan McCallum, feullett; 4th, William McGowan, East Wawanosb; 5th, John Barr, Aullett; Mb, J. and W. Grey, Hullett; 7th, Jas. Snell & Son, Hullett, 1 M11$, 4 Npii'3W MULLI T 'R T is T pioneers of Ashfield, passed away at the home of her con, Henry, near GROCERY PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a, in. 1 1 ComeHere 1 for Good Teas Bluevale. School re -opened this week. Mr. Leslie S. Winch of Paisley is the new teacher and was selected from over thirty applicants at a salary of $075. The Bluevale girls have been invited to play a game of baseball with the Jamestown girls at the Red Cross cele- bration in Brussels on Labor Day. The two terms are very evenly match- ed, at tbeir last game in Bluevale, the score being 3 2 in favor of the home team, and another contest between them will be worth going to see. The Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist Church a*e to be congratu- lated on the excellence of their patrio- tic concert which was held last Friday evening and added $30 to the Red Cross Fund. Tne church was attractively decorated with flags, pennants and streamers, a banner above the stage bearing the inscription, "Help the Soldiers". The ushers, Messrs Sinna- mon and Stamper wore the Red Cross on their sleeves. Rev. D. D. Thomp- son was chairman and gave a talk on the "Maple Leaf" and its significauoe a; our national em b i• a m. Rev, D. Wren of Brussels, gave a vigorous ad- dress on "Russia". This was the 4th. addrees Mr. Wren had given for pat- riotic purposes in one week. Rev. Mr. Tate also spoke axle there was anex ce% ent musical program. Q.e cf the mo t popular features of the evening were the solos by Mr. Norman Murch of Toronto, whose rendering of "Heroes and gentlemen's and "The Admiral's Broom" were enthusiastically encored. Mr. Harold Thompson sang a patriotic song, "Boys from Canada" composed by Mise Alta -Lind Cook, daughter of Mrs, (Rev.) Jos, Cook of Meaford, who was the first bride to occupy the Blue - vale parsonage and spent a week in Bluevale recently renewing Old friend- ships. Other solos Were sung b$r Miss Carrie Dianxond, Miss Bea Duff find Miss Agnes Aitcheson and recitations were given by Mise Mary Duff, `y Fordyce Mr. Duane McQuillan vislted at Mrs, Robot, Plaines for a few days and flats DOW returned home. Mre, Wm. Rlntoul and fatttile visit. ed at Mr. Alex, t3,intouls one day last week, Mr. Sohn Webster's new house is al- most completed and will soon be mov- ing inert it.. Alt. terry Desmond has returned home after his visit to 'Cargill. Mre. Wm. Rlntoul and Mrs. Melt. Rlntoul visited at Mrs. John WOWS. 40c., 50c., i 60c. a lb. 11 .w.Ae.s_._N11 . MOOSc Lenee, on Wednesday, August 25th, Deceased lived fora number of years in Lneknow with her husband, who predeceased her about four years ago, when she went to live on the old homestead with her sen. Henry. l.n religion she was a Presbyterian and was buried in Lucknow Cemetery op Friday afternoon, Mxcs. DAVID HE cDERSON, The vicinity of Amberley was shock- ed to learn onThursday of the death of Mre.. D. Henderson. Deceased bad been ailing only a couple of weeks. She is survived by her husband, three sons and two daughters.'; The funeral was held to Kincardine cemetery on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended. The sorrowing bus• band and family have the deepest sympathy of a large circle of friends. MRs. Gxo. A, NIMEON. St. Helens. Rev, Mr. Moore of Park Hill, occu- pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. John Miller of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Windsor, a n d rady friend, Miss Jean Cuthbert are visiting with his mother, Mrs, John Miller. Mr. Frank Todd and son, Tammy, made a flying trip to Wingham on Monday. Mrs. Ramage visited with Mrs. Jas. Aitchison one day last week. The farmers who have finished har- vesting wear a grand smile these days. Master Stanley and Miss Vera Todd spent Wednesday with Mrs. William Caslick, Wingham, The Stork called at Louis Weather - head's on Saturday and left a little baby boy. Congratulations. After the harvest is finished three of our young men intend enlisting for war service. Miss Ethel Brooks of Donnybrook, is visiting her sister, Miss Nellie, this this week. Miss Laura Currie of 'Wingham' spent Sunday with her friend Miss Obriesie Miller. Mise Ohriesie Miller left on Monday for Stratford where she intends teach- ing school. ' We vaieh her every euc- cese. Messrs Geo. Twamley, Chester, Tay- lor, Tom Glenn and Sandy Ravens spent an enjoyable time at the home of Mr, Robt. Woods one evening last week. They were all heard singing "Where the Girls are I like to be," Whitechurch Miss Allen of Wingham, spent the weekend with friends here, Mr, Robert and Mr, Alex. Mowbray motored to Toronto last week. Mrs. Wm. Barbour is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H, J. Mc0lenaghan of Belgrave. Mr. David Kennedy conducted the young people's meeting on Sunday evening, On Sept. 5th the meeting will be in charge of Mr. Angus MacKay, when the topic is "Throw yourself in- to your Task." On Sunday, Aug, 20th, in Watford, Algoma, there occurred the death of Mrs. Thos. Ptiiilips, a former resident of this village, The death of Mrs. Phillips was quite unexpected, she having been ill only a few days, The remains will be brought to Lucknow for interment in the South Kinloss cemetery. Mr. Phillips predeceased his wife about a year ago. A family of two daughters and four sons sur- vive, namely—Mrs. J. U. Brown of Miss Anniei Creighton Mules, Ont; Mr Phillips of Cobalt; Henry o "tenors.; Neil of Cobalt and John and Glenn of Creighton Mines. Mre. G. A. Newton, wife of a former Wingbaw business man. died in To- ronto 012 Friday. August 271.b, after an illness of several weeks duration. Db• ceased was well and favorably known in Wingharn, where the sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to the bereaved family. e -sites A Solemn Baptism After the morning service in the Methodist Church an infant baptis- maI service was held when, Georgeina, infant daughter of Pte. and Mrs. Geo. Pullen was baptized by the Rev. J. W. Hibbert. It was indeed a solemn service and many eyes were damp as the father, dressed in hie kakhi uni- form handed his little darling over to her mother. The congregation realiz- ed that this same father might seldom fondly caress bis little child, as he ex- pecte daily to leave for the front with his regiment. Mr. Pullen is a vetern ,of the South African war and is anx- ious to do his "bit" in the present con- flict on the side of truth and honor, Banqueted By Friends About forty-five of the friends of Mr. M. W. Telfer gave a banquet in his honor at W. A. Miller's reetaur ant on Tuesday evening of this week, and a right good time was spent. Mr. Robert Brooks, on behalf of the base- ball club presented him with the silver cup which they won last season. Mr. Telfer has for some time been one of the clubs most valued members. A hand- some Morris chair was alae presented to Mr, .Telfer as a token of esteem from those present. The presentation was made by Mr. Geo. Jacques and a well worded address was read by Mr, J. J. Dav is to evhich Mr. Telfer very fittingly replied. Awing to it being the eve of Mr. Telfer's wedding, some of the married men generously gave him some valuable and "instructive" advice. Teachers Resume Duties. During the early part of this week there was a large exodus of teachers from Wingham and the surrounding country:— Mr. R. S. McBurney bas gone to Gorrie as Principal of the Public School; Mr, Wm. Buchanan, E. Woe wanosb, and Messrs. Peter and George Muir, Turnberry, have gone to teach in Toronto; Air. Stanley Elliott, E. Wawanosh, to Dundalk; Mr. Harry Dore to his school near Guelph; Mr. Hector Mutton to Lower Wingham; Miss Maude Fryfogle to Lloydtown, York Co,; Mise Viola Isard to Leam- ington; Miss Lizzie Johns to the Stone School, Morrie; Miss Ethel Tipling to Zetland; Miss Ada Haines to Holmes' school; Miss Mabel Mc- Donald to Glenannace Miss Janisa Perrie to Eadies' school;Miss Margaret Patterson to Powell's school; Mi• s Splendid Seleotioii of School Shoes for Girls and Boys We are ready for the So 01 Opening with a brand new stock of good serviceable Shoes at the lowest prices. This store will be closed on Monday next, SEPT. 6th„ being Labor Day W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The FOR SHOE LADIES i BASEBALL AT ARTHUR. Wingham Ball Team Wins First Game In Semi Finals. Bellwood 000000P00-0 Wingham 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3-5 In a sudden death game played at Arthur on Wednesday of last week Wingham defeats'," Bellwood in North- ern League ball by a score of 5-0. The Bellwood team have won everything around Arthur and were naturally quite confident of winning from Wing - ham. To pick the Star players of the Wingbam nine was to pick practical- ly the whole team. Bellwood played a good game, especially Biytb, who caught an error- less game, but he had nothing on Geddes who caught faultlessly. Tel- fer pitched a good steady game for Wingham, having Bellwood under subjection throughout the game and allowing only two hits. His support was excellent and were always on the jump. Sargeant, who pitched the first two innings for Bellwood, pitched a fairly good game, but was suplauted in the second inning by Brawley, who did excellent pitching, having loads of speed but lacked the judgment of Telfer. White played an errorless game on arab and excelled himself at bat, being credited with three hits in- cluding a home run with two men on base. Scott, at second, made two most sensational catches, one which he caught after a brilliant run to right field, the other a liner he picked up at his boot tops both being difficult plays and well dandled. N. Geddes, at short and Morgan on third nailed everything that came their way and made perfect throws to first. Bellwood boys playedenappy ball at times and were responsible for a double play, doubling White at second and throwing out McCallum at first. McCallum bit to Brawley who threw to second catching White and doub- ling over to first. Bellwood as a whole played a good game but began to lose heart about the sixth, seeing not only Wingham's supremacy in the field, but at the bat as well. Blyth went to bat first for Bellwood . and grounded a difficult out to White. , Sargeant received a bare on belle. Black sent a long hit to the outfield, that was missed and left Sargeant on Jeanette Brock to the Junction; Miss, Mina Currie to Ridgeway, Welland Co; Mr. Elgin Currie to New Ontario; Mise Irene Davis, 13. A., to Carleton Place, H. S.; Miss Eleanor Patterson to a school in Haldimond Co.; Miss Verna McLaughlin to Shelbourne; Miss Florence Imlay to Belgrave; Miss Effie Bowers to near Blytb; Mise Winnie Stewart to Newmarket; Ever- ett Glenn as Principal to Grand Valley Continuation School; Miss Annie Mc- Burney to Minto township; Miss Jean Armour to Vineland; Miss Alma Armour to• S. S. No. 2 Culross; Mise Laura Currie of E. Wawanoeh to near Belgrave. third. At this stage of the game it looked as though Ballwood was in for a couple of runs, but Telfer tightened up and struck out the next two men Johnston headed the list for Wing - ham and grounded out too short, Tel- fer followed and made the first bit of the game, N. Geddes sacrificed . send- ing him to second, Scott then made a hit to the infield, leaving Telfer on third. Summers followed with a bit, scoring Telfer for the first run. Geddes then made Wingham's chances look good with another hit. White was first up for Wingham in the second, and made bis debut with a hit, but was nailed trying to steal second by Blyth. Nothing further was done until the fifth u.ning, when Johnston scored on Teller's sacrifice, and Geddes' hit. After this both teams went out in order until the last of the eighth, when White made the nizest hit of the day, scoring a' home run with two men on bases. This completed the score, the next man being an easy out Bellwood attempted to retrieve them- selves in the ninth, but were put out in apple pie order, leaving Wingham with the credit of whitewashing them, Telfer being credited with pitching a one hit game. Wingham meets the winners of the Walkerton—Owen Sound game and although it will be hard to beat either team, we are putting our Iittle dime on Wingham. Line up as follows:— Bellwood—Blyth, Sargeant, Black Brawley, Douglas, Smith, Rodgers, 0. Black and Gerry, Wingham—N. Geddes, Telfer, Scott Summers, 0. Geddes, Morgan, White Johnston and McCallum. WSW! -.a..os•a Western University LONDON ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled—now 875,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrolment in view Write for particulars to E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A.,Ph,D President OffffrinfillitiMMIFITIMMITM PITT ll'{ 1111iifliii 1111111111TIllillli,un't! . W. J. BOYCE 1 We make a specialty of rPlumbing, Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air Heating. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED �lElbfJll�A.11A!!P�#81E4��aa �a� ��IIIIIEIt9AIA5ii1l1111.�111.11111F1111111IW CLEI, x , r - t G S. t'LE REMARKA BLE VALUES THE best bargains we have ever offered. Those who come early get best choice. We include all our 'summer goods and much new fall ,goods at $ACRIPICE PRICES SHOES of all discriptions, Fine DRESS GO : DS, HOSIERY, GLOVES LINENS, and COTTONS, MEN'S f: URNISHING S ,and GROCERIES. DON'T MISS THIS SALE. R. M. LINDSAY, Formerly the Merchants Brokerage i