HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-08-12, Page 8Page Eight. THE W I N GIAM On Sale This Week Ladies' Raincoats, Spring Coats, • Boys' Suits, Men's Hats Our window this woek will have Ladies' Raincoats and Fall Crav'atnetts, Sale price $4,98 This line of coats are to be cleared out to make room for Fall goods, sizes 35 to 44. Men's Hats cas In Soft, Stiff and Silk Hats. Our South window will show Men's and Young Men's Plats »in Navy Blue, Blacks and Greys, Re,ular prices $2.5o $2.0o and $ t.5o each, On Sale 98c. each Come in and look them over Special Sale of Boys' Suits We are offering this week all Suits in Fancy T weeds aid Navy Blues as high prices as $8.50, to be On Sale at 44.49 Sizes 29 to 34. Smaller sizes 24 to 28 For $3.65 Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Delineator and Butterick Patterns always in stock. AllItOINCYJNIEMOsipanell•MIzia•mallOSIMISizmaliMalosema 1 1NUUA:�I MARh,ES (Correct up till Wednesday noon.) 1i'tu at, new 00 to Flour, per cwt,,pa'ant 3 00 to 3 00 Flour, per cwt., tatnily 3 00 to 3 60 3 Sar Flotxr per cwt 3 50 to 3 50 Breit, per ton 27 00 to 28 00 Harvest Help Excursions, $12 To Win. 13U UU to 30 00 05;iko 0 5 nip�g, August 19 And 26. 0 65 to 0 05 Frons rt'tt ions Kingston and Ren; 1 10 to 1 I0 frew and l.ANL in Ontario and Quebec. 0 70 to 0 75 August 21 and 40—From stations ay, new . 10 00 to 12 00 Toronto to Notch Bay inclusive, and Butter, per 1b—Dairy , . 0 23 to 0 25 I'; tat, but not including Kingston, Ren' l;gge, per dozen 0 18 to 0 20 frew cr• 1' 't thereof. Cattle, medium butchers 7 00 to 7 25 Augu t 21 and 28—Fromstations in Cattle, butchers choioe, . 7 00 to 7 50 Critelli) No ah and West of Toronto lio'ge, live weight 8 40 to 3 75 but net including line Toronto to Sheep, (est t) 4 00 to 4 50 North B.t.y'• llama, per lb 020 to 0 23 For pertitailara as to tickets West 0 00 to 0 18 of Winnipeg, etc, apply to any (franc 0 75 to 1 00 Trunk Ticket Agent. 10 00 to 11 00 Tallow, rendered 0 00 to 0 6 Oranges, per doz 0 30 to 0.60 Potatoes 0 '00 to 0 40 New Potatoes, per peck0 00 to U 30 1t v, D. P. Thompson bate purchased a touring car which will afford bim Much etijnytnerlt we trust. Mr. Sara Paul has been on the sick list but is itoprovirg, Sborte, per ton Barley Peas, per bushel uck wh eat t Bacon long clear Sheep Skins Hides 1 1 B1iievalo.. Iv1D's, Fraser and Mies Terissa Robb spent a few days at the home of Mr. Ben Naylor, Whiteehurah. Miss j3elle Robb spent the week end in Bruss'eie. Dr, Juhu Coultess and faintly of Philadelphia are visiting at the home of Thoe. Coulteee. Miss Maud Paul has returned to Pittsburg after &pending a couple of wceke with her parents here. Mies Beatrice Bott of Toronto, is at present visiting friends in the village. Mr. Robt. Thomae of Toronto, spent a few days with his parents here. Mise Ida Cleghoru of Toronto, is home for a fest/ weeks' vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Jae, Masters asid Mr. and Mrs. W. Haney motored to Clif- ford Sunday and spent the slay with friends there. About 00 from here took is the S. S. e rsursion to Kincardine Tuesday. Mr. S. Paul shipped a car of hogs on Wednesday. While cutting grain on Monday Mr, Rich Johnston had a very narrow • escape, The 'wrens became frightened and Mr. Johnston went to their heads to try and hold them but they knock- ed hint down and went over him and he was canght by the binder and bad a small bone in his leg broken and received several bad scalp w.eunds and was obl►erwiee vary badly shaken up. His many friends hope he will :soon , be around again. .- Seaside Excursions via Canadian Pacific Attractive trips to -various pointe in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Ia• tulle. Tickets good going August 13, 14, 15 and 16, return, -limit August 31, 1915 To MAINE RESORTS including Kennobunkport, Portland, 0 1 d Or- chard etc. Tickets good going Aug. 27, 28 and 20, return limit Sept, 18, 1015. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Tic- ket Agents or write M, G, Murph.y, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, FRUIT BULLETIN The Lawtonberry season in tiro Niag- ara District is about aver. A few ex- cellent Plums—Washington, Gage,etc,' can now be had. Some good early Peaches are ready. Ilousekeeepers should watch for corning important Niagara District Fruit Bulletins. DIED. LAVIN—TO Harriston, on August 7tb, Isabella Allan, widow of the lath Patrick Lavin.. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock on Monday after noon for Harrieton cemetery. BCSRN DANE—In Howiek, nn Monday, Aug. 2ed, to Mr. and Mrs. David Dane, a son. BRIGHTEN UP s S. Cloakey, Bluevale. Is prepared to do all kinds of house (C painting, graining and paper hanging. )5) ( SATISFACTION GAURANTEED. ww..w�wwvwwvry Bicycle, good second-hand for sale a, a SNAP—MILLER $L MERIJLYY. • CapitalAuth'rlzed $5,000,000 CapitalrPaid-up - $3,00,000 Surplus r , $3,750,000 J. BODE , Plumbing; Steam, Hot Water E. and Hot Air Heating. gESTIMATES • CHEERFULLY FURNISHED We make a specialty of rstommaisimMININISSI. VIre SYSTEM, ' IF you knew how to get $500 would you not try? If you will set aside a few dol'ars syitematical- you will be surprised how, easily you can.each that sum, - Thc Bank of Hamilton will help you by reciving such sums, on which it allows compound interest. O. P. SMITH Manager .. 'Wingbam antansamaptsaiessmamwasemmeammoniszamo Remarkable woometormead Values THE best bargains we have ever offered. Those who come early get best choice. We include all our summer goods and much new fall goods at SACRIFICE PRICES SIIOES of all discriptions, Fine DIRESS GOODS, HOSIERY,. GLOVES, LINENS and GOT- TONS, MEN'S FUR3ISIINC and U-ROCEPYES. • Don't Miss This Sale sewn...in:mamr..9ew„eer'w,.,..+aea.:..,.7.cstemOvezon5OuntienteemesitetainftvieserOastleloW LI ND S Y • Formerly The Merchants Brokerage ADVANCE ISO 2111011111116sipL ammisosSINIUM*al 1CHR15T1E'SI GROCERY PHONE 69 Stun opens 7 a. m. � ComeHere for Good Teas u 40c., 50c., 60c. a lb. Many Thopsand Men Required For The Harvest In Western Canada. Thousands of Men Will be required from Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the. Western crop, and practicailly the entire task of trans• porting this great army of Harvesters to the West will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and A'- berta will be run, and special trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. "Going Trip West," $12 00 to Win nipeg. - "Return Trip East," $18 from Win ntConsult C. P. R. Agents regarding particulars in connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING RATES August 19.h and 26th—From King- ston, Tichborne Jet„ Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, including intermediate stations and branches. August 21st and Mb—From Toronto, Sault Ste Marie, Ont„ and Est in the Province of Ontario including intermediate stations and branches but not East of or including King- ston, Tichborne Jct., Sharbot Lake or Renfrew. August 21th and 28th --From Toronto and stations West and North in the Province of Ontario but not including Stations on line North of Toronto to Sudbury and Sault Ste. Maxie, Ont. For full particulars regarding trans- portation West of Winnipeg, etc., see nearest C. P. R. Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Pacific conveniently rcaohes Point au Baril, Lake Massan oea, Bon Echo, French and .Piekkerel Rivers, Severn River, Muskoka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes, Rikeau Lakes, Lake Ontario Resorts etc. If you contem- plate a trip of any nature consult Can• adian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, wt rt/ utivimirrr v�► ww�r ww The lower 'gingham JCash Gi'000ry[ 10 pounds Redpath Sugar for 75c. sntamomeamaceewneeeek s REGAL SOAP 2 pound liar x 1 Oo. ,.tee MALIA GNOA BLACK WEA 4Oo. Ib. - The finest Tea in the world 4. Any loc. article FREE with a Dollar Order L. 'A. Grisdaie GSMiuPl4Mi{NUUtl4y+ii1A Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wraith, of Tor- onto,are visiting this week with friends in town. Mre, W. O. dehnston visited in Toronto Inst week. Mrs, (Rev.) D. T. L. Melterroll of Toronto visited in town over Sunday, on her way down to Bruce Beach where she and Mr. McI erroll intend spending their vacation, Miss Mildred 7.'releaveo, aceempart led her cousin, Mies Bertha 'Treleaven back to 'Toronto, and will spend a few weeks in the city. Mr. Earl Lindsay is visiting at his home here, Miss Gwen McLeod of Chicago is honro for her vacation. itev. Me, Stewart of Merningtor, preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday. Mr. W. Treleaven is making prepar- ations to build a new house on have. ock St, Jamestown Me, Prank McCutcheon of London is boll'daying with his brother, .fames, of thie locality, Mise T.Allu Jaoltlin and Mr. Garrison Jaekllo were Sunday 'visitors at S. Burke'a. Mrs, John Carswell and niece of Palmerston, are the guests of Mts. Geo. Johnston, Mies MargaretMciwen was visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mer. McIntosh of Molesworth, during the past week. Mr, and Mrs, Robt, McAllister spent Sunday with Bruseels friends. St. Helens, Wedding bells are ringing. The farmersare busy drawing in wheat. Miss Pearl Todd is visiting her friend, Miss Ella Thompson, Rey, Mr, Lane, who is v.eiting h's mother at Kinlougb, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr, 'John Rutherford of Algoma, also Mrs, Dave McDonald and Mos. Margaret Stein of Wingham are visiting at Thomas Todd'e, Mr, T,.dd has been in poor health for some time .and his friends will be sorry to hear he is not improving. Miss Sbaw of Bluevale, also Mies Vera Webb a Wingham. and Mar. garet Miller, visited Mies Pearl Todd on Thursday. • Miss Nellie Brooks is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Chamney. Sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Annie Gaunt. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the home of her brother, William Gordon, and was largely attended, Sorry to say Mr. Humphrey`is in poor health. Western University LONDON ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled—now it75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrolment in view Write for particulars to E. E,.BRAITHWAITE, M.A.,Ph,D President Use Cantelon's Coal' The very best hard coal mined. We keep a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling Give us a trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. - R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express Co. P. O. Box 127 Whitechurch We are pleased to report that Mies Lou F,,ggleson, who underwent an operation recently in the Wingham hospital, is recovering nicely. Mrs. A. Fuller of Bowmanville, is the guest of Mrs, James Martin. Mrs. James McLellan who has been spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. James Martin, returned to her home in Whitby. Miss Olive Serriff is visiting at the home of Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart at Bruce Beach. Miss Alva Robinson is visiting her friends in the vicinty. Mrs. Campbell spent a few -days of last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. VValtere. Miss M. E. Sharpe of Teeswater, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. D. Hender- son. Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Dunn and fam- ily of Torcnto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. Miss Ona McClenaghan spent a. few days of last week with Mr. and Mts. Harry McClenaghan of Belgrave. Mies Ada McGill of Wingham, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Emma Walters, A large number from here took in the excursion to 1 incardine on Tues - d ay. Mies Florence McGregor who has been epending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. T. H. Moore, ret.trned to Kincardine on Saturday to resume her duties as nuree.in•training in the 'Gen. eral Hospital there. Rev, G. M. Dunn preached to large audiences in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Next Sunday', Aug. 15, Rev. Mr, Dunn will again occupy the pulpit when his morning discourse will be based on the war. The Y. P. S. meeting was held ae usual after the evening service on Sunday. The Ieader was Alex Henry, The Subject for Aug. 15 is "Be True to Your Ideals", the leader, Mr. D. H. Martin. J. G. STEWART Town `treasurer Clerk of the 1'linihion Coort Phone 184 Office In Town Hall inowas Vire, Life, Accident and Sickness /murales, ./teal Bstate Dealo Transacted, WINGHAM r ONTARIO Semi=Annual Clearance Sale Men's Patent and Gun Metal Boots, Regular $4.00 to $5.00, for - $1.98 Women's Patent and Plain Oxfords, Regular $3.00 to $4.00, for Oxfords and Pumps Below Cost W. HWILLIS.i co. THE SHOE STORE - Sole Agents For The FOR 4.57/6747LADIES OUR BIG ANNUAL-, Stock -Reducing Sale 1 AS we have just finished Stock -taking, we find our stock too large for this season of the year, and have decided to give the people of this. community the greatest Bargains ever offered for the balance of this month. Below will be found some of the many specials for this week. Brooms! - Brooms! Brooms! fo-Dozen Brooms, Regular 250 for • 15 cents each Groceries Rain Coats 12 lb. of Washing Soda for 6 Bars of Surprise Soap for 6 Packages Soap Chips for 3 Packages Wyan— 250 dotte Cleaner for A quart bottle of 190 Catsup for 3 packages Buck- 25c wheat Flour for a' 25C 250 250 Rugs While the stock of Rugs we have on hand lasts we a reoffering 20 per cent. off White Waists and Middy Blouses, reg. nn $1.25 to r.i5 for uue House Dresses," Reg. $1.25 to $I.5o o8C Crepes, Reg. 150 to 25c for, per yard Muslins, Reg. 150 to 3oc for per yard in. The season for rain coats will soon be here, now is your chance to secure one at a very low cost. Ladies' and Gent's Rain coats, Reg. $3 98 $5 to $6 50 for Men's Clothing This is one line we can save you money on and want you to come in and judge for yourself. Men's suits /' 5O d from up Men's Wear. Stiff Hats, reg. ono $1,50 to $2,5o for Men's Straw Hats 0 98 Reg. $1.5o to $2 a7 U Men's Shirts, Reg. 480, $ r to 1.25 for Ties, Reg. 25c to 35e, for 10e of 3 f wt/ Men's Socks at 14,21. ; and 15c per pain Men's Belts, Reg. 25 500 for ' As we have just finished stock -taking', I1en�S�ai� and have had everything out ' of the sh elves, we find quite .a few remnants to offer at a great deal less than cost. Watch this space for fur - titer bargains next week. MOTTO -.---rime Saies With Less Profits 6 A6 MillS PHONE Sq WI14(IHAM, ONT. as