HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-07-08, Page 8efflieeetleft
In Children's,
Ladies' a n d
Men's . • .
In Lisle, Silks
and Cottons..
Guaranteed 3 to 6 months.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Bptterick Patterns always in stock
Phone yo.
A mechanic can take material worth
• $, and make it into watch springs with
$1,000. --That's skill.
Kipling could take a worthless sheet
if paper, write a poem on it, and make
it worth $G,00000—That's genius.
An Artist can take a fifty -cent piece
- of canvas, paint a picture on it, and
make it worth several hundred dollars,
--That's art.
A merchant can take an article. worth
± seventy-five cents and sell it for a
dollar ---That's business.
A wornan can purchase a sevent-five
cent hat, but prefers one that costs $27
--That's foolishness.
A ditch digger works tenhours a day
and handles several tons of earth for
$ I.25 --That's labor.
The editor of a paper can write a
check for $90,000,000 but it wouldn't
be worth a cent--That''s tough.
There are automobile salesmen who
tell you that their cars are as good as
STUDEBAKERS---That's nerve.
Everybody who is posted, and wants
the best for their money in the automo-
bile line deals with ORVAL E. TAi
LOR, (Studebaker dealer That's good
Phone 26 See us before buying Box 243
*44.1)14+444444 4 444"444444+*tt
bat5DAt O1rrsYtte—At the home
bf the bride's parents Hensel!, en
Wednesday, June 23rd, Mies Luella
L. Ortevein to Mr. Mark G. Drysdale
of the firfn of Bontheon & Drysdale,
f Hens it
hardware Merchantso! a ,
C1vrmErr-=rx GEaA.Lq—On Wednes-
day, June 23rd, at the home of the
bride's parente, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Fitzgerald, '7th con,, Ashfield, Annie
Eeatrioo to Mr. Jsu9, to, Culbert, T1ie
happy couple will reside on their;
Oro Oth son. of A,shileid,
More And Better Fertilizer
Than Ever.
False reports say that Gun& Will
not make any more fertilizer. We
contradict this by commencing
organization work immediately. We
solicit a eontfnuation of yottr patron-
age, If you haven't been Galled upon
by a subetgent, call or write to A. 11,
Wixroan, District Agent,
Frank Hodge of Gorrie in Jail here.
Wife and Baby in state of Collapse.
With enough money buried in the
cellar of their home to buy square.
meals for a year, the wife and little.
child of Fred Hodge, of GOrrie, were
found on Saturday to be starving to
death, and Hodge wee arrested
by Officer Phippen and lodged in jail
here ou a charge. of negligence and
Neighbors say that for a long time
they have been carrying in provisions
to the Hodge family, and it is claimed
that of the food provided -the husband
ate the greater part. On Saturday
authorities at Goderich informed Of-
ficer Phippen of the circumstances as
far as were known, and he made a
trip at once to Gorrie. .He found Mrs.
Lodge and the youngest child in a
state of collapse, which Dr. Wildfang,
who accompanied him, said was due
to starvation.
Hodge, when confronted by the offi-
cer with the charge of neglecting his
family, took. Phippen down to the
cellar, where be dug up a considerable
sum of money in bills,. This, Mrs.
Hodge explained, bas been her hus-
band's way of keeping money for
years, Whenever he got paid for his
work as a laborer, she never caw any
of it, and they had to depend on the
charity .of -neighbors, There was
scarcely $5 worth of furniture in the
house and this, the woman said, had
been given to her.
On Monday Officer Phippen made a
second visit to the house and a little
digging in the cellar revealed more
perfectly good' currency that might
have been nsed to buy food. Hodge's
hearing is fixed for Wednesday at 1
p. m. before Magistrate Merton' and
Crown Attorney Seeger of Goderich,
when Mrs. Hodge and others will test-
ify against the man. Dr. Wildfang
will also give evidence.
Hodge is a man of about 35, with a
strong tendency described by people
who know'him as "religious," There
are four children in the family, three
of whom managed to retain a certain
amount of health in spite of the irregu-
larity of their meal time,
It is said that Hodge served a term
e,t Toronto some years ago for similar
condudtt to that for which he is now in
Owing to the fact that Crown
Attorney Seager was . unable to be
present, Provincial Officer Phippen
took charge of the case and handled it
well, The prisoner was committed to
stand trial at Goderich, and will be
taken on first.train Thursday to Gode-
rich jail.
Three of the children are being turn.
ed over to the Children's Aid Officer
at Goderich,
Blyth .
Mr. S. Crawford of Kincardine, is
renewing co acquaintances in this
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alexander and
two daughters of Open, Alta, are on
an extended visit with Mrs. James
Bently and family, • V
Captain Jewitt and Sloan of London,
spent the week end at their home here
The Electrical storm on Wednesday
destroyed the barn and contents of Mr,
Wui. Ross of the 10th. Con, of Hullett.
The building was insured for $800.
Rev, and -Mrs, Olysdale of Carlstadt
Alta. are visiting friends here for a
short time while enroute for Salem,
the former's new field of Iabor in the
Wingham District. Mr. Olysdale is
one of the young men tranferred from
the Alberta Conference, and is a bro-
ther-in-law of Rev. C. 0, Keine, for-
merly of Whit(c'auroh,
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman aro visit-
ing at the latter'a parents, _Mr. and
Mrs. John McGuire.
James Walsh, of Sask„ f•t home on a
visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walsh, con. 9. •
Mr, and Mrs, Sproat of Kippin,- are
visiting at Dave Sproat's,]
Mr, and Mrs. Watt, of Walton,
spent Tuesday at Dr, Kirkby,
Mr, A, McGuire, of Brussels, spent
a day with his brother, John, last
week. •
The new Methodist minister. Rev.
Parnaby, made his first rounds on
Sunday. and left a very favorably im-
Mrs. Smith, of Blyth, 18 nursing
Mrs. Wray who is not improving as
her friends would wish.
Wm. Isbi ster, James Stewart and
T. S. Brandon'wvere calling on friends
in the village this week,
The garden party on Tuesday even -
ing was quite a success, Gate receipts
about $70,
Whitech urch
BorasT7On Tuesday, June 29, to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. H. Moore, a son.
Miss Jean Clubb is visiting her aunt
Mrs, William Dow, of Dublin,
The Y. P. S. meeting was led last
Sunday evening by Misses Alba Fox
and Lila Emmerson. The topic
"Social Setttlement and Fresh Air
Work." for July 11 will be taken by
Mr. H. Parker,
Miss Millie McGregor of Langeide is
visiting friends here:
Mrs. R, Mc0lenaghan is holidaying
in Elora with her mother, Mrs, Cook.,
Mr. Chas. tillespie of Seeforth spent
Sunday at his home here.
The Whitechurch civic holiday will
be held under the ausp:ces of the
Literary Society on Friday, July Oth.
A splendid program will be given at
the 10th bridge including races, and
many lines of sport. A booth will be
on the grounds. All are heartily in-
Remember the baseball match in the
Park onFriday evening,Oth at
y July
0,15 sharp, between Listowel and
Tlrt'ix--in E•inlose, on. June 2Otb, to
Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Tiffin, adaughter,
A pretty June wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Web.
eters 10th con. of West Wawanosh, on
Wednesday, June 23rd, when, their
daughter, Myrtle, was united in
marriage to lir, Will McOrostie, a
prosperous young farmer of near Bel-
fast, Ashfield Township, Rev, Wm,
Macintosh of St. Helens was the offic-
iating .clergyman. A reception was
held at their new home on the evening
of Thursday, July 1st, The ybung
couple were the receipients of many
useful and valuable presents showing
the esteem in which they are held,
At {'Riverview Farm"the home .of
the bride, Rev. A. J. Mann, B, A, per-
formed the ceremony between Mr.
Hugh Lamont, a well-to.do young far-
mer of the 10th. con,, Grey township,
and Miss Mary N, eldest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. James Burgess, of this
locality, on Wednesday June 23rd;
The marriage took place at 12 o'clock
under a beautiful floral arch, the
young bride was given away by her
father,Tbe wedding march was played -
by Miss Pearl Gidley of Blyth, cousin
of the bride. Miss Thelma Burgess,
the bride's sister, made a charming
flower girl. A mostbecoming costume
of white silk with shadow lace, bridal
vale and orange blossoms was worn by
the bride, After congratulations -the
large company sat down to a wedding
banquet prepare( in the best style of
the hostess. Rev, J. Mann proposed
the health of the bride, and S. B. La-
mont, brother of the groom made a
fitting reply. The wedding gifts were
numerous, valuable and well chosen.
The groom's, gift to the bride was a
sunburst of pearls, to the flower, girl a
solitaire pearl ring and to Miss Pearl
Gidley, who played the wedding march
a pearl eresent brooch. Tho hope
was neatly decorated, for the" -occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamont autoed to Blyth
where they caught the 4 p.m. train for
a short tour in Michigan, and on their
return will live on the groom's farm in
Grey. The bride's travelling suit was
Alice blue, black hat with an ostrich '
plume. Many good wishes are extend.
ed to twain by relatives and friends
for a long useful and successful life,
Guests from a distance were; Robert
Fisher and Miss Alice Huston, Luck.
now; Steven and Mrs. Piper, Wing -
ham; Miss Belle Burgess; Bluevale;
Miss NeIlie Burgess Toronto; David
and Mrs. Carter and Miss Margaret,
Mrs. Gidley and Miss Pearl, Henry
and Mrs, Taman, all of Blyth; Mise
Olive Taman, Seafortb; Sam. Lamont.
Regina, Sask; John and Mrs, Carter,
Walton; Mre. Coates and Miss Franey
of Ethel; and Richard and Mrs, John-
ston of Trowbridge.
Sf, Pauls Church Dinner
Will all those who are donating but-
ter, eggs or vegetables for the" 12:h.
July dinner, kindly leave same at the
home of Mr, T. IH. Roderus not later
than Friday the 0th, inst.
After Twenty-two Years.
Mr, Charles Nicholls of Tampa,
Florida, spent a few days in town
with his brother, A. J, Nicholls. It is
twenty-two years since Mr. Nicholls
left Wingham end he is greatly pleas-
ed with the marked improvement in
town. He expects to leave for Eng-
land in the near future where he will
be a big asset to the Allies, in the fact
that he is an expert machinist and
will devote his time to working on
turbine engines in the large steamers.
Well Cared For
Mrs. Aitchison received word from
the matron of the hospital° in which
her son Private Lauchie Aitchison is
lying in a serious condition, the result
of wounds received while in active sera
vice for his King and Country..
Dear Mrs. Aitchison;
I am writing to give you the news
of your son. He has not changed any
and the doctor says he, is no worse.
We put him in a private ward so that
he could sleep and rest quietly. Two
Canadian soldiers often visit him, He
will receive all the care we can possi-
bly give him, Ms condition is still
very serious,
Sincerely yours
Western University
Income Doubled—now 1751000
Another large addition to Faculty
and Tquipment in Arts and
Greatly Increased Enlrohnent in
Write for particulars to
The lower WIDOW]]
Cash Grocery
Velvet Brand
Ice Cream
"Better than need be"
15c pint, 75c gallon in
- quantities
Fresh Groupies
Ever' Week
+ pounds of Granulated
eJ Sugar (30 .cents) with
every One Dollar
L. A. Grisdale
Store opens 7 a. m.
I ComeHere
food Teas
40c., 50c.,
soy.a ib. i
Use Cantelon's Coal
The very best hard coal mined.
We keep a good supply of Hard
and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling
Give us a trial order and join our
hundreds of satisfied customers.
R. J.- Cantelon
Office with Dominion Express Qo.
P. 0, Box 127
Teacher Wanted.
Teacher wowed for School Section
No. 8, Turnberry, Duties to com-
mence September 1st. State salary,
applications with references and quali-
fications receided up to July 2,41h,1915
31 R. S. MuIu, Glenannon Ont.
IIIlIil1 1I tWU.11llil
Ita I
Keep Your Eye on
Attend Rlvlue Service
ldeu bere of L. 0. L. are rrquested
to meet in their lodge room on Sunday
evening, July lath, at 0 o'clock to at.
tend the regular annual.service%in the
Methodist ohurolr, Bro. J. W. Wil-
bert will deliver an appropriate ser-
mon, '
Brickyard is Burned
A. spark from the drying kiln ignit-
ed the buildings of G S, Elliott'a brick.
Yard op the Bluevale road, on Thurs-
day morning and they were partially
destroyed, the damage being a couple
of hundred dollars, fuIly'protected by
insurance, A large number of men
were soon nn the scene, and battled
hard to keep the flames under control.
For a time it looked as though all the
buildings would go, but finally the
workers got the better of the blaze,
Railway Wreck in Wisconsin
The Monroe, Wisconsin, papers of
June 20th, had the news of the railway
wreck that was the means of Madame
DeVonda being unable to get through
to Wingham for the balloon ascension
on July 1st, The committee did not
receive the .telegram from Chicago
ut]til next evening and were greatly
disappointed at not being able to give
the public the balloon assension as
they had advertised,
Green Bay, Wis, June 20—Twenty-
one passengers on an incoming in-
terurban car of the Wisconsin Public
Service company from West Depere,
miraculously escaped death today
when the car was knocked off the
rails and was tipped over by an en-
gine of a passenger, train on the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Ail
road where two' companies' tracks.
intersect on the south side. Al-
though all of the passengers were
thrown out of their seats and four-
teen of .them were injured, none
were fatally hurt,
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Golley, 2nd line,
Visited with Mr, and Mrs, J. Rintoul
of Hamilton.
Miss Mable Casemore is some better
we are pleased to state, ,
Mr, and Mrs. Struthers of Atwood,
visited at J. D, McEwen's and M. Ab -
ram's last week.-
eek.McEwen had a very successful
barn -raising last week.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Smith -of Detroit,
are visiting at A. McEwen's.
Mise L. Hetherington left for the
West on Tuesday were she intends
spending her vacation,
Some of the farmers have started
haying in this vicinity.
White, black &red sour cherries for
ea,,ne and for pies. Preserved they
are the king of fruits. keeping well.
Ask your grocer for Vineland Co -
open ative Ltd. fruit, Niagara Pen-
insula grown. guaranteed full value
Mrs, Will Burke and children of
Ingersoll are spending a few weeks'
holidays at Mr, Sam. Berke's.
We congratulate Miss Gladys Mac-
Qaarrie on her success in passing -the
recent;. Normal School exams. We
understand that Miss Gladys bas
secured 'the Moncreiff school. •Our
best wishes go with her.
Mr. and Mrs. King sand Mr. Robt,
McAllister were Sunday. guests of
Fergus friends.
The Misses Breckenridge were visi-
tors at Mr. Noah Bowman's on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hayden spent
Sunday with Wingham friends.
Mrs. N. Cardiff, Mre. Stewart and
eon Archie were Sunday guests of
Lorenzo and Mrs. Frain,
Miss Maud Bryans was a week -end
visitor at the home of her sister, Mi s.
Joe Are QS.
Mies ivy McOutcheon of Turnberry
spent last week at the home of G. D.
and Mrs. Parkes.
Dir. and Mrs. G. D. Parkes were the
guests of Atwood friends last Tburs•
Town of Wingham
UlW1 lIWt1111F,UIi Take notice that sittings of t h e
Court of Revision for the Town of
Wingham, will be held on Friday,
July 23, 1915, at 8 o'clock p. m. for
hearing of appeals and other matters
in connection with the setvers recently
constructed on Edward, John, Minnie
and Patrick Sts, Sidewalks on John,
William, Catherine Sts, and Carling
Terrace, also pavement on Josephine
St. All persons interested will govern
themselves aocordingly,
31. JOHN F. 'Gnovrs,
Town Clerk.
PATTERSON'S Jewelry Stare
Window for July the 12th
50 cents to pull aa- string
and draw something
worth from 50 cents to
$8. Nothing in the
window less than 5oo.
Positively no goods exchanged that are drawn
Buy Diamond Rings at Patterson's on the
i2th of July And save 20 per cent. A large
stook to choose from.
W. G. F ATTERSON, Wingham
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voters' list.
Notice is hereby given, that 1 have
transmitted or delivered to the ner-
sons rnentioned in sections 8 and 0 of
The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, -the
copies required by said sections to be
so transmitted or delivered of the Het,
Made pursuant to said Act, of all per-
sons appta'ing by the last revised As-
sessment ROB of the said Municipality
to be entitled to vote in the said Muni-
cipality at I;tectione for Members of
the tc tislktivo•Assenrbly and at Muui-
cipallilleotions; and that the said list
was first posted up at my office at Lot
18; Con. 7, Turnberry, on the 7th day
of July, 1015, and remains there for ins
Electors are lied upon to exattiine
the said list, an, if any omissions or,
any Other errors are found therein, to'
take immediate proceeding to have
the said errors corrected according to
Dated this 7th day of July,
1'. POWs t.t,
Clerk of the Municipality
of the Township of Turnborrq.
JULYthe 12th
You will surely need
a nice new pair of
Shoe- for the: occasion.
We have splendid as-
sortment of the best
shoes that c a n be
We extend a hearty
invitation to all who
may wish to leave any
parcels with us, to do
Sole Agents
For The
.5/7'04 LADIES
X454 04.*.. .. .
WooL W
Large quantities o
Wool Wanted.
We are prepared to buy
any quantity of wool, Cash
or Trade.
Bring your wool to us and
secure best prices.
We have Wool Blankets,
Sheeting and Yarn in stock;
A splendid assortment of
Suits for Dad and his Lad.
Ladies' Waists, all kinds of
Summer Dress (foods, Rugs
and Linoleurns in exchange
for wool.
Fresh Groceries in stock
at all times.
J. A. Mills
Phone 89 Wingham