HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-07-01, Page 21.6..ilnesx.P.M.711•WOIMOPT.MM,, Tilt UAWN Yt LING WOMAM-na Girls eliou the thretheld of woman- hood often drift into a iletlitte in elate of an care and attention. Even strong and lively girls become weak, pressed, irritable and listless. It Is the daent of set/Manhood-a erisie In the life of every girl- and ,prompt measures should be taken to neethe blood. pure aud riell with the red tint ef health, If the body ie not in a healthy couditton at this critical Stage, grave dieorders ulaY reeillt, and An - tee life become a burden. Deadly con- sumption often follows thle crisis in the lives of yeeng women, Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills Juiv ved thou - ands of young girls from what might have been life-long invalidism Or early death. They are a blood -builder of unequalled merit, strengthening weak nerve's • and producing a.Itheral 'limply of rich, red blood, which everY girl needs to suetain ber strength. Uver and over again Dr, Williams' pink Pills aye proved their value to s woreee and girls whose health was failing, Miss Jennie Gereau„ St. Jer- ome, Que., says: "At the age of eigIneen my health was completely ehattered; 1 was suffering from an- aemia with all its attendant evils. The trouble forced tee to leave school. I suffered rrom headaches, was tired and breathless at the lease exertion. 1 had no appetite end my face and lips were literally bleodless. A good friend advised the use of Dr. WIlilione' Pink Pills, and thaploi to tille greet mediclue 1 am again entoyIng goal - health, with a good Appetite, -gum; eolor and a spirit of energy." Every anaemic girl Can be made well and strong through the use of Dr. Wil - ]lams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by ,mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. WilliaraeMedicine Co., ville, Ont. BIG SHELILGRDER Canada Oar PoUndry. Read Gets Russian Contract, New York, June 27. -Wilson W. Butler, vice-president of the Cita- dian Steel Foundries Ltd., and the Canadian Car ane Foundry Company, who arrived here to -day trout Liver- pool on the steamship Philadelphia, declared that while abroad be claw a contract in Petrograd for 5,000,000 artillery shells, which lie asserted is one of the largest • contracts ever granted by Russia for toreign-made ammunition. The shells will be de- livered to the order ot the Russian Dovernment et Canadian ports. While in leng.and Mr Butler con- ferred with the Booth • committee, an advieory. organization to the War De- partment. He said that he ob- jected to England's efforts to draw upon Canada and other British colo- nies ior a large supply of ekilled labor. "Canada has already generously re- sponded to the call of' Great Britain with thousands of the best of her young men," said Mr Butter. "The ef- fort to also draw from us our hltilled labor I resent, for we need these men ourselves." Mr. Butler confirmed an interview he gave betore sailing, in which he complained that Canadian firms were not given anequal opportunity with firms of the 'United States In supply- ing ammunition and war supplies. He . declared further that the need of the allies now was for shells of a charac- ter that Would break down and destroy trenches constructed of reinforced con- crete and steel, such as, he said, the Germans have built all along the western battle front. DRS. SOPER .43e Wiwi. SPECIALISTS Piles, Eczema, Asthma. Catarrh. Pimple*, Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Rheumatism,Elktn, Kid- ney, Bleach Nerve and Bladder Dlientes. Cell or send history for fie. advice. Medicine furnished in tablet form, liours-10 in. to 1 p.a. and 2 to 6 psn, Sundays -10 a.m. to 1 pin. Conaultatioa Free DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Teront�$t.,Totooto,�ot, When Writing Mentlth This Paper. RUSSIAN GAINS Turkish Power in the CauCasne. is Rapidly Dwindling, • Tiflis, 'nrithe-Caucasia, June 24 via London, June 28. -The occupation by tee Russians of Glob, a town 25 miles 'torn( of Lake trait, and a movement te Russian forces towards I3itlis, Ar - interne where the ariniee of two Turltise eommanders have been con- eentreted, point to a general improve - inept in the Ceucasian eituation fie= the standpoint of the Russians. The tWo chin Mentioned are con- iected by a number of comparatively good roads. Recent activities have greatly decreased to numbers the Turkish forces eceupying this region. There has ben a notable weakeeing in Turkese toad German influence, with an aecoinpanying, increase in the tarehgth of Russian feeling in north and central Persia. Tine Is accentu- ated by the spirit displayed among the eiussullait setts. Various isolated mountain tribes are meetleg the WM- Matta Witll eleelal'atiOna of allegianee. GIFT OF A SOUL He took hi a place on the nigh their, shuffled the ends, and when they were eut, began the game. Ditvieloit withdrew slowle emu the group of winch Its fortned a pertand advdneed toward ,lacques. An he did at, no-ex- /m(41Q the latter attentively, When lie was close esside hint be took his (eitstretched hand in his rather Ulm a ebesician than a frienil. lie felt his Wee, and slialtipg his head, oatd; "You are /overeat, Jacques; tife lite yon are leading is bad for eau." These words of warningpetered by the dater, broke the spell while) had held the settee; man, He no longer sew in Davidoff the niTsteriotts pereepage, possessor cf . the secret by means of winch life bad 'been reamed te his exhausted body, but a man like other men. He rer covered his self-possessiou and said gayly; "It would be bad for anybody, Yet as you see, it does not affect me had never loved Clezaenee ts meth as greatly. But it is akcessively warm here. Shall we goout into the air?' He -took hie overcoat, and linking his arm through Davieoff's they went -out on the terrace. The night Wtta a lovely one. The sky sparkled with stars. Thewavee died away noise- lessly on the beach. To the north the lights of Havre shone in the dis- tance, A protound calm reigned around. The two men walkfor a few moments without epeeking, turn- ing over ea tneir iniuds the events in which they had taken a part, and which bound them so strongly togeth- er. They had a thousand questions to ask each other, nut the fear of saying too much made them hesitate about asking them. Jacques was the first to speak.. "You have just arriVed in Trouvil- le?" he asked the doctor, with affect- ed indifference. "The ye.cht of Count Woresefewhose guest I axle". answered the doctor, "arrived in port about five this after- noon. We dined at the `Roches Noir- es.' As the Count was tired, he re- rnained on board, and Patrizzi and I came here to the Ceeino, where I knew we should find you," "Ale you have been hearing about me, then?" .. "That you have been liens' for the last three weeks with Cleinence Villa, that you Islay heavily, but with per- sistent ill -luck, and that your 'health is good -that is what I have been hear- ing about yoo," Jacques frowneee "And you have heard the truth," he said. "Is this, then, the'use YOU make et your recovered health?" asked the doctor, gent*, "Oh, you know, I do not wish to pose as a. moralist or a preacher! You know 'that if I sneak thus it is because I take a friendly interest in you, Clemence Villa! This is the woman la whose train find you. And it is for her you play SO desperately. Come, my dear friend, are you sure you are in your senses?" "I am sure I am madly in love with her!" returaed Jacques, in a stifled voice. "But I am not sure that it is in my power to avoid being so." He fixed a troubled glance upon the doctor. "I must not give -myself tithe for reflection," he resumed, "for if I did I should easily arrive at the convic- tion that my existence was fraught witbs (tenger to others and to my- self, No, no, I must not reflect. And the life you reproach 'me with leading Is the only nee 'that I can endure." "But you are not strong enough to stand it,' said Davidoff; "It will kill yet." Jacques laughed nervously. "Do you think so?' he said. "Dow it. depend upon me? Am I not "lash- ed on by a sort of fatality?" "Take care," said the doctor, with severity. "This way of reasoning, which would relieve you from a per- sonal respozisibility in your actions, might servo ea an excuse for a great many errors. You feared You were going to die and you are still alive - this is what is certain. Do not at- tribute this to any supernatural cause. You are cured of the malady front which you suffered. Are you the first to be cured of an apparently fatal dietate? It was I who attende, ed you; give nth the credit of youe cure, and do not put any faith in Py- thagoreati fancies that would make a child laugh." "Did you 'laugh at them that night at Monte Carlo whe*t you told us that story?" "Eh! did I say I believed* in what I was telling you? After an excellent Omer snititualiem wan brought on the tapis, and the transmigration of souls discussed in all its bearings. I took my part in the dismission, but if you wisk th know my real oplition In the matter, I am a materialist. Consequently I cannot admit that a body b nielitated ny ah element of which tete not aeknowledge the exist,. once." "Hoye then was I saved front death?" asked Jacques, with a trems blirig voice. "You were saved beeause the disease you Were suffering front took a . favorable turn and the abscess ill your right lung was heated, Walks to the treatntent you followed, aided. by the ealutery WM- ence of the climate. What do you see MiraculettS th that? Every year cures Nuttily- wonderful occur, withOut their .subleets suffering on that et- fiolitt IMy mysteeloue disturbances of mind," 'They had stopped at the edge of the water, which gleamed iri The atootes rays like silver. Jaegttell was 811Cht Mr a Motnent; then, as if he Wished 'tit teet eft a weight that Watt prasing the life out of hini, he said: "And Pierre Laurier?" 'Pierre Laurier had lost his senses" responded Davidoff in a grave VOice, "and you know what Made him lose them. Jacques, wish 1 tould restore you to yourself, ante show vou boW fatal is the life you ate leading, and what is the true tharacter of the Wo- man for whore you •siterifiee every- thing." . "lie silent" tried .Taequea with vio- lence. "I cannot petnilt you to Speak of her in title way before me." "On the night of Liturierts abatis peatartee," whinnied the RuMilan phy- sician, "he it was, not 1, who lannehed out in abuse of Cleinence, 1e cursed her, Yet he returned to her. Come, alteeuca, be reasonable for an inetento , .......- , Limememm . 1 and see tlilugs a they are. What 1 bald to Pierre on ti mt Wel night, etanding on the seathore, as we are utanding now, tinder a starry sky and on a night like this, I repeat to you. He answered Me that it WM; no use, that he had not the strength to Whew my advice. He left me, anti I never saw him agatu, But at least he as alone in the world. Yoeha.ve a mother, a, sister -think of them. Do you, wish to make them wretehea?" "I make theia wretthed already, Davideff," answered Jacques, wIth anguish. "1 cause them many alone - ties, many cares, nany torments, They are very unhappy, and through my fault, Oh, I itnow LOW culpable I am, Med I am all the mare so because they are so gentle and reirgned, 'Yea have net seen nay sister Moth your return, It will frighten you to seehow feeble and detected tem is. one a the dOctors have been able tediscover the MISS of her malady, But my mother and I know what it Ie. *oil, too, may have guessed it, The wound fros„ which she is Offering, and which will Bally kill iter, is in the heert. She loved Pierre Laurier, and she _cannot he consoled for his death. She con- feSeed, it to me before we returned te Verb, Aed I, wretch that I ton, re- cen ed the avowal of herhopeless pas- sion with distrust, almost with hatred. It Nemee to Me as if the repreached I»8 with the death of lilm she mourned, and I turned away with irri- tation from the poor child, instead of consoling her and mingling -my tears with hers, I felt the life of Laurier flow In nw veins; lie lind, bequeathed it to me; it belonged to me. I had passed sereceetly through the anquisit of sickness, I was so impressed with the horror of death, that I think I would have committed murder in de- fence of the life so miraculously saved. And I threw myeslf like a madman into a life of pleasure to silence my reason, to make my eonseience dumb, But I am a coward -yes, a thward. And the life 1 lead is the proof of it! Da Mote', if I lied •,11- thA nnw., 0 recall Laurier to lite! It would be the salvation of poor Juliette -who knows, perhaps mine also. Yes. if I saw Laurier alive, 1 should recover confidence in my own btrength, and 1 sbould cease to believe in. the super- patural aid which, whatever you may think, has sustained me up to. the present. I should then have the proot that I could live as others live. Or'IT not, the slender flame of life would be extingeished, and then I should enJOY rest, tranquility, oblivion. Ah, it would be delightful! For I am weary of it all -yes, wearyl" . Jacques heaved a sigli, and his head sank upon his breast. A shudder ran through him, and his forehead was bathed in perspiration. The Ruseian observed him witli colnPassienate at- tention. "You are ill, Jacques,' he said "The sea breeze is chilly; you must not stay here." "What does it matter!" answered the young man with indifference. "Neither the cold nor the heat can sated me. I feel a great relief at naving told You what you have Just heard. I am a poor creature, and for a long time past I lee-ve been the victim of evil influences, whic11 do not know how to overcome." "Very well, then, if you are aware of your fault do not persist in it. You told, me a moment since that your mother Is unhappy and your sister ill on your account. Let, us leave this place to -morrow, and return to Paris: Let us go to them. You will console your mother and I will take ears of your Muter. Your presence will de them both good -not to speak of the benefit you yourself will derive from Your visit. After your net of confes- sion, make an act of reparation! Are You a man, and do you wish to behave like innuan?" Jaques seemed disturbed by the plainness of the doctor's proDositeon. His features were contracted. The thhe thought of leaving Clemence agitated elm, afraid as he was of the way- in which she should spend her time dur- ing his absence. "Is it then necessary thatsive should go to -morrow?" he said. "Can we note defer our departure for a - fest days? I want time to get ready" "No!" replied Davidoff, brusquely. "If we put it off youawill not go. To- morrow, or I will never again speak to Yon, or recognize you as a friend." As the young man still hesitated - "Why do you hesitate?" he asked. "Are you not a free agent, or must you ask permission to go ewes? Has It come to that? That woultt be worse than I had supposed." "You are mistaken," nried Jacques, "and I will give you the Proof of it. Till tomorrow. then." "Without fail? Without any putting Oft or making macs?" "Count upon nie," ' "Very well. Let us retire, then, to as to be teady for the morning." They passed through the Casinb out into the air. Before the railing a car- -liege was in attendance. They awak- ened the eachtnan, who Was fast asleep Upon his seat, and entered the vehicle after jaeques had glien orders to stop at the entranee to the town. They rolled slowly through the sleep- ing streets. They st,ere both silent, Meditating on the engagement they had just Made. The stopping of the earriage drew them from their reflec- Bea. They Were IOW on the quay bes fore the harbor. A hundred yards away, fastened by a Cable to the land, tite beautiful white yacht 1$3.Y at an- ther. The doctor alighted trete the carriage, Mid Once More pressing Jacquee' hand in hit, as if to give hire strength, said: "Couregel Good -night, / will call foe you in the meriting -It is on MY 141(), no," said jacqUes quicklY• "Spare yourself the trouble; we Will meet a the :dation." "lie it se --1111 hour, then, before the train starts Ave Will dine together at the buffet," They sepheated, and the tatHage drove off in the direetion of INlittlVille. The dotter, crating to the yacht, sprang on board. ToWard nine o'clock In the morning Davidoff Was Wakened from his sleet) by a hand laid upon his ehoulder. Ite opened hie eyes: Count Woreeeff flood before him. Through the porthole of the cabin could be seen tbe bitie OM, end the ray* Of the tun, refleeted born the undulating audios of the Water, played caprivioubly on the Mittilewee partition. ”You IlaVe sient eoundly this morn- ilig4" saiU th.i Ras:ilea toblentate with a Wane, "Tine Is the second time I hate tried to wakea you," "What is tl.e matter, MY' deer Count? is any cue ill on beard?" cried the doctor, "Happily, no. I sally wanted to know what your plans tor the day were, be- fore giving my onion,, 1 have a fancy to go to ClierbOtIrg, Would you like to go':"E"xcese me, my (tear COuntf" an- swered the (teeter, "but I aue golne to Paris for a few days, 11 you have no Objection to interpose." ")%7 sewellhatosevverht riiP1Paws:s iyitoSugaeltlf: titttN Mg to you, Witt Would You have -Said if we were out, at sea when you awoke?" . "You do not know how serious the couseettences might have been it such a thing had happened," answered Data !doff, "Well, get up. When I have set Von on shpre 1 shall put out te sete, Lod on your rentra here yen will MO ime0,, .:1,n the Same place, But what tak \wrap when 11 18 e50 delightfully cool hes you to Paris, where It Is SO "dt, love -affair," reepended the doc- tor, seriously, "A poor young mart whom I -am trying to separate from thquette, who—!' "Sey at once a woman," interrupt- ed the Count; "that will be shorter and express the same thing. My dear fellow, trust a man who has been made frightfully unhappy by them, there is only one system to adopt with women - that which the Orientals have haveladoeled-slavery pure ,and slnipie.' `Teii your friend. --this trete me." "To tell it to him ts easy enough; the difficulty is to make him believe it He has indeed arrived at your iSsthe allnletfvest,l,averY, only It is he who 807eno,or,Dadvevidionfu, Coot! luck to you, The Count lighted a cigarette, press- ed his friend's haiin and left the cab- in, An hour later the yacht. was steaming out to sea, On reathing the railway station the doctor found it vacant. The train was not to leave for some time yet. He wen% lee° the waiting-toome there was no one there. In the diniag- room the woman at the desk wee yawning over yesterday's Paper. A commercial traveler, his box of• sam. ples on the floor beside him, was "taking an appetizer. Davidoff went out and walked slowly in the sun. shine, looking around to see if Jacques were coming. At the end of twenty minutes he grew impatient, and walk- ed in the direction of elemenee's house at Deauville. As he went on he thought to himself: "What does this delay mean? Has he given up the thought of aecoM- panying nae? What new 'nee has taken possession of him? Yet he ap- pearedto be in earnest ' yesterday. But he has seen that accursed woman again, and ail his- good resolutions have vauished, Who knows? Per- haps he. has told her of our inter- view, Milting a merit hinehis treach- ery. In the state of impatteace itt which heats, anything is possible." The doctor, thus soliloquizing, had now reached the house. Ile raised his eyes to the wiedows. They were wide open. In the courtyard a groom was washing a victoria, rapidly turn- ing round the wheels, whose wet sparkled In the sunlight. "I must know, in any case, what to count upon," he said. And he deliberately mounted the .steps leading to the terraee,and,, eins tered the hall. A servant came toward "M. Tactines ,de Vignee?" the aoc- tor asked, "M. de Vignes is not here," answer- ed the servant. "Is he expected to return?" "I do not know." "Is Mme. Villa at home?" "Madame is the conservator -y." "Give her this card and atik her if she will receive me." The servant withdrew. The doctor tOok a few steps in the hall, letting hie gaze dwell absently on the furni- ture of scutptured oak, the jardinieres filled with towers, the fieence plaques fastened to the walls, and the large Chinese porcelain jar filled With para- sols of different colors and with -canes of different kinds of Woods. -"Clemence may give me a useful hint," he was saying to himself. "1 am going ta beard the lion in his den.. Bah! I am not errata of her. She devours only those eTho are willing to be her prey." A portiere was drawn aide and the servant reappeared. "If Monsieur will follow me-". he said. They troused 8 drawing-roone and a boudoir, mid stopped before a *lass door that led into the coneereatary. The servant stepped aside to allow Davidoff to pass, Along a little path, bordered with lycopods, which wound among palm trees, dates, and acacias, Clemence, dressed th a rose-colored foulard sille fastened arottid the waist by a girdle of chased e!Iver set with garnets, a little watering -pot IA her hand ,advanced smilingly to meet him, "Goodelay, doctor,' she said, "What happy chance brings you here?" 'With e grucions gesture she showed hini her hand, blackened with earth, told continued gayly: "I ant the physinian f tho flowers. I wag just holdiug• aconettltati011 re- specting these 'dents." "Are they doing well?" "Not so badly, thunke" She ehowed him her waterIng-Pot. "I have Suet been giving theta some Mem " she added. "But to what am 1 intibtecl for the plea/sure of your visit?" 'nay / not have COMO simply to see She bolted et him coldly. "You aro very runt:ebb. I ain oblige ed for your politeness, but 1 knoll/ you. 'Yon are hot le lady's mete It you eotna to see me it is because you have tome sedates reason for it," "Well, then, 1 have 8 t'ea5ob, I had an appointeleat with Jacetuos thili Meriting. which he failed to keep. 1 ' teared he might be 111—" "Ali!" interrupted Olen:W.1MS/1 'with a thoughtful tdr. She went toward a little bridge on which were an iron table and SOMO Chairs and seating 'hero% said: "Till Ile is so ledeedi" Ailed topping her forehead 'with her finger. "ill here, espeeially," be hdd- s Davidoff remained silent, curitha to learn the seethe of this friendship whieh he deemed perilous to Suttees, che resumed: To be Cohtltuted.) *0.00.1,110.4.0*. Wigs—That g1raeea something funny in everything. Wagg-Ves, 7 he Well seen her laugh at the jokes *Wed tek a theatre prow:Lome. $1,000 REWARD!! For a Case of incurable Con. stipation, rro any Verson wilo cannot be Mood of Constipation by Dr. liamiltoine Pills, the above reward will be paid. NQ medicine gives etieh lasting ett•• tisfection or effects ouch Marvelloua euro. aa Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief instantly follows ,their use. Thlt blinding headache goes forever, that feverish feeltng in the gaiu is soothed away, bilious fits and Stcmlach dis- orderare stepped. Don't be nervous about using 1)r. Hamilton's ?Ole; for they are mild eneagit for a child to use, yet certain and effective in eaten, in the most chronic rases. Get a 250 box to -day; they bring and keep robust good Ilegith. oFv4oRktws vaLug, (nprral. Nowa.) chneren have no eeonornie Re/ n. barth word. They have a finer value, Mt% TX:. 121ectitlitig7 42rneit ItViru431: tiers of a winsomeneas incomparable one A. ;V:1114.4% that makes life /meet , se io gt Ina it bates.. Minarthe isinlertent Cpres , Distemper, - 4.0 - Why Milk Sours quickly, We are told by those wile study the ways and ravages a the irebehlevoue nlierebn that he is ',Very fend of sugar, and that he „delights to gratify this lilt -Mg by turuing the sugar le Milk. Mkt inT,' !Min whith some the milk. These Microbes are constantly in the air, alive, though Invisible, and ready If it were possible to keep the milk from the air after the cow is milked it would not turn sour. Warm milk is particularly•inviting to the microbe and favorable to his .oPerations. He does -not get along well under' chilling condttiens, and that is Why the sweetness of milk can be preserved if it is kept cold. Bolling fresh milk °Length the sugar In such a way that the microbe cannot AO upon it. I fell from a buileing and receive,d what the doetor called a very bad sprained ankle, and told me I mitt not walk on it ter three weeks. I got IVIINARD'n LINIMENT and in six days I was out to work ageen, I think it the best flatulent made, ARCHIE E. LABNDRY, Edmonton.' Eat Vegetable. They're good, • 'They are better in eptcrg. iparagus purifies the blood. • Carrots improve the complexion. Dendelions at upon the kldneye, Spinhch benefits gravel victims. Cecumbers ere cooling in eftect. Ontario are the best nervine to be had.toes are powerful aperient l o.na for the liver, ,eCeelesr! and lettuce are good for the 1rv ' Peens contain nearly three tinteS the heat and•energy-producing proper- ties of potatoes. Rice COWS Much More tliail potatoes, but Is really theaper, having twice the flesh and lrone.pradUeing power of po- tatoes. • Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. • "CAN'T BLAME THE PAPER: - (Chicago Tribune,) We are willing to defend and uphold [ the weather bureau,. but we cannot with safety carry this burden of accountabili- ty. A newspaper has enough to do to stand for its own mistakes. 'S'elling the truth o; lltt has happened is a suffi- ftts.VllLtletiittoel vg.t will haretr when weather r is the controlling factor. W. pobliah tha fora,. casts: we do bot make them, We must lnstst upon a strkt limituttonof respoo- lbility. "The Paper says" nothing at all about the weather. The government says it. BABIEW MLR. A Point Which the Mother May Well Consider, An Important pArticuler in Winch cow's milk diners from mother'n Lor feeding 111faiste te that the former iikely to curette. Soule children fed oxi cow's Milk are apt to suffer from the conformation ef large, tough eur4S, I/ citrate of soda is added to mills in the proportice of half a drain of $oda te a Piet of Milk, noeurds will be formed. Ulm in thie proportion citrate a eetla 1.field to be entireln harmless tted isoften feund very liSetal itt feeding Wanes, The ifiltlition of berleY water or *MY other thin meal cruel hag Much the same effete. MUST WORK FOR PURITY, (Exchange.) If affairs in the pelitical world aro not as they eheuld he,,, how are they going to be remedied? Is it to be brought, ebout by men of ability and talent etanding back, and Nevins. that the political "les.lne" le &L thing unclean, and "I am not going to touch It With my elean hands?" Nothing is more certain to make it surer that the ward heeler and the ballot twitcher will get a etrenser hold on the political machine, and will wield a bigger influence In the party counsels. 4 • IP GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER • The summer moothe are the most deeigeroue to children. The comenteints of that season, which are cholera- ia- fantutn, colte,• diarrhoea and dysen- try, CODIO on so quickly that often a little otee is beyohd aid before the mother realizes he is sill. The mother muet be on her guard to prevent these troubles, or if they do come on suddenly to cure them. ' No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during hot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the stomach and bowels and are albolutelY safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medieine Co„ Brotheille, Ont. nee The Butterfly's Eye Spots. What do the eye spots on butter- fliea wings mean? The naturalist, says ear. Percy Collins, must answer, frankly, "I do met know." It is thought that they have some untilitar- ion application, and they form one of the most intricate ot all•naturel designs, The fact that butterflies have been captured •with their eye spots pierced, as if front attack of birds, 1140 been Used as an aragement in favor of the view thee they must be "protective markings," imitating eyes, because bird @ strike at the eyes of their victims. But the suggeetion is hardly regarded as satisfectory. Among butterflies the most striking examples of eyespots are found on the under -surface of the wings. LIQUOR AND MORPHINE HABITS Are diseases, not vices. and there- fore curable. Patients are under my personal care and receive their treatment in ordinary hospitals as ordinary medical cases,. D. H. ARNOTT, M. D. 226 Queen's. Ave.; London, Ont. Byron at Ostend. .At one time Ostend was a great fortress looking out over tho North Sea through her menacing loophole upon the sails of Vikings. A, century ago Byron made his raeraorable night, not from, but to Defend, in terror ot vandal bailiffs who were laying siege to his mansion In Pleeitcltny. The poet made the tourney to Dover in bis mag- nificent 2500 coach, but had to wait until a Storm abated before the mail packet felt it safe to set sell. *That Byron was far from seasickness in his crossing "Childe Harold's Pilgrim- age" testifies. -London Ste.adard. Pure Ice Cream for the Children Include plenty of City Dairy Ice Cream hi the " children's diet. In the mmmter time there is no- thing that can take its pla&—it's cooling -.it's a food and the child craves its sweetness... Give them all the Tee Cream they can eat but be sure it's made by City Dairy- becau.se "If it' s CIty Dairy, it's Pure, that's, Sure". **01. &do by alsoribootitbiti 8lioleketiej$004 reiviarsysineor.0. Lotik for theo TORONTO. W. wont on nowt in *miry isitiVnit SOFT :VVIIITE HANDS . Under All Conditions If You Use Cutioura. Trial Free. The Soap to cleanse and 'unify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing better, purer, sweeter or more effec.tivo at any price than these emollients. Sample Each Free by Mail With 3.1-p. Skin Bok. Address post,, card, Cuticura, Dept, L, 13ostoin Infant, Sold throughout the World. Preserving Eggs, Every faintly tbat Imes a dozen or more eggs per week can put a suffi- cient number in stomp to 'carry them through the fall and early winter, A eatisfactory preservative is silicate of soda, 'commonly called water glass, which can -be purchased at a net of teem 40 cents to 50 cents a gallon. This should be used at the rate of one part to nine parts water end the eggs com- pletely covered -with the solution. A galvanized iron or wooden receptacle may be used for this purposee-Spring- field Republican, Close Packing Best Most people are anti(' of crushtng their clothes by packing them to tightly, yet this is the secret of suc- cessful packing. If they are allowed room to slide and slip, they will come forth. wrinkled and Palmed, whereae if they are firmly held in place in a trunk wbich is net too large for its contents you will get far better results. -Los Angeles Times, INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Wanted capital to develop one of the moat valuable natural resources ift the Dominion, unlimited quantity of raw material to be manufactured into a commodity for which there IS an almost unlimited demand, If you have one hundred to five hunnred dollars or rnore to invest %Where your ihvestment will be well secured, then write for particulars and prospectue weith will convinee you of the ale, eolutely sure and large returns, Ad. dress e, 0, Box 102, Hamilton, Ont. 4 IP Table for Thickenings, 11 requires a level tablespoonful of flour to 'thicken a cupful of liquid for soup. It requires two level tablespoonfuls of flour to thleken a cupful of liquid for gravy or.eauces. It requires an egg for each cupful 0!. milk used in making soft or baked cuatard. It requires a level tablespoonful oft granulated gelatine to stiffen a pint of liquid so it wilt be the consistency of jelly when cold. -Chicago Herald, -• Minard's Liniment Cures Calds, etc. FOR HOUSEWIVES. • Many New Wrinkles to Aid Them in Their .Work. Manufacturers are eupplying many Practical aids for housekeepers. There Is to -day a convenient utensil for al- most every sort of labor, even to the eonserving of room and fuel con- sumption by the use of cuaninglY arranged utensils which, like the triple saucepan, will cook three foods over one gas burner. Among cleaning agents there are two recent additions to the list that are well worth while; one is the top- per wire dish cloth vehich comes in three sizes for the cleaning of pots and pans and is much more effective Huta the chain cloths, as it deee not chip or crack the enamel. The ether Is steel wool; Dile comes in a roll and a little bit pulled off, which has the feeling of a bunch ,of horse hair and looks not unlike it, will clean „enamel over the surface. It may itleo be used for bratise.s and' glassware. Use With it a non -alkali soap, if any, and always rinse the article and poll& with a dry cloth after it Is cleaned.. "Hoidfcara flagons" will appeal to the housekeeper who has had her favorite pitchers one by one broken otf in refrigerator use. The flagons are of heavy glass, metal -protected by a skeleton frame and handle, and have a. porcelain Mae top. They are good for milk, lemonade or anything that one desires' to have eooled next the ice. Thee' ratty be purchased in several SIZefi at moderate cost. The gas table -grill will be !owed very convenient for breakfast table nee. One may use it for broiling, toasting, waffle or pancake makihg, or simply to keep the plattera hot in) that their eontents will remain. Ing for lagging nathibere of the fan-. 113r. Another grill Is that to We with the solid alcohol bitmer and is espec- ially thein.pted for porch nee where even the club eanaerich is made on the spot, the Won and toast ,being prepared by the hostess on the grill Whtle the gttest watt. 'Ito newest caSserele disk Is bawl - obeyed, of conPer with a lining of staelleg silver; it nas a hardwood cep - pet tipped lutndhe which screws tntt to the sae cc the dish after it is taken trete the -oven. The knob on top of the heart,* Waft' le ale° of hod wood heavily tippe& like the hendle, With eoptrer so that the oven heat haer no effect twee. it, Ind now the eortare diet ptui with wire drawer It bidding inetlY for Pop- ularity. It luta chain and plug which, when lifted. driest the water mit theough the wire drawer under- neath, wilt& is the sante depth an the height of the four lege on *which the 'letti etande. In the &ewer all 1arge eeerahe or wraps are tent ht and truty be efielly emptied WO the garbage Can. The mushroom shaped potato nitwit- er finds favor with experienced cooks and ehefe. It Is o. good pulverizer for hard libroas vegetables that need to be put through a Meeker, and it th imilspetteable lit puree making, 4:Wing to its broad satiny 40111*Oli. ISSUE NO. 26, 1910 kigtse wiorrap,..e T ADIES WANTED TO PO PLAIN s 4 and light aiming at 144/40. Whole or spare time; good pan work sent any distance; ebarge ps48. Semi stamp ter paitieeleroz. National eaaeuracturing Dee montreal. FAR SALE. OOD HOUSLI AND OND ACRIAir with outbuildings; near Hamilton; only $1400. Apply, i.eo. 11, liaslewoeth James street south, Hamilton, Qat. Great Surprise. There are lots of haps and utia. baps aufiag a play giat are not down on the bills. One incident is related by a manager while playing la a small town, Ice cream was supposed to be used in one of the scenes, but not being able to get it cream cutlet; was used on eishes 4* 4 substitute, The charectere were sitting around the teble, presumably eating Me ore= and cake. In the metre of the table was a candelabrum, and the candles were burning. The leading kitty, while talking, got her dish of ice cream too near the candies, and, to the surprise and eniusement of the audienee, the ice cream might fire and burned InerrIly until the.curteln. was lowered, WEA= VTERY SPOR AND WREATIO SOLD BY ;LIErEMp. SHOE DEALERS Wolin BY }WERT MEMBER or THE FAMY x444MILIP410===a1=ISTAXISP'-7.21Clealla1/4150! NEWSPAPERS AND WAR, (Guelph Mercury.) Tho oar has been a serious matter Ir the newspapers, From a commercial. side, tt has lilt them Just the same us it has inany other linee of business. its been a perpetual round or increasing expenditure and decreasing revenue. ...Orem qui editorial and news point of view It's been a nightmare. Does any- one suppose that 0, mac can go on pil- ing up scare heads about thousands of men being killed e and wounded -among them our own kith and kin -without feel- ing it? The war has meant the cancelling and curtailing or features that should have a prominent place. It has tended to ex- aggerate minor rdevements, and to .11 large degree it has thrown the wnoie newspaper machine out of Joint. It will be a happy 'day again when a runaway with no one hurt can get into the corner or the frontage, and a Church social will be considered once more of sufficient Importance to assign a reporter to cover it. Minard's Liniment Cures Gargea in Cows. 4-. OLD MEN OR YOUNG, (London .Advertiser) A. great poet has suggested that old age Is a time of judgment and knowledge. Aa gether any more than a matter of fact, old inthe: :torteturoriteeixtcehpet- hind the times, nor do they agree to - Perhaps as they tend towards reaction or resistance to change. ' Handed Him a Jolt. • Saplergh-They say one should learn from the mistakes be has made and from the foolish things he has done, Miss Green -1t you followed that advice, Mr, sapleigh, you would be one or the bright. est men on earth.-BoSton Transcript WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR PRESERVES NEXT WINTER they will ,be full flavored and deli- clous—just as they were, the day you lout them up, if you 'seal your glasses and 'jars with parownwr Pore Refined Paraffin It is the only sure way Jo I preserve the full 'goodness of your fruits. And it is the easy way also:, Simply po u r :melted Pardwax on the :cooled preserves. To make sure that fruit jars are „air.tight, dip the tops in melted_ Para- waxYI ,m Tut up in handy -one - pound .cartons contain. ,ing 4 cakes. At grocery land department stores everywhere. Vrig IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY MUNCHES IN ALL CMES , --.06nado