The Wingham Advance, 1915-06-24, Page 4Page Four
A tY hnut ,tbance
JOHN IOYNT, Proprietor
A. (:}, Satan, eianagieg Editor
THURSDAY, JUNE 21th, 1915
The Second Canadian Contingent
landed safely in France and are uo
doubt by this time on the firing
line. They will keep up the good
name for Canadians which the first
contingent so gallantly fought for
and made in the battle of Lange -
The Ottawa Free Press, the Lib-
eral organ at Ottawa, editorally
had the following recently:
"We ask the readers of the
Free Press to read the cold, un-
varnished tale told by Generali
Bertram yesterday, and when
they have done that we believe
they will, like ns, take off their
hats to Gen. Hughes and Gen.
And they have said General
Hughes was insane.
Bryan's Ultimatum
Bill Bryan to Kaiser Bill—" You
owe this country a good deal, so
here is a little note I want you to
Kaiser Bill—"I don't know
whether I shall honor it or not."
Bill Bryan—"Oh well, if that's
the way you feel about it I shall
not hand yon any more notes."
Profitable only When Farmer Can Die•
penae With Marc. Costly Power.
[Prepared byUnited States department of
Generally speaking, the farm tractor
Is a profitable investment only when it
enables the farther to dispense ;ivith
other forms of power which cost him
more. The most usual form of power
ou n fluoro is, of rqurse, horses. Stuce
the working life of a horse is on t1u
average twice that of a tractor the tna=i
chine should displace, if there is to be
no other saving, at least double
value in horses of its own cost. as m
matter of fact, however, this is not the
only saving. The small tractors now
being constructed wilt, as a rule, take
the place of a stationary engine in op-
eratiug various term machines. 'Rte
difference in price betweeu the two is
not great, so that on farms where sta-
tionary engines are now used a tractor
would not have to displace horses to
any great extent in order to make its
purchase a profitable investment.
The type of tractor which appears to
be most in demand at the present time
is n small, low priced outfit, capable of
pulling two to four plow bottoms and
with a belt capacity sufficient to oper-
ate any of the ordinary farm machines.
Such a tractor is capable of doing prac-
tically all the plowing on the average
farm, and the number of horses to be
kept therefore will depend upon the
amount of cultivation, etc., which is
required. This fact should be taken
into consideration hi planning a crop-
ping system. The work of the farm
should be laid out so as to make the
greatest use of the tractor. Like every
machine, the tractor's life should not
be prolonged by idleness, but it should
be worn out as rapidly as possible by
constant use in profitable work.
The small tractors that are now be-
ing built for medium size farms are of
simpler construction than the large
ones, which alone were obtainable up
to a year and a half or so ago. Most
of the new machines have only one
drive wheel, one forward speed and one
reverse. This eliminates considerable
gearing. At the same time it is now
possible to hitch a two bottom gang
plow directly behind the center of draft
of the machine without the tractor
traveling on the plowed land. From a
practical standpoint, however, the race
chanical improvements in the new
tractors tu'e not so important to the
rarmer as the reduction in price.
The Nation's Business.
From influential quarters comes
the suggestion to The Financial
Post that a coalition Government
in Canada would be advantageous
at this time; that some of the
leading Liberal ex -ministers be in-
vited to join the cabinet.
We can see no gain in such a
change. Sir Robert Borden has
colleagues eminent as to ability
and who undoubtedly command
the respect of Canadians.—From
the Financial Post of May 29th.
The Battle Of Waterloo.
One hundred years ago (June
18th, 1815) Napoleon the First
fought his last battle •on the field of
Waterloo. The watts in which he
was the leading figure had been
waged almost continuously for
nineteen years and from the time
of his coronation as Emperor of
the French in 1804 their main
object was to extend his dominion
over Europe.
At thisP resent• time of conflict it
would be tactless for Canadians to
hold a celebration in honor of the
one hundredth anniversary of the
battle of Waterloo.
Napoleon after becoming the
head of a real Empire had placed
all the subordinate thrones avail-
able in control of members of his
own family. Britain alone con-
tinued to rediet his power, and
remained the only barrier between
him and the achievement of his
ambition — universal dominion—
which led Nap neon to Waterloo.
Now Europe is confronted with
another victim of the lust of power
--a despot who believes himself to
be destined to rule the world by
Divine appointment. Without the
genius of Napoleon, the Kaiser is
far more dangerous. The free
nations have again to repeat the
work of laying despotism in the
Mr. 11. Smaldon returned from Tole-
do, Ohio, last Saturday, where he has
been working on a dredge.
Mies M. Woods (nurse) of Wingham,
ie visiting old friends in the burg.
Mrs. Grigg and F. and Mrs. Jeschke
spent Sunday with friends in Belgrave.
Mies Mina McRae of Arneow, visited
with Miss E Mclnnis last week.
A number of Masons from this vicin-
ity motored to Brussels and attended
service in the Methodist church Sun-
day morning.
Seven pupils are writing on the
Entrance to H. A. Exams this week.
Mre. J. Ballantyne is friends in Sea -
Not In Many Years Has There peon
So Great a Demand.
Abbreviations. -Che chain;, slip
stitch; I.e., double crochet; tr., treble;
d. tr., double treble.
Use crochet cotton No, 23 or No, 30..
This edging is 1t/• inches wide. The.
pattern consists of au insertion and
rows of edging and a footing added at
either side.
Insertion, -Seven ch.,
1 tr,
sixth ch., 2 ch„ 1 tr. in end 0 cll., turn,
* P; ch., 1 tr. on tr. last trade, 2 ch., 1 tr.
Strange Story of Communication Af-
ter Many Years.
An instance of the re-establish-
ment of acquaintance between men
whe had not seen each other for
nearly half a century recently occur-
red as the result of a little picture
of a yacht published in a well-known
trade publication. One of the best
known of Ontario manufacturers is
Mr. J. J. Turner, Sr., of Peterboro,
Ont., who makes everything in the
way of canvas. Last Jauary he saw
a picture of a yacht named the
"Niobe," which it was stated was
owned by Mr. D. McTaggart, of
Brisbane, Australia. The description
added that the picture had been
taken in Moreton Bay on the Bris-
bane River. The beautiful suit oi'
sails depicted aroused the expert en-
thusiasm of Mr. Turner, who wrote
to the owner, Mr. McTaggart, to
compliment him on h's outfit. At
the same time he informed him that
t1: • picture revived memories of
Moreton Bay, which he had not seen
grace he was there as a young man
42 years ego, when he went out from
the motherland to Australia on the
ship Ramsay in 1869. What was his
surprise recently to receive a letter
from Mr. McTaggart in which be
said: "Your letter is one of the
strangest incidents in my life. You
were induced to write to me by the
picture of my yacht `Niobe,' and by
the memories it awakened of More-
ton Bay, and the yacht -like sail you
had on it in the old R..msay or
Thursday, 21st of January, 1869.
after a voyage of just under 95 days
'from pilot to pilot.' . . . No 'doubt
you will remember the lad who used
to be a good deal with the Captain
doing writing for him, working out
the ship's position, etc., who usdd tc
help in arranging the concerts at
which I see by my diary 'the Sail-
naker' assisted; who led Father
Neptune's party round the deck
when crossing the line, making a
noise on the bagpipes; who acted
as signalman on the voyage and
especially on the day we sailed up
Moreton 'Bay. Well that lad was
Dan McTaggart, now 'owner of the
yacht 'Niobe.' "
Mr. McTaggart goes on in his let-
ter to tell how he went out tc
Queensland to join an uncle on a
sheep and cattle ranch in Queens-
land, and after many years in the
interior had settled in Brisbane as a
wool, produce and stock merchant in
1892, where he had met with fair
ruccess. "For the fourteen years 1
was in the hush I saw practically
nothing of boats, but when I went
o Maryborougb, Queensland, I took
•tp rowing with some success as 1
stroked the champion four oar crew
f Queensland with success on sev-
eral occasions besides winning a
number of races. After coming to
Brisbane I took up sailing as a re-
ereation, but practically did no rac-
ing until after I got the 'Niobe' ready
two years ago." Mr. McTaggart goes
on to tell of the winnings of his
yacht and adds, "Strange to say, I
had not seen the picture of the boat.
that induced you to write to me until
t received your letter." The yachts-
man also expressed regret that Teter-
boro, Ont., was se far away that he
could not get his sails from his old
fellow -passenger on the good ship
Ramsay.—Toronto Saturday Night.
Mise Annie Gray visited in Turn -
berry last week,
Mabel dasemore 2nd line,is eeriouely
ill again, we are sorry to state.
Me. and Mrs, J, Robinson, and Mr.
and Mre. Peter Mclntoeh of RitScar-
din% motored to Thos. Abram'a last;
A., [McEwen ie getting the lumber
boas for his barn, He intends to
sties it leen,
Farm and
preventive Measures That Constitute
the Principles of Control.
[Prepared by United States department of
Preventing the introduction of weed
seeds ou the farm, preventing weeds.
from going to recd and preventing
perennial weet1s from making top
growth are the three principles of
weed control.
In purchasing for planting clover
seed, grass seeds or grain many weed
seeds as impurities are brought to the
farm. lu ne permanent way will the
quality of seeds oltered for sale be Ire•
proved except by a greater knowledge
and alertness on the consumer's Part.
Tile first requisite is to know what
constitutes good seed; second, to know
fairly closely what high grade seed is
worth, and, third, to be willing to pay
as fair price for it. Laxity on one or
more of these points is responsible for
most of the farmer's trouble over pour
seeds- Cheap seeds are really the most
expensive kind that eau be purchased.
in improving his knowledge of what
constitutes good seeds the farmer will
find the advice of the state ngrieul-
In second space below, turn, 5 ch., 1 tr,
on first tr., 2 eh., 1 tr. in 2 ch. space,
repeat from.* for length required.
. Edging. -First row, 9 ch., 3 triple tr.
(thread 3 times over hoo'k), take off the
last stitches together, into 5 ch., miss
1 loop below, 3 triple tr. in next loop,
take off last stitches together, 0 ch., 2
d.c. in same loop, * lOch., 1 picot (5 cit.,
1 back into first), 11 ch., turn, 1 in sixth of 10 ch. forming ring
over the first 0 ch., work 2 d.c., 1 picot,
3 d.c., 1 picot, 3 d.c., 1 picot and 2 de.,
5 ch., miss 1 loop below, 1 d.c. into
next loop, 0 Ch., 3 triple tr. In same
place as last d.c., miss 1 loop, 3 triple
tr. In next loop, 0 ch., 2 d.c. in same
loop, repeat from * to end, turn.
Second Row. -Six ch., 3 triple tr. be-
tween two groups of triple tr. below,
* 2 ch., 1 picot, 3 ch., 1 picot, 2 cit., 4
triple tr. in same place as last group, 9
ch., 1 triple tr. into ch. stitch (where was worked to form a ring), 2
ch., 1 triple tr. In loop below, 2 ch.,
1 triple tr. 1n same place, 7 ch., 1 triple
tr. in same loop after picot, 2 cit„ 1
triple tr. in same place, 2 ch., 1 triple
tr. in ch. stitch at join of ring, 2 ch., 4
triple tr. between grouped tr. below.
Repent from *.
Third Row. -* 3 ch., 1 picot, 3 ch.,
1 picot, 3 ch. and 1 d.c. in top of sec-
ond triple tr. group, 2 eh., 1 tr. on first
triple tl'., 2 ch., 1 tr. on second, 2 ch.,
1 tr. on third, 2 011., 1 tr. on third of 7
ch., 3 ch., 1 tr. in same place, 1 eb., 1
tr. In fifth ch. of 7, 3 ch., 1 tr. in same
place, 2 ch., 1 tr. on next triple tr., 2 ch.,
1 tr. on next, 2 ch., 1 tr. en last triple
tr., 2 ch., 1 t1.c. on top of group of next
triple tr. below, repeat from *, turn.
Fourth Row.-* 3 ch., 1 picot, 2 ch.,
1 picot, 2 ch., 1 picot, 3 ch., 1 d.c. in
top of grouped tr. over d.c. stitch, 3
ch., 1 tr. in first tr., 1 picot, 1 tr. in
second tr., 3 ch., 1 on next tr., 3
ch., 1 on next tr. below, 5 ch.,
turn, 1 in first, turn, work
in loop, 2 (Lc., 1 picot, 2d.c., 1 picot, 2
i. c., 1 picot and 2 d,c., 3 ch., 1
on next tr., 3 ch., 1 on next tr.,
repeat the 5 ch. loop with d.c. and
picots, thea 3 ch., 1 ( on next tr.,
3 ch., 1 on next, repeat 5 ch. loop
with picots, 3 ch., 1 tr. on next tr. be-
low, 1 picot, 1 tr. on Inst tr., 3 ch., 1
d.e, in d.c, over grouped triple tr.. be-
low, repeat from * to end.
rooting. -Seven ch• and 1 tr. in each
5 ch. loop.
' Insuring Soldiers.
One of the largest life insurance
Companies on the continent has in-
sured at its regular rates an entire
regiment of Canadian soldiers and
half of another, portions of the set -
end expeditionary force sent tei
Europe. The mien to 'whom policies
are issued are citizens of the city of
Toronto, and the expense of the poli-
cies, 'which are twenty-year endow-
mentsi at $1,000 each, will be borne
by the eity for three years, At the
end of that time the policies can bo
Mr, Wm. Abram 1st line visited with allowed to talose, or eaii he kept in
the me making the[ _..n
force byn row
friends in Guelph lasweek,
payments. Whist its believed to be
AAohle Campbell who has been in the tint time that an insurance has
Wio ian hospital has returned
been effected on anorganized body
of troops about to go into battle to-
na, Stey'enfiort, teaoher at Stone who
MVO! heir putabataid a Ford car. �...y � ' . Or
For Scorched Linen.
For scorched linen try the following:
From four peeled onions extract the
iuice, mix this with four ounces of
fuller's earth, one ounce of soap and
a pint of .vinegar. Boil well together.
When nearly cold put on the scorched
places and let dry in the air. Wash in
cold water.
Simple Home Remedies.
A. bag of hot sand with a tablespoon-
ful of vinegar sprinkled on will relieve
A. severe coughing paroxysm can be
relieved by taking a teaspoonful of
glycerin in a swallow of hot milk.
in malting cream of tomato, corn,
spinach or any other vegetable cream
Loup it is a good plan to thicken the
4oup before straining the vegetable.
Then one straining will remove the
thick parts of the vegetable unsuitable
for soup and will remove any lumps
from the thickening•
Remember iu mixing a cream soup to
pour the neat or vegetable liquid on
the milk to avoid curdiing. Always
pour the tomtit() ini tture in the milk in
cream tomato soup. Many cooks do
sot use soda In mixing tomato soup, for
they say that when the Tomato is pour -
on the milk there is no danger of
•'ardiing. However, a pinch of soda is
To give an anmber color to stock add
finely grated Carrot to it. Tomato
Juice gives a red tone. Spinach leaves
pounded until the juice is pressed out
;ire a green color. Add enough of the
Teen juice to gain the desired tint. A.
tttle burned sugar or 'flour gives a deep
broWil. color to song.
Miss Mabel Edwards of Toronto, is
pending her boli lays at her urother'a,
n town,
\ir, and Mrs, G. Davidson and Miss
,i,vidsop, of Wroxeter, visited with
vir, and Mrs. T. EI, McLaughlin on
Mrs. Armstrong, who has beep
visiting with her brother, R. F. and
lire. White, left on. Friday for Harris -
ton where she intends spending some
Mrs, Jas. Armstrong and Miss
NI -Li hewbon attended tilt" r. upplemen-
i,ry meeting of the Women's Iasti-
•tte in Molesworth ou Friday.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Ire, home of Dr. Whitely on Wednes-
1 .y, June 16,b, when the Rev. Mr.
viliiamson of Ohesley united in iu'n-
a;-t+ Miss Mildted Mo -t4, youngest
tighter of the lay.. R, -v and Mre..
viosb of Chebley, to Dr. L. Whitely of
Mrs. P. Zimmerman, who bas been
i11 for some months, passed away at
rhe home of her husband, Mr. Philip
Zimmerman on Friday evening last.
Burial services were conducted toy
Rev. Mr. Rivers at the home, on Mon-
laty at 2 30 p.m. and the remains laid
o rest in the Gorrie cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs, Justin Stenmillar and
Mise Stenmillar visited friends in
Walkerton on Thursday.
Mrs. J. Armstrong attended a meet-
ing of the Women's Institute in For•d-
wieh on Saturday.
The many friends of Rev. A. B.
Dobson were glad to welcome him on
Sunday when he took charge of the
service in the Presbyterian Church
after several weeks absence owing to
The entertainment given by tbe
Women's Institute in the town hall
nn Monday evening was quite success-
ful. Mrs. Burns of Toronto gave an
excellent address on "The Future of
the Home." Mrs. H. V, Holmes, Miss
Rands and Mise Stenmillar's solos
were as usual in good style, also a
piano duet by Misses Lorna Ashton
and Vera Stenmillair; Mrs. H. V,
Armstrong was ' pianoist. Rev. Mr.
Roberts occupied the chair. The pro-
ceeds went to the Red Cross fund.
tural experiment stations and the Unit-
ed States department of agriculture of
great assistance. These institutions
gladly test samples of seeds for farm
ers free of charge.
Some kinds of stock feed are free of
weed seeds, while others are not. Cot-
tonseed meal, oil mead, brewers' and
distillers' grains, corn bran. middlings
and the gluten feeds are practically
tree of weed seeds, but molasses feeds,
oat chop, wheat bran and the mixed
feeds are apt to contain .more or less
seeds of various weeds. This is es-
pecially true of that class of mixed
feeds made from mill byproducts,, trot
the reason that such byproducts pre
partly composed of screenings. These
screenings contain weed seeds result
ing from the cleaning of grain. Some
firms grind or heat the screenings that
go into mixed feeds, and iu such cases
the percentage of' live weed seeds is
very low.
Nearly all purchased manure is full
of reed seeds. If it is hauled to the
farm when fresh many thousands of
weed seeds are introduced, so that the
farmer is storing up future trouble for
himself. As this manure usually has
to be removed from the town in the
fresh state the only chance to corn
post it in order to make the weed seeds
rot is after it reaches the farm. It has
been found that the weed seeds in ma
nure. piles trot quickly under ordinary
conditions. so that practically all of
them have lost their vitality in two
months. Whether the farpler should
compost city manure by leaving it in
piles after he has drawn it to his
farm is questionable. This would re
quire extra handling, and unless care
is exercised the manure will lose some
of its value. Still, in many cases it
would undoubtedly pay to do this for
the sake of keeping the farm free of
weeds. The answer to this question
depends largely upon the farmer's
cropping system.
Thrashing outfits are very likely to
bring weed seeds to the farm, It is a
wise precaution to see that the sep-
arator is well cleaned before it reaches
the farm or at least is cleaned in a
place where the weed seeds will not
be scattered on the fields. Wild mus-
tard is very apt to be introduced by
this means.
Purchased hay and straw are almost
sure to contain weed seeds, and as long
as a man continues to buy them there
is little chance for him to have n
weed free farm. The only way to pre-
vent seeds getting to the land where
hay or straw is purchased to feed
stock is to leave the resulting manure
In a pile, or, better yet, in a pit, for
several months before spreading.
Weed seeds nifty get to a farm by be-
ing wind blown. This is especially
true of chicory, dandelion, broom sedge,
Canada thistle al1d such other 'tweeds
ns possess n light feathery pappus.
Such seeds may be carried a mile or
more in a strong wind. The Russian
thistle of the western states is perhaps
the, greatest wind blown weed pest.
'rhe metered plant, which is almost
round hi shape, rolls across the prairie,
Scattering seed as it goes. A good
fence is very effective In arresting the
progress of ,this enemy.
Why Is a hive like a spectator at a
show? 13eefuse it is a bee holder;
What is the difference between no
auction nhfl seasickness? One Is the
sale of effects, the other the effects of
it WI,
Why Is n elllel:en pie like 11 gun
smith's s
shop? Became
it ettlailS
fowl in pieces.
Why spotter n deaf wan be iegtilly
colleted? Itemise it is u1lhlwfui to
convict a man without It hearing,
45:441.11° .4 4 4th 4th 4th 4t1 Ar)4,►) 4th 4,►) 4►h 4th 4t) 41» *b 4th V) 411 :th �►� 1,►� geh 4►) 4th AR; Alt .pt) 4► t►». eth 4► Sty ►
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iI its��� �►� rh �w i�� �t,� .'Y� ��� in ��� ih it,► ih iIv �* ��� u� .� �h r �,iv ,/�� ��► n. h ��t �ti 1 � ie► a,R �r� .Ij ia� l► w � �I>.
A Rare Gird.
The 200 reg; per yaar hen is nitnogt
us scarce In this country as the iters
with teeth,
Egg and Maple Lotvaonndo.
Roil the mire of three totmne, one
,natter cupful of water and four ta-
'dcspoonfuis of maple sugar until yoo
have athic: sirup. Set Aside do tl
root, and then bent in with the whites
of two eggs, tent very Stiff, and then
diVide evenly infour Mi Sses, rill
with carbonated 'nater, beet briskly
and flerVQ at ouCA..
Mr. Thomas Smith and daughter
Mary attended the wedding of Misr -
Margaret Iceland in Bentick on Wed-
nesday last.
Miss Laura Turvey is visiting friends
on the 3rd line Grey.
Mr. and Mre, A. Holt of Fordwich
motored out to Geo. Johnston's on
Sunday last,
Mr. Joe Kelly was a Sunday guest
at D. McDonald's,
Mr. Tom Burke spent Sunday with
Wingham friends.
Don't forget the picnic in T. R. Ben-
nett's woods on June 20th. It ie the
event of the season so come• prepared
for a good time, booth on the grounds.
The many friends of Mr. Robert
Pearson will be glad to know that be
is making satisfactory progress since
he underwent a surgical operation last
The Rev. Mr• Duncan, Lucknow,
preached at the preparatory services
held in McIntosh last Friday, and on
Sabbath, about 127 partook of the
holy communion administered by the
pastor, the Rev. A. R. Gibson. The
motto for the coming quarter is -
"Casting all care upon Him, for he
Gareth for you," 1 Peter 5 : 7.
The Sunday School picnic held in
Mr. Fleming's grove on the 16th was
well attended and all reported an
enjoyable time.
The Women's Institute intend hold-
ing a lawn social on July '7th at the
home of Mr. Harry Metcalfe (the Hull
farm) ; the band will be in attend-
ance and a big crowd is anticipated.
The ladies intend making up hospital
,;arments for brave boys at the front
tend hope to have a big bale ready by
the end of August.
The Wroxeter and Belmore football
teams played a friendly game on the
evening of the 10;h, resulting in a
score of 3 to I in favor of the locals.
Mrs. Wm. Nipkel and little son of
Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mre.
Wm. Lowry,
Mr. and Mrs. Janes Whytock, of
Teaswater, were the guests of Mre.
Andrew Adamson last Thursday.
Mrs. Barr, Blyth, with Mrs. P. 13.
Baker and her two daughters, spent
Sunday at Mr, Con, Baker's.
Mre, Dolan, Michigan, and Mr. J.
Fleming, London, are visiting at Mr.
James Fleming's. Miss Fleming still
•ontinues very ill. - •-2
Leonard Merkley, Emanuel Mar-
-hall, David Marshall, Irwin Edwards
tnd Della Lynett, pupils from our
nhool, were in Teeswater this week
vritiug on the Entrance examinations,
Promotion exams. are in progress
BIS week.
Game of Fisherman.'
If there is a large table at hand all
sit around it to play the game of fish -
omen. One of the players is armed
,vith a short stick, to which. a piece of
wine is attached, the twine being tied
in a loop at one end. The fisherman
drops his line in such a way that the
loop lies on the table about in the ren•
When he says "Whose fish?" all the
players place the tip of one linger (fore -
alga' of the right hand) on the table
;t1sido of the circle formed by the
wine. 'Then the fisherman calls, "My
est)," and the fingers must be With,
lirawn before the 'fisherman polls hi
ills line, This must be done qulekly
it fingers will be sought, Vlach fish
alight Counts. one for game, and` the
.umber constituting a game should. bo
:ceded upon before beginning to piny.
auh playar should have his turn, fig
ii81101'llttlL - -
"Comfort tremors second
raiurs to wearers of CIC
a fa Grace Cornett."
Corsets for Walking
and for Evening Wear
tnuat lend a suppleness
and grace to the figure.
(Made to Canasta)
are in high favor
among those who
'really know how to
dress for occasions.
Prices 75c, $ 1.00,
1.50, 2.00, 3,50
Phone "71
Produce Wanted
Silks and Dross Materials for
We are well stocked in all lines of Silks, to meet
the June df•mane, including a large range of
Mousseline, Silk Faille, Shot Mess -
alines, Pongee and Habitau Silks
Black Duchess Mousseline SIIk==1kbeauhh
deep rich satin finish, guaranteed fast color,
absolutely free from filling, exceptionally good
for dresses, waists or coats, 36 inches wide,
VALUE at $1, 1.25 and 1.50 yd
Shot Duchess faille to Silk- "Soft in weave,
with satin finish,
French dyed in beautiful coloring3 of Black
with Blue, Red, Green and Brown, also Brown
with Blue, used greatly for dresses, 36 inches
wide. SPECIAL at $1 and 1.25 yd
Washable Habitau Silk in ivory and Fancy
This is a very good quality and except-
StMpeS"tonally good for waists and Lingerie,
' guaranteed to wash and retain its color
and brilliancy, in plain or crepe finish, 36 in. wide,
SPECIAL VALUE at $1 and 1.25 yd
Pongee Silk and Natural Shan•Tung= aiity
Pongee Silk, very suitable for dresses and waists,
made from the best quality silk in fast colors of
Battleship Grey, Belgian Blne, Sand and Black, 30
inches wide. EXTRA
VALUE at 50c and $1 yd
Bedford Cord, French
Repp, Mercerized Repp,
Cotton Voiles,Lace Cloth,
Long Silk Gloves, Long
Lisle Gloves, Prices, 5oc,
75c,$1and $r25
Short Silk Gloves, Short
Lisle Gloves, Prices 25c.
35c and 50c
PENMAN'S seamless
Hose 25e, 35c and 5oc.
IERY guaranteed to
wear. or a new pair free
of charge, colors and
Black and .W bite 25e, 50c
$ I and 1.50 pair
MIME 110:0•112.16,
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
Cash or Trade.
�r1 4) 4►) 4►') 4►) 4►� 4b W Ory Vs Ory Ory V� 4►� 4►� 4►�,1� 4t) 4t) 4, 4t) Ory 4►) 4t) 4r) w 4►i 4v) 4ry 4►) 49s 45) 4►0 4►0 4to 4►) 4►I 41� of 4v
Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Carthew ard
Mrs. Dr. Allison attended the District
meeting of the Women's Institute at
Goderich on Tuesday.
The Red Cross Circle held their
regular meeting in Milne's Hall, Tues-
day afternoon, June 22nd. The mem-
bers are doing a noble work towards
the support of the Canadian Hospital,
known as the Cliveden Hospital. Eng-
land. This week they packed and
shipped supplies including surgica 1
pads. sheets, pillow asses, nightgowns.
and bandages and last but not least,
an invalid's chair and is to be known
as the Blyth Red Cross Chair.
Mr. Frank Metcalf and Rev, T. A.
Farr attended the Anglican Synod at
London last week,
Our school was closed last week
owing to a few cases of diphtheria,
Our physicians have the matter well
looked after and no new cases have
been reported.
The unsightly weed patches
about the premises should be cut
down before they seed to make
ranker crops for next year. Such
weeds as sprung up in the cor-
ners, nooks and uncultivated
spots about the house and imme-
diate premises are ofrensive in
more ways than that of being
unsightly; they furnish hiding
phrces for vermin.
Tho most expeditious way to
rid the premises of these weeds
Is td use the scythe where they
can be thus reached. Where rite
scythe cannot be utilized the
prnniug hook or hoe may be
brought into service; or, with
gioted hands 10 prevent poison-
ing, the weeds may be pulled up
d from the extreme nooks and cor-
• ners.
9If, after being thus disposed Of,
I there is any considerable cover-
ing of the weeds ou the ground
they sltoul,l be removed from the
yard or premises, as they will
create a slime to decaying and
give out a disagreeable odor.
This Blass may he thrown over
Some plot of ground provided
the cutup; has beet) deno before
the seeds formed.
They Will thus fora[ a coating
that will enrich the w
nitrogen and carbon they have
gathered w iii in it iueasure be i'e•
turned to the earth. -Porro. Life.
The Superi rity
of Tone
cords is due to the PATENTED and
of Manufacture
Columbia Record are BUILT UP. In-
stead of economising and using one mix-
ture for the whole rocord, Columbia re-
cords are made in THREE LAYERS,
rasing the cheaper material in the centre
only where it doesn't count in the repro-
duction. The best and most, expensive
material the world can provide is used on
the outer surfaces on which the sound
wave or music is engraved.
WEAR LONGER—the same difference
in value as there 18 between an ordinary
pine and an expensive built up oak door,
All Columbia records are double, a dif-
ferent selection on each side,
And yet these records cost you less money
than any others.
You are not getting the utmost value Er
your money or the best out of your ma-
chine no matter of what make—unless
you use Columbia records.
Of Course, Columbia are Made in Canada.
We will gladly play record for you.
A 23 .Arrival of the British Troops in
France, Part I, Descriptive. Arrival
of the British Troops in France, Part
2, Descriptive 85c.
A 5670 Love's Old Sweet Song, Alice
Neilsen. 13endeineer's Stream, Alice
Neilsen. $1.5o.
A 1754 The Little Ford Rambled right
along Si's Been DrinkingCider 85c
A 530o Lucia de Lamernioor, Sextette.
II Trouatore- El Miserere. Ellery
Baud, $1.25
Agent W