HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-06-17, Page 1The
At 2.30 n'elock on Monday, May
31st, Mies Caro ,Runciman, daughter
of the late Elbert W. and Mrs. Runes
man, 101 Gore St. west, Stratford
was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. L%,wrence Pi, Ire
land, Rev. Robert Martin officiated.
Both of the above mentioned young
people lived at one time in Wingham,
Nneneu Y-NICOALLu1
A very quiet wedding took place at
the manse ore Tuesday when Margaret,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jac) McCallum was married to Mr. W.
Christopher Nethery of East Wawa -
nosh. Rev, D. Perrie officiating,
After a dainty wedding luncheon
served a: the home of the bride's par
ante, Mr. and Mrs. Nethery left on
the afternoon train for London and
St. 'Phomas. The bride travellieg in a
navy tine suit with hat to match.
TUE ADVANCE joins with their many
friende in wishing them a long and a
happy wedded life.
A quiet though pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mr. Robs. Carr
of the 3 d, line, on Wednesday even-
ing Last, when his daughter Miss Mary
was united in marriage to Mr. T. Rit-
chie of Wingbam. Promptly at 5 30
the bride, tastefully gowned in white
voile with chiffon and pearl trim-
mings, leaning on her father's atm
took her place on the lawn under an
arch rf peonies, snowballs and fever',
Rev. L A. McKelvey performed the
ceremony which made them o n e .
After congratulations the guests num-
bering fifty sat down to a bountiful
supper. After an evening of music
and social intercourse the company
departed wishing Mr. and Mrs, Ritchie
many years of hat,piness. The guests
included friends of the bride a n d
groom ftom Wingham, Brussels,
Delmore, Auburn, Belgrave and Wrox-
A quietr wedding was solemnized at
the manse Whitechurch at 6 o'clock
on Wednesddy morning, June 10.h by
the Rev. J. Ure Stewart, when Mr,
Gibeon Gillespie of Whitechurch, was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
to Miss Eunice Peddle, graduate nurse
of the Wiugbam General Hospital,
The happy young couple left on the
6:15 train for a short honeymoon with
friends in Barrie, Toronto and other
points after which they will take up
residence in Whitechureb. Mies Ped:
dle has ;l. host of friends in Wingham
who extend congratulations.
FARMERS -Bring your wool to T.
Fells, Butcher. You will get the
highest cash price.
LosT-Between Wingham and Mr,
Joseph Walker's residence, B line, a
pair of gold rimmed glasses. Finder
please leave same at 23 Edward St.,
Mies M. A. Scott. It
Wear Greer's Shoes and F•"tbbers.
To RENT -Three comfortable rooms
over Advance Office. Modern con-
venience3. Apply to C. N, Griffin. tf
A few barrels of good winter apples
for sale. ---Apply to D. McPherson.
NOTICE -All my notes are placed
with the Bank of Hamilton for collect-
ion. Payment can be made at the
Bank and proper receipt will be given.
t.f. D. Bell.
Carload of corn for sale at the
Grand Tiunk Station-Tipling & Mills.
NOTICE -I am prepared to again
keep lots in the cemetery in good shape
at the rate of $1 per lot for the sensor,
Ordera left with John F Groves, Town
Clerk, will be given prompt attention.
tf Roht. Deyell.
Farmers and Threeherwen-When
ove hauling your macinery try us for
repairs -shah's where we shine. E,
Merkley & son. tf
NOTICE -Any persons having ac-
counts against Wingham Patriotic
Fund are requested to hand them to
the Treasurer at once. Also all nn.
plid subscriptions twill be gladly re-
ceived as it is desired to close up the
books. --Abner Cosens, Treasurer, It
The Annual Union Farmerh' Inert-
Farm ole excursion Cothe Model1,a m at
Guelph will be run this year via (r. T.
R. on Saturday, J une 10 h. Special
train will leave Wingham at 7:30 a.m.
and return fare is $2 05. Tickets good
fir return on special train leaving
Gutlph at 7 p m„ or on any regular
train on following Monday. 2
Any person or persons under the hi -
fluence of i'quor loitering on my pre-
mises will be prnseeutrd.
lip FRED SCOTT, National Hotel,
This is to notify the 'Housewife that
Niagara PenitisulaGrownStrawberetes
are ready how. See your grocer for
your wants -THE "WILLIAMS" IS
orders immediately with your Grocer
asiimeet<4., ,..>L4a.A•irobae loi.a
First of July Cclebraiiol
namselitini rdaer
. ........_,..............................„,„....,„,........1
local Items
The rain of Senday and Monday
nights will bring the hay crop along
consider ably.
Turnberry District Loyal Orange
Assoc. held its semi-annual meeting in
Wingbam on Monday last,
The contract for the Turvey Drain
in Morris leas been jet to Mr. Jos,
Greenway of Wingham, for $1,273.50.
AMr, Richard Solomon whoehas been
employed in Teeswater for some time,
moved his household effects over on
We understand the Citizens Band
bas been engaged to furnish music for
the races in. Brussels on Wednesday.
June 23rd,
etentiet the Picture House, Wed. and
Thurs„ Juno 16th and 170h -"After
the Ball", one of the finest features
we have every shown. Don't miss
this one.
Contracts were let for sewers on
John and Minnie Streets to Greenway
and Guest and on Patrick Street to T.
J. McLean & Co.
Send the Advance to an absent`
friend,' it will be appreciated. From
now. until Jan. 1016 for only 40 cents:
It will have all the news.
Mr. J."H. Stephenson has purchased
from Mr. Thos. M. Henderson the
property on Diagonal Road, formerly
known as the Kent property.
While working in Bennett's planing
mill on Monday, Mr. Wm. Haney had
his arm cut by knife flying from one
of the machines. The wound was
dressed by Dr. Hambly.
Mr. W. F. Vanstone whom we re•
ported last week as not doing as well
as his friends would like to know of,.
is we are pleased to say getting on
very nicely and was removed from the
hospital to his home on 'Tuesday
Arthur D Strong, of Seaforth, was
arrested on information laid by Con-
stable Gundry of , Goderich, on a
charge of setting fire to his livery kern
at Seaforth on May 18.h. The case
was heard before Magistrate Rankin
of Seaforth and a remand of one week
was granted.
The Kincardine Review says -Miss
Wilson, nurse, of Wingham, who has
been attending Miss Jennie Walden,
Pine River, who underwent an oper-
ation for appendicitis, has returned to
her home in Wingham. Her many
friends will be glad to learn she is im-
proving, though slowly. • ._
Another Pioneer Gone
One of the pioneers of West Wawa -
nosh in the person of Thomas Mc -
Roberta aged 82 years, passed away
on Monday, 3 une 7th, at his home near
St. Helens. The funeral took place on
Wednesday to Dungannon cemetery.
A Rainbow at right
A number of our citizens saw a very.
large and distinct ruenbow in the sky
on Saturday night about 12 o'clock,
The stars were twinkling brightly on
either side of itt-No, the gentlemen
who saw it are among our best citizens
and do not indulge in spirituous
1 qucrs.
1.0. 0. P. District Meeting
John F. Groves, J, W. Dodd, John
Amebury, P. I3, Deans and W. B.
Elliott motored to Brussels on There -
defile attend the District meeting t.f
the I. 0. 0 P. There wee a good at-
tendance and matters of interest to
the order were discuseed. Bro,. Gavin
Davidson of Wroxeter was elected D.
D. G. M. for the coming year end
aro, J. W. Dodd was elected District
Wingham Girl Among Nurses.
Xeliss Jean McGillivl ay, graduate of
Evanston Hospital and a daug'eter of
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McGillivray,
Pleasant Valley, bas enlisted with the
Chicago unit which. recently Left for
England via the Awericam boat."Am•
sterdtem". A nurse is ranked as a
lieutenant and is salated` as such
British s"lildiers and officers, tee only
difference being that in answering,
the puree, instead of giving the
military salute, bows. tee
n .
Mus. ELI'/.AnEvli I'iewt= -
Mte. Elizabeth Fischer", nee Bloc m-
fi- Id, wife of Philip V. leiseher, ;fasted
away on Thuretlay morning of last
week et her home, 220 Dewor,h St.,
Philadelphia. after an illness of about
three weeks. She bad not been in
good health for some time, previous to
her last illness. She was well known
on the Mount, as she had not been a
resident here for the past 22 /earn:,
She was a number c.f the Episeopal
Church. She le survived by hoc hus-
band; her ftither and mother, Mr. and
Hire. John F Bloomfield; two o broths P
1 r,
Robert of Canada, and .lames 13loom-
ileld, and a sister, Mrs, John A. Vega',
Varietal services were held at her
late residence on Sunday afternoon,
with interment in the 'South Side
County Levy is Three and One -
Eighth Mills, including
War Tax.
The June session of the county coun-
cil was opened last Tuesday after-
noon, June 1st, Warden J. M. Goren
lock, Reeve -of McKillop, in the chair -
and all the councillors present.
The following communications were
received and referred to committees:
From the County of Peterboro ask-
ing co-operation in seeking legislation
allowing municipalities to assess min-
eral rights the same as other prop-
From J. H. McClinton, secretary of
the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock As-
sociation, asking for a grant.
From Public School Iaspeotore
Field and Torn aslting for an iuorease
in allowance for travelling expenses
from $350 to $450, on account of the
increased cost of hotel bills since the,
day of $1 hotels and on account of the
war tax which made postage higher.
They stated they spent 125 days in the
year travelling.
From the County of Oxford asking
co-operation in seeking legislation fix-
ing municipal elections every second
year, as one year was not enough for
the councillor to show what be could
do or for the people to judge of his
ability.. • -
From the County of Welland askiug
cooperation in batting the license fee
for foreign automobiles reduced one.
From Premier W. H. Hearst with
reference to Hydro•radials in Huron
County. The county seamed to occupy
a unique position, he wrote, and prob•
ably rrgltired special Legislation to
cover its case, He asked the council
to draft out what special legislation it
required and he would take up the
matter of having it passed.
From Mise Mary Duff, secretary of
the Bluevale Literary, So.ia1 and De-
bating Society, with copy of a resolu-
tion adopted by the Society that the
time had come for the appointment of
an agricultural representative for the
From A. Porter, treasurer of the
Patriotic fund, showing payments for
the county, with names and particu-
lars, of $3,463 86 during the five
months ending May 15th. At the
start there were twelve names on the
roll, and last month thirty-nine with
total payments of $899, The pay-
ments all came from the headquaters
at Ottawa, no money' raised locally
being distributed locally. Tbe pay-
ments by months being $270 50, $729.-
43, $081.93, $883 and $899.
From the County auditors reporting
treasurer's books and bond all right.
Receipts last year were $181,083 19, ex-
penditurest$184,092,26, overdraft $0 07.
The executive committee recommen-
ded that on account of the extra ex,
penditure this year no action be taker
with reference to the appointment of
a'dietriot Agricultural representative;
that no -action be taken as to petition
to have auto licenses reduced; that the.
memorial to have municipal elections
only once in two years be accepted;
that no action be taken with reference
to special legielation governing Hydro.,
radials in•.this country until the report
of the Hydro commission is received;
that no action be taken with reference
to the memorial asking for the privi-
leges for municipalities of assessing
mineral rights.
This was adopted.
Councillors J. W. Taylor and W. H.
Lobb moved that the county make a
grant of $1,000 towards securing a por-
table field kitchen for the' use of the
83.d regiment, provided that the
townsand townships
the county
supply tho balance of cath necessary
for the purchase cf the same. This
was referred to executive corn mittee.
Motions to build a bridge on the
bouudaiy between Huron and Perth
counties in the township of Howick, to
t epair the St. 3oseph'd bridge at once,
end the bridge at•Leeburn on the Lake
Road, were sent to road and bridge
A motion was referred to committee
favoring a grant to Bayfield library.
The Provincial Secretary wrote ask•
ing for a $2,500 deposit for enforce-
meet of the Canada Temperance Act
in the county of Huron: This was
sent to committee to look into the
proviefogs of the Act and snake sure
if the county was liable.
The following was the letter from
the Provincial Secretary :
"In pursuance of section 148 of the
Liquor Lieense Act of Coterie, the
Board of License Commissioners For
°ntatfo estimate that the sum of
$2,ti0) will be r1 gnired to pay the
expense of enforcing the Canada
Tt mperance Act is the County of
Huron for the year cortmebneing on
the 1+t day of May, 191:$, to the altb
day of April, 1010, b.,thdeysinclusive
Tne county council of said Couhty of
Huron is hereby net,fl.'d. to deposit
said sum of $2,500 to the credit of the
(Continued on page 6)
LA1toNT-vitt Kinlose on June 9th,
1:t maid Lamont of Turnberx'y, aged
00 Yeats.
Mrs, R, Vanstone bas been visiting
friends In Berlin for a few days.
Mr, Chas, Munroe and family drove
to Peterborough last week,
Mr. Morgan spent Sunday with
friende in Ripley.
Dr. McDonald of ancient, was a
visitor in town recently,
Mr. John Dick of Teeswater was a
visitor in town this week,
Mre. John Hewer visited with rela-
tives in Goderich this week.
Miss Margaret McTavish is visiting
with relatives in Ripley vicinity.
Mr. Wesley Ansley is spending his
vacation in Toronto and other points.
Mrs. J, B. Duffy attended the funer-
al of her etst" r, Mre. Earnest Box in
Seaforth on Tuesday.
e Me. John Matiiire and Mise J.
McDonald visited last week a, the
home of Mrs, Todd, Shuter St.,
Mre. C. R Copeland and family are
spending a few days with the fornter's
mother, Mrs. J. _W. Duncan at St
Marys. •
Dr. Geo. Rose of `Wingham, was
calling at the parental home. He
drives a Ford runabout and handles it
in good style -Brussels Post.
Capt. T. E. Robson, ex -M. P. P. of
London. was the guest oU his friend,
Mr. John Quirk on Tnesday. Mr.
Robson is clerk of the County of Mid-
R. Allen, J. W, Dodd, Jas. Ham-
ilton and H. B. Elliott are represent-
ing Court Maitland O.O.F. at the nigh
Court meeting at St. Oatheri.ee this
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sturdy and
family left Wingham this week for
Auburn where they will reside in fut.
ure, Mr. Sturdy having purchased a
splendid farm in -that vicinity.
Me. Leek Kennedy of Wingham,
was on Thursday lastin Clinton where
he has many old-time friends from
whom he always receives a cordial
greeting. He is just as optimistic as
of yore. -Clinton News•Record.
Mr. and Mrs. Dinsley and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Webb and daughter,
Vera, motored to Mitchell on Satur-
day where they were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. el cMannie. They also visited
friends in Seaforth before returning.
Card Of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Pilon desire to express
their thanks to the kind neighbors and
friends who so kindly extended their
syrdpatby in their sad bereavement.
A Trial Solicited
'For a nifty job .of any description
-Letterhead, Envelope, Programme,
Foldere, Invitation, Menu Cards, etc.
No delay. Two color work a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed -- THE .AD.
Auto Accident Near Listowel
When returning from ,London on
Friday last in an auto, Barry Steele,
president of the Mount For eta Ca^ria ge
Co., was seriously injured, and hie
brother John, manager of the com-
pany was killed, They bad jest sig•
nailed a wagon ahead of them when
one of the front wheels struck a
stick of wood and threw the car up-
side down in a ditch. Both men are
married and have families. The awn
dent occurred about a mile out of
Conductors Get New Runs
Owing to recent changes made on
some of the G. T. R. router., four Con-
ductors come he to Wingham now on
the 11.54 train. Conductor Muir of
London, formerly hed this run, where-
as now Conductors Wilson, Hill, Muir
and Whitemore, all run to Wingham.
Of course they do not all come in on
the same day. Harry Carson of Lon-
don, ie to take the place of Harry Fix -
ter as imaginer on the passenger train
and Mr,' Fixter takes the freight run,
the cbange to take place on Monday.
acrosse Match.
the seas.
The fleet lacrosse match of
on to be played in Winghatn resulted
n the local bays winning front Han-
over on Friday evening by a score of
9-5. While the game Could not be
called fast, there were some ve y gocd
plays made on both sidee. The Wing-
bam boys ate all workers and from
the present aspect should be the win.
ners of group $ of the 0. A L. A, The
line ups
HANOVEtt Wletetn.;,t
Et Henning goal c Knecthel
Esch point Anderson
W. Henning cover 0 McLean
Zimmerman let defence Hoitbes
Leask 2addefence Rae kine
Pink centre Fetterly
fiendub 2 rd home VanWyck
Ries .1st Rome Elliott
Deena , O. S. Scutt
Zinn I. S. Dawkins
Mr, W, I1, Gurney n3ade a very
satisfactory referee, I
mo Sauderton
took Scott's place in the lat;t quarter.
The buys are grateful to the citiz-ns
for turning nut to assist them so welt
in this their fleet home game. The
next game to be played here Is on
Wednesday, June 23 •d between St,
\larys and Mogi:a;n.
• 1A'
Subscriptions: ;1.00 per year.
Oply two weeke from to -day (Thugs.
day) and Wingham will see (weather
permitting) the biggest celebration in
Its history. Tbe help of every citizen
Is asked and the committee le hoping
that when the day Is over there will
be none who can say (in fact they will
not be able to do so truthfully) "they
never have anything good in Wing -
ham," The day will start with a big
parade and good prizas will be given
for auto outfits-Calathumpions-bicy-
ale fix -ups, etc. Immediately after
the paradeto the grounds Madame De
Vonda will give a balloon ascension
and this will be followed by a base-
ball match: Clinton ve. Wingham.
Two games will" be played between
these two teams for the championship
of Huron County. One will be played
in the morning the other in the after.
noon. All public school children no
matter from where they come will be
admitted to the grounds in the MOM -
lug for 5 cents. In the afternoon the
programme will begin with a grand
lacrosse match between the "Six
Nation Onandago Indians" and "Tho
Huron Oaks of Wingham." This will
be followed by "A Baby Show" in
which all the babies -"under" 18
months will be eligeable. Every in-
fant will get a prize, For instance J.
W. McKibben will give a box of Rex -
all Talcum powder to every infant
competing and several wholesale
houses out of town are expected to
give every baby a present "worth
while," Besides this, good firat, sec-
ond and third prizes will be given by
the committee. ' Tbie part of the pro-
gramme will be followed by the bal-
loon ascension by Madame De Vonda
in which she will give for the • first
time in Canada her new "thriller" the
double parachute drop. Clinton and
Wingham will then play the final
game of baseball for the championship
of Huron County. In the evening -
Listowel and Wingham will play foot-
ball followed by a promenade concert
by the Kincardine P p 3 and Wingham
Brass bands: and then the grand Clos-
ing display, of fireworks concluding
with a "Set -piece of the Union Jack
in its natural colors." Never was such
a programme before presented to the
people of Wingham and surrounding
Decorated automobiles; prizes will
he as follows: 1st prize $10, 2ad $5,
3rd $3,
Bicycle prizes will be lis follows: let
prize $2, 2nd $1.
Calathumpion prizes: let $5, 2ad $3.
The chairman of the parade commit-
tee is L, F. Binkley and he has in his
possession many novel and new ideas
regarding the decorating of any of the
above, See him right away as the
committee wants to make this parade
something out of the ordinary, and
the) are powerless without the aid of
the citizens.
Tenders for booth privileges will be
received,by the Secy.,, W. H. Willie,
up to Saturday the 26th.
The other members of the commit-
tee are; L. Kennedy, PreP.; W, H.
Gurney, Vice -Pres.; L. F. Binkley,
Mgr.; W. Rintoul, P. Deans, J Hanna,
R. A. Currie, H. McLean, and Robt:
King. See any of these for any in-
formation you may desire.
Rendered by the Wingham Citizens
Band, Friday, June 18, 1915,
1. -March Hume
,, O. H. M. S.
2 -Waltz, Rolfe
Heart Murmurs
3 -Selection.... .... . Binding
A Life on the 'Ocean
4 -Set anado Rosenkans
In St;irlight. Vale
5 -Descriptive Lafferty
The Haunted House
6=•March Dean
Waggon Hill
7 --March Hayes
8 -Patriotic Airs
9 -Selection . .Sullivan
H. M. S. Pier. o'ore
10 -Waltz Myers
11-Marob . . ... . Hayr s
Mei rimae
T. R. Willie, Con.
The Glorious Twelfth
L 0. L. No. 701 are holdings great
0 sage demenetration ie Wingbam on
4tonday, July I2th. Addressee will be
delivered by A. W. Wrigbt, of Toron-
to, Pest Ouunty Master of Lincoln; A.
H. ;liuegrove, M P. 1. and other pro -
:Anent brethren of the order. Besse
Bands, Fife and Drum Bands. High-
land Pipers and Drummers will fun
nigh music throughout the entire day.
Freer the large nutpher of answers 81'
reaa3y riceivt rl, end the numerous in-
t etch ' r
tj series wb ere being made, the.
committee feel th•et this will be a ban-
ner day in Lite history of Orengeism.
Ample op toinndat%on is being provided
for all who may comet You Are Dors
dially invited to be with use and spend
the day under the beautiful 'maples in
the thriving town of Wingbatn.
Mrs. Aitcheson received the follow.
Ing letter from Nee 5 Stationary Hos.
pital, France, in which her son Pte.
Aitchesonbas been since he was badly
wounded in the side by an exploding
B. Sootier), No. 5,
Stationary Hospital,
Abberviile, France,
May 30, 1915.
Dear Madam; -
As chaplain in the above Hospital,
I am writing for your son, who has
come in wounded, He is seriously but
not dangerouely wounded in the aide
with shrapnel. They have not yet got
the pieces out but he is easier now, he
is in bed. He had a bad time with
others getting down from the front,
Pte. Aitcheeon is lying in No. 5
Stationary H'spital,Abbeville,France,
suffering from serious wounds inflicted
by an exploding shell. '
passing- through two field Hospitals
and 30 hours on the train. He got his
wound in going to help a wcunded
comrade who had beeid knocked over
by a shell and another came along and
exploded in the same place and wound-
ed your son. Ile hopes soon to be able
to write himself, I hope he will make
a rapid and complete recovery.
Yours very truly
Rev. H. 3, Watney, C. F.
P. S. -He sends you his love and says
don't worry.
We all hope Pte. Aitcheson will soon
regain strength.
The following letter was received by
Town' clerk, J. F. Groves, from his
son, Pte. Fred Groves, who Wing-
hamites in general will be pleased to
learn is recovering,
Huvingham Hall,
ilovingham, Yorkshire,
May 30th, 1015
'Dear Dad: -Received your letter
dated April Sth, and was glad to hear
from you. Well I am not doing too
bad, I expect to, have a bullet removed
in the course of a few days. It is just
under the skin and can be felt quite
dietinotly. I:.,does not pain me much
but the doctor fears that it may cause
trouble later on and has advised me
to have it extracted. I do not know
how much tenger I will have to stay
here but expect it will be two or three
weeks more anyway. The place we
are in is owned by Sir W. Worsley
and is certainly a very nice building
so far as I have seen. I have been out
for several car rides and enjoyed them
very much as this is a very nice part
Of the country and on one of my drives
into the country about five miles from
here I saw an historic old church
which was [used at the time when
they fought 'their battles with bow
and arrow and there are great nicks
io the walls made by the soldiers
eharpening their arrow -heads on the
stone. The patients who are able to
Walk are often invited out for tea.
The nurses are all ladies, one of them.
is called Leiy Hensley so you will
knot(' it is a pr e'ty good place, the
only fault I have to fled is that the
pay -mestere do not come to the hoepi
tate and we cannot get any money
Until we go back to Landon:
Have you heard how Will Haylee in
getting Reedy?
Well i guess I Fill close now with
love to all,
Your loving son,
Me. Clroves reeeivt d woad on Teas"
day freta bis brother, W. F, proves,
formerly of Witgehsm, now principal
of 'Veteran Suheol, Toronto, that his
youngest eon, A. ti's'. Gloves, has en-
listed for foreign service and is now
training at Niagara.
'1'11u AI \ ANt•r: frnm nosy until the
end of the year for 40 cents.
(( church 11ews
Subjects; Morning Service, "Studies
in Romans, Election, Equipment and
Evening: A special young peoples
Service, Reading on "The Old, Old
Story". Sermon Subject, "The Old,
Old Story,"
A, 0, Riley.
The Cottage Prayer Meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. D. MpTavisb,
Leopold Sreet, Thursday evening at 8
The Cottage Prayer Meeting o n
Monday evening will be held at the
home of Mr, Thomas Miller, Pleasant
Regular services will be held next
Lord'., D,>.y at 11. a.m, and 7 p.m. The
pastor Rev. J.'.W, Hibbert will preach
at both services. The subject for the
morning will be "Fishers of Men".
and as next Sabbath is Father's Day
the evening subject will be "A Father's
Influence". Everyone welcome.
Tho members of the A. Y. P. A. and
the Tt ambers and Officers of St. Paul'u
Sunday S:hool are requested to attend
it meeting itt the Surday School room
on Monday evening, June 21st at 7:30
Patriotic Notes
The canvass arranged for Thursday
last was carried out very sueccessfully.
Tne citizens responded cheerfully, a
number sending in vtluntary contri-
butions. The amount realized was
slightly in excess of the Two Hundred
Dollars promised as Wingham's share
towards the Field Kitchen for the
Donations for cotton have been re-
ceived -as follows:
From Mt'A'-MRiaxwell $140
" " Bone 10 yds.
J. Patterson
A. Homuth 10 "
" Jae. Cummings .:
Wm. Fields • 10 "
5 "
5 1,
5 '"
Old and new cotton is still in de-
mand. Let each and every one do hie
or her share so that our soldier's may-
be well cared for after the tattles.
Additional amounts received for our
treasury are ten dollars from the Girls'
Athletic Society of the Wingham
High School and from Mr, A. Fleming
one dollar.
en Exaggerated Report
A very much exaggerated report
has been circulated regarding diphth-
eria in Wingham, Wo receivedta
statement from Dr. Redmond, medical
health cfficer, to the effect that there
is only about half a dozen cases of a
very shied diphtheria and they are all
under control. No cases have develop-
ed since last Friday. The quartine
will in most caees be lifted in a few
Listowel Races
The Listowel Driving Association
ate making every arrangement for a
big three day rale meet there on July
6, 7, and 8. The following events will
take place: July 6-2,30 pace, $400;
2 30 trot, $100; 211 pace, $400. July
7-214 pace, $400; 2 24 trot, $400; 2.18
pace, $400."' July 8-2 22 pace, $100'
214 trot, $100; free for all $100.
Horses are eligible June 21, eotriee
close June 30, The Listowel track is
one of the best in the province and as
a number of fast horses will take part
an excellent assured.
el nt race meet is assn e ,
'Special Meeting of Council
A special meeting of the town coun-
cil was held in the Council Chamber
on Tuesday evening. All members
present with the exception of Comas.
Bell and Binkley. The matter of fix-
ing the pavement on Josephine Street
was thoroughly discussed and I ai d
over for further consideration.
petition signed byAa number
payers was read, asking for a sidewalk
MI John street from Carling Terrace to
the eastern end. It was decided to lay
the matter over until next year, owing
to the stringency of money at present.
A letter of condolence was sent to
Councillor David Bell now at Graven -
horst Sanitarium.
Lacrosse Schedule
The following le schedule drawn tip
for District No. 3 of the 0. A. L. A.
June 12 St. Marys at London
" 16 Wingham et St. Marla
" 23 St. Marys at Wingham
Goderich tet London
July 1 London et Sit. Marys
" 3 Wingham at London
1. 7 Winghatn at St. Marys
11 St,. Marysat reeidon
Goderich at Wingham
St. Marys at Goderich
Loudon at Wingbam
Lyndon at 9a. Marys
Wiegbant at Goderich
Aug. 4 Goderich at St. Marys
" Wingham et London
" 11 London at Goderich
S. Marys at Wingham
" le Landon at Wingham
Feel as Though You could
Hardly Co?
These are symptoms of sluggish
blood, blood that is not circulat=
ipg right..
Are you pale and anemic? This is
caused by the blood not properly
nourishing the cells of the body.
Have you pimples or boils? They
are the result of the blood failing
to do its duty of carrying away
waste material from the cells,
It you have any of the above corn'
plaints do not suffer. Try a Bottle
"REXALL Celery and Iron Tonic"
We know what it will do.
We have seen the results.
A large bottle $1.00
If it should not give you satisfact-
ion we will refund you your money
J. W. McKibbon
The' �r "Sab�"l�Ij
Summer Shoes
For Little Folks
Sandals are getting more and
mere popular every year for child-
ren's Summer wear and they cer-
tainly do deserve their popularity.
They ars cool and comfortable and
give the youngster a foot -freedom
that is almost equal to going bare-
foot, but which is far neater, and
at the same time prevents cuts and
other injuries. '
Get Them Here
'We have a ver y large assortment
of sandals and other types of
children's .footwear at the most
moderate prices.
Bring the young ones in and let
us show you how well prepared we
are to fill your needs in the child-
ren's section, Our values are Ex-
CEPTIONALLY attractive just now.
IGraduate ofCanadianEmbalmers
We carr aand first-
large r .
class stock of g
A large stook of everything
found in a modern furniturestore
Store Pb.- n + 51 Residence 155
i nti la
1f yon want to secure the lowest
price of the year, buy YOMI win-
ter coal now.
If yon want good service along
with the beet coal mined, let tug
611 yant• bin with Genuine 1). L.
St W. Co.'s Scranton which has no
Call at our office and get our
prices for everything in the fuel
J. A. McLean
Lumber, Coal S Wood
Office Phone 64a. 111111
Phone 64
Residence Phone'M.
RPxall Orderless keen the besIrela
regular and health'+. Their entlott is
and reo. x atonly JMeletsen, Rental
LOG, 251 and GOe boxed.