HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-06-10, Page 1•
Thr Orkin
Subscriptions: $1,00 per year,
The following postcard was received
from Pte, Erma. Copeland, by h is
brother, Mr, A. K. Copeland of town;
Dear Brother;--•
I leave Reeve tomorrow, May 26
to retain my company, this being just
one month from the time I was wound-
ed. • Am in perfect health. Trusting
in Providence, I go forward at duty's
call with a light heart, saddened only
by the lose of some of my best com-
rades. We are out to win.
Best wishes from Erin.
We can assure Pte. Copeland that
everyone in Wingham wishes him
success and a safe return at the end of
the conflict.
Pte. Groves is a son of 3, P. Groves.
town clerk, and is very popular in
Wingham. Ile is one of the list of
the brace Canadians who was wound-
ed in the tattle of Langemarck and is
now recovering nicely in aRed Cross
Hospital at Hovingham Hall in York-
shire, England.
Wear Greer's Stioes and 1'Webers.
Let us do your machine work and
general Repairing and you will have
no regrete.-E. Merkiey'& Son Wing -
frame house on Minnie St.; 9 rooms,
hard and soft water, good garden. -
Apply at the Advance Office. tfc
To RENT -Three comfortable rooms
over Advance Office. Modern con-
veniences. Apply to 0. N. Griffin. tf
Rexall Druggists, everywhere, sell
and guarantee Rexall Orderlies as a
safe and gentle laxative. 3 W Mc-
Kibbon, The Rexall Store, 10c, 25e &
Mt boxes.
We are buying' butter and egge.
We do not cull your eggs "except for
Totts and held stock. -Wm. Davies
Co. "tf
Cleaning and Pressing done prompt
ly and well. -0. Templeman, John St -
A few barrels of good winter apples
for eale.-Apply to D. McPherson. •
NOTICE -All my notes are placed
with the Bank of Hamilton forcollect-
ion. Psyment can be made at the
Bank and proper receipt will be given.
D. Bell.
Carload of corn for sale at the
Grand Trunk Station--Tipling & Mills.
WArernn-Organist and Choir Lead-
er for St. Paul's Church, Wingham.
Aofreceived uptothe fir
et r r h fist
1uly. Apply to Rev. E. G. Dymond. 3t
NoTxcE-I am prepared to again
keep lots in the cemetery in good shape
at the rate of $1 per lot for the season,
Ordera left with John F Groves, Town
Clerk, will be given prompt attention.
tf Roht, Deyell,
We have extra good examples of all
inds of eeed corn. Dents, (Whitecap,
earning, Bailey, Wisconsin No, 7 and
Southern Sweet.) Frints (Comptoe's
Early, North Dakota, King Philip.)
We also have all kinds of mange) seed,
Rowson & Brocklebauk.
Farmers and Threehermen-When
overbauling your macinery try us for
repairs -that's where we shine. E.
Mer•kley & son. tf
The Annual union Farmers,' Insti-
tute excursion to the Model Farm at
Guelph will be run this year via G. T.
R. on Saturday, June 19.h. Special
train will leave Wingham at 7:30 a.m.
and return fare ie $2.0.1. Ttekets good
for return on special train leaving
Gur 1ph at 7 p m„ or on any regular
train on following Monday, 2
Choir Leader Wanted.
Applications will be received by the
undeteianed up to 0 p.m , Tuesday,
June 15, 1915, for the position of Choir
Leader of the Methodist Church,
Wingbam, Applicants to state sal-
ary per year,
i?t W. J. GniiM, See. of Com.
Grain Tendera %toted,
Tenders will be reeelited up to 8 pan
on Monday, June 14 h, at the Town-
chip Hall for the digging of the BnF.
man Drain in the Township of Morrie.
Plane and specifications can be seen at
the r Mee of the undersigned. s The
loweet or any tender not neceseatily
1t A, riicEswlLx, Tp. Ole. k, i3 luevale
ra„a a.L.++tw.+.r...r .
Big lover slabs assts for
Dr, W. J, Roe has returned to Phil--
Mr, W. 3, Greer is away on a short
holiday trip,
Mrs. T, S. Brandon is visiting friends
in St. Marys.
Mr, and Mre. Dudley Holmes visited
l'n Toronto this week,
Mise N. Dinsley is home for the
summer from Detroit.
Mr. 0. V. Hayden visited in Walk.
erton over Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, D. Bell left for Gra.
venburst on Monday.
Councillor Horsey of Bly+b, was a
caller in town last week,
Chas. Cook and family visitel at J.
King's near Etbel over Sunday.
An'auto load of Wingham) es spent
Sunday in Goderich by the lake.
Mr. A, Pullen, 83rd Battalhon, visit-
ed for a few+days at his home here.
^ Pte. Harry Bayles, 33^d Battallion,
visited his familVn• town on Saturday,
Mrs. R, Foster, of Missouri, is here
on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Mist;•Dell Mitchell is atteuding the
closing exerciees at Alma College, St'
Dr. Whitley and W. A. Irwin, mot,
ored from Wroxeter to . Wingham on
Miss Floe Fleuty spent the weekend
with her sister, Mrs. E, D. Shackle.
ton, in Ashfield.
Mr. Spence Currie left for Mansfield,
Ohio, on Friday, where he has secured
a good position.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maines visited
the former's sister, Mrs. G. Haines,
Dungannon, over Sunday.
Mr. John Agnew is spending a few
weeks with his three sons, Drs. Will,
James and John, in Ohio.
Mrs, John Pattison of Clifton, Kan.
sas, has returned home after attending
the funeral of her parents.
Mre, Mitchell of Clinton, has return-
ed home after spending a week with
her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, King were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hasenflug at
Teeswater, one evening last week.
W. F. Vanstone. We are sorry to re•
port that Mr. Vanstone is not improv-
ing as rapidly as his friends would like,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tindall and Mr,
and Mrs. Alberhart autoed from Sea -
forth on Friday, and spent the day
with Mr. and Mre, Tindall.
Mrs, Edwin Lownsbury, and Mre.'
Joseph A. Eckley, of Philadelphia, are
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Scott,
Mr. Sid Scroggs, representative of
the Cluxton Music House, Toronto,
spent the week -end with his friend,
Mr. W. T. Willis.
Messrs Swarts, Debbie, Mille Geddes
and Gillespie attended the Kincardine
Races on June 3rd„ and report them
exceptionally good this year.
Mr. and Mre. J. H. Chapman and
Mre. H. P. Chapman and Miss F, A.
Chapman, . of Ripley, motored to
Wingham on Sunday, and were the
guests of Mr. and Mre. Richard Solom-
on. ,
Youbg Life Ended.
The sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to Mr. and Mee.
A. Piton, in the death of their second
daughter, Paula, which occurred at
their home on Saturday afternoon.
Paula, who was only eight years of
age, was a bright little girl, beloved by
all her school mates.
Will Serve Ginner on 12th.
At a joint meeting of the Executive
Committee of the A. Y. P. A. and a
Committee from St. Paul's Sunday
School held last night at the home of
the President of the A, Y, P A., Mr.
Harold Deem, a motion was unani-
mously carried to hold a dinner on the
12th of July in the basement of the',
Church. After the business had been
dealt with a social time was much en-
joyed by ell present.
The Band Concert.
The Band Concert in the park on
Friday evening drew just as large a
crowd as did the firet one, Wingham
has an excellent land and the citizens
appreciate it. The music which they
play at these concerts is as good :is in
any of the large cities. One thing
which we might mention is the noise
people thoughtlesely make, which de-
tr acts from the pleasure of listening to
the music. Let us all try and give a
little better attention sas as to encour-
age the player°.
Greenlee Ladies' Baseball
Beti4een thirty and forty g i r 1 e
mostly employers of the Pringle Glove
Worker met on Monday evening at
the home of Mr. le. J. Cantelon and
organized a baseball club. They didn't
do the roan some of the boys•doenher,
for as sono its they organized they got
busy and are practising every eveting,
Mise May Centelon watt elected Capt.
and Miss Mettle Calvert Ss&.y.trcas.
This klub will be open for engage ments
on and after July 1 t , and the town
league team vei11 have to do conrilder.
able practicing if they purpose holding
the championship,
The Town Couucil met in the
Council Chamber on Monday evening.
Mayor Irwin in the cbair. AU mem
bers were preeent with the exception
of David Bell, Minutes of last meet-
ing were read and approved,
Two deputatioue awaited on the
Council. One composed of H, Hine'
cliffe and John Hewer presenting the
annual report of the Citizens' Band,
which. showed a very creditable bal-
ance in the bank, also uniforms,
mpoic, etc,, .to the value of $720.35,
and instruments valued at $658 25
Moved by Councillors, VanNorman
and Binkley that the statement of the
Band be received, -carried. The other
deputation was from the Dominion
Day sports committee, asking that
the Council provide a fence for the
park, to be put up on days when
games were being ulayed to which an
admission fee is charged. Mr, W. H.
Gurney in bringing the matter before
the Council explained clearly the kind
of a fence which would be made of
canvass and snapped on to wiree,
possibly heavier wires than the ones
at present used around the pack.
The fence would be good for 8 or 10
years if properly taken care of. The
town is always benefitted financially
by holding a celebration and the
advertising derived thereby is of
benefit also. Moved by Councillor
VanNorgnan, seconded by Councillor
Patterson that the matter of a fence
be left in the hands of the property
committee, and they to report to the
Council as soon as possible -carried.
Moved by Councillors Binkley and
VanNorman that this Council do
grant permission to the Dominion Day
Committee to use the park for their
sports on July lst-carried.
A Oommunication was read from
the Berlin Board of Trade asking that
Wingham Council do forward a reso-
solution to the Provincial Government
that any and all ex -service men who
may return from the war receive
employment at whatever work is
available aid'to which they are best
Moved by Reeve Mitchell, seconded
by Councillor Crawford that this
communication and also another
which was read with regard to the
disposition of profits for public utilties
be played in the hands of tbe executive
committee to report at the next meet•
ing of the Council.
A Communication from the Provinc-
al Association of Fire Chiefs was read,
requeeting that the Council send a
representative to attend their
annual meeting at Kingston. Matter
referred to the Fire Committee.
After a communication from Mr.
Newman of Toronto, regarding the
charging of licenses to theatrical com-
panies performing in towns was read.
Council deoided on motion of Coun-
cillors Binkley and VanNorman to
raise the fee for theatrical companies
(Continued on rage 8 )
Success Won by Graduates
of Wingham High School
J. Clarence Wilson and 3. Earl Por-
ter have graduated with honors as
Civil Engineers, and Ricbard H. Lloyd
with honors as a Mechanical Engineer
from the School of Practical Science,
Toronto. '
et,J, W. Ansley has graduated from
Toronto University with the degree of
B. A. as a Specialist in Science, win-
ning the medal given by Victoria
College for the highest standing in the
course. )t.
Fred Homuth has been graduated in
Pharmacy from Toronto,
Roy Stackhouse bas graduated in
Medicine from Queens U n i v e r e i t y,
Clifford Treleaven bas gained the
degree of M. A. from Toronto Univer-
The following have passed their re-
spective Examinations as indicated,
Gordon Sheill, Std, year, Medicine:
London; Herbert Dobson, 3rd.year,
Science, Toronto; Peter Men wan, 3rd.
• year, Forrestry, Toronto; Wni. Mt ffat,
2nd. year, Science, Toronto; Adam
Iebister, 2nd. year, Arts, Toronto; IrI-
ma Kennedy, 2nd. year, Medicine,
Toronto; John Dickson, 2.rd, year,
Analytical Cliemibtry, Toronto; Carter
McKee, 1st: yrs"., Artts, Queens Mow -
ton; Tennyson Glanville, 1. t year, Law,
Edmonton; Gretta Kennedy, let. year,
Household Science, Toronto; Gcrdon
Gable, 1st. year, Chemical Engineer-
ing, Toronto; Efgin Currie, let, year,
Science, Toronto; Wilson Geddes, let
year, Mathematics, Toronto, vvinnirg
the A. A Fulton Scholarship for high-
est standing; Stet' a t Melterohe', let.
year, Political Science, Qaeen'e Kibgs-
tont Fred Calvin, lit year, Dentistry
Toronto; 'Wilfred Anderson, lst. year,
Political Science, Toronto; Clarence
Spence, 1 t. year, Medicine, Toronto;
Williams Connell, lit. year, Medicine,
Wm, Buchanan, peter Muir. George
Muir, Gladys Spindler, Muriel Duncan.
Verna McLaughlin, Nellie Nieholls,
have graduated as P. S. Teachers from
the Faculty of Education, Toronto
University, those over 21 y,a'e Of age
being also awardrd te certificate as
assistant in High Schoote Harty
Green lids been awarded tc certificate
as Specialist In Sclence from the Fee
ulty of Eiucation, ('leered University.
James Bowman, M. P., and A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., deliver
eloquent speeches to an exceptionally large and
enthusiastic gathering at Wingham.
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal -Conservative Associat-
ion was held in the town hall, Wing -
ham, on Tuesday afternoon, June 81b.
Considering the fact that it was just
held for the purpose of organization
and election of officers, and not for
the nomination of a candidate, the
turnout of delegates was beyond all
expectations, It was a joint meeting
inasmuch that it had been called to
organize for both Provincial and Do-
minion purposes, thus saving time and
expense of calling two sera"ate meet-
ings. The chairman of the Dominion
riding, Peter W. Scott, called the
meeting to older and after giving a
brief outline of the reason for the
meeting being held, proceeded with
the election of officers for the ensuing
year for the Dominion which resulted
as followt:-
Hon. Pres.- Wm, Campbell, Goder-
President -Peter W.Scott, Belgrave
tat Vice Pres. -Matthew Lockhart,
2nd Vice Pres. J. A. Mallougb,
3rd Vice Pree.--Dr.Armetrong, Geo
Secretary -H. J. A. McEwen, God-
Treasurer -Dudley Holmes, Wing -
The chairman of the different muni-
cipalities were also appointed viz:
Ashfield -Jas. Alton, Belfast.
Colborne -A. J. Goldthrope, Sea -
West Wawanosh-Robt. Medd, Au-
East Wawanosh-J. E. Ellis, Blyth.
Morris -Richard Proctor, Brussels.
Turnberry-Robt. Musgrove, Blue -
Howick-John Dane, Wroxeter.
Wroxeter -Fred Davey, Wroxexer,
Brussels -Alfred Baeker.
Blyth -Jos. Carter.
Goderich-Mayor Reid.
Wingham-Dr. Redmond.
Grey -George McCalI, Ethei.
When the officers for the Dominion
riding had all been selected President
Scott and Secy. McEwen gave way to
the Provincial officers: President, Dr.
Redmond and Secy. J. Walton Mc-
Kibbon, and the electing of the of-
ficers for the Provincial riding result
ed as follows:
President -Dr. Redmond, yeingham
1st Vice Pres. -John Dane,Wroxeter
2nd Vice Pres. -Dr. Armstrong,
Secy. -W. J. Greer, Wingham
Treasurer -J. Walton McKibbon,
Mr. Meleibbon who was secretary
last year asked that he be released
from that position owing to ill health,
and was elected treasurer. Tee retir-
ing treasurer, Mr. D.Bell being unable
to accept the office owing to prolonged
Movedby Mr. Lockhart, seconded
by Mr. Mines that the seeret
arY be in-
structed to send a letter ex:rin ling
sympathy to Mr. Bell and family from
the North Huron Liberal•Censervat-
ive Convention, -Carried.
The following gentlemen were elect-
ed chairman of the differeut polling
sub -divisions:- •
Ashfield No. 1-T. G. Allen, Dungan -
2 -Jae. Alton, Belfast,
3-R. T. Andrew, Lucknow. •
4-W. B Hawkins, Pt.Albert.
5-M. Dalton, Kintait.
6 -Den Rosp, Lochalsh,
7-R Hamilton, Lochalsh.
Blyth No. 1 -Jos, Stothers.
2 -Hy. Horrey.
Rowick No. 1 -Wm. Ci awford. Del
2- Jno. Montgomery, Clifford.
3-• W H. Gregg,Gorrie.
4-G. Wade, Fordwicb.
5-T. 0. Johnston, Gorrie.
6 -John W, Spence, Newbridge.
'runit etry 1 -Wen, Cruickshank,
2-R. Musgrove, Bluevale.
3-W. A. Mines, Wroxeter.
4-Jno. Mulvey, Delmore.
Morrie 1 -Wm Pollock, 13'yth,
2 --Geo. Kelly, Walton.
3-R. McMurray, Bt na-els.
4 -Wm. Smith, Brussels.
5-Abrani Proctor, Bruser•le.
0Johnston, Bluevale.
East Wawanash 1 -Fred Toll, Myth.
2 --Jnr, S. Scott. Ilelgrave.
3--J. J. Kerr, Wingham.
4 --Sam 'McBurney, Wingb.:rn.
G --George Sturdy, Auburn.
West Wawanosh 1 -Jos, efallougb,
2 -Ed. Johnston, Arthur's,
3 -Sam Johnston, i3elgrave..
4--•t1, 11. Anderson, Lucknow.
5--Wallaee M,ller, Lockout,.
Wroxeter-•-1"red Dater.
Wingham 1 -Charles I3,a►ber,
2-W. P. Vanstene.
3---A. M. Fr rlieb.
4•--1». A. J trti'ir.
5 --;ilex, Porter. -
Mr, Scott, president of theDominion
Association then took the chair and
appointed as a committee to frame re-
solutions, George Spotton, Matthew
Lockhart and el, Dane. Mr. James
Bowman, M, P. was then called on and
on rising impressed ,upon all the ur-
gent need of a thorough organization.
He then gave a very clear and com-
plete explanation of Dominion issues.
Me, Bowman was followed by Mr.
A. H. Musgrove, who, in a clear and
stirring speech devoted a abort time
to provincial issues. He expressed his
great pleasure to know that the one
mill on the dollar levied by the Pro-
vincial Legislature was to be devoted
to such humane purposes, as the
equipment of a base hospital where
our Canadians wounded in the trench.
es and or; the field of battle would be
properly cared for, He objeeted eery
strongly to certain parties in the
County passing over the heads of the
regularly elected representatives, who
were responsible to the people, and
attempting to have certain appoint-
ment made. The meeting very•strong-
ly approved•,of'his remarks.
The following resolutions were ura-
nimously and enthueiatically carried:
Resolved that the Liberal Conserva-
tive Association of North Huron in
convention assembled desires to record
its entire confidence in the Adminis-
tration headed by Sir. Robert Borden.
When our motherland was again
called to fight for freedom and civiliz-
ation, we rr'joiced that Canada's Prime
Minister, without being forced b y
public sentiment, acted upon hie of t -
repeated phrase that .`when Britain is
at war Canada is at war", and gave
freely of our country's material re-
sources and young manhood. When
two members of the Commons did less
than their duty we were proud that
Sir Robert was strong enough to de-
nounce their actions and read them
out of the party, thus setting a new
standard of political purity in the
public life of Canada, this was in con-
trast to a former Prime Minister who
condoned by saying there was a black
sheep in every flock, In this time of
strain and stress, Canada is proud to
have an Imperial Statesman of such
rugged honesty and undying devotion
to tbe motherland as Sir Robert Bor-
We also desire to express our admir-
ation of the driving force, energy and
exec it ti v e ability of Major-General
Hughes in mobilizing our Canadian
troops who have since covered them-
selves with glory and placed Canada
in the Honor Roll of nations. Great
crisis have ever brought forth great
men and we believe that no man in
either party in Canada could have
done better than has our Minister
of Militia. In closing we wish to en-
dorse the business like administration
in their legislation which was thwart-
ed at the bidding of the Opposition
Leader by a servile and partisan
senate. In abort, confidence in the
Borden Administration is such that
we individually pledge ourselves to do
everything in our power to elect a
Liberal Conservative member for the
new riding of North Huron.
Moved by Geo. Spotton,
Seconded by Matt. Lochart.
We the Conservatives of No r t
Huron in convention assembled, de-
sire to express our deep sorrow at the
death of the late lamented prime min-
ister of Ontario, Sir James Whitney,
who proved in his life and in his dyingin
sicknessthat he was
"bold coongb to
be honest, and honest enou:,h to be
bold", We believe his work teas fallen
upon a good and worthy successor in
the person of W. H. Hearet, the pres-
ent Premier ni Ontario.
We heat tily endorse the general
policy of the Government, and we
commend the Gov. in its firm adher-
sion to t.be enforcement of Rule 17 in
regard to Belingual schools,
v'that the n l'
Believing E iah tan ua e Is
Strongerfeythan hosts of war g
That marsh with, files unfurled,
Ir goes with Mind and Faith and Hope
To rouse and rule the wo' ld,
M. Lockhart.
M. Dane.
Confidence was expressed in both
members, Mr, James Bowman, M. P.,
and Mr. A. H. Maegrove, M. P.P., and
the meeting pledged' the eiselves to
support them aria the Governments
for which they are members,
Moved by Mr. Musgrove and
seconded by Mr. leoiejaan that the
secretary be instructed to convey the
sympathy of this, the North Huron
Oonservative Associatpon to the family
of Mr. W, F. VanStone who lies at
present in a. critical condition in the
Wingham Hospital -carried.
After shortspeechee were made by
Mr. Naftel, editor of the Goderich
Star and Reeve Joynt of Lucknoty,
proprietor of the Wingham Advance,
the meeting closed with cheers for
King George V, Sit Robert Borden
and Hon. W. 11. Hearst.
Field Crop Compititioa '
The following are thnse who have
entered the Standing ltield Crop Com-
petition in 13ocelek Tp. for this years
Jos. Davidson, Fordwicb; Ed. ltrOhn,
Gort ie; ll, W. It igar, Garrk'; tlarvey
Snarling. Gorr•i's Wm. Brown Sr.,
Garth; Set•. Z.ibrigg, Gorrie;
Derutnerling, Listoarel; Cbas. Dickey t#
()orris; ItiehardWilkin, Palmerston;
Alex. MrLanghlin, Gorrie; W. II,
Brawn, Fordwict ; A. W. Kiel, Gerrit;
I3, J, Sanderson, Fordtt+icb; Jas. Wt
Elgar, Gerrie.
local Items
4►h�r w.nv++vw vw.�nMn�w W w�
June is the month to kill weeds,
Mr. John, Oloakey of town is serious-,
ly 111,
Ontario has appropiated $120,000 for
.Belgian relief.
The W. 0, T, U, will meet to -day
(Thursday) at 3 p.m,
The Advance from now till January
1916 for 40 cents td'any address in Can-
Procure your flags early eo that the
dealers in flags will have time to get
more if they need them.
Madame Dorothy De Vonda will
make her thrilling ascension and para-
chute drop in Wingham on Dominion
Don't forget the Cottage Prayer
Meeting at Mr, Hamilton Finlay's in
Lower Town on Thursday evening at
8 p,rn.
A lady with a son at the front,
writing to the Advance asks the
question, "Wby could not Wingham
Foundry as well as Kincardine make
shells for the war?"
Mr. and Mr. Thos. Forbes announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Georgia Maxwell,Forbes, to Dr. Nor-
man Wilfred Warner, eon of Mr. and
Mre. Alfred Warner, of Winnipeg.
The Advance bas a nice assortment
of types uitable for wedding invitat-
ions to choose from, and our stock of
paper is fresh from the mills. We
will print them the same day you
place the order.
Every public school child will be
admitted in the morning for 5 Bente.
It does not make any difference where
you come from, if you go to the public
school in country, village or any other
town you can take part in the parade.
Mrs. Robert Deyell, who underwent
a critical operation, is, , we are pleased
to say getting along very nicely, Dr.
Redmond performed the operation,
assisted by Dr. Roe, of Philadelphia,
who was in Wingham owing to the
death of his father, the late John ],toe.
Miss J/can McGillivray, graduate of
Evanston Hospital, has enlisted with
the Chicago unit of 75 nurses and 35
doctors who will go to England to care
for the wounded soldiers. They will
leave New York, June 15th, on an
American boat, "New American" boat.
They expeot to be in England six
Chum!) 'Hews 3
! e
Subject,: Morning, "Dreams that
come true".
Evening, "German Megalomamia
and the Weapons of aur Warfare".
Short song service preceding at
a 55,
The Cottage Prayer Meeting on
Monday night the -14th., wilt be held
at the home of Mr. Bert Elliott, Vic-
toria Sr., at 8 o'clock. The business
men of Toronto, meet at noon each
day and at 10 o'clock Sunday morning
for prayer, can we not spare an hour
in the evening in these times of Terri-
ble Catastrophe.
Regular service's will be held in the
arch next Sunday. Methodist ch e t Su a
. Rev,
t opening J. W. Hibbert, who is op n• ng his
third year as pastor, will (D. V.) preach
at 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Morning subject
"Echoes of the L• endon Conference."
Evening subject "Consecration." A
cordial welcome to all. -Come.
Celebrate 12th In Wingham.
A number of Wingham Orangemen
motored to Clinton on Monday to at-
tend the meeting of the South Huron,
County Orange Lodge with a 'view of
inviting that district to celebrate In
Wingham on July 12th,
Tne pablic are warned against tree
passing on the Angus property at tbe
north side of town. Some boys
have been throwing stones at colts
and calves pasturing there,
and last
Tuesday Dr. Kennedy lost a very vals
liable thoroughbred Jersey calf, which
Is believed to have been killed in is
way. A number of these boys are
known and they will be prosecuted if
found trespassing again.
Garen Gives Kitchen.
In the item in last Weeks' Leslie of
the Advance under the heading"Huron
Gives Kitchen" which we had taken
from a Goderich paper, we overlooked
cutting oft the last couple of sentences
which referred to the Goderich branch
of the Red Cross Aeaociation giving a
shower of linen in the OJdfellows Hall
on June 10sh, We trast none of the
citizens of Wingbane were led to be'
Have that it was itt the Oddfellowe'
Kali hetes- In case someone has col*
,ted linen or other necessities is it3s on
account bf aur mistake, the assure
than that Any of the ladies of the
Patriotic Fund Would Only be too glad
to receive same. Wingham is in no
way behind other towns in the way of•
Petra:Ale giving and a fund is being
eubeotibed to defray their share in
the giving of the field kitchen to the
33,,d Battalion froth the County of
Heron. Contrlbutlonst stay be left at
tete ol;mce of Ritchie ae Ctisene,
London Methodist; Gonforence vehioh
was held in St. Marys for the past
week or ten days came to a close on
Tuesday morning, It is gratifying to
note that the conference this year was
one of the most successful in the
annuals of the Methodist Church, it
showed an increase of membership of
1000 with an increase of $8000 for
missions, The Conference acknow-
ledged that the newly appointed
Ontario Licenee Commission was a
etep forward 'en the right direction.
The popular raster of Wingham
Methodist Church, who was re-elected
chairman of the Wingham District
for the fifth year, and also elected
chairman of the finance committee of
the London Conference.
'Following is the final draft for the
Wingham District made by the
stationing committee :
Wingham-J. W. Hibbert.
Kincardine -A. J. Langford,
Pine River -Elmer Harding,
Tiverton-Esli Poulter.
Bervie--H. F. Ball and J. Harold
Ripley -A. R. Kellum.
Lucknow-R, J. Garbutt, L, L. D.
Ashfield -S, J. Bridgette,
Whitechurch -Jae. Penrose.
Salem -.•F. E. Olysdale.
Teeswater-G, /s. Fear.
Belgrave-H, B. Parnaby, Ph, B.
Bluevale-D. D. Thompson.
Brussels -D. Wren, M. A.
Ethel -•J. 11. Johnston, M. A.
Fordwich-W. A, Walden, el. A.
Gorrie-G. W. Rivers, B. A. '
Wroxeter -R. F. Lackland,
Rev. A. E. M. Thompson of Alymer,
and welt known in Wingham being a
brother of Mr. H. T. Thompson,
grocer, is the newly elected secretary
of the London Conference.
JAMES Nirrmtxxy
After an illness of several months,
James Nethery passed away at the
borne of his daughter, Mrs. Robert
Owens, lot 41, con. 0, East Wawanosh
on Thursday last, in his 83:d year.
The deceased had been a sufferer for
some months from gangerine and in
spite of all that medical skill could do
the disease claimed its victim. Mr.
Nethery was one of the pioneers of
these parts. A man whose word was
as good as his bond, honorable iu the
highest sense; Byc r 1'
.ut of per-
ha acquired a comfortable
home for his family and himself. Be
was a Conservative in politics and
a staunch Orangeman, also a pillar in
the Belgrave Eoglish Church, being
instrumental in assteting to organize
the congregation in the early days and
in the melding of the present house
of worship.
Mr. Nethery was born in Ireland
and came to Canada with his parents
when a youth, He married Mary
Line who predeceased him several
vans ago, as also did a daughter, Mrs,
James Nicholl, and two sons in in-
fancy, There is left to mourn his
loss five daughters, Mrs. J. II. Van -
camp, Mrs, John Wigbtrnan, Mrs,
Owens, Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Fair -
service of liullett. The funeral was
held on Saturday from St. Paul's
Church, Belgrave, to McCrea's ceme-
tery. The pall bearers were Messrs,
Michael and Joshua '4Valsb, David
Dunbar, Andrew b`erguson, Joseph
Greeley and Archie Brydgee.
Rendered by the Wingham Citizens'
Band on IC riday, June llth.
Chant. Lavelle
0 Canada
San Lorenza
Waltz . , .. Monckton
Quaker Girl
Selection Byers
Songs of Erin
Tango Argentine Al II ayes
Sas Flores
March Ball
Death or Glory
March Al Hayes
Want z
TheM` o
Lure of tho 13a11
Royal Pageant
A Love P,erur., Asherten
Southern llreezoa
MarekAl Hayes
Black Mask
Frcsh Ews�
You always have Fresh
Eggs on stand if Yon use
For preserving them In •
15c Ib. Tin
Tins,for 25c,
One pound diluted with
water gives you one gallon
of preserving solution.
Why not have fresh eggs
all winter at 20c per doz. or
J. W. McKibbon
me P%X .2 Store
Summer Shoes
For Little Folks
Sandals are getting more and
more popular every year for child,
ren's Summer wear and they cer-
tainly do deserve their popularity.
They are cool and comfortable and
give the youngster a foot -freedom
that is almost equal to going bare-•
foot, but which is far neater, and
at the same time prevents cuts and
other injuries.
Get Them Here
We have a ver y targe assortment
of sandals and other types •of
children's footwear at the most
moderate prices.
13ring the young ones in and let
us show you clow well prepared we
are to fill your needs in the child-
ren's section. Our values are Ex-
cEpTIONALLE attractive just now,
roam OnlistilliMISIS straseammaiii
Graduate of0anadianEmbalmers
We carry a large and iirst-
class stock of
A large stock of euerything
found is a modern furnitureatore
Store Phone 51 Residence 155
If you want to secure the lowest
price of the year, buy YOTJR win-.
ter coal now.
If you want good service along
with the best coal mined, let ala
fill your bin with Genuine b, L,
& W. Co.'s Scranton which has no
Call at our office and get our
prices for everything in the fuel
J. A. McLean
Lu1nmter, Coal & Wood
011icts Phone 04a. 114111 Phone 04
Resident;e Phone Gr.
Rrx:t11 Orderlies are a sate i. xatl<e
even for the most delicate woman er
child. Rol 1 only byr The Resist btore,
10e, 25o it 30e bout,.