HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-05-27, Page 2STARVATION OR
A elide° between sturvatioe or In m -
dress torture ie the cliental peoepeet
befere all victims et indigestion, foe
although they are le Ivrea %.if food to
nourish the boy. they are afraid to
eat begause of the long vedette of
pain and diecomfort that felloe teen
the lightest of meals.
rite urgent reed of all who suffer
from. incligestim is to pia litungth '
so that the stomach Call extract nour-
ishment from the fool taken.
After eating le the erty the'-
eignines its pretest that it is too wont
to do nuturees ore. To take purga-
tive:" is only to aggravate Um trouble
ler, Williams' Pink Pills give row
strength to w eak etoneretis temause
they enrich 'rd eurify the blood sup-
ply, thus enabling the A:Jimmie to di. -
gest focel naturally. Almost from till
first the appetite revives; then feed
can be taken without pain and the
burden of indigeetion disappear% The
following case proven the truth of
these statements. Mr. W. H. Sliver, a
well-known fanner living in the viciu-
ity of Heinford, N. S., say.: "Par up-
wards of seven years I was tortured
with indigestion; sometimes I was so
bad that I would not taste a bit of
hearty food, but would have to content
myselfwith a bit ot erne bread. see
times I suffered excruciating pains in
my stomach, and could hardly elm)
at night. I tried various prescriptions
but got no benefit from them and na•
turally I was in a very relucsa stem
of health. I had come to believe that
I was doomed for the balance of my
life to this most constant torture.
'when I read of a ease similar to my
omn cured through the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. This gave me neew
courage and I decided to try them. To
make a long story short, the use of
the Pills for a couple of months corn•
pletely cured me. This is some two
years ago, and I have had no return
of thp trcuble, and am able: to eat as
bearty a meal as anyone."
Yon can got Dr. William,' Fenn
Pine from your ifiedierne dealer or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The ler. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Balkan Irregulars Prepare to Raid
Serbia and Greece.
London Cable.—The Salonika cor-
respondent of the Daily Mail says:
"Despite official denials from Sofia,
23 irregular bands of Bulgars have
concentrated in the region of Strum-
nitza. and Crivolac, and are preparing
to attack Serbia on May 24. The plan
Of the campaign is the invasion of
Servia and the destruction of Strum-
-nitza, for which the Austrians are Raid
to have offered a reward of 210,000.
The irregulars aro commanded by
Austrian officers and are well provided
with artillery and machine guns.
. "Albanian bands, also officered by
Austrians, are preparing a raid in the
region of Ochricla. It is probable that
other bands will make a simultaneous
attack upon Greece.
"The above details are from a most
trustworthy source."
Message of Hope
For All Women
Miss Mary Sabourin Tells How
She Found Health.
Suffered For Three Years and Could
Find no Lasting Relief Till She
Used Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Thurso, Que., May 24th (Special).—
Tired, :uh-down women can read a
message of hope In the statement of
Miss Mary Sabourin, an estimable
lady living here. In a statement to
flier public Miss Sabourin says:
"I was a sufferer for three years. I
was always tired and nervous. My
sleep was broken and unrefreshing.
I was troubled with headaches and
pains in my back. I had heart flutter-
ings to at to my anxiety.
"I was treated by a doctor and a
specialiet but nothing seemed to do
me . e lasting good till I started to
use Dodd's Kidney Pills and I took
jest three boxes of them."
Nine -tenths of women's troubles
come from sick Kidneys. Sick Kid-
neys fail in their duty of straining
the imeurities out of the blood. That
means that poison and disease is car-
ried to all parts of the body. The
remedy is to cure the kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney : ..is. If you haven't
used them ask your neighbor about
them. Near.: every family in Canada
is using or has used Dodd's Kidney
Zeppelin Raiders Likely to Use
Deadly Gas Bombs.
London Cable.—An intimation that
German Zeppelin airships probably
will iase bombs charged with poisonous
gases, if they nie.ke a naid on London,
le contained in a notice issued by Scot-
land Yard to -night.
To the Caution previously given that
the public should take refuge in houses
in order to be, out of the way of tht
fragments of sheik; which might be
fired at enemy aircraft is the following
added injunction:
"It would be well for persons thus
taking refuge to keep all WindOWN
and doors on lower floors closed, so as
to prevent the admission of deleterious
Aithma. Catarrh. Pimples.
Dylpsteala, gpitepsy. nhaumatleni, Skin. Kid.
My. 1111004i Nene and Bladder Distalussit,
Cell et sod history lot free *dries. Medici*"
dendabs4 le tablet form. lintineele kJ 1 la"
MA I$4j. !leade3i...40 km. tailpnes
Cieseldelakei 9rns
soisttft tomrtst
ia tent* St.. Toronto, Ont.
writ's* Maittlois 7111$ Post
The others nodded approvingly
Tben Pierre, pouring some wino Int
his tin cup, raised it and said:
"To your health, my friends."
They all raised their cups an
gravely repeated:
"To your health."
And after tuoy had drunk som
boiling hot coffee and some excellen
rum, without wasting any more tim
at table they rose and each one se
about his work. The day passe
with incredible swiftness, and in th
evening the cutter entered the port o
Bantle, On the following morning
the Board of Health having given
permission, the crew of the little ves
sel made ready to land. Agostino
following Pierre, made him sit besid
him in the forepart of the boat. I
seemed to him is if Inc wished to play
the part of host and make him wet
come to his country. He pointedeou
to him the various places of interes
of the town; the Place St. Nicholas
which overlooks the sea; the Boule
yard de la Traverse, a rich and popu
bus quarter, the convent of Sain
Rock on the heights, the citadel, and
(Inc ruins of the ancient donjons, de
stroyed by the cannons and by fire
during the wars agalust the Genoese
Framing in this amphitheatre o
houses extending from (Inc sea -shore
half -way up the mountain, were gar
dens, green and flourishing, where
the orange -trees and mimosas shed
around their exquisite perfumes•
Above the town the brushwcod, the
short and dry vegetation, which cov-
ers the sides of all the mountains of
Corsica, and constitutes what is call,
ed le maquis—broom, heather, junip-
ers, mastic, and small fir -trees, that,
finding on the rock hardly sufficient
earth for their roots to cling to, offer
an asyiuni which is almost impene-
trable to farae and to bandits. On
the sumits of the mountain are fine
groves of beech -trees, the 'wealth of
the country, plundered by the peas-
ants, and destroyed by the shepherds,
who burn them to make pasture land,
All this Agostino told his preserver
while the boat sailed by the mole of
the Dragon on its way to the quay.
Arrived at the foot of the steps
they disembarked, and Pierre, a little
dizzy, found himself once more on
terra firma. He still wore hin coat,
his coarse woolen trousers and his
coarse shoes. He had left behind
his other clothing, ruined by the salt
Water, and brought with him only his
money and his watch. On the quay
Inc looked at himself in the window
of a tavern, and with the bandage
covering his forehead, he fancied he
had the air of a genuine brigand. He
seized Agostino by the arm and stop-
ped him.
"Where are we going at such a
rate?" Inc said.
"To breakfast in the first place,"
said the young man, "and then to our
village. We have a week's holidays
while we are waiting for other goods."
"Well, then, come breakfast with
me. Afterward you will show me
the way to an inn."
"Won't you come with me to 'our
village?" said Agostino, in a trem-
bling voice. "I had promised myself
to make my mother kiss you." •
"I would go with you very willing-
ly," said Pierre, laughing, "but y,ou
have forgotten that I promised the
captain to repaint his Saint Laurent
for him. What is promised must he
"You are right," said Agostino,
gayly. "But how long will it take
you to do the work?"
"The whole of to -morrow morn-
"So that to -morrow evening you
will be ready to accompany me?"
"Yes, certainly."
"Then I will wait for you. Mean-
time I shall go and engage the carri-
ole of Father Anton. In that waY
you will make the journey more com-
-Very well, it is settled then."
They soon reached the inn ef Santa
Maria, where Agostino was lield m
*high favor on account of the excellent
viands, smuggled from Greece and
Hely, which he brought there every
et ery month.
Installed in a room on tho ground
tioor, Pierre was able, for the first
nine in three days, to examiite hie
:Memnon and reflect upon his future
course. On the one haui he eeperi-
enced a profound disgust at the
thought 01 returning to France. On
the other Inc was loath to :rause annoy-
ance to Agostino. "everything, then,
conspired to keep him where Inc was,
and then the chant), a Ms Wondereil
country exercised its spell over him.
Evelything around him allured him—
the sceitery, savage and attractive at
the same time, the curious customof
the people. and, finally, the fect of- his
being unknown, which allowed him
to live at ease among the peasrmtry,
so interesting a subject for study in
this country, where the beggars have
the haughty airs 01 grand seigneurs.
All that Merinnee had written about it
reeurred to his mind—the poetic fig-
ura of the wild Colombe, the ferocious
hatred of the Baricini; and it seemed
as if time had gone back two centnr-
les. In this Wane, divided now as of
old by the attitnosities of Its rival par-
ties, and, agitated by the sanguinary*
memories of vendettas.
tie stent the. afternoon wandering
though the streets of the town alone,
for Agostino, with great discretiore
bad left him to himetlf. lie did not
feel a moment's ennui. The coming
and going of (Inc inhabitants. grave
and reserved, the picture:fume dres3 of
(Inc peasunts who had come In to mar.
ket alma all armed with guns, the
centime garments of (Inc women, rarith
their black ntozzaro headdreases, look-
ing cie if they were all in mourning,
enchanted hen.
He altered a taiior's shop and
bought a comoleth mit of brown vet -
Vet, resembling the costume of a Cala-
brian briganu, for Inc could tict de-
centle continuo to wear his coat, 1113
Sailor troueers and his ewer) Mmes.
At a paint seep :in La Traverse • he f
bought te box of rakes and some
brushes of various SiZe.3. And his e
Mind now at net •as to the manner in
which Inc should employ his time in u
the native land of Bonaparte, ho re- 1
tread hie steps to the itin. 113 dined 1
with Agostino, made tiro tour cf tire s
town afterward, went to bed at nitre
Onloeli and Slept a dreamless sleep. g
The Stirishine Atetaning inte itia
. window awoke him. lie jumped cut
0 of bed, and dreesed hintselt. Vern,
taking Hs box under his arm, he set
out for the cutter. A boat, tor a 1w
sous, transported hint to the Utile VOL-
sele moored test by tie two michore,
and at the side of nhich a rune plank,
atettehed by two cords to the boweprit,
fennel a sort of swing in front of the
o imago of the Saint—the patron of Um
rettleriried by the captain and assisted
L&) hte pito° by tho crew, Nemo at
once $et himself to his \eerie While
he was painting the i tele image of
carved wood, the two senora support-
- ing themselves by ths rigging. watch-
ed hint admiringly.
Unner his touch the colors glowed,
the face assumed a lifelike expression,
and the extended arm seemed to emu-
- mane the waves. At ten, the worli
being cempleted, regarded by them all
with a new feeling of respect inspired
by his skill, he breakfasted for the
last time with his companions of a
Toward midday he left the veesel,
surcomparited by all the crew, Bard at -
ter ehaking hands with those to
who he owed more than life, he
' mounted with Agostino a sort of cur.
ride, drawn by a shaggy horse, and
starting off at a quick pace they soon
left Bastin, behintl them.
From the town hall of the village
the raid winds through enclosures
planted with vines, along olive groves
and among little woods of eucalyptus
and green eaks. The soil is sandy
and the climate extremely mild.
Streams, descending from the inottn-
tails, spread themselves threugii tne
earth, forming marshes covered with
rose bushes, and broad green meadow-
land over w hich fly flocks of ducks
and Wild L p . The road winds for
half of our way along the
beach, passing through 'nine -
(meet village. Agostino, urging
his horse .to a gallop, explained
to his companion the habits and cus-
toms of the country, expressing him-
self with an effusion and gaiety that
contrasted strongly •with the gravity
he had shown on board. He seemed
like a school boy enjoying his vacae
"You shall see how rich our country
is," he said. "We are not lazy keepers
of flocks. At Torrevecchio there is
trade! My father sold his own wine,
and our vineyard is of some value.
My brother-in-law cultivates it at
present and sells the produce.My
mother and youngest sister live In a
village, where they raise vegetebles
for the market of the neighboring
town, and I let them want far nothing.
Ah, they will love you dearly when
they know what you have done for
The painter Broiled as he thought of
the grateful affection 01 these poor
people. "I shall not be a restraint
upon them for long," he thought. "I
will soon get et way. After a day
spent in the village a guide can con-
duct me across the mountain, for I do
not care ter remain by the um coast,
In the low eountry. I want to soe the
Corsican in his rude state, the maquie
and the brigands. It there are sketches
to be made, they must be taken in the
neighborhod of Bocognano, the holy
laud of the vendetta. I have twenty
lois in my pocket -book, and In my
portfolio a note bf a thousand francs
saved from the wayes. That is more
than I need to live a couple of nnoutns
on in this primitive country in (Inc
midst of these people wo have no
wants. And Mien I have no more
money I shall have my profession. 1
shall paint portraits, for a hundred
sous a sitting—that will take me back
to my youtn."
The carrioie, baring crossed the
bridge of San nancrazio, roiled along
tne precipitous road between rows cot
century-oid tutestnuts. Tne sun was
sinking below the horizon, reddening
tne mountain with his last rates. Agos-
tino turned into a• little path, mong
which Inc drove, whistling gaily, like
the blackbirds a his country. .At the
end of a few huudred yards Inc stopped
before the wall of an enclosed piece
of land, and jumped to the ground.
A large dog, whicn had appeared at
the sound, barking witIi a ferocious
air, rushed between the young man's
legs, now barking joyfully. An old:
woman and a little girl made their
appearance in the orchard, and ran to
him with open arms. Agostiuo em-
braced them 'With effusion, and theb
pushed them toward his preserver,
telling them of his adventure, in (Inc
Corsican patole, with incredible volu-
tility. Pierre, received with open
arms by these pereles overwhelmed
with their gratitue. .awn into the
whirlwind of their exteavagant joy,
licked by the dog, embraced by the
mother and the children, soon found
himself installed in (Inc house, a very
modest one, but exquisitely clean,
seated at the family table, and experi-
encing a feeling of tranquil satisfac-
tion to which he had been a stranger
for many months.
Ile retirecnearly, thanking his hosts
for their hospitality, rose late on the
following morning, visited the sur-
roundings of the house, made the
acquaintance of the brother-in-law of
Agostino, who was a great hunter, and
his sister, who was a notable house-
wife, played with the little elaeietta,
who ever eince (Inc evening before had
been watching him with her piercing
black eyes, disclosing her white teeth
he a smile, but showing rustic timidity
whenever she approached him.
Night came with surprising rapidity,
without Pierre's having done anything
more than live, Alone in his room,
stretched on the fresh Corn Mattress,
Inc smiled at himself.
"Hero I ant leading the innocent
life of a shepherd, he said, "and rc.
eolved to become a new luau, morally,
and mentally. What would my com-
panions and friends say it they eettid
tee Me indulging itt these idyllic.
(meatus? The,v would eay that •the
Madonna, in whom evryone here be-
lieves so firmly, has visibly protected
Inc. Pierre Laurier, my boy, you were
On a bad road. By a miracle, you have
wen led to safety. Profit by the
aver that Providence has shoarn yons
njoy the yeti's that aro left you,
nd turn there to. account, week -
ng untrammeled, a thing thttt
p to the nresent , you have
ittd little thane) -of doing." -Yon
team' been better Witted thattetni do.
erve. Ile thankful for it."
He felI asleep in the MidstOf these
age refleetiOnss and &MOO that he
Wait pleating a picture in which the
1 'evil geilitte had the faecleatime and
Warne features of telemence Viiia,
mei the Geed fenneltrie angelic unes
W Juliette de Vionee, Tlien on the
wines appertred, tee linuee of &mimeo
eith hie blonde note mut his ineian-
(*holy creel, elemenee apprtruclive tho
reek mart rule ;meal:kin to /tint with
aniinatiell, in a low voice, drew
Iiiaut toward leer slowly, encirelinn him
with her ammo The wane man grew
paler, his glantre became mare melan-
choly, bio lips more pallid then be-
fore. Then the gaze of the painter
wandered to enliette, and he MAW that
elle was oppresetel with a mortal ead-
ness. Her hulas were joined together
in the attitudo. or prayer, and it was
not for her brother alone elle Kann.
Another nettle also was on her lips,
rend Pierre divined that it was his, llo
woule then have rushed to her to re-
aeeure lied console her, but the arm
nim, and tltese %verde fell from his
101f0Js:acctues Ives interposed to prevent
"You nave bellwether' to mo your
soul. You belong no longer to your-
self. You have not (Inc right to re-
turn to life."
Then Pierre stopped, and gradually
the picture I mashed from his gaze,
and he saw only the little eiterietta
With her black locks flyiug wildly,
who, in the, pastures shaded b.wancient
trees, watchee her goats. The night
passed in these troubled dreams, but.
when he aWelte Pierre recovered his
calmness and set out for the chase)
with Agostino andhis brother-in-law.
The days passed, and at the end of the
week the sailor informed him that he
must return to his vessel, He was to
be away for three weeks, ana counted
lo.entufrinn.ding Ins preserver here on ins
Pierre was already at home in the
family of Agostino. These humble...pea-
santh showed for him a sincere affec-
tion, such as Inc had not often met,
with. As Inc was not more than half
inclined to leave them Inc allowed
himself to be persuaded to remain to
paint the portrait of the little goat -
keeper, and in these peaceful sur-
roundings, in the midst of the luxuri-
ance of nature, his recovered inspir-
ation blossomed with a new grace and
Power. He worked every day until
four o'clock, and in the evening Inc
joined (Inc family circle, which was
came after dinner every day with his
Nvife. Increased by the brother-in-law who
The mayor of Torrevecchio, a vio-
lent Bonapartist, having learned that
a painter was staying in the village,
had ventured, accompanied by the
cure of the parish, to go and request
Pierre to restore (Inc paintings on the
walls of the church, which were (Inc
work of an Italian master and which
were interesting, dating from Genoese
occupation of the country, Laurier had
accepted the task and not content with
retouching the defaced portions of (Inc
mural paintings of the little church,
had undertaken the decoration of the
chapel of (Inc Virgin recently con-
structed. Absorbed in his Work, amus-
ing himself with hunting and fishing,
without a moment to spare, Inc had
returned so completely to his old self
that he now never thought of the
past. It would have made him .blush
with shame if any eine had reminded
him that one summer night, *when the
breeze was laden with fragrance, and
the soft murmur of the sea and the
splendor of the heavens bore evilness
to the harmony that reigned in the
universe, a certain Pierre Laurier had
contemplated killing himself, for the
wicked eyes of a wenian who made
his life miserable. Ile would have
shrugged his shoulders, lighted his
Pipe, and declared that there was only
one thing in the world Worth striving
for—to get the values in a figure in
the open air. And Inc looked over the
top of his palette through his half-
closed eyes at little Marietta, who,
seated on a chestnut -log in the garden,
her feet resting on the green grass,
her dog beside her, was posing for
him, proud to Inc his model.
Agostino came back from his trip to
Leghorn, but went away Again a few
days later. Pierre seemed to have
accommodated himself to his new life
and talked no more of leaving the
country. He had sought at Beetle some
necessary articles of furniture for the
house, (Inc arrival of which aroused
the liveliest curiosity among the vel -
lagers. They could readily distinguish
the difference of station betweeu (Inc
painter and his hosts. The mayor and
the cure had both declared that Pierre'
was a superior man. His manners'
showed him to Inc city -bred. Ills gen-
erosity would seem to indicate that he
was rich. Who was he? Pierre was
evidently only a Christian name. Was
he trying to conceallne identity? And
if so, why?
The mayor, piqued by curiosity, pro-
ceeded quietly to investigato-the nea-
ter. The prefect of Ajaccio .- bad al-
ready received a message from the .sub -
prefect of Basalt, to the effect that a
mysterious visitor from the mainland
lived in the liouse of a humble family
of 'Torrevecchio, that Inc painted won-
derful pictures on the walls of the
enurch, and that although- everything.
about Min indicated him to be perfect-
ly honorable, it would yet be interest-
ing to find out who Inc was. The au-
thorities, however, were less cere-
monious. They simply sent a gen-
d'arme to ask the stranger for his
passport, Fortunately the gen-d'arme
took it into his head to stop' at .the
mayor's office on his way in order no,
tell the mayor tho object of nis.nfise
sion. The latter seeing 'that -his III-
trigues !were about to lead to an .utt.-
justifiable intrusion of the police Oh
the privacy of one for ivhom he •oa-.
tertained partieular coneideration,
took the gen-d'arine, whet was not be
blame in the matter, to task about •if,"
and sent him back to town with a let-
ter for the prefect, thus sparing Pierre,.
who was quietly pursuing his Work,
suspecting nothing, a visit from the
police. So that after an, Merit's iden-
tity remained undiscovened.
Pierre had now been *about two
modths at Torreecchio, hunting, fish-
ing and painting, and he had finished,
not only the portrait of Martetta and
the painting in the church, but also
two genre pictures, when one day, dur-
ing his !absence On it visit to the silver
mints of Caber, p. carriage coming
from .13astia• deposIted at the inn of
Torrevecchio two travellers, • accom-
Panted be their servants, who called
fen breakfast. The innkeeper, being
asked as to what there was of interest
to Inc seen in the Country, mentioteed
the Paiptings of (Inc church, and (Inc
yotingen of tbe travellers, whom his
eompahlote tatted "Doctor," went to
look nt them.
' Prodsing before the picture of the
Itesurtectloo, which at onee attracted
his attentioff, lie etaiitineti it with pro-
found attention, and -seeing the cure
treseing the nave of the thumb, he
said to him: .
"Yon have here, Monster le Cure, a
very valtiable 'Work, by a French melts%
evidently, fer (Inc artist who painted
this is as:termite* not Dm /tallan."
"You aro right, Monsieur," Eald the
priest, "he is a h renchtean,
(To be Ct' Atilt:tied.)
Make your home more
attractive, and protect it
from fire with these beau.,
tiful, sanitary
They will out -last the building and are very inexpensive. They can be brightened
from year to year with a little paint at a trifling cost. Made In innumerable beautiful
designs suitable to all styles of rooms. C In be erected over old plaster as Weli AS ha
new buildings. Write for catalogw.
%manufacture a complete lint ef Shed Metal Duildiar Wert& 9
Kish and Pufferin Sta., TORONTO 797 Notre Dame Ave., WINNIPEG
(Pittsburg (azette-Times)
If it were possible in every Instance for
US to contemplate death as a beauti-
ful adventure the problem of living might
be much less whale and the neeessity of
dying more welceme, if we could all be -
believe Wet there is nothing in death or
afterward to fear, then such disasters
as that which overtook the Lusitania
would hold no greater horror than the
mere separation from loved ones, tho
destruction f property Unit tile loss to
the community of so many hundred of
units. But thew ia that in the ley
of living and iuu the uncertainty 01 the
future life—in that vast mystery belund
that bourne from w Welt no traveller re-
turns—which renders it difficult for the
the veil, ln the infinite possibilities of
average human la Mg ti aveept death and
all it may mean as 0, beautiful adventure.
How Absorption Method
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
Mine or protruding Piles, send me
your address, and I will tell you how
to cure yourself at home by (Inc new
absorption treatinent; and will also
send smile of this bume treatment free
for trial, with references from your
oet*n locality if requested. Irumediate
relief* and permanent cure assured.
Send no but tell others of this
offer. Write to -day 40 Mrs. el.
Summers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont.
(Peterboro Examiner)
The loss that the useres of wheeled
vehicles suffer from bad streets in the
way of wear and tear of h'irse (1, 1i and
vehicles, is incalculable. The life of an
automobile is greatly shortened by bad
bunMY streets and high alleublered cross-
ings. This shortened lite of vehicles of
all kinds, c"sts money; and it is safe
to Yay it costs much more than the
money that would Inc required to Pay (Inc
taxes to meet the interest on the cost
of good streete, no ..getthow great,
within reason it should Inc.a
........•••••:*ih.43.••••••••••••• •
(Pittsburg Gazette -Times)
Alas, that unsieltable theory is now
Proved to have been just a myth, as
hanoened with the Titantic: Seemingly
the ship that won't sink has not yet been
built, and anyway a mere landsman is
not capable of arriving at judgment to
the contrary when ;nester craftsmen
in marine etnstruetion stIll col:does they
have nst achieved perfect safety. The
newer to destroy keepa in advance of
the ability to withstand and to de -
..IG Irg, .zr Arts Coursed only.
*trot SCHOOL
JULY and AUGusw
GEO. Y. CHOWls.", Registrar
Ring's Counsel.
, King's counsel differ front MI other
English lawyers. King's counsel aro
"appointed by patent from (Inc Crown,
on application from (Inc lord chancel-
lor, and can a:et as .judgee as assize
when named in the commission. They
have in many ways precedence over
other lawyers and rank among them-
selves according to seniority. The
robes of king's counsel are of silk in-
stead of stuff like those of ordinary
barristers. It is (Inc established rule
of the profession that no king's counsel
shall -connect any ' case without the
employment. Cif it :hillier counsel.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman'e
• • - Only One Flavor.
"..nn tinier take any other flavor in ice
cream or soda water than.
said (Inc Boston girl to her Reit? York
'"Are you so fond of -it as that?"
- "Rot exaetlyeent it is obtained from
a bean, you. know."—St. Louis Post -
Dispatch. '
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house
Then He Was Fired.
Father—I cannot give you my daugh-
ter, my dear sir. I am mighty partieu-
tar In such things. Seitor—Oh, pshaw!
Now, I am not in (Inc least so.—Meg-
gendorfer Matter.
• • ea'
"Why don't you cook with electric-
ity?" "Don't want to add to our cur-
rent expenses." — Baltimore Ameri-
Canadian SilverTt Detroit to be Re-
turned at Par.
Detroit residents and Windsor
people are constantly exchanging
visits. Since the first -named city, on
the United States side of the Detroit
river, is much the larger of the two,
It gets the greater share of the trade
that much Canadian silver has accum-
ulated there. It is announced that
the Canadian Goyernment, through
the receiver -general at Ottawa, has
concluded an arrangement -to provide
for (Inc return of (Inc coins. They will
be accepted from Detroit banks at
par in packages of $100 and more, and
then distributed to (Inc various poluts
In Canada where a silver change short-
age exists. It is estimated that there
is at least $150,000 in Canadian silver
coin in Detroit. How much American
sliver coin there is in Windsor is not
known, but the two communities have
many things in common.
The Human Eye. •
The human eyeball rests in a cuSh-
ionshf fat, by which it is surrounded
on every side. When (Inc system be-
comes greatly emaciated through dis-
ease this fat is absorbed and the eye
sinks deeper into (Inc head, thus giv-
ing the sunken ompeerance so com-
mon in disease.
Stiffer No Longer
From Constipation!
You can immediately relieve and
permanently cure yourself with Dr.
Hamilton'r, Pills. One thousand dol-
lars *will ee paid for any case that
isn't corrected within three days. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills contain no injurious
drugs; they are composed entirely ot
soothing, vegetable extracts that
strengthen (Inc stomach and bowels at
once. It is absolutely impossible for
Dr, Hamilton's•Pills to fail curing bil-
iousness, sour stomach, indigestion,
headache or constipation. Even one
box has brought vigor and repewed,
health to chronic sufferers, so you
owe it to yourself to try Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills at once; 25e per box at all
dealers. •
The American people are always will-
ing to pay to see others exercise and
I neglect to exercise themselves.
.f, In Germany" on Sunday, even"in these
war days, may be seen a procession 'of
, .
taicn, women. and . children in hobnailed
I inu..t.s, rouge outing Suits, clasping in
I :their hands stout winking sticks, mak-
iing their way to railroad and -trolley
,,tears, that they may Inc transported quiets-
Ily to the outskirts of the city, where
carry luncir with them and remain from
itheir walking expedition begins. They
i early morning until sundown.
I. This no doubt accounts for the sturdi-
ness of the men at the front.
; ' We are not essentially a lazy people.
1.We imagine, that we have no time for
thoopen read. We have. It will do
' every one good. It will do every one
geedit will give renewed energy and
vitality. Try walking these spring days,
and watch (Inc benefit you will enjoy
late on.
Colicky children can Inc promptly
cured by Baby's Own Tablets, because
these Tablets act directly on the stom-
ach and bowels and cleanse them of
ainimpurities. Concerning them Mrs.
James C. Slater, Summerville, N. S.,
writes. "I have used Baby's Own
Tablets and am glad to say I have
found them an excellent medicine for
*colic and loss of sleep." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by mein
at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
- -
A Family Jar.
"I suppose you know I came near
niarrying .Tim Wombat before I mar-
ried you," .
"Yes, I know it," said the goaded
hustatid. "1 -le rubs It into me every
ttme Inc gots a chance."—Kansas City
Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians
Muensterberg Mastered.
Dad (frem the hall)—Why, Marjorie,
how dint the light is in here!
Freddy (the fiance, not a college
graduate in vain)—Yes, sem Professor
Mttensterberg has a theory that brill -
tient light benumbs the intellect. We
aro experimenting to find the degree
of illumination by which the ettention
is kept vivid and the Mental functions
active.—London Standard.
A wonlan May Inc Intoxicated with
delight over a neW hat. At any rate,
it goes to the head.
Do you know you can take as much crop off
417.? 100 acres properly drained as yeti can off 200
acres net drairied and save half the labor?
it's a fact. Do you know that proper. inexpensive tile drainege
enfant pulverization—lengthens the sesison-upreverits surface
wsisliing—makes your land lighter to work—prevents droeght and
increases the quantity arid improves the quality of your crops?
Why not have us send you, today, free of charge, !flinty in-
teresting booklet en this subject? Much to learn—nothing to
1qtY. Don't aegleet anything that wilt help you grow better,
ci neger acne. Proper drainage means ea much as two dollars
in your bank Recount for every one that goes there now. aria
I; the Goverment lends roe Merely for the Tile if desired.
Writ. tis Merv. Mention Ws paper. Your book it waiting .
Dominion Sewer PIM) Co LhIlited
pown (Inc long street (Inc women came.
In all ten thousand, Ntrong,
"Wee us the vote," their banner read,
"We've asked you over -low."
The man in (Inc street gave it glance of
De turned ewer his head,
"Go to your home and attend to your
'you sh.ame your sex," Inc said.
The legislative hall thoY Passed.
Tho leader came to see,
"'Give us (Inc vote's" Inc read in scorn,
"Glve you (Inc vote? Not Mel
"111 cast no vote against the horae.
For women I revere.
Tho pitiless glare of public life
Is not tor her that's clear."
And "showthen that night we went to a
And the man in the street went, too.
.A.114 they cheered and clapped the chorus
Who pranced for their review.
They claimed their scanty, flashy dress.
They clapped their ribald song .
They clapped the mazy, crazy dance.
They clapped it loud and ionic.
"Good show," they cried, "and pretty
And out the house they thronged,
And never a man among them all
Afiked where those girls belonged,
To try to explain it, 1 can't and won't.
The problem is too complex.
And yet—I wonder that men call us
The inconsistent sex.
—Octavio Roberts.
Itching and Burning. Disfigured
for a 'Time. Used Cuticura,
Pimples Disappeared.
1756 Winnipeg St., Regina; Sash.—"I
was troubled with itching pimples on mY
face for over three years. They were red
and undightly, Tbey Caused itching and
burning and I used to scratch and irritate
them. The breaking out disfigured me for
a time.
"A short time ago I saw the advertise-
ment of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
after I bad tried a free sample I could ice a
remarkable improvement. I washed my
face with the Soap and then applied the
Ointment two or time times a day. After
using more Cuticura Soap and VIVO boxes of
Cuticura Ointment all tho pimples corn.
pletely disappeared." (Signed) _ Nicholas
Koch, Juno 13, 1914. tf
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Rook on request. Ad-
dress post -card "Cutleura. Dept. D. Ros-
ton, U. S. A." Sold throughout the world.
Odd Facts About Rivers.
The Connecticut, the principal
stream of New England, is 450 miles
in length.
The lrtish, in Siberia, is 2,200 miles
in length, and drains 500,000 miles of
During a single flood of the Yang-
tse-Kiang, in China, 600,000 persons
were drowned.
The American River is 2,170 miles
long, but at various points in its
course is very narrow for its length.
The Potomac River is only 500 miles
long, and in its lower course is rather
an estuary than a stream.
The Mississippi, at (Inc point where
it throws out of Lake Itaska, is 10 feet
wide and 18 inches deep.
The Columbia River of Canada is 1,-
400 miles in length; the. stream of the
same name in Oregon is 600.
The River Dee, in Scotland, has had
more poems written in its honor than
any other stream on the British Isle.
Austrialia has no rivers of any con-
sequence. The•interior of this vast
continent is almost destitute of water.
I was cured of Bronchitis and Asth-
Lot 5, In E. .1-
I was cured of a severe attack of
Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI-
Mahone Bay.
was cured of a 'severely sprained
IVIaking Law.
Her audacious admirer was thunder -
muck with (Inc demands but dared not
demur, as by this time a group had
collected and were listening to the
conversation. S o Inc took the hair, paid
over the money and left (Inc hall.
"How is the law made?" asked (Inc
Instructor in United States history.
"Oh," replied the maidentheerfully,
"the Senate has to ratify it, and then
the President has to—has to veto it;
and then the House of Representatives
has to—" She hesitated for a, mo-
ment and knit her pretty forehead,
'Ole yes! I remember now," she said.
"The House of Representatives has to
adjourn until the next session!"—
Youth's Companion. .
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
• • •
• •••••••••••1•••1......
With a Violin Recital the Effects
of Which Were Magical.
An Englishwoman residing in India
ono evening found to her horror that a
huge cobra had coiled itself about her
veranda rails, near which she sat play-
ing the violin. She was too near the
snake to run with safety, so she con-
tinued playing while she gradually
edged. away. At first her only 'Idea
was to keep the creature thus engaged
*While she escaped, but when slie had
gained a safer distance and perhaps
fascinated by the unwonted sight, a
strange inspiration seized her. She
played air after air of different char-
The effect was Magical. That enake
behaved like ail ardent, hot blooded
disciple of Pagantni. Every vibration
In the music, :whether of volume or of
tone, produced instantly a correspond-
ing ehange in the attitude of the
cobra. If She played a lively dance it
swo.yed its body sideways In quiele
time and yet lit graCeful curves. Once
she struck it number of false notes in
rapid succession ott purpose. The
Cobra winced and writhed in pale, as
if senddenly strtick with a whip.
Thus the creature behaved like a
Mad Musician till the lady, gettteg
tired of the intern .gradually Moved
herself farther and farther and then
Made a stidden belt into her 1110/11
arid banged the dOor, leaving the cobra
be Wender diseenselaely to its lair in
the fields.—London Chronicle.
Tite fellow who AlWaye Wallets la
hand in other people's affaire general-
ly puts hie foot hi it,
ISSUE NO, 21, 1915.
ur.A.Nnop--QTRIA Ow 000D 1PUQA-
TV tion and character to train for cur.
sea. limply to Wellandra nospital, ait.
Catharines, Ont.
Aand vieinItY—choice residences; fur-
nished or not; large gardens; variety of
fruit trees. A puly to it. A. Alc*airder,
Grimsby. Ont.
.......#40~,......"""/WwW0 0 A.Fartz ,,.8,000dTpnceitr...,.....----"Aina.AN.41)aelf,.,e.iiiiii.z.
per. Sixteen Miles from Hamilton, main
road; twelve thousand; easy terms. .A.Iso
12.5 acres: sandy loam; bank barn; frame
I3ank of Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont.
1...,....__touse; other buildings; 18 acres good
:aizlees; ft:loopseei
sasl eo n la °
vt . ire v. a ngamterkies, algal
from station: nine thousand for quick
wheat; spring crop in grollnd; two Mlles
Attorney Thomas C. tiriinsmade
doesn't object to a good story, even if
4'5 on him. HE, tells this one:
"'The other day an old entered man
eame sauntering up to me in my yard,
where theer wus a big pile of rubbish.
"'Morning, John,' I said.
" 'Mornine Maine Tom, Don't you
want that rubbish hauled away?'
"'What'll you take?' I asked.
" a load, an' 1 think it'll take
jets: aboutllivgtevyoiotll75oads.;
,lents a
told, yhotiiln.re
member me ,do you, Morse
yer when I was
up for shontin' craps an' you pleaded
me guilty in police court?'
''An' y
1 said.
rgeil me $10, an' I
neI`'Lrhsnaildritaulear tigemeruNd
rubbish at el it
loatl, and Inc made three loads of
Cleveland News.
- Electroplating Mirrors.
A new method of slivering mirrors
consists of depositing (Inc metal on the
glass by means of a high potential
electric current. A plate of metal Is
placed against the glass; this is laid
flat on a table, and the air above it
Is exhausted to a high degree ef va-
cuum Then a small quantity of hy-
drogen was is introduced, and the cur.
rent is turned on througit a negative
polie attached to the metal plate. In
thirty seconds the glass has been sil-
and Recreation
Sold 137 11 Good
Shoe 4DeedeiT
Lost His Nerve.
Many years ago a blacksmith near
York, England, successfully performed
(Inc delicate operation of removing a
cataract from an eye on several of hie
fellow villagers, says the London
Chronicle. The fact became known to
a doctorin the neighborhood, who
so admired the blacksmith's skill that
Inc provided the means for his educa-
tion as an oculist. To the blacksmith
the removal of (Inc cataract was no
more than a mechanical feat, but wben
be became acquainted with the struc-
ture of the human eye and its amazing
delicacy,he was so overpowered by (Inc
rashness of what Inc had done in igno-
rance that he lost his nerve, and with
the fear of knowledge Inc insisted on
returning to the anvil.
Are diseases, not vices. and there-
fore curable. Patients are under
my personal care and receive tt.eir
treatment in ordinarg hospitals
as ordinary. medical cases.
226 Queen's Ave., London, Ont.
(Ottawa Evening Journal)
Undoubtedly of all things that help
to either happiness or success whether
in man or woman, 'in marriage or any-
thing else. Is good health. Sometimes
sadly fate or circumstances defeat possi-
bility of health; but often health can
be achieved and kept by effort and •
self-control even when nature or con
ditions have not been g,enerous. And
it is tremendousle worth fighting for
Su' -O
Bo St. Lawrence Sug_ar
io original packages, ths.
touched from refinery to your
cupboard, you aro euro of
sugar absolutely free from
Contamination or in3purides
of any kind.
St. Lavrrenee granniated white pure
Cou2e superb packed in three sizes el
otain—fine, methum and coarec.
100 Ib., 25 no. end2o 15. scaled begs,
and 5 lb. and 2Ib. mince.
All first class dealers can souplY
it re insist anon !lacing St.
Lawrence Sugar.
(Ottawa Evening Journal)
Undoubtedly of all things that help
to either happiness or success whether
in man or woman, 'in marriage or any-
thing else. Is good health. Sometimes
sadly fate or circumstances defeat possi-
bility of health; but often health can
be achieved and kept by effort and •
self-control even when nature or con
ditions have not been g,enerous. And
it is tremendousle worth fighting for
Su' -O
Bo St. Lawrence Sug_ar
io original packages, ths.
touched from refinery to your
cupboard, you aro euro of
sugar absolutely free from
Contamination or in3purides
of any kind.
St. Lavrrenee granniated white pure
Cou2e superb packed in three sizes el
otain—fine, methum and coarec.
100 Ib., 25 no. end2o 15. scaled begs,
and 5 lb. and 2Ib. mince.
All first class dealers can souplY
it re insist anon !lacing St.
Lawrence Sugar.