HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-05-20, Page 6BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT �3 THE ADVANCE The best of Parchment paper and , 'the Proper ink. * * * * * * * * All Dairy Butter put up in pack- ages must now have a printed e label on it. See us about the matter. The Advance Ptg. andPub.Co. PI-IONEr 34 4 k 1' k 4 beneetenee Oo©©poomoocea©000©e TEE W1NGHA,M ADVANCE !Fail Terlal -From SPf`"ls� 1 )4)OENTRAL6 6TRATFQRpn ONT. ... The beet Commercial School in the pro- vince. Our courses are thorough and praotioal while our instruetera are better than you will,;find elsewhere. Wo do ,Caere for our students than othe similar Schools do, Our rates are reasonable.. Write for our free catalogue and see Z; what we can do for you, a, nLcaaki3hele . Frinclped 9YNOPIels or CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS MBA sole head of a family, or any male over I. 18 years old may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani. toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant mush appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Amoy for the district. Fntryp by proxy may be made at tho office of any -Vocal $gent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) ub•a ent) on certain conditions, Duties. --Sir months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of Ms homestead on a farm of ab leash 80 sores on certain ip everyncase e-xaeopLbwhen�residepoe is performed in the vicinity. ).n certain distrieta a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a q uarter-sectio n along- side hishomeYtoad Price $3 peraore. Duties —Six months' residence in eaoh of six years from date of homostoad entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduotion in caso of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Homo - stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and oannob obtain a pro•emption may take a purchased homestod in certain districts. Prloe $3.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and eroob a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized iissemenb uwiilll notbepaid tom of this ad• Our Honor Roll. The following are the names of the W)ngham boys who have thus far enlisted, and are;fighting our battles. They are 53 in number and we believe that no town of our population in Ontario measures up to this: lstl .Contingent — W. • H. .Darnell, Arthur Ellie, Dr. H. J. 'M. Adams, R. R. N. Barroh, J. Budge, A. Bowy- er, P. W. Vanner, Herbert Clark, E. S. Copeland, Henry Howard, H. M. Philcox, J. McPherson, A. Buttery, H. French, F. Templeman, "Wine Ilaylea. Frank Wylie, Fred. Grpvee, • Percy Syder, 0. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell, G. E. Roberson, G. A. M. Blanchard, D, L. Aitcheson, E. J. Murch. 2nd Contingent—P. Harris, A. Chap- man, J. White, G. E. Read, C. Bleach, C. Learle, A. Dovey. 3rd Contingent — C. Woods, H. Groves, W. R. letting, J. Leonard, A. J. Taylor, F. Aldington, F. Wilson, J. Smith, R. Maxwell, A. J. Taylor. G. klippen, W. Bunn, G. Hayles, J. M. Strike, 0. A. Cuff; J. Taylor, W. S. Lutton, T. Garton, H, Hayles, E. Pitt, Thos. Moore. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office • Pare -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in LOntario• T. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Chiropractic When the spine is right the body is right. A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you may have bontinued good health. If your health le already poor a course of 'Chiroprac- tic Spinal Adjustments will put .year spine right 3. A. FOX, D.C. Graduate Ohirpractor The Million Dollar Myste Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, • good cement ;house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price 00500.00. Apply to R. Veinstone, Wing - ham P. O. • Canadian Chaplains. ' The Canadian Associated Press has received from theefront interesting details regarding thee work of the chaplains in the •Canadian division since the contingent left England. -The number of chaplains has been re- duced- toe eleven.. They Are ,mostly disteibiitted ie. the clearing hospitals, ,tvliere they get iii close touch -with those nio'st inlmedietely'needing their ministrat,,ons. Up till recently the ,chaplains were taking,long jourpeys all ever the+rear-bi the fighting, visit- ing'tlie various Canadian emits, •wh'o were distribil.tba';feemany different parte. • w The Bishop of London,• whose Ina- ne a ltd to Canada vein 'ajways be r'emem- bered Visited a cert in'iportion of t'he Canadian, detachment. His lordship had the pleasure ef•meeting'several Canadian eoldierii Who had'beipn can- firmed by* him when .he was. Bishop of Stepney, ,and avho afterseat;ds:omi- grated 'to Canada. the .Bishop: of. London spent the witoie ot the, Eas- ter festival • With- .the troops ins. tbe field. Canhdian sehaplains are-.,.ipi. ln'esaed with the wonderful efficiency of the med'Ieal biraneethents,` '"The near& You get'to•the figlitingthe bets ter are the -feeding arrangements," Bays our f•nfo"rmant. CASt. 1, 'ot Infants and Children. Thi Mod You Have Always 'o _ bt. • tears the ellelttnte Of offered The $I0,000 prize e o,�' ed for the e Crest 100 -word solution of the Million Dollar Mystery was awarded by the judges to" Miss Ida Danion, a St. Zonis, Mo., stenographer, A piotlir'e Of Mises .Danion and an interview with her will appear in next week's Star Weekly, (Copyright 1015, By Harold Mae, Grath,) CHAPTER XXIII (The Secret of the Million.) It will be remembered that the Countess Olga had darted up the etait e during the struggle between Braine and his captors. The police who 'had her were recalled to pursue one of the lesser rogues, This left Olga free for a moment. She stole out and down as far as the landing. Servan, the Russian agent, stood waiting for the taxicab to roll up te the porte coehere for himself, Braine, and Vroon, Norton bad taken Flor- ence by the hand, ostensibly to con- duct her to the million. Suddenly Braine :nada a dash for. liberty. Nor- ton rushed after him. Just as he reached Braine a shot was heard. Braine whirled upon his heels and crashed to the floor. ' Olga, intent upon giving injury to Norton, whom she regarded equally with Hargreave as having brought about the downfall, had hit her -lover instead, With a cry of despair she dashed back into Florence's room, quite ready to end it all. She raised the revolver to her temple, shuddered, and lowered the weapon : so tenacious- ly do we cling to life. Below they were all stunned by the suddenness of the shot, Instantly they sought the fallen man's side, and a hasty examination gave them the opinion that the man was dead. Hap- ply.a doctor was 'on the. way. Servan having given• a • cal), as one of the Black Hundred been badly wounded, But what to do with that mad Woman upstairs ? Hargreave advised them to wait. The bouse was sur- rounded ; ur-rounded; she could not possibly es- cape save by one method, and per haps that would be the best for her. Hargreave looked gravely at Norton as he offered this suggestion. The re- porter understood : • the millionaire was willing to give the woman a chance. "And you are my father ?" said Flor- ence, still bewildered by the amazing events. "But I don't understand 1'' her gaze roving from the real Jones to her father, "I don't doubt it, child," replied Hargreave. ' I'll explain, When I hired Jones here, who is really Jed- son of Scotland Yard, I did so because we looked alike when shaven. It was Jedson here who escaped ley the bal- loon ; it was Jedson who returned the five thousand to Norton ; it was J ed - son who was wounded in the arm; it was he who watched the doings of 'the Black Hundred and kept me reason- ably well informed. I myself guarded you, my child. Last night, unbeknown to.you, I left, and the real Jones—for it in easier to call him that -took my place." "And I never saw the difference 1" exclaimed Florence. "That is natural," smiled the father. "You were thinking of Norton here instead of me. Eh ?" Florence blushed. "Well, why not? Here, Norton!" The millionaire took Florence's hand and placed •it in the reporter's. "It seems that I've got to lose her after all Kiss her, man ; in heaven's name, kiss her I" And Norton threw his arms around the giri and liissed her soundly, Care- less of the fact that he was observed by both enemies and friends. .Suddenly the policeman'•who had been standing by the side of Braine 'ran into livhig=roAm. • "He's all i -s I Braine is alive 1 He justatirred 1" "What!" exclaimed Norton and Hargreave in a singled, breath. "Yes, sir ! I saw his' hands move, It's a good thing we sent for a doctor. He ought to be along here about %sow." • Even as -he spoke the bell rang, and they all surged out into the hall, for- getting for the moment all about the million. Olgahadn'tkilled the man, then ? The doctor knelt betide the stricken man and examined him. He shrugged. "Will he live ?" "Certainly... A scalp wound that laid him out fora -few mdmente. He'll be all right in a few days. He .was lucky. A quarter of an inch lower and he'd have passed in his chieckle" "Good l" murmored Servan. So our friend will accompany mo back to geed Russia? We'll be kind to him during the journey, Haim him taken to the hospital • ward at the Tombs; Now for the little lady upetaire•" ' • A moment later Patine opened big eyes, =and the policeman aeelstedhim to hie'feet Servan with a nod ordered the pollee to help the wounded lean to the taxicab Which had just arrived. Braine, Clow wholly Conscious!, flung back the look of hatred toward Hate *reeve ;.and Haat was the last either ,Florence or her father ever saw of life of the Black Enndrede:ne fine e 'polite the k n sper piers ota man gone 'wrong through 4gir eel.and an inmate:Ste lust for 're- Stelrge.. eThe e: p olteenrian :!returned .,to !lar' efedtreie " ' s to "Yt'ti prettet tentilt fpetalyd," 'he eug+ gedtt d� ''Deii t yotr'think, sir, that I'd better try that bedroom door again?" "Well, if you must," assented Hay, greave. reluctantly, "Bat don't be rough with Iter If you can help it." For Braine he had no sympathy, When he recalled all the mysery that devil's emissary had caused bits, the years of hiding and pursuit, the loss of the happiness that had rightfullyr been his, hie heart became adamant. For eighteen years to have ridden and driven and sailed up and down the world, always confident that sooner or later that demon would find him S He had lost the childhood of hie daughter, and now he was to lose her in her womanhood. ,And because of this im- placable hatred the child'e mother had died itt the Petrograd prison fortress, But what an enemy the man had been! He, Hargreave, had needed all his wits constantly; he had never dared go to sleep except with one eye open, But in employing ordinary crooks Braine bad at length over -reached himself, and now he must pay the penalty. The way of the transgressor is bard, and though this ancient saying iookedingy with the wear and tear of centuries, it still holds good. But he felt sorry for the women up above. She bad loved not wisely but too well. Far better for her if she put an end to life. She would not live a year in the God forsaken' snows of Siberia. "My kind father" said Florence, as if she could read his thoughts.' "I had a hard time of it, my child, It was difficult o play the butler with you about, The times that I fought down the desire to sweep you up in my arms ! But I kept an iron grip on that impulse. It would have imperil- ed you. In some manner it would have leaked out, and your lifa and mine wouldn't have been worth a but- ton." Florence threw her arms around him and held him tightly. That poor weak woman upstairs !" she murmered, "Can't they let her go." No, dear, She has lost, and losers pay the stakes. That's life, Norton, you knew who I was all the time, didn't you?" "I did, Mr. Hargreave, There was a scar on the lobe of your ear and secretly I had often wondered at the likeness between you and the real Jones. When I caught a glimpse of that ear then I knew what the game was. And I'll add you played amaz- ingly well. The one flaw in Braine's campaign was his burry. He started the ball rolling before getting all the phases clearly established in his mind. He was a brave man, anyhow ; and more than once he had me_ where I believed that prayers only were nec- essary." "And do you think that you can lead Florence to the million?" asked Hargreave, smiling. "For one' thing, it is in her room and has always been there. It never was in' the cheat." "Not bad, not bad," mused the fath- er. ''But perhaps after all it will be best if you show 'it to ker yourself.'' "Just a little uncertain?" jibed the millionaire. "Absolutely certain. I will whisper in'your ear where it ie hidden.". Nor- ton leaned forward as Hargreave bent attentively. "You've hit it," said the millionaire. "But how in the world did you guess it." "Because it was the last place any one would look for it, I .,judged at the start that you'd hide it in just such a spot, in some place where you could always guard it and lay your hands on it quickly if needs said must." a "I'm mighty glad you were on my side," said Hargreave. "In a few minutes we'll go up and take a look at those packets of hills, There's a very unhappy young woman there at present." ' "It is in my room?" cried Florence, Hargreave nodded. Meantime the Countess Olga hov- ered overed between two courses; a brave attempt to escape by the window or to turn the revolver against ber heart. In either case ' there was nothing left in life for her. The man she loved was dead below, killed by her hand. She felt as • though rhe was treading air in some fantaetioal nightmare, She could not go forward or backward, and her heels' were al - Ways in reach of her pursuers. So this was the end of things? The dream she bad had at going away with Braine tetother Aimee, the hap- pinees she had pictured, all were chimeras! A sudden rage swept over her. She would escape. She Wonid,- continue to play 'the game to the end, . She would show them that ehe had been the mane mate, not hie pliant tool? She ratted the window and Jo slipped the policeman who had patiently been waiting for her. Instantly she placed the revolver at her temple. • A quick clutch and the polioennati had her by the turista She made one tigerish effort• to free •her- self, shrugged, Red eignifled that she starrendered,- "I don't want to hit you, Miss," said the policeman, "but if you make amp attempt to escape I'II helve to put the bettdeuffe on you. •go quietly. What are you go. ;In fel de With me?" .. Tarn yitu o'er to the ltutriah agent, t. Habas extradition papers and I gases it's Siberia." "For me?" she laughed scornfully, ''Do I look like a woman who would go to Siberia?" "Be careful, miss. As I said, 1 don't want to um the cutis. unlsss I have to," She laughed again. It did not have a pleasant sound in the officer's ears.. He had heard woman, suicidal bent, laugh like that. "1,8 ask you for that ring on your linger." "Do you think there is poison in it?" "I shouldn't be surprised," he ad- mitted. She slipped the ring frees her fin- ger and gave it to him, "There Is poison in it, so be careful how you handle it,., she said. The policeman accepted it gingerly and dropped it into his capacious pocket. It tinkled as it fell against the handcuffs, "Before you take me away I want you to let me see . • .'-my man." "I can do that." At that moment the other pollee - mean broke in the door. "All right, Dolan; she's given up the game." "She didn't kill the man after all." said Officer Dolan. "He's alive?" she screamed. "Yes; and they've taken him off to the Tombs. Just a scalp wound. He'll be all rigbt in a day or two." "Alive!" murmured Olga. She had not killed the man she loved, then? ,And if they were indeed taken to Si- beria 'she would be with him until the end of things, With her handsome head proudly erect ebe walked toward the door. She paused for a moment to look at the portrait of Hargreave. Somehow it seemed to Emile at her ironically. Then on down the stairs, between the two officers she went. Her glance traveled coolly from face to face and stopped at Florence's, There she saw pity. "You are sorry for me?" she asked sceptically. "0, yes! I forgive you," said the gen- erous Florence. So the Countess Olga passed through the hall door forever. How many times had she entered ill with guile and treachery in her heart? It was the game. She had played it and lost, and ehe must pay her debts to Fate and Fiddler. Siberia! The tin or lead mines, the ankle chains, the knout, and many things that were far worse to a beautiful woman! Well, eo long as Braise was at ber elle ehe would suffer all these things without a murmur, An always there would be a chance, a chance! When they heard the taxicab rum- ble down the driveway to the street Hargreave turned to Florence, "Come along, now, and we'll have the bad taste taken off our tongues: To win cut is the true principle of life. It takes off some of the tinsel and glamor, but the end is worth while," They all trooped up the stairs to Florence rem. So wonderful is the power and attraction of money that they forgot the humiliation of their late enemies, Hargreave approached the portrait of himself, took it frons the wall, pres- sed a button on the back, which fell outward, Beholdt there, in neat packages of a hundred thousand each lay the myotic million! The specta- tors were awed into silence for a mo- ment. Perhaps the thought of each was identical-- the long etruggle, the terrible hazards, the deaths that had taken place because of this enormous rum of money. .A. million, sometimes called cool, why nobody knows! There it lay with, out feeling, without emotion; yellow notes payable te bearer on demand. Presently Florence gasped, Norton sighed and Hargreave smiled. The face of Jones (or Jedson) alone remain- ed impassive. A million dollars is a marvellous eight. Few people have ever seen it, not even millionaires themselves. I daresay you never saw it, and I'm tolerably certain I never have, or will! A million, ready for eager, care - lees fingers to spend or thrifty flu" gere to multiply! What Correggio, what Rubens, what Titian could stand beside it! None that I wot of. "Florence, that is all yours, to do With as you please, to spend when and how you will. Share it with your husband to be. lie is a brave and gal- lant young mate and is fortunate in finding andgallant.o young For the rest flm bravely g o Y days I expect peace, Perhaps sometimes Jones here and I will talk ever the strange things that have happened; but we'll do that only when we have not you young folks to talk to, Afeer your wedding journey you will return here, While I live this shall be your home. I demand that much. Free! No More looking over my ehauider when 1 walk the streets; no more testing windows and doors. 1 am myself again" 1 take up the thread I laid down eighteen years ego. ' Have no fear. Neither Braine nor Olga Will ever return, Russia has a grip of steel." Three weeks later Sarva the nRue; Sian agent, lett for Randle with his three charges Olgo, 8ralte and Virden, ft Wee a long: journey they went upon, something like ten week, Always watched, alwaye under the strictest guard, compelled to eat with wooden forks and knives Arid spoonp, Waking or sleeping they knew no rest from espionage. From Paris to Bey lin, from Berlin to Petrograd, then known as St. Petersburg; and then began the 'cruel journoy otter tbe mighty steppes of •that barbaric demote to the 'l iberlan mines. 'wllThe way Sof the tratisgreeocir is hard: Oa the same day that Olga, Braine, and °Droop made their first descent into the deadly mines Florence and Norton were married, After the storm the sunshine; and who shall deny them happiness? Immediately after the ceremony the' two sailed for Europe on thei, honey moon; and it is noedlese to say that some of the million went with them, but there was no mystery about itt THE END. Wheel' Said elheisf - ' None or his fellow-ofiders are men- tioning : the subject of "boots" to Lieut. Chas, porterlield.•of the Eaton Motor Machine Gun Battery these days, and there is a very good rea- son for the omission. Having heard a great clear about the qualities, good and bad, of the Canadian military Footwear, Zieuteld decided Per a fit r to ilaport a pair ot high boots frons EnglaiedesHe "sent •$21i to pay for the boota,'but.when'they were delivered he lied to glve"'$17 for duty and $10 for express apd,other'•details, makipg a"total of $51 for the one' pair. He tntendd' to wear tfienn out as quickly as possible. __ _ Bringing Iu Settlers: The land rush into Southern Al- berta is • beginning again. 0: T. Lathrop, returning froln a trip to the coast acid • western States, brings back with him, the vanguard of a whole army of„ landseekers who he states will be polfring over the bor- der to take up wheat lands in the Weal this eumtderi• MOTHER SUPHIUR ROSARY HILL HOME TIIs....How Vinol Restores Strength and Vitality .to the Weak, WornMOut Ones in. Her Charge. Rosary Hill Heine, Hawthorne, N.Y —"I have been at work among the sick and poor for nearly eighteen years, and whenever I have used Vinol for run- down, weak or emaciated patients, they have been visibly benefited by it One patient, a young woman, was so weak and ill she could hardly creep tome door for aid and was leaning on a friend's arm. I supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me I hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out These words are uttered from my heart, in order that more people may know about Vinol, as there is nothing makes me happier in the world than to relieve the sick."— Mother M. ALPHONSA LATIIRQP, O.S.D., Hawthorne, N.Y. •Such disinterested and reliable testi- mony should eonvince everyone of the merits of Vinol, our delicious cod liven and iron tonic to build up health an. strength for all weakened and nerve', - conditions, whether caused from ever er worir, worry or chronic coughs and vele. IF Vinol fails to benefit we return u r,t.... money. 3, Walton McKibben, Druggist, Wingham, Ontario. • 'Emigrants For Nooa Scotia. E. B. Elderkin has returned to Canada after six months in Holland superintending the distribution of Canada's relief gifts for $elgians.- Mr. Elderkin inciclentalITTy has done some emigration work, securing for Nova Scotia twenty-five Dutch twen- ties, seven of which have already set sail, but tho others, dreading North Sea dangers,. are postponing their departure. ::1�1t�t�1I1�It1tt�1t��111111��tt�I11t t�lt�tt11t�1ttltt�t�it�2l�ttttt�tt�t� AmateurFilms__.- .5 E Developed and Printed. Work finished in 24 hrs. A E Mr Films mailed from the country promptly attended ,- to at the •'•-'"' E Mann Art Studio, .Wingham --.7.1 aullliliiiiiiiiliiiitialiiliiiiii aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiamiailialial behind Your Telephone. Behind your Bell Telephone is a little army of carefully trained workers, each laboring to perform• well the task assigned. The sum total of their efforts results in the commodity._ in which we deal --telephone service. Bell Telephone service is the standard of the • world largely because of the faith- fulness and efficiency of Bell Telephone employees. - Why not enlist these efficient workers in your own service—why not call them to the aid of your business? By studying the us_es'of your telephone,' figuring out how you ~ca i make it serve the special needs of your business, and .by applying both our local and long distance service to those needs, your business can share fully in the benefits of good telephone service. �--• Use your telephone 'intelligently, sys- ternatically, persistently. "Every Dell Tetephone 1. a Loftg »i.lance Station." The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada., There isn't a member of the family need suffer f ern indi estion, sick headaches, biliousness, n s fermented .1 m nted stomach etc. i�a or �e will take , if s a Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.r Theyr rcleanse the stomach. afld bowels and stimulate the lifer to healthy eetiteity and tone tip the whole system. Take one at night and. you're R,I(aliT in the morning. Mi dratiists, 2Se, or l,1 nisi! free Charciterrstitii Medicine C • party, Toronto, 16 W. Elmore Mahood Contractor and BulCdW.r If you have any work in flay ine write or call at my house ort Frances Street. Estimates anci plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOO Wingham, Ont. Box335 0000t.mooc00000000000000000 Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS. and 17NDI�R• - TA KERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James Walker 10 years experience. A. J, Walker 0 years experience Day Phone 100 A. Night Phone l00b and 2241 M+sYa4M/wawsneVM.n 1,vwW Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Greamery in full operation we solicit your cream patronage. We are prepared to pay the highest market prides for good Dream and give yon an honest business; weighing, samplibg and testing each can of cream received carefully and returning a full statement of same to each patron. We furnish two oaus to each onto mer, pay all express charges and pay r every two weeks. Write for full particulars or send for oane and give us a trial, SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAFORTH, ONT. 00000000000000000000000000 BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal tock YiceedAcclviltwt Auctioneers McConnell & Vandrick, Auctioneers for the Counties of HURON and BRUCE Are prepared to take all kinds of sales. Having had a wide exper- ienee in this line, we are certain we can please anyone trusting their sales to us. You can have either one to conduct your sale, or can have both without extra charge. Orders can be left with P. McCon- nell or with 0. F. Vandrick" at the MERCIIA FTS' BROKERAG K Co,s STORE, Wingham` Charges Moderate Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH let, 1015. Effective Monday, March let, Trains Nos. 710 and 722 on the Elor Subd iv- Woo visioo will run as ranted trains itetAad of etrtight passenger, daisy except Stin toy, on the following schedule:— No, 710 will leave Oataraet Jet, 10,15 a. ne , Erin 10.45, Hillsburg 11.05, Ort- on 11.33, Belwond 11.55, Spier 12.05 p.m„ Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12 45 p.m., No. 723 will leav 'florae 3,15 a.tn., Flergus 3 435, Spier 4:05, 13 eltvood 41330 Orton 4.55, ftll'bur•g 5 25, Erin 5 50. rarriving Cataract Jot, 0.10 p.m. lffeetive sante date, Trains Not. 871 and 071 nosy running between Leaden Windsor, daily except Sunday, will be discontinued beyond Chatham, Further articutale from Csnade an Pulite Tickt A.genta, or Write M. Cr efurphy, District Passenger Agent Toronto. WELLINGTON MT'TDAL FIRE INS. CO, Alstabltshed 1840. Iiead Of loo OUMLPH, ONT. Rieke taken nn all classes of ineur- able property op the Rash or premium note system. (Ileo. Semmes, Joliet DA YIDSQN Preeeidant, Secretary. RITORIlt , COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Out DUDLEY HO E " LM Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham, R, VANSTONE BARRI AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater, WINGRAM. ARTIIJJ J. IRWIN D.D,S., L,D,a. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pee noylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Of toe in Macdonald Block— G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L,D.S Honor Graduate of� the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faotltyof Dentistry. OFFICE- Dun H. it. !HARD as OD's. STORM, W. R. ' HAMBLY, B.Sc., Y,D., 0.11. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, havieg taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, .he- - tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist °hurrah. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND E.111.8.1.. (LeM Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (Under Qovernmet.b Inspeobion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physioians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing)—,400 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For farther:i informs. tion—Address tI18S L. MATtREW8 Superintendenb, Box 228, Wtnehant Ont. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrews Church.. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Wingham, Oat. DRS. PARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Ph siciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL andWINGHAM Specialiste in the treatment of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weaknesses of Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cures when alt else fails. Drugless methods. Wingham Office over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 0 a. m.-0 p. m. Wednesday 0-11 a. m. Thursday 4-9 p. m. Friday Oa. m.-9 p. m, Or by appointment. OVER es YEARS' EXPERIENCE pAT EN Ts • TRADE MARKS Drumm COPYRIQHTs &C. Anyone sending a eketeb and description may notekiy ascertain our opinion Tree whether as invention Is probably patentable._ ommuntca. tton.etrl0tlrconadontlal" Ii lyrupaonratenta sant frets Oldest egoncy for.ccertn,rp stents, Relents taken tbron,th Munu s G0. tecetye glacial notice, without ct,nr¢e. In the Scientific .lmertkan. X handsomely iithetrated weekly. Largest eta. cnantio ot a yat ntiae Journal. Terms for all newsdeana year, postage prepaid. gold by MUNN /4 Co e'a nNew York t John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones—Office 24 • Residence 188 OF SPECIAL INTEREST nave you a farm to sell, from 50 to 100 acme, with 'good buildings and near a eehool? We have a purchaser waiting for Such a place. FOR SALE Robert Oalvert'e floe 2 storey brick residence on south-east cotner'of Join and William Streets near 0. P R. station. Thle place will be Sold right and on easy term, STOP KNOCKING We give this advice free of charge, both to the council and the ordinary citizen. The town ie all ARIA. We Mu give you heal Estate inveatmennte right in Wingbam that wilt net front eight to ten per cent. Where can yon do better. Ritchie & Cosens II1tL 'UTWTE OD I UI ICE