HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-05-20, Page 1The Wingham 2dvancE•.
Subscriptions: $LUQ per year.
caseshower for University of xorlor►t
Base Fioepital, No. 5, at her home on
Titnraday, May 20th, from s to ,
and tram 8 to 10 p.m. The pillow•
cases should be of blenched cotton, not
too fine, and 18 by 3t inches, The
ladies of Wingham and, surrounding
country are invited,
Mrs. D, 0. Rose Brussels mother of
Dr, Rose, town, has gone ion an ext
tended visit to Winnipeg and the
West, She has a large number of
relatives and friends' who will be
pleased to see her, Fier daughter,
Mise Gertrude Roes, who is teaching
in Prince Albert, is expected to"ae•
company her mother on the trip,
Business as Usual
Lays Saturday afternoon and even
ing were possibly the best for bueiuegs
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LETTERS FROMDRAM' ROLLr.,,,.....,..,.....,,,,,,...„..„,..„,,,,,..,,,
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el Worn t
in Wingham for some weeks. We
have heazd several business men
mention that business was brisk,
Peeihall Match
The football watch in the park here
on Tuesdayeveningbetween Wrgxe-
ter and �'Vggham resulted in victory
for the home boys, The score was
2.1, tie at half time, Mr. Hollands of
London umpired the game. Mildmay
will play here on Monday, May 24th.
A lively game is expected,
A Record Breaker.
F. 3. Full delivered a number of
spring chickens at A. 11. Wilford's
Produce Warehouse on Tuesday, May
18th for which be received 40 cents
per Ib. This ro ressive establishment
p p f;
handled in the neighborhood of 300,000
dozen of eggs last week, which is a
very good proof of the extensive
business they are doing.
Bu Home•Made Candy
Buy Y
The Ladies Patriotic Society work-
hag for the Red Cross Societywill
conduct a sale of home made reedy
and bakingon Saturday, 22nd at
2,30 o'clock in the council chamber of
the Town Hall. By spending a few5
cents you will aid a good cause morea3
than imagine.Everybody
you can
The Gypsy Carnival. o
The Gypsy Carnival is the name of
pP Yanimal
a play to i`e put on by children of the
town in the town hall on Friday even-
Ing of this week, This play promises
to be a syecial treat as the children
have worked hard and are worthy of
the patronage of everyone. No
expense has been spared to make the
costumes beautiful. Everbody come
and be on time as the operetta will
commence at 8 o'clock sharp.
NeztMond q is VIM clot Daya aThe
public holiday.
P y'
Mr, J, G. Stewart, Town Treasurer,
was ie Blyth on Tuesday, on business.
Maitland Lodge 119, hags decided to
hold decoration services on Jul 18.h,
Pte, O. Wood, 33rd Battalion, Lon-
don, spent ,Sunday in Wingham with
his family.
Mayor Dr. A, J. Irwin was in Toros-
to last week attending a meeting of
the Ontario Dental Association,
Mr, Thomas McLean of Wingham,
was in Ripley on Tuesday tendering
for the sewer contract.--Ez tees
P ,
Fred Errington, West Wawanoeh,
g ,
formerlyof Morrie hasgone to To- .
Tonto where he has secured a situation.
A number of Masons from here
attended the funeral of the late Angus
McDonald in Kincardine on Sunda p
His Honor Judge Doyle has return-
g p
ed to Godericb, after an exteroded
visit to the Southern and Western
J. W. McKibben of the Rexall
Drug Store is we are pleased to say
able to attend to business after a
prolonged illness.
Jas. Dow of the 10th con. of East
Wawanoeh delivered a 18 months old
steer to Mr. Fella, butcher. The
weighed 1115 lbs,
A sale of home-made candy and
baking will be held in the council
chamber of the Town Hall on Setur-
day, the 22nd feet, at 2,30 o'clock.
Remember the Dominion Day cele
bratian at Wingham. No time or
money is being spared by those inbye,
charge to make the day one long to be
The cottage meeting will be
late Joseph lit, Bradwin, was r
,born In Haddenham, England 184$, Rev. Joseph Philp, formerly pastor
�� �$��
�eI Though
.,...... .^.®„ of the Bluevtile Methodist Church,
The following Is a letter from Pie,
Fred Grove written to his father,
Town Clerk, 3, >?', Groves, We are all
The familycame to Canada and set-
general, I can tell you nothing. Every has completed his work in connection
day we Can see aero lanes and bear tled in Parte. Thirty eft years ago he
P with the Metropolitan Methodist
the boom of the guns, but only occas• came to Wingham and engaged in size wlth, Victoria, B, U., for the
Ilardly GOP
glad to know that Fred is doing as
well as can be expected,
France, April 20th, 1915,
Dear Dad—
I have not received a letter for quite
r q to
a while and was wondering if yeuhad
forgotten me but I guess you have
I guess I will not et back on the
firing line tar a month or two as the
Germans hada shot at me but did
not do ver much damage. He hit
y g
me four times but did notput one
through. He hit,me in the thumb,longer
foot, hand and skinned nay chest and
y 'SundaySchool
then I thought I wouldgive him a
better target so I got up and walked to
banally does a paper reach us, They earthenware business for a number of two '+ears, and has returned to set
q g been connected twenty one capacity and ratio. Mr, and
are our only means of acquiring news, years+ i+'or five years he has ,
will spend the nest
You know and read more about the P y three months in Manitoba, when he
war than I do. My knowledge is urs• another with the Wingham Electric
g P expecte to make London hie head-
l local and is confined to the immed- Light plant,
y 'rift year* ago he married Mies quarters.
late vicinity of our billet. Annie Burke of Paris. Of this unionAre
I received your letter and am gladBaptist
thatyou have had such good health' were born eight sons and one dough-
ter. The widow and four eons aur- Subjects, morning --Portraits from
Am feeling fine and am really enjoy- an old Geller "The Courage of
vive--Albert E. of Godericb, Frank y g
Ing the experiences. Once in a while Christ." Evening—Types of Disciples
tine home feelin becomes strop W, of Hamilton, Ed. W. of Toronto, "Two disciples who were workers,"dutycarrying
y' l; g
and a eight of Kin and Yon a streets Larne E. of Saskatoon, „ „
g g + Solo, Crossing the Bar. by Mrs. P.
Toronto, or Dundas would be welcome,• In early youth he identified himself
with the. Methodist church. For 41 }any
that there is theIf
the lonedelayed
More welcome it will be. years he was a class leader, and a St. Paul's Church.
superintendent for 15
Your loving son, PA Special Vestry meeting 'will be
Rens, years. In politics he was a staunch held on Tuesday evening, May2a-th,
Liberal. Important business — Attendance of
These are symptoms of sluggish
blood, blood that is not circular-
Ing right.
you pale and anemic? This is
caused by the blood not properly
nourshingthe cells of the body.
Have you pimples or boils? They
are the result of the blood failing to
do its of awaywaste
material from the cells.
you have of the above com-
plaints do not suffer. Trp a Bottle
"REXALL Celery and IronTonic"
We know what it will do.
Post Orifice Hours.
In future the Post Office will be
open on holidays from 3 p.m. until 4
p.m., instead of from 4 p.m. until 5
p.m, as formerly.
O. N, GrFFIN, .Postmaster.
GgderiGh Taxes in Arrears
For the last four years from 1911 to
1914 the arrearage of taxes amount to
$8000, This deficit has to be financed .
by borrowing from the bank for cur-
rent ,expenses.
The Huron County Council
The council of the corporation of thein
County of''urns will meet in council
chamber in the Town of Godericb, on
Tuesday the first day of June next, at
the hour of 3 o'clock. All accountsthe
requiring settlement must be placed
with the clerk before this date.
'W. Lane, Clerk,
Purchased Block la Listowel.
A. J. Vandrick, late of Wingham,
has purchased the Royal Hotel block,
Listowel. He is going to make dwel-
ling gnartere up -stairs, and transform
the downstairs into a large store,
where he will conduct a farm and pro-
duce trade in addition to his present
No Cases .At 'turns Assizes,
For the first time in man y years
there were no cases entered far trial
at the Huron Assizes, which *were on
the Calendar for Tuesday, Map 11th,
and the Judge was notified that he
need not put in an appearance. It
would seem that the war is also affect -
In litigation. '+'gaym.iw,
Listowel issue Debentures
At the last session of the Legiela•
ture, Listowel obtained authority to
esus debentures to the amount of
$17,OOA. (f this sum $12000 is needed
for an overdraft in connection with
the waterworks plant, and $5000 to
pay an overdraft on general account.
The debentures were sold to run 20
years with interest at 5i per cent.
Dr. Rutledge well again
®flet an absence of about three
months, almost two of which were
spent in the John Hopkins Hospital,
P P p
Baltimore, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, castor
of Wesley church Clinton, was present
and conducted the services on Sundae
last. The many friends of Dr. Rut-
ledge will be pleased to know that he
fully recovered from his recent serious
Built Small Bride
The Western Foundry Co. babuilt
` re apontoon bridge over the G. T. R.
tracks for the convenience of their em
ployees, It will be the means of say
ing long walk every day as
several bad to go around bythe flour
mills. Needless to �a, the men are
very grateful to the Company for their
thoughtful consideration. The men
used to make the short cut over the G.
T. R. bride but of late the Grand
Trunk officials have threatened to en-
force the law more strictly regarding
pedestrians crossing over their bridges
P g 8
Lost on the Lusltaaia.
1.. "
Among those who were suddenly
called awa in cute sad' loss was
leo. A. Powell of Toronto, one of the
i +
buyers for the Eaton store, and form-
er resident of Brussels for several
years, He was engaged in the mer-
centric business in Brussels, and along
Mre. Powell were interested
members of the Methodist Church
choir. There are three daughters, one
of whom ie married to Reginald Ftet.
Cher, a former Brusselite. The Powells
hada wide circle of friends in Brussels
and tf the cad news reported proves
true, deeps m ath will be felt for
y p y
Mrs, Powell and daughters, sir, Pow.
ell made many tripe to the Old Coma-
try markets and was held In high ee-
teens by the Beton firm as he was a
moat capable employee.budding
Wingham s New Music $tote
Among the music stores of this pro•
vines, one which need not take a
second place is thatof councillor David
Bell at LVingbaht. finding his' old
store too email to accommodate him,
Mr. Bell fitted up the fine brick build•
ing a hew doors north of the old one.
said in new fleeting., building an
is g . � g g
addi$ion to t,iie rgar told` many other of
tis ver latest eltertiti6ne, Me, !Sell
9 Y
Apened no his new show rooms tt oou
plc of rvAekb ago,but owning to Ill heath
has been unable to push business so
fast as he would otherwlee have done
Mr, Dell carries a complete steak of
musical instruments, Oleatteephonee,
ah�et music, err. His is Indeed one offixe
the stores of which 'Wingham has
great r�easontt to be proud- of.
the dressing station but he never hit
me and I thought I got off pretty
It is sure fine weather here and we
have had a fine tour of walking
through France, we have travelled a
good deal but I don't think that I will
-`- In the death of Mr. Bradwin, Wing- all members of the Vestry, particular -
Wing -
The following Is a part of a letter ly requested,
received from Mr. Dave Lou heed ham looses one of its most prominent
g business men. Funeral services were Wednesday evening at 7 30,
from his friend, Lance Corporal Arthur Next Sunday is Whit Sunday, The
Ellie, who left Wingham with the conducted at the familyresidence,
Shuter St. on Monday evening by the anniversary of the birthday of the
first contingent• Rev. Dr. Hibbert, and the remains Christian Church. This is one of the
British Expeditionary Force,
We have seen the results
A large bottle $1.00
If it should not hive you sakisfact-
ion we will refund you your money.
travel an more in France as I thinkleft
soon as I am able I will be sent to
I have the bullet that hit me in the
chest and it ie not a bad one but it
on the morning train for interment Great Festivals on which the church
April 16,1915 the family burying grounds in expecte either members to receive the
Mr. Dave Loughesd, Paris. Holy Communion which will be cele
Wingham, Ont. y isThe service will be
To the widow and Tamil extended brated at 11 a.m.
Dear Friend : Your welcome letter the sympathy of the entire community. bright and attractive, in keeping with
to hand, was very glad to receive it, Whit Sunday.
Ju w McKibboii
must 'have been spent for it dropped
down beside nee, The First`Battalion
got pretty 'badly cut up but I do not
know of any of the Wingham boys ex-
Was sorry to. hear you had not been joyousness of
M. ROBE= BRADLEY. PresbyterianRorie
feeling well of late, but cheer up Dave y
The following ie copied from the
the summer is coming. We have all On Sundayevening
Teeswater News and refers to a sister- last, the ser -
been longing very much for it. It has in•Iaw
of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bradleymon given by the brilliant pastor,
rept Ted Murch being killed, been very tedious waiting, but our of town, Rev. D. Petrie, on behalf of the young
- - - —
It is very hard writing when you chance is close at hand, now we will people,
It is our unpleasant duty to have to P P , was much appreciated by a
cannot use your thumb, so I guess I have to show the 'buns' what the Brit- large audience.
wit! have to close with love to alt. Re- chronicle the death of Mrs. Robert f3
fah race can do. I wish we had the
member me to anyofBradley who passed away at her home The Adult Bible Close will be die
the boys. Good- same men now that we had in this here on Sunday evening. Mrs. Brad- continued for the summer months
regiment when we started. They ley'd maiden name woes Emma Fisher after Map 30th,jik\
Your loving son, were a fine lot of fellows, but I am she was born in Toronto a little On May30.b,theit
Fred• sorry to say there are not many of Lord's Supper will
over •sixtyears ago. She was married`-
them left. The second last time we p g be observed. Preparatory se.
,� 1
i :.,., '
i . t
: ;
_= _"---
,d�� _
he'd on Friday evening at the home of
Mre, Casemore, Minnie St., at 8 m,
in 1874 to Mr. Bradley in the town of will be held on Friday evening. All
were in the trenches we lost fort\�
The following letter which reveals y' Harriston and a few years later move are invited to attend.
and near' all were old ozi finals,
soldiering as it looks "'on the inside" p g rened with him everto Teeswater where she
byp, who We get reinforced now are Kitchener's bas reside since, Seven ch'Id• Methodist
was written Ross Binklebd
was killed in action a couple of weeks Army, of course, they not as good wQere horn to them, all of whom On Sundae last in the Methodist S.
as the others for trench work, for living, Tiley are t Charles, C. S. the certificates were presented to
ago, to his mother. It will be noted they have not had the tr training. lint; t;re still
that he designates the place fn France P• R• station waster of Port Hope, the successful candidates at the recent
will see that I ba a been ro oted o
as a "Haymow." Mr. Binkley i3 a Y B m t Wiitiaz>a ofacremento, Cal., Harvey examination in Teacher Training.
Lance corporal. have bee o e of. of
brother of Mr. L. Binkley, manager �! P q u Parry Sound, Mrs. Hearts of Teen- The class was conducted throughout
of the Bell Telephone Co. here ; the bomb throwers for some time and ton, Mre, Hawke. gar' And frank of the winter by Mrs. W. J. Greer and a
France, April X5, pp.after our last fight, they asked me to Teeswater, Mre. Bradley has been in ccuple of weeks ago an examinaticn
"ear Mother; What am going take charge, and I accepted it and a poor bealth for some years as a result was held on Old Testament history,
or two afterwards m name of heart trouble and the immediate the a era set the S. S. Dept.
to say and how am I going to say it ?day y papers beingby p
It is a most peculiar thing That since came out as Lance Corporal. I kicked cause of her death was broncho.pneu- Toronto, Out of thirteen candidates
cooling to ranee there has never hese about it but they said I had accepted monis. Aprivate service was held at
m gwriting, thirteen were successful, ten
any period of time when I felt like the job and promotion with it. A her late residence on Monday evening taking over eighty per cent. They
writing and at a result I have written Canadian Brigade has been formed at wnich Rev. W. A. Bradley officiate are: Mrs. W. J. Greer, G. R. Smith,
only two lettere, end I understand they are making ed and on Tuesday morning the re- Lizzie Johne, Sadie Davidson, Edith
IGNORANT OF FUTURE, good too, for Gen. French speaks very mains were taken to Orangeville where Buchanan, Gertrude Cruikshank ,
., highly of "Prin-,
When I wrote you last I expected g p tbcm, especially the they were interred in the Forest Lawn Minnie Barber, Greta Robinson, Inez
case Potts." The
before now our machine guns y have lost quite a Cemetery. Rev, Mr. Kerr officiated Law, Annie Lloyd, Blanche Bennett,
would have been engaged in real act• number of their men too. at the'grave. Among relatives from a Thomas Armstrong, Victor Johnston,
ion. We anticipated having come I am reallyproud of Canada and distance who attended the funeral
.tee- _
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Victoria Day
No doubt YOU are PLAN-
NING to take an outing on
Then your wearing apparel
will be an important eonsiderat-
No matter where you go, good
desire to "look YOUR
Hyslop Bicycle for sale thea Ap
1 at the Advance. P• It
For Sale—Robert Calve't's fine re-
sidence, John St, Terms easy.—Rit•
chie & Cosene,
Wear Greer's Shoes and P'rbbers
Let us do your Machine work and
general Repairing and you will have
no regrets,—E. Merkley & Son Wing-
WANTED. — An apprentice or an
improver. —Appy to E. C. White,
Ladies and Genty' Tailor, Wingham,
frame house 'on Minnie St ; 9 rcome,
hard and soft water, good garden. -Mr,
AlX,py at the Advance Office. tie
Cash paid for goose and duck feath-
are,—Walker and Clegg Upholstering
Factory, Wingbam, Out. tf
We are buying butter and eggs.
p g t'g
We do not cult your eggs 'except for
Totts and held stock.—Wm. Davies
Co. etfspart
A few barrels of good winter apptes
for sale. --Apply to D. McPherson.
Bracelet Watches from $3 to $50 at
Patterson's Jewelery Store.
Carload of corn for sale at the
Grand Ti unk Station—Tipling & Mills,
If children are feverish give a light
laxative like Rexall Orderlies which
often removes the cause. Sold only
by J. W. MaKibbon, the Rexall Store,
10x, 25c acct 50.1 boxes.
Bring yosr butter and eggs to us,
We pay highest cash price market will
1 allow—Wm. Davies Co, tf
1.- S. J. Smith,Tp.of Morris, box
50, care of W. Pllock, Blyth, Ont.,
will do hair weaving from Combings
cr cut hair; switches, curls, transfer.
mations, side Tolle, ate, Reasonable
NOTICE -I am prepared to again
keep lots in the cemetery in good shape
at the rate of $1 per lot for the season.
Orders left with John F Groves, Town
Clerk, will be given prompt attention.
tf Robt. De ell,
WANT ✓D—A reliable man to sell
STOOK in Wingbam and Huron Co.
Start now at the best selling time
Send for list of Spring Offerings and
to agents. Liberal Coinmise-
ions, Handsome free outfit•.—The
Foothill Nurseries. (Established 1537)
stir dental offices will be closed from
May 1st to Ort. 1st on WednesdayI
afternoons.—G. H. Rose, A. J. Irwin.
We have extra good examples of all
;Inds of seed corn. Dente tVbiteos
' ( n
earning, Bailey, Wisconsin No. 7 and
Southern Sweet) Feints (Compton s
Early, North Dakota, King Philip.)
We also have all kinds of man el seed.
Howson & Brocklebank,
Poultry Wanted.
We are now in the market, for live
have atryfther spring ehieksoung rold. If weighing one
pound or over, vee will give Yon forty
per lb for theta. Note is the
beet time to market rooster.) and old
fowl. We are still buying butter and
r gge, A. 13, Wilford,
Wholesale l3roduce Iieaier,
Also on Monday evening at the home
of Mr. Bailey,Scott Si.,t 8 m,
etehIr. Les Griedale who spent the poet
couple of months in Detroit returned
last week. Les found the call of the
old home town too strong to stay
away. To him the glare of the city
has no charm..
Mr. Fred Morrie, who has been em.
played with Walker & Clegg for some
pears, left on Friday morning for Oeh-
awa, where he has secured a situation
with Luke Brns,
Mr.and PrP, Roy Willis,Dungan-
have moved to Toronto where
Mr, Willie intends to engage in the
grocery business. They will be missed
by their many friends in Dungannon.that
`'Edward and Charles Hawkins have
moved their parents t o Wingham
from Per us occupying the house
they bought from Mr. D. Holmes in
lower Wingham. We welcome Mr.
and Mrs. Hawkins to Wingham.
The Brussel Post sayer --Harry Wil-
lis of Wingham, was a caller upon the
Post on Wedaeeday last. He was a
former resident and is now a hastier
after business in the boot and shoe
line in Wingham.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Institute will be beld this Thursday,
May 20th in the •Council Chamber at
3 o'clock. All members are requested
to bet present as it •ie the Annus! meet-
ing and election of officers,
Pte. Willie Fraser of Kincardine.
who has been in training at Guelph,
left this week to go direct to the
trenches. Before leaving he visited at
his home in Kincardine and was pre-
aerated with a wrist watch b the
Private Pere S der, who was last
y p
week reported dead, is, we are glad to
state, only wounded. Mr. Syder'e
sitter sent home the •glad news that
she had visited her brother in the
hospital, and she ie`cloing eery nicely
Nile will publish a letter from Pte.
Syder next week,
Correspondents will assist Os greatly
bymailing their correspondence in
g p
time to reach us by Tuesday noon, if
possible. A number tf good budgets
lisve been crowded out this dveek,
which we would have been pleased to
Lieut. Tennyson G 1 a n viI l e bt
Edmonton, a former Wingbam boy
and a graduate of Wingham High
School, was renewing old arquain•
tepees and visiting relatives in town
this week before his departure for
I�Mr3, Andrew W. Hardison and little
daughter of Regina, Alta., are visit-
in the Canadian division in an
important advance movement, but they
while we have moved about 15 miles
to another billet nothing of such a
nature has taken place, and we are
now no wiser as to our future than we
were then.
"This life is most certainly the ideal
one fora lazy man. Your meal is pro
vided, your hour of retiring and aria- ish
ing is appointed, your actions during it,
the da are governed b rules that Ing
p g p
concern you not in the making. Iu
fact,the onlythin required of a sol-
Australia and to see the splendid work were Mee. A. R. Colvin of Montreal.
are doing for the Motherland Mrs, Wm. Fisher of Tomato, Mr. Delegates To Baptist onVention
,/ Mr. A. C. Riley,, A. and Mr.
England is likely to have such colonies Geo, Bradley and Mr. and Mrd. Johny'
Geo. Pocock were appointed delegates
to help her in a crisis like this. Of Bradley of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. PP g
course we must win in the end, but I Wm. Bradley and Mr. and Mre. Angus to the annual Baptist Convention
am afraid it will take a long time yet. of Wingham, and Mrs. Mercer of Mt, whish will be held thisyear in Mount
The devastation and Suffering they Forest. Her four sons, Charles, Har• Foretdon Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday,June 1st
have caused in this country is almost 'rep, Earl and Frank, her son-in-law, , 2nd and 3xd. The
beyond description, but God will pun- Thomas Hawke, and her brother, Wm appointments were made at their
meetiogon Sundaymorning..Style,
them, When I am in the thick of Fisher acted as p ill bearers. Mr,3
I know I am doing my duty in help- Bradley and his family have the eym-
to drive these inhuman monsters patby of all their friends and ac wain• Change s Bgsitl Ile
�t Mr, Jasper VVatkom, who for many
off the earth, and if it takes ten years tendtheir s in bereave;uent, • ' years conducted an extensive general
to do it as long as God gives me health disposed
BEST" and ifyou wish to enjoy
7 Y
the day.
Greer s Shoes
Should go with yon because
not only will they look well, but
they are sure to be comfortable.
r fit and finish are the 3
points about our shoes.
Come here for your Holiday
g q
._.._ _ .. •. - - store in Dungannon, has of
I Will up
dier is that he orders. The one
and strength willingly give ...............................,......
his interests to Messrs. T. G. Allen
thing beyond pardon is to think for
all else.
,�i ^
Dun -
and J. C. iticFarlowe, both of Dun
yourself or to do anything on yourP
own initiative. You are looked after ;spies
as a cow or horse is looked after and
in the eyes of the officers are regarded
It is sur riste to see dee numlfer of
,. b, ,,.,, ,b'4'�1
!s „,,,,
•there are here amen the 'tench •GREER
people, they have shot a Itir a number r. Lloyd
4 Atl
of them. 1rn several cases it bas beep El in h•ie
that theywere bought for a g
....,o„.,,, �e,�,,
y Hewer visited
gannon. Mr. Walkom was very
popular with the public and his re•
fn Port moval from the village will 1 e
regretted. .Mr. Allen is oleo Township
in much the same way.
proven g Mr. Wes, Ansley of Toronto, is visit- Clerk of Ashfield, whilst Mr.
few franks. miller in a
"You are merelya mechanical some-
paltry A viii,
leg at his borne here. McFarlowe has been manager of the
age used to start 'lis windmill of
thingthatgets upat reveille answers
to a name at roll call and responds to
the day's orders without question or
hesitation. The officer pulls the strings,
P g
the private and junior jump. The
morrow maybringa German bullet or
a route march, or an inspection by
General, or somethingor other,but
the one necessary thing for you to du
is to take heed for it. You dont know
whereyou are whenyou arrive some-
where. You pass through villages-,
tbe names of which you never heard
seen as troops came into the village{ 1xr. G, EL Rose visited with friends Sec rang Bank, Dungannon.r.........
the Germans woyld then shell that in Toronto last wemk.
Organ Recital.
village, When hen caught, it was proves Mrs. A, Hunter of Brussels is
The (legate Recital given in the
that he was doing it for ten franke, spending a few days with her son, Church of St. Paul the Apostle last
(two doilars) and many others ate do- Hilton, Wednesday evening by Prof, Weaver,
log similiar things for one dollar, butof London, waisted by Mee. Prank
g gMr: Robt. Sanders of Exeter renew- Saunders of Godericb, and '.'. F Eva
they are being gradually round up. ed argoaintanees in Wingham this Patterson of town, pupils of Mr,
Mr. Hibbert sent me a lovely letter. week, Weaver, was a musi�cat success and
When you see him, tell him I will an- Dr. Stevenson, Ma was much end„ yed by the cuagreore
Mayor of London, tion resent. A short service of raise
'neer at my first opportunity. visited witI Dr, Kennedyoa SaturdayP P
was conducted by :he rector be?ore
must now close. Give my love toStore
of last Werk. Mr. Weaver began his rr;.,rgramme
all at home, and tell them to remem- wbieh was well chosen ; difficult nun.-
Mr. Fred Vandrick was at Trow-
tams commusts
Graduate ofCauadianEmbalmers
We carry a large and first -
class stock of
A Large stork of tauerytbing
found in a modern Resfuridence
Phone 51 Residence 155
a soi
before and'which you whistle, but can-
her ns in their prayers, tiers from the old masters bring inter-
bridge last week where he was Con
a wsusss
not pronounce. If the end of our
P p
match is a billet you know it will be a
barn and that pour bed wilt be of hay
or straw, one used before by other
troops and as 'lousy' as a cuckoo, and
one that you must fight the mice to
"The odor of a caw stable directly
underneath mingles with that of a
across the barn yard. The
Your eincerefeiend, gepersed w.tt ligt.t and tuneful tnelo
AItTIIUit ELLIs, ducting a big sale. died, alt of which Mr, Weaver render -
ed boa very capable learner, Mrs.
Arthur Newman, fnrmetly of thel
Mr. Ellie, writing on'April23rd says; Saugders, twho possesses a pure•, sweet1
"Thegthat Lucknow Sentinel, has accepted a soprano voice, gave two splendid vocal
dugs is blowing so hard now P P
poeitiou with the Advance, rptoe, Mise Eva Patterson, a member
we will soon need a water cart Eli the at Sc. Paul's choir, sang "I'm a Prl-
trenches when the bullets strike the Mr. Greenwood, of the Home 1+riend' grin" •in a rich metzo•soprauo that
grounds ahead of us. The dust is an Office, Torontr, was a visitor tit the was very pleaving. The service closed
most as bad now as the mud was be- home of'lir. O. Cook, last week, with a prayer and the benediction.
fore, but I much much prefer the dust Mr. and re. T. Robertson of
M Old Resident Dead.
to mud." Clinton spent a few daps in town the The fallawin refers to the father OfCents
of iklre. Raberteoi.ra father, Mr.
If you
price of
ter coal
It you
with the
the year,
t1 s?etlre the lowest
bay YOUR win-
good service along
Coal mined, Tot n0
and love•sfckewaEn sins
of the neve mown hay, but the Ilan-
adian ahldier Is quite sure that hay or
straw never cenld have seen that
happy condition,
"And so the days go and the nights
pass and so I suppose the days and
nights will pass, until finally the re•
$oasts drrmc,s Gibson, who, for a ttutuber of
in,more. years was employed at the G. T. U.
Chittens lileetie t Mrs, Peter Fibber, ie., of Toronto, is here:
A Meeting of the crtE ens o£ Whig- visiting et the post office, the guest of One of the pioneer settlers of Feat
harm watt held in i,he Cottntil Chamber Mrs, Fibber. At the. Sunda morning
p g t reveonash •in ilio person of J+at, Gfb•
on Tuesday evening, to confider a service in the Baptist Church, Mve ens passed away at, bre hems on Con.
proposition heir) made to the West- Fisher rendered a solo in el ccllent 4, on Thureday of laet week, at tbe age
ern F oondry Oo. voice, of 70 years. Deceased came from
This enterprising Oo, purphses ex -Tp.,
gout bin with Genuine D. L.
Vii, Co.'s Scranton which has no
Call at our (Ince and get Out
for every thing in the fuel
Dump Ground Notice.
ing the former's another, Mfrs. Marsales
and Miner relatives in town. Mrs,
Notice ie hereby given that any
persons having ashes or other non-
combustible material to dispose of only
dump same at the north end , of Mc-
Kenzie bridge, on east side of the
road. Any rambmtible material must
be.consumed on o'wners premises.
r•• W: 4., Ottrrir+, (Melville!). Street
Murdison, (nee Besets Marsalep} is a
former Wicigham glei, and • atthbugli
she sr*ye the West is alright, yet she ie
delighted to be back in her old home
Coven. �� e • .•
• . is
Mr. Simon V,'anNarmtin is a • present
Yisiting hie hen, Alderman'' Vanitlorr
° t tan. and other friends In thte vloinftyt
destined time err vas When the ode
decide what the ultrmete netts nor
�e2ich o s is to be, belie a we re
f � 1 �* a
through with the trencbee, We have
been seasoned so to s oak, and it
r p
would appear that when some tbona-
arida, like ourselves, era new to the
matters of war, get this experience,
then we tea be entrusted with neat-
_____ _ _
tenditeg its business by going into the
marigfacture of steam and hot water Presented With Cheque„
boilers for domestic beating ur oses
B P p , Norman Ilett, of liarriston, who
an assured Market having been seeur- enlisted tor active service waa present -
ed for the whole output, ed with a chs gee b the Bart Teton
p 1 Y
Iu order to accomplish this the flan Furniture Cc mpany, where he was
ft placing on the market $201)00 rid— employed, Addreere.) of t. highly
ditional seven per cent. preference complimettar•y cltaretter were madr+
stock, byjudge S otton, president of the
g >�
Stanley when a young men, to
West W i r several 'which was then all
forest. For gears he ing rC-
tired in Dizngannvu and during the
trait two or three years has bet a living
Witlr his ane on the br�mettead. Be.
sides leis wife lie is survived try foto
eons and two daughters, namely
James, at home; Sidney and Walter,
Saskatoon ; Ii,bert, Seal,, Ste Marrs;
r• McLean
tienLl:tt 1N
Y.I11111l�1", Coal Wood
Phyne 64s. Mill %ale 84t
Re+e^ld.>nee Phone 66.
Mr, anNorman a ant the Winter
Read about "A p'ew `Tina
Wee Want to be KnOVitit"and
In, our rid, on last page,
with bis son, Chutes, at Hamilton: ba
is glad to be back among old friends
AMunitannee, lint be intends, leave
ing soon hgain for a trip to the •West,
Only those who have lived in the west
Can realize just what the call to the
west is in the springtime,
let's of more moment and importance
When or where will this happen is be-
yond our knowing, irrobably it is best
that it is so,
''Of the war and of the situation in
This is something that ought to company, and by W. 0. Chambers,
Claim the support of every luau M. v. P , Moyne Hero y ave' n, eve
eventing a good safe investment, or Dale, Plc, tit'tl`e three brother..., were
who is interested ill the prosperity of in the battle of Lengenrarek find ]tete
, the town, not been h.n.std of or freta. Slrane►
Mee. W. McCoo tell of Ast.fleld anti
MIIa, JxP, I• int ar, ti"aft Wavra els
g u h•
Cuneriel tock pleat to the non-
pollen renirter, Ned nCtsry
cues. i+�! >t
li"x'z'i Cl <1er�liee mnko you feel fine
you will feel better and rive heave it
'mill krep enter b,iwols regular by tb(
eecaeior,til trete of Ftexelt 0.derlielt
.1. \V. M cittt bon, druggist.