HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-05-13, Page 8IMInnialimminamismollualoallemowleasswavissailisanielnanara Hanna & Oo Fancy Silks, Fancy Crepes, Mulles, Voiles, Foulards, Crepe-de-Chene. • These are a few of the new goods for Summer dresses in shades that tempt you to buy. . LadiosYihito Repp 8kits Made in the new styles at $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 each Ladies' and Children's Hats and Straw Hats, White Bedford and Towelling Hats at 25c, 50c, 75c House Furnishings 1 Wilton Rugs in sizes 3x3, 3x3 1-2 3 1-2x31.2, 3x4, 3 1-2x4 1-2 VelvetOrugs in the -same .sizes Tapestry rugs in all sizes, Cot- tage Polesyand Brass Poles Linoleums In floral and Block designs in 3 yds and 4 yds wide at $2.25 and 2.50 per yd. Floor Oilcloths and Stair Oilcloths at 30c per square yd Voile Scrim and Lace Curtains by the pair or by yd in newest designs and patterns Mail orders promptly filled. FIAN , & C Phone 70. 1 THE WING}: AM ADVANCE. Weekly, Prayer Meeting Oa Monday evening May 1001, over fifty aseemhled at the home of Mre. Campbell, Minnie St., prayer meeting. Mr. Hopper of Belgrave was the speak. er, and Mies Murat and Mrs, Bailey sang, solos very effectively. Interest in these meetings is steadily increas- ing. The meetings are evangelistic andare interdenominational., tee, may... Salem.. Mr. Ed Bennet delivered 3 fine head of cattle to Gorrie last Monday. The Sabbath school re -opened last Sunday for the coming summer. There will be no service in the Church here next Sunday owing to the anniversary services in Belmore. Mr. Harry] Westlake spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mines spent lash, Sunday at the family reunion at the home of the latter's brother Mr. David Breen of the 10th Con. of Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery from near Gorrie spent last Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Roy McKer- sie. Warnipg The Grand Trunk Ry. desires to warn the public through the columns of your press, that they desire to put a stop to trespassing on their bridge north of the depot and that they will not be responeible for any a cidente or Sne.imposedEh through h the misuse of told bridge. Kindly Send News Items Tun AnvANeu will, starting with the new management;°'"r`endeavor to publish all tho news, and in general make the business better in every respect. In doing eo, as we are strang- ers in Wingham, we would ask read- ers of the Advance and the public in general to eo•operate with us by send- ing in names of visitors or any news of interest to the community for which we will be grateful. Pte. Torrance Dead Mr. James Torrance, M.P.P„ for North Pertb, whose home is in Mil- verton, bas just received word from the Militia Depatment at Ottawa that his son, Pte. E. A. Torrance, who went with the first Contingent as a member of one of the Maratime Province High- lander Brigadee, is wounded. The telegaam read—"Sincerely regret in- fcrm you, 47,407, Pcivate E, A. Tor- rance, 14, formerly 17th Battalion officially reported wounded. Further particulars when received, will be sent you." Shrapnell At Chesley. Manager Griffin referred to below is Mr. Gorden Griffin, son of Postmas- ter Griffin, town. Mr. Ward, an ex- pert shrt pnell shell maker, is in charge of the manwfacturing of shells under manager Griffin at tha Canada Bed factory at Chesley, and will start work today on a contract of 25,000, There will be two shifts of about 50 filen working day and night. The dailies had it in big headlines that the Obee- ley Bakery was making shells. There are two bakeries in Chesley and they are busy turning out the staff of life instead of munitions of destruction. Some Nerve. Listowel Banner last week said:— The Banner entered suit this week a• gainst one subscriber in town who has taken the paper for the past four years and when asked to settle up said he had never ordered it and refused to pay. We don't know whether he did or not. It was before our time, But we do know that he has been receiving the paper regularly and that therefore according to the postal lawe, he is re- sponsible for the pay. Imagine the nerve of a fellow who would take a paper for four years, never refuse it, and then when asked to settle say he had never ordered it. We hope other papers haven't any subscribers as "cheap" as this one on their list. ®,s • 4 4914 .14 SAFETY BEAUTY COMFORT. QUALITY STRENGTH STABILITY -. These are the cardinal virtues to be desired in a motor car Has Them All and yet,—well, see these "Whithin-reach-of-your-pocket book" prices: The Four. 3 passenger $1250 The Four 5 passenger $1250 The Six 5 passenger $1750 The Six 7 passenger $1825 Safer Low center of gravity; extra large Safety-Low non-skid tires on rear wheels Bea Streamline body; crowned fenders; twenty+ y four finishing operations in painting body Cornf ort`I08-inch and 121 -inch wheel base; one man type top, generous foot room in both compartments • Full floating rear axle, shaft locking into taper at hub; Quality -full equipment of thirteen Timken roller bearings Steen th�Special Studebaker heat -treatment of parts; special high-grade tested steel used in Studebaker Cars Stability.Longer-wearing materials. perfect balance, ani excess valve due to complete manufacturing in Studebaker plants C.RVAL E. TAYLOR s bu itt Box. Phone 26 See us before y g WINGIIA1VI, ONTARIO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 •y4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4+ 4 4 4 4 411* 4+ 4 ,,��r�C �y�� J4 ,L ,4 ,y�r ,y�I ,C *444444444+444444414.4)14 T 4TT'f 4`4+4 4++ set PROGRAM at the PICTURE I10USE. Wednesday, May 12th.. Ilirougk Danto's Flames 4 Big Sensational Reel of Drama Thurs. and Fri. May 13.14 Lola in 5 reels, One of the best we have had thie season. Saturday night CARDS --A 3 reel production aleo Wht+n 5erinani Passed Through Belgium Monday, May 17th. The last two .reels of The Milton Dollar Mystery Women troubled with constipation find Rexall Orderlies far superior to the usual harsh purgative. Sold only by The. Rexall Store, 10c, 25o and • 50e boxes. -J. W. MoKibbon. Help Along The Work The Ladies' Patriotic Society will bold a meeting on Friday afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. All the members of the Society are especially urged to he present. All those who are interested, all those who are will- ing to assist and everbody who well spare the time, (even at some cost to herself,) is asked to attend this meet- ing for the purpose of helping the pro• grass of the good work of the Rsd Croce Society, The call is urgent and the need is great. More funds are required and ways and means of raising money are to be considered. We need your help. Will each and everyone consider this a per- sonal appeal. Our Satiety has done much but there ie much more to do. We can net rest on the glory of past efforts, There is se much more yet to be done. Bandages! Dressings! Thousands oi yards yet required and how to raise the money for this purpose is the question now before us. Let uv repeat our appeal for new material and old. Does it grow tire som. this constant demand ? To those who have contributed perhaps it .does, but so many have not thought of it yet. Will these not send in their contribu- tions now, also come to the meeting on Friday to give all the help they can. Blyth Captain Sloan of London spent Sun- day at her home here. A. E. Bradwin of Goderich was in town Saturday. Rey. Mr. Jewett prea3hed in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, Mother's Day, his sermon beirg appropriate for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick took Mr, Jewetr's work at Blyth, The annual meeting of the Women's Institute will he held on Thursday, May 20th, at 2:30 in Forester Hal, A full meeting of all the members is requested and those who are interest• ed in the work are invited to be present. Election of new officers for the on coming year, and the reception of the annual reports will be on the program, also arrangemente for the summer meeting which will be held the 14th of June, and the annual picnic which will be held in June. Miss Eliza Proctor underwent a serious operation on Monday for appendicitis at her bons on the 4th line, Morris. Dr, Bryons of Brussels has charge of the ease. Garner Nicholson who has been so seriously ill is making good progress under the efficient skill of Dr. Bryons of Brussels and nurse Adams of Wingham, BIRTHS LTNk—In Wingham Hospital on Sun- day. May 0 to Mr, and Mrs. William • H. Lynn. a daughter. Spend Your Dollar at Home and it will Boost Your Town. For Rent The Cummings' House and shop on Victoria Street for rent. Will rant separately or together. Apply to Mr. Geo. Wraith, Wingham, Ont. tf Card of Thanks. • Through the columns of this paper, I wish to thank the Board and staff of the Wingham Hospital for the great care and kindness I received during the seven months I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Gratefully yours, T. Calver. PJStNT • P. XDQ►UCH ASNALIOC HEN Harry Platt and that girl friend,'of the preens (I forget liar name) were married; it was ono of those my -goodness- gracious-' lust•thinktof-that ; at- fairs, with no one in on the secret except , the suburban minister Who tied the ktiot, the cab- man who drive them out therh and the girl from the minister's kitchen, who, was a ivitness,•and lefta thdtnb-print of grease on tale certificate (she was frying doughnuts at the time) and•the' minister's wife (at least'the name Zeas' the same). Let's. see, whore was I? Oh, yes, :when, the Platte .were mar- ried, it' being that kind of a wedding, there was no chance to send them El wedding gift SA I would have liked to do,. or to have • done, (whichever ls. proper, or, grammatical, though I'm sure I ' cart never tell • which), But Mr. Platt is one of the nicest:men in the office, that is, he' was before that happened. So'I felt we ought to do something .for •him, just to show our good will `and, anyhow, we've dug down for, others wtj thought much less of, so wy shouldn't we for him? but 'the wedding Was over, without in- vitations:, or even a reception, and they were hof sekeeping before we knew it. So what could we. do? • Well, Just then . - Chfistinas • came along net 'just then �. but ,two months piker the wedding. They •, were. 'mar- ried October . , 2Q, so. It wasn't quite. two months, but that's close enough. When •, 9% Christmas, y came y • along, : that is,'. just before it. FC prime along, I sug- v gested • that: wer.. L ,;_,,,. 3h`iika' up"a purse" and give them' a it port,; ;of delayed ,wedding present, just to show our good : will. Every- • body thought 1t A • • ' . was a • • • splehdid :idea, , that is,' of -course, except Mr. Platt; "whom; of course,'•I didn't con - cult. Sol got up a 'subscription paper 'and vent to everybody, in' the office (except»Mi.. Platt, of course). • I got $26.60, including ten cents from the janitor,, who -wasn't expected, to give airything but wonted to, give some= thing, which shows just how . popular Mr. Platt was with *everyone in the building, when a janitor 'even would chip in. ' ' •• - • Ciiiistmas shopping; Is hard enough, gobljnes"s knows, when sod do it foi 'yolYrself; but when•you do it for -.a stock , company ,,capitalized at $26.60, 'with 28 stockholders, with 28 different kinds of ideas and tastes, then'Christ= mas•ehopping.rises above a mere an- noyance.'to the dignity of a real trou- ble.. And that's what 1 was up akainst. I thought It would, be nice to `get •aii expression of 'opinion. ,. So - I. went around one 'morning and asked • for ideate But I couldn't get' a •word. No. bfiliy could think of aitythin4...I rrt; couldn't a t; At ••noon• . I 'went out land. loafed. I walked• miles. I ' plical, . then I went back 'to the office. You should have seen my ' desk. • Honest, • you _have have thought some one had turned in a gen. 'eral alarm, They couldn't wait for me to get back. • There they were --28 of them, (that is, 27, or 28 with me). They all had sdggestions, • and they were all different. ,The head book- keeper . thought an- arm , chair would be nice: (He stands, up all day). , The collec- ' for thought a rain- coat would be best, while ' Miss Jones suggested a dress ' pattern: They all said, of course, that they loft it entirely to me; and then each went; away -sadly, as much as to say that ho hoped I wouldn't be so 'foolish as to buy any'of thole other things • ,that the others had pro- posed. T• he next day I looked again. But either a,thing was too expensive or I would have.money left. It is remark- able how few,things there are in the, %world you cnn buy for $26.60, no !more, no; leas. 'cr.,:.�s ; I• -And then' I saw it. It was in a de- lpartment store, and marked down from $50 to $26,601 There it was, -to; a cent! A great, liig, glittering, mag, nifcent Punch :Bowl!. Nobody had, 'thought of that! ., I int, to rnalte•sure, I eent'the sales 'ticket with it' and told' the' Islatts'they. could exoh nge the punch• bowl, it MI:wished, for something they likedi 'biter,- • • d what do you a'2ppotae those, 1,,alLaoryYthe traded to that maga • iouch bowl for three tons of• (Cop7rlsbt,11113 • ►r•vr r „ WINGUAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon.) Wheat. new....,...,. ,. 1 35 to 1 40 Flour, per cwt., potent.. 4 35 to 4 35 Flour, per cwt„ family.. 4 00 to 4 00 3 Star Flour per ass t , , 4- 00 to 4 00 Bran, per ton 20 00 to 27 00 Shorts, per ton .,20 00 to 80 00 Oat', new 0 55 to 0 55 Barley 0 05 to 0 70 'sae, per bushel ...... 1 40 to 145 Buckwheat 0 75 to 0 77 Hay, new 12 00 to 14 00 Sutter, per lb—Dairy 0 00 to 0 20 Eggs, per drsen , ... ,0 00 to 0 20 Cattle, medium butchata 7 (;0 to 7 50 Cattle, butchers choice7 00 to 7 50 Hoge, live weight 8 50 to 8 50 Sheep, (owt) 4 00 to 4 50 Hama, perlb..,,...,.,0'20 to 0 21. Bacon long clear0 00 to 0 14 Sheep Skins 0 75 to 1 00 Bides I ., 10 00 to 11 00 Tallow, rendered0 00 to 0 5} Orangee, per don 0 30 to 0 50 Potatoes 0 00 to 0 25 900000000000000009 0000000n ( To the Citizens of Wing- ham and Surrounding Country: Having bought out the Grocery business of M. J. Bell in Pattison's old stand on Josephene St. I would respectfully solicit a share of your valued patronage. I will have on hand a rull Stc ek of all lines, also Flour and Feed galore. Give us a trial order. 8 0 8 Goods .delivered to any ii part of the town. Phone 82 Highest prices paid for 8 Butter and Eggs, 0 o o N. K. McLeod 000000000000000000000000t1 ovEn $5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4' 4' 4' 1< 4' 4' 4, i< w t 4' 4' R * 4 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 No Secrecy • Some dealers will not lot their customers into their egg cand- ling'•room. We do not want yon to wait to be invited into ours, WALK RIGHT IN. ASK (,Z tTESTIONS. Then you 'will go away eatisfied that we do not take off any eggs that are not bad. We are still paying the highest cash price for butter and eggs. Bring then[ to us. WM1 DAMES GO., Ltd. 000000000000000000000 40001000 OOO TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable.. Communlca. Solis strictly confidentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co.recelye special notice, without Charge, lathe Scientific Rimericane A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest efr- culatton or any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, es.% a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all nowsdealeu. IVWNN & Co 8Gturoadway, New York nranoh OlUce. 625 V St. Waebtneton. D. C. Bicycles We are agents for many of the best makes of bicycles but the Hyslop is our specialty, we have the controlling agency for it. A full line of accessor- ies. Repairing done promptly and at moderate prices. Give us a call. tf Miller & Merkley Western University LONDON FORWARD MOVEMENT Greatly Enlarged Faculties in Arts and Medicine. Vastly Improved Equipment.—library, laboratoriee,etc. Seven New Scholarships Record Enrollment Inquiries Solicited E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A.,Ph.D President CHRTSTTE'S� GROCERY PHOiQE 59 Store opens 7 a. m. • 100 per cent. Tea Value It's ail in the Tel. A fair cc,npar•I icon of our Teas with others, LEAF BY LEAF, w3l coin ince yon that the kind we sell is entirely different and that the grad. of leaf is much lig'..ir hi selection than most Teas die: :d for sale. It sums np— I) SUPERIOR QUALITY DISTINCT FLAVOUR AND STRENGTH 1 Use .Cantelon's Coal The very best hard coal mined. We beepn good supply of Hard and Soft ood and Cedar Kindling. Give us a trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. R. J. Cartte1on Office with t onrinion Express do. P. 0. Das 127 A Few Things We Want to be Known E We have two distinct prices, namely --r CASH and CREDIT and the cash price is exactly the same as the lowest price in any Canadian catalogue. In fact we make it a point to procure boots and shoes sim- ilar to those advertised in catalogues, besides other lines which we think suited for our trade and in addition ecwe tack the soles and sew the rips on shoes bought from us FREE OF CHARGE. If it should so happen that we have not got the exact kind you desire we will procure them for you on the distinct under- standing that if they do not suit, you are under no obligation to to keep them. Another matter which we wieh fully understood is—suppos- ing you live 2. 3, 0 or in fact anywhere within 20 mis of Wingham we will send shoes to you on approval—we pay postage and if what we send you is not satisfactory return them to us and we will refund not only the cash you have sent but also the return postage. Try it some day your are busy and cannot get to town. We will do the rest. We take butter and eggs in trade and allow the very highest prices. For instance, we paid 22 cents for eggs last week and this week the price will be 21 cents. We wish it understood however that when eggs or butter are to apply on accout the price would be one cent less. We do shoe repairing as usual—Either bring it to our store. or to Mr. T. D. Holmes, and same will receive prompt attention. W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR ...57/0,E;LADIES 4 4 4/s Vii// 4/0 44 4 4 4 6.' 6 FINAL NOTICE -=All ac - i/,3 counts must be paid at once •liar 1/€. til/, tills 171°• WI; /, 1/: iii 41000$110-# Last C nce This Business will un- doubtedly change hands in a few days, There are still many genuine bargains to be had. Why not take advant- age of this opportunity, it means money in your pocket Everything in Men's and Boys wear at slaughter prices. W. A. Campbell 04*******t*. S. 4 4 4 4 4 fi • . • 0. • II .0.. • •