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The Wingham Advance, 1915-05-13, Page 6
4 Fail Term From Sept. est. 10),,,J7.141-;ez: STciATFORD ()co' .... The beet Commercial School in the pro• viuoe. Our courses are thorough and practical while our instructors are butter than you will:find elsewhere. We do more for our students than otho similar schools do, Our rates aro reasonable. Write for our tree catalog ug and see Z vtbat we can do for you, • D. A. MoLAC8LAN - Principal j Mr. Geo. Moi-, Wishes to announce to the citizens c,t Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, et-. Give us a call BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the t&Igo/hel...& Y. M.C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time, J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 10 Vice-Prlacipai RAILWAY .TIME=TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows t G. T. R , TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points :-Passenger, 6.45 a.m. ; 'passen- ger, 11.00 a.m. e passenger, 2.30 p.m..- a. TO LONDON: Passenger 6.85 a. m. ; passenger, 3.30 p.m. ' TO KINOARDIATT : - Passenger, 11.59 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas- senger, 9.15 p.m. C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Iutermediete Points :-Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; • passen- ger 8.10 p.m. TO . TEES.WATER : - Passenger, 12.57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the oMoe of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties, -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A hemasteader may live within nine miles of hr's Tfomestead on a farm of at least 80 aores on pertain conditions. A habitable house is re- edited in every case, excepg when residence is performed in the vicinity. In curtain distriote a homesteader in good standing ma) preempts quarter -section along. side hip homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the titne required to earn homestead patent) and 58 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vatiea is Abject to reduction in case of rough, sorulaby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on appli•ation for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties, -Must reside six months in oaoh of three years,'oulti- vete fifty aores and erect a house worth $800. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad - Element will nob be paid for. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer • and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office Pare -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in • Ontario. T. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Auctioneers McConnell & Vanarick, Auctioneers far the Counties of HURON and BRUCE Are peaseereeleo. take all • kinds' Of; sales 'Havidg had awid• e1t e e>r`r fence in this line, we are serain we can please anyone trustibg their sales to us. You can have either one to conduct your cele, Or can have both without extra charge, Orders can be left with 1+', McOon• Hell or with C. F. Vandrlek, at the MLROI AFTeP BROKERAGE CYo'.t STORE, Wingham Charges Moderate Farm for Sale. A good 200 sore farm within nine miles of W'-inghttm good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard,_ and considerable quantity of timber, Price d500.00, $Apply to R. Vttnatone,Wing; here P. O. atoll.....* COUNTER CHECK, BOOKS There is no need of sending your orders for counter check books out of.to wn, We pan fill orders prompt- ly at prices that will defy competition AMk to see our samples. They are the very latest thing iin the line andcan bo had in blue, black or red ink. No difference in the price. 1 1 Wingham Advance Wiha m Ont. n g Our honor Roll. The following are the names of the Wingham boys who have thus far enlisted, f"and are fighting our battles. They are 53 in number and we believe that no town of out population in Ontario measures up to this: let Contingent - W. 11, Darnell, Arthur Ellis, Dr. H, J, M Adams, R, E. N. B.trrob, J, Budge, A. Bowy- er, P. W. Vanner, Herbert Clark, E. S. Copeland, Henry Howard, H. M. Philcox, J. McPherson, A. Buttery, H. French, le. Templeman, Wm. Hayles, Frank Wylie, Fred Groves, Percy Syder, C. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell, G. E. Roberson, G. A. M. Blanchard, D. L, Aitcheeon, E. J. Murch. 2nd Oontingent-P. Harris, A. Chap- man, J. White, G. E. Read, 0. Bleach, 0. Learle, A. Dovey. 3rd Contingent - 0. Woods, H. Grgves, W. R. Utting, J. Leonard, A. J. Taylor, F. Aldington, F. Wilson, J. Smith, R. Maxwell, A. J. Taylor, G, elippen, W. Bunn, G. Hayles, J. M. Strike, 0. A. Cuff, J. Taylor, W. S. Lutton, T. Garton, H. Hayles, E. Pitt, Thos. .M�1o�.o�ree... Iffy 1. I, 1 J,-..,,41000©0000O00000000OOOO41 Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada. Particular attention is directed to the remarkably low Round Trip Fares in'connection with Homeseekers Ex- cursions to Western Canada via Cana- dian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until'Octo-ber 20th, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale. The C. P. R. offers the flnest pos- sible equipment and fastest train ser- vice via one of the most scenic routes in the world. It is the only line operating through standard and Tourist sleeping cars, also Dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. Ali equipment is owned and opereted by the 0, P. R. affording the highest'form of efficiency, If such a trip is under consideration apply to any 0.P.R. agent for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. 31.33 Tho Mined Trench. Lieutenant Herbert C. Archer of the Sixteenth Lancers, who is in Loudon on furlough, explains the heavy losses in that regiment by telling of the mortality in one twined trench. Lieutenant Patrick of the same regiment, who had not much experience in trench fighting, obtain- ed the consent of the commanding officer to make 'an attack on a Ger- man trench on Feb. 20. Lieutenant Archer csnti rued: "The trench which the Lancers were ordered to occupy appears to have been mined by the enemy,' bet the artful Germans allowed us to occupy it for twenty-four hours, thus getting as many of our men as • pocsfb7e into it. At daybreak on Feb. 21 there was . a terrific ex- plosion, which killed five of our officers outright, and another has since cited, and five more , were wounded. A large number of the rank'and file were killed and wound- ed. Lieut. Patrick was probably fatally wounded. "The trench was compietelyblown in, wad immediately after the ex- plosion the Germans charged. Our reserves were called up, and, assist- ed by those of the poor fellows in the trench who remained alive, we drove the er omy back with consider- able loss. We had to re -entrench and were fighting for forty-eight hours." Helmets Aro Hocdoos. Driver Free regorcoe, of Preston, says that w eierman lieimet is regard- ed as a very bad omen in his battery. "A gunner of cure got a helmet at Chevny; the next time we came into action he was Wiled. The helmet changed hands, this time to a cor- poral, who had his horse's head and hid own leg blown off by the enemy's shell. Again the helmet was given to a gunner, who had his head blown off at the battle of the Aisne. The helmet then passed to a sergeant - major, who was killed at Ypres. Since then," adds Rogwson, "no one who nae been with ue long will touch one." ...41PRratez,VESIZAncrx=01111r..01:2,701L-1-2,6===.10:3141., /Ca Afflegmemea WHOOPING COUGH SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS �sBRONCNITiS CATARRH COLDS P4 Est 1879 A pVaporizedCresolenestopstffective treatment paroxysms of Whooping Cough and relieves Spasmodic Croup at Once. It is It boon to sufferers from Asthma, Thtalrbart;3ing eant) scat lcvdp rin- •haledvith every breath, make3 breathing .easy; soothes the sore throat and- stops the cough, ensuring restful nights. Iotainvaluable to mothers Matt children. 'Send es riptipostal hed .0 sY DI}uaorsTs YAP() CRESD-UNE CO. Learn 1ara,Bid,..Mon1111101•11111111tr'1 Chiropractic When the spine is tight the body is right. A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you may have continued good health. If your health is already poor it Bourse of Chiroprac tie Spinal Ad juetmenta will .put your Spine right ' }°t 3'. 'A, PDX, D.P. Graduate Ohirpractor A DEEP GEATED COUGH And Sore Lungs Were Over- come by Vinol--Mr. Hill- man's Statement of .Facts Follows; Camden, N. J.-" I had a deep seated cough, a run-down system and my lungs were awfully weak and sore. I am an electrician by occupation and my cough. kept me awake nights so I thought at times.I would have to give up. 1 tried everything everybody suggested and had taken so much medicine I was dis- gusted. "One evening I read about Vinol and decided to give it a trial. Soon I noticed an improvement. I kept on taking it Coda and n Y 1 am a Well mafi. The sore- ness is all gone from my lungs, I do hot have any cough and have gained fifteen pounds in weight and I am.telling my friends that Vinol did it." - FRANK HILLMAN, Camden, N. J. , It is the curative, tissue -building in- fluence of cods' lit ers _aided by the blood - making, strength creting properties of tonic iron, contained in Vinol, that made sosuccessfui in Mr. Hillman'sticase, We ask every person in 'this vicinity suffering from weak lunge, chronic coughs, or a run-down condition of the system to try' a bottle of Vinol on our. guarantee to return 'your money if it fails twop . 3. help alienyouMcKihhon, Druggist,'•" Wingham, Ontario. 00000000000000004,00000000e leallielltellrelleenoesemeeseeeeseseeng cibrxiododobooci0000000000000 BILAGE FOR HORSES. Q • The following summary is 1 t'e sented by the Missouri statioli iu stating in brief form the result of its observations and expere ences in feeding silage to horses: Coin silage is .now :being fed with success by a large number of Nor 'amen and farriers to 0i1 classes of horses and mines. Corn silage should always be fed in combination with other feeds. Within the limits of its useful- ness it Is a cheap substitute for .bay and adds variety and suc- eulende to tbe ration. • Silage is not a success except in the hands"of it careftil feeder With an eye to -the thrift of the animal. Under no circumstances should spoiled silage, either moldy or rotten, be fed to horses dr mutes. O 0000000 Barden Is Foirced to Admit the Ability of Thomas Atkins 'KIK****** fir*•****#***** THERE is one German editor, and probably only'- one, whom the great English speaking public knows'" by name, 'and curiously enough ho is not a German at all but a Jew. The man in question is Maximilian Harden, the most • outspoken of `Ger- man journalists, and the man who threw Germany.►into a storm of ex- citement a few years ago by expos- ing with the most relentless deter- MAXIMILIAN HARDEN. urination unspeakable scandals in the "junker" aristocracy • of the Kaiser's army. There is, because of his fearlessness, a predisposition in the allied countries to believe what Harden says, and an article dealing with the British soldier which ap- peared over his name a "few weeifs ago shows that the" Kaiser's legions are beginning to admit the superior- ity of the British soldier. Harden hates England as it is the fashion in the fatherland to hate England these days, and he is not slow to parade his hate, but he ad- mits that the German soldier has to take his hat off to }Tommy. Atkins. Ile describes him in the - trenches cheery and imperturbable, playing at war as at a game, laughing and smoking and chatting. "But," says Harden, "just so much as show a finger, and it is gone. The beggt4rs can shoot." no editor gees on to describe the amazing games of foot- ball behind the lines and the $port- ing proclivities of these "profession- al" soldiers, and finally comes to the conclusion that a professional sol- dier may have taken up soldiering as an art. The ahoy° eut shears the main fa - Cade et the Germans Admiralty offices in Berlin, from which tbe Kaiser's navy is controlled. The chief activi- ties in the builditg these days seem to bo changes in tho staff. Grand Admiral von Tirpitz is still in charge, but the submarine campaign is re- ported. to have cost him the support of the Chancellor and at least two Of hes admirals. T kI E W IN GUAM A DVANCE ==W[NGtIAM'S== NewPianoStore For some time past we have felt the need. of better accomodation in order to meet the demands of our growing business, and it is with pleasure we extend a cordial invitation to our many friends and patrons to visit our new Showrooms, which will be found to compare favorably with any city music store. In addition to carrying in stock a corn plete line of musical instruments. Gramo- phones and Sheet Music, etc., etc. We have been successful in securing as our LEADER the celebrated NORDHEIM- ER PIANO, NORDHEIMER (Human Touch) PLANER PIANO and the world renowned STEINWAY PIANO, instru- ments which need no introduction to the musical people of Canada; the prices of which will be the same as quoted in the Nordheimer Co.'s wareroc ms, Toronto. In order to celebrate this event we have decid- ed, that, for a short time, Special discounts will be allowed on all our Pianos. We again cordially invite you to visit our new Store David Bell Wingham, Ont. Capital. Authorized $5,000,000. C�pit'ai Paid up .. $3,000,00o. Surplus .m.•, a .• . $3,750,Q4Q rn tion Every man aims to b'� his own master, No surer way to get the capital together than by starting a Small Snvings account in this bank.. C. P. SMI.TH Manager W'ingliam 1%lairtadseaati ilio t.assaastjrik , 'Many women will:, disfig ar id compleYtimis never seem to think that they need'an occasional cleansing inside as well as outsicd i, Yet neglect of thin iinterzaal bathing shows itself in al- otty, and sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headai les and biliousness. It's because the fiver becomes sluggie et, and war to treater acedia elates a !hieh Nature cannot ret hove withal tt assistance. Thisbest %::.Illi ll IIIIIi11I III IIIIII IIIIII3lIIlI 11I1II1II1111171II IIIIIIIIIIITIIMI : w mateur FiInis Developed and Printed. Work finished in 24 hrs. 'Films mailed from the countay promptly attended to at the rove Mann Art Studio, Wingham �illLtlitltiijlii��Iitlitldill�lit� ill1tti�tL��Lxit�iLljtt�tLiLittlitt� 00000000000000000000000000 0 BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT THE ADVANCE seder.as-ss..nes►saoa The beat of Parchment the Proper Ink. paper and AlI Dairy Butter put up in pack - d ages must now have a printed label on it. S.ie us about the 0 matter. s The CI 1Advance § Ptg. andPub.Co. § PHONE 34 O o©o©0000©000000eomo©ooeoo 8 08 8 C3 13 e 1) C3 3 t e 0 C3 C 8 e C3 Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH lst, 1915. Effective Monday, March let, Trains Nos. 710 and 722 on the Etor St. bdiv- ision will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger, daily axeept Sunday, on the following schedule: -- No. 719 will leave Cataraot Jct. 10.15 a, m , Erin 10.45, Hillsburg 11.05, Ort- on 11.30, Balwond 11.55, Spier 12.05 p.m., Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12.45 p.m., No. 722 will leav Biome 3.15 a.m., Fergus 8 55, Spier 4.05, Belwond 4 30, Orton 4.55, tlllleburg 5 25, Erin5 50, arriving Cataract Jot, 6 10 p.m. Effeetive same date, Trains Nos. 071 and 071 now running between London Windsor, daily except Sunday, will be discontinued beyond Chatham. W. Elmore M hood Contractor and Builder If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. Box335 000C..00000000000,'i. 00©t'30c000n WV.MNVMNWWW\NVW./W� Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER- TAKERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James ' Walker 10 years experience. A. J. Walker 9 years experience Day Phone 106 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation we solicit your cream 'patronage. We are prepared to paythehi highest market pricesfor good rem and give you an honest business; weighing, samplibg and testing each can of cream received carefully and returning a full statement of same to each patron, We furnish two oaus to each Gusto mer, pay all express charges and pay every two weeks. Write for full particulars or send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAFO TH, ONT. Grazing a Tonic For Horses. Don't eonlne the work horses in the stable stalls at night. Early in tho season provide for a good sized lot ;itto which to turn them after they re- ceive their grain and small amount or :oughage. There's nothing to the World to equal grazing as a tome and general conditioner. C ST IA For Infants and Children, Further particulars from Canadian The Kind You Have; Always Bought Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. G, Bears the Murphy, District Passenger Agetnt Toronto. Signature of e ti remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach r ttdl iverTablett , Which stimulate the liver to healthy active ;y, remove forma. teticit, gently cleanse the atotneeh and br ,vele and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe iu Ice reliable. Take one at u mnm night and you feel bright and all the orning.. Get Chamberlains tod ty eiruf gists ie,, or by mail front} Chamberlain Medicine Pei,,,pany, 'rorcale 13 *INA Each student is instructed privately at his own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed. Thousands of S u. ccesf ul Graduates Homeystudy Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars. 1/4 a� Business �V h m B n College ClI3O SPOTTON . I Principal 1/40 1 T)�rf YII\' �,.yy t N` �4Z' om. 'e.11 Vr` /'; • WELLINGTON MUTUAL FJBE INS, Co. Established 1840, Head Deice GUELPH, ONiT. Rieke taken on all classes of insur- able propel ty on the cash or premium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, 3301ri DA VIDSON president, Secretary, RITO$IIQ.Qc COSENS,. Agents, Wingbaln, Unt DUDLEY TIOLMES. Barrister, Solicitor, etc,. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham,, R. VANSTONE BARRI AND SOLiCITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D,S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pea neylvania College and Licent ate sf Dental Surgery of •Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Sleek - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFIOE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S, sTORIi W. R. 'JAMBES, B.SC., t.D,, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur - gory, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND M. R. C, S, Engg.) L. R. C. P. ((Land.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (Under Oovernmet.b Inspection,) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and Nursing) -$'4.90 to 815.00 per week, according to location of room, For further informa- tion -Address MISS L. MATZHEWS Superintendent, Box 323, Wingham Ont. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,s Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin, a•.�as�►a Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Wingham, Ont. DR. P ARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL andWING HAM Specialists in the treatment of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekness esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cures when all else fails. Drugless methods. Wingham Offlee over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 1I.30 a. m.-9 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday 9-11 a. m. Friday 9-a.m. 3- p. m. VER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAGIC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS die. Anyone sending a sketch and description mal quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is event -tiny patentable. Conitnnnlea, Mona strictly conndential. HANDBOOK on Patents sant free. Oldest agency for securing atedte. Patents taken through Munn &GO. receive special notice, without charge, in the $rk ntifie .ImeriCao. A. of canillustrated lscientific journal. Largest for Canada, $3.75 a year, postage propa:d. Bold by all newadcalera. MUNN &C Co.361sroadway, New York Drench Office. 615 F St. Washington, D.C. John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones -,office 24 lheiidence 168 OF SPECIAL INTERST Nave you a farm to sell, from 50 to 100 acres, with 'good holdings and near a school? We have a purchaser waiting far such a place. t'OR SALE Robert Culvert's fine a siserey brick residence on south--eastcotner of John and William Streets neer O. P. R. station. This pace will be sold right and on easy tette. •STOPEN0OKING We give this advice free of charge, hot h to the Council and the ordinary citizen. The town is all right. We can give you Real Estate investments tight in Wiegbam that will net from eight to ten per cent. Where can you do bet ter. Ritchie & Cosens ILEAL ESTATE ASD mon o n • t S�Q`\ P kife; t .:.'• ,. .d. Vt •1`N. till. Mt 11111 .r Why Not Telephone? If you telephone him first you may not have to go anal! If you would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone, you` would save yourself and your staff many tiresome trips, unnecessary disappointments and much expense.' Many progressive business houses have found that by 'a systematic and persistent Ilse of'the Loiig Distance Telephone'travell- ing expense can be reduced anywhere from 20 'to 80 per cent. • Why` ndt adopt this' principle in your business? Telephone first!. Try to figure `out where the Ling Distance Telephone call save you precious time! Mary Batt T.lophons Is a Long Distance, Station." The Bell Telephone Co.rtttrNOt of Canada.Pc P �Yy'� ` • tE,C l. LG ON t f1NG L NA A. 1%lairtadseaati ilio t.assaastjrik , 'Many women will:, disfig ar id compleYtimis never seem to think that they need'an occasional cleansing inside as well as outsicd i, Yet neglect of thin iinterzaal bathing shows itself in al- otty, and sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headai les and biliousness. It's because the fiver becomes sluggie et, and war to treater acedia elates a !hieh Nature cannot ret hove withal tt assistance. Thisbest %::.Illi ll IIIIIi11I III IIIIII IIIIII3lIIlI 11I1II1II1111171II IIIIIIIIIIITIIMI : w mateur FiInis Developed and Printed. Work finished in 24 hrs. 'Films mailed from the countay promptly attended to at the rove Mann Art Studio, Wingham �illLtlitltiijlii��Iitlitldill�lit� ill1tti�tL��Lxit�iLljtt�tLiLittlitt� 00000000000000000000000000 0 BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT THE ADVANCE seder.as-ss..nes►saoa The beat of Parchment the Proper Ink. paper and AlI Dairy Butter put up in pack - d ages must now have a printed label on it. S.ie us about the 0 matter. s The CI 1Advance § Ptg. andPub.Co. § PHONE 34 O o©o©0000©000000eomo©ooeoo 8 08 8 C3 13 e 1) C3 3 t e 0 C3 C 8 e C3 Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH lst, 1915. Effective Monday, March let, Trains Nos. 710 and 722 on the Etor St. bdiv- ision will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger, daily axeept Sunday, on the following schedule: -- No. 719 will leave Cataraot Jct. 10.15 a, m , Erin 10.45, Hillsburg 11.05, Ort- on 11.30, Balwond 11.55, Spier 12.05 p.m., Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12.45 p.m., No. 722 will leav Biome 3.15 a.m., Fergus 8 55, Spier 4.05, Belwond 4 30, Orton 4.55, tlllleburg 5 25, Erin5 50, arriving Cataract Jot, 6 10 p.m. Effeetive same date, Trains Nos. 071 and 071 now running between London Windsor, daily except Sunday, will be discontinued beyond Chatham. W. Elmore M hood Contractor and Builder If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. Box335 000C..00000000000,'i. 00©t'30c000n WV.MNVMNWWW\NVW./W� Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER- TAKERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James ' Walker 10 years experience. A. J. Walker 9 years experience Day Phone 106 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation we solicit your cream 'patronage. We are prepared to paythehi highest market pricesfor good rem and give you an honest business; weighing, samplibg and testing each can of cream received carefully and returning a full statement of same to each patron, We furnish two oaus to each Gusto mer, pay all express charges and pay every two weeks. Write for full particulars or send for cans and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAFO TH, ONT. Grazing a Tonic For Horses. Don't eonlne the work horses in the stable stalls at night. Early in tho season provide for a good sized lot ;itto which to turn them after they re- ceive their grain and small amount or :oughage. There's nothing to the World to equal grazing as a tome and general conditioner. C ST IA For Infants and Children, Further particulars from Canadian The Kind You Have; Always Bought Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. G, Bears the Murphy, District Passenger Agetnt Toronto. Signature of e ti remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach r ttdl iverTablett , Which stimulate the liver to healthy active ;y, remove forma. teticit, gently cleanse the atotneeh and br ,vele and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe iu Ice reliable. Take one at u mnm night and you feel bright and all the orning.. Get Chamberlains tod ty eiruf gists ie,, or by mail front} Chamberlain Medicine Pei,,,pany, 'rorcale 13 *INA Each student is instructed privately at his own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed. Thousands of S u. ccesf ul Graduates Homeystudy Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars. 1/4 a� Business �V h m B n College ClI3O SPOTTON . I Principal 1/40 1 T)�rf YII\' �,.yy t N` �4Z' om. 'e.11 Vr` /'; • WELLINGTON MUTUAL FJBE INS, Co. Established 1840, Head Deice GUELPH, ONiT. Rieke taken on all classes of insur- able propel ty on the cash or premium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, 3301ri DA VIDSON president, Secretary, RITO$IIQ.Qc COSENS,. Agents, Wingbaln, Unt DUDLEY TIOLMES. Barrister, Solicitor, etc,. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham,, R. VANSTONE BARRI AND SOLiCITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D,S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pea neylvania College and Licent ate sf Dental Surgery of •Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Sleek - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFIOE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S, sTORIi W. R. 'JAMBES, B.SC., t.D,, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur - gory, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND M. R. C, S, Engg.) L. R. C. P. ((Land.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (Under Oovernmet.b Inspection,) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and Nursing) -$'4.90 to 815.00 per week, according to location of room, For further informa- tion -Address MISS L. MATZHEWS Superintendent, Box 323, Wingham Ont. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,s Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin, a•.�as�►a Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Wingham, Ont. DR. P ARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL andWING HAM Specialists in the treatment of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekness esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cures when all else fails. Drugless methods. Wingham Offlee over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 1I.30 a. m.-9 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday 9-11 a. m. Friday 9-a.m. 3- p. m. VER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAGIC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS die. Anyone sending a sketch and description mal quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is event -tiny patentable. Conitnnnlea, Mona strictly conndential. HANDBOOK on Patents sant free. Oldest agency for securing atedte. Patents taken through Munn &GO. receive special notice, without charge, in the $rk ntifie .ImeriCao. A. of canillustrated lscientific journal. Largest for Canada, $3.75 a year, postage propa:d. Bold by all newadcalera. MUNN &C Co.361sroadway, New York Drench Office. 615 F St. Washington, D.C. John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones -,office 24 lheiidence 168 OF SPECIAL INTERST Nave you a farm to sell, from 50 to 100 acres, with 'good holdings and near a school? We have a purchaser waiting far such a place. t'OR SALE Robert Culvert's fine a siserey brick residence on south--eastcotner of John and William Streets neer O. P. R. station. This pace will be sold right and on easy tette. •STOPEN0OKING We give this advice free of charge, hot h to the Council and the ordinary citizen. The town is all right. We can give you Real Estate investments tight in Wiegbam that will net from eight to ten per cent. Where can you do bet ter. Ritchie & Cosens ILEAL ESTATE ASD mon o n