HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-29, Page 8Special Spring Bargains LADIES' SUITS 15 Ladies' Suits to clear in navy blue and black ser es. Good ma- terial annew styles, Reg. $15 to .18. - crSale Price $7.98 LADIES' COATS 20 Ladies' Goats to clear $5.95 in new materials and good style, in three, quarter length. We have your size 16,18, 20 years LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES A. Bargain to those who shop early. 4 (loz house dresses $2, $2.50 and $3 for 98c CURTAIN MATERIALS 200 yards of Dark Scrim in different patterns, Regular 25c, On Sale.,.. 16o ,Boys' Wash Buster Brown Suits in Blues, Tans; Plain Whites, in good styles. Regular $L25 and $1.50 Sale 79c BOYS' SCHOOL CAPS In Tweeds and Worsteds on sale 13, I9 and 33c Tams and Hats BOYS' SPRING TOP COATS Made is blue, double breasted with brass buttons, Regular $3,50 Sale Price $1.98 MEN's RAINCOATS Men's Special Raincoats in dark colors, all wool paramatta guaranteed. Sale Price $8.95 Mail orders promptly filled. HANNA & CO.. Phone 70. ss WIIIMINIMIIIMMIIIMIIMIONISIONISMIIMISMIIIIIMMIKIENT, tpmismr.rninb. somesaanconson tomematennierammumunsaimsumesnaN i Stop Right Here We are the people you are look- ing for Areyou looking for snappy clothes with plenty of style? We can make them for you The clothes we make show indi- vidual ty as, being TAILOR MADE, to your own taste and personality Why not leave " your order TO- DAY? Let - us convince you that we are second to none in this line We don't use BLOCK PATTERNS but design a special pattern for each and every suit A trial solicited, Satisfaction guard anteed. Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Winghan Ontario 1 THE •WIL GRAM .A.DVANCE Jamestown A pretty wedding tools place at the Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on Wednesday, April 21st at 3 o'clock in tate afternoon, when Miss Olive M. lake, eldest daughter ref John B. and Mrs, Lake, 4th line of Gey, was unit- ed in Marriage to Arthur 0, #Teary,. only son of I. M, and. Mre. Henry of Ethel. Rev, D. !Wren officiated. The bride was i'eautifelly attired in sand colored Irish silk poplin trimmed with shadow Mee and pearls. Tire happy couple lei's; oa the afternoon train, amid showers of confetti and good wishes, for London, St, Themes, and other points. The bride travelled in a suit of navy blue gaberdeen'triw- tned with military braid and a black .hat and plumes, Oct their return they will reside in Ethel.. leIrs, E, Jaelrlin of Brussels visited her on Ed. Jaeklin, tad con., on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Spotton and Miss Glenna of Wingham visited at Geo. Johnston'e on Sunday. Whitechurch Mrs, Cheater Longman of Windsor spent the weekend with friends here, Mies McKenzie of Wingham visited ear friend, Mies Leu Egiestone, over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, W. J. roster of Bay- field spent a few days at the home of the latt.er's brother, Mr. F. Henry. A bright and interesting young people's meeting was held on Sunday evening when the subject was "The Bible," 111iss Agnes Kennedy and Miss Maggie Laidlaw conducted the meeting and a helpful discussion followed the leader's paper. The subject for May 2 is "Joys of the Christian Life" arid the meeting will be in charge of Miss L, Paterson. Mr, and Mrs, Davey left on Tuesday for their home in the West. Blyth Mr, Roy Stackhouse of Toronto Medical College spent the week end at his home here, The many friends of Mrs. E. Bender will be pleased that she is recovering from a severe Attack of la grippe. A large number of farmers in this vicinity have entered the field crop competition. Mies Luella Campbell] f Wingham, is spending a few days with friends here, Mies Campbell of Wingham is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Hucketep, this week. Mr, George (Ferules has been ap- pointed lineman for the Rural telephone company; Mr. Richard Hog baying resigned. Mr. Graham of London has taken a positicn as salesman in Mr. L. Williams' hardware store. Mrs. W. J. Haines, Wingham, visited friends in town during the week, A number from town attended the funeral on Tuesday of Mise Ellin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Ellis ef East Wawanosb. Much sympathy is extended to the parents for the young life so unexpectedly cut off; deceased was I3 years of age. The members of Blyth Lodge No. 36G Independent Order of Oddfellows attended St. -Andrews' Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, April 25th, where they listened to a very instructive and interesting sermon on the subject "Character" delivered by Rev, Bro. W. D. Tutnor, B.A. The text W40 "Who Is my neighbor" and was dealt with in masterly style showing, to the large congregation present that to be a Christian we must build up one own character along the lines of Moses. Paul and Christ, and that in helping others we would become stronger and better in our own lives, The choir gave a well rendered antle.em, also Mr, Henry sang in his usual good style the 'ninety aid nine' solo. The lodge, yet young, has made good pregrees since its institution eight er nine years ago. It has initiated 111 candidates and has prospects of mors line young men of this community; it has the best lodge room, in the town, conveniently situated and splendidly furnished. Its members are very enthusiastic in degree work and under the able leadership of Bra, George MoTaggert, N. G , with do mueh in advancing the Society in Blyth, Johnston -Elliott The borne of Mr, and Mrs. William Elliott was the scene of a very pretty event on April twenty-first when their third eldest daughter was united in marriage ta'Gershom N. Johnston of Whitechurob, at four o'clook to the strain' of Lohengrin's Wedding March, played by Mise Edna Elliott sister of the bride, the bridal party took their place under an arch of evergreens and white roses, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. R. Gibson of Belmare. The bride who was un- attended entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father and wore a gown of silk ohifion with an overdress of net and brocaded silk with pearl trimmings and a veil of tulle caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a bcquet of roses and fern. The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst set with pearls and to the pianist a gold bracelet. The guests numbering about thirty sat down to a sumptuos repast, Toasts were given and responded to and the evening was spent in music, singing and dancing The preeente were numerous and cost- ly and testified the popularity, of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs, Jobs• ston left on Thursday for the home, near Whitechurch the bride traveling in a blue suit and white hat trimmed with roses and ostrich plumes. Final Notice. We are almost weary of asking our delinquent subscribers to pay up. We do not mind a sub- scriber being one year behind but when they are from three to ten years back, we get cross. All such must pay up within the next tin dans, this is our final notice. Tenders Wanted. Matked tenders for sidewalk Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p.m. on Mon- day, May 3rd. for the construction of gcanolithie 4 fen; wide, c n the `4 -low. ma streets: - 1 On John St. and CarlingTerraee 2 On Catherine St, between John and Patrick Street, 3 On William St. southerly from John St.; together with crossing where ordered by Street Committee. Tenders to state price per square foot. A marked cheque or approved note for $100.00 must accompany each ten- der which will be retained until work is satisfactorily, completed. No tender necessarily accepted. John F. Groves. It Clerk, Town of Wingham. Ineri 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 J.'�'v0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 `secrecy Some dealers will not let their customers into their egg cand- ling room. We'do not want you to wait to be invited into ours, WALK RIGHT IN. ASIS QUESTIONS., Then you will go away satisfied that we do not take oil any eggs that are not bad. We are still paying the highest cash price for butter and eggs. Bring them to ns. 0 0 8 WM. DAVIE.S co., Ltd. 0 — — — f:0000000000000000000000000 IoQOQ0Q00O00000000000Q0Q©Q0. "Beautiful Hair Goods Display" THE DORENWEND CO., OF TORONTO, LTD. Can- ada's premier hail' goods Louse annoance their visit to THE • BRUNSWICK HOTEL WINGHAM, ON MONDAY, MAY 10 when there will be shorn an exclusive sample stock of QUALITY HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES in—Switches Braids, Transformation , Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. Ail invitatikti is extended ta every lady to call and in- spect these goods. "Tile Doreiweud Sanitary Patent Toupee in an absolute necessity to every man who is ballld. It will pro- tect your health and make you appear years younger, Wettable, Featherweight, tlygenie 13e sure you see them on clay of visit. A demonstration places you under no obligation whatever Remember the ate -M onday, May 10 Presentation. On Thursday evening, the members of Fern Lodge No. 10 L. T. B, A., met at the beme of Mre. M. Beckwith, when a social evening was enjoyed in. rucieie and games, after which order was called and the following: address read b,y Mr, Bailey was tended to Mies Plenty:— Miss Elizabeth Fleuty, Winghpw, Out,. Dear Sister—It ie with feelings of pleasure and pain that we meet to- gether this evening, We are sorry the ties that have bound us together for so long are about to be severed, and we assure you that we will miss you greatly. Yon will be ->missed in the town where you have hosts of friends, warm and true; missed in the office where your duties were always per- formed conecientiouely and well; miss- ed in the home where you have been an affection ate daughter and a kind sister, and lastly we will miss you in Fern Lodge No, 19 L. T. B. A,, when like a soldier you were always at your post and never sp happy as when ad- vancing the good and welfare of the Order you love so dearly. And so on this auspicious occa pion do we wish thee every good wish the mind can conceive, or the heart de- sire, and may the old world and his wife treat you well the whole journey through, In conclusion, we ask you to accept this chair as a email memento of the hieh esteem in which yoq are held by your sisters and brethern of the aforesaid Fern Lodge. Signed this 22nd day of April, A.D., 1915. • Mrs. W. J. Haines, P. W.M. Annie Cunningham, D.M. Miss Fleuty responded in a feeling manner, expressing the hope that Fern Lodge would continue to prosper and to flourish, and that ip her new home she would sometime have the pleasure of entertaining her sisters and breth- ern. After singing God be with you till we meet again, the pleasant evening closed with the National Anthem and Auld Lang Syne. owcsizrusationtrmi Ladies and Gentlemen If your hair is thin, faded or discol- ored, or i1 your bald, if you would make your appearance attractive and youthful and benefit your health a• d comfort, be euro you see the Doren - wend Company's wonderful display of quality hair -goods at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham on Monday, May 10. Switches, Praids, Trageforwations, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of unsur- passed quality hair and workmanship. Also Dorenwend art hair -toupees for bald men, including the famous sani- tary patent structurep. You are oil- ered a free demonstration of any style Remember the date,—Monday, May 10,h. Bicycles Wo are,agents for many of the best make of bicycles but the Hyslop is our specialty, we have the controlling agency for it, A full line of accesso:- ies. Repairing done promptly and at moderate prices. Give us a call, tf Miller & Meikley Western University 'LONDON FORWARD MOVEMENT °really Enlarged Faculties in Arte and Medicine, Vastly Improved Equipment, --library, laboratorioe,etc, Seven New Scholarships Record Enrollment Ir gullies Solicited E. E. BRAITHWAIT I, President For Rent The Cummings' House and shop on Victoria Street for rent, Will rent. eeparately rr together. Apply to Mr, Geo. Wraith, Wingham, Oat. tf 2 MO 011/11/1111M00 11111111111111310 Call 1 11 CH RTSTIES� GROCERY - PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a. m. 100 per cent. Tea Value It's all in the Tea, A fair compar- ison of our Teas with others, LEAF BY LEAF, will convince yon that the kind we sell is entirely different and that the grade of leaf is much higher in selection than most Teas offered for sale. It sums np— SUPERIOR QUALITY DISTINCT FLAVOUR AND STRENGTH 35c, 45c, and 00c per Ib i 1 1 somas immuminima 1111116111111M111 VIM Mee Use Cantelon's Coal The very best hard coal mined. We keep a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling. Give us a trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express 00. P. O. Box 127 Why not try out the Turning by-law We refer to the "turning" by-law as passed by the Wingham town council, Now, this by-law, we understand, is"deigned more especially, for times when the main street is crowded, as it was for instance on Saturday night last, and as our worthy mayor has asked (in effect) the merchants to as sist in giving it a trial, we would most respectfully sug- gest to the farmers of this community to "try it out" on Saturday evening next. Farmers will be very busy seeding and very few will come to town through the week And we therefore should have a bumper crowd on Saturday, particularly in the evening from 7 to lo, The question will be asked What is the "turning" by --law? and to Le as brief as possible we may state that outside of the usual "turn to the right" and keep to the fight which has been Provincial Government law for many years, the council added what is known as "crosses" anti "turning " Be, the "crossing and turning" part of the by-law, a short illustration will perhaps be the easiest method of explaining. For Instance Supposing you lived in the north and accidently or thought- 1►ssly passed by our shoe store and proceeded to the "opposition shoe store" and afterwaads you desired to go to Geo. Mason's "rest room", you would require (according to the by-law) to proceed as follows:— From the opposttion e.hoe store y -on would first require to cross the street—then turn north to the corner—then again cross the. street—then turn south and after you got your newspaper at Mason's "rest room" you would again cross the street—then turn north and as it might be possible that you could not get the "right kind" of shoes at the opposition shoe store you would proceed to Nichel's bake shop then cross the road—then turn south—get exactly the kind of shoes you wanted --then cross the street , then turn north and finally proceed on you way to your happy home rejoicing. We do not know what the farmers think of it but it looks good to vee Not Yet. Anyway, farmers, come out on Sat- urday and "try it out". AMD BY THE WAY WE NEED A LOT OF CASH ON SATURDAY AND WE INTEND TO GIVE A. STRAIGHT CASH DISCOUNT OF 10 per cent OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE, The reduction w'll apply to QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN (THE BEST IN THE WORLD) AND ON THE MURRAY AND THE DERBY the one and same shoe, AND THE ONLY SHOE THAT STOOD THE TEST unless you prefer to believe "A SCRAP OF PAPER" to the Officicial Government inquiry book iu fact as above. stated A CLEAN STRAIGHT 10 % DISCOUNT OFF EVERY KIND OF FOOTWEAR IN THE STORE ON SATURDAY NEXT, MAY 1st (THE FIRST MAY DAY,) W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE Cif Ar4e947-• FOR sHOE' LADIES W `4// 1. 444 4/ 4t-gtr 4: 4t 4/i 4/ 406: 446 X44(, *6 X4/4 �4/€ ��4/� X44. � ( X44 e4/. 4/r•� 4//�; 4//-• � ; f/4 i� �4 /� /4 �/4 rye r4 �/4 �/o" /iF l/4q e/4� �/4 rt g fl fir/ �...'' `" >> S-7 l � 4 4. �! tip...!/4�.. r4. �r4�' rr, rr. 4. n. 04 "/4R• /4 4/ teeekesa seeeseteepeeseess .14 vef d4tY, )4/ 1 41.44 4th: Nothing field In Reserve at This oinut f : siness SALE -- MED Every Suit and Overcoat and every article of Men's wear must be cleared out The time is short now as 1 expect to he -out of town by MAY lst SO HELP ME OUT. Men's Overcoats, Youths' Over- coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits, Men's and Youths' Trousers, Boys' Bloomers and Knick- ers, all must he cleared out at regard- less of cost. Underwear of all kinds, shirts, col lars, neckwear, Boys' worsted and cashmere stockings, Men's half hose, hats, caps, gloves, braces, Boys' coat. sweaters, Men's fancy vests and every day vests, overalls, smocks, etc. Everything inIthe store is reduced in this sale. NOTICE—All Accounts must be paid or payment arranged for by April 15th W. A. CAMPBELL ,441, s tto, $s $4ps*:-* t4s*lot t s'eel'"4 l'A'"*.Ott*Itlt# s f90