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The Wingham Advance, 1915-04-29, Page 6
!Fall Term From Scot. fstt ^ CENTRAL ' 2 ZO TRATFtanR.: ONT. The beat Commercial Helmet is the pro. vino. Qtr courses aro thorough enol practical while our lestruotora are bettor than you will Sed elsewhere. Wo do more ter our students that( Allo similar schoels de. Our rate8 are reasonable. Write for our free catalogue and sec t vs hat we can do for you, D, 4. sccL4CRLAs • Principe!] Mr. Geo. Mol i Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay, Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum,, Laces, et:, Give us a call BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. RI. C. A. BLDG,. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept., lst. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal IA Vice Prriincipaitt RAILWAY TiME-TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows r G. T. R TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6.45 a.m. ; passen- ger, 11.00 tom.; passenger, 2.80 p.m. TO LONDON: --Passenger 6.35 a. m.; passenger, 8.30 p.m. TO KINCARDINE : •— PAssexger, 11.59 a.m,; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pae- penger, 8.15 p.m. C. P.. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6.40 a.m,; passen- ger 8.10 p.m. TO TEESWATER : — Passenger, 12,57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS f IHL+ sole head of a family, or any male over L 18 years old may homestead a quarter- seetion of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion I,p ythe district ods Agency or Sub -Agency for " Entryby proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (noir sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties.—f8ix months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A iiomegeader may live within nine miles of his ikons ad on a farm of at leash 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case exeepl when residence is performed he the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side re-em taquarter-sectionalong- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The arca of oulti- vatiop is subject to reduction in ease of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home. stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years,•culti- vete fifty acres and erect a house worth;300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publioation of this ad- tisemenb will not be raid for. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. T. R. Bennett Massey.l'larris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Auctioneers McConnell & Vandrick, Anotioneere for the Counties of HURON " and i3RUOE Are prepared to take all kinds of sales, flaying had a wide exper• fence in tide line, we are certain we can please anyone trusting their sales to us. You can have either one to condnot ' Ot1r sale, dr can have both without extra Charge, Orders can be left with P. 14lcOon• noel or with C.F. Vatixdelck, t the MEROitAF''S' 131Z0KERAG co,s STORE, Wingh uin Charges Moderate Farm for Sale. A .good 2000 acro faun within nine muss of Wingham good bank barn, good eentent honde, Targe Orcther"d, and onnttiderable epeentity of timber. Pries 500.00. .Apply. to FL Vanetone, Wing, hen P.O, PROF, WEAVER, L.O.S,M, i,fOoncert Organist, Pianist. Voice Specialist) Teacher of Organ, Piano, Artistic Singing, 16 years practical experienee Wingham Thursdays and Fridays Pupils prepared for all Etienne Residence and studio 01 Dufferin Ave., Loudon, Ont, Aa. 31101%11101111=1 1111141111111101INS COUNTER CHECK I, BOOKS .1 I 1 1 1 1 1 There is no need of sending your orders for counter check books out .ef,town. We ean'ftll orders prompt- ly at prices that wi11 defy congpetitian. Ask to see our eamplee, They are the'very latest tbing in the line and can be had in blue, black er" red ink, No difference in the price. Ingham Advance Wingham, Ont. idM THIS WOMAN WA5 VERY UNHAPPY Physically and Mentally Worn. Out—Tells How Nervous and Crying Spells Were Ended by Vinol. Monmouth, III.:—"I was weak, worn • out and nervous, I had no appetite and eves getting so thin and discouraged, one day I just broke demi and cried when a friend came in and asked me what was the matter. I told of my condition and hew nothing I took seemed to do me any good, Vinol was suggested, I got a bottle and before it was half gone I could eat and sloep well. I continued its use and now my friends say I look ten years younger, an'd I am well, healthy and strong, I wish I could induce every tired -out, wore -out, nervous woman to take Vinol."—Mrs. HARRIET GALE, Monmouth, Ill. There are many over-worked, tired - out careworn, nervous women in this vicinity who need the strengthening, tissue building, and vitalizing effects of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, and so sure are we that it will build them up and make them strong that we offer to return their money if it fails to benefit, Vinol is a delicious preparation of the extract of cod liver oil and peptonate of iron and contains no oil. Far Sale by J. Walton McKibben, Druggist, Wingham, Ontario. 0000000oo040000a000000000c sash. , Administrator's Sale Of Land in the Towu plot of Wingham. Our Honor Roll. Separate sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 1st day of May, A. 13. 1915, for the purchase of the following parcels of rand, namely: - 1 Park lots 53 and 54, Government.Sur- vey in the Townplot of Wingham, con- taining 12 acres of land more or less. 2 Lot number 228 on the East side of Alice street, and lot number 276 on the West side of Helena Street in the saki Townplot of Wingham, Government Sur- vey. The following,eare the names of the Wingham boys who have thus far enlisted, and are fighting aur battles. Tbey are 53 in number and we believe that no town of our population in Ontario measures up to this: lstl Contingent — W. ' 11. Darnell, Arthur Ellis, Dr. H. J. M. Adams, R. E. N. Berroh, 3. Budge, A. Bowy- er, P. W, Vanner, Herbert Clark, E. S. Copeland, Henry Howard, 13, M, Philcox, J. McPherson, A. Buttery, B. French, F. Templeman, Wm. Bayles, Frank Wylie, Fred Groves, Percy Syder, 0. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell, G. E. Roberson, G. A, M. Blanchard, D, L, Aitcbeson, E. J. Murch. 2nd Oontiogent—P. Harris, A, Chap- man, J. White. G. E. Read, 0. Bleach, C. Learle, A. Dovey. 3rd Contingent — 0. Woods, 13. Groves, W. R. Utting, J. Leonard, A. J. Taylor, P, Aldington, F. Wilson, J. Smith, R. Maxwell, A. J. Taylor. G. Hippen, W. Bunn, G. Haylee, J. M; Strike, C. A. Cuff, J. Taylor, W. S. Lutton, T. Garton, H. Hayles, E. Pitt, Thos. Moore. te000000000000 00000gOOr OO Standing Field Crop Competition, The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75,00 divided as follows: $20, $15, $12, $lh), $8, $0 and $1 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition—Fields en- tered for competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors -Competition will be limited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society;and but one entry can be made by each` com- petitor. Any individual can make entry for this competition by becom- ing a member of the society. h' 15 1 Ito must be within All compel rs w miles of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April, Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to 3, G. STE WART, Secretary, Wingham. Office in Town Hall. 26 31 Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of James CIoakey, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased, NOTICE le hereby given rursuant to R. S. 0.:314 Chapter 121, Section 56, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said late James Cloakey, who died on the Seventeenth day of March A.D. 1915, are required on or before the twenty fourth day of April, 1915, to file with James Stewart of the Town of Wing - ham or Robert N, Duff of the Township of Turnberry, the Executors of the said ?estate or with the under- signed, a statement with full partica- lees of their claims, and of all the security held by them, if any, and thee after the said'date the said Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assets auiong the persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham this Twenty - foul az day of Meech A, D. 1915. IDUDLEY HOLM>S. Sulicttoa for I+l'ttecutors. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Eetate of Eliza- beth Bloomfield, late of the Town efWingham, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. NOTICE it hereby given pnreuant to R. S. 0, 1911, Chapter 121, Section 26, that all nersone having claims against the I,tate of the said late Elizabeth Bloomfield, who died on the Seventeenth clay of February A. D., 1013, are required to IN on or be- fore the twenty-fourth day of April A. D. 1013, with 3miline i3loomtleld of the Town of Wingbentthe 3xecetrix of the saki Estate or with the under, signed, astatement with fall particul- ars of their define, and of all toe trity held by them, if any, aridthat after the bald date the said 1Jxeeutrix will thepeOeronsmettledhaving reg c pl the a g oard only to the rdalllns Of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wln hash thin Tveente fourth day of Mach, A. D., 1011 DUDLEY SOULES iatel sitett flims titre iSte 3 The South Easterly portion of Mill Re- serve "D" in the said Townplot of W Ing— ham, lying'ibetween lots numbers 9, 10 and 11 on the South side of McIntosh St. and the River Maitland, including the stable on raid premises. 4 The Southerly part of lot number 1, on the North East corner of McIntosh and Helena streets in the ssid Townplot of Wingham. The highest, or no tender necessarily accepted. Further particulars and con ditions may be obtained from the under- signed. r Dated at 11 t»sham this 13th .clay of April, 1015. P., VANSTONE, Administrator. Auction sale Of Valuable Farm Property in -the Town- ship of Turnberry. Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, there will be offer• ed for sale by public auctionatthe Queen's l:-Iotel in the Town of Wingham, on Sat- urday the First Day of May, 1915, by Thomas Bennett, Auctioneer, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fo lowing valuable property; that is to say,— The North half of lot number 1. rty- eight in the First Concession of the Town- ship of Turnberry, containing fifty acres of land more or less. The property is situate about seven miles fromtheTown ofWingltam; three mi'csfrom the Village of Bluevalc, and three miles from the Village of Wroxeter. There are on the premises a good frame barn, 30x50, with stone stabling under- neath, and a frame house 18x24, and ad- dition 12x10. The land is practically all grass. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent. of the purchase price at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter. The propsrty will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further times and condi- tions of sale will be ma a known at the time of sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated this 151.11 day of April, A D. 1915. R. VANSTONE, 3t Vendor's Solicitor. Homeseekers' Fxcursio ns To Western, Canada, Paxticular attention is directed to the remarkably low Round Trip Fares in connection with Homeseekers Ex- cursions to Western Canada via Cana- dian Pacific Railway. Tickets are nn sale each Tuesday until October 26oh, inclusive, and are goad to return within two months from date of sale. The C. P. R. offers the finest pos- sible equipment and fastest train ser• vice via one of the most scenic routes in the world. It is the only line operating. through standard and Tourist sleeping cars, also Dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, All equipment is owned and opereted by the 0. P. R. aftording the highest form of efficiency*. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any 0.'P.R.. agent for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, Toronto. 31.33 Letter Froin Ross Hinkley. The following letter from Rose Binkiey has been received by h'e m ether: . "Dear mother — Although such a long time has eta; sed since 1 wrote you the reason is nota serious one, but simply because I have not beta able to concentrate enough energy to do anything other than what I had to, "We arrived in France On the llth of February, after a four days' erost,- ing from England. Usuelly you can Dross in it couple of hours, but pre - e inflow) bad to be takers aga'nst Ger- man submarines and a very round. about course was taken. I Vas sick' all the way acmes. have come to the conclueioii that as a sailor I ant a failure, but conditions were not such as would snake the journey a pleasant one. Two hones after we landed rand us packed into 'box Care, forty to a ear, end a four-day journey was rr .cessary to take he to our dee)l a. tion. It Was absolutely the wont tee perienen I evert• hia�- , The hose look at it nett and laugh, bot at the time no one Wail in danger of any elde.aptlt- ting, T .EEE WIN Gli.A.11 DVA.NOE ""We ti sentrained at 0 o'clock on tite night of the fourth day. It was rain- ing and pitch dark, Justabout that time we would have licked the whole ixertnalt army if given the chance, but instead of any excitemex t we stood around in the mud for a couple of hours, and then started for we knew not where, and cared lesi'. "The march was only a sboet one, however, and we finally arrived at a barn by the roadside where we slept, and you can bet we did sleep. Wo stayed there for about a weak and one day we were told to peek our kits and get ready for the trenches, Great ex citement and much speculatioe 1 Start- ed at 7 o'cto¢k one morning and searched about 15 miles to a well. known point on the firing line, and were immediately put in the treuobee in company esith British troops wbo would have a steadying effect on any of us in need of moral support. We were only ip these trenches for one night, but were told that our conduct was such as to justify ou'r being given a line of our own to bold, and we have been doing that ever since. Wa go in for four days and then have four days.' rest. The trenches are simply ditches dug in the ground to stop the bullets, We sleep in dugouts or rabbit hutches, which are simply holes in the earth. As a matter of fact we do very little sleeping at all, because we are always being disturbed to do sen- try duty and a constant fire is going on all the time. The German sniper is a wonder, Give him half a chance and it's 'good night'; but if you keep your head down yon are just as safe as you are in Dundee, except when they start . shelling. We have been seventeen days in tbe trenches, and now are used to the whistle of the rifle bullet and the screech of the shells. The nights are weird, Big powerful searchlights sweep the sky and the German rifles spit fire from their Ioop'holee. One of our guns is only 70 yards from the German Iine. My gun is about £00 yards, but the bays talk across from our trenches to them, and they answer. On still nights you can hear theme quite easily. One fellow the other night asked us how good old Yonge street was? Said he was from' Toronto. "Will write yea more fully. laterr but ant tired. Tte boys are Making thele teds in the straw, and we may have to move to -morrow.. Are et pre- sent billeted e ina barn about eight rnilea from the tiring line. $m well, and hope you are feeling well yourself. Where is 00 need to worry because. I 4o not write oftener. No news under present cirmetances is good news. have been buy all day cleaning my clothes. They are simply caked with teed, Are a non-commissioned ofllcer now, so address rite in the futtere as corporal. Have charge of my own gun and section. "IVith best love, "B4O58." Dominion Department Of Agriculture. Here and there amongst our dairy men are such splendid results attained that one can only be astonished at the complacency with which other so called dairymen continue to be content with the pitifully small average yields of milk per cow. Why do the huge differences exist? Just a few miles from here is one of those poor herds, six cows with an average of only 3,338 pcunis of milk; the highest yield only 4,000 pounds. In contrast to that, two good het& in western Ontario indicate the pois sibilitiea for the man whose eyes are open to what milk records have to teach. One herd of 12 grades average 19,0571 o pods of milk and 317 pounds of fat : i he second herd of 22 grades averaged 10,542 pounds of milk and 350 pounds of fat. These marvellous differences in herd yields drive home bard facts. Men differ in their methods of feeding and handling cowe, feeds differ in value, cows differ considerably in their inherent capacity as milk producers•, they are not all cast in the same mould. In the above two good herds the constant use of milk records hes prov- ed an excellent lever in raising the production, Cow testing pays—C.F.W • Look at your label. et a Line( PERRINori.. ish. Navy iSCUlt FiEGtsTERCD At yoth' ocers w a... w• vertisein the ADVANCE Capital Authorized 46,000,000 Capltal Pald up . - ;3,000,000 Surplus r, r, • . . e d3,750,COO Arnbitioan FIvery man aims to be his own master. No surer way to get the capital together than by starting a Shall Snvings account in this bank. C. P. SMITH Manager Wingham 1 tttfttttttttfttfttftttttfttftttttfl fttfftttttttfttfttftttltlttttttttftt : mateur Films Developed and Printed. Work finished in i4 hrs. "Films mailed from the countay promptly attended to at the stomimmoon Mann Art Studio, Wingham :#tlt�ii�lU ULL LULUtL LULUL1 tl�l�ltt� � ���btl lid ��i�iil lith ©0000 000000000000000000 1 1 cir gb 1 Advance PI Ptg. andPub.Co. 1 o 1 ©006000000000000000000000e BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT 0 THE ADVANCE 8 ,�a,� ar�arsa 0 The beat of Parchment paper and the Proper Ink. All Dairy Butter put up in pack- ages must now have a printed label on it. See us' about the matter. The Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH let, 1015. Effective Monday, March 1st, Trains Nos, 719 and 722 on the Moe Suhd iv- ision will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger,d it eXce daily t p Sunday, on the following schedule:— No. 710 will leave Cataract Jct. 10.15 a. tat , Hein 10.45, Htllaburg 11,03, Ort- on 11.30, B,-lwood 11.55, Spier 12.05 p,m., Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12.45 p. m,, No. 722 will levy Etorae 3,15 tete , Fergus 3 55, Spier 4.05, Betwnnd 4 30, Orton 4.55, Ifilleburg 5.23, Pain u 50, arriving Cataract Jot, 0.10 p.m. Effective same date, 'Trains Nos, 671 and 071 now running between London Windsor, deity except Snuday, wilt be discontinued beyond Chatham, Farther particulars from Oanadfnn Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. (1, Murphy, District Passenger ,Agent Toronto. W. Elmore Mahood Contractor and Builder WELLINGTON MUTUAL. FIRE INS, CO. EstabUtahed 1,810. Ue041 011ice 01111141H, O. Blake taken on all nlasaea of insure able propel ty oq the cash or prennium. note system. Gl,o, 81.EIc..MAN, JOAN DA vipswN President. Secretary. RITCHIE & QOSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. (,Rice: Meyer dock, Wingham, If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. Box335 occiw00000000tt000000000000 Excellent Stabling accommo- dation at The National Hotel Stables. Attentive Hostler. Reading and sitting room for patrons. Moderate Prices. Fred Scott, Prop. Walkers Unsiertaking Parlors EMBALMERS an,' UNDER- TAKERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. s , James Walker 10 years experience. A. J. Walk er 9 years experience Day Phone 106 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 •/•1w. V•JW.IW..` ./Y•MV'. • _-.____ # Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation we solicit your cream patronage. We tare prepared to pay the highest market prizes for goo cream and give you an honest business; weighing, sampling and testing each can of cream received carefully and', returning a full statement of same to eaoli patron. We furnish two enols to each costo mer, pay all express chi ages and pay every two weeks. Write for full partiinulurs or send for cans and give ns a tti'tl. SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAF'O TN, ONT. t,01.411•••.-10101... -. _.....,.-.... CASTOR -° For Illi:faits and Chilfe ei , The Kind You 13ay Al; i ys i30ught l3eurs the �.^ ignature ofs. t¢ r } tint,'At liN - 1 • ese eke .......w..,.,....,."......1..elo.,.h_.._ 1010_,on** R. VANSTONE BARRI AND SOLICITOR Monet' to loan at lowest ,ratoe, WINQEAM.. ARTHUR J. IRWIN p.n.s., LOX. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Peu nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Chloe In Macdonald Block -- G. H. ROSS, D,D,S,, L.D,S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD CO'S. STORE W. R. IIAMBLY, D.Sc., N.D., Spacial attention paid to diseases of Women and OhiIdren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 este s nter Any Day - ,. Each student is instructed privately at his. own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed, Thousands of Succesful Graduates Home -study Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars, Win .ham Business College orb. BPO` TON, Principal eweJ •ii DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. R. C. P. (Loud.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (finder Governmeet Inepeotion.) Pleasantly situated, Beautifullyfurnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for natients (which include board and nursing)—$4.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of room. For further?, informa- tion—Address MISS L. MAPIRSWS Superintendent, Box 229, Wingbam Ont,•( Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,* Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin. vese sdPianos and Organt and repaired, Wingham, Ont. DR. PARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL andWING HAM Specialists in the treatment of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekness esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cures when all else fails. Drugless methode. Wingham Office over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 1I.30 a. m.-0 p. m, Wednesday and Thursday 9-11 tie m. Friday 9—a,m. 3— p. m. OVER es YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADE MARK$ DESIGNS Copvniaw'rs &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mal quickly ascertain °Ftr opinion freeother aD Invention Is probably patentable. Commnnlea• Vous strictly confidential. HANDBOOK en Patents sent free. oldest agency for securing__ pyatents. Patents taken through Munn k Ge. receive spec/at-notice, without chargo. in th0 Sckenttfit Rmerlcan. nsofnttavaTemsforrule oays scientific journal. r t'ansds. gnii a year, postage prepaid. Bold by ail new,tlealer . MUNN & Cl736113143adwm New York ]preach Osco. 6 F 8t.. waslttnttton. A t7.� John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones—Office 24 Residence 168 OF SPECIAL INTERST have you a farm to sell, from 50 to 100 acres, with We buildings and near a Soho )1? W'Ve have a purchaser waiting for emelt a place. F014 SALE Robert Culvert's flue 2 s'd ay )'rick residence on south-east corner of John and William Streets near 0. , station. Title place will be sold�igR.ht and on easy tenni. STOP KNOCKING We give tide advice frets of charge. both to the council and the ordinery eitizen. The town is a 1 right. *We can give you Real Estate inveefnzente richt in Wfngha'n that will net frau night to ten per cent. Whets tett yuu d� better. Ritchie & Cows BF9L ESTATE OD TbSU9A8CB _ _ 1010.. ,f1,j j a f - t `fit. v f; • I eX1' P. 1), ' • ...-10,10...--1010,. ,—`�. 1010.-10_10. r Why Not Telephone? If you telephone him first you may not have to go at all! If you'would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone, you would save yourself and your'staff many tiresome trips, unnecessary disappointments and much `expense. Many progressive business houses have found that by a systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance Telephone travell- t ing expense care be reduced anywhere from 20 to 80 per cent. Why 11cit adopt this principle in' your business? • `Telephone first! Try to figure tout where i:he Long Distance Telephone 0.s. ,at E Gan save you precious time Aiiirets 4vou mat Telephone ie 4 Long Distance Station." •• LeiNC �. . - - � • The Bell Telephone Co. FFOISTAN�IFPgaNFt of Canada. b, cANF.0 vertisein the ADVANCE Capital Authorized 46,000,000 Capltal Pald up . - ;3,000,000 Surplus r, r, • . . e d3,750,COO Arnbitioan FIvery man aims to be his own master. No surer way to get the capital together than by starting a Shall Snvings account in this bank. C. P. SMITH Manager Wingham 1 tttfttttttttfttfttftttttfttftttttfl fttfftttttttfttfttftttltlttttttttftt : mateur Films Developed and Printed. Work finished in i4 hrs. "Films mailed from the countay promptly attended to at the stomimmoon Mann Art Studio, Wingham :#tlt�ii�lU ULL LULUtL LULUL1 tl�l�ltt� � ���btl lid ��i�iil lith ©0000 000000000000000000 1 1 cir gb 1 Advance PI Ptg. andPub.Co. 1 o 1 ©006000000000000000000000e BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT 0 THE ADVANCE 8 ,�a,� ar�arsa 0 The beat of Parchment paper and the Proper Ink. All Dairy Butter put up in pack- ages must now have a printed label on it. See us' about the matter. The Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH let, 1015. Effective Monday, March 1st, Trains Nos, 719 and 722 on the Moe Suhd iv- ision will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger,d it eXce daily t p Sunday, on the following schedule:— No. 710 will leave Cataract Jct. 10.15 a. tat , Hein 10.45, Htllaburg 11,03, Ort- on 11.30, B,-lwood 11.55, Spier 12.05 p,m., Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12.45 p. m,, No. 722 will levy Etorae 3,15 tete , Fergus 3 55, Spier 4.05, Betwnnd 4 30, Orton 4.55, Ifilleburg 5.23, Pain u 50, arriving Cataract Jot, 0.10 p.m. Effective same date, 'Trains Nos, 671 and 071 now running between London Windsor, deity except Snuday, wilt be discontinued beyond Chatham, Farther particulars from Oanadfnn Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. (1, Murphy, District Passenger ,Agent Toronto. W. Elmore Mahood Contractor and Builder WELLINGTON MUTUAL. FIRE INS, CO. EstabUtahed 1,810. Ue041 011ice 01111141H, O. Blake taken on all nlasaea of insure able propel ty oq the cash or prennium. note system. Gl,o, 81.EIc..MAN, JOAN DA vipswN President. Secretary. RITCHIE & QOSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. (,Rice: Meyer dock, Wingham, If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. Box335 occiw00000000tt000000000000 Excellent Stabling accommo- dation at The National Hotel Stables. Attentive Hostler. Reading and sitting room for patrons. Moderate Prices. Fred Scott, Prop. Walkers Unsiertaking Parlors EMBALMERS an,' UNDER- TAKERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. s , James Walker 10 years experience. A. J. Walk er 9 years experience Day Phone 106 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 •/•1w. V•JW.IW..` ./Y•MV'. • _-.____ # Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation we solicit your cream patronage. We tare prepared to pay the highest market prizes for goo cream and give you an honest business; weighing, sampling and testing each can of cream received carefully and', returning a full statement of same to eaoli patron. We furnish two enols to each costo mer, pay all express chi ages and pay every two weeks. Write for full partiinulurs or send for cans and give ns a tti'tl. SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAF'O TN, ONT. t,01.411•••.-10101... -. _.....,.-.... CASTOR -° For Illi:faits and Chilfe ei , The Kind You 13ay Al; i ys i30ught l3eurs the �.^ ignature ofs. t¢ r } tint,'At liN - 1 • ese eke .......w..,.,....,."......1..elo.,.h_.._ 1010_,on** R. VANSTONE BARRI AND SOLICITOR Monet' to loan at lowest ,ratoe, WINQEAM.. ARTHUR J. IRWIN p.n.s., LOX. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Peu nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Chloe In Macdonald Block -- G. H. ROSS, D,D,S,, L.D,S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD CO'S. STORE W. R. IIAMBLY, D.Sc., N.D., Spacial attention paid to diseases of Women and OhiIdren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 este s nter Any Day - ,. Each student is instructed privately at his. own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed, Thousands of Succesful Graduates Home -study Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars, Win .ham Business College orb. BPO` TON, Principal eweJ •ii DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. R. C. P. (Loud.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (finder Governmeet Inepeotion.) Pleasantly situated, Beautifullyfurnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for natients (which include board and nursing)—$4.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of room. For further?, informa- tion—Address MISS L. MAPIRSWS Superintendent, Box 229, Wingbam Ont,•( Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,* Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin. vese sdPianos and Organt and repaired, Wingham, Ont. DR. PARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL andWING HAM Specialists in the treatment of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekness esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cures when all else fails. Drugless methode. Wingham Office over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 1I.30 a. m.-0 p. m, Wednesday and Thursday 9-11 tie m. Friday 9—a,m. 3— p. m. OVER es YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADE MARK$ DESIGNS Copvniaw'rs &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mal quickly ascertain °Ftr opinion freeother aD Invention Is probably patentable. Commnnlea• Vous strictly confidential. HANDBOOK en Patents sent free. oldest agency for securing__ pyatents. Patents taken through Munn k Ge. receive spec/at-notice, without chargo. in th0 Sckenttfit Rmerlcan. nsofnttavaTemsforrule oays scientific journal. r t'ansds. gnii a year, postage prepaid. Bold by ail new,tlealer . MUNN & Cl736113143adwm New York ]preach Osco. 6 F 8t.. waslttnttton. A t7.� John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones—Office 24 Residence 168 OF SPECIAL INTERST have you a farm to sell, from 50 to 100 acres, with We buildings and near a Soho )1? W'Ve have a purchaser waiting for emelt a place. F014 SALE Robert Culvert's flue 2 s'd ay )'rick residence on south-east corner of John and William Streets near 0. , station. Title place will be sold�igR.ht and on easy tenni. STOP KNOCKING We give tide advice frets of charge. both to the council and the ordinery eitizen. The town is a 1 right. *We can give you Real Estate inveefnzente richt in Wfngha'n that will net frau night to ten per cent. Whets tett yuu d� better. Ritchie & Cows BF9L ESTATE OD TbSU9A8CB