HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-29, Page 5'TIT E WI Nall M ADVANCE THURSDAY, 0 t.14440.144444404+0000•0010.44414440.00.0e0:04 HOUSE FURNISHING • Our stook in the line of House Furnishings was never so large or well assorted. We were fortunate enough to get all our import lines placed in stock before the war tariff was put on and all bought before the recent sharp advance in all kinds of woolen and linen fabrice. You get the benefit as we have not advanced the price in a single instan- ance. Before supplying your wants in this line see our stock and bring a- long the catalog sent to you by the department stores of the cities. It will be a pleasure for us to have you compare prices, and if we can't do as well, if not better, we won't expect your business. Lace curtains s\NpTeec laal vpeujruc seo passed Laceio cs=nas as well as Draperies, Scrims, and Bungalow Nets Linoleum Scotch Linoleums in all wie:ths, guar- anteed qualities at 50c sq. yd. and up Rugs and Carpets iTnhtersaedaer ew.upe c2a5n psaevree;rn money, and sell at old prices. This only applies till we have to put in more stock. White Waists Never was our stock in thisline so complete. We are showing a large assortment, prices ranging from 50c up We again urge you to see our stock before buying your House Furnishings. , The House of Quality The Home of Bargains NalliffiliMMIONOMMME.31M.IMCMINaMII0 J. A. ills Phone 89 Wingham 0 0 0 .tea 0 0 Howick Council, Fordwiels April 20th 1015. Council met to -day in Cook's Hotel, Fordwich purauant to adjournment, members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting were read and on motion of Dolg and Deromerling were adopted. Moved by Doig and Spotton that the Clerk be instructed to charge all who do not do there road work be °barged on the Collectors.; Roll at the rate of $1.00 per day—carried. Tenders were then opened for the new cement abutments. Moved by Dammerling and Arm- strong that the tender of Paul Pres; for the abutments of the Stewart abutments at $3.57 per cub. yard and James Walkom's tender for the Strong abutments at $5.130 per czes. yard b3 Pr:03p'ed—parried. Moved by Armstrong and Doig tisat the following changes be made In the pathneasters, F. W. Laird instead of Adam A.. Graham, Hugh Douglass in. stead of Hugh Wyfie—carried. Moved by Spottcu and Deramerling that By-law No, 3 appointing path. mestere, pound keepers and fence viewers be read the third time and passed—carried. Meved by Spotton and Doig that the following accts be paid, Wm. S. McKercher Insurance on Tp. Hall $3 10; W. D. McLellan opeeitications for abutments .90; John F Sotheran rent of roadway $3 00 J. H. Rogers for Suit Case to carry books $3.50; Harry Cook rent of roozn $1.00; Fred Seivert for refund of road work $0 00 Moved by Armstrong and Doig that this council do now adjeurn to meet Letter Heads Envelopes Etc., Etc., Printed At the Advance Office again on the third We claeeday in May In the T. Hall Oorrie—carried, C. E. Walker, Welk, Letter From The Front. Prance, March 23rd, 1915 Captain N. T. Sinclair Sir;—On behalf of the boys from Winghans now serving in the let Canadian Contingent, let Ontario R.gt., I have been asked to write you a few lime, Ae you can guess we are not allowed to write very mu.sh about our movements. Just now we are out of the trenches for a rest which is very welcome I can assure you. I ans glad to say we are all in the land of the living at preeent and in first class health and spirits. We have been able to stick together 00 far, and hope to continue fighting side by side, and I think it will go very hard with any German that attempts to stand against us. Shells from the big guns have been flying backwards and forewarde to- day over where we are resting and a few aeroplanes, but we are getting so used to them that we hardly notice them. It is very funny how one gets used to things, especially the above articles. Please remember us to the Mayor, Town Council and people of Wing - ham. We often wonder when we shall see our friends again in Wing - ham, if we ever shall, anyway we are going to have a good try to. 1 think I must close now, as I have not got very much news that I am able to tell you, however we shall have lots to talk about when we re- turn, but this will let you know we are all o.k. I remain on behalf of the Winghans boys Yours truly, 0875 R. E. N, Barron, Sergt. P. EL Our address is as follows, the only difference is the number, rank and name of the soldier must be put on top.—lst Canadian Contingent, British Expeditionary Force, let Infantry Brigade, No. 3 Coy., lat Canadian Battalion, Special Council Meeting The twenty-sixth meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening with all the members present except Coun. Bell, who is seriously ill. By-law No, 731 changing water rates was then read, Councillor Crawford said, Wes much, as the hotels gave public ac- commodation and much water used for that purpose, they should get a special rate. In many cities public lavatories were kept up by the town. but here the citizens were saved this expense. Councillor VanNorman agreed with this as did Reeve Mitchell and Coun. How about that Suit ? THESE fine sunshiny " days make the chap who is still wearing last year's suit feel pretty seedy. • Old Sol says Ws time to tone up- and get the Spring outlook on life, and --- our word on it—nothing is so apt to make a fellow look good and feel good as a new head -to -foot outfit. These are "Brighten -up" days, and we have the greateet little " Brighten -pp " cure you ever saw in our newly arrived stock of fif , eller •11. i:111to, e;:* • / / F Come in, it's a cheery sight! H. E. ISARD & CO TWO STORES LAt ):•.g dugs eirr e.onitoa zoO .opal -r alto raid a UoiltiOsie4 ball vcri, oissit oluolauda 'WO lot elm \six.° ,oe t:ez.ntrn .r)rr lathy mo iol 1 eillor Binkley. After considerable discussion, the matter was left over until next regular meeting. Crawford and Currie — that the Electric Light committee fix a rate of profit on all electric supplies purchased by the consumers and report at. next meeting, In reeponse to a question re the purchase of some electric supplies Coun. Crawford said he had written several firms and there was a great difference in the price. Ris informa- tion would be samitted to the com- mittee tonight. By-law 729 authorizing the town to sell debentures to pay off the floating indebtedness of the town was read three times and passed on motion of Patterson and VanNorma,e. The annual payment on this will be $763. A By-law 730 authorizing the town to purchase the above debentures with sinking fund was passed on motion of Mitchell and Currie. Patriotic Items. The Ladies' Patriotic Society shipped on the 23nd of April a box, cent aining eighty-three pairs of *lecke, to tile Red Cross Society. The Society acknowledges with thanks, cotton for bandages as !follows —Five yards cotton from', Mrs.. WK. ford Reid, also four dollen; and: sixl y cents for cotton from the ladies of the 12th line of East Wawanosh. The call for cotton both old and new is still before every one. The need increases every day with small hope of diminishing for many a long day. Will those who have not alrea iy con- ibuted make a further effort to do so? New Factory cotton for bandages in five yard lengths, also old white ma- terial for dressings, such as linen, cotton or muslin, lt seams removed, thoroughly cleansed and pressed. Please send to Mrs. Pugh, oorner Patrick and Francis Ste. Amount sent to Red Cross Society.— Previously acknowledged. . . $273 00 Wingham HighlSchool . 25 00 A friend 2 00 tO.tal . 7 . .530000 Try the "ADVANCE" for your next Catalogue " • • • '15. 4 ilk rirMammeni ••••••••MRIEF itERIMMIEMEIIEELMEESIMialararallEitaiiati " EMESMI112 BEEINEEMEMIERIMENIEUROMBREE MINIMINCENIESINIIIIMMEMEEKRIMINEIREMEMI Everything reduced and Marked in plain figures so you can see at a glance the price, quality and tremendous BARGAINS. All goods iric'ud- ed in this sale, Dress Goccis, Prints, Hosiery., Ginghams, Ladies' Wear, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes and Groceries. You know what a sale means here, so be here early, you will not be disappointed. 1,...12221.911.1=2011111.1ennatel WRVS nitormitIntilailiMIMMININEIMINV +await Butter and Eggs Same as Cash anesharslamows ammermasorr s•cmoymewmc-Jsepaimeo slansowinteamesloWNINCI.70.1... OPEN AT 8.30 SATURDAY MORNING wormeseetratritibilisibinciesititair