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The Wingham Advance, 1915-04-15, Page 6
ceeriennennstrecietorgeo0000000000042 d Meat Fish Poultry The highest class Beef and Pork, Fish and Poul- try sold at T. Fells Butcher Store Give us a trial, you will be pleased, Highest price paid for Hides and Skins. ©00000000000000 !Fail Term Prole Sept; est. REAL $TRAITOR!). ONT. o- n e ;ve- nom al th •T r. s o l p IFe E Commercial »ae Dial bAe °as Anti e are thorough t! de:OurDouse s 'lace. e Preotdaal while our Inetruetore are better t14sa flan will nue elsewhere. We do mini i for sur students than °the similar schtxila do• psr rates are reasonable. Write for our treecatalogue and see et list vre can do for you, >D• *. 1[cLiicIL'twlp • Priucipai Mr. Geo. Moig Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old nand to etayy. Shoe Shining And Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etv. Give us a call BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subject* taught byes pert instructors at • Y MC. A. BLDG„ ' >LOINPOPI, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College irk seastpn from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free.Enter any time. i.W.' Wesiterrelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. principal ' 2oMutateAmou ted vice - RAILWAY TIME -TABLE PROF. WEAVER, . (Concert Organicabet) nist.. Voice SpeTeacher of Organ, Piano,Artistic Ringing. 10 years practical experiense Wingham Thursdays and Fridays x e. a Pupils prepared 11 f a Exams. Residence and studio 021 Dnferin Me., London, Ont, Taloa have Wingham stations daily as follows . G• T. R, TO TORONTO and Intermediate points:—Passenger, 6,45 a.m ; mermen - ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m. TO LONDON:—Passenger 6.35 a. ; passenger, 8.80 p.m. TO KINCARDINE : — Passenger, 11.59 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas - stinger, .0.16 p.m, C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Pointe:—Passenger, 6.40 a,m.; passen- ger 8.10 p.m. TO TErESWATER : — Passenger, 19.87 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS TB 18 years old fmay homest any s quarter eeetion et available Dominion land in Mani. Vohs, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The apple sant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency, for the district. 2ntry by proxy may be made at tho office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on serrata conditions, Dntiee.—Sig months' residence upon and ouI- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his bemeetaad on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in every ease exccpl when residence is performed in the vicinity. In' certain districts a homesteader in good deriding rosy bre-empt a quarter -section along- side hie homestead. Price $3 per acro. Duties --Six menthe' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 sores extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in ease of rough, sernbby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inepeotoi on application for patent. A komesteader who has exhausted hie home- stead' right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purebstyod homested in certain districts. Price ;3.00 per acre. Duties,—Must reside.six mouths ire each of three years,-oulti- rate fifty acres tend erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- tisement will not be paid for. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. COUNTER T R CHECK BOOKS There ie nn need of Bending your orders for counter Check booke;out of,town, We oan'fill orders prompt- ly at -prices; that will defy competition. Ask' to see our samples. They are the very latest thing in the lane and oan be had in blue, black mitred ink, No difference in:the price. 1 Ingham Advance Wingham, Ont, Our Honor Roll. COULD NOT SLEEP, GOULD NOT EM The following are the names of the Wingham boye who have thus far enlisted, and are:fighting our battles, They are 53 in number and we believe that no town of our population in Ontario measures up to this: 1st] Contingent — W. H." Darnell, Arthur Ellis, Dr. H. J. M. Adams, R. E. N, B irrob, 3. Budge, A. Bowy- er, P. W. Vanner, Herbert Clark, E, S. Copeland, Henry Howard, H. M. Philcox, J. McPherson, A. Buttery, H. French, F. Templeman, Wm, Hayles, Frank Wylie, Fred Groves, Percy Syder, 0. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell, G. E. Roberson, G. A. M. Blanchard, D. L. Aitcheson, E. J. Murch. 2nd Contingent—P, Harris, A, Chap- man, J. White, G. E. Read, C. Bleach, C. Learle, A. Dovey. 3rd Contingent — 0. Woods, IL Groves, W. R. Utting, J. Leonard, A. J. Taylor, F. Aldington, F. Wilson, J. Smith, R. Maxwell, A. J. Taylor. G. Hippen, W. Bunn, G. Hayles, J, M. Strike, C. A, Cuff, J. Taylor, W. S. Lutton, T. Garton, 1L Hayles, E. Pitt, Thos. Moore, Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office Pare -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. T. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Auctioneers .McConnell & Vandrick, A lettoneere for the Coanttee of HURON and BRUCE Are prepared to take all kinds of sale., Haling bad a wide euper- 'ietideln tbte line, we are certain we win please anyone trusting their canis to us. You ran have either one to 'conduct your pale, or can i o e have to, wh t o extracharge.t tri Orders Dan beleft with F. McCort- in& or iritte0. F..Vendriek, at the blERCI FTS' BROKERAGE 00,6 STORE, Wingham Chtttrges Moderate WomanWeak an Nervous us o k d S Could Not Stand Her Chia. dren Near Her Vino! Changed Everything for Her Plant City, Fla.—" I wish I could tell everybody about Vinol, For nine years wasbadhealth. Igot so cool in nthI d I not sleep, and I could not stand it to have p enear 1 not children come n ie. I could n t even sew or do any heavy housework. I was simply tired all the time. I tried so many medicines I could not recall thein all, but nothing did me any Rod. asked moVinol One day a friend ak d to try�Y n ) and said it was the best tonic se ever saw. I did so, and soon got the first good night's sleep 1 had had for a long time. Now I sleep well, my appetite is good, ray nervousness is all gone and ant so strong and well I do all my house- work and work in my flower garden without feeling tired or nervous. Vinol has made me a well and happy woman." —Mrs. C. IL MILLER, Plant City, Fla. Vino) contains the curative, healing principles of fresh cod livers (without oil) and tonic iron. We ask every weak, run-down, ner- vous person in this vicinity to try Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to benefit. Per Sale ;by J. Walton MoKibbon, Druggist, Wingham, Ontario. o00000000000000000000000Oc ZOCKe000000C30000000000000000 Standing Field Crop Competition. The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75 00 divided no follows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $0 and $4 for tine beet Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agt•icul.- ture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition—Fields en• tered tor competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors -Competition will be limited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society:and but •one entry can be made by each com- petitor. .Any individual can make entry for this competition by becom- ing a member of the society, All competitors must be within 15 miles of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April. Entry forms and further particulars may be had by applying to 3. G. STEWART, Secretary, Wingham. Office in Town Hall. 26 31 Farm tor Sale. A gold 000 sore farm within nine mails of Wingham, good bank barn, l (led Dement !softie, large oroiiard, And titin lderable gtsetrttit y7' of timber. Price !le$00 00..t Apply to R. V41440120, Wing. ham O P. O. Notice To Creditors. namoomumerammomminswaimi ******************** Deport Reached Fame By Investing French 75 -Millimetre Gun ******************** HE glory of the French artil- lery is the "76" field -gun whose very existence was a jealously guarded secret un- til war and success nPdde concealment no longer possible. Twenty years ago French artillery experts set to work to produce a gun which could duplicate on land the rapidity and accuracy of the "Comet" and the "Hotchkiss" naval guns. From the pages of The London Il- lustrated News we learn the problem that presented itself to the French artillery officers for solution: "It became eminently desirable to produce, not a gun which would re- main immovable during the dis- charge (a thing mechanically impos- sible), but one which would return to its original position after each shot had been fired. Thus re -sight- ing and readjusting not being called for, the rate of fire would be very greatly increased. The problem was how to construct a gun -carriage which could be fixed to the ground In the matter of the Estate of James Cloakey, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given rursuant to R. S. 0. ;O: t Chapter 121, Section 50, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said late James Cloakey, who died on the Seventeenth day of March A.D. 1915, are required on or before the twenty fourth day of April, 1915, to file with James Stewart of the Town of Wing - ham or Robert N. Duff of the Township of Turnberry, the Executors of the said Estate or with the under- signed, a statement with full particu- lars of their claims, and of all the security held by them, if any, and that after the said date the said Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham this Twenty- fourth day of March A. D. 1915. DUDLEY HOLMES. Solicitor for Executors. PRD W IN GUAM A DVANCE iztiialiTj% by Captain Locaril, or the Foundry of Dourges, but ;bey had failed as far as held -weapons were concerned." While the solution of the problem seemed easy enough in theory, 11 still remained to be seen. whether it could be accomplished 14 practice, and, strangely enough, the first hint came from the ermans . And this is how it happened: "General Mathieu, then head • of the artillery at the French, War Of. lice, carne to know that Herr Hause- nor, a German engineer and a very able man, bad aubmitted to Krupy a model of a gen with 'a long re - 0011,1 or rather, with, 'a recoil of the gun on the gun -carriage,' as the Ger• manexperts wou1dsay. It as un- derstood further that, after experi- en u had u de a ' ii h m ts, Kr ups n rt ke the e construction of the new **ninon, The general, a good judge of a 3flan, sent for Major Deport, then 'head of the worksho yt_Put�aux anti ae . Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Itstate of Eliza. beth Bloomfield, late of the Town of Wingham, In the County of Huron, widow, Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. 5.0. 1014, Chapter 121, Section 20, that all °ersons having claims against the E,tate of the said late .who on EIizabeth Bloomfield, died the e Seventeenth day of 1:'ebruitry A. D.. 1015, to file With Emiline Bloomfield bf the Town of Wingham, the Executrix of the bald Estate or with the under• signed, a statement with full .particul- are of their claims, and of all security held by them, if any, and that after the said date the said Executrix will proceed to dletrtbnte the smelt attiring the persona entitled, having regard Only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at S'iringbain this Twenty fourth day of March, A. D„ 1015. DUDLEY 'WIN . Solicitor tor Ereeutriit 1 DfAJO$ DEPORT. ' so firmly that it Would not move while the gun (joined to the carriage by an 'elastic' contrivance destined to absorb the shock) recoiled aftef the shot, on travelers conveniently arranged. Attempts in this directiou had_been mads beeee eiiveref office, UPTURE (sun DATI.S IVI` BOTTOM) c 0000000O0Of3OOOf3Ol3fM QQ BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT THE ADVANCE The beet of Parchment paper and the Proper Ink. All Dairy Butter put up in pack- ages must now have a printed label on it. See us about the matter. The Advance Ptg. andPub.Co. PHONE 34 a btua »oin't Tank win:Cher "lid, too, invent based,e ecoid not nv. n a gun b s d on the principle of the 'long recoil.' Major Deport knew his subject thoroughly, and, after reflection, answered that be was ready to solve the problem. He set to work, and in 1894 be sub- mitted to General Mercier, the Min- ister of War, tr held -gun able to are twenty -ave rounds a minute. Ito accuracy was wae perfect, and its stabil. ity was such that the two principal c pal gunners could remain seated on the gun -carriage during firing. T .hug. the T awas born and d was every. thing the most exacting gunnel~ could desire." Perhaps the host amusing thing in connection with the birth of tlie r ,, ' 76 was the feat that the irforma, tion from Krupp's which was re- sponsible for the efforts of Major Deport turned out to be entirely in- accurrate. But, adda The Illustrated Landon News: "Inaccurrate information had par• tionlarly happy results for Franco, by patting Major Deport .011. the road to his great discovery. The major *as" made a lieutenant -colonel too late. .In life to dope to rise to a much higher rank, and so decided to retire and to accept a position inn the Compagnie des Forges, at, Chatillon- Commentry, where, to this day, he controls the artillery supply." 00000000000000000000000000e NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURE WITHOUT KNIFE. HARNESS DANGER OR PAIN. COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. Mr. 1rgdn's new 1015 applialices, "the Curative' and "the Curate us", are rapid• ly taking the place of the old-fashioned Pusses purchased by mail order. These llew inventions are constructed to assist nature in her work of healing and are free from every cumbersoine feature that you possibly have been annoyed with some time or another. Complete comfort awaits yen. Correct holding will be ex- perienced from the start. No more escape of rapture. Miser comes to an end at elite. You will eh jay that absolute eonrt- deuce of being able to do anything at any tine or anywhere without the bowel mak- hilt ifs escape Outside the abdomen. This win relieve yen of mental 'unrest and worry. This will make you feel like a new person. This kind of retention is in- tended to assist nature to mese the open- inI c adapted . These new inventions ar tions Rte d P to different forms of hernia to meet the needs of every man, woman or child. Stop further experimenting with forei n ap- ptiancea and end your rupture troubles at small cost by consulting a Canadian rup- tnre applianee speeialist. Delays may be Aitidangerous; tear off t'onpon now. THIS FREE RUPTURE COUPON _THIS presentation to J. Y. ligan, speelalist d west King street, Toronto, who will visit the towns below, mantles bearer to free eon. sultatton And examination of sa101p,10l. Ark at hotel Mee for room number. Note dates. Brussels- ..American Hotel, April 20th. Wingham--Queen's Hotel, ali day till 7 p.m., 1 day only -April Zit, Luektnow•• "Cain's Hotel, April 22iitd, Made in Canada, +++44444444444444444444+44 PRIDE AND THE. FARMER. A large proportion of men who are engaged in farming are con- tent to live and die with blit a very limited reward in wealth for a lifetime of strenuous ef- Port. But let their pride be arous- ed, their ambition for distinction as farmers come to the surface, and we will see at once a won- tierful cbange in results. It quickens their intellect, it sharp- .. ens their perceptions, it stimu- latex their desire for knowledge, • knowing as they do that knowl- edge is the source of power. At once the farm presents a now aspect, new avenues fir effort, new purposes to be achieved, new sources for financial profit. • The farmer is transformed at once into a master over the K' forces that Ile all about him. He rises to the real meaning and measure of his calling. The farm shows at once that here is a man who has a vision of what. . It is capable of. Mere love of money will do none of these things. It is too sordid, too nar- row even to see how to make money in the best and most 't profitable manner. ee Hoard's Dairyman. +++++++++444444444440144444 . -1/4f Look at your label. Il iii jll:� • � I i i, ,1; C. P. SMITH ;iiii, � l linin1. -s Bank of Hamilton Capital A'It borised 55.000,611 Oapitel, Paid up • • 8.000,00 Surplus - - 8 7U0 00Q . THE MEN BEHIND ' h 1,1 h as m>ao A13anzinl; lntftitatio.n R6Gy strength from 1 it s a a it � �i from the hien who direst 4 the aotaal capital invested, i Money deposited In the Bank of Iletnilton b guarded by men well known for business integrity, and aou. r td.. more than W 4Q mo t i# gh p moo --meq who value security n ter h ! ors 4r which eq surplus I e 1! � slue r 1 To this policy i a p , f over40 euril , result n y a rajah ro any Capital t 4 larger h it sr e oil. iso ervattve Maps colt 11t. ' ,1j,ti''r `I Manager "isViingham , Ili L,t��ti�.:,-�__ - u ._,..._ .....- .. .Vlttlt1111111111111ttltttlttttilttlt 11tt111ttl�lilt lttt4lttttMtittllt awn Why Not Telephone? If you telephone him first you may not have to go at all! If you would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long .Distance Telephone, you . would save yourself and your staff many tiresome trips, unnecessary disappointments and much expense. Many progressive business houses have found that by a systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance 'expenseIr`+eleiphone travell- ingrcan be reduced anywhere from � 20 to 80 per cent. Why not adopt this principle in your business? Telephone first! Try to figure ne 1ho out where the Long 7?1st..pce Telephone can save you precious time! Hiroo veil r!'eleblione kr d Lour Mimi te. Station. The Eeli Tele ho ie Co. of Canada. amateur Films Developed and Printed. Work finished in 24 hrs. Films mailed from the countay promptly attended g to at the aa w ::i:1111Uii1i11iliaui11111ULUiUiU i1U111ULUU1U11U1U111111U11U* SON 4N. wee Mann Art Studio, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INN. CO. artr,blisbedl;ise. road �>Ree (URL,ON T. Risks taken on all classes of in.eur• able propel ty on the cash t>r premiums 11 fate system. Gino. €cs>on. 4Nr JOHN P vllsox President., secretary, Valuable Property For Sale. The property on the north east owner of John and Centre streets, known as the Mills Memorial Hall. The dwelling and stable on the uorth side of John Street immediately went of the Anglican Church. Fen particulars apply to W. F. Veneeone, C. P. Smith, A. E, Smith or R. Vae- stone. WHOOPING COUGH' SPABRONCNITISCROUp CATASRRIIA COLDS 24 Est.1879 A simple, safe and effective treatment avoiding drugs. Vaporized Cresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough and relieves Spasmodic Croup at once, It is a boom to sufferers from Asthma. The air carrying theantisepticvapor,in- haled with every breath, makes breathing easy; soothes the sore throat and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Itis invaluable to mothers with roane children. Send US postal for descriptive booklet SOLD RV ORUOOmTs VAPO-CRESOLENE CO, Leeminr Mile* BIdz.,Mantr'1 Try the "ADVANCE' for your next Catalogue . OS =OHM pWing pri A e. m, Ont Agents. DUDLEY HOLM S: ir Barrister, rt t e Solicitor, te, °nice ; Mayer Liloc,k, Wingbiun. W. Elmore Mahood Contractor and Builder If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on • Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. Box335 R, VANSTONE BARRI AND S041CiTOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGII4M. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B., h,D.IA. Excellent Stabling accommo. dation at The National Hotel Stables. Attentive Hostler. Reading and sitting room for patrons. Moderate Prices. Fred Scott, Prop. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pe., nsylvania College and Lioent ate of Dental 8tu'gery of Ontario. Ofsoe nut NAoagtWd Moot— G. H. BOSS, D.D.S.' L1D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal Qollege of Dental $nrReoas of Ontario, Honer Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, . OTITCiE OVXR a. Z. IRA$D A 00'8, WORD Walkers Undertaking' Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER - TA KERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, ete. Janes Walker 16 years experleace. .4 . J. Walker 9 years experience DayPhone106A. Night Phone 10Bb and WA Cream Wanted W. R. HAMBLY, B.r3e,, LD,, C.*; 'Special attention paid to dtseaees of Women and Children. having taken poetgradnate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Sefentine Medicine. Oboe in the Kerr reeidenee, be- tween the Queen's Hotel mad the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phony 54. P. O. Box 115 Having an up-to-date Creamery in full operation we solicit your cream patronage. We are prepared to pay the highest market prices for good cream and give you an honest business; weighing, sampling and testing each can of cream received carefully and returning a full statement of game to each patron. We furnish two cans to each costo mer, pay all express charges and pay every two weeks. Write for full particulars or sand for onus and give us a trial. SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAFO TH, ONT. CASTOR t A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of RIZ A it DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND (Loud(� ngq . Physician and • Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General Hospital. (Under Oorernmeta Istspootton.) Pleasantly situated, Beautifully furnished. Open to all regnlerly Mimed phytdotans. Ratos for patients (whioh include board and Wareing► -W.90 80 $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further". tafbzma• Lion—Address MISS L. MATIBEWS Snperintendsnt, Box ?DA. Wingbnm Ont. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,a Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, Violin. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Wingham, Ont. DR. PARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciausand Neurologists LISTOWEL and%VING HAM - . r Yls., Specialists In the treatment of al Chronic DIeefasee, Nerve Disorders Wowen's Diseases, Weeknees eeof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy curer when alt else tails. Drugless neethode. Wingham (Mee over Ohristie's Store. HOURS Tueeday 11.30 a. w.-9 e. w. Wednesday and Thursday 9-11 a. m. Friday 9—min. 3— p. m. //1 ti .; Enter A Da�� Each student is instructed privately at his own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed Thousands of Sluccesful Graduates Home study Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars. Business College Wingham . COED. SPO1'TON, Principal ,f. is nee OVER 66 YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS dtC. Anya nolondtug a sketch and descripption malt Qntalily escorting .oWt� o Inieo free weather as trR�rootio4q =WY p Tenteirttr L r niZi4- ttt n 1 io. Otdre lMentf y NAitc�n e}ltti "It o}deer a n' i sees R�p toots. toren s t.ltbn rbt1ouotrthStaun Co. reo01T 0 epectal notkb, without c0.rite, lithe $detilific Americans A AandeometT Illustrated weekly, Largest dr. ftilation elf any scientific journal. Tormt far Vseta, �53 1 year, peetsee prepsdd. sold by all dt MANN & Co38111restlwsr, Newi rk Eratree ounce, tp3 trek..Wastenatoe, John F. Groves ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones—Office 24 Residence I8$ usines as Usual Litchle Cosens Ha SMIRg e11)