HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-15, Page 2SPRING REIVIINDLRS Or RI-KUMATISM Raw,. Damp Weather Starts the rain, But the Trouble Lies. in the Blood, Spring weather is bad, for rheumatie Sufferers. The changee frent Mild to reed, the raw, damp winds Start the lichee end tviagee, or in the more ex- treme cases, the tortures of the trou- ble goinge But it Must be borne in maul that it is not the weather that. causes rheeinatism. The trouble is rooted in the blood -the changeable weather merely starts the pains. 'Tile only way to reach the trouble anti to cure it is through the blood, The pole - (mous rheetznatic acide must be driven. out. Liniments and rubbing inay give temporary relief, but catmot poseibly cure the trouble. The sufferer is only wasting time and money withthis kind a treatment and all the lime the trouble is becoming more deeply rooted-harcler to cure. There is just one speedy cure for rheumatism --Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They act di- rectly on the impure, acid -tainted blood. They purify and strengthen it and thus root out the cause of the rheumatism. Ifere is strong proof of the above statements. Mr. .T. Routley, Sydney, Man., says: "I was so badly crippled with rheumatism in my hips' and knees that I could hardly go about. I began the use et Dr. Wil- liam' Pink Pills, which I took stead- ily for a couple of months, by which time all traces of' the trouble hed dis- appeared. I can most strongly recom- mend the Pills to all rheumatic suf- ferers." Sold by all medicine dealers or bi mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Cp., Brockville, Ont. MOUNTAIN FEUD Twenty ViTest Virginia Men in Des- perate Knife Duels. Point Pleasant, W. Va., Aprn 11. - Twenty brawny umuntaineers, with the inevitable feud hatred in their hearts, Paired off and fought with ancient savagery ten separate duels near Howell school house, Gillridge, W. V,.• PridaY night, over a • ball game argument two Years ago, They fought with knives. Earl Shirley, 2S. and Ursen Bosworth, 25, battled to the death. John Shirley brother of Earl and John Bosworth brother of Ursen, have no chanco for retovery from their stab wounds, nhysic- hula say. At the funeral of Earl Shirley here Yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Hite arrested Rader and Jackson Shirley. brothers of Earl and Curtis Rolling: Claude Drinksr and Peter Shields, on charges of murder. They were placed in the Mason County lail. It is expecired more arrests will be made when the funeral of Linen Bos- worth takes place. Meanwhile through the wilderness of the surrounding mountains numerous of - hors are searching with bloodhounds for others who participated in the death struggle. The community throughout it stirred almost beyond comprehension by the slaughter, one of the worst ever perpe- trated in the entire history or feuds In the Southland. All of the fugitive par- ticipants are. without doubt, suffering from severe stab wounds. according to eye -witnesses of the affair. Doind Wonders For Rheumatism WHAT PETER F. PATTERSON SAYS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Gaspe Co. Man Gives Advice to all Who Want to be Cured of Kidney Troubles. Haldimand, Gaspe Co., Que., April 12 -(Special).-"I have just opened the third box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and find they are doing me wonders of good for the Kidneys and Rhemna- tism," so says Mr. Peter F. Patterson, a wee known resident of this Place. "My troubles came through a cold and strain," Mr. Patterson continues, "and I suffered for many years, I had headache, backache and rheuma- tism. My sleep was broken ana un- refreshing. I had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning and I per- spired freely with the slightest ex- ertiote I was often dizey; I Was troubled with heart flutterings; I was nervous and my skin itched and burned at night. "After using Dodcl's Kidney Pills I recommend them to everyone who wants to be cured." Everyone of Mr. Patterson's ail- ments was a symptom of Kidney dis- ease. That's why he found such prompt relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They only cure Kidney disease. THE LAST RAIDER it S. Will Follow Same Course as in Fernier Oase. • Washington, April 12. -Without awaiting formal application from Capt. Thierfelder, of the Kronprinz Wil- helm, for a board of naval officers to survey his vessel and determites the repairs necessary and the amount of coal and provisions to whieh she is en- titled, Seeretary of the Navy Daniels has instructed Admiral Fletcher, at Hampton Roads, to follow the prece- dent established hi the case of the .Prinz Eitel Friedriele just interned at Norfolk. If the captain asks for re- , pairs, the -extent of the overhauling as well as the time required will be kept a strict secret by the officers if the State and Navy Departments, under whole authority the Ship will reniain until her status is determined. Ift••••••••• DRS. sorieR WHITE SPECIALISTS Althentio Catarrh, PiMples, PYlladipshi,„ Epilepsy. Itheurnatisre, akin, Kid- ney, Bleach Nerve -and 131addee Diseseleir, �U or,ited'hitfnry for frit *attics. Medicine imitated in niblet itern, ileets.-10 ans. to 1 p.re. Malt to pls. Suedtyl-.20 t,it. u. 1 pse, tOtteltatlet Pi4dt DRS, SOPIt0 & WHITE 15$$,,l'OtOntO, Ont. Nolieft Wrltlnp Manikin Tills Paper, A GIFT OF 'A SOUL CHAPTER I, Dr Devidolf, an inspired look liglets Ina up his rugged. Ana etrougly mark- ed eountenance, turned totvare 'the pests of Prince PatrIzei and let, fell ia the midst a the dIscusslon the fol- lowing rentaritaale tvorde: "Do you pelieve, then, in the power of euggestionurged with the ottani- nose of persistence of a . gizaletee point, to steak° A thought euter your intuit? ,Do you, believe that this thought can influence your moral con - dittoes to. such it degree as to altar your Paysical condition? You cons cede, sto you not, that the moral na- ture 07ferelBefi a, potent, an irresistible influenee over the physical? "We doe" tranquilly responded the Neapolitan. "And for this reason - and here is the ground on which I pro- posal() uieet you -it would be neces- sary to conclude -I' This response to the Russian doctor's queetioe, which seemed to promise a lengthy discuses/a, was succeeded among the men and women who had jut finished dining in the salon of tho Hotel de Paris, on the terrace .tet Monte Carlo, by a moment of stupetlea ellence. Around the table, sumptuous- ly laid, and on which the flowers were dying, asphyxiated in the haat of the lights and the smoke of the cigar- ettes, gliteces of astonisbment aid, en- nui were interchanged. Then a storm of remonetrancos and exclamatious- the indignant protest of these worldly peoplecompelled to ithandon fee a moment, the habitual frivolity of their discourse to listen to the dry details of a e,cientific discussion, broke forte. "We have had enough' of physiol- ogy!" "We are here to drink, to smoke,' to laugh." "This is a dining -room, not a clinic." "Bah! The clod,: is crazy' "Listen, gentlemen, 1 bog of you; It Is very curious!" "These ladies are getting bored." • "Open the windows, this smells of science." "For ray part I would rather be at the Casino. I ereamed last night that red tune/ up thirteen thnea•--4 "That was a suggestion ./f the crou- piers." "Don't you want to come and dance?" "Oh, Laura, come to the piano and play for us." "Well, my children, go where you will, but let us have peace." "How rude yon all are!" Several of the gueste arose noisily and asked. their wraps from the maitre d'hotel, who hastened to get thcm. Petrizzi remained seated, looking with a smile at the beautiful women, rho with coquettish gestures shook eke, their skirts, and gave a few touches to their bodices, He extended his band nonchalantly to his frier,ds, saying: "Let every one follow his own in- clination. Go cel before as, in an hour we will join you." Then turning toward the paintete Pierre Laurier, his friend Jacques de Vignes. and De. Davitleff, who had not moved- "Oo on, my deer fellow," he said to the doctor, "you interest me amazing- ly, The Russian doctor threw away tha cigarette he wan smoking, lighted an- other, and Looking at his three listen- ers with an authoritative air, he con - tinted the recital that had been abruptly cut short by the interruptions of those whohad just withdrawn. "l confess that tho story I had be- gun to tell our friends is strange en- ough, and that to skeptical 7ninds it may seem improbable, .although in our Slav countries, where the atmosphere is foggy anti gloomy, and which seem the native land of spectres and phan- toms, it would not have awakened the least incredulity. Half of our com- patriots are unconscious Seredenbor- glans, who believe with the great Oils osoeher but without examination, in the pheetemena of the invi.eible world: and if yeti should state in their pre- sence as 1 state now, the astonish- ing fact that the Soul of a dying per son may enter into it living betty, through the will of the person about to die, you would see them turn pale and tremble indeed, bet they would not dispute its truth,. In our country we believe in vampires who issue from their tombs as soon as the first ray of moonlight falls upon the stone; we believe in apparitions that announce an approaching death. And by the sole fact of believing in these mir- acles they are rendered porisible; .A strong conviction is the most iiewer- ful of forces, and spiritualism requires as its first condition unquestioning belief. 'If you doubt,' the adepts Will tell you, 'do not seek th penetrate our mysteries; they Will remain, for you, unfathomable. The invisible world re - Yeats itself only to these who desire ardently to have a knowledge of it. acofefrs and skeptics will find it for- ever cloaed to them.' " Jacques de Vignes was here taken With it violent fit of coughing, which caused a deathlike pallor to over- spread his handsome and melanceolY countenance. He recovered his breath With diffictilty, and turning to the doctor, as .11 ezicouraged: by a Secret 'hope: "And you yOurself werea witness of the occurrehee?" he asked, in a choking voice. "You saw this young girt re -born into existence, recOVer her strength, her health, at; if the vitality of her betrothed had passed into her uhdinaltilshed?" "I do not dismiss the question Whe- ther the material fact occurred," re- f sponded Davidoff, "I give you •stilely' and ainiply its psychological cense- quenees. Naladiniir Alexievieli, seeing Maria Fredorowna, whoirt be adored, expiring gradually, as the flame of a' kelp expires for want of oil, sought In vain, by turtle, the help of every physician in Moscow, and having sent fer 11114 to St. Petersburg,-rne, wh& am now tmaking to Vet -Maly to hear from my lips her sentence of death, eon:caved the Idea of directing him- self 0 an Old Tense/Am toreerees 'who had brought with her front Mini - Novgorod the.teputation of beitig able to work Infraeles. Ile went sine e'en- Ing--Clbristems eve it WM '-to the wretched toirel outside the city' in which elm lived, to eonsult her, TIM Witch, after performing in his per - /Once her -terrific Ineentationse gave him ha a wooden cu o a strength entelling beetrage to driak. AO he Me - 1 Jacques de Vignes will be obliged to renounce Mo. lougukl oPeech, blo gulobing giro, bie Wortherlan ginneee. lie will return to a love for life, for beefsteak, a Cigar, a pretty wornen Leeeneems Hated to drinit it she looked at him With threatening Air and ealtio "You pretend to lovo. e wereen, and to .deslre to. wee -1W lifts eYon at • the - expense of your own, and yet you are afraid to-arina a liquid because the nature of it is unknown to you, and YOU thina it "nay be poison. Obt mani son of inaier a cowerd like alV . men, stIffer and shed tears ince a man, sitace Yell are not able •to elevate Yourself above humanity!". • . tee As oho Spokee.Wlaeimir, Alexievicle touchee with; eliame, emptiest the rude goblet •at a draught, and felt as if seized with a sudden intoxication. A delicious warmth pervaded bis frame and he felt ainiself become lighter and lighter, emir it seemed to him as if he were Boating, in air.. His eyee seemed veiled in a luminous Mist, as if his gaze, piercing beyend theseloudit had been arrested Ise sudden VIE:se- ders. His 'bloo4 surged in Ills stelae' and seraphic hymns sounded in his. r, • /- 'Alas!" murmured Jacques, a severe fit of coughing shaking Ids frame. 11 it were only possible for me to Impel I love We, and ever Y day; I. feel -MY hold upon it growing weaker," The .Painter laid hie, hand on tAe shoulder of the sighman, and, in, a friendly voice said: "You do not believe me when I tell Yoft"that YOU are.ndt'lleiriOuslY 111; Irbif do not believe Davidoff, who bee ex- aMined you.1 ,You. deeire,, In „spite of .eVerything, to. nurse your illleasbilegsy and to torttlre YOUrseli, as it for pletteure. You Mahe your .motivat etvretehOrianideilbld:g, afid yp ,cause your sister to, 'shed tears. Is there nettling, tben;that Will convince you? Must I do for. :you what Wladilllir• Alegievich did, and givo you a soul in exchange for .yours, • I have enlY my own; as you know,. and thef'is not*of much aceennt. Poe, .11 I were to give it to you sorhe night, in a fit of spleen, it Would:not be a very splendid present, llat..ouctahould not book a gift -horse in the mouth, .nd, the important point, is that yotPahotild live,*)Tim have " everything to 111410 you Happy, you ivho are lovee, You - who would be regretted. Whilet Might threw myself this,moment from. the teerece cif the, Casino ento the sea, and, who would yegret the fool callee pieereoLeerier, the, artist •powerless to grae,p ideel,the, gambler , growl; indifferent to the emotions • ca ears, He felt himself transpertee into game, the tom scoffer et by. his pees boundless realms of light, and his tecsa,; the yiveur sWearY of lifer- • brow was refresaed by dellghtfel He . made.. the • tale,e. 'shake with n breezese.Little by little he lost the blew of his• elenehods•liande :hie face coescieusness Tit terrestrial things, a,n'a 1 distorted by aepainful emotion And his, in the Midst of a divine' transport, ea. Iles eueled,in asbitter • smile, • eestatic beatitude, he saw advencine • ,"I am stupid...Indeed. •to persist he toward him' a celestial eleape, a shin- beginning anew ever,'morning the ex - Mg and wondrous apparition, which in ciiseteni thus addressed him: . ., cewithIciutirsleaelluea, duo! gyhottl waTnot trahl7.6 A voice, sweet ,as the sang of angel s, vl "Do yh ou wish to puicoe, the,. life, soul?" . . ... e• . of her you love? Then •give your OW1:1 eComeer mid: ' eacqueise "you have her had another gearrel to -day with Cteni-• in exchange for it. Your, soul in ence Villa. Glee her body, and your body In the celd earth ille my poor' you will have notaittg to regret, since friend, since she makes Yea suffer so piness wiel be yews •JoYa' much." " "As if I eouldr, cried Pierre, grow-, you will dwe,11 in her. and in her hap- , • cbe ..0 ., beg yery..po,le .and pressing his han The elestial phantom vaeished d a luminous mist, and Wiadirair Alex- clouded. . . to les forehead,.• •which. suddenly grew ievitch regained consciousness., He aseeaeliele i1iarta"aP44 Patient,' trait - found himself in the hut.of the Ton- eetany, s. • ,- • • • .. a,: , , gouze, near a fire of spruce wood, The "If I onlfaaredi'erject' the young. old woman was muttering ocintesee raanss hia• eyes sflashinesssesput. I am words, without seeming ,to take .anar the slaveaet that.glrlso Sheettoea with notice of her guest p1. an limns. Terri- me whatever: :she voW12,1?e§.• : him, the young man eried.to collect his, with' them all, At tinies Is wOuicleatete. :Hee ekes!. fled by what had beee • reveeled to her ! relies, her mfieelitleere elitea elle- thouglets, .and get some clear f :. - .to kill her l 'Affd,'-it i' ;T myself I idea . ohis strangeadven- ,, A commo,nplace.and 1 would eteike-iii fleeking tie esaape from ture. He saw before him only lithy. hag, :who had , - her tyeanny. Ale I am 'cewardlY ' and •• 4. ::)ir:' 141;isStilli•ctrmer sP • a sword of Damocles? urned by Jupiter placed him en rapport with theepirite, base. I know that she betrays me. . Pitillits•'sourged by Ealits, Emitted by as the doorkeeper of a temple opens:to . siwith an erprisea, her the eelear day.,:asignitieent Rattan barei,n, A meet.- - the plm ague, . c nlainita04 ur like n 01n'g f The Supreme Test of a Healing Agent Psoriasis or Chronic Eczema Defie(1 All Treatment Until Dr. Chase'. Ointment Was Used, After stittering with the terribler Itching.oe,Pewie.cde for five years, and being tole by physicians tnat she could not be cured, Idru, 'Massey ti,trnedx.% ew Mrs e pa a a ta.Te-,i0irit-. nient and .yiras airely cured, YOU will gml .thls letter inter- ehtlng, and will not wonder that the writer is enthusiastic in praising this ointrne t • Mrs, Nettie Itt a 88 . Con!. %aeon, •Ont., writes* ;--" 0 o r 4ve,Year* 1suf- MR8 MASSEX. fond with what three doctors called Psoriasis, They could not help mc, and one of them told me lf anyone of - tercel tt guarantee a cure for $00.0 in geen triY money, as I could. not be Cured. The disease spread all over me, evert on my face and head, and Ute itching and burning was hard to bear, I used eight boxes of Dr. Clutee's Ointment, and 1 amglad to say I arn entirely cured, not a sign of a sore to be seen. I can hardly praise this ointment enough," Can you Imagine a mare severe test ter Dr. Chase's •Olatment ? This shauld convince you that as a core for 'eczema and all forms of itching shin disease Dr. Chase's Ointment stands supreme. Put it to the test, 6 Pc a box. alt dealers, or )13rnanoon, Bates CO., Limited, Toronte, ' PONSIDgli THE HOS°. (Louisville Courier -Journal) Tramps have a, few vicisstudes, They do not. have to cater to fickle constit- 'lleneles, as Public servants must. TheY are.neverrislarrnedabout losing a sine, -Cure. They 40.not fall end go into • the halide of a receiver, as corporations of, ten do. or into bankruptcy, where many • individuals fetch up after entering with high hopes and fine confidence upon Profitable and honorable projects, TrampS are not sued for divorce and compelled to pay,- alimony sufficient to keep up'(fla- gellated ,wives In the style to whleh tbey aspire. They 01'0 under no necessity of getting up in the early morning, when all of the consolations of paradise are elahned by the. fortunate few who can awaken just suffielently„to be LtPs0 tO realize their luck and then turn over to nick up again the golden thread of un- finished dreams. They are not planed to one pitiful soca in a world of wonders and 'delights tp vegetate in. a. deniete41 soil and becomeT stlinted. he tramp a gentleman of turilimited leisure. ' The crumpled rose leaf in the hobo's -'hoquat of .earthly• pleasures has been the hospitable attitude of the conventional 'world 'tcleard these who have unlocked . the treasure hese of idleness, and turned their Welts upon the tawdry Prize hung tip for ,tnilera,. Now the great and Atood :State 'of New 'York has set aside a fund .out of wier sigh -every wandermay be uro- 'Weed for, to the extent of 40 cents a day, 'while being furniahed a free bed. Who is the happy worrier? Who is he whom every man -in -arms should wish to be? . The bora:worked barrister, get- ' thia"his fees frOm the strife of his neightsorsp The overwOrked 'physician, getting his' bread .and them S hry pre- Sevibitg- physth a melancholy. horde of complaining patrens•who will blame him tf he does not work a miracle:: .T'ss bus- iness man wee the.hot cogwheels in his bead and thik fear 'of the bank hanging the worahiper the sanctuary. of the tone. She ruins me, she degrades me, shining geds., He laid his hand on she lowers me more than she does heite the old, woman's shoulder...Sbe turned self, yet Is have netethe streugthento toward hint a dull glance, and in sar- donic accent e said; • break my chain. I an indeed very unfort• • . • "Well, have you learned what eou desired to know?" "enate!", It, is ten o'clocke" said Jacques d,e- "By what means did yeVignes. 'The earriage must be itt ti deprive nee waiting for nee. .1 axe . goieg ,back, to. of conselousnees of the . extexnal . • world?" he asked. "What ,was. it you Villefrancha" gave me to drink?" • ,•,.. • 'Wrap yourself aup well,' eitie the "'What does it matter to you? 'Did prince: "the niglits.are cold," you behold the spirits?" I The artist eielpeashis feleoci on SvIth "By what sorcery dee yeet make hi g overcoat, wrapped a Weld. =twee them visible to tier , him, and at the foot of the gtdirs- paid "Ask that of them! ' They arehere ' to him in a voice that still eibratea --all around you. 'Do you doubt it? with his eecent emotion: Remain then without lope. .Truet in "Good-nialit. And remember -cetera( them, and supreme 'detIglit awaits . . , upon eay soul.". • •• .. . -.,. you!" Dr, leavidoff: put :Jacques. tlei VigrieS. The sorceress seemed. .0. grow in into the carriage, closed. tne• door, and stature. Her eountelinnee was risme- gave the coachman eels ,orders. Then, bled with a rwle dignity, encl :pointin.g after lietenieg .foe .4. Montent. to the 1 teies Pleeeelle purifying the blood and to tile door she said to Wladlinir• . - noise of"the caryitigeateleiels i.otliplion. .1Elansing, qv, It clepreseion mtern ,,, and drive, .they .prevent' se . -"Do not tempt Heaven. Go l And the genii, he sIoitslY „returnee Ahteciaelieseiti d 'the believe; believe!" . ' • artist, wile was looking it the staas• away weerinees. No niedieine so 8110- He dropped on the floor 'Ale puree, while hcessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills: Solde waited. for hint. • which the old woman pushed disdain- • "Shall we go to the Casino?" asked ay.:3.1171We ie e5e boxee, with yellow fully toward the hearth with. her foot. Patrizzl. • • • fishulfe of illingsgote afficted with rheumatism?. . The. officeholder, harass- ed 'by'llangern gea-o, responsible ,to every - ,body' slefenress against criticism? Or tbe. merry lioho? The Canso:of Appodeitis :Now tefinitety Known The• eariamenest cause of appeal-. ;clefs es constipation. prery doctor 'pees so., When ..you require • physic, doe't use e cee,ap, drastic pill -get Dr. Hamilfon'a Pills:Which are made from the priveteformula of one of the ,greateet phyeicians, ..Dr. Hamilton's Pals etegagthee tee. stomach, regulate thee boveie aid prevetet any tendency to: et•Pee'ndioltisl. In one day you feel the tremendeus -benefit of De. alamil- • acever; •gef the genuine. s i; • "What for? The•nig lits be, i9a'1s ti- " She extendee arms af about to make a final ineocation, and her coun- let us walk." • •.. tenance glowing with an inspired e -Which way 'do you go?". light, she repeated in accents that ' "Toward Mexitone." •• vibrated in the breast of Wladlinir "And you will pa:use threcaquartere Alexievich: . • . , .• ot a'ajile team' herd, at teeicteet6ottr,Noyfik . - roses.?" - . villa', oe Whiali the gate ie'to . ... , . . ,. "Believe: poor .child! :In ,, that is .safety. Believe!" .. . ,, . , • ,4 •.• He left the hut returned to hie . “Yee.e. sees • e • house, wrote Tai into. the night, midi ' "Mel ..•yell...w.in collie" mit 'in aatilo- . on the folloWing day. was 'found dead meet. furietie teeth , sielteese, ane „Atli in his room. . e yourself. leo nct'aeo te.fee that ,gue." "And did„ais eetreebee xocaver. her -"Mid tvfiere ta'ould,e.Ottelia'eses nie•gea bealth?" asked 'Pierce Laurier ' ' It obedieat to your wiseee. .I. return to "She recovered her health," replied myhetaa, in:thee soletede.of my Orem- Davidoff, "but although she was beau- bele I. shall. think prey of eite,;wonutti tifut and adored, she would- give her you bid ine.elains.ehe holds cc/replete • heed to none of her suitoes, and re- sway over .me -I ,copless it, „dads elte ties that hind :. lab to bar. ntust ae. Medi -ie. Catfish Can 'Stun a Horse. A powerful electric battery•which Is Seetrateleaaliel•aand. swims alma at will ;e4thieeeia• tierne.Neitire's champion VI- , •,... • , eetrical.3. • exoerimente You bc;ys :evao are experimenting with electricity your - settee avill be. interested to read about ' leas fehnd in the River Nile and 'Is ; Items% as the 'electric catfish, The fish often grows to a length of 4 feet, 'find has 'ele'ctalcal plates,all Along its •body,' FrOm these plates the fish can dieelearge a strong current, which kills dther fishes, instantly, is powerful eli- eugh o stile e horse and often gives a !teepee 'shock. to a human hand, mained married, as if she had de- sired to remain faithful to a mysterie stroag riotwitttetendene ous and secret love." , .the i1esiipra(ttff.orts:]. 11t1V2 ;Made, .4 "And do you believe ins this mime.. have not been ablate break elietn. 'Aft;' de?" asked Jacques de Vignes, with. an effort. Davidoff shook his head,"and eine swered in a tone of ettillerla "Doctors do riot believe in much., in the age in which we live. Materialism hag many advocates among my col- leagues. Yet magnetism ha, .121 these latter dayp, -taken on Waage toeing and opened new horizons to our gaze, We walla side by .side with spiriteal- ism, whieh testifies to the existehce of the soul. And, to th , admit e- In- fluence of•mental suggestion over sub- jects in the hypnotic sleep, is notethis touting very near to a belief eta a superior principle which directs and, as a consequence, goveees matter?" "You philosophize, my dear fellow," responded the prince, "but you do not answer. "On, as for you, Patrizzi," Said Pierre Laurier, laughilig, "yoie believe In Saint Jativarius, and in aerious cases you invoke the aid of the ela- donee; you carry brandies of coral as it protection agaioet the:evil eye, and Sent turn pale when you Bea a knife anti fork laid crosswise ma the table- cloth; you are, coheequently, ...heady convert to the juggleries of David- off'. But jaeques Mid 1, we, are tougher, and we need some profa to eonvinee us." • "Yet it would De pleasant to'belleee la a inesterioue ihfluehee that coUld restore Me .to health," ecturirturede the sick bian, "Ah, to be able to elaig to some supreme hoe! woula net that itself be health? Has het collfidehee. half the merit bit Weed/lea cliteier "Parbleut Those are the ntOst mks minable words. that have been, uttered. for the last two Imre," eriee Pietro Laurier. "To the deeil With 'you're witchee, Your Sieedehberglina, your Mar apparitions, arid your souls that ease from body to body, like the ferret of Bole -Joh. To glee a Melt peliatin the aSailrattee that he Will .recover, bo almost sure to cure .him; that be the feel": said the ,artiet. , • • e. s. • truth! So, take MY Mead .Theques de Vignee 'here present, 'Who has had himself 'ordered ?Math beettese he hes fakers •a 'cotcli inake juInt underittatid that. hie nialady is purely imaginary, ter each effort retern to her, weaker and morwensittlecel than before, -and bate and demise. myself for itele • "it • ie an easy matter, •nevertheless, • to leave a weireanee Baia tho Neapolt-, tan, smiling, "linhaepily bus doeethot find it out until it is. t� late. • led one •ehould malseethe effort; at ait cyfrtnts. bt iS easy, however, to counsel piteo- solely to those who are sufeering. GoOd-night, gentlemee. I eat. gbing. tus break the bank." . Relit a cigar and. went away. Davi- cleft 'and Pierre Lauteer continued; • the* walk through tee, Ordens•bathest; in the moonlight. The ,air was mild and gragrant. They left the toten,•and to their right at the base of the reeks. atelig Ettore they could See the sea, shining like a silver, /flirter. The, night was ,so bright that the -lights of the yeesels ,in the distince :she/go:red: and; „Venliaties. They* descended, the as:elle:its; in ' silence, Theyepeneed• 21 moment. nearen clump or masticsand cactue hushes, ;their glanees. piercang into space, and opprerseed,.as it Were,: aythe expause tefore „tepee ese„sudden noise, at of an entente reshig abtuptly from a thirsket, arrested teleite,atten- tion and a stitimaant , peter they'. saw rutiniaig up th.e.aath tes-alle.aldwot the acclivity a plait easeeeng :a ' Outa ;that gletteeed z•e. • 49'; "What IS that?",aelied- liavgleff, gurprise, - •, ,- '1 • , 1".; 4•41 Pierre Laurier foelcod the.fants itt- 'tnttely, end then areseverede "A ettetom ,hottsetifficer."ee. ;Val etteeed. 'Thle neinecceitineee asseend the hill. okrelved on..the be located at the two pedestriteas pielotely. The spot WAS deserted, ,1- ,thotigh nay.. iradelett the last /M0e. n et' tepee tb ate tWei keine% lielibid:therti.. „the •whcire coast. ft. a7 witcl.:6' Old favorable ithe" enterprise.* ewitigilere.• : • '"lie yen' take, . tie for contraiscitisf.. "No. 'air," replied the officar, "hot now that Se3 you near 'Nit, buttboldif .the're, when 1 saW yen, Stance Motions fess, thought you • had jun' glimi some, signal.! • • • "'Aro there grogglehe in the 001014 then? IT be Oaths -441. " .,icrtforte4 ittety, the man who that his lungs are riot affeeted, that he cetemits a great mistake in think- ing that they are -An 0, mord,•prove to him that he hae Only a .stight ail- ftieht, Of no eonsequence whatever, and doing away .• with the -calls° YOU teen nittattr eeldOlet etereities U10.1414714 do sway with the effect. The:aforetaid, lege, 61, besting PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method 'If 'you s'effer emus ..,bleeding, itching, blind or protruclieg Piles, send me yoair adrs"iid I• will eell you how to eure :yoursell• at home be the hew •abserptionear•aafehent; and will also send some of this home treatment' free icr'elitte119`benaldit'YpteliCini:ncletinets teleurehil for Arial, with. references .from your ar tsi ri ae tde. Sei'dfth nitiney,:bet tell others of this offer.' 'Write-ate:day Ur' Mrs. M. , Summers, Box le. 8, Windsor, Oat. - • 0 • '• leogeedo notepersmres Inhot weath- er. ..they regulate theotemperature. of. their :bleed by breathing mere quick- ly, which produces a rapid, avapora.- ton. of Weeerefrenietive serface of. the Angp,. That is tae ;reason • Why. a dog hot *Whet*, He Brought Them. Mr. Sweet opened the .door of the kitchen and said; "gene, Ella;, company for dinner." "Goodness, Tom,. your don't mean that you have brdught any one home to dinner to -night?" queried the wife. "Sure I havelt!, . replied • Mr. Sweet, "Haven'tyou got any grub for them?" "Wily, no," said the .wife, deePair- ingly. "Don't you remenTher you told me you would bring home a couple of lobsters for dinner, and I depended on them?" "Well,:' Said Tom, "they're here - National Monthly. .,11.0011•110,wrims•arri. imr/.1•11•1101•11.1111 REMEMBER The ointment you p111021 your child's skin gets into the system, just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood! Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. el • !'„ All Druggists oral Stores. * ,e-sertereseeeestate CHILDREN AND SCHOOL. (Philadelphia Record) The number of children who would rather work than go to school is not small, it is not Dinned to one girl of 14 'who would rather make cigars than learn lessons out of books. Plenty of boys in the country, .would rather hoe corn than study arithmetic, though of course fishing la very much more en- tertaining than either. In the cities there are thousands of boys and girls who have no ambition for an education. even of the most elementary sort, and who. find any sort of work that isn't exhaustingly severe is Wixom° than geography aud grammar •and "doing stuns." It doesn't follow that they should be allowed to do as they please; while Incapable of judging what is best for them they must be directed by their par- ents or the school kuthbrities, But the real evil in releasing children from school attendance is that they do not always go to work, and in many Instan- ces the parents do not care. In this city thousands of childrenof school age have certificates allowing them to leave school and go to work, but they are not at work; they are playing in the streets, ' • BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED ELEVEN YEARS Hew the Bleat Watch Holp Remota, The Seotsnian publiencs. following extract from a Speech ilelivered by Sir John French to the Meek Wateh:•-• Mack Watch, you have euffered great loeees, on whelh 1 condole with von. yoq lutvn suffered also great hardshltat, I eenaele with Yeti on the tole or wour ga1. lunt colonel, L'o. Uront-Duff, wbQ toil, aro 1 am certain he would have wiehed to have fallen, in the forefront of battle. The Black Watch -a name we )mow no well -have always pl:'*iayed a distinguish- eta part in the hates,'Ot our gauntry. You have many well-known honore on your colors, of welch you are naturally very proud, but you will feel as proud of the honors which will be addea to your adore attetP tihiletutttor isealrePat Aie Marne you distill. guished,youreelves. They our that the Jaeger of the German Guard ceased te exist aft'er' the hattle. I expect they dld. You have followed your officers, and stuck to the line against treble your num- bers in a manner deserving the highest P rt. I so% conunander-In-Chief of this force, thank you, but that is a small matter - your country thanhe you and ie proud of w:ill. anoth- er•meat Russian vietere; but you, by nr ussians have won great vletories, ro have lust received aews.of holding back the Germans. hay° Won great victories as well, as if you had not done this the Russians' could not have achieved their successes: Mrs. MeEachern, Glenco,- Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past eleven .years for my children and have every reesen to praise them as they always do goodee •Once a mother. uses the Tablets for her little ones she will use .no other Medicine. They are absolutely safe, pleasant to take and never fail to re- gulate the bowels and stomach. They, are sold by medicine dealer§ or be, mall at 25 cents a box froth. The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., . Brockville, • Ont. . • - GOb'S HOLY WORD. Looking for the early robin In the Maple tree, Looking where the apple 'blossom Later on will be. Looking at the frisking lambkin • On the hill side fair, Greeting now the bahny breezes, ,'rhe perfurne-laden air. Stooping o'er the early crocus ' Peeping through the ground, Listing to the humming bee • Buzzing all around. • See the sparrows mating Ploking bits of hay, Plow -boy whistling ,earlY dressed so gay. Gladsome Suminer ditys ahead, Pasture fielde arid flowers, Cattle in rieh clover fields Lovers 'neath the bowers. Nature speaks Of God, Life abounds with beauty Nature speaks of God, • Those who understand the word ,• Spread the truth 'abroad. WILLTAM.STRolece. Love at first .eight is usually in- spired by art heiresa.-e-Detrolt ,71L nal. • Make borne 'more attractive, and protect it front fire With these beau- Atiel,•t atlitery ‘‘1111etallic''' ;Ceilings. Arid 'Walls They tfdill'eht-lasi"the blinding arid are very litexpentive, They esti tie brigliteited „hem yeae.to "mint atntrifling cost, . Mtde innumerable .betutiful seleiliknetWifabTO allstyletiofroorrah. Om be erected over old platter *'well es in suSW buildinits. Write tor easel/note. ;: Wi iiiantiathirs ebniSlettl of•Sheel Metal Eitilalinf ; • tHE 1VIETALLIC ROWING. CO., LIMITED• tyknotectii.ere ,A InitiaistThifterit4ia; TOlti)kiTO , /51 Noire Desna Av_e,,, VsrikiNi E • .„ • 4 9 44. a r • • I am very glad •of this opportUnity of addressing you and thanking you person,. 21117 Lor your splendid service. 4 ...merierpOrIMINIMMI101011•111M•Ob was Cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINA.RD'S LINIMENT, Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. ' Springhill, N, S. WH. DANIELS, I was cured of Chrontc Rheuma- tism, by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. 'GEO. TINGLEY. Wellington's Reports Voluminous, In the campaigns of the past our generals had much more time to write dispatches than now. Wellington, for instanee, was able to write a de- tailed account of the Battle of Water- loo on the night following itit occur- rence. nd he read the whole of his dispatches in his various campaigns you would have to wade through twenty bulky, closely priated volumes. -London Chronicle.. WAR GRAFTERS. (New York Sun) * It has required centuries to bring the art of war in other rePartments to its present stage of developMent, and 'some' nations exceed others in the progress they have made towards perfection in armament and methods; but the army contractor attained the highest degree of scoundrelism when the first. armed host set out to conquer, and has remain- ed unimprovable In every land ever since. No nation is preeminent in its specimens of this stern utilitarianf every army our- ferh from his ministrations; 'what .a. noble target a carefully selected party of these vermin would make for an inter- national firing armed! MARINE:- , 2 Itp, at 440, 3 h.p. at 50, 6 lop. at M. 7 h.p. at 00. 9 h.p, at $59, Buffalo 8 h.p. $135,•4 Cylinder But- :falo $185, 24 h.p. engine at 0175. STATIONARY:- 'h.p. at 065: 4 1-2 h.p. at 1185, 8 h.p. at $145, 3;i3 h.p.. at $65. • ' Send for complete list, . also catalogue of new ones. • GUARANTEE MOTOR CO. HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ISSUE NO, 1 9 6 WANT A. wAtratTe4.,,Ftlrioart to see. ItoplY to itreilanore catharines. Ont. FARMS FOR 43A14, $14,000 °LIN EUNDR411 ra"E'" grin and steek m be.. tween Burlington. and APPlebY, 09114 brick in:lute, two banit Darns, splendid water, catty lOant. Owner wili toe house part exchange and leave e8,000 mortgage. fiend your requirements. Have iarge list of farms in ontark, and Western Provinces on easy terms. Ap- ply, ! 11. Ida Prance, 200 Clyde Blocit, Ilanniton, Ont, e ere ye WO. ApJOININO SECTIONSe-S,AS, • 4 hatchewin-five miles from eliiva. ter; beautiful creek; for quick sale at assessed value. R. 13. Rarrlson, Owen Sound, Ont. itu$ FOR saiz-XlsT COI/NT/ES ' of Victoria, Peterboro and Mail- burton; $500 up.. Trale and Crowe, gite. mount. • MA. &ORES - AT ENNISKILLEN' - ,v -A choicest level land; °ley loam; in high state of cultivation; ten acres fine orchard; eleven -roomed house; barn, 100 Z 40; stone stable, Dement floor; litter- carridri driving sheds, plg pens, hen houses; • wen watered; well fenced; fall plowing 411 done; price, eight thousand, with reasonable -cash payment, It. J. Ash- ton, 190 Simeoe street, Toronto. • . It/1 ANITOBA: IMPROVED rArtma-.1. iTA !ult.:section on half crep payment*, fullY equipped with stock, implements, soeu and feed, close to market and school; good water; small email paYment to good man; also two good half see - flans, improved and fully equipped on same terms. We speclatize in this class of farms end handle real bargains only, AVilltinson -Land Co., 104 Ce.rIton Winnipeg, Man. ENTLEML'N'S PAR41-31 ACRES; 3.3 ropm hotise; basement barn. will accomodate twenty head cattle; large drive shed; granary; hen house; land gently rolling and eloping to south. two \voile: good spring; 76 apple trees; 'fortY plums; quanty peaches; pears; grapes; fine maple grove; few implements; price 87,600; $3,500 down; balance easy terms. Lewis, 640 Elligott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. ACRES -MOST SuITABLE TO ANY - 3 one in the chicken business; large brick dwelling and good outbuildings, acres; large, well-built, solid brick dwelt - Mg; good barn, and land of the hest: some fruit. Apply. C. V. Saunders, Bar - ford, Ont. lp OR...SALE-FOUR FIRST-CLASS IM- I' Proved quarter sections In famous Jack Fish Lake Summer Resort and farming district. Few hundred cash will handle. Write owner. Terms to suit purchaser. . F. W. Tobey, Meets, Sask. •• • WINETY ACRES -LINCOLN CC/LINTY, 11 two miles to Silverdale Station, All cultivated,- 2 acres hardwood timber; good 8 roomed house, bank barn, other opt buildings, one acre orchard, 10 acres fall wheat: sell:clay loam. Good stream. Price $5,000. F. J. Watson, Farm Spec- lallst,1 100 Day street, Toronto. Ont. • . •, . ,_, • -HUNDREDS OF FARMS FOR SALE 1..1and exchange.. .County catalogues, desc-ribing Them sent' free anywhere... The Western. Real. Estate Exchange, ,Ltd.,. Head Office, Landon Ont . -iv firrprEaLri &.• 3vIntr. REAL, vr Estate and In surarme, Bank ot 'Hamilteif Bldg., Iidni]itons Ont. 100 -acre graiu and stock farm; .13,. miles from Hamilton, on stone road. $).2.000. . - , 1X7HAT NIND OF A FARM ARE YOU VI • looking for? 1 have small avid large farms In Westeen Canada and On- tario; verk easy terms, , er exchange clear properties;: write requirements, S. Iohnson, 209 Clyde plock., Hamilton. . . ' 1) UT: CHOICE 'FARM " LANDS IN 11 Sunny Southern ...Alberta. Prices Iranging•froni;:$10.00 to 430.(0 per acre. Deep, rich chocolate lonni,..• One prop WM' forthe land-. 'Write. us to -da, P. M. Ginther Lead CO., 'Medicine Hat, Alta.. , .. •. • .. ENLISTING ,C R I Mi NA LS. (Stratford Beacon) The man,:whe goes astray and commits an 'offence against.the Jaws of the land . . should be givelf tOblience toretopm, but the .priltest winch' has been initilein Tor.. Onto agaltst•offering• enlistaient in the Canadian Expeditionary Force as an al- ternative for •a term in Jail Is fitting. This has been .offered in Toronto and some other places, and some of those who have been brought before the rtuthcirities there and elsewhere have asked for this prlvilege.It should not be granted ex- cept in 'fare oases. • Tho reformation of criminals is net to be found in getting guy large number of thein tdgether, but In separating tem. The present in the krmyof a nurnber of those who have esinmitteds,crime is likely to contaminate those who are free from it rather than to referm the •offenders. • We think upon our Canadian soldiers as exemplary • young men, men wile will reflect credit up .•on. Cootie • un eyery respect, and neither the parents of those who have enilsted,..nor the -people' of Canada ge-n erally would regard with satisfaction th6 addition of offenders against the law to those. who are going forth in defence of the Empire. lainarti's Liniment for sale. every-, where, • A MATTER OF INTERPRETATION. . • . , Discussing tie waste 011112110 lives in the War, Berne 'progressive" thinkers in England are' seriously proposing a re- sort to imlygamy atter -the- war as 13, means Of malting •good the • shortage.' . They are astray in their progressive thinking, Before the' war there were In Britain upwards of n:'•inillion more Wes men than men, The war will help to re-' dress the balance and make it easier for, every Joan to have her Darby. 41. • !Milord's ainiment Cures Dandruff. - 9* Sharpening Solssorp, To sharpen scissors take it bottle' and cut with the seissors as if you had to cut the neck all the bottle. This is effective. -Woman's- Beene Companien, Minard's Lhelnient Rellevea- Neuralgia . THE ERA OP GLASS. .. The tree uses depoeits of tho Norici• are being rapidly exhaustee,.. and the. • time is Ilea far aistant wen' we Will hetes to get: tilting 'without Iva% And steel.; • :Beforethat dee'. errives teethe ,substitute.., for: thee • velttabletthitigse ettellahliVe to he .found, aud, it tele been, 'atiigeated by a:,Pdientist fel:tater with the `Abject .that the "logical aiteceeiear ;swill ha glass. • •- . • Glass can ;be nettle to Meet -neatly ' all the requireirients of iron and steel and with imprevee, Methodsof esteems facture WILL be a-geetet deal cheaper, There is an abundant siipplY of the materials from which gitues• is inade, auditing:before item reciehers the obs0- fete stage, it l Mote than likely that 'glass war be, ape its strongest eoliipetatots. The thlef fatilt With' glass is its ,brif- tlenestebilt itele possible even hose 10 • produee a grade of glass which tan etand giede deal Of hard. nage and • CarVe` el/flailed thi rihrfloim' tor which iron issediaioatidS ealoe4Oreafess of in- ventiph -is betnid.to• evolete•a eualitee Of glied Which will ..be ,as dealt; and. durable' as irail ,anti transPereite eta The ime' of glass Will 'effect orateet ImproVoMent•111 stolitate • eterlditiotie. "the betiding of the future, acdording to this ecientiet, will have its Wane5 tusillege, floors, nanitefee fixtureil and almost everything &lac made of Oast. -Exchange, 1. • • ••••• es"' le0ELLAN,E04.4S; • . sgt• Prize -Winning, WiscOnsin*No,:7; the best for the..ollo,.'ildorge ..11.,WeSt & Sons, NorthWbb,d, , 'EDUCATIO'N.""' (Chicago 'Tel:tonne) . • - Let .eduCatorsiiinit;dad 'Of p'Soclainiing the failure 'of democrati4 education. work • at this problem of maiti.ng !that' educa- tion deeper and brqader, -of reaching the Inner man and eXereising,.. :meanness, greed, cruelty; lust,' iind"wantona. ggree- siveness. Education that :Soes not be- get right. thin -king and .right feeling ' is not education. • 'Not -Why educate, but how to educate, Is ,thts.questlen. ••. : orns . cr.: • 'Seconds ,•'Sore, blistering feet d tire : - 'from'4, cerii0nInched . . , toes ' can,' be cured •PUTN'.AM'S • • I L ::•'• . EXTRACTOR. in 84 'JOCK .. Hrxirtis...,: soothes.. .. •. 9....... saes y.; sthat : draw Ing pain eases :IpsstalitlY, 'melees. the feet feel good' at birce.:, • Get a -20e thOttle of "PlITNAM'S"..tbz,diiv. :,' •" • . ... .• _ . . reaitX10,;!. Genuine greatness see...Marked be similarity', unerseentetioustfess, self - forgetfulness, aam,arey interest in oth- eise; 'a feeling ofbrotheraded with tilt human•fttinily.e.--Clianaino. telhard'a Liniment Cures Burns4 etc. InfonnatiOn. It was V, very fasbionable, concert alui the artists every Well knoten .0ens, betthe two young things. were too busy with:picking oet their peentlfari- tics to hear the music. s In the midst of a. beautiful ,oceeetien the pianist euddenly liftesialdeleende from ehe* keys and one of 'the young things was heartleac• say cletielai - worder if that hair 14 his min?" . The .old imut 11/110 at beside her was slightla .sleale but he turned with benevelene '"No, miseeehe iterlartea pleasithtly; "thitt • is • Schttheies."-:Philaelebaltia Prees. . • • . • • e • • LEE RD SUR Skin Med Inflamed;' Itched 'and Smarted. Could. not.Wear Sheets • Cutielira •'""1 VIctorltl..St., Thetford •UltitYs West, Otte. -"One- day I Was repairing a Valve on ton 01'44 better when a store pipe :0100 to niY feet.lunst dealding hotie game -time-Ss/v. toy foe and,I could. AO weaE In" 'Shads, aTho elan - was entre . =eh inflitnied and It inevis rite tineh'pein• teet 1tould 'opt 814511 at eight,. ..•• • "pee Ilea Z.tosstke eittifeera Adveitleemeete „ The, ip,u44.0 rlatlap eat) euattetellef ebae r hought kbeI of Omout ettAvoicretter• li "Maly heeled mid ' ill,,PWee•,.0041)1( Cap Cara litottp,,rUoyt i.14/40ttiffsi SOF Paired." (Signed) Williath. eat. 46.41,..14 Senrii0le tich.PrOtt jIVinit leith 82-o. MLitt flo6k,n. reitue* 26,A dress post-eard,41Cuctrisio-411Y.10..114-ussod. ten,IS. &AO!' kola tbrOUshotia tkikeerisit 4, O. ..% k .!