HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-15, Page 1ngharn fldvance. 43RD YEAR NO 29 WIN41AMt UNTO, Tt1UR$UAYt APRIL t1& 1915 THE HATE OF HANS, I liRetee dot teufe], Johnnie Bull, (Der Kaiser pass I must) Mit rage inineheart is filled so full Bometitne I link X'11 bust. Vot pisneet 'dey mit;,borae unci gun, . Dot Ohennei stream to crop? Vot matter for de tinga ve done? Der Kelm ie de boss. Dose English, yaw, I tells you true! Day spoil: der Kaiser's plane, Shoost cause ve xearch de Belgium through Dey kill us Sherman mane. Mine brudder's dead, already, eon, Mine sister is von opy, Mine cousin rides de big balloon, Dot Mete up in de sky. My pcys—Dot story I can't wrote, I lose dem, one -two -tree Ven English teafela sink dose boat,. Dot sail de untersee, Minewelf I learn de English talk Von time in Milwaukee, I hang around de Antwerp dock, Und hear vot I can see. Dey fink dey'Il starve us Shernaans oudt, Not yet, alreatly, blease, Ve still het lots of sour -kraut, Und goon limburger cheese. Mit Meaty peers, and blenty shmokes Und rye bread, mixed mit sand, Dis is enough for Sherman folks, Det luf de faderland. Ve'li tear dot English heart ondt yet Mit eegle'e beak and claws; Shoost now ve can't to Londi n get, I don't know vy peeause. Ve should haf been dere long ago, Mit dose machine dot flies, But tinge seem going britty slow, Berhaps der Kaiser lies. • ONLOOKER. Plants 0f The Bible, t(44 rat.13. threw, M. A., Pa barium) 8-Bdellium This word, the BedoIach of the Hebrews, occurs only twice in the Sacred Volume, -in Gen. 2:12, apd in Num. 11:7. We learn, that in colour it resembled the Manua, whence, and from a similarity of sounds, it has generally been thpught to be the Greek Adellion, and the Latin HU - Bunn a resinous gum which we have flout Arabia and the East, and which, In colour, has some resemblance to the manna of our drug shops, The manna of our drug shops, however, is produced from the Fraxinue crabs, or ash, anis from several other species of sharrexinue, or ash tribe, and has no 'relation to the manna of Scripture. .113 the Qrabio version of the Pelee - broth, the bdelliuiu of Moses is reed- •srad..a "Pearl",. And many modern lechers are Of the same opinion. „thare ran .egarcely be a doubt, how- . Wale thet the bdellium of old was a pzt bf gem resin, famous for its meds :anal *etas; and, in the opinion o- mAay eminent oriental *cholera, it ie the resin obtained from the Boraa- us fiabelli, ormie. of Linn/nue. This tree is a genus of palm., is a native of Ceylon, the coast .al Coromandel and Javai and has been found by Kam*, pier and Fork ball in Arabia Felix • and Persia. It attains the height of twenty-0vt or thirty feet; is two feet thick at the, bottom, gradually taper. ing towarde the top, where it is Only i he boli as thick., fruit lethe T ifaze of a ohild'e head. A wine and sugar are made from the sap of this palm, A gum resin, . extracted from the same plant, is supposed to be. the ancient bdeltium: Tbiu wai one of the pro - date of the land of Havilah; *biota, It is Bald, abounded in "gold bdeiliutn And onyx•etone. According to the Mame authority, the Ishmaelites dwelt from "Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt. ae thou %neat towerds Assyria." This is supposed to have been the eastern tract of Arabia, lying neer to the P.erdan Gulph. If bdenese l► es some wuppose, be the pearl, this was oerteinly a place whoa e it is eery likely to hove been found, in the Book.of Numbers' it is express- ly stated, that .manta& wee as the colony of bdellluw.' Now, Minna war "white like hoar fro*r, round, and of the bignee"'of coriander seeds.'- Iblis it nearly a desertption of the solotrr of the intro made from the neeeesus; and.probably this, With the resin, wae the bdel 1 unr brought from • I3av[tah, ' Cheque he ue Issuers The Speak! War Revenue Act 'raise Notice tbaton 4nd alter. April 1 . its acdordanct with the Special Wer Re lime Act, 1915 no person aball ONO s cheque payable at or by 411k 4111Ifea Atte is 0004,4044 a sr I 00 04 epeeist wer ohne? Or Potot e Sa to the vahue of cents. Every person jotting a cheque to which A:steal)is not affixed is liable to a final not **etatent Bvery Bane which takear or acceete a.sheqqeue or redelrt for moneys' paid by a eit1b, against d,s pori $ab1z, Cb r� b e t Of #lone. 8t the Credit$ of the croon y' p sigtning the reeelpt do Which a steam hunt not been affixed, shall be liable to A ally •f $100. Patriotic Notes. The work of the Ladies Patriotic Society is progressing very satisfac- torily. This week they forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross Society a box containing fifty dozen bandages and a large quantity of dreseinge. There is still a great demand for white material for dressings and new cotton for bandages. Now that spring is here in the general cleaning -up, everyone finds worn out cottcn•, linens and utc. which are just what is requires,. end although the amount may be mail, every little helps. Try to conceive of the great: reed for these things when the *allies make their great attack which they are planning in May, and think of the thousands of wounded soldiers who will be brought into the hospitals, many requiring wort critical opera. Mons. To prevent infection and keep the patients comfortable, unlimited quantities of dressings and bandages are necessary. Let the hello of Wingham and surrounding country help all they can, and send all parcele of old white material, thoroughly cleansed and with all seams removed, to Mrs. Pugh, Patrick St.; also new cottonfor bandages (this to be in five yard length',) and sent to the same address, Will be very acceptable. The Society is very geateful to all who have contributed in any way in the past and hope for a continuance in the future. In addition to what has already been. received . they wish to thank- ful! ack owle a o thefat following g doneea- tions for bandages: Mre. Adam Jobneton.. , .10 yds. cotton etre. John Porter .," Mrs, Gee. Oasemore +' Mrs. VandrIck if Mies Halliday t' " Arbour Day In Canada. • In Canadian schools it has been the custom for vette to Observe Arbour Day in a greater or lens degree. This custom should receive increased at- tention from educatit:nal bodies and the general public, for the couutry has a great need for the planting of more trees and ebruba, both In school and residental ground.. Oauada to tut dependent upon her forests that any measure" which may be taken to ex» tend the knowledge of the pupils re- specting trees and the urea for their protection will serve a useful purpose, In each of the protriteree, with the exception of Btitish Colorable, pro - Arlen a for is made f r the celebration of Arbour Day. tri taint province' it he a public *chooi celebration Only, the. regulations requiring Its observaatc„ by the planting of trees and shrubsr in echoed ground*. It ebould be 'made a public holiday, iuetead of being cou- ghed to tbe schools, and the sc:ipe of its observance should include the annual cleah•up. perticut;crly its it le *wally celebrated 'Arty in May. In this tray, more general iretere.t,Weeld be &Tensed In the %'York, and greater results secured, from an Amble tett as well at fin at ttstio and r'aultat y ttaend- point, BIRTHS, Sloardrsnan-In Wingbats, an Pei ley Apra 9.h, to ?dr, and Mr*. John Boe dmana son. Gottf--1`n Wingham, an ADtil 1s.,to MN"laugh. M .rand AI a Offord Gear. it dg Iz r .t ft tor, ,Mr, Amos Tiplil g, \For the peat fifteen years, while many fax mills were closed, Mr. Amos Tipling has kept the °Wingham mill in operation every year. This year about twenty men have had steady employment and: at full time. With his partner, Mr. J. A. Mille, he is preparing to put in about 800 agree of flax this year. Through hay pressing, grain buying, flax mill, etc„ this firm In a quiet way gives consiperable employment. Last week Mr. 'Epilog was honored by being elected to the Executive Com- mittee of the Canadian Flax Associa- tion, Personals Janne Bowman M.P., was in town yesterday. Mr. John Shertt, Aubwn, was in town on Tueeday. Mrs. Wm. Bone is the guest of To- ronto friends. Barrister Sinclair of Brnesels was in town Tueeday. Mr. Clare Adams, Toronto, visited his parents. Reeve Joynt, Luckuow, was in town 013 Saturday. Mise Hanna Coulter, Toronto, is visiting ber parents. Mies Annie 1,Iliotte Woodstock, is visiting at her home here. Miss Naemytb, Stratford, is the guest of Mre. E. B. Walker, Mr. John Ritchie and daughter, Miss Mary, are in Toronto, Mr. John Hunter of Morris spent tbe week.end at Mre. I.G. Taylor's B. Line. Mr. Frank Buchanan has returned frown a busines trip through Eastern Ontario. Mr. J. Taylor of the Seventh Mount Rilfee spent the weekend with hie family here. Mr. 3. W. Mcll;ibbon attended a con. vention of Rexall Druggists in Toron- to last week, Mr. Oliver Johnston, License In- spector for Centre Huron was in town this week. • Mrs. 0. A. RintouI and ber grand- daughter, Jeanette MacLean, have te- turned from a visit to Windsor. `(Mr. Hector Mutton, who was visit. Ing hie uncle, Mr. Geo. Bose, has re- turned to the Stratford Normal. �. Mre. G. Roe returned to town after an extended trip, and was accompanied be her n'ece, Mise Dorothy Heath. -Mrs. Curran and daughter, Miss Annie, of Ripley, and Mr. and Mre. Jamee Solomon of Lueknow, visited at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Richerd Solomon, last week. Mr. F. Oarr, Teronto, was he town yesterday, attending, tho funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. Ooady. Miss Vanstone and Miss Freda Van - stone have returned from a three months' visit'in the Southern Statea. Mies Mary Oaeemore of Whttecburth and Mr. John Brown of Ethel, spent Friday and Saturday with Mag. Juba Oaaeutore. Mies Louise Hanna and Mre. Wm. Burchill visited last week at the later's permits, Mre. loweph Walker, B. Line, Turu).trry. Salem. Mr, and We, Edwin Palmer visited friend' near Teeswatet, last week. Mies Lizzie Bryane of Brusselsis at present visiting her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher, We are glad to report that Mrs. /no. Mc13urney to improving atter her operetton. For Sale by Tender Sealed tenders wilt be received up to and including May 12,h,1015, for the uchaein of the valuab a property known as the Mille Memorial pHall site hated on the -corner uf John and Cen- tre Strtate, in the town of Wingham. The banding is fitted with electric lights and fixtures, and hot sir fur- nace. The building can be seen through at any time by applying to W. J. Boyce or T. Jobb, Warden, The lowest or may tender not necessarily accepted, Also for sale~, one biill.*rd table And 2 bowlIngg carn�let e. Afidra*w all tendert' to -N. Sin. n. ctar, Vestry Vestr� Mork. • DEATHS Cody •-•• To Wtrlgham, 'Carr, Monday, Aril 12,h,MacA. Carr is o rel t f f April , the late Alfred Cody, aged 50 years, Metcalf-a-ln Wingham no April 10 h, feaae Metcaif, aged 80 years, 4,,444.440,140, F.,..A.,.........,....,A....0.0..,,p,„.......„ %ocat Items Mr, Thomas Flitter was in London on Saturday.. Me, Barry Pinter le confined to bis home with la grippe. Mr. Benjamin Leary% is, we regret to report, not improving. Thane hasbeen no meeting of the Council for a whole Week: Mr. S. Calvert bat left the EZ09it01 After being tare seven months, Postmaster Griffin is able, we are are pleased to report, to be out again, file, John Davidson is able to be around again after Iain reeent illness, Mrs. A. J. Nicholls aederwent an operation on Friday, and is rapidly re- covering. Mre, Joseph Ruddy, who underwent an operation on Friday for appendioiti. ie, is doing nicely. Mr. 3, W. Bawer bre installed a Rogers Violet Ray Generator for el- eetrloal massages. Dir, John Ansley's manly friends will be pleased to learn that he has almost fully regained bit farmer; health. Mrs. Barry Kerr, Toronto, fell from a street car and broke her hip; Mre- Alderson has gone to the city: to visit her. ,XTttere ora now two classes in the Kindergarten, the older ones going in the efternoons and thenewstudsnte in the mornings. (' Mrs. t3oy, while' working last week, fell off a box and broke her arm in two places. Her many friends wieb her a speedy recovery. The professional man, who tried to take a rise out of Mr. Robert Leggatt, has decided to treat him with proper respect in the future. Our readers will be pleased to learn thet Dr. R, L. Stewart, formerly of of Belgrave, who underwc, .t an oper- ation in the Western Hospital, Tor- onto, ie making a good reooasty. The annualbanquet and election of officers of the A. Y. P. A. will be held on Monday, April 28th. All members are requested to attend. A Lieutenant from the Training College will arrive on Thursday to as silt Captain Porter in the work of the Salvation Army here. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Busch here re- turned from $heir wedding trip, and are comfortably settled in their reel - thine on Frances St. A The regular meeting of the W. C. T. V. wilt be held on Thureday, April 15. at 3 o'clock, inateod of Tueeday. Pies+ee remember the change of date. Hatching eggs for sale in the follow- ing breeds -R I. Reds, B. P. Rock., White and Columbian Wyandottes. These are bred to lay. --F. J, Hill, phone 110. tf The Road and Bridge Committee of the County Opens!, was here on Thurs- day and decided to put the MoKenaie bridge approsohes in betteir condition. Me, R. Stone and Mr.. D, McTavish are in Toronto attending the ord'n ation of the latter'e eon, Arohie, as Lieutenant in the Salvation Army. When little Ones are peevlab, give Rexall Orderlies; constipation is often the cause. Said only by J. W. lite. Ribbon, The Rezell Store, 10e, 25e aid SOc boxes. The vario.ts committees of t h Twelfth of July Celebration are hard at work and are determined to make the celebration here a grand success, No man eau do effective work if non. stipated-Recall Orderlies are an alba, Live laxative. Sold only. by J. W. McKibbors, The Rexall Store, 10e; 25e and.50c boxes. Our pavement has been thoroughly cleaned and then flushed with tate hose. It is in very good condition, not a crack of any dimension ie to 1>. ewes: Maitland Lodge, No. 119, 1. O. O. F. will hold the anal Euchre party for the season tonight (Thursday). April l&ah. All Oddfellows are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrr. Wta. Elliott of Bel - more, announce" the engagement of their third eldest daughter, Ella 5l. to Mr, G.N. Johnston. only son of Mr. iodide*. Johnston of Whitecburab. The marriage to take plass au April 21.5. Mr. and Mrs. Jo,. Guest bare taken up their residence in pleasant Valley, and have the beet Webs" of their host of friends for a long and happy mar- ried life. April Fool Day raised of with a fete Practical jokes, among a them, m. the Clerk and Taeaeurer wore summoned to the Mayor'i cMce on Municipal buskers Oa investigation it 'was found that Cour:calor Bell thought that a coastl» to loyal walk would be good for the' Wo officials. Tuesday of last week Wes a night to• be remembered in the hietoryof Wing. ham Lodge, A. P. he A. M. 11 was the visit of Dr. Fowler of Te•stiattr, who gave te splendid addrres. After then lodge to'nn work, a bar,, bet wee ht)i at Mi11s 'r when a fens helmet adds is. i pl►y e ea were made. The cottage Meetings are growing in i serest. . .Over 40 att ended the meet - •i g on Monday night a*t Iea"kn1 v' P.n�sang yery VI►I, aecept» ahlyti "The half Was Never Tett' f'ttp kid Porter' took the topf.., Tl m. sting on Ptiday night Will be held at the home of Mer. l). MetTeVieh, Leopold st. Good sinning. Beer ; b► id Borne, Bor. Mr. Beery, will be in Charge, Meeting( at 8 tr'elott. raise Report. Correcting a Pelee Accusation against Mr. Pitt, the Advance has been sbown a hitter from Sergeant Major Ad C, JoEeph that reads al feliows lee “Private Arnett Pitt was dl*charged "MedicaUX Uoflt," getting as "Honorable discharge," Spearing and Snaring? Mr. W. H, Elliott, Deputyy Game Warden, for the benefit of oes he, gniring re snaring and spearing red. tine snit suckers, wrote the Deparment and recelved the foliating repiy iS 1 beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 1st int., in which you. ingnire if it is illegal to use a spear on for Maitland ager, and in reply I have to say that is le illegal to do any kind uf fishing excepting by anality unities a Menlo is first procured, end, licenses for spearing are not granted in those waters. Toure truly A. Sherriff Deputy Minister of Game 1b Fisherfee asereerelecoeeeses Belgrave Rev. Kllpatriok was not able to take any of his services on Sunday on ant. count of a severe Cold. Ure. Wm. Walsh to back nursing Mrs. Wray again after being away for the Easter week, Miss Liyle Bruce has taken a posi- tion in Mr. Taylor's store. Andrew Taylor is on the road with his grocery wagon. Tem Brandon left this week for Listowel where be bas ri position as Blacksmith. Mr. Dan Ferguson and John Tasker spent Sunday evening at Jae,Mcintosb. What's la A Name? When we read of "Elie Majesty's Loyal Opposition," and then listen to Grit orators whining about paying their share of the war burden, we ars rather unpleasantly reminded that Bill Shakespeare was very much to the point when he asked, "what's in a name?" Blyth llir. and Mt s. Oullie of London visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metcalf over 8nnday. The trustees of the Public School have engaged Mies Morley ot Milver- ton to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Welab. After an illness extending over sev- eral months, Mr. Robert Slater passed peaceably away at his home on Sun- day evening, April llth. In 1879 Mr. Slater was united in marriage with Mips Jennie Wright of Morris; of this union one daughter, Mrs. Kilburn of Niagara survives. A few years later his wife died and in 1882 he was mar- ried to Mies Alice Carr and proved a good helpmate for him. Of tote union three children were born to them, 2 of them dying in infancy and Pattie, Jars. Rev. Lovegrove. who passed away twoears last March. In reli- gion Mr. Slater was an active member of the Methodist Church and held various eMete in the gift of the church, for over thirty year" treasur- er of the Quarterly Beard, also Secre- tary of the Sunday School for thirty ears. In _polities be was an ardent iberal.. He was a man of fine y impulses of the *trictest integrity, up fight in all hie dealine.. The eer- vice at hie home on Tuesday was conducted by the pastor, Rev. George Jewitt. The services was conducted under the auspices of the C. O. F,: he Was at valued member of the Older. Deceased was 04 years of age; many and beautiful were the floral tributes of :aspect placed an the market. In• ferment at Union eeaaetery. His wife and daughter have the kindest sympathy of friends. Mr. and Mre. ii. F. Carr left on Saturday morning for Berlin; before leaving a number of their friends mat at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Beene on Friday evening, April 9th. and presented Mr. and Mrs. Clare with the following ciddeees and presentation - Blyth, April 9th Dear Mrs. Cern--We. the members of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. Blyth, havin board With regret your proposed retrieval from our midst, and realizing that during your stay in our village you have been a pilling worker, when privileged, in every way toat you could help the church with which you Were associated, your life also declam ing the power of God and the blessing of salvation. We ask yen to accept this eilverware as a slight token, not for its intrinsive value but es a slight eaomento of our stfeetion. We acture you that yru Will seer have our ayanpatby and prayers that Gods biearing may be with you and yours, signed on behalf of the aVotnen'a MieiIonery Society Mee. W. rt. McElroy onto Mr. A - . P.Car cess tall n r--- P n Blyth, April 0.h We, a few of your many friends e, f Blyth have Waked with gratitude aid pleasure your enduring interest in the work alleged you in the Sunday School,, With site you kept' fhb record* and with fsitbfulates yah eettsnded the varied sei:lone, avail seeking as a member of the, r;uertette to make the service" More ina.erest►ng and profivat'I : Sums time ago a+r learned riith9cegret your thought .4 tato in � front oar i . itis unci that f � #S d t► l' . Pim e aud r • thiuk of a d g r t" ku o it a m >j q r►.1 s>tg . h� ' e umbrella. t ask you to accept the u N n fr its vela but es a token of ouir remembrance of a ou. V1'e eheli miser eo tr voice When the report it read, s tette but s a number Of he ter u and sr+ut you of the tri utb ao l we macreY p y. brayer* for you, and your* i0 grebe. new hum •* feeling Out v h 1+r we 1d O. .xrsrther eungregatiott tivrll $nisi, Signed on behalf of tite Vacherie tt at•toui. aaCi9asreand .trate Of t d q iS.mday Sellout• -- l), tJ, llesrea, Sups t4htimdant, Jubu I uzisr'ut, !e ►err trry. High Time When German subinarines begun to wage war on non•combatante and to sink merchant ships and hospital whips WO think it le almost time for Ole Wil• fa Von Laurier to Carry out his threat to stump Quebec, $Ittevale, The Patriotic work carried on this winter r b tle•tomea a footnote has been greatly aided by the contributions made by the young people of Biuevale and vicinity ae the result of their Patriotic dances held in She Forester's Hall, The sum contributed from this source amounted to $42.00 and Mies Olive 'Scott as the representative of the young people interested, is in receipt of the following appreciative letter from the Secretary of the Women's Institute, Mae Oliva Scott, Ata meeting of the Women's fate tote at Bluevaie, the following resot• ution was paeeed and the Secretary ordered to forward it to you. "The members of the Biuevale Women's Inatitu!e wish to express their appreciation of the splendid gift from the young ladies of 13tuevale and vicinity towards the work of supply. Ing the Red Dross Society with °lotto ing for the sick and wounded soldiers at the front. Please insure the young ladies that their thoughtful donation was greatly appreciated. --Mrs, Tate, Secretary, Comment has been trade several Limes in this column on the splendid work carried on by the women of this neighborhood under the auspices of the Women's Institute in aid of the Red Orose Society and War Relief. The Secretary, Mre. Tate, now furnish, es the following interesting eCate•- rent of what bas been accomplished to date. The cash receipts have been as follows : Women's Institute Funds $ 28 00 Patriotic Concert 52 00 Youug People's Centributrone 42 00 General Subecriptiene 103 00 Ool. at Eudies' Church 32 00 Esdies' S. S. for Belgian Or- phans 50 00 $307 00 This sum is accounted for aH follows: Cash on hand $ 53 00 Cash donation to Red Cross, 102 00 Goods donated to Red Cross, value , ,.,.,,, 492 00 $ 053 00 The Red Cross supplies made and shipped up to the present time includ- ed the following articles: -40 bed sheets, 52 pillowe, 60 pillow cases, 100 pairs socke, 108 day shirts, 111 night shirts, 56 surgical shirts, 18 pyjamas suite, 590 handkerchiefs, 1900 yards rolled bandages and a large quentity of dressings. 'rain is a showing that is orec•ltable to all concerned and makes a memor- able example of patriotism by the women of this district that will no doubt often be recalled in future years Expensive Druck. A young man from a neighboring township got too intimate with 'tangle. foot' an Saturday and when bet was about to leave, Chief Allen pre.•ented him with an invitation to return to a banquet presided over by Magistrate Mot ton. 14 cost him $30, and then some to sit at the festive board. Through respect for hie family we suppress the name of the guest. Quietly Married 1°A quiet wedding took place in Stratford on Wednesday, April 7th, when M irgaret E.. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mre. W. B. Reid of Wingham, became the bride of Henry W. White of Detroit, the Rev. Mr. McLean officiating. The young couple left Immediately for their home in Detroit Edgar -Dowse ',t A very pretty house wedding was solemnized at the home of Mre. Wm. Baptist on Centre Street, when her eldest daughter, Mies Mabel Dowse, wit* united in Wedlock to Mr. Arthur Edgar of Culroes.?(The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Ribbert in the presence of only the immediate .relatives of the family. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the at m of her brother, Howard, to the %'trains of Mendelshon wedding march played by Mire Gertrude Scutt of Teeswate. and stood under an arch beautifully decorated for the occasion. Sbe was unattended and WAS becomingly dressed in royal blue satin, trimmed with paint lace and wore a boquet of roses and maiden hair fern; she also wore the grootn's gift, a sunburtt of peer's. A dainty dinner was served, after which the happy couple Left amid showers of confetti for a short 'trip, the bride travelling in a Belgium blue serge Ault with hat to match, They received a nurater of costly presents showing the WO esti em in which the young couple are held Among theta being ,e► shower and address from M's. Morton's Bible cies*, which the bride had been a faithful member. The following is the adt, Ad!eel' in hon • r. q li9 " near Mrs. Blow; -The members ut yotir Sunday School close offer - y ou their ver hearty and rncete wishes for out � happiness utd roP'.1ty at title your ain othe wept." We AO l mise sloe frntn our circle. raise the iu*pir. Liou of your peasant *mile teed your *Ind!! eo•opera, Lott its our elect veurk, but, we are gl..d to bs'Iteito that yon ate maty transferring' this thiels iar►d this service to another held of lnhor. Wevat that your stew home will arta centre front wbt.•n cbrleetian in. a home fi.ur tied ry es will tradi as him t flus c t wrt• lore to God, F tin 1 a desire to 111.1 V, 111 03, a d thet Moths real and .es In t bappineea. May your Wedding "ley be t ie be - o o f bug y ears of eunehir a mill ginni 8 f i; y ,� it your honeyu bruin hitt till the ted of the j'urney, Adeo lone :ray, Mee. t're'e Seud.y School Cate, Borden Backs Brftain The Liberals say; f"Times a re bad let us make them Worse Is that sensible? Girl wanted to do general house- work. Apply to Mee. Tony Nichol. 29.30 • For Sale -General purpose horse, good driver, 8 years old. Apply at ADVANCE office. FOR RENT -4 nice rooms over the Advance office. Modern conveniences, Apply to 0. N. Griffin, tf Por Sale Second band Coal 011 Stove, Blue Flame with 3 burners and oven, in good condition. -Apply to Mre. R. Beatty. 6 Choice Seed Oats, We have a quantity of EXTRA CHOICE SEED OATS of the follow- ing kinds:- Banner, Sensation, New market, and 0. A. 0. No. 72, -Howson .tr Broeklebank. SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of all kinds of Clover and Grass Seeds. We be.ndle only the best available. Special prices on large quantities. Call and see our stock. -Rowson & Brocklebank. Fon SALE -Young hens for sale. Apply to A. H. Wilford. SERVANT WANTED -Apply to Mre. N. T. Sinclair, Frances Street. AUCTION SALE of Buggies, Harms, Furniture, household goods etc. Mc- Donnell's and Vandt•iek, Auctioneers, will sell by publio auction at McCon- nell auction room on Saturday, April 10th. See bills for particulars. We have a car of bran at the G. T. R. which we are selling et $2.5.50 per ton in tots of $e 00 or over.-f3cwson & Brocklebank, Wear Greer's Shoes and robbers, Lit u9 do your machine work and general Repairing and you will have no regrets, -E. Merkley & Son Wing - ham, For Sale -A roll top writing desk and book -ease combined, also 5 oetave organ. cheapee-Apply, Advance office. WANT12b. - An apprentice or an improver. -Appy to E. C. White, Ladies and Gent,' Tailor, Wingham. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rate, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the Rouse. 15 and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores. tf Special prices in all lines of furni• ture during the month of March at Walker's We have a few sacks of rertiliz• r made especially for town gardening. For sale by A. H. Wilford, Cash paid for goore and duck feath- ere.-wa)k,+ and Clegg ptolater in g Factory, Wingham, Ont. tf PURE SEED•..The best Seeds obtainable, selected for purity, large bright colored (Seeds, specially, re- cleaned. Red Clover, Aslike Clover,, Alfalfa, Timothy. By now. Don't wait. Seeds are Cash. -King Bros. We are buying butter and eggs. *We do not cull your eggs 'except for tette and held stock. -Wm. Davies Co. tf A few barrels of good winter apples for sale: -Apply to D. McPherson. Our Fertilizer is the money maker. -A. H, Wilford. Bracelet Watches front $3 to 850 at Patterson's Jewelery Store. Cash for Butter and Egge.-A. $. Wilford. Corked of corn for este ret the Grand Ti unk Station-Tipling 9r Mi 13ring yo.tr butter and eggs to UP. We pay highest ea'.h price market will allow -Wm. Davies Co, tf arANrnb--A reliible man to sell TIARI:Y CANADIAN GROWN STOOK in Winghapp and Iluror• Co. Sr.I.1.ti now tet tate best soiling time Seti4 for list of Spring Offering', and terms to ssg=nts, Liberal Oniumisa- r. � 'i`hr; 4 free me f1 , inn. Ft>kndeomo . Poet bill Narsetlee. testablieibed 1837) Toronto. Mrs. S. J. Smith. Tp. of Morrie, box 50. care of W. Pollock, 131ytb, Ont„ will do hair weaving front combing#e or cut heir ,eviic ee, ends, transfo r• melons, side nolle, +stn. Reaeo>'table rates. Revi ad alit` Ad. on last page 1: gig Shoe Sate for Lading r< on FRIDAY i }y �y CO.WILLISV O "rrr,.. isratrlrttiYsi*rw Works Like a Vacuum Cleaner Why not give your body a spring housecleaning? It is reasonable. You stay in doors too much all w --u al air -y sleep lnter in cloyose roombreathe s-'foyou eat toouo munb,In fact your winter life ie reftynuc artificial and unnatur al. wanThendssystwehym thinost sprinrenog?vate your d enei' y,a e"'REXALL$ARSAPAR MLA TONIC 1S THE THING. Sulphur and molasses was grand mothers way. She also scrubbed ber Boger naile off every spring. GTOBNeuett ORwsXAaaLpLr'eaSnAudlRavrSiAumpP-AptR. outIsLdLaftAee VACUUM by comparison. and spring into your muscles -- makes you feel fit and ready. Guaranteed to glue you more than your dollars worth or we refund your money. J. W. McKibbon DRUQOISTft OPTICIANn� this ,,' r„ ttA.i't& i The Name On the Sole Tho "Invictua" name andtrade mark on the sole means a great; deal to any shoe buyer. It means footWear that will stand up under every teat for fit style and wear. It therefore means more for your money, as well as for your feet and for your sense of pride as to appearance. Behind that trade mark is the assnrance of an honest made shoe -the shoe youshould al- ways bny. W. J. GREER raslr.arr.sm.a■rs. o..rasetama ROBERT A. CURRIE Graduate ofCanadiauE,nbal: tete As3ooiation We carry n. large and first- Iclass stock of FUNERAL REQUISITES A large stock of enerything found in a modern furniture store Store Phone 51 Residence 155 Isia eanat siwwitnra"fsr-Mt.us.r.S D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL, Weare sole agents in Wingham for this celebrated Cosi, wltiolr is sold br the J rg stc)ai merchants in all eltieS attd towns in Canada. and United Stetac; When you want the bast, new. mined, give ug a will. We also carry a full line of the Meet grades of Smitlting Coal, Catlnelt and Soft ()oafs. Lumber, Shingles, beth and Wood. Preempt and earefut deliveries at all time. J. A. McLean DeAtta IN Lumber, Coal & Wood °mice ruione gle. ;Mi11 Phone Get °ileMdtacte l ors .