HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-08, Page 8Sale of Ladies' Spring Coats 24 Ladies' Spring Coats in Fawns, °€greys, and Navy Blue. Some of these coats are silk 'lined. Regular $1.2, 15 and 18. Sale price. to clear $5.95 250 yds. of Dress Goods on sale to oiear at 28c yd. These goods are . lustre, tweeds, suitable for dresses and skirts, in navy, grey, Kings blue and brown. _ Sale price 2$c per yd. 35 pairs Men's Trousers to clear. These trousers are all dark patterns in the best selling sizes. Regular $3 and $3.50, Sale price to clear $1.69 Highest Prices* Paid for Trade Mail orders promptly filled. HANNA & CO. I Phone 70. Farm Produce Wanted Butter and Eggs Our warehouse is open to you. Bring or send all you have to us. CREAM Creamis being tested here, but if it is more convenient for you, we will send it direct to London. We supply shipping cans. fertilizer fertilizer is being kept in gstock, get information regarding our crop competition, it is worth trying for. SIVE Hoos.i.Durinihe month of March we have bought 'hogs and believe we will be buying for some time to come. A. H. Wilford WHOLESALE PRODUCE DEALER WINCRIAM ONT. TJJE w w G fAix . DVANe The ideal laxative for women and children Gentle but sure Pleasant to take No ingredient in Rezall. O 1erlies is in the Rexall Orderlies are a speoific for constipation slightest degree harmful or injurious. for people of all ages because, having a tonic Even the most delicate child can be given effect on the bowels, their use tends to restore Rexall Orderlies, for they are safe, easy to ad- these organs to their normal activity. minister and mild in action. No other laxative They are particularly recommended for wom- is so good for children. en during pregnancy and after child -birth. Made in Canada and sold in metal boxes at 10c, 25c and 50c each, at Bezel' Stores only, on their guarantee—"money back 0 not satisfied." Get a Box Today from J. W. McKibbon, Druggist 11E Blyth last meeting were read and adopted on motion nnot Wheeler and Adair. Mr. A. H. Wilford of Wingham Wtugham tPebl shing Cas oen to the theirs be- spent Paster at his home here, ing the lowest tender; Bylaws were Friends of Mr. Ben Mason. will re- read three times and pase'appoiat- gret to learn of his illness, We hope rent year,11viz:— enflcede-Viewers, Wm. for a speedy res very, H. Mundell; Thos. Aetkin, Wm. S. Mr. Joseph Stothers has been ap• Ring, Thos. Haugh, Sarni. Vanstone, pointed bythe Ontario Government, a James E. Nichol, Joseph Love!, Frank p Wright jr, E. Orvis, and Robert Lea - Notary Public for the Provinee. The Dramatic Society of Trinity Church will present the Domestic Drama, entitled, "The Country Doc- tor in Industry Hall, Thursday, April 15th, Pathmosters:-•Alex Findlater, R. Jef- frey, W. H. Mundell, H. Cameron, J. Mr. Wm. Scott left last week to visit Little. D. Holmes, A. Stapleton, IL in the States, He will spend some Godkin Jr„ J Tervitt, D. Marshall, R. thorn. Pound-Keepers:—Robert Me. Hague, Alex Findiater, Jas. S. Scott, Hugh Tucker, Andrew Gemmell, Jas. Kirnon, Peter S. McEwen, F. W. Wright, Sr. E. Orvis, Jas. William- son, John Mundell and W. D. Elliott, time at the Panama Pacific Interna. tional Exposition at the San Francis- co, Cal., before returning home. On Monday several horse buyers were in town, and a large number of horses were inspected for Army pur- poses. We understand they purchas- ed 15 horses. In the passing of William Jackson of town on Saturday morning, April 3rd, this section loses one of its highly esteemed residents. Mr. Jackson had not enjoyed the best of health for several weeks having recovered 'parte ally from an operation, He took sud• denly worse and after linger ing for sev- eral days he obeyed the final summons aad passed into the epi' it world. Mr. Jackson was born in Waterloo Co, and when two years of age came to the 8th con. of Morris. In 1800 he was married to Mise Alice Hood of Morris. For 29 years he held the position of choir master at the Jack- son appointment. For tbo past 12 years he has been an active and ener- getic citizen. At the time of his demise he held the office of Secretary of the Agricultural Society. The ser- vice at hie home on Monday afternoon was conducted by his pastor, Rev. G. Jewitt. • A large number of our citi- zens paid their tribute of respect to tl t3 deceased. On the casket was a wreath from the Adult Bible class and many other floral tributes of respect. Inter- ment was made at Union cemetery, Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were, Mrs. John Conery of Guelph, Mr. Jame of Whitby, Mr. Alex. Hood of Pontiac; Mich., and Mr, H. Skelton of Detroit. Deceased leaves a widow who has the sympathy of a,large circle of friends. In polities deceased was a Liberal, in religion a Methodist; deceased was 61 years of age. Resell Orderlies, the modern laxa- tive, cleanse the system and beaut- ify the complexion. Sold only by J. W. McKibbon, The Rexall Store, 103., 25. & 50e. boxes. • Bluevale. Report of Easter Promotion examin• ations in Bluevale P. S. Pass 00. Honors 75. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th—Annie Smeltzer 77, Harvey Haney 72, Harvey Messer 07, Ella Dobie 65, Eldon McKinney 05, Roy Mason 03. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4:h—Pierson McIntrye 86, Margaret Curtis 00, Stella Elliott; 0I Stanley Gallager 42, Sr. 2ad to Jr. 3rd—Edgar McMieh- ael80, Bertha Gannett '70, James Wat- son 70, Robert Tulloch 72, Archie W- E aney 01. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Jean Blaek 78, K. McDonald 77, Cecil Dobie 02, Cliffot d Elliott 00. Pt, 2 to Jr, 2nd—Harold Watson, Roy Thomas, Willie Mundell, Charlie Gannett, Harry Elliott, Thomas Cal- vert. Jr. Pt, 2 to Sr, P. '2 .Charlie Mess. er, Beatrice Dobie, Cecil Stewart, Sr. 4,h --E .amined in spelling, read• ing, writing, drawing, arithmetic, grammar, composition, history, geog. raphy. x Failed in the subject. Cam. eron McDonald S0, Cora Jewitt 67, Leonard Elliott 64, x James noble 00' xx Belle Errington 48.-0, M. Messer, Teacher. Turnberry. Minutes of Council meeting held in Binevale, Monday, Match 29th 11115, A11 the nlentber present. Minutes of C)000600600000606000600000,3 0O Stakes, J. Weir, W. S. Mitchell, T James, A Jobneton, J. E. Homuth, p, Woods, Alex Foagie, R. Wilton, T, Gilmour, F. Carrutberr, A, Wheelanr, A. 131. tlomuth, M, Willits, E Bolt, A. McPherson, J. H. Powell, I. J. Wright, H. Turnip, S. King, W. Ho?mea, P. McEwen, J, McNaugbtr n J. McEwen Sr. P, Scott, Cloin Hig- gins. R. Black, P. King, 11, Diment, M. Praetor, 3, Lennox, J. McKenzie, G. Bristle, 0, Gannett, D. McNaugh- ton, R. Hogg, G. Walker, H. Merkley, J. Lane, A. Gemmell. H. Muir. W. Leckie, J. Moffatt. W. T. P. •—G Wilson, J. Reed, G. Pbippin, 0, S. Cruickshank, Wm, Bolt, E. Copeland. Bluevale:—R. Musgrove. Accounts to the amt, of $25.20 were paseed and cheques issued. ' On motion of Wheeler and Adair the council adjouraed and will hold their next regular meeting in Blue - vale on Monday, May 3rd, 1915 at 2 p.m,—P. Powell, Cletk, Whitechurch Wien, women and children of every age, all find Resell Orderlies a perfect laxative. Sold only by J. W. McKib- bon,The Resell Stare, 10a., 253., & 50c, boxes, Miss T. Patterson of Toronto spent the holidays at the home of her brother, Mr. K. Paterson. Dr. Jamieson and Mr. 14. Henderson were visiting for a few days with friends in Barrie and Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. F. Henry spent a few days with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. Russell MacKay of Guelph and Messrs John Kennedy and Arthur Smith of London, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. Charles Gillespie left on Monday for Seaforth where he has secured a position as butter maker for the corn. mg season. Mrs. J. trre Stewart and little daughter Muriel spent the Easter vacation with relatives in Hanover. Miss Annie H. Henry is visiting at her home here, Mise Lillian. Longman conducted the Young Peoples' meeting on Sunday evening when the subject was, "Con q ue ring Discouragement". Next Sunday evening topic is. "Set- ting Ready for the nest Life" when Mr. W. Henry will have charge of the meeting, Wroxeter. The Wroxeter Lawn Bowling Club have reorganized for coming season. Hon. Pres, --Con. Reis, Pres.—Rev, T. M. Wesley, ' Vice-Pres.—Neil White, Sec. Treas.—Fz ed Davey. The committee expect to have green in rptendid condition. the For Sale Second hand Coal Oil Stove, Blue Flame with 3 burners and oven, in gond Condition. ---Apply to Mre. R. Beatty. Chiropratic When the spine Is right the body is right. A Chiropra3tor will keep your spine right that you may have Continued good health, If your beilth is already poor a course of Chiroprar. tic Spinal Adjustments will put yonr spine tight J. A. FOX Ile, Graduate Chtrpractor How Much for Your Cream? Any one will pay you 28c OASHZ FOR BUTTER This is equal to 33•c PLR L13. BUTTER PAT. it you are not getting this churn your butter and bring it to vs, also your eggs. We pay Eigheet gash Price. Watch for onr Ad Next Week. We will give you some information. YVM. DAVIES CO„ Ltd. 000000000000000600000*6000 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. h t 4. $ale1CA, Miss Gertie Bush spent a rouple of days with Mies Clara McKersie in Gorrie, Mre..David Weir is at present vielt- ing Mr, and Mrs. John Hartley of Vankleek Hill. Mr. John Weir of the Royal Bank of Toronto spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. Wm, Weir. Mr. John Gemmlll has purchased an. auto from Mr. Ezra Merkley of Wing- bam. Jack believes In keeping up with the times. Honor Roil Grows Four more of Winghanes sons have enlisted, they are Harry Brown, Robert Chittleburgh, Wm. Hayden and Alfred Pullen. The name of Alfred Jones was omitted from our list on another page. This makes 60 (sixty) from our town. What town has done so well? Belgrave Rev. Kilpatrick and wife spent the holidays in Godericb. Rev, Austin Budge of Creewore, spent a few day with his father who is under the doctor's care. Mise Norio Rountree of London is spending the Easter week with her cousin, Miss Mabel Ferguson. Miss Carson of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs. D. Scott. Little Robbie McKenzie who has been quite ill with pneumonia is im. proving. The social which was to be held in aid of the Patriotic League on Friday evening was postponed on account of bad roads. Further annoucements will be trade. Farm far Rent A good Pasture Farm for rent, North Part, Lot 1, Con, 7, lizards. wined well witb self•puwping wind mill. For further perliculare apply to John Will - lanes, 168 Brent St., London, Ont,. tf Apple Butter Apple butter le a good substitute for fruit. Our supply is going rapidly, secure a pail now. Still selling at six cents per pound. E. 'Ieskley & San. Pot Rent The Cummings' Souse and shop on Victoria•Street for rent. Will rent separately or together, Apply to Mr. Geo. Wraith, Wingham, Ont, tf ea...11.....►.•.11••.110WNW .Q CHRISTIE'S GROCERY � 1 1 PHONE b9 Store opens 7 m. 1 THE REASON WHY Our Teas are Economical Ounce for ounce our own special Blends of Tea will give MORE and BETT- ER Liquor than almost any other Tea on the mar- ket. (I THEY HAVE A DISTINCTIVE FLAVOUR 35c, 45c and 60c per lb 1 1 Use Cantelon's Coal The very best hard coal mined. We keep a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling. Give us a trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express Co. 1'. 0. Box 127 3 Great Leaders QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN The best in the world MURRAY SHOE FOR MEN The Best Shoe for Men AND OUR FARM SHOE This Farm Shoe is an Ex ceptionally Good One The uppers are made of "Real Calf" They will not get hard—no tacks or nails to hurt the feet and the price for a real good ti shoe is very reasonable, namely, $3.50 and the cash discount is 25 cents thereby making this excellent shoe (in fact equal to any hand -made for $3.25) e W. 11.WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The tielele11111111111, THE SHOE STORE 7414200, i FOR sieve: Utt:410:41114000411$1400441440404: Vii% i *t. 4t 1-r& Nothing Held In Reserve at Ths 1;stf. usiness . . uoing? .,,,. 4,,;,_: ,p,,, ..), %.,.,.. .. end till/ 1111111111/11u0 W. A. CAMPBELL Every Suit and Overcoat and every article of Men's wear must be cleared out The time is short now as 1 expect to be out of town by MAY lst SO HELP ME OUT Men's Overcoats, Youths' Over- coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits, Men's and Youths' Trousers, Boys' Boomers and Knick- ers, all must be cleared out at regard- less of cost. Underwear of all kinds, shirts, col- lars, neckwear, Boys' worsted and cashmere stockings, Men's half hose, hats, caps, gloves, braces, Boys'coat sweaters, Men's fancy vests and every day vests, overalls, smocks, etc. Everything in,the store is reduced in this sale. Nonce—All Accounts must be paid or payment arranged for by April lStlic 4113M1111111111108111111111111111 ` 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 fir. 4 4 4 4