HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-08, Page 6�rY• IND Term FIVIn Srp : Fist CENTRAL e.111,e'rrORi , MIT -,...- 1 The beat, Commercial Reboot in the ;va- lance. Our courses are thorough and practical whileour instructors are better than Toa will `in4 elsewhere. We 40 t (pore for oar atudenta than othe similar sChoole do. Our retee are reasonable. Write for our free catalogue and sect ghat we eau do for yea. LP. A. HrIggfiLA,I* - Vtigotpat VnI4Ih.. vwvw. Mr. Geo. .Moit wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old toad to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, 0.r. Give us a call ' BUSINESS AND, SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the • 44P ,wehlef Y 11. C. A. BLDG,. LONDON. ON'it'e Stn4ents assisted to positions. College in scion front Sept. 1st Catalogue free. Enter any time. 3.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. 10 Cluttered Accountant VePpi RAILWAY TIME -TABLE PROF '•WEA R; . ". (Concert Organist, I'ianiet, Voice Speciaitet) Teacher of Organ, Piano, Artistic Singing, 16 years practical experiense Wingham Thursdays and Fridays Pupils prepared for all. Exams. Reatdenoe and studio 621 Dufferis' Ave., London, Oat. Train. leave Wingham stations daily as • - follows; G. T. R, TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: --Passenger, 6,45 a.m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m. TO LONDON:—Paaeenger 6.85 a. m.; passenger, 8,80 p.m. TO HINOARDINE : -- Passenger. 11.59 tit m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- ssangsr, 9.15 p,m. CO P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Pointe:—Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen- ger 8.10 p.m. TO TEESWATER : -- Passenger, 12.57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m. ipposouwigimplialMINPUM 100 9q11.s7/ '1 twssli lit ICOUNTER L BOOKS J SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS /i1HE sole head of snottily, or any male over .L l9 years old,may homestead a quarter - section of availabe Dominion land in Mapni- cantSaskatchewan uuaaa appear person at the The Lands Ageney or Sub -Agency for the district. Zntry by proxy may be made at the otilce of ars Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub. agent) on Certain conditions, Dutiee.—Sir months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the laud in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on pertain conditions. A habitable house is re• gnired in every case excep! when residence i9 performed in the vicinity. In certain distriote a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter•sectton along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to Darn homestead patent) and 50 aures mitre cultivation. The area of cult'• ration ie subjeot to reduction in case of rough, sernbby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on applioation for patent. A bomesteader who has exhausted his home. stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption ma take a purchased homested in certain districts. Prioe4300'paracre. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty scree and erect a house worth 8300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—tinanthorized publidation of this ad- tteement will not be paid for. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office Pare -Bred Stook Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. T. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Auctioneers McConnell & Vandrick, . Auctioneer(' for the Counties of HURON and BRUCE Are prepared to take all kind(' of salmi, Having hada wide expt r- thir ina certain `cote in . line, w are n wto elan' ;Aimee anyone trusting their MOW to Ws. S'ou can have either ono to conduct yotlr sale, or can have both Without extra ehfrge. Orders can be left with F. McCon. nell or With C. 1i, VVandrlek, at the • MEtt APTSvBfOXERAGECool TOitI, ix win gham MISS Moderate There is no need of sending your orders for counter check , books out of town. We can fill orders prompt- ly at prices that will defy competition, Ask to see our samples. They are the very latest thing in the line and can be had in blues, black or red ink. No difference in the price. 1 1 1 Ingham Advance Winigharrt, Ont. 1 11 L.s ..:.4..etdwllIttNI0 OSP Our Honor Roll. • The following are the names of the Wingham boy& who have thus far enlisted, and are fighting our battles• They are 53 in number and we believe that no town of our population in Ontario measures up to this; lst Contingent -- W. H. Darnell, Arrhur Ellis, Dr. H. J. 11i. Mame, R. E. N. Barrob, J. Budge, A. Bowy- er, P. W, Vannes, Herbert Clark, 1J. S. Copeland, Henry Howard, H. 11. Philcox, J. McPherson, A. Buttery, H. French, F. Templeman, Wm. Bayles. Frank Wylie, Fred Groves, Percy Syder, C. J. Marshall, Arthur O'Farrell, G. E. Roberson, 0. A. M. Blanchard, D. L. Aitcbeson, E. J. Murch. ' 2nd Contingent --P. Uarrie, A. Chap- man, J. White, G. E. Read, C. Bleach, C. Learle, A. Dovey. 3rd Contingent -- C. Woode, H. Groves, W. R. Utting, J. Leonard, A J. Taylor, F. Allington. F. Wilson J Smith, R. Maxwell, A. J. Taylor. G. Hippen, W. Bunn, G. Gayle', J Ai Strike, C. A Cute, J. Taylor, W S. Lutton,'1'. Garton, 13. Bayles, E. Put, Thos. Moore, Yet , Standing Field Crop Competition. MOTHERS OF DWCLTE CHILOREN 11 1'! :A. TWA N* Should Read the Foltowincg Letter:. Mrs. Slack's Story About Her Child's Recovery is Entirely Reliable. • Palmyra, Pa. ---"Three years ago my little girl had black measles whica left. her:wake. chroniccough and;soawfully .thin you c6uld count ail her ribs, and she ' eeug ed'so niucirshe had no appetite. "Nothing we' Tuve her seemed to help her at all until one day Mrs.Neibert told me how much good Vinol had done her. little" girl, se 1 decided .to try it for my little pne, and it has done her so much good she' is hungry all 'the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter :and more healthy in color and this is the first win- ter she las been able to play out in the snow, coasting and snow -balling without any ill effects."—Mrs. ALFRED SLACK, Palmyra, Pa. : We.lcpow Vinol will build up your little ones and make them healthy, ' strong and robust, therefore we ask parents of every frail and sickly child in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, our delicious cod 'liver and iron tonic without oil. ' if we can induce you to try a bottle of VinoI as a body-builder and strength - creator for your child, and you do not find: it is all we claim, we will return your'money on de,r,and• • ' :...:. For Sate by J, •Walton' McKibbon, Druggist, Wi"eharn; Oatdrioe ' - , The Turnberry Agricultural Society offers $75 00 divided no f,.ltows: $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, 96 and $4 for the best Field of White Oats. The Ontario Department .of Agricut• ture will furnish the judgoe. Nature of Competition—Fields en- tered tor competition must consist of not less than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors -Competition will be limited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each com- •petitor. Any individual can make entry for tilts competition illy becom- tng a member of the society. A11 competitors rs must be within 15 miles of Wingham. All applications must be in by the twentieth day of April. . - Eotry forma and further particulars may be bad by applying to 3. G. STEWART, Secretary, 1Vinehave. Office in Town Hall. 20-31 Farms for Sale. A good 900 (wre fable within nine Mille of 'W`ingheni, good bank barn, good oemenl bombe, lirge Orchard, and ooniidersbie gnautlty et timber. Price x,5500.00. Apply to R. 'Vanetone, Wing. kcal 1'. 0. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Santee Oloakey, late of the Township of Morrie in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0, 1011 Chapter 121, Section 50, that all persona having claims against the Estate of the said tate James Cioakey, who died on the Seventeenth day of March A.D. 1915, are required on or before the twenty fourth day of April, 1915. to file with James Stewart of the Town of Wing- hant or Robert N. Duff of the Township of Turnberry, the Executors of the said Estate or with the under- signed, a statement with full particu- lars of their claims, and of all the security held by diem, if any, and that after the said date the said Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled, having regard only to the claima of Which they Isbell then have notice. Dated at Wingham this Twenty- foutth day of March A. D. 1915. - DUDLEY HOLMES. Solicitor for Esou tor' SLOGAN FOR FARMERS. "Buy It now" is'the slogan of a new movement intended to • apply to farmers, and engineered„ by the Fartners' alliance. The idea is to help the general• busi- ness of the country by urging farmers to buy their supplies early in 'the sensori, instead of waiting as so many do, until actually needed for the spring• campaign. Apart from the effect on gen- eral business, the advice is good for the sitke of the 'Farmer him- self. To say nothing of the time wasted by waiting, there is con- siderable gain by taking plenty of time to decide where and bow to buy and by having the goods on band well ahead of time.-- American ime.—American Cultivator. • • ••www-s.....w••.••M. POULTRY WISDOM. M..... -..o It has been ,repeatedly proved by • continuous experiments at governmeut experiment stations and . in private brooding houses by experienced breed- ers that the value of green stuff and grit for growing chicks cannot be over- estimated. In fact, these two common articles are .absolutely necessary for growth and stamina. • Succespftil handling of .poultry dur- Ing • • the winter" Months' depends in quite- a measure on r-cpirodticing''So far as praeticable sliiiiu5er -nditions.''•1t • will mean a supply. ocoP ,iiniiu,nl; and - green food to take place of:rvhat they had on free range or in confinement during the sunnier season end n rnpa cions dust bath which may eoutain seine tine sifted wood ashes and some tine road dust, ' it is sheer folly to doctor a hen fon any disease or ailment and allow her tine freedom of the poultry. yard. Ail ing fowls should he treated -in a great degree the slime ns• human' beings When sick not only is medicine n ne . ccssity. but rest is also vet -mired. A sick fowl running with the bock is a -dangerous experiment or. more cermet .ly putting it. it Very sure source fo. disseminating what ••nl:1y^-•turn out 'til be a case of eouf:tgion I ee up the slck' bird •813d trent it as near like a human patient' as possible. •• • • Encouree !. .,. ,:, ,.v. - Comfort •• lind eon tttil:hriii '`rir' ti' . touchstones of tiuicetib. . �Chc'u :i run is comfortable 'and (sin tetiteil`•'slie re spends with a••Qow of milk 'fear in a;•. cess of that she gives When'sfie is un• comfortable and irritated: Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza- beth Bloomfield, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased, NOTIOE it hereby given phrsuant to R. S. 0. 1914, Chapter 121, Section 26, that all nereona having elaime against the 'Fc+tato of the said late Elizabeth Bloomfield who died on the Seventeenth day of February A, D., 1915, to file With Ewiline Bloofnfield of the Teem of W inghattl, the Etecutrix of the said Estate or With the under- signed, a, statement with foil particut• are of their claming, and of all security held by them, if any, and that after the egad date the -geld Executrix Wilt h rpt P tori ua h aaeaa o proceed to ti t e a t deo {r he persons entitled, having regard Only to the elaitne of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Winghatn flit Twenty fourth day of March, A. D. 1015. DUDLEY t1OL'Al1LS. Solicitor tor Etecuttir, RUPTURE (9184 DA'i7;S AT BOTTOM) co 1: G NEW 1915 INVENTION • Rith ibilist blended with fPavory Ceyions. cos s'is good tea" * e****************:k Deraharg Has Made a Had Mess of His Mission.. to States !Ic******************* tN UII late FyRiVHAitD DDT Il G, of Grunewald, Berlin, and now of some inconspicuous place in the United States, i;'lias had, •raflier an unhappy tole,• in the present war. Trite, he is setter o'ff • thea most 6i° his compa- triots on "the faring line, but his ca- reer in the past seven months has sot been one of rosy success. lie was sent to�•the United States to sup• .)lament the pro -Germane propagan- la of Count von Bernstorff, Ambassa- ,lor. frons Germany to the United states. Bernstorff, as official envoy ,1f the German empire, .had. a series of diplomatie disasters, in ono of ,vhich he roused the people of the -adjoining republic by blaspheming Against the Monroe Doctrine and in :several others of which he was caught telling falsehoods. I -lis last,adventure A "priasseer cut in coldly, rc`Oh, ' that is unnecessary, we all under - French." • In no way abutted, Herr Dernburg went on to expiate that •.the treaty was a dead letter which Germany• was not bound to -observe,. and Bel- gum slionld • have allowed ,Germany to cross her . territory ,without resist- ance. "Site.,had our promise of imu},unity from harm," said the,speaker. A student rose to ask'a question. "May I ask, Dr,'Dernburg, what guar autee Belgium ' had that Germany • would keep tha.t•protuiseP' Dr. Dernburg has been high in the Imperial service. 11:e is now fifty, years of age, and has risen through'' a ,aeries of . important state pgsitiona c1t1r 1nating in the Secretaryship 'of:; State for the Colonies, Since then ' he, has been the li aiser's unollIclal diplomatic agent to 'Cie United States. - . • BERNHARD DERNBURG. she to declare' that the Dresden was sunk in Chilean waters, and since his assertion was disproven he has sub- sided. • • "Dernburg started off, with a lecture, in which he made certain claims. which Prof. David Starr Jordan de- monstrated to be untrue. He kept up his lecturing and his pro -German publicity work until one day he reached an American university where he was billed to deliver a speech. He explained the war from -the German viewpoint and referring to the.treaty guaranteeing Delgium's neutrality remarked: "As tine original treaty is in French l shall have to translate it for won.:' RETAINS RUPTURE WITHOUT KNIFE. HARNESS, DANGER•OR PAIN. COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. Dlr. Egan's new 3910 appliances, "the Curative" end "the Curntrus", are rapid- ly taking the place of the old-fashioned trusses purchased by ]Hall order. These nrry inventions are constructed to assist Mature in her work of healing and are free from every cumbersome feature- thatyon possibly hate bi'en annoyed fruit laorue time or another" COnrplete comfort awaits you. Correct •hol (ng. n ill be•ex- )Yerieuced from the start. No nlorecseape of rupture.'Misery comes 16 t mid at ,neo, You Will enjoy that-absoluteCoon- donee of being able to do anything at any time or anywhere without the bowel mak- ing its escape outside the abdomen. This will relieve, you of mental unrest and worry. This will snake yen feel like a new person. This kind of retention bin - tended to assist nature toctote tide (ipezi- ing. These neo,' iuventt rn5 areiidaptctt to different forms of hernia to meet tite needy of et cry men, n•oman or child. Step 'further experimenting With foreign ap- pliances stud end your rupture troubles at sitiall Cost by consulting a Canadian rup- ture applienee specialist, ile)ayS May be don crena- 1 o r e. o n n not) te.r n ol�•,lntv. ,Yr, iar.r ' 1 . Mar - ., YrI�Y�r,....-YY. r raY sY ra.a..Y.ra,�a11E THiS FREE RUPTURE COUPON Upon lrestntattouEgon, specialist 0 west7thsg street, Toronto, who,wItI etati the towns below, entitles bearer 1.0.fre0 con- sultation end examination of saWjdes. Ask At hotel office for roost number.' Note dates. Brussels—American Hott Ar iT 20tbi Wingham.-Queen's Hotel, ttli'day illi 7 p.m.,1 day only—April 21,t. Lutknow•- Oaln'e hotel, April 22nd, Made in Canticle. Look at your label. ALEXANDER POPE WAS RIGHT The proper study of mankind '15 man. --Alexander Pope. - =,B: ROPE, wbo was writing ,poetry about 200 years • ago, watt ,exactly right in his declaration quoted above.If . you would study man you must study his deeds.. ' WHERE WILL Y,OU LEARN ABOUT THEM >EXGEP'K IN THS NEWSPAPtoRS4 These ticeurato'• histories of the %V0r1tl:'a a irs"tell; what man. is doing eye>•gwhere, whether it -vie flying .tb ough the air, stealing 'a million dollars, laboring for world peace, plotting to overthrow a gav- ,ernment or to establish one, com- mitting: a murder• or trying to es- cape punishment for one already done, making a political speech.(„t watching the antics of a comet:, NOTHING,.. THAT 1S INTEREST- ING OR IMPORTANT - ESCAPES THE DRAGNET OF THE NEWSPA. egna. News that' literally' eoste.;tb- sands of dollars to coli t. is.pllnt- ed and given to the reddeefor a cent . or two Can you, call any one,•sfford to miss such a mental tibia:Sad` financial bargain•f TAKE THIS. PAPER. •t• • Bank of ilamilton • -s-•-1-- l:aagtih.;1salt tiiori (•tl . t; "r,b0i) fe) • t',api(arI,..I',titi-np • 3'010,01 , ,Hill plO,u 1,170,000 'THE MEN BEHIND A a:arirrirtlti • ilawtitta2isau pets stroogtl« as nitta,h from the mon who • (14%1('t Ito atYairi es froau tiv+ tI til)? e8llit)g tsaveeted. 44, at'n'L' y (l, tat:0eci,ln,the Bank of tiatnilton is guarded x r by men sol., i,l„wn for hnslnpa• integrity, and sou ,non ran , W)'14 r,sil18 seeurits more than high pronts t l � ?,i r•r �A 1', 'ht -„hoc• ar +t ld,,a '4111'01144which 1s one quarter r )r}t:'r t'mn .tt•i (an''.,l _rho re•ult of over 40 yesret' ip con`ebL' atavt> naaiaa,,ruaaent. 3, ; j PLL:C.. SMAT � ti IftManager .,•�'Fdii►gl►aw' -J $ ' 1 '1 �!t i.,,y, 1ti1 (4 Wit:,:, 7 P ,, 44.14,t,. illk.',':. . t Fil ..... ........ ...... ..... _. .... ....• ..... : • . . .-- W.• ...... wy 4 • `•Developed and Printed. 'it''i1•l' fiat finisht:i iii : j4'.iris. M ..w tlio iti tih#tlGsailed:from the coaitiy promptlyfly attended �'M •• . f1l=i° i'1i 111111111111111111111`111111114* WELLINGTON MF'Ttt AL FIRE INS. CO. i stabllstlad 1$110 Bead olsoe 13UP±7,.i''Ei. atiT Risks taken on all classes of inenr. able property on the comb or premtuin .note eyutOm. 07ia. f3LEEDtart. JOBB De, MOON President. Secretary, RITQH11V d'c t70SENS. Agents. *Ingham. Oat DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, 5olldttol~, etc. Oilier): Moyer Block, *Ingham. R, VANSTONE • BARRI "AND SOLICITOR 1IC4ey to loan At lowest rats,. WINDHAM. ARTHUR J. TRWTh Doctor of Dental Furzery of the Pe,. obylvania College and Ljceat ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Defoe to Maedon:,,te Hinck— G, H. ROSS. D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dented Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of Unirereity of Toronto 'Faculty of Dentistry.' AFFIO;i OVER Et. E. ;BARD lb CO'S. STO81! W. R. NAMBLY,.B.SC:,' i.D., C,11, Mann Art Studio, Wingham 1�i�t�i tittiii�iilll Illilttil�iitil�liliiililllllliitll' ValuableProperty.For Sale. • 44.444(44.444444 • The • property on the: .north .east corner : of John and Centre etreetc , known as the Mind Alemotrial Hall. , The, dwelling, an eta_ hie on • the north side of John Street liiimrdiately west of the 'Anglican'.'Church. For pa stir ular's iilli'to :W. -F. Vanorirne, 0, Ps Smith, A. E."Smith- or• R Van- etone. • ,,•. Eire;:. Lite,Accdent and • Sickness •f Insurance .. a• a eAL,:EsTA`r'e- Sg-ve.lni bargain 111 town• resi_ dances `arid first class ` far nt; a: .,-STEW ART :O'ffice'-Griffin. Block • . Phome 184 P. 0 Box 426 .;....r....,...... ,r..r.ems. Try'' the A DATA for your nexf ' Catalogue 4ira:8zl .....;,; �r' may. • ; 00000 90000000006.06.00000000 eat . . Fish Pott Wa -Elmore. Mahood. Contractor and Builder 11 you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. - Estimates ttnd plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ,ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. • - Box335 ococr0000000000000000000000 Excellent Stabling accommo- dation at The National Hotel stables. Atte ttivh's Hostler.' ' ' Reading and sitting room for patrons. Moderate Prices. •. Fred Scott, Prop. Thehighest clas. Beef and Ptrrk,,Fish'and Poul try sY,id at 1 Butcher ' Store 'Give us••a: trial, you • will''`: Ike pleatf, ' • . , . . Highest pace, paid•• .:fou:' :. Hides fi„and' Skins:... . , • * Walkers Undertaking z. :. Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER. TAXERS. We parry a full'rfne `of Caskets, etc. -•:James W :piker 16 years experience.- A,t: Walixer 9; pars experience Day Phone106 A. i•'••' Nigli>3:j?'hone-100h and 224 i�K MM wV.M/ ream Wanted t3peoial attenti,in _paid to diseased - 'of Worneo and Children, having • taken pnsternduate work -in in r 3erY, BaotanMoalod neen.d Soientille Office in the Kerr reeidenee+, be- tween the,Qneen'e Hotel and° lite t 'idaptist Church. Ali business given careful' attention. Phfbrile' S4. P. O. Box 118 DELLA ROBT,, : C. REDMOND L. R O P. (Load. • Physician ''and • surgeon. (Dr, Cblsholm'e eld•,etand) General-:Tiospital. • (Under Oovernmei.0 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully ramie/led. Open to ,�ppall regularly ltoensed ppbyaielane. lw nor Ing)—$4.9 , to 115.00 uerQ+FePk,iacnrrdlnE e., to,aatten of scorn- For further tnfcrma- tion—Addreee • •Spperintsndenk iva ' nes 2211 witnahsm Oen. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrews Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, • Singing, • • - ViYiUn. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. -Wingham, Ont. DR. PARKER & .PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL auc1WINGHAM • =9pepieiliete, in the treatment. of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekneea esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cares when all else Nile. Dfugleeigtmethodes 'Wingham':Office oven' Ohrietie's Store, HOURS a 3 'a. w.— in. Tuesday 1I. 0 9 r. . Wednesday and Thursday 9--11 a, m. Friday 9—a.m.." 3— ;k; n?s. • ..Having an up-to-date Creamery 1 in full operation we solicit your cream •kptt'nnagofe , We are prepared to pay the highest nieeket.prleeslor goed:oreanr'nnd give •you•-'•Ian';:honett••bnsitiees;.:; weighing. saamplthg apd ;te sting 'each can ot:oream reoettyetd;caretullr. end returning a full statement of tame "to each patron. We tarnish two taus to each• °onto tufa', pay all 'express 'charges and pay evi.ry two weeks. • Write fdr full partittulare or send for cane and give us a trial - : 1 • SEAFORTH CREAMERY :.> SEAFO TH, ONT.. .'r"ir't..` 1r•.. i''iit►t * 1 yoi°"Iliiarits slid 'Ch,dren. The' Kind • Y`oa -nought • c • .Bears the „Signature of Avu .y •ei! .•Sr;I , N, 't.' �F x •✓ f � a• s�.`,�i �%hil�•t,rt, „s., Ass:Cps:estr t - •• f ...etc I• Eacli "salad it,i5 instructed privately at his own. de kr bence,-',the=b'ackward :or rusty.are'ttot' ..enlbarassett.. - , ' U:.•,. . t i _• !_ ^, • esfu c► Sic i. ', T' ha►uso�► _ -'Graduates•-, Zorn sill `•Cour -4*yalp Pb a:,q•mored for ► ` It � _ +�, .�'.'s .. i Y� .. :46 les[tliltt A•k tlr p*• $ utarsr ;' ..• . «:.. .5- .•,•• .. ,u !iigham in USA •� I��yj(y'+�jr� ti �' • Y ^r Oki A�` y ti 111, • r 'I. J Se' lit\. 1. v 4,4 t♦ . , w ♦ • • 44* ....CAR R Ata YEARS' EXPERIENCE 410- ATENTS TRADE MAteit. • DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. R11s011e sending a sketch and deserionml r,r thickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is preening. VVatentabie mmtlnlca- t2onsstrictly conedenttat. itpNOB00 on Patent. Brom frog. Oidoet sgtonor for eecurrng yp&atodta, patents taken through Munn tit 00.!<tcdTI medal notice, wlthontcdarge, in the Scientific America .t . & handsomely nlnstrated weekly. Ls cNsalon of any,. galantine fo T for Canada, $3,75 a year, postage pfetpo d. Sold bi 'au !tenant/dors.. , MUNN & Coi18fO11Qi�Al!' Newt% Sane t OClce. Citi b' fit. wa)ttnstoe, la: • John F. Groves • • , ISSi3E8 OF: • , Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones --Office 24 • * Retsiden*re 168 usne i n • ss .i... .._moi, .,, ........ 4 Nr- .. .. .°.. ..!•4.. •. ♦,,.y :• :W Y.�.. 1. 11.4.f t+rW4,* :444: •,•y-.,. -.... ♦ !i: yik...: ..yy:.-. ••i:yk• •eg.t,, ,Ij;,;t, Y.: i.., ',-tr. ♦ - Iti,liitt *.,e.O '..•i '.u' ns 'REAL MTh ARB-lIMIROCE . ' ' �• 1 •'� ' •, 4i►1 ♦4 .' t " q�t• 4rf:- � �, t41"';' -. \, .••. « «Jre _ ` o '; µ,r ' 'iODf' - +i•. ., l r : +' Ips- -, •'. :711:1�.�l �e.t I ..... .�y !" I...'C�. !! ,•�+,�,l I t'1' i1i:91. rrq'tr, '. - Vs vm,, "fir .jiliccic' Widen Your;-' Your telephone mately with the munity in which with • all phases Though you seldom office, yet your influence your your influence, of your business. bring distant communities• your voice, your- inexpensive way. By careful application, you distant customers, -turers, that all intercourse are telephone. -• • varied you live. of the go telephone you can '' The personality,, planning can so wholesalers, the advantdges• secured a study as related connects interests life far is long. fluence I.:::4 you ' inti-' of. the dont-' •Y •r You are in touch ' i'• of your town. from your own • a.factor. ' • : • . you can widen .' •Through extend the scope' '•• - distance • lit'es. vitt-tin-teach- ' - ' and keep . - of It youan • Ster Co. of °, • ' in the..most ' • "" •. . • - ' systematic :• • in touch •with • , : manufac- .: of personal ''• through.. - • the : 1- t ` long distance Why not make telephone service to the pecial • will pay you, io i o t n � - ` n." tO.ilel9- tk U r r �t L .' needs and in our "teen; Dell The of your business. weI etmd will gladly v'i 8 power. Telephone Is i tonValence Telephone' e Te p of Canada. Bank of ilamilton • -s-•-1-- l:aagtih.;1salt tiiori (•tl . t; "r,b0i) fe) • t',api(arI,..I',titi-np • 3'010,01 , ,Hill plO,u 1,170,000 'THE MEN BEHIND A a:arirrirtlti • ilawtitta2isau pets stroogtl« as nitta,h from the mon who • (14%1('t Ito atYairi es froau tiv+ tI til)? e8llit)g tsaveeted. 44, at'n'L' y (l, tat:0eci,ln,the Bank of tiatnilton is guarded x r by men sol., i,l„wn for hnslnpa• integrity, and sou ,non ran , W)'14 r,sil18 seeurits more than high pronts t l � ?,i r•r �A 1', 'ht -„hoc• ar +t ld,,a '4111'01144which 1s one quarter r )r}t:'r t'mn .tt•i (an''.,l _rho re•ult of over 40 yesret' ip con`ebL' atavt> naaiaa,,ruaaent. 3, ; j PLL:C.. SMAT � ti IftManager .,•�'Fdii►gl►aw' -J $ ' 1 '1 �!t i.,,y, 1ti1 (4 Wit:,:, 7 P ,, 44.14,t,. illk.',':. . t Fil ..... ........ ...... ..... _. .... ....• ..... : • . . .-- W.• ...... wy 4 • `•Developed and Printed. 'it''i1•l' fiat finisht:i iii : j4'.iris. M ..w tlio iti tih#tlGsailed:from the coaitiy promptlyfly attended �'M •• . f1l=i° i'1i 111111111111111111111`111111114* WELLINGTON MF'Ttt AL FIRE INS. CO. i stabllstlad 1$110 Bead olsoe 13UP±7,.i''Ei. atiT Risks taken on all classes of inenr. able property on the comb or premtuin .note eyutOm. 07ia. f3LEEDtart. JOBB De, MOON President. Secretary, RITQH11V d'c t70SENS. Agents. *Ingham. Oat DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, 5olldttol~, etc. Oilier): Moyer Block, *Ingham. R, VANSTONE • BARRI "AND SOLICITOR 1IC4ey to loan At lowest rats,. WINDHAM. ARTHUR J. TRWTh Doctor of Dental Furzery of the Pe,. obylvania College and Ljceat ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Defoe to Maedon:,,te Hinck— G, H. ROSS. D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dented Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of Unirereity of Toronto 'Faculty of Dentistry.' AFFIO;i OVER Et. E. ;BARD lb CO'S. STO81! W. R. NAMBLY,.B.SC:,' i.D., C,11, Mann Art Studio, Wingham 1�i�t�i tittiii�iilll Illilttil�iitil�liliiililllllliitll' ValuableProperty.For Sale. • 44.444(44.444444 • The • property on the: .north .east corner : of John and Centre etreetc , known as the Mind Alemotrial Hall. , The, dwelling, an eta_ hie on • the north side of John Street liiimrdiately west of the 'Anglican'.'Church. For pa stir ular's iilli'to :W. -F. Vanorirne, 0, Ps Smith, A. E."Smith- or• R Van- etone. • ,,•. Eire;:. Lite,Accdent and • Sickness •f Insurance .. a• a eAL,:EsTA`r'e- Sg-ve.lni bargain 111 town• resi_ dances `arid first class ` far nt; a: .,-STEW ART :O'ffice'-Griffin. Block • . Phome 184 P. 0 Box 426 .;....r....,...... ,r..r.ems. Try'' the A DATA for your nexf ' Catalogue 4ira:8zl .....;,; �r' may. • ; 00000 90000000006.06.00000000 eat . . Fish Pott Wa -Elmore. Mahood. Contractor and Builder 11 you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. - Estimates ttnd plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ,ELMORE MAHOOD Wingham, Ont. • - Box335 ococr0000000000000000000000 Excellent Stabling accommo- dation at The National Hotel stables. Atte ttivh's Hostler.' ' ' Reading and sitting room for patrons. Moderate Prices. •. Fred Scott, Prop. Thehighest clas. Beef and Ptrrk,,Fish'and Poul try sY,id at 1 Butcher ' Store 'Give us••a: trial, you • will''`: Ike pleatf, ' • . , . . Highest pace, paid•• .:fou:' :. Hides fi„and' Skins:... . , • * Walkers Undertaking z. :. Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER. TAXERS. We parry a full'rfne `of Caskets, etc. -•:James W :piker 16 years experience.- A,t: Walixer 9; pars experience Day Phone106 A. i•'••' Nigli>3:j?'hone-100h and 224 i�K MM wV.M/ ream Wanted t3peoial attenti,in _paid to diseased - 'of Worneo and Children, having • taken pnsternduate work -in in r 3erY, BaotanMoalod neen.d Soientille Office in the Kerr reeidenee+, be- tween the,Qneen'e Hotel and° lite t 'idaptist Church. Ali business given careful' attention. Phfbrile' S4. P. O. Box 118 DELLA ROBT,, : C. REDMOND L. R O P. (Load. • Physician ''and • surgeon. (Dr, Cblsholm'e eld•,etand) General-:Tiospital. • (Under Oovernmei.0 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully ramie/led. Open to ,�ppall regularly ltoensed ppbyaielane. lw nor Ing)—$4.9 , to 115.00 uerQ+FePk,iacnrrdlnE e., to,aatten of scorn- For further tnfcrma- tion—Addreee • •Spperintsndenk iva ' nes 2211 witnahsm Oen. Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrews Church. Teacher of Pianoforte, • Singing, • • - ViYiUn. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. -Wingham, Ont. DR. PARKER & .PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISTOWEL auc1WINGHAM • =9pepieiliete, in the treatment. of al Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders Women's Diseases, Weekneea esof Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism Osteopathy cares when all else Nile. Dfugleeigtmethodes 'Wingham':Office oven' Ohrietie's Store, HOURS a 3 'a. w.— in. Tuesday 1I. 0 9 r. . Wednesday and Thursday 9--11 a, m. Friday 9—a.m.." 3— ;k; n?s. • ..Having an up-to-date Creamery 1 in full operation we solicit your cream •kptt'nnagofe , We are prepared to pay the highest nieeket.prleeslor goed:oreanr'nnd give •you•-'•Ian';:honett••bnsitiees;.:; weighing. saamplthg apd ;te sting 'each can ot:oream reoettyetd;caretullr. end returning a full statement of tame "to each patron. We tarnish two taus to each• °onto tufa', pay all 'express 'charges and pay evi.ry two weeks. • Write fdr full partittulare or send for cane and give us a trial - : 1 • SEAFORTH CREAMERY :.> SEAFO TH, ONT.. .'r"ir't..` 1r•.. i''iit►t * 1 yoi°"Iliiarits slid 'Ch,dren. The' Kind • Y`oa -nought • c • .Bears the „Signature of Avu .y •ei! .•Sr;I , N, 't.' �F x •✓ f � a• s�.`,�i �%hil�•t,rt, „s., Ass:Cps:estr t - •• f ...etc I• Eacli "salad it,i5 instructed privately at his own. de kr bence,-',the=b'ackward :or rusty.are'ttot' ..enlbarassett.. - , ' U:.•,. . t i _• !_ ^, • esfu c► Sic i. ', T' ha►uso�► _ -'Graduates•-, Zorn sill `•Cour -4*yalp Pb a:,q•mored for ► ` It � _ +�, .�'.'s .. i Y� .. :46 les[tliltt A•k tlr p*• $ utarsr ;' ..• . «:.. .5- .•,•• .. ,u !iigham in USA •� I��yj(y'+�jr� ti �' • Y ^r Oki A�` y ti 111, • r 'I. J Se' lit\. 1. v 4,4 t♦ . , w ♦ • • 44* ....CAR R Ata YEARS' EXPERIENCE 410- ATENTS TRADE MAteit. • DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. R11s011e sending a sketch and deserionml r,r thickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is preening. VVatentabie mmtlnlca- t2onsstrictly conedenttat. itpNOB00 on Patent. Brom frog. Oidoet sgtonor for eecurrng yp&atodta, patents taken through Munn tit 00.!<tcdTI medal notice, wlthontcdarge, in the Scientific America .t . & handsomely nlnstrated weekly. Ls cNsalon of any,. galantine fo T for Canada, $3,75 a year, postage pfetpo d. Sold bi 'au !tenant/dors.. , MUNN & Coi18fO11Qi�Al!' Newt% Sane t OClce. Citi b' fit. wa)ttnstoe, la: • John F. Groves • • , ISSi3E8 OF: • , Marriage Licenses Town Hall Wingham Phones --Office 24 • * Retsiden*re 168 usne i n • ss .i... .._moi, .,, ........ 4 Nr- .. .. .°.. ..!•4.. •. ♦,,.y :• :W Y.�.. 1. 11.4.f t+rW4,* :444: •,•y-.,. -.... ♦ !i: yik...: ..yy:.-. ••i:yk• •eg.t,, ,Ij;,;t, Y.: i.., ',-tr. ♦ - Iti,liitt *.,e.O '..•i '.u' ns 'REAL MTh ARB-lIMIROCE