The Wingham Advance, 1915-04-01, Page 6c Fall Terin Froin Set. 1st, .
14 CENT E/� : f
c;•r ca a •r' . p f' ,„ -r ....
:' .
The lest Commercial School in the pro-
vlaoe. Our courses are thorough and
practical while our instructors aro better
than you will ilud elsewhere. We do
storefor our Students than oche stroller
6chOOla do. Our rates are reasonable.
Writs for our free catalogue and See
N bat we can do for you,
P. A. AtoLACULA>f • Principal
Mr. Geo. Moi
Wishes to announce to the citizens
of Wingham that he is in the old
tend to stay,
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, et.:,
Give us a call
Subjects taught by eacpert instructors
,at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
10 Vice -Principal
Trains leave Wingham stations daily as
G}-. T. R,
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points: -Passenger, 6.45 a.m ; passen-
ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.
TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a.
m. ; passenger, 3.30 p.m.
TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger.
11.69 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas-
senger, 9 15 p.m.
O. P. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points: -Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen
ger 3,10 p.m.
TO TEESWATER : - Passenger,
12.57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m.
THE sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years old may homestead a quarter -
section of available Dominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli-
cant must appear in person at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district
Entry by proxy may be mads at the office of
any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-
agent) on certain conditions.
Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul
tivation of the land in each of three years. A
homesteader may live within nine miles of hiF
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on
certain conditions. A habitable house is re-
quii edoe
in ed every
case, the except
when residence
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standingmay hire-empt a quarter -section along-
P r Duties
aide hie homestead. Price $3 per acre.
Six months' residence in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti-
vation is subject to reduction in case of rough,
scrubby or stony land after report by Home.
stead Inspector on application for patent.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may take a purchased homested in certain
districts. Pride $3.00 -per acre. Duties. -Must
reside six months in each of three years, mitt -
vote fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad-
tisement will' not be paid for.
Council met March 10th, in the Tp'
hall, Gorrie, pursuant to adjournmen;
all members present, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
'read and on motion of Doig and Spot..
ton were adopted.
Tenders for operating the Road
Machine were opened, After some
consideration it was moved by Doig
and Armstrong that Charles King get
the contract for the sum of $1 per
hour, he to do all week, also furnish
power and wood -carried.
Tenders for the Steel work of the
Stewart bridge on cnn. 9 were opened
and considered. Moved by Spotton
and Demmerling that the tender of
Hill & Co, of Mitchell pted acceeh his
being the lowest tender, amount being
$1376 - Motion carried, Tenders for
making tile for the Township were
opened. Moved by Doig and Arm
strong that the tender of John Hynd-
man be accepted, he to make tile at
following prices, 6 in. tile 45e. in.
50e. 12 in. at 903, 18 in. $1.35, 21 in.
$2.25, 30 in, $3 00 -motion carried.
A petition signed by 17 ratepayers
was presented to the Council asking
them to give a grant to John Wylie to
change his rail fence t6 a wire fence,
along the Side Road, south of Gorrie.
Moved by Armstrong and Spotton
that the petition be placed on file for
the present. Moved by Demmerling
and Doig that the Clerk be instructed
to have a By law under the snow
fence act prepared for the next meet-
ing -carried.
Parhmasters appointed -Samuel D.
Martin, Wm. J. Lynn, John DHitz,
Smith Vines, M. Shoemaker, Wm.
Doig, Wm, Elliott, A. Edgar, Thos.
hlcClement, H. Hutchison, Henry
Haase, Geo. Magee, John Lambkin,
Ben. Gibson, John Topham, John
Maguire, A. Toner, George Townsend,
Robert Walker, August Keil, C,
Walker, Henry Schaefer, A. Darcey,
James Hyndman, W. Spend, Ben-
Ringler, John Young, R. Clegg, R.
Spotton, H. Dmmerm',u, Day.d Walk-
er, Colvin Rogers, Jas. Strong, Wm.
McGee, Wm. H. Leonard, Wm. Monte
eomery, Fred Taylor, Abraham
Sarong, Wm. Pike, James Hunter.
Thos. Johnston, Wm. Brown, Wm.
Barr, Wm. J. Gallaher, Cecil Day,
John Hueston, 3. Steurnoll,Thos. Ben-
nett, Charles Irwin, R. Ferguson,
lvm. Strong, A. Huth, A. A. Graham,
W. Craig, Harry Demmerling,
John Porterfield, A. McKenzie, Robert
Baker, J. Finlay, Ieaao Wade, T.
Vtttie, John Warrell, Win. Jaques,
John Kreuter, Wm. Weetlauftr,
Samuel Angst, Ed Henry, A. Porter-
field, F. Porterfield, Wm. Hays, H.
Wylie, Stewart Finlay, Et, Wood,
Walter Pomroy, Ernest Mahood,
Henry Hartung. Wm. Phair, Frank
Douglas, J acob Weitz, Wm. Hood,
D. Zeigler, Geo. Newton, Walter
Renwick, James Barton, James Bur -
vis, Garnet Wright, Peter Dickers,
0. Wright, C. Wolf, John Dettmaa,
Peter Reddon, C. Hoofer, Isaac
Burns, George Johnston, Walter John.
eton, James St. Marie, J. Drummond.
E. Heinbecker, James Douglass, A.
Fitch, Geo. Doubledee,Albert Gallaher
►a also part of the University, being.
under the control of the board of
Clovernore. will receive $20,000 as com-
pared with $15.000 last year.
Duringthe past year attention leas.
been especially given to equiping the
Medical laboratories with up•to•date
apparatus so that, for all essential pur.
poses, they are now•beiieved to be fully
on a par with those of the older uni.
versittee. The Arta etalf and libraay
have also been greatly strengthened,
and a number of new scholarships In-
The University will continue to push
vigorously its "forward movement"
by adding to the faculty and improv
Ing, the equipment In all departments,
and has reason to believe that it will
have an • enrollment of students for
next year which will oven aurpaes the
record attendance' of 'the present sex-
Bion. •
Will give better satisfaction to
both buyer and seller than any
other auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Advance Office
Pure -Bred Stook Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in
T. R. Bennett
Massey -Harris Office
Phone 81
McConnell & Vandrick,
Auctioneers for the Counties of
Are prepared to take all kinds of
sales. Having had a wide exper•
fence in this line, we are Certain
we Can please anyone trusting their
sales te. ue. You can have either
one to conduct your sale,, or,. can
have both without extra charge.
Order can be left with F. McCon-
nail er with C. F. Vandrick, at the
TO1*i, Wingham
Charges Moderate
Farm for Sate.
A good 200 sore farm within nine
muse of Wingham, geed bank Ion
good cement house, large orchard, and
ooniiderable quantity of. timber. Price
$0600.00. Apply to R.Vanetone, Wing•
/AMP. 0,
Civic Loyalty
Where the Money does,
To the Editor: -
In my last letter 1 drew attention to
the etatementof the finance minister
of Russia thatt fieauctog the great war
bad beets made comparatively easy
owing to the savings of the people
since the liquor traffic was prohibited,
We have bad many demonetations on
a smaller scale that. the Holler traffic
brings poverty and that prohibition
brings prosperity and ability to pay
taxer. But here we have a demon• tired weak ou woman could have
titration of. the effects, of prohibition
"1 Never Spent Any Money
That Did Me So Much
Good as. That I: Spent for
Iiellefontaine,Ohio,--"I wish every
new s
Vinol for I never spent any money in
my life that did me so much good as
that I spent for 'Vino!. My nerves were
in a very bad condition,making me very
weak, tired, and worn out;and often
drowsy .headaches. I had tried cod
Byer .oil, doctor's'medicines, and other.
preparations without benefit.
"One day a friend asked me to try
Vinol. I did and soon my appetite ha -
creased, I slept better and .now I am
strong, vigorous and well' and can do m__ yy:
housework with pleasure." -sirs. J. F.
LAMSORN, Belle€ontaine, Ohio.
Nervous weak, tired, worn-out wo-
men should take Mre. Lamborn's advice,
and try Vinol for there are literally'
thousands of men and women who were
formerly, run-down,weak and nervous,
who awe their goohealth to•Vinol.
It is the medicinal, tissue building ele- -
ments of the cod's livers, aided by the
blood making,'strengtheningg inftience
of tonic iron, contained in•'Vinol,which
makes it so•efcient"in all such cases.
For' Safe by • J. Walton ; Mc$ibbon,
Druggist, _Wiggham, Ontario
,on such an immense scale that no
doubt can be lef t to the mind of any
one of moderate
n _ r.
No wonder prohibition bridge pros-
perity, Last year Canadians spent
over a hundred million, pf ,d9Uars in
drink, That is the exact spM that the
Government requires to carry on our
part In the war. But money spent in
drink is like water spilled on the
ground tbat cannot be gathered up
again. Money spent in drink cannot
earn money to pay taxes or do any-
thing else. Better if it had . been
burnt for then it would not have made
criminate and lunatics to be a burden
on the taxpayer and would not pois-
on the liable' to the third and fourth
generation. The Germain have.': been
styled baby killers but.the great baby
killer is alcohol in any form.
Science has shown that a much larger
proportion of the" babies of drinking,
not to speak of drunken, parents die.
before their second birthday than the.
children of abstaining parents.
It has been uhown that every dollar'
spent in drink does on an average a
dollars worth of harm. So that Can,
ada is probably two hundred million
dollars worse off every year than if she
had prohibition of the liquor traffic:
At that rate it is easy to see that Rus-
sia. can finance this immense war
when prohibition the use of intoxi-
cants of any kind. If drink had been
allowed as before there would have
been great suffering and want in Rus-
sia and her conduct of the war would
have been very much hindered for
tack of money.
H. Arnott, 11I. B., M. 0' P, S.
Deal Meister Editor:
I just thort I would rite yeea.a f4:w
lines. T'other week somefellah rote
a letter to the Advance about loyalty,
and so says I to myself eaye I Ile jest
rite my experience on that ere subject,
and sa here it goes me Erin.
Ter know on Sunday after dinner I
kind of liokes to take a elape, so .one
Sunday ide laved me down, and was
just enooziug off boetiful like, when
Mary Ann yells nut Tinie tliy, Tim-
othy. What's the row says 1 half
aslape. well says she, git up and clean
out them ears of yours, now look here
what I hes been reading, ycu wants a,
new suit, and you can get a booty in
the city fer elven and a half. Wal no
more elape for me that afternoon, for
we talked that suit rite up to tea time,
and when in church Mary Ann nutch•-
es me and says, that man in the third
pew hes a suit jest Tike what we wants
So we sint for the suit, it tamed and
we we had to pay 35 tints for express,
Next Saterty nite I put on my boob-
ful suit, and jest goes down town swell
like, coming home we wint into a
store.for some soap and chase, and
Mary Ann wint over to the t'other
side were the dry good be, soon she
says meek like, Timothy, ,come over
here, you sees that suit says site, yes
Mary Ann says I, its jest • like mine,
yes, says she, only the goods be better
than yourn. and the ',price hes . $5 50
instead of $7.85, she 'looked, and thin
we wint out of that store shamed like,
and I kept cueing a little the whole
way home. Jest one thing more me
deah ear. we like a good cup of tae
Yer know, a fellah tamed once a sell-
ing tae, and he says, says he, thte tae
is so good youle only want 'hof the
quantity, so we gives him an order for
5 pound, and it twarnet so good as
what we can git rite it Wingham for
less money, so says I to myself says I
therle be fun whin Meister mon comes
back agin, and sure nuf there was. I
had -been picking ,bugs off the tatere
one afternoon, an being kinder of tir-
ed was siting on .the randa whin up
comes Meister Mon, and lifting his
hat high up, good even Miesis Jones
say he, then my, you Should heve
heared Mary Ann, look here • says she
ile tell yer rite now, I doe't••want your
tae, and I don't want you, for sure
you be related to Armies and Saphiria
his wife, or my name is not Mary Ann
Jones, now if you don't git,. ile put
tourer on yer tracks, and jest take
your tae with tae with yeee, and if he
did na go down the turn pike to heat
I remain, Meister Editor,
Your deah frin,
Timothy Jones.
Wm. Casemore, Thoe. Gibson, Wm.
Ball, Robert Adams, Thos. Trimble,
Russell Harris, James Underwood,
Fred McIntosh, James Stutt, James
Wright, A. McKercher, C. Maxwell,
B. Hyslop, Ed. Lambkin, G. Robert-
son, Andrew Doig, Wm. Murray.
Poundkeepers-Levi Galbraith, 11.
W. Laird, James Wright, Wm. Reis,
Bert Cooper, Wm. H. Gregg, 0.
Rogers, Alex. Edgar; James Douglas,
Win. Beetle, Wm. Foster, John
Fenceviewere- A. A. Graham, C.
Irwin, Levi Galbraith, E. Phair, W.
Rood, S. $urbrigg, David Walker,
Wm. Gibson, Wm, Edgar, Thos,
Johnston, John Maguire, George
Townsend, Robert Mitchell, R. Harris,
and D. Rea. -
Moved by 'Armstrong and Spotton
that the following accounts be paid: -
George Bray, Legal service at Drain-
age Court, $15; E. D. Bolton, engineer
fees attending court, $7; Wm. Stinson
grant for railings in Gorrie, $25; E.
Charles, cleaning ditcb, Howick share,
75c; 'Tames Armstrong, goods for
Hodge family, $0 '75; Geo. Spotton,
bal. on printing contract, $35; Amos
Doan, service at Tp. Half, $1; A. Hill
& Co., pt. pay on bridge contract $200;
John Hindman, tile $2 75. -
Moved by Armstrong and Doig that
this Council do now adjourn to meet
again the third Tuesday in ' April in
Cook's Hotel, Fordwich, when tenders
will he received for building the new
abutments for the Stewart and Abe
Strong bridges -carried.
C. E. Walker, Clerk'
Western University.
The Arta and Medical Departments
of Western t'nivereltyn will receive e,
government grant of $1G,000 Instead
of $10000 during the coining yea,.
'rhe Tnetitute of Public health, wbioh
Waste,and Want.
To the Editor -
Over a hundred million dollars
were spent for drink 'in Oanada in
the year 1014 Wilful waste and woe-
ful want. Even the Brewers Journal
says that as drink is a luxury and an
extravagance it should be curtailed at
the present time
That estimate of one hundred mil-
lion does not take into account the
watering of liquor or the liquor; that
ie manufactured out of cheminale.
Just think, if that amount of money
had been spent for food, clouting,
better houses and better furniiiir`e
what a boom it would have been w
business. What a multitude of men
would have found employment mak
ing these articles. Thus it injures
busineee, robs men of employment and
almost, everyone is more or less affect-
ed by it.
It not only wastes money that
would help all lines of businese but 1
makes a large number so poor that
they cannot pay their proper share of
taxes and so a burden fare on a smalls
er number and the burden of, taxation
ie increased every year.
Again it causes crime and poverty
and insanity and we now know that
it is the very greatest cause of disease
dulling the defensive powers of the
system. Think of the great number
of people immured in jails, penitents•
ariea, asylums, poor houses, etc.. than
have to be clothed and fed and cared
for out of taxes, No Wonder Glad•
atone said give me a eober people and
I will have no difficulty in raising the
reverse o
revenue. And H a.e
eo E Poster
said that if the liquor traffic were
stopped we soon would not know Our.
Selves we would be eo prosperous.
If anyone thinks that doing away
with the liquor traffic would increase
tales Or do harm in any way whatever
let him ask himself why the people in
dietriete where local option is enforced
are eo well pleased with ie.
Will aome ono tell uo why the legle.
lature busies itself *with minor things
and doer not try to lift this burden off
the people.
Et Arnott, M. B., M. C. P. S.
UNINIa� msswrr
There is no need of sending
your orders for counter check
books out of town.
We can -fill orders prompt-
ly at prices that will defy
competition. . -
Ask' to see our samples.
They are the very latest thing
in the line and caii be had ir't
blue, black, or red -oink., >`To
difference in the price.'
Ingham Advan e' ` •
Wingham, Ont.
.mat irds ■I.
(Concert Organist. Pianist. Voice
Specialist) ,
Teacher of ,Orgs.n, Piano, Artistic
Singing. t ' '
16 years practical experiense
Wingham Thursdays and Fridays
Pupils prepared for all Exams.
Residence and studio 621 Duffarin
Ave., London, Ont.
wiener' winentaninanliameean
THE MU • TAIN :Elio'
France's Chasseurs•Alpins Are a Re.
markable Corps of Fighters.
The famous Chasseurs-Alpias of
•France the mountain riflemen, who
with • their flat Tam-o'-Shanter caps
arid long alpenstocks are some of the
smartest troops of the French army
are well described by a correspon-
dent of the Paris Temps, who dined
with their officers shortly after the
corps had distinguished itself at the
taking of Steinbach, in Alsace.
In five and and a half months the
Alpine Rifles have fought every-
where along the front froni Alsace
to the Yser. They are brought up
to each point in turn to make the
sinal effort. Wherever they go they
throw themselves on the German
line with a fury that the enemy has
learnt is almost irresistible, and
,.nen, having won thea • ground, they
.:et to with equal vigor to secured It
::y digging themselves in. -
"The Germans .have learned by
now not to do much in the way of
:ounter-attacking until we have
gone,:' said one of their officers with
pardonable pride. "And all the
same," he went on, "it isn't child'.
play ..,to deliver an assault. You
know bow that's done. The men are
=gathered in the- trenches -and it is
Arranged -that at a given signal
everyone shall bound out of them
and make a rush for the nearest
•enemy trench. Our men know the
fate that awaits many of them.
"However well the ground has
been prepared by the gunners, some
of the .first of thetn are sure to be
hit. And then there is the mud, and
it's not a pleasant thing to fall
wounded in the tend with a butret
in your -body. And then our fellows
know, too, that even when they have
taken the trench they will be ex-
posed to death.frrom hand grenades,
that they will ,have to clear the come
munication trenches and saps still
held by the:,enemy, which he can
sweep with machine-gun fire. They've
seen all that twenty times.
"And yet when'`the signal's given
there's not a, single: instant of hesi-
tation. ':1Tbe only •man who stayed
behind- in the last chaise was a poor
devil who'd ibet his'reason."
Record In Hospital Work.
A London 'specialist, who is :em-
,,loyed by the 'War Office as a con-
eulting physician to the R.A.M.C. and
Red Cross hospitals, says that the
transport of the wounded from •the
frout is. now working so efficiently
that one day recently a wounded man
stepped intro his consulting -room who
had received his injury only eight,
hours previously. This is said to be
a record.
Letter Heads
Eto., Etc. Prime
At the
Advance Office
Bank of ilamiitort
!Ili IT
Capital Authority.' d • $:1,000.00
Capital, Paid up: • 3 000,00
Surptue • • A • - 3,74000
A Ban'eing institution gets strength as much ,.:,,_.• ,
trots the man who dtreot Its affairs as from f., -w..4;4;• 'r•
the aotuai oaPitel invested. ' ks -; ?,n,, ";',r^'t
Motley deposited. In the Bank of Hrymilton is guarded
by men well known for bustn'e i integrity, and acu-
men -men who value seourity Inoro than high profits.,-,
To this, olio Is due•a surplus. which is cue quartr�r
p pp over
4 ea d
larger than .ivts Capital -use ^exult of Q, y r ••
••, ,
conservative management,
1.l1111«11111.17 -psi 111R1111li;t• IIIII111IMMIII1II111MI11Ilgo
Developed and Printed. :Work`fini4hed'''in ' 24 hrs.
Films mailed from the countay prompts,• Attended
to at the
Mann Art Studio, Wingham
�Y-Lu1u1uLuLuL1tL iLaLLLtuL4L i lljidf�iittlbtitiiltlbt��ti3i�ttlil�::�
Valuable Property For Sale.
The property on the north east
corner of John and Centre streets,
known as the Mills Memorial Hall.
The dwelling and stable on the
north side of John Street immediately
west of the Anglican Church. For
particulars apply to W. F. Vanstnnrr;
0. P. Smith, A, E. Smith or R. Van -
Fire, Lite ccideut•t and
REAL ESTATE-�-Revel al
good .bargains ',In town rest_
deuces and firstclass farms
Office-dirifiin Block .
Phone 184 P: O' Box 426
Try the •
for. your "�rixt
• •.Catalogue,
AIR INS. 00.
Aitt#14itibea 180
Rene Ovine l!FiT.Pn..1t,'r
Risks tekest n., ',,it ,+1aMeee of
ah{a propesty thr^ cn.•.h ny eesme ul
note ev,tew.
(Alco. SL11PINAs IC111t l3AVIDsoN
President. - Secretary,
Agents, Wingham, Ont
'Barrister, Solicitor; IN.
oaks: Meyer Block, Wingham,
W. Elmore Mahood
Contractor and Builder
1 you have any work in my
line write or call at my house
on Frances Street.. Estimates
and plans furnished 'op request.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wingham, Ont. 'Box335'
-..The highest class Beef
and Pork, Fish and Poul
try' sold at
T. Fells
• Butcher Store
Give us a trial, you will
be pleased,
Highest price'
paid for Hides
and Skins. •
Excellent Stabling accommo-
dation at The National Hotel
Stables. Attentive Hostler.
Reading and sittinZ,-room:for
patrons. Moderate Prices. -
Fred Scott, • Prop.
lam Undertaking
1 t 'Parlors ..•
•'-'TAKERS. ":'Tire carry
a Canine, of Caekets,,etc.
...James+ • Walker
ker -
16, years.experience. ; • , A.,:,7.• ;Walke;r
9 years experience:
Day Phone 106 A.
Nlgbt Phone 1986 ana•224
Money to loan at to -rent rater
WinT(413f.A A's
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pe,.
nsylvania (`nlleg,- end 14.-ent ate of
Dental -Surgery of nnt:trio.
-Office. in Macdonald 73look-
G. R. ROSS ,• D.D.S., L.D.S
Rumor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Rnrgeone of Ontario, Honor
G•radnate 'of University of Toronto
• Faculty of Dentistry.
W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., K.D., C.11.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Obildren having
teken postgraduate work in Sur-
gery. Bacteriology and Scientific,
Office in the Kerr remittance, be-
tween the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Qhuroh.
All brothers given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. O. Box 118
Cream :u
Having an up-to-date Creamery.'.
in fnll operation• :Wei 'Solicit your,
cream patronage:
We are pr,rpeneed to. pay the highest
market pricer foi;goed' cream end give:
you en honest. -bpsinssa; weighutg.'
sampling and teens,). eanb can of oreale
received oarernll: end retnrl•ing a tut,
stateu.ent Of '-anee to e•anh patron,
' W e f ornirh tete-, nano ro each oust•
Luer, pity all express e;bezgee and pea
every -two wPeks, •
.,Write for full par ti=•nlars or send for
cane and give ne a ••rtal
For Infants and Children,
The Ind;Moillaiil iliways Bought
Beats the
1. Signature of, ,
'; •ice � 4 . .
Each student is in4tiucted privately ,• at 'tits
own dehk, hence, the backward or rusty are not. .t
embarassed. ' •
Thousands of •Slecesful .
Horne-st 1y' • Cour$es ,
Sale$tnanship Courses;, always 8' demand-
enand Salesluen. Ask for palticulttrs. _-:
- _ �.:.•:;, -
Irr• �.
Win ..,dam Busiti sS .- pie
G E+O. SPOTTON,, "Prt ncI p t
Phvsician and Surgeon,
(Dr. Ohiakolm'a eld stand)
General - hospital.
(Under Oovernmei.h I•nspeotion.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
open to all r patients biohnux board
to $16.00 per week, according
te.,,tavator• of room. For farther informs.
Box 223, Wiaaham Out
J A. FOX. D. 0.. graduate. Ohiro
mentor Chiropractic is anoneasfnl in
snob difflnnit oases as Insanity. Epilepsy,
'4ethma, Rhenmetism. Headaehee, Con•
etination, Female Trouble and all. Ohre -
ale Stomach. Liver and Bowel trouble.
Mine in R Knox's house. Entrance per
Praebyterian ohnroh want. Phone 191.
.Hours, 2 to 5 p.m.. 7-p: m .
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M
Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrews
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos sad Organs tuned and repaired.
Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists
Speeialiets in i. les treatment of:al
Chronic ' Diseases, Nerve Disot•dere
Women's Dtaeases, Weekness esof
Children; Staff-•Jnints, Rheumatism
Osteopathy cures when all, else fails.
Drugless methods. Wingliaiii 'Office
over Obristte'e Store.
Tuesday 1I.30 a, .n.-9 o, tn.
't dneedny and'I'hureday 9-11 a. m.
Friday 9-=••4.1:n. 3- p. m.
TRAoa M*Tatra
Anyone esndtag a sketch and description ma/
quickly aaoortatn our opn,lon tcoe whether an
Invention a probably patentable, _Communica-
tions strictly
ttonsstrictty conndenttat. i1AN9600%onPatents
sont frp0. Oldestency for securing pitman'.
Patents taken thronh MonCo.Gtereceiveta
see nonce, without °bare% Patna
Scientific ;lmericat
a: hattdaomely tllmtrste4' 1 t. • Lamest err.
caisson 4t all scientific items/. Tams for
C•nada, $3.n a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
111 n ealera. .
MUNN & CoaeiBiordwal' New York
nr..0 mass. las sr et. Weekmae
s, D. .
Inman. Ob galling