HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-04-01, Page 47r, ***********wit, r'y1'►'�i1�: " R . iii` di �i .�� .il�" KING BRO Latest Spring Clothes, Easter Styles, in latest Dress Fabrics,Neckwear, Fowne's English Kid Blouse Made from fine even. skies in latest styles w•th black points, in White, Black, Tan and Grey. Guaran_ teed quality $1,25 pr okermomisommummompiesomovonamo Kayser Chemoaette Gloves In white only, splen- did glove for spring wear and washable 705e pzir. Gloves, H osi ery, .etc, Extra values its Men's and Boys Clothing, Spring Coats& Furnishings DERBY HATS for Spring Wear.—Our new Hate have just been plea• td into stock, and are very steltsh, Prices $I.50 to $$ 50. Petrie Kid Gloves. :the latest styles in Grey and Tan, unlined or silk lin- ed. Prices 51 50 and $2 pair. Arrow Shirts and Collars The Spring styles are here in the new cut -away Collar and plea ted shirts, Arrow Shirts $1.50 and np. £now collars, 2 for 25e. Ladies Silk Stockings Made of French silk with double sole, heel and tire, full fashioned Colors, viz: Black, Whitt, Pink, Sky, Maize, Oopen- hagen, Paddy Green. Special value $1.50 pair. Long Kid Gloves 12 and 16 Button Lengths Guaranteed quality white, black and tan, $1.5o and $2,75. COLLARS and COLLAR and CUFF SETS—Tba &otter Neekweter is just to band with some very pretty males in write oreandie and black and white effects, Prices 25, 50. 75, $1 and $1.25 LADIES' SPRING COATS—from the Famous Nortbway and Princess Manufacturers in Wbite Chincillas, Covert, °Int•hs, fierce;, etc. in newest shades. Prices $10,12,60 and$15 00 DRESS GOODS. SUITINGS. Etc.—Our stock is complete now in all the latest fabrics from Priestleye England in newest shades of Belgian Blue, Sand, Russian Green and Black and White. Prices Toe to $2 per yd Phone 71 Agents for Stan- dard Patterns KING BRO$. &to • .44.16 Ri• I, • tee. o. 11 I X 04 • I Ill + 14` **** Ij\ I1'**f `****4I ►ql l Ill M Ill 1 Unusual Bargains in Square Pianos and Organs offered by Ye Olde Firine of Heintzman Co,, Ltd When selling our famous pianos player. pianos, we often take a' part payment a used piano or organ. Those instruments are thor- oughly overhauled by our own workmen and are put in first-class shape. 1t is the duty of our Mail Order Department to sell thelia. instruments. Just at present we have a very large number of five and six octave organ, square pianos, upright pianos and player pieties wbicb we are offering at remarkably low prices and on the aewte.t tams. , Every inrtruwent is guaranteed to he exactly as re- prNlsb$ed. You gee just es safe in buying one by mail as if you same in and piekeii it out y�oureief. We give below a few organ Hod square piano bargains which are real snaps, If you don't see jus wbet you want mail us the coupon and tell us the kind of itast><•u- raent you want, and about the price you want to pay. We will im- mediately send you a big list to choose from. Write us to -day. The sooner you act, the better choice we can give you. Do=,nlnionw.Five octave organ,dark walnut case, high top with music pocket, eliding tailboard. lamp kande, hie 8 stops, including Coupler. Forte, Viola, etc. Grand organ and knee ewell. A tins little instrument with a 993 very tone and a bargain at e$7 Karn—live oetave organ, oil finished" walnut rase, high top with mirror. eliding fallbnard, has 9 stops including Vox Humana Forte, Couplers, etc. Grand °etas and Imes elven. Has been put in perfect order by our own expert, and $41 A t hal a loveytone. Pries "f + Estes.. leve octave organ,walnut case,haadsome high topwith mirror. eliding tall based, music d.. k. with plane for it eloping mu-ic, lamp stands, has 11 stops includin,r Vox Ham any; Forte. Bass and Treble Couplers, ere. Grand 'van and keee swell. This instrument has an elegant tone and would be $47 an ornament in any parlor. Offered special at I Tornas—aix oetave walnut piano cased organ, rail top with mirror, eliding fall board, three plain pan- els with centre swine music desk, lamp stands, bee 10 store, includ- ing Vex Humana, Bass and 'Treble Oonplero. Forte, etc. Grand organ and knee swell, mouse proof pedalo. Has a very rich now and hes been thoroughly overhauled in our own workshop. QC/� L epsolal bargaia at .. , .... , .. , , tD6rt7 • Uxbridge. six. ectave organ, pitons caeed model, mahogany v lu �, finish, eliding fall board, automatic full length ` ferule desk. Mae 11 stops, including Forte, Base and Treble Couplers, lielodia,,Viote, etc. Grand organ and knee swell, none prnof vedette. A. lovely instrument with a very sweet tone. $ 74 Pries..,. .....,.r .,.. 11rix octave organ, piano cased nodes, rosewood flnlsb, rail — top,titln mirror, sliding fall board. three plain par>ela i top door. lamp stands, has 11 .•tops, including Vox Rumana, 1?'orten, Bass and Treble Cauplers, Melodia, etc Grand organ and knee swell. This is awake of organ, known all over the world and has has bad very little use, and is a splendid bargain $71 at Jenna & 'son$New York. tquare grand* Y f nicely finish- ed rosewood our, carved legs, full metal framer, over strung Peale. 7 Octave keyboard, is in perfect order, has a sweet tone and le a bargain at, $ 105 ,quare grand, handsome dark e1n Zlll'i�n �s"`rosewood ceee, carved lege, estiles 17re, with two pedalo, full metal frame, long otrer•srrung deal., 7 Octave keyboard, has genuine Heintzwan tone and touch, has been t'6ourougblyoverhauled in our own factory and le offerer. special at ..... , , , , , $1 e5 iter HISIIIMIlt UM= ' Oriente and Square Fiaiecrs :under at , 113 Catas and $'S ner Inenth; level! *50, SS caeh aettd imp* motetb, • Cut out ani marl. r ` Heintzman & Clo., Ltd, Please mall me complete list of bargetin inetrutnetite, 1 ss* your ad. la the, Wingham Advance, April itt, Addrmss ,..r. rrrr,.y,.*,..,,.,rr.r•r. H- eintzman Hall 193 19,E 197 Venge t. 'emote, '+rifd/.rfMY�,f The Second Comic (By Rev. William Ashley Sandia ) Frame great kintz, it is supposed that he will •he a personal incarnations of the devil, just as Jesus was an inner. nation of Gad, He will go to Seen - Halton. and there do groat signs and wond.,re by Which he wilt to deluri..' the chosen people that they will accept himas their Messiah, and pry him divine honors in the temple. It evil' be during this that Jesus will rete, n and destray him by the brightness ..f hes coming. "And then shall the wieked he re- vealed, whom the Lord shall eoneuate with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brigntness.of hie coming : even him, whose Boning is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." --II. Theo. 2: 8 0. In the Lot•d's coming; there are to be two di.,tinct phases—hie co>ningfoe the members of hie body, and revela- tion to them at the time of the Rap- ture, or taking up into the air. and his coming with the members of Ms body, at the close of the tribulation, when he is revealed to the Jowl' and destroys the anti. Cbrist. Overlooking these two phasee has put some people in 'tnbfusian about the orders of events, just as the failure to distinguish be- tween the prophecies pertaining to the first and second coming confused tbe Jews and caused them to 'reject Jesus through what they supposed to he hie failure to fulfill prophecy. The visible church will be left here strong; in members and organization. It will probably make a great show et missionary activity, hut will have n•, more power against the principslitie. bud powers of evil than did the des_ eiples who oilseed the Mount of Trans - flew ation have over the demons rhet were tur.nenting the little boy. In a worldly way it will appear to be in a very prosperous condition, rich in property and elegant buildings, but here is a picture of what it will be After the salt of the earth has been taken out of it: "This know else, that in the last days perilous times shall tome. For teen shall be Invert: e'f their own eelvt•s, enrotottq, boasters, proud. h)rtvt,he•- mers, diem>adient to parents, untbr'nk Cul, unholy, without natural affeotic' n; truce breakers, Nee accusers; Innen- tinent, tlerrp, dnaptaers of theme that 10,0 eerl'ul; teener., hesdp, hats>•rrrnid '•d. lovers of plea,,Ure ninre than'Iov- ere of God, having' a Farr) of a'odlirt M, hut denying the power thereof:'— II Tilt $:15. 8earin mind that this bas no re- ference to the Turke, this heathen in A.frtea, or the people in the slums; hot that is a deenriptien of the rank and Ale elf the ehtnreh. after the Lord fres .'ores end t..lt.'n bit body Ont .'f the :. oft b" ••stir,•, tbet it is'.raid 13.,. , f , wt, . f . cloy... TEE WIN GRA I ADV A NC1 ;severe, %et as consider, is the feat. plaoe, aowsthing of what it may mean to' neve a part in that meeting In the air: 1 Well, the most glorious thing t but it iv that if we are there we »hale be members of the body of !'er.us Christ, It will mean that we are naenrbere of the royal family of the universe; that we are kings and prir cele who are to sit on the throne and reign with Jesus, and that we shall b • wetttbtan forevermore, never to be rep - tooted from war legato. And aisle will slteao that we shall be the most ex.lt- ed •oeings in all the unireree for who could be higher than the sone of God or the bride of our Lori? Io talking to men Ood must of course use: the language of teen; bale Dain, only' put into our words just at little of what, be. Would tell us, A ver y little looking role the matter, however, will show that he hoe used the most ezpreeeive word, in our language to show how alar and orecioue is to beour relation- ship ,to him, . In feet, he bale used about all the word+ we have that could be Used for that purpose, as 'members of his body", bis "bride," and sons of God." If we are too fortunate as to have a part in that meeting in the air, it will Mean that we are among the most fortunate of all the eone of men, and that we have lived in the most blessed of alt times for men to live, for only those are eligible to membership in the body of Christ who live :n the present dispensation. Mose. and David and Isaiah and Jet•etniah had no such chance as we hare, for the body of Christ had itsbeginning at Pentecost. Neither will those who who live after the Rapture have au Opportunity, for the body will then he complete and the door closed forever, se it was in tbe faces of the foolish virgins. Jesus said of John the Bap- test that he was the greatest of ail the prophets, but that the least in tbe kingdom of God was greater than he. What an awful thing it would be, then, to have ouch a glorious opportu- nity and miss it. Others will know joys of great salvation, for the world will be frayed during the millennium (tbe next dispensation) and the know- ledge of the glory of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea, bur the people of that day will' have no place in the body of Christ; tbey cannot teccrme n,embers of the reye faintly. They will be loyal subjeete•ot he King. That is why Paul cooed say: "For I reckon that the sufferings et this present time are not worthy to ' be compared with the glory which Ishall be revealed in ns." (Rase, 8 : I6). There is a vast deff.wence between a eon of King George and a. e'ubj,•at` of Great'Britaln. The smallest babe of royal blood le greater than the great- eit than in the kingdom, • (To he continued) . t 'ist,c .rr..'.4W .it Infidels or 'atheists, but professed be - ******************** Crown Prince Boris of Bulgaria Veteran. • • Of Balkan Campaign alt******************* INCE war broke out in Europe there have been various ru- mors as to the attitude of Dul- garia toward the fighting pow- ers. She would remain neutral. She would join the allies. She would tight with Germany.. Recent events, however, point to the conclusion that should Bulgaria enter the ' fraceii3 it would be with the idea of being in at tbe dismemberment of Turkey, should that event occur. Bulgaria, which made such an mmINCE BORYS. first Bataan war that, the world ex- pected to see her enter Conttanti- .nopie, emerged trom the second Bal- kan war humiliated and almost de- stroyed. The king's name is Ferdi- nand, and 'Crown Prince Boris is tris son. Crown.. Prince Boris recently cele- brated his twenty-first birthday. A short time ago it was rumored that he was to wed Princess Elizabeth of tonmania. But it seems that event is not to take plane, at ,least not at present. Such an alliance would not please some of the powers, Boris is , a veteran of the Balkan wars, where he fought so valiantly that he was a hero among his soldiers, his future subjects. Boris through his father is related to almost every other royal lions° is; Europe. Method of Fighting Changes, The Journal des Debats registers its opinion that hostilities are rapidly emerging from a "guerre de siege" to a new phase of semi-independent and furious battles between heavy masses on narrow fronts. "This," says the newspaper critic, "le the consequence of the successful French offensive against various min- or points. As the recent fighting north of Saiseons shows, the German perceive, from the line of territory reoccupied, our nnaiu objectives, and immediately counter with heavy re- inforcements which are sufficient to block the French advance, if not to regain the 'lost positions. To con- tinue their movement the French must also reinforce. "Thus 1 foresee a series of battles of extreme bloodiness and despera- tion owing to the narrowness of the. front, wherein victory, will rest with the side most enduring and able to bring up the greatest numbers. • "Surely the .Russian successes, coupled ,with the. improvement of our: reserves, and the approaching utilize- ' tion of the new British armies, ought `to ensure the final supremacy of the allies. The new phase brings the end of the war into sight." Fishing at the Front. An; illustration of how "Tommy" amuses• himself at the front is afford., ed by the following extract from a e letter sent by Lc.-Corpl. Fairlie, of the London Scottish Transport, to his wife. "I received the fishing- : tackle all right," he says. "The gen- tles had very kindly come unstuck and fastened on some Christmas pud- , dings. However, I got over that, and used up what remained. I got quite. a respectable bag of roach after church yesterday. Several chaps mar- veled at my resource and ingenuity, 1 and thought fishing for roach on ac- • ttve service the limit. So it fs. I 1 don't think they did that la the Crimea.' Behind Your Telephone. Behind your Bell Telephone is a little army of carefully trained workers, each laboring to perform well the task assigned. The sum total of their efforts results in the commodity in whish we deal—telephone service. Bell Telephone service is the standard of the world largely, bec.austr• of the faith- fulness and efficiency' of Bell Telephone employees. Why not enlist these efficient workers in your own service- 1why not call them to the aid ,of your business? B'y studying the uses.•o£ your telephone, figuring but how you a i 'make it serve the special needs of our"' business,: ; and by. applying, both our `local and Yong distance service to those needs, your business can share fully in the benefits of good telephone service. Use your telcphorte ititetligenify, sys- tematically, persistently. "tvery Nell Tehpi,oni ie 4 tont Maenad' Station.". . The Bell e � DhOfe M RIP P. W 1 The Ntvohants brokerage Co, , Mfen's suite t4 order 4).1 guarantee a, Bret class at, for $12,54 Se.4 our new spring ettingieti We can cat's On $$$ ar ,rt.trr spring suit, See on r odd rants on. Bale from $1 to $3.50 Mens $18 Suite on sale for ..x$:12 Meow $l5 NI Stam for $10 $6.50 Yot,the Nulty fur • $2.48 Shoe Department Mtyns•Heave.Sbewt on sale M $1,25 All Mena patent leather and tan echoes, lace' or buttoned, regular . $5.on tale a1 $3.48 Ladies patent • It ether rihoes, grey or black cloth t. fp, reg $4.51) for $3.19 Ladies felt shoes, foxed leitber, Reg, 82 for $1.19 Ladies Robber cn :.ale for 48c pr Chile rent: Rr,bbern •.b 25cpr Bnyh and Y'kith r 11:••+v) Pebble Sheets at $1.68 44e aaia.. itr.anammas . a Men's Furnid ing Department Mei'e Tice, Regular 25o 2 for 25c Mrx'a Visit, Regular 500 tor 38c. pleat's $eavy Wool Eex on sale 25c M.n's Fine ilsOttro.tet ilex r'n gale at 25c pair Mn'ett 11.25 Flannel Milts on elle 75c Mauls 51.25 Wool 'Underwear 75c Men's 60e. Work Sbii'ta on, wale e>t 43c Men'4 90e Work Intirtr O•. w,00 at 68c Men's Fine: eburs rest. 89c Men'" Fin‘ NL it - reg 81 tot 69c Dress Gcods and Silks 1•.,• 38c Icor Etelgitrm Blue Dress b, Lew alike, Corsets, Sawtene • ri. (*1 ;;!,aura, Cottons, Lueee, ie,' .in, rias, Lace Curtains, Lin- e d T.- biliuge arra VW wiry. 50 p.n. cent off all Mantle Cloths G ROC EP 1 FS 3 lbs. Lemon or Orange Pee! for 25c • 3 cans Tomatoes 25c 3 cans Corn or peas for 25c 2 cans Salmon for 25c Handy Antonia per package 4c 3 boxes corn flakes 25c .Bring us your Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. • We pay highest prices either tash or trade erchant's Bro era g e o. reakers of High Prices Butter in Prints Preferred Your Floors Need Paint Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. ' Painted floors make ' the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are easily cleaned --a damp cloth keeps them.. free of dust and germs. ' Paint your floors and thus have thdm always Spic and Span. "MADE IN CANADA" ' • h all ready to brush oil —anyonecan apply it . evenly and smoothly. And it gives * hard, durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, • and wears, and wears, and wears. • • It costs less to use than other floor cif because it covers more surface and wears longer, We have ` Senour's door Paint in 14 beautiful colors,• suitable for every floor in the. bogie froth kitchen to garret.. * . �. ent rtaleieghooka, "The loose' That Jaid btilit". Written f•Qr tt4id'rets, but "grown ups" 444 410 of keg 24. of it. roe to our friends.